Title Sheet Index: Application Dash No. Next Assy Used On 960-0516
Title Sheet Index: Application Dash No. Next Assy Used On 960-0516
Title Sheet Index: Application Dash No. Next Assy Used On 960-0516
TITLE SHEET ———————————— 1
REVISIONS ———————————— 3
DOCUMENT ———————————— 4
APPENDIX A ———————————— 51
APPENDIX B ———————————— 53
This document is an unpublished work. Copyright 1999, 2000 Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved.
This document and all information and expression contained herein are the property of Honeywell International Inc., and is provided to
the recipient in confidence on a “need to know” basis. Your use of this document is strictly limited to a legitimate business purpose
requiring the information contained therein. Your use of this document constitutes acceptance of these terms.
Typed signatures constitute approval. Actual signatures are on file at Honeywell in Redmond WA.
Kevin J Conner 10/Dec/98 EGPWS Interface
Lyle Kendall 9/Dec/99
Lyle Kendall 9/Dec/99 A 97896 060-4303-000 A
1 - 54 A
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 2
All - Final version of ASPB. No more functional changes. See Pg 1 See Pg 1
Only transparent enhancements. This is equivalent
to developmental version –7.
All A Updated VSD interface. Changed ASPB to KCPB. Oct 5 2000 K. Conner
AlliedSignal to Honeywell. Added Appendix B. Added
examples and updated comments. Label 020: Added Oct 5 2000 L. Kendall
Override state, Display reference and Configured
bit. Label 021: Added OBS_ST and Terrain Alert
Enable to boolean package. Label 024/025: Added
text field 5. Label 027: Added Phase number.
Response: Added bit to Limitations Data for
alternate scale of Range (future). 429: Added
Resol/Size 2 to
Reason: 01 Severity: 10
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 3
Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................................7
1.1 CONVENTIONS ..............................................................................................................................................................7
1.1.1 Labels ..................................................................................................................................................................7
1.1.2 Abbreviations.......................................................................................................................................................7
1.2 COLOR DEFINITIONS .....................................................................................................................................................7
1.2.1 3-Bit Color...........................................................................................................................................................8
1.2.2 4-bit Color ...........................................................................................................................................................8
1.2.3 6-Bit Color...........................................................................................................................................................9
1.2.4 8-Bit Color...........................................................................................................................................................9
1.2.5 9-Bit Color......................................................................................................................................................... 10
1.2.6 12-Bit Color....................................................................................................................................................... 10
1.2.7 24-Bit Color....................................................................................................................................................... 10
1.3 CHARACTER DEFINITION ............................................................................................................................................ 11
2. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS........................................................................................................................... 12
2.1 ARINC 453 ............................................................................................................................................................... 12
2.2 ETHERNET (FUTURE) .................................................................................................................................................. 12
2.2.1 10BaseT............................................................................................................................................................. 12
2.2.2 100BaseT ........................................................................................................................................................... 12
2.2.3 Protocols ........................................................................................................................................................... 12 UDP/IP............................................................................................................................................................................ 12
3. STANDARD WEATHER BUS ....................................................................................................................................... 13
3.1 LABEL 055 ................................................................................................................................................................. 13
3.2 SPECIAL TEXT ON LABEL 055...................................................................................................................................... 14
3.3 LABEL 066 (AIRBUS) .................................................................................................................................................. 14
3.4 SPECIAL TEXT ON LABEL 066 (AIRBUS) ...................................................................................................................... 16
4. KEYED COMPONENT PICTURE BUS (KCPB).......................................................................................................... 17
4.1 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................................... 17
4.2 PACKET DEFINITION ................................................................................................................................................... 17
4.2.1 Header segment ................................................................................................................................................. 17
4.2.2 Data Segment..................................................................................................................................................... 17
4.2.3 Pad Segment ...................................................................................................................................................... 17
4.3 DISPLAY LABELS ........................................................................................................................................................ 17
4.3.1 Label 020 - Raster Image Data........................................................................................................................... 18
4.3.2 Label 021 – Standard Data................................................................................................................................. 20 Standard Data Package..................................................................................................................................................... 20 Defined Packages ............................................................................................................................................................ 20 Boolean Package Definition ............................................................................................................................................. 21
4.3.3 Label 022 – 429 Wrapper ................................................................................................................................... 21
4.3.4 Label 023 – Palette Definition ............................................................................................................................ 21
4.3.5 Label 024 – Text Label ....................................................................................................................................... 22
4.3.6 Label 025 – Header Text Label........................................................................................................................... 23
4.3.7 Label 027 – Query / Setup .................................................................................................................................. 24
4.4 BI-DIRECTIONAL LABELS ............................................................................................................................................ 24
4.4.1 Label 030 – Key Press Data ............................................................................................................................... 24
4.4.2 Label 031 – Standard Data................................................................................................................................. 24
4.4.3 Label 032 – 429 Wrapper ................................................................................................................................... 25
4.4.4 Label 037 – Query Response .............................................................................................................................. 25 Expansion Data ............................................................................................................................................................... 26 Revision Data.................................................................................................................................................................. 26 Viewable Mask................................................................................................................................................................ 26 Aircraft Position Data ...................................................................................................................................................... 27 Line Select Keys Data...................................................................................................................................................... 27 Point Definition ............................................................................................................................................................... 28 Limitation Data ............................................................................................................................................................... 28
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 4 Standard Data Request Data............................................................................................................................................. 29 Additional Display Mode Data......................................................................................................................................... 29 Fill Pattern Data .......................................................................................................................................................... 29 Non-Viewable Mask.................................................................................................................................................... 30 VSD Region (Future)................................................................................................................................................... 30
4.4.5 Label 036 - Range Data ..................................................................................................................................... 31
5. HONEYWELL PICTURE BUS...................................................................................................................................... 32
5.1 DATA FORMAT ........................................................................................................................................................... 32
5.1.1 Header............................................................................................................................................................... 32
5.1.2 Range Bin Data.................................................................................................................................................. 32
6. 429 DATA FORMAT ...................................................................................................................................................... 33
6.1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................................................................... 33
6.1.1 Labels ................................................................................................................................................................ 33 LABELS to EGPWS........................................................................................................................................................ 33 LABELS from EGPWS ................................................................................................................................................... 34
6.1.2 SSM ................................................................................................................................................................... 34
6.1.3 Binary SSM........................................................................................................................................................ 35
6.1.4 Block Transfer via single Label .......................................................................................................................... 35 Initial Word (Start of Block) ............................................................................................................................................ 35 Final Word (End of Block)............................................................................................................................................... 35 16-bit Data Word............................................................................................................................................................. 36 20-bit Data Word............................................................................................................................................................. 36 21-bit Data Word............................................................................................................................................................. 36 22-bit Data Word............................................................................................................................................................. 36
6.2 TEXT TO DISPLAY ....................................................................................................................................................... 37
6.2.1 Single Label ....................................................................................................................................................... 37
6.2.2 Multiple Labels .................................................................................................................................................. 38 TEXT Start...................................................................................................................................................................... 38 TEXT Continue............................................................................................................................................................... 38
6.2.3 Special Honeywell Text ...................................................................................................................................... 39 Label 050 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 39 Label 051 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 39 Label 052 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 40 Label 053/054/055........................................................................................................................................................... 40
6.3 DATA TO EGPWS ...................................................................................................................................................... 41
6.3.1 Query Response ................................................................................................................................................. 41
6.3.2 Key Press/Display Mode .................................................................................................................................... 41
6.3.3 Range Data........................................................................................................................................................ 41
6.3.4 Terrain Data Request ......................................................................................................................................... 41 Reference Position........................................................................................................................................................... 42 Translation Table............................................................................................................................................................. 42
6.3.5 TCAS Data (Reference only)............................................................................................................................... 43 Label 357 (Start of Block)................................................................................................................................................ 43 Label 130 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 43 Label 131 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 43 Label 132 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 43 Label 357 (End of Block)................................................................................................................................................. 43
6.3.6 Vertical Profile Path .......................................................................................................................................... 43 Segment Data Words ....................................................................................................................................................... 44
6.4 DATA FROM EGPWS ................................................................................................................................................. 45
6.4.1 Vertical Profile (Prelim)..................................................................................................................................... 45 Segment Descriptor Words .............................................................................................................................................. 45 Segment Data Word......................................................................................................................................................... 45
6.4.2 Terrain Data (Prelim) ........................................................................................................................................ 45 Terrain Header ................................................................................................................................................................ 45 Terrain Color Map.......................................................................................................................................................... 46
6.4.3 TCAS Altitude/AGL ............................................................................................................................................ 46
6.4.4 Auto-Tilt Labels ................................................................................................................................................. 46 Terrain Data Correlation Tilt............................................................................................................................................ 46 Autotilt Sector Tilt Definitions......................................................................................................................................... 47
6.4.5 Chosen Runway.................................................................................................................................................. 47
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 5
6.5 MISCELLANEOUS 429 LABELS..................................................................................................................................... 48
6.5.1 EQUIPMENT ID................................................................................................................................................ 48
6.5.2 Radar Control Panel (Reference)........................................................................................................................ 48 Label 270 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 48 Label 271 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 49
6.5.3 Hazard Bus Output (Future) ............................................................................................................................... 49 Start of Spoke.................................................................................................................................................................. 49 Subsequent Bins .............................................................................................................................................................. 50
APPENDIX A: IMAGE FILE FORMATS ............................................................................................................................ 51
A.1 DATA STRUCTURE ...................................................................................................................................................... 51
A.2 TYPE 0: SPOKE DATA ................................................................................................................................................. 51
A.3 TYPE 1: DATA PACK DESCRIPTORS ............................................................................................................................. 51
A.4 TYPE 2: DATA PACKS ................................................................................................................................................. 52
APPENDIX B: KCPB PHASED IMPLEMENTATION........................................................................................................ 53
B.1 KCPB LABELS ........................................................................................................................................................... 53
B.2 429 LABELS ............................................................................................................................................................... 53
B.3 QUERY RESPONSE ...................................................................................................................................................... 54
B.4 LRU LIMITATIONS ..................................................................................................................................................... 54
B.4.1 MK5/MK7.......................................................................................................................................................... 54
B.4.2 MK6/MK8.......................................................................................................................................................... 54
B.4.3 GA ..................................................................................................................................................................... 54
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 6
The purpose of this document is to record the various graphical / data interfaces used by Honeywell products in conjunction with
or instead of the ARINC 708A 453 bus.
Therefore, this document will cover numerous methods for accomplishing the same task. The product receiving/generating the
information is NOT expected to implement more than one of the listed methods.
Typical KCPB implementations include the minimum set plus the following:
4.3.7 Label 027 – Query / Setup
6.3.1 Query Response
6.3.2 Key Press
Full up KCPB implementation will include the typical plus the following:
4.3.4 Label 023 – Palette Definition
4.3.5 Label 024 – Text Label
No implementation will ever need to implement the full spectrum of this document. Only sections applicable to the specific
display need to be implemented.
1.1 Conventions
The “BYTE” column will contain the byte number (1…N), an optional comma, and additional bytes. Bits within a byte are
defined per one of the following:
1) a colon and the bit (i.e. 4:3 means bit 3 of byte 4),
2) a colon, the most significant bit, a dash, and the least significant bit, (i.e. 1:7-5 means bits 5 through 7 of byte 1)
3) nothing if all bits are used (i.e. 6 means byte 6)
NOTE: for labels where the bits are reversed 1:0-7 indicates the reversal while 1:7-0 is a normal byte.
The “Linear Bits” column will contain the bit position (1...nn) from the beginning of the packet. Multiple bit items will be shown
as the MSB – LSB.
1.1.1 Labels
Label for 453 and 429 buses are octal.
1.1.2 Abbreviations
SLSB - Signed 2’s complement LSB
ULSB - Unsigned LSB
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 7
Palette colors are assumed to be indexes into a palette of 256 24-bit color entries. Palette entries with a ‘+’ in front are additive to
the color value. All colors start at 0x00. Palette entries without a ‘+’ are directly the color value. Undefined and expansion
colors shall default to Red: 0x00 Green: 0x00 Blue: 0x00.
All color “Values” are in hex.
Hex Value Intensity
0x00 Off
0x55 1/3 full intensity
0xAA 2/3 full intensity
0xFF Full intensity
Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Red Green Blue NOTES
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Value Value Value
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0x00 0x00 0x00 Black
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0x00 0xFF 0x00 Green
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0xFF 0xFF 0x00 Yellow
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0xFF 0x00 0x00 Red
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0xFF 0x00 0xFF Magenta
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0x00 0x00 0xFF Blue
0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0x00 0xFF 0xFF Cyan
0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF White
0 0 0 0 1 X X X X X X Expansion
0 0 0 1 X X X X X X X Expansion
Bits 0…2 are from palette index.
Bits 3…4 are from palette offset (default 00).
Bits 5…7 are undefined (assume 0).
Default Palette:
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 8
Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Red Green Blue NOTES
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Value Value Value
0 0 0 0 0 0 X X 0x00 X X Define red
0 0 0 0 0 1 X X 0xFF X X “
0 0 0 0 0 X 0 X X 0x00 X Define green
0 0 0 0 0 X 1 X X 0xFF X “
0 0 0 0 0 X X 0 X X 0x00 Define blue
0 0 0 0 0 X X 1 X X 0xFF “
0 0 0 0 1 0 X X 0x00 X X Define red
0 0 0 0 1 1 X X 0x80 X X “
0 0 0 0 1 X 0 X X 0x00 X Define green
0 0 0 0 1 X 1 X X 0x80 X “
0 0 0 0 1 X X 0 X X 0x00 Define blue
0 0 0 0 1 X X 1 X X 0x80 “
0 0 0 1 X X X X X X X Expansion
0 0 1 X X X X X X X X Expansion
Bits 0…3 are from palette index.
Bits 4…5 are from palette offset (default 00).
Bits 6…7 are undefined (assume 0).
Default Palette:
Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Red Green Blue NOTES
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Value Value Value
0 0 0 0 X X X X 0x00 X X Define red
0 0 0 1 X X X X 0x55 X X “
0 0 1 0 X X X X 0xAA X X “
0 0 1 1 X X X X 0xFF X X “
0 0 X X 0 0 X X X 0x00 X Define green
0 0 X X 0 1 X X X 0x55 X “
0 0 X X 1 0 X X X 0xAA X “
0 0 X X 1 1 X X X 0xFF X “
0 0 X X X X 0 0 X X 0x00 Define blue
0 0 X X X X 0 1 X X 0x55 “
0 0 X X X X 1 0 X X 0xAA “
0 0 X X X X 1 1 X X 0xFF “
0 1 1 X X X X X +0x80 +0x80 +0x80 Shades of gray
0 1 X 1 X X X X +0x40 +0x40 +0x40
0 1 X X 1 X X X +0x20 +0x20 +0x20
0 1 X X X 1 X X +0x10 +0x10 +0x10
0 1 X X X X 1 X +0x08 +0x08 +0x08
0 1 X X X X X 1 +0x04 +0x04 +0x04
1 X X X X X X X X X X Expansion
Bits 0…5 are from palette index.
Bits 6…7 are from palette offset (default 00).
Default Palette:
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 9
Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Red Green Blue NOTES
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Value Value Value
0 0 0 0 X X X X 0x00 X X Define red
0 0 0 1 X X X X 0x55 X X “
0 0 1 0 X X X X 0xAA X X “
0 0 1 1 X X X X 0xFF X X “
0 0 X X 0 0 X X X 0x00 X Define green
0 0 X X 0 1 X X X 0x55 X “
0 0 X X 1 0 X X X 0xAA X “
0 0 X X 1 1 X X X 0xFF X “
0 0 X X X X 0 0 X X 0x00 Define blue
0 0 X X X X 0 1 X X 0x55 “
0 0 X X X X 1 0 X X 0xAA “
0 0 X X X X 1 1 X X 0xFF “
0 1 1 X X X X X +0x80 +0x80 +0x80 Shades of gray
0 1 X 1 X X X X +0x40 +0x40 +0x40
0 1 X X 1 X X X +0x20 +0x20 +0x20
0 1 X X X 1 X X +0x10 +0x10 +0x10
0 1 X X X X 1 X +0x08 +0x08 +0x08
0 1 X X X X X 1 +0x04 +0x04 +0x04
1 X X X X X X X X X X Expansion
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 10
1.3 Character Definition
Character code Interpretation
0x00 Transparent
0x01 Up/+
0x02 Down/-
0x03 Test
0x04 Mode
0x05 Right
0x06 Left
0x07…0x0C Spare
0x0D Enter
0x0E…0x0F Spare
0x10…0x1F Line Select Keys
0x20…0x7F Standard ASCII
0x80…0xFF Undefined
NOTE: 0x01…0x1F are intended for key press transmission TO the EGPWS and not as Text data.
0x 1x 2x 3x 4x 5x 6x 7x
x0 NUL DLE SPC 0 @ P ` p
x1 SOH DC1 ! 1 A Q a q
x2 STX DC2 “ 2 B R b r
x3 ETX DC3 # 3 C S c s
x4 EOT DC4 $ 4 D T d t
x5 ENQ NAK % 5 E U e u
x6 ACK SYN & 6 F V f v
x7 BEL ETB ‘ 7 G W g w
x8 BS CAN ( 8 H X h x
x9 HT EM ) 9 I Y i y
xA LF SUB * : J Z j z
xB VT ESC + ; K [ k {
xC FF FS , < L \ l |
xD CR GS - = M ] m }
xE SO RS . > N ^ n ~
xF SI US / ? O _ o DEL
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 11
2. Electrical characteristics
a. The use of a coupling transmitter at the receiver site shall be optional. In such cases, the inputs should be protected against
excessive voltages that occur as a result of physical cabling fault.
b. The bus will be a single-transmitter-only configuration, and such parts of the 708A specification relating to multi-transmitter
functionality will not be observed.
2.2.1 10BaseT
In addition to the standard 453 physical interface, the KCPB can be utilized on a 10BaseT network as an application layer.
2.2.2 100BaseT
In addition to the standard 453 physical interface, the KCPB can be utilized on a 100BaseT network as an application layer.
2.2.3 Protocols UDP/IP
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 12
3. Standard Weather Bus
The Standard Weather Bus conforms to the ARINC 708A 453 specification.
NOTE 1: The colors in 453 vary from display to display and sometimes within a display from mode to mode. The typical display
uses the palette of section 1.2.1 colors 0…3 (Black, Green, Yellow, Red), color 4…7 (Magenta, Blue, Cyan, White) are common
but should be verified.
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 13
3.2 Special Text on Label 055
This purpose of this interface is to allow the EGPWC to write text to existing displays that do not allow alternate labels. See 3.1
for label 055 definition. The buffer interface is as follows:
1:0-7 8-1 Label 055 Octal label is reversed
2:1-0 10-9 Control Accept Always 00
2:4-2 13-11 Field Number
2:7-5 16-14 Color See 1.2.1
3 24-17 Character 1 See 1.3
4 32-25 Character 2 “
5 40-33 Character 3 “
6 48-41 Character 4 “
7:0 49
7:2-1 51-50 Data Accept (See control accept) Always 00
7:7-3, 63-52
8:7 64 PWS Fail Always 0
9:2-0 67-65 Bin 1 color
… … …
200:7-5 1600- 1598 Bin 512 color
Field Number indicates position of characters. These fields will be application specific.
The default fields will be as follows:
Field 0 Field 4
Field 1 Field 5
Field 2 Field 6
Field 3 Field 7
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 14
1:0-7 8-1 Label 066 Octal label is reversed
2:1-0 10-9 Control Accept 00 = Peaks Elevation Data
x1 – Indicator 1 accept 01 = accept 1
1x- Indicator 2 accept 10 =-accept 2
11 = accept any
2:2 11 Slave
2:3 12 Terrain Caution
2:4 13 Terrain Warning
2:5 14 PWS Caution
2:6 15 PWS Warning
2:7 16 Annunciation format 0 = Alternate Voice Menu
1 = Basic Voice Menu
3:0 17 Reserved for Peaks 1 = Peaks Elevation data
3:1 18 Obstacle Caution /Warning 1 = Terrain Caution or Warning
caused by an obstacle.
3:2 19 Terrain Fail 1 = Terrain Fail, 0 = Terrain OK
3:3 20 spare (currently set to 0)
3:7-4, 25-21 spare (currently set to 00000)
4:1 26 spare (currently set to 0)
4:4-2 29-27 Mode 3 = TERR, others reserved
4:7-5, 36-30 Spare (currently set to 0000000)
5:7-4, 42-37 Spare (currently set to 111111)
6:7-2 48-43 Range ULSB = 5 nm; 0 = 320 nm
7:0 49 Windshear Fail 1 = PWS Fail, 0 = PWS OK
7:2-1 51-50 Data Accept (See control accept) 00 = Peaks Elevation Data
01 = accept 1
10 =-accept 2
11 = accept any
7:7-3, 63-52 Scan Angle SLSB =360/2^12 deg; 0 = dead
8:6-0 ahead, +90 = right
8:7 64 Terrain Not Available 1 = Terrain not available
0 = normal
9:2-0 67-65 Bin 1 color
… … …
200:7-5 1600- 1598 Bin 512 color
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 15
3.4 Special Text on Label 066 (Airbus)
This purpose of this interface is to allow the EGPWC to write text to existing displays that do not allow alternate labels. See 3.3
for label 066 definition. The buffer interface is as follows:
Field 0 Field 4
Field 1 Field 5
Field 2 Field 6
Field 3 Field 7
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 16
4. Keyed Component Picture Bus (KCPB)
4.1 Introduction
The KCPB is the specification of a family of proprietary data formats intended for the transport of digital image pixel data and
other related information to display hardware manufactured by Honeywell. Although the most common usage will probably be
the movement of pixel data to display units, the specification is not limited to such uses and other formats may be introduced into
the specification as needed to fulfill future requirements. The initial header types are set forth in the body of this document.
An assumption in the specification of this interface is that Honeywell controls all aspects of its use- the source, destination and all
electrical characteristics. Interoperability with other industry standards is neither implied nor inferred.
The KCPB specification defines the header structure of the bus as well as what types of representation may be used for the pixel
The KCPB contains bits that should be monitored at all times to detect alerts and warnings. If a switched bus architecture is
utilized, it is recommended that the display monitor the 429 bus for the threat detection.
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 17
4.3.1 Label 020 - Raster Image Data
This label is intended for the transfer of pixel display data to digital row/column rasterized display. All references to X-Y
coordinates are those of a logical display space and do not refer to the physical screen coordinates of a receiving device. It is up
to the receiving device to position the data appropriately on its physical display space. If such additional control is desired it may
be specified through additional header data (i.e., another label or use of the upper 2 bytes of this label).
NOTE 1: Echoes the Display Mode from the Key Press/Mode message. This is used to confirm the mode change for systems
using the modal display feature. For non-modal display systems, this field can be ignored.
NOTE 2: Range is preferred to be 5nm LSB but some displays require ranges that exceed this 8-bit field (5…1275nm). To
support these special ranges an alternate range scale should be selected. The special case of Range=0 is undefined.
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 18
Pixel Size / Pixel Pixel Type Palette
Palette bit Offset
Select count
0000 3 Palette 0x00
0001 3 Palette 0x08
0010 3 Palette 0x10
0011 3 Palette 0x18
0100 4 Palette 0x00
0101 4 Palette 0x10
0110 4 Palette 0x20
0111 4 Palette 0x30
1000 6 Palette 0x00
1001 6 Palette 0x40
1010 6 Palette 0x80
1011 6 Palette 0xC0
1100 8 Palette 0x00
1101 9 RGB N/A
1110 12 RGB N/A
1111 24 RGB N/A
The preferred Pixel Size/Palette Select is 4-bit color with no offset (0100).
If the Pixel Size/Palette Select is 0101 then the palette index is 0x10 + the 4-bit pixel color value.
Terrain Description
001 Self-test
010 Inoperative (INOP)
011 Not Available
100 Normal
101 Override
110 Caution
111 Warning
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 19
4.3.2 Label 021 – Standard Data
This label is intended for the transfer of parameters.
1:0-7 021 = label ‘STD DATA’
2+ Array of ‘Standard Data Package’
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 20 Boolean Package Definition
Bit Signal Definition
11 Gear Gear Down
12 Flaps Flaps Down
13 In Air -
14 TAEnb Terrain Alert Enable
16-15 OBS_ST Obstacle Awareness State (See table below)
18-17 GP_ST GPWS State (See table below)
20-19 TA_ST Terrain Awareness State (See table below)
22-21 RWS_ST Reactive Windshear State (See table below)
24-23 PWS_ST Predictive Windshear State (See table below)
25 Flap Flap Override active
26 G/S Cancel Glideslope Cancel active
27 Below G/ S Glideslope alert active
28 Steep App Steep Approach active
29 B/C INH Backcourse Inhibit Active
32-30 - Spare
Palette Entry:
1 Palette Index 0 to 255
2 Red Value 0 to 255
3 Green Value 0 to 255
4 Blue Value 0 to 255
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 21
4.3.5 Label 024 – Text Label
This purpose of this interface is to allow the EGPWC to write text.
1:0-7 8-1 024 = TEXT
2:1-0 10-9 Data Accept
x1 – Indicator 1 accept
1x – Indicator 2 accept
2:2 11 1 = TEXT MODE (future) (0 = IMAGE MODE)
2:7-3 16-12 Fields in this BLOCK 1 to 31
N:4-0 21-17 Field # 0 to 31
N0:7-5, 25-22 Color See 1.2.2
N1:1 26 Flash
N1:7-2 32-27 Characters in field (CIF) 1 to 20
N2 Characters See 1.3
Field # is modal. In Text Mode, Field # is the line of the display with 0 being the top most line. In Image Mode, Field # is the
predefined text field where the characters should be placed.
Field block (N…N1+cif) may repeat to provide multiple fields within one message.
In Text Mode, no image data should be displayed. The whole screen is text.
In Image Mode, text is overlaid on top of the image data. The following table lists nominal values for fields in Image Mode.
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 22
Field Number Meaning Examples
0 Mode/status “TERR”, “TERR-INOP”, …
1 High elevation for Peaks “000”, “451”, “---“
2 Low elevation for Peaks
3 Display Reference “MagTrk”, “MagHdg”, “North”
4 Unassigned
5 Check Altitude “ChkAlt”
NOTE: if this bit is not selected, the EGPWS
will also display the MSL altitude for reference.
It is desirable for the display to show the MSL
altitude is processing the ChkAlt message.
6 Unassigned
7 Unassigned
8 Unassigned
9 Unassigned
10 Unassigned
11 Unassigned
12 Unassigned
13 Unassigned
14 Unassigned
15 Unassigned
16 Line Select Key Label (returns 0x10) “RNG+”, “RNG-“, “Mode”
17 Line Select Key Label (returns 0x11) “
18 Line Select Key Label (returns 0x12) “
19 Line Select Key Label (returns 0x13) “
20 Line Select Key Label (returns 0x14) “
21 Line Select Key Label (returns 0x15) “
22 Line Select Key Label (returns 0x16) “
23 Line Select Key Label (returns 0x17) “
24 Line Select Key Label (returns 0x18) “
25 Line Select Key Label (returns 0x19) “
26 Line Select Key Label (returns 0x1A) “
27 Line Select Key Label (returns 0x1B) “
28 Line Select Key Label (returns 0x1C) “
29 Line Select Key Label (returns 0x1D) “
30 Line Select Key Label (returns 0x1E) “
31 Line Select Key Label (returns 0x1F) “
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 23
1:0-7 8-1 025 = Header TEXT
2:3-0 12-9 Field Number
2:7-4 16-13 Color See 1.2.2
3 24-17 Character 1 See1.3
4 32-25 Character 2 “
5 40-33 Character 3 “
6 48-41 Character 4 “
7 56-49 Character 5 “
8 64-57 Character 6 “
9 Pad bytes As needed
The Key Press /Display Mode may also be sent on 429 (See6.3.2).
Display Mode is used to allow the KCPB source to adjust to various display modes. This is a provision for switching from “Arc”
(bottom center) to “Rose” (middle center) display modes. See Label 037 (paragraph 4.4.4).
If not received, the default will be Mode 0 and no key presses.
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 24
1:0-7 031 = label ‘STD DATA’
2+ Array of ‘Standard Data Package’ See
Display Mode is used to allow the KCPB source to adjust to various display modes. This is a provision for future growth.
Initially, this field will be set to 0.
Columns in Range and Rows in Range are set to determine the scale factor for the image to allow it to match information overlaid
by the display. If no overlay is provided by the display, these fields should be set to zero (0) to allow the image provider to scale
as appropriate and to signal the image provider that some range information should be included in the image (i.e. a range ring).
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 25 Expansion Data
1 8-1 Number of Bytes in data Not including first 2
2 16-9 Type of data See below
… …
The default is full screen (Rows x Columns) viewable limited to the range ring circle.
The following diagram shows a range ring limited viewable mask. Note that points 1 to 6 were specified.
Displayable area
1 6
5 Viewable Mask
2 3
The following diagram shows viewable mask without range ring. Note that point 1 to 6 and a second 1 were specified.
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 26
Displayable area
1 6
5 Viewable Mask
2 3
Type Description
4 Heading Up
5 Track Up
6 North Up
The default assumption is that the aircraft is positioned at the bottom center of the display and Heading Up. Send Aircraft
Position data if different (See
NOTE: If Aircraft Position Data is supplied, it must precede Viewable/Non-Viewable Mask Data.
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 27 Point Definition
1,2 16-1 X Signed number based at center of
3,4 32-17 Y Signed number based at bottom
of displayable area
Points should be constrained to be screen. Any point exceeding the screen limits by more than 10 will be considered invalid and
will fault the response.
NOTE 1: Width of Columns and Height of Rows are used to determine the pixel size (see Columns and Rows in 4.4.4). This
information will be used to select fonts and fill patterns appropriate to the display. These numbers are the total width/height of
the columns/rows, not the width/height of a single column/row. This allows the system to accommodate a screen from 0.1”x0.1”
to 25.5”x25.5” which should be adequate.
NOTE 2: Field Request Mask is used in conjunction with Text transmission method to determine if text is sent “Text in Image”
or stroked by the display. This is not an all or nothing. Individual messages can be re-directed. A display should only re-direct
messages that are defined for that display so that future feature will be “Text in Image” until the display software can be
upgraded. The default is for all messages to be “Text in Image”.
NOTE 3: The range information may arrive in the standard KCPB format defined in paragraph 6.3.3 or as an alternate scale per
the weather radar control bus referenced in paragraph
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 28 Standard Data Request Data
1 8-1 Number of Bytes 4
2 16-9 Type of data 8 – Standard Data Request
3:7-0 24-17 Request Data key 0x07…0x00 See
4:7-0 32-25 Request Data key 0x0F…0x08 “
5:7-0 40-33 Request Data key 0x17…0x10 “
6:7-0 48-41 Request Data key 0x1F…0x18 “
This expansion data is used to mark the beginning of a new display mode definition. All subsequent data until the next Type 0
will be considered part of this mode. When this Type is used, the new mode is based on mode 0. All data is considered to be a
delta to mode 0.
Limitation Data does not need to be repeated if fields “Width of Column” and “Height of Row” have changed from mode 0 only
due to a change in window size (i.e. the pixel size did not change).
Viewable/Non-Viewable Mask should be supplied for each display mode if supplied for any display mode. Additional modes
will use the system default mask (not the one defined for mode 0).
Pattern Definition
N Pattern Index See table below
N+1 Pattern Data 1
N+2 Pattern Data 2
N+3 Pattern Data 3
N+4 Pattern Data 4
N+5 Pattern Data 5
N+6 Pattern Data 6
N+7 Pattern Data 7
N+8 Pattern Data 8
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 29
Pattern Index Definition
1 Density 50%
2 Density 25%
3 Density 16%
11 Green 50%
12 Green 25%
13 Green 16%
21 Yellow 50%
22 Yellow 25%
31 Red 50%
32 Red 25%
40 Purple Haze
50 Sea
The following diagram shows a non-viewable mask within a viewable mask without range ring. Note that point 1 to 4 and a
second 1 were specified.
Displayable area
1 4
2 Non-Viewable Mask
Viewable Mask
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 30
4.4.5 Label 036 - Range Data
Range may arrive by a number of different 429 Labels.
1:0-7 8-1 036 = “Range DATA”
2:1-0 10-9 Display Source x1 – Indicator 1
1x – Indicator 2
2:5-2 14-11 Spare
2:7-6 16-15 Range Scale Select 00 - 5nm (default)
01 - 0.5nm
10 - 50nm
11 - reserved
3:7-0 24-17 Range – LSB per Range Scale Select ULSB = RSS above; Normally
Standard ranges: 5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, and 320 nm.
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 31
5. Honeywell Picture Bus
The Honeywell Picture Bus conforms to the 453 specification electrically, but uses a unique 5-bit data format.
Range Bin #1
Range Bin #N
5.1.1 Header
3 Plane of Display 0/1 = Left/Right
4 Dual Controller 0/1 = Standard / Dual
5 Display Accept 0/1 = Left/Right
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 32
6. 429 Data Format
6.1 General
6.1.1 Labels
Note: label bits are reversed, i.e. LSB is bit 8.
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 33 LABELS from EGPWS
01X Vertical Multi-text: Multi-text: Multi-text: Multi-text: Multi-text: Multi-text: Vertical
Profile (Left Left line 1 Left line 1 Left line 1 Right line 1 Right line 1 Right line 1 Profile (Rt Ind
Indicator) chars 1…2 chars 3…5 chars 6…8 chars 1…2 chars 3…5 chars 6…8 if shared bus)
02X Terrain Data Multi-text: Multi-text: Multi-text: Multi-text: Multi-text: Multi-text: Terrain Data
(Left Left line 2 Left line 2 Left line 2 Right line 2 Right line 2 Right line 2 (Right Ind if
Indicator) chars 1…2 chars 3…5 chars 6…8 chars 1…2 chars 3…5 chars 6…8 shared bus)
03X Single label Multi-text: Multi-text: Multi-text: Multi-text: Multi-text: Multi-text: Single label
text Left Left line 3 Left line 3 Left line 3 Right line 3 Right line 3 Right line 3 text Right
indicator chars 1…2 chars 3…5 chars 6…8 chars 1…2 chars 3…5 chars 6…8 indicator
04X Chosen
05X Special Special Special Special Special Special
Honeywell Honeywell Honeywell Honeywell Honeywell Honeywell
Range Discretes Color Chars 1…2 Chars 3…4 Chars 5…6
06X Auto-Tilt: Terr Auto-Tilt: Auto-Tilt: Auto-Tilt: Auto-Tilt: Auto-Tilt: Pseudo
Corr Tilt Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Sector 4 Sector 5 RadAlt
13X TCAS GeoAlt
6.1.2 SSM
Bits BNR BCD File Transfer Discrete
00 Fail Fail Positive Data Normal
01 NCD NCD Initial Word NCD
10 Test Test Final Word Test
11 Normal Normal Negative Data Fail
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 34
6.1.3 Binary SSM
Bits Description
00 Fail
01 NCD
10 Test
11 Normal (Valid)
When the Final Word is not used, Data Word Width codes 0-6 are used to indicate the length of data in the last Data Word.
NOTE 1: “complete” codes indicate to take bits sufficient to complete a partial byte. “Full width” indicates that all bits are
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 35 16-bit Data Word
1:0-7 8-1 Label
2 16-9 Byte N
3 24-17 Byte N+1
4:4-0 29-18 (N-1)/2 Starts at 0…31 then wraps.
4:6-5 31-30 SSM 11 – Intermediate Word
4:7 32 Parity
Even words:
1:0-7 8-1 Label
2 16-9 Byte N
3 24-17 Byte N+1
4:3-0 28-25 Bits 3-0 of Byte N+2
4:4 29 Tick 0 for Even words
4:6-5 31-30 SSM 11 – Intermediate Word
4:7 32 Parity
Odd words:
1:0-7 8-1 Label
2:3-0 12-9 Bits 7-4 of Byte N This is second half of Byte N+2
from previous even word
2:7-4, 20-13 Byte N+1
3:7-4, 28-20 Byte N+2
4:4 29 Tick 1 for Odd words
4:6-5 31-30 SSM 11 – Intermediate Word
4:7 32 Parity
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 36
6.2 Text to Display
Character map for 4 lines of 8 characters
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 37
6.2.2 Multiple Labels
Display Label
Left Right Packet Type Character N
011 014 Text Start 11
012 015 Text Continue 13
013 016 Text Continue 16
021 024 Text Start 21
022 025 Text Continue 23
023 026 Text Continue 26
031 034 Text Start 31
032 035 Text Continue 33
033 036 Text Continue 36
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 38
6.2.3 Special Honeywell Text
The Special Honeywell Text should only be used for existing systems already utilizing this interface. It should NOT be used for
any new designs.
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 39 Label 052
1:0-7 8-1 Label 052
2:1-0 10-9 SDI
2:4-2 13-11 Color 0 – Black; 1 – Red
2 – Amber; 3 – Yellow
4 – Green; 5 – Cyan
6 – Magenta; 7 – White
2:7-6, 3, 29-14 Spare
4:6-5 31-30 SSM
4:7 32 Parity Set to Odd
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 40
6.3 Data To EGPWS
• Initial (implementation #1) of the EGPWS will ignore the data in the Start of Block word. Therefore, the response should
send the data twice to ensure quick receipt. Otherwise, the data will not be accepted until a 2-second timeout has occurred.
6.3.2 Key Press/Display Mode
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 41 Reference Position
1,2 16-1 Latitude SLSB=180 /2^15 deg
3,4 32-17 Longitude SLSB=180 /2^15 deg
5:3-0 36-33 Resolution/Size See chart below
5:7-4, 6 48-33 Altitude SLSB=100 ft
7:6-0 55-49 Stop Row / Column 1 to 120
7:7 56 Spare 0
8:6-0 63-57 Start Row / Column 1 to 120
8:7 64 Column Flag 0 = Rows 1 = Columns
9 72-65 Request Number Optional
10 80-73 Reserved Optional
NOTE: BYTEs 9 and 10 are optional. If Request Number is supplied, it will be echoed on the response. If not supplied, the
EGPWS will count requests.
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 42
6.3.5 TCAS Data (Reference only)
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 43
The Segment Descriptor Words will be followed by multiple Segment Data Words. The number of Segment Words can be
determined from the Initial Word of the Block Transfer.
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 44
6.4 Data From EGPWS
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 45
1:3-0 4-1 Resolution / Size See
1:7-4 8-5 Ratio of Cell Width to Height 1–6
2 16-9 Request Number See
NOTE 1: Frame number is used to trigger a new Terrain Data Correlation Acquisition. The radar system will schedule the frame
capture and transmit via hazard bus 429 back to the EGPWS, as the radar’s schedule allows. The next frame capture will be
requested by the EGPWS when the Frame Number advances.
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 46
NOTE 2: These bits indicate if terrain is selected for display. If terrain is selected (implying weather is not) then this range will
not be used in determining the proper SRT or LRT value.
Chosen Runway will be sent using the Block transfer (See 6.1.4) using 21-bit mode on label 040
1:6-0 7-1 Airport ID Char 1
1:13-7 14-8 Airport ID Char 2
1:20-14 21-15 Airport ID Char 3
2:6-0 28-22 Airport ID Char 4
2:13-7 35-29 Runway ID runway number ULSB = 1; 1 to 36 normally
2:20-14 42-36 Runway ID Suffix (i.e. L R C T or nothing)
3:10-0 53-43 Length ULSB = 10 ft
3:20-11 63-54 True Heading SLSB = 360 / 2^10 deg
4 84-64 Latitude SLSB = 360 / 2^21 deg
5 105-85 Longitude SLSB = 360 / 2^21 deg
6:11-0 117-106 Elevation SLSB = 10 ft
6:17-12 123-118 Glideslope ULSB = 0.1 degrees
6:20-18 126-124 Glideslope Offset from Nominal SLSB = 200 ft
7 147-127 Latitude End 2 SLSB = 360 / 2^21 deg
8 168-148 Longitude End 2 SLSB = 360 / 2^21 deg
9:11-0 180-169 Elevation End 2 SLSB = 10 ft
9:17-12 186-181 Glideslope End 2 ULSB = 0.1 degrees
9:20-18 189-187 Glideslope Offset from Nominal ULSB = 200 ft
NOTE: Glideslope Offset is from Nominal placement at 1050 feet from threshold.
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 47
6.5 Miscellaneous 429 Labels
The EGPWC shall send equipment ID so that any labels transmitted on this bus can be related to the EGPWC equipment ID.
Interval should be 500 to 1,000msec.
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 48 Label 271
1:0-7 8-1 Label (Octal) 271
2:1-0 10-9 SDI 00 Normal (Single)
01 Right Side
10 Left Side
11 Spare
2:2 11 Special Function Not used by EGPWS
2:3 12 Anticlutter Not used by EGPWS
2:4 13 Windshear Not used by EGPWS
2:7-5, 23-14 Spare
3:7, 29-24 Range 0 == 320 nm
4:4-0 ULSB = 5 nm
4:6-5 31-30 SSM See Binary SSM
4:7 32 Parity Set to Odd
NOTE: This label may be used for the range information of a KCPB type display provided that the response indicates the use of
the alternate range scale (See paragraph
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 49 Subsequent Bins
1:1-0 1-2 Range Bin N See Description under Start of
1:3-2 3-4 Range Bin N+1 “
1:5-4 5-6 Range Bin N+2 “
1:7-6 7-8 Range Bin N+3 “
1:9-8 9-10 Range Bin N+4 “
1:11-10 11-12 Range Bin N+5 “
1:13-12 13-14 Range Bin N+6 “
1:15-14 15-16 Range Bin N+7 “
1:17-16 17-18 Range Bin N+8 “
1:19-18 19-20 Range Bin N+9 “
1:21-20 21-22 Range Bin N+10 “
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 50
Appendix A: Image File Formats
A.1 Data Structure
1:7-0 8-1 Type of Data See below
2,3 24-9 Length of data in bytes
… … Specific data
Double Bin
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 Color 2 0 Color 1
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 51
A.4 Type 2: Data Packs
1:7-0 8-1 Data Packs 2
2,3 24-9 Length N * 4 + 1. See note below
4 32-25 Pad
5-8 64-33 Data Pack 1 See table below
… …
… … Data Pack N
NOTE: early files used length as number of data packs. This should be easy to detect.
Default Data Packs (used if descriptor is missing)
Data Pack Description LSB
1 Time
2 Tilt 0.100 Deg
3 Ground Speed 1.000 Kts
4 True Track 0.010 Deg
5 True Heading 0.010 Deg
6 Pitch 0.010 Deg
7 Roll 0.010 Deg
8 Altitude 1.000 Ft
9 Longitude 0.001 Deg
10 Latitude 0.001 Deg
11 Range 5.000 nm
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 52
Appendix B: KCPB Phased implementation
EGPWS No KCPB Phase 1 Phase 2
MKV < 210 210 212
MKVI N/A 001 003
MKVII < 210 210 212
MKVIII N/A 001 003
GA N/A N/A 001
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 53
B.3 Query Response
Query Response Phase 1 Phase 2
General: Data source Ignored Echoed in Label 020
General: Display Mode Ignored: always 0 0…3
General: Columns & Rows Supported Supported
General: Columns in Range & Supported if not 0 Supported
Rows In Range
General: Pixel Width 4-bit 4-bit
General: Max Bus Speed Ignored Ignored
Revision Data Not supported Supported
Viewable Mask Not supported Supported
Non-Viewable Mask Not supported Supported
Aircraft Position Not supported Supported
Line Select Keys Not supported Supported
Limitations: Period Supported Supported
Limitations: Field Request Mask See Label 025 See Label 024/025
Limitations: Pad to 1600 Supported Supported
Limitations: Disable Auto- Not Supported Supported
Limitations: Text Method Not Supported 024 or 025
Limitations: Width / Height Not Supported Supported
Standard Data Not supported See Label 021
Fill Patterns Supported 1…3, Supported 1…3,
11…13, 21…22, 11…13, 21…22,
31…32, 40, 50 31…32, 40, 50
Additional Modes Not Supported Limited to 0…3
B.4.1 MK5/MK7
MK5/MK7 Phase 1 Phase 2
Minimum Period 5.5 ms Same as Phase 1
Minimum Frame Period 3.3 seconds Same as Phase 1
Maximum Columns and Rows 440x250 1000x640
B.4.2 MK6/MK8
MK6/MK8 Phase 1 Phase 2
Minimum Period 5.5 ms Same as Phase 1
Minimum Frame Period 3.3 seconds Same as Phase 1
Maximum Columns and Rows 440x250 1000x640
B.4.3 GA
GA Phase 1 Phase 2
Minimum Period 5.5 ms Same as Phase 1
Minimum Frame Period 3.3 seconds Same as Phase 1
Maximum Columns and Rows 440x250 600x400
ASF-2121/R3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO. 060-4303-000 REV: A SHEET 54