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Module No.

and Title Module 2: Assessment as Learning

Lesson No. and Title Lesson 2: The Role of Teachers and Students in Assessment
As Learning

Learning Outcomes At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

a. define the roles of the teacher and the student in

assessment as learning
b. cite examples of assessment as learning

Time Frame This lesson is intended for 2 sessions (2 hours).

Introduction Hi, student! Welcome to Module 2 - Lesson 2: The Role of

Teachers and Students in Assessment As Learning. This
assessment model supports the view of today’s learners as actively
involved in the learning process. Students are educated on the
purpose of assignments and the outcomes they are trying to
achieve. Black and William argue that student self-assessment is
often accurate and honest; however, it is problematic when
students do not have a "sufficiently clear picture of the targets that
their learning is meant to attain." (Black and William, 2001, p. 6-
7). Hence the teacher and the student both have critical roles in
understanding learning outcomes and modifying learning in
Assessment as Learning.

Activity Activity 1 Situational Analysis

In this activity, you are tasked to think of a solution that will help
you as a teacher to understand your students and how will you
improve the situation if not totally solve the problem.

1. Teacher John presented his learning outcomes to the

student in Algebra. Most of his students dit not understand
it. Thus, most of them failed in first assessment.

2. Paul a student of teacher John, compiled all quizzes and

tasks of their class as a requirement. He submitted the
compilation project to his teacher without even have a time
to look for it. On the final exam, he failed because he was
not able to monitor that all his quizzes are failing.

Project WRITE XI: Assessment of Learning 1 - Coursepack

Analysis Let us now check how you examined the situations presented

1. What are the factors you
have considered in the
solutions you have come up?

2. Why is it important to
consider the factors you have
mentioned above?

Project WRITE XI: Assessment of Learning 1 - Coursepack

3. What do you think are the
assessment that will be done to
ensure that the student learning
outcomes will be met?

Abstraction Now let us discuss the roles of the teacher and student in
assessment as learning…

Project WRITE XI: Assessment of Learning 1 - Coursepack

Ensuring assessment methods are appropriate and the purpose is
clear to students ensures quality and fair assessment practices as
per the Principles for Fair Student Assessment in Canada (1993).
Beyond choosing the learning outcomes to be covered, the
activities to follow and the assessment methods, in
Assessment as Learning, the teacher engages the students in this

In Assessment as Learning, the teacher is a guide, “Giving them

[students] the tools to undertake their own learning wisely and
well.” (WNCP, p. 42) Students learn to monitor their own learning
and make adaptations as required. In addition to monitoring
learning and guiding instruction through assessment for learning,
the teacher is assessing the students’ ability to assess themselves
as they learn how to assess their own learning.
Teachers can follow the following model in order to practice
Assessment as Learning in their classroom: (adapted from
WNCP, p. 42-43)

1. Discuss the learning outcomes with the students

2. Create criteria with the students for the various tasks that
need to be completed and/or skills that need to be learned or
3. Provide feedback to students as they learn and ask them
guiding questions to help them monitor their own learning
4. Help them set goals to extend or support their learning as
needed in order to meet or fully meet the expectations
5. Provide reference points and examples for the learning
Teachers are also responsible for ensuring that students have a
learning environment in which they feel comfortable and safe to
learn as well as have ample time to practice what is being taught.

Project WRITE XI: Assessment of Learning 1 - Coursepack

Project WRITE XI: Assessment of Learning 1 - Coursepack
Beyond completing the tasks assigned to them by their teacher,
students move from the passive learner to an active owner of their
own learning. Initially, with teacher guidance and tools, students
learn to monitor if they have understood the learning outcome
being explored and the metacognitive process. Once the
metacognitive skills have been acquired, students can
independently adjust their learning accordingly and demonstrate
the “self-reflection, self-monitoring and self-adjustment.” (WNCP,
2006, p.85) Extensive and relevant modeling in the questions
below can help students reach this point:

Monitoring Metacognition (Protocol adaptation of Shraw,

“Promoting General Metacognitive Awareness” in WNCP)

1. What is the purpose of learning these concepts and skills?

2. What do I know about this topic?
3. What strategies do I know that will help me learn this?
4. Am I understanding these concepts?
5. What are the criteria for improving my work?
6. Have I accomplished the goals I set for myself?
Classroom Examples

Literacy Mentoring Among Students

Teacher Mike and her fellow teachers at Pag-asa Elementary
School used Assessment as Learning as a tool to review reading
strategies and metacognitive skills in reading for grade 4/5
students and to have them in turn, mentor grade 1 students.
Through the process, "Both sets of students learned to clarify their
thinking, and were using similar language to describe their
learning processes." The grade 4/5 students became adept at using
both teacher-created criteria and their own criteria and were able
to mentor grade 1 students through the process. Koehn observed
that, "They [grade 4/5 students] naturally began each lesson with
a stated learning intention."

Project WRITE XI: Assessment of Learning 1 - Coursepack

Project WRITE XI: Assessment of Learning 1 - Coursepack
Attendance Procedures
The Bagum-Buhay National High School suggests having students
record their own attendance as late or absent on a class posted
list. The teacher would have continued discussions around class
expectations for attendance and the impact of tardiness or being
absent on learning. Students will then have continual opportunities
to reflect upon and make changes to their attendance and

Physical Education Work Habits

Teacher Kyle’s rubrics in Physical Education concerning work
habits in Physical Education can help clarify teacher expectations
and increase students' abilities to self-monitor thus developing
their metacognitive skills. This also serves the dual purpose of
making a class that is sometimes stressful and unmanageable more
ordered and manageable.

An Electric Portfolio encourages "self-guided learning" according
to Tuttle (2007). Students start with an understanding of the
outcomes to be met throughout the year or term and then gather
evidence of learning throughout the term to complete a finalized
digital project. This ability to select the assignments that best
demonstrate their abilities in a given area demonstrate the

Project WRITE XI: Assessment of Learning 1 - Coursepack

metacognition necessary for Assessment as Learning. Tuttle
reinforces this argument by stating, "Self-assessment becomes a
regular part of learning as students frequently select or reevaluate
which of their work is the best evidence of their skills and strive to
create even better evidence in future assignments."

Application Activity 2 Assessment Tasks

1. Create a Venn-Diagram that compares and contrast the


teacher and student in assessment as learning.

Project WRITE XI: Assessment of Learning 1 - Coursepack

2. Make a concept map on how can you as a student monitor

your own learning progress.

Closure Congratulations! You have successfully completed the last lesson

of the Module 3. Good luck and Hope you would be ready to talk


Project WRITE XI: Assessment of Learning 1 - Coursepack


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