Lesson 2 - Types of Digital Devices
Lesson 2 - Types of Digital Devices
Lesson 2 - Types of Digital Devices
Unit 1 Devices
• Identify navigation aids and how they are used
• Describe the purpose of other digital devices,
cameras, games consoles, HES, media players
Be able to recall the features of different types of
mobile phones and other digital devices
Be able to compare different types of digital
devices based on their advantages and
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the
different types of digital devices listed above
based on a scenario and make recommendations
Digital Devices
Unit 1 Types of Digital Devices
Navigation Aids
• Navigation aids (such as Sat-Nav) can calculate the
best route between two or more locations and can
provide updates to the route if it is not followed
accurately. They are commonly used in cars,
delivery vans and ships. information from GPS
• Stored permanently or downloaded
• GPS does not need internet connectivity
• Smartphones are now replacing specialist in-car
navigation aids. There are many navigation apps for
smartphones which have a range of features.
Digital Devices
Unit 1 Types of Digital Devices
Multifunctional Devices
• A smartphone is a type of mobile phone, which
means that its primary function is to make phone
calls. It can also be used to take photographs or to
function as a navigation aid, fitness tracker, music
player or handheld games console. Because a
smartphone can perform such a range of different
functions, it is classed as a multifunctional device.
Digital Devices
Unit 1 Types of Digital Devices
Games consoles
• Modern games consoles are multifunctional devices
• Handheld versions available
• Can use controllers, motion sensors
Digital Devices
Unit 1 Types of Digital Devices
Media Players.
• What are they?
• Media players provide video and audio content to a television
• This can be streamed or accessed from networked or local
• Can be connected wired or wirelessly
• Can be controlled using a remote or smart app
Digital Devices
Unit 1 Types of Digital Devices
Can You?
• Compare different types of mobile phone and tablet
• Describe the purpose and use of a range of digital
devices including navigation aids?
• Explain ways in which the convergence of different
devices’ features leads to multifunctional devices?