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EST3 System Operation Manual

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System Operation
P/N 270382 • Rev 6.0 • 02AUG04
DEVELOPED BY Edwards Systems Technology
6411 Parkland Drive
Sarasota, FL 34243
(941) 739–4300
COPYRIGHT NOTICE Copyright © 1996–2004. All rights reserved.
This manual and the products it describes are copyrighted by
Edwards Systems Technology, Inc. (EST). You may not
reproduce, translate, transcribe, or transmit any part of this
manual without express, written permission from EST.
This manual contains proprietary information intended for
distribution to authorized persons or companies for the sole
purpose of conducting business with EST. If you distribute any
information contained in this manual to unauthorized persons,
you have violated all distributor agreements and we may take
legal action.
TRADEMARKS Microsoft, Microsoft Mouse, and Windows are all trademarks
of Microsoft Corporation.
CREDITS This manual was designed and written by the EST Technical
Services - Documentation Department, Sarasota.

Revision Date Reason for Change
1.0 17JULY96 Initial Release
1.5 02APR97 Revised: System Addressing; Command Menu
Added: Operations Placard
2.0 14DEC98 Revised: Display examples. Corrected minor typographical
errors throughout.
3.0 21OCT99 Restructured and revised concurrent with 1.5 release.
4.0 31AUG01 Revised to incorporate security and access control integration.
5.0 29OCT01 Revised per SDU release 3.1.
6.0 02AUG04 Revised per SDU release 3.3, 3.4, and 3.5.

About this manual • iii

The EST3 library • iv
Important information • vi

Chapter 1 Introduction • 1.1

Introduction • 1.2
Display operation • 1.5
Message processing • 1.11
Optional features • 1.13
Entering logical addresses • 1.18

Chapter 2 3-LCD and 3-LCDXL operating instructions • 2.1

Controls and indicators • 2.2
Creating a status report • 2.9
Disabling groups • 2.10
Enabling groups • 2.11
Disabling hardware components • 2.12
Enabling hardware components • 2.13
Arming security partitions • 2.14
Disarming security partitions • 2.16
Resetting security partitions • 2.17
Bypassing security devices • 2.18
Removing bypasses from security devices • 2.19
Guard patrol groups • 2.20
Check-in groups • 2.21
Changing the smoke detector sensitivity level • 2.23
Changing event message routing • 2.24
Changing the output state of a relay or LED • 2.25
Creating reports • 2.26
Setting the system time and date • 2.29
Changing user access level passwords • 2.30
Restarting a panel • 2.31
Scheduling holidays • 2.32
Clearing the panel history file • 2.33
Testing alarm input devices • 2.34
Testing security input devices • 2.35
Testing Signature devices • 2.36
Testing the panel lamps and panel sounder • 2.37

Chapter 3 3-ASU operating instructions • 3.1

Controls and indicators • 3.2
Operation the Audio Source Unit • 3.4
Optional audio zone controls • 3.7

Chapter 4 3-FTCU operating instructions • 4.1

Controls and indicators • 4.2
Operation • 4.4

EST3 System Operation Manual i


Appendix A System addresses • A.1

Address format • A.2
LRM addresses • A.4
Control / display module addresses • A.8
Device addresses • A.10

Appendix B Operation sequence charts • B.1

Z Index • Z.1

ii EST3 System Operation Manual


About this manual

This manual provides information on how to operate an EST3
integrated system. The information presented here is of a general
nature, since each site and system is unique. The EST3 system at
your site has been designed by professionals to meet the specific
requirements of the fire and security codes in your location.
Please refer to the site-specific instructions, provided by your
EST representative, to determine the exact operation of your

The manual contains the following chapters:
• Chapter 1: Introduction: gives you a general description of
system functions and operations.
• Chapter 2: LCD operating instructions: provides detailed
operating instructions for the primary control module, the
3-LCD module.
• Chapter 3: 3-ASU Audio Source Unit operation: provides
detailed operating instructions for the 3-ASU audio source
• Chapter 4: 3-FTCU operating instructions: provides
detailed operating instructions for the 3-FTCU firefighter
telephone control unit.
• Appendix A: System addresses: contains figures that show
you how to determine various device addresses.
• Appendix B: Operation sequence charts: contains tables or
charts that show the sequence of events, actions, and
displays for the most common panel operations.

EST3 System Operation Manual iii


The EST3 library

EST3 documents
A library of documents and multi-media presentations supports
the EST3 life safety system. A brief description of each is
provided below.
EST3 Installation and Service Manual (P/N 270380): Gives
complete information on how to install and service the EST3
hardware. The manual also includes installation information on
selected Signature Series components.
EST3 Installation Sheets (P/N 3100051): Is a convenient
package of all EST3 component installation sheets. This manual
shows you the jumper settings and terminal connections for each
SDU Online Help (P/N 180653): Provides full online support for
configuring and programming a system using the EST3 System
Definition Utility program.
EST3 System Operation Manual (P/N 270382): Provides detailed
information on how to operate the system and system
EST3 International Installation Supplement Manual (P/N
270925): Provides information specific to systems installed
outside the United States and Canada.
EST3 Smoke Management Application Manual (P/N 270913):
Provides information for designing, programming, and testing an
EST3 smoke control system.
EST3 Users Self-Study Course (P/N 270684): Contains a self-
paced manual and accompanying video. The course is designed
for building personal, security guards, firefighters, and other
individuals that may be required to operate the system.

Other documents
In addition to documents in the EST3 library, you may find the
following documents useful.
Signature Series Intelligent Smoke and Heat Detectors
Applications Bulletin (P/N 270145): Provides additional
applications information on the Signature series smoke and heat
detector applications.
Signature Series Component Installation Manual (P/N 270497):
Contains detailed mounting and wiring information for all
Signature series devices.

iv EST3 System Operation Manual


Speaker Application Guide (P/N 85000-0033): Provides

information on the placement and layout of speakers for fire
alarm signaling and emergency voice communications.
Strobe Applications Guide (P/N 85000-0049): Provides
information on the placement and layout of strobes for fire alarm

EST3 System Operation Manual v


Important information
Limitation of liability
This product has been designed to meet the requirements of
NFPA Standard 72; Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., Standard
864; and Underwriters Laboratories of Canada, Inc., Standard
ULC S527. Installation in accordance with this manual,
applicable codes, and the instructions of the Authority Having
Jurisdiction is mandatory. EST shall not under any
circumstances be liable for any incidental or consequential
damages arising from loss of property or other damages or losses
owing to the failure of EST products beyond the cost of repair or
replacement of any defective products. EST reserves the right to
make product improvements and change product specifications
at any time.
While every precaution has been taken during the preparation of
this manual to ensure the accuracy of its contents, EST assumes
no responsibility for errors or omissions.

FCC warning
This equipment can generate and radiate radio frequency energy.
If this equipment is not installed in accordance with this manual,
it may cause interference to radio communications. This
equipment has been tested and found to comply within the limits
for Class A computing devices pursuant to Subpart B of Part 15
of the FCC Rules. These rules are designed to provide
reasonable protection against such interference when this
equipment is operated in a commercial environment. Operation
of this equipment is likely to cause interference, in which case
the user at his own expense, will be required to take whatever
measures may be required to correct the interference.

Industry Canada information

Note: The Industry Canada label identifies certified equipment.
This certification means that the equipment meets certain
telecommunications network protective, operational, and safety
requirements. Industry Canada does not guarantee the equipment
will operate to the user’s satisfaction.
Before installing this equipment, users should ensure that it is
permissible to be connected to the facilities of the local
telecommunications company. The equipment must also be
installed using an acceptable method of connection. The
customer should be aware that compliance with the above
conditions may not prevent degradation of service in some

vi EST3 System Operation Manual


Repairs to certified equipment should be made by an authorized

Canadian maintenance facility designated by the supplier. Any
repairs or alterations made by the user to this equipment, or
equipment malfunctions, may give the telecommunications
company cause to request the user disconnect the equipment.
Users should ensure for their own protection that the electrical
ground connections of the power utility, telephone lines, and
internal metallic water pipe system, if present, are connected
together. This precaution may be particularly important in rural

Caution: Users should not attempt to make such connections

themselves, but should contact the appropriate electric inspection
authority, or electrician, as appropriate

Note: The Load Number (LN) assigned to each terminal device

denotes the percentage of the total load to be connected to a
telephone loop which is used by the device, to prevent
overloading. The termination on a loop may consist of any
combination of devices subject only to the requirements that the
sum of the Load Numbers of all the devices does not exceed 100.

EST3 System Operation Manual vii


viii EST3 System Operation Manual

Chapter 1

This chapter provides a general description of system functions
and their operation.

Introduction • 1.2
Password protection • 1.2
Feature and function domains • 1.4
Display operation • 1.5
Normal state • 1.5
Off-normal state • 1.6
Message details • 1.8
Display priorities • 1.10
Message processing • 1.11
Common event LEDs and queue buttons • 1.11
Optional features • 1.13
Guard patrol • 1.13
Check-in groups • 1.14
System timers • 1.15
Time controls • 1.16
Control/display module buttons • 1.16
Entering logical addresses • 1.18
Panels • 1.18
Local rail modules • 1.18
Devices • 1.18

EST3 System Operation Manual 1.1


System operating requirements can be configured based on
geographic location and protected premises ownership.
In North America, systems can be configured as protected
premises (local) systems or as proprietary systems, both in
compliance with NFPA 72.
In the local mode, there is no requirement to acknowledge each
individual event. Each event message can be reviewed using the
Previous and Next buttons. System events that automatically
restore will automatically be removed from the message queue,
without requiring the operator to view a restored message.
In the proprietary mode, each event must be individually
acknowledged by pressing the respective message acknowledge
button. The Previous and Next button functions are not available
in the proprietary mode. Operators are required to acknowledge
both an event and its restoration to remove it from a message
Note: Alarm and supervisory events do not automatically
restore. They remain in their respective message queues until the
system is manually reset.

Password protection
Certain front-panel controls and command menu functions are
password-protected and have a user access level that is
determined by the marketplace setting. The four user access
levels are detailed in Table 1-1.
Each access level is given a default password that should be
changed once the panel is put into service. See Chapter 2:
Changing user access level passwords for more information.

Table 1-1: Password privileges

Password Level Privileges
Default • Status
No password required • Revision level report
• Output selection
• Display/printer selection
• Printer selection
• Reset function
• Alarm silence function
• Drill function

1.2 EST3 System Operation Manual


Table 1-1: Password privileges

Password Level Privileges
User access level 1 All default privileges, plus:
• Sensitivity reports
• Guard patrol routes
• Check-in groups (activate/restore)
User access level 2 All default and User 1 privileges, plus:
• History reports
• Devices (enable/disable)
• Zone groups (enable/disable)
• Alternate sensitivity (activate)
• Alternate message route (activate)
• Primary sensitivity (restore)
• Primary message route (restore)
• Change time (program)
• Change date (program)
• Security devices (bypass/unbypass)
• Partitions (arm/disarm)
• Change password for level 1
User access level 3 All default, User 1 and 2 privileges,
• AND group (enable/disable)
• Check-in group (enable/disable)
• Matrix group (enable/disable)
• Service group (enable/disable)
• Guard patrol group (enable/disable)
• Instruction text (enable/disable)
• Time control (enable/disable)
• Switch (enable/disable)
• LED (enable/disable)
• Relay (activate/restore)
• LED (activate/restore)
• Audio amp (activate/restore)
• Audio message (activate/restore)
• Holiday list (program)
• Change password for level 2
Service access level 4 All default, User 1, 2, and 3 privileges,
• Security functions: NONE
• Output: Primary printer select
• Card (LRM)(enable/disable)
• Restart by panel (program)
• Restart all panels (program)
• Clear history (program)
• Test (start/cancel)
• Signature Device Test
• Change password for level 3

EST3 System Operation Manual 1.3


Feature and function domains

The domain of a feature or function is the group of cabinets on
the network that are affected when the feature or function is
activated. Three domains are available:
• Local: The feature/function affects only the cabinet on which
the 3-LCD(XL) Display module is installed
• Group: The feature/function affects a pre-defined group of
cabinets on the network
• Global: The feature/function affects all the cabinets on the
A network cabinet may be a part of one or more groups. Multiple
control locations are permitted for any group.

Group #3
Group #1 Group #2

1 2 3 4 5 6


The configuration of features and functions varies with each

installation. Please consult your site-specific documentation to
determine if any custom features or functions have been
designed into your system.

1.4 EST3 System Operation Manual


Display operation
The information presented on the main display depends on the
operating condition of the panel: normal state (no events present)
or off-normal state (at least one event).

Normal state
Figure 1-1 shows the information presented on the main display
when the panel is in a normal operating condition.


11:03:12 01-25-2001 Date

Custom banner

Alarm History 0002 Alarm history



11:03:12 03/25/2004 Date

System Title Custom

(22 characters on 2 lines) banner

Alarm History Count: 0000 Alarm history

Figure 1-1: Main 3-LCD and 3-LCDXL display screens when

panel is in normal state

• The top of the screen displays the system time and date. The
time is in 24-hour format. The project configuration settings
determine the date format.

EST3 System Operation Manual 1.5


• The middle of the screen displays an optional custom banner

message, if programmed into the system. Otherwise, this
area is left blank.
• The bottom of the screen displays the total number of times
that the panel has gone into alarm since the last time the
alarm history was cleared.

Off-normal state
Figure 1-2 shows the information presented on the main display
when the panel is in an off-normal operating condition.
Note: The EN-54 marketplace operates differently. Refer to the
EST3 International Installation Supplement Manual.

Number of active points Number of disabled points

System time 14:19:32 A0004 D0000

Oldest, highest priority
0001 PULL STN ACTIVE event or last reviewed
PULL, ADMIN BLDG, event in selected event
1ST FLR WEST queue
PULL, ADMIN BLDG, Most recent, highest
1ST FLR NORTH priority event
A003 S000 T001 M000 |

Alarm event queue Monitor event queue

Supervisory event queue Trouble event queue

14:19:32 A0004 D0000

Event number 0001 PULL STN ACTIVE Event type
Device message
A003 S000 T001 M000 |
Total number of Highlight shows which event
events in the queue queue is displayed in the
shaded area of the display

1.6 EST3 System Operation Manual


Number of disabled points

Number of active points
System time and date 11:03:12 03/25/2004 ACT:0001 DIS:0000 Oldest, highest priority
Event number and -– SELECTED ALARM -- event or last reviewed
event type 0001 ZONE ACTIVE
event in selected event
Device message Zone 1 40 characters location text
Zone 1 40 characters location text
Zone 2 40 characters location text
Event queue

Total number of
events in the queue -– MOST RECENT ALARM --
0002 PULL ACTIVE Most recent, highest
Highlight shows which priority event
event queue is Zone 2 40 characters location text
shaded area of 0001 0000 0000 0000
the display
Alarm event queue Monitor event queue
Supervisory event queue Trouble event queue

Figure 1-2: Main 3-LCD and 3-LCDXL display screens when panel is in off-normal state

• The top line of the screen displays the system time in 24-
hour format, the number of active points in the system, and
the number of disabled points.
• The shaded area displays the oldest, highest priority, event
received by the panel, or the last reviewed event in the
selected event queue, depending on whether the display is in
unattended mode (regular off-normal operation) or in
attended mode. In either case, the display shows the event
number, the event type, and the active device's message.
Note: Pressing any one of the queue select buttons places the
display in the attended mode for reviewing or
acknowledging events and prevents the shaded area from
being updated by an event with a higher priority. The display
automatically returns to the unattended mode after the user
timeout period has expired.
• The area immediately below the shaded area on the 3-LCD
always displays the most recent, highest priority event in an
event queue. This area on the 3-LCDXL displays the event
queue and the area below the event queue displays the most
recent, highest priority event in an event queue.
Note: Cabinet configuration option settings determine which
events are routed to the main display and placed in an event

EST3 System Operation Manual 1.7


• The bottom line of the display shows the number of events in

each event queue. The highlight around the event counter
indicates which event queue is displayed in the shaded area.
Note: The event counter stops at 999. It is possible for an
event queue to hold more than 999 events. If an event queue
holds more than 999 events, “***” is displayed.

Message details
Pressing the Details button displays additional information about
the event displayed on the 3-LCD module's display. Different
detail information is displayed for each of the following:
• Device
• Group
• Guard patrol
• Instruction text

Device details

P:01 C:02 D:0004 Device's logical address

A001 S000 T000 M000


If a device activation causes the event, pressing Details displays

the active device’s logical address in the following format:
P:99 C:99 D:9999
• P:99 = panel address
• C:99 = rail module address
• D:9999 = device address
Lines below the device address list the off-normal states the
device is currently in.

Group details
If a group activation causes the event, pressing Details displays a
series of descriptions, one for each device in the group.

1.8 EST3 System Operation Manual


EVENT MESSAGE Event message
P:01 C:02 D:0004 Device's logical address
DEVICE MESSAGE LINE 1 Device message

A003 S000 T000 M000 Scrolling indicator


Each device panel shows the event message or state of the

device, the device address, and the device message (usually the
device location) which can be one or two lines long.

Guard patrol details

When a guard patrol route goes active, pressing Details displays
information about the station (device) that is in alarm.

EVENT MESSAGE Event message
P:01 C:02 D:0004 Device's logical address
PATROL: 999 Patrol or route number
STATION: 99 Device or station number

A001 S000 T000 M000


The Details panel shows the event or state of the off-normal

station, as well as the logical address, patrol or route number,
and station number of the device.

Instruction text details

Your system may be programmed to include detailed instructions
for certain events. When specific devices go into alarm, the
system generates a related monitor event. If you select the
monitor event, then press Details, the instruction text is

LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT Instruction text
A002 S000 T000 M001 Scrolling indicator

EST3 System Operation Manual 1.9


Normally, systems are designed so that instruction text is sent

directly to a printer. While accessible, instruction text is not
formatted for the display.

Display priorities
The panel controller places all events into one of five categories:
• Fire alarms - life safety related events, e.g. smoke detector,
sprinkler system waterflow, manual pull station, etc.
• Security alarms - include burglar and holdup alarms, as
generated by security devices
• Supervisory events - off normal conditions of a related fire
protection system, e.g. sprinkler system valve closed.
• Trouble events - faults within the system
• Monitor events - changes in the status of an ancillary system
Because events can happen at random, the system prioritizes
which event is the most critical and displays its information first.
Alarm events have the highest priority and monitor events have
the lowest priority.
In the U.S. Local and Proprietary market place, security events
have a higher priority than monitor events and are stored in the
supervisory queue. For all market place settings other than the
U.S. (except the Middle East and Asia, which is the same as the
U.S.) Local and Proprietary, security events, and monitor events
have equal priority and are stored in the monitor queue.

1.10 EST3 System Operation Manual


Message processing
When an event occurs, the system categorizes the event as a fire
alarm, security alarm, supervisory event, trouble event, or
monitor event. Information about the event is added to a
corresponding message queue on the 3-LCD(XL) display
module. The information available in each queue is displayed
using the event queue buttons on the front of the 3-LCD(XL)
Note that for display purposes, security alarms and supervisory
events are both stored in the supervisory queue.
A panel can store up to 2,000 event messages.

Common event LEDs and queue buttons

The event queue LEDs act as a common event indicator, flashing
any time a new event is added to the queue.

Flashing LED indicates that an

event is in the queue that has
not been reviewed or
Alarm Supvr Trouble Monitor
LED on steady indicates that all
events in the queue have been
reviewed or acknowledged
LED off indicates that no events
are in the queue Message


When an event is received, the respective event queue LED

flashes, indicating that the event has not been reviewed or
1. Select the highest priority active queue by pressing the
respective queue button.
2. Scroll through all available event messages using
Previous/Next buttons.
You may use the Previous and Next Message or the queue
buttons to scroll through the activation messages at any time
after a queue is selected.

EST3 System Operation Manual 1.11


Flashing LED indicates that an
event is in the queue that has
not been reviewed or
Alarm Supvr Trouble Monitor
LED on steady indicates that all
events in the queue have been
reviewed or acknowledged
LED off indicates that no events
are in the queue Message

Alarm Supvr Trouble Monitor


2 [3LCDU4.CDR]

1.12 EST3 System Operation Manual


Optional features
The EST3 system can be configured with many optional features
that provide additional capabilities. Your system may include
some or all of these options, depending on the needs of your
facility. See the site-specific information provided by your
system installer to determine which options are installed.

Guard patrol
The guard patrol feature is used to monitor the activities of
security guards. Guards are required to walk any one of a
number of predetermined routes called tours. During each tour,
the guard must activate guard patrol stations that are strategically
located along the route. Should a guard activate a station too
early, too late, or out of sequence, an active guard patrol message
will be displayed on the 3-LCD(XL) display module.

2 4 2 4






10 to 15 minutes

14 to 18 minutes

7 to 10 minutes
7 to 10 minutes




3 3

3 to 5 minutes
1 5 1 5
Tour #1 Tour #2
25 to 30 minutes
2 4 2 4

10 to 15 minutes
7 to 10 minutes

3 3


to 4



1 3 to 5 minutes
5 1 3 to 5 minutes 5
Tour #3 Tour #4

2 4


Patrol Group Notes



1 Any station activated early, late, or out

7 to 10 minutes

14 to 18 minutes


of sequence will generate a guard



3 patrol alarm.
2 If a guard patrol alarm is generated,
the guard patrol must be restored to
clear the alarm.

Tour #5
Figure 1-3: Sample guard patrol route assignments

EST3 System Operation Manual 1.13


Figure 1-3 shows five guard patrol routes consisting of five

stations. The system designer has assigned a minimum and
maximum time allowance for the guard to go between any two
guard stations. If the guard arrives too early, too late or at the
wrong station, an active guard patrol event is generated.

Starting a tour
There are three ways to start a guard patrol tour:
• Activate the first guard patrol station on the route
• Enable the Guard Patrol group from the 3-LCD(XL) module
• Press a control/display panel button programmed to turn on
the Guard Patrol group
Note: A guard patrol station designated as the first station in one
guard patrol route can not be the first station in another route.

Ending a tour
A guard patrol tour is automatically ended when all stations on
the route have been successfully operated within the allowable
time period and in the proper sequence.
Should a tour end with an active guard patrol response, the
system must be reset to clear the guard patrol response.
Press the Details button to reveal the stations reporting in.

Clearing a guard patrol alarm

When a guard patrol alarm is generated, you must restore the
guard patrol route to clear the alarm. The steps are detailed later
in this manual.

Check-in groups
Check-in groups are used to monitor occupants in nursing care
facilities. Occupants must check in during their assigned check-
in period to signal that they are well. Failure to check in alerts an
attendant that something is wrong.
Check-in groups provide two indications when something is
wrong. The check-in group sends a Check-In Active message to
the 3-LCD(XL) display for each member of the group that fails
to check in on time. The check-in group sends an Emergency
Active message when the following happens:
• Any member of the group activates their check-in device any
time other than the check-in period
• Any member of the group activates their check-in device a
second time during the check-in period

1.14 EST3 System Operation Manual


Check-in active message

When a check-in active message is displayed, one or more
stations in the check-in group have not been activated during the
required time period. The check-in active messages may be
viewed in the monitor message queue to determine the location
of the event. Contact the late check-in station and determine the

Emergency active message

The emergency active message is displayed when a check-in
station is activated outside the check-in period. This is used to
signal an emergency condition such as a fall, etc. To determine
the location of the check-in station, view the event in the alarm
message queue.
Note: Emergency Active messages are placed in the alarm
message queue but the event does not place the panel into alarm.

System timers
The system has a number of optional timers that are required by
certain jurisdictions to comply with fire codes. Most of these
timer functions do not require operator action, however,
understanding the function of these optional timers (if enabled)
will improve your understanding of why the system functions as
it does.

Alarm silence/reset inhibit timer

The alarm silence/reset inhibit timer is used to guarantee that the
notification appliances will sound for the minimum specified
period. This timer effectively disables the alarm silence and reset
buttons for a predetermined period. While the timers are active,
pressing the alarm silence and reset buttons has no effect.
• Your system may be equipped with notification appliances
associated with the fire sprinkler system, which can not be
• Visual notification appliances can be configured not to turn
off when the audible notification appliances are silenced.

Automatic alarm silence timer

The automatic alarm silence timer is used to automatically
silence the notification appliances after a preset period, if they
have not been silenced using the alarm silence button. Typical
timer settings silence the signals from 5 to 30 minutes after

EST3 System Operation Manual 1.15


Automatic general alarm (GA) timer

Some systems are designed to permit a short investigation period
between the detection of a fire and sending a general alarm to the
entire facility. The automatic general alarm timer is used to
initiate the general alarm after a predetermined time period, if no
action has been taken by the operator to prevent the general
alarm from being sent.

Time controls
Time controls provide for the automatic starting and stopping of
system events based on time and date. Time controls run in the
background and do not require any operator action.

Setting holidays
The system provides for special time controls, referred to as
holiday time controls. Holiday time controls supersede the
normal time controls on dates that are designated as holidays.
The list of dates that are defined as holidays is entered into the
system from the 3-LCD(XL) display module.

Control/display module buttons

The buttons on a control/display module use one of three
available operating modes.
• Toggle - The state of the button changes each time the button
is pushed, i.e. “off” to “on” or “on” to “off.”
• Interlocked - Three adjacent toggle buttons that operate as a
group. Pushing any button in the group turns the output of
the other two buttons “off” and turns its own output “on.”
• Momentary - The button is “on” only while pressed by the
You may find multiple button modes on a single control/display
module. Consult your site-specific documentation for additional

Toggle buttons
Toggle buttons are commonly used to control two state
operations such as on/off, open/close, speaker select, telephone
select, etc. The output of an “on” button remains “on” during
panel reset, and must be manually turned “off” when no longer

Interlocked buttons
The interlocked mode is commonly used for hands-off auto
control of HVAC systems. An interlocked button in the “on”
state can be turned “off” without activating a second button by

1.16 EST3 System Operation Manual


pressing the “on” button a second time. The output of the “on”
button remains on, during panel reset, and must be manually
returned to “Auto” when no longer required.

Momentary buttons
Momentary buttons are typically to issue brief commands.
Example uses for momentary buttons: lamp tests, function reset,
and test sequences. The command is issued only while the button
is pressed.

EST3 System Operation Manual 1.17


Entering logical addresses

Each addressable device or circuit in the system has a logical
address. This includes panels, local rail modules, and devices.
Depending on the operation you are performing, you will be
prompted to enter a logical address in one of several formats.
Tip: Get an SDU Objects report for your system and keep it with
this documentation. The SDU Objects report lists all of the
addressable devices or circuits in the system and shows their
logical addresses.

The logical address format for a panel is PP, where PP is the
cabinet number (01 to 64). For example, enter 01 for the panel
designated as Cabinet 1.
(System-wide events that are not related to a particular cabinet
use panel number 00.)
To determine a cabinet's panel number, use the Command Menus
to request a Status report. Choose any type of list. The system
displays the cabinet's panel number as the default panel number.
Once you’ve noted the panel number, press the Backspace key to
exit from the function.

Local rail modules

Local rail modules include the rail modules that connect to the
local rail bus and the control/display modules. The logical
address format for a local rail module is PPCC, where:
• PP is the cabinet number of the panel containing the rail
• CC is the address of the rail module
• CC+32 is the address of the control/display module
connected to the rail module at slot address CC
For example, enter 0102 for the rail module installed in chassis
rail 1, slot 4 of Cabinet 1. Enter 0134 for the control/display
module connected to the rail module installed in chassis rail 1,
slot 4 of Cabinet 1.
Note: The rail-slot number and the slot address are not the same.
Slot addresses vary with the cabinet configuration. Refer to
Appendix A: System addresses.

Devices include the circuits, buttons, or LEDs that exist on the
local rail module and all addressable devices connected by the

1.18 EST3 System Operation Manual


field wiring. The address format for a device is PPCCDDDD,

• PP is the cabinet number of the panel containing the rail
• CC is the address of the rail module responsible for the
• DDDD is the address of the individual component or circuit
For example, Enter 01340129 for the first LED on the
control/display module connected to the rail module installed in
chassis rail 1, slot 4 of Cabinet 1.
The CRC Card Reader Controller and KPDISP Keypad Display
are devices supported by a 3-SAC module. However, they also
act as independent processors, and have their own points and
pseudo points. For this reason, their device numbers are further
You can think of a SAC device as having this address format:
PPCCSSDD: SS is the CRC or KPDISP device number, as
assigned during LRM configuration. DD is a point or pseudo
point within the device.

EST3 System Operation Manual 1.19


1.20 EST3 System Operation Manual

Chapter 2
3-LCD and 3-LCDXL operating instructions

This chapter provides a functional description of the controls and
indicators provided on the 3-LCD and 3-LCDXL display

Controls and indicators • 2.2
Creating a status report • 2.9
Disabling groups • 2.10
Enabling groups • 2.11
Disabling hardware components • 2.12
Enabling hardware components • 2.13
Arming security partitions • 2.14
Disarming security partitions • 2.16
Resetting security partitions • 2.17
Bypassing security devices • 2.18
Removing bypasses from security devices • 2.19
Guard patrol groups • 2.20
Starting a guard patrol • 2.20
Restoring a guard patrol • 2.20
Check-in groups • 2.21
Activating a check-in group • 2.21
Canceling a check-in sequence • 2.21
Restoring a check-in group • 2.22
Changing the smoke detector sensitivity level • 2.23
Changing event message routing • 2.24
Activating event alternate message routing • 2.24
Restoring event primary message routing • 2.24
Changing the output state of a relay or LED • 2.25
Creating reports • 2.26
Setting the system time and date • 2.29
Changing user access level passwords • 2.30
Restarting a panel • 2.31
Scheduling holidays • 2.32
Clearing the panel history file • 2.33
Testing alarm input devices • 2.34
Testing security input devices • 2.35
Testing Signature devices • 2.36
Testing the panel lamps and panel sounder • 2.37

EST3 System Operation Manual 2.1

3-LCD and 3-LCDXL operating instructions

Controls and indicators

1 2 3 4 5

Power Test CPU Gnd Disable

Fail Fault

Reset Alarm Panel Drill

Silence Silence

21 6

20 7

19 9
18 10

Alarm Supvr Trouble Monitor

1 2 3 Message
17 4 5 6

7 8 9 Details

0 Menus


16 15 14 13

2.2 EST3 System Operation Manual

3-LCD and 3-LCDXL operating instructions

1 2 3 4 5

Power Test CPU Gnd Disable

Fail Fault

Reset Alarm Panel Drill

Silence Silence
21 6

20 7



19 9
18 10

Alarm Supvr Trouble Monitor

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

16 17 15
Figure 2-1: 3-LCD and 3-LCDXL controls and indicators

EST3 System Operation Manual 2.3

3-LCD and 3-LCDXL operating instructions

Functional description of 3-LCD and 3-LCDXL controls and indicators (see Figure 2-1)
Control or
Index indicator Functional description
1 Power LED The Power LED indicates that mains AC is applied to the panel.
2 Test LED The Test LED indicates that a part of the system is in test mode.
A programmable timer automatically exits the test mode after a
period of system inactivity.
3 CPU Fail LED The CPU Fail LED indicates the CPU module has detected a
processor failure. Processor failures must be reset manually.
4 Gnd Fault LED The Gnd Fault LED indicates that the CPU module has detected
a ground fault.
5 Disable LED The Disable LED indicates that a point or zone has been
disabled using the Disable command.
6 Drill Button / LED Pressing the Drill button activates the Drill command function.
The Drill LED, when lit, indicates that the Drill command function
is active.
7 Panel Silence For U.S. Local and Canadian Local systems, pressing the Panel
Button / LED Silence button turns the CPU buzzer off. The Panel Silence LED,
when lit, indicates the panel is in an off-normal condition and the
panel has been placed in Panel Silence mode.
For U.S. Proprietary and Canadian Proprietary systems, the
Panel Silence button is not operational. The panel buzzer only
silences after all events have been acknowledged.
Note: The CPU buzzer can be configured to resound at a
regular interval to remind the operator that the panel has been
8 Liquid crystal 168 character, backlit alphanumeric display of system status.
display screen
9 Trouble Button / Pressing the Trouble button places the contents of the Trouble
LED queue onto the display screen for review. Active trouble events
are displayed in the order in which they are received. When a
trouble event is highlighted on the display, pressing the Trouble
button acknowledges the event and advances the display to the
next event.
The Trouble LED serves as a common trouble event indicator.
The LED, when flashing, indicates that there is an event in the
queue that has not been reviewed (local systems) or
acknowledged (proprietary systems). When on steady, the LED
indicates that all events in the queue have been reviewed or

2.4 EST3 System Operation Manual

3-LCD and 3-LCDXL operating instructions

Functional description of 3-LCD and 3-LCDXL controls and indicators (see Figure 2-1)
Control or
Index indicator Functional description
10 Monitor Button / Pressing the Monitor button places the contents of the Monitor
LED queue onto the display screen for review. Active monitor events
are displayed in the order in which they are received. When a
monitor event is highlighted on the display, pressing the Monitor
button acknowledges the event and advances the display to the
next event.
The Monitor LED serves as a common monitor event indicator.
The LED, when flashing, indicates that there is an event in the
queue that has not been reviewed (local systems) or
acknowledged (proprietary systems). When on steady, the LED
indicates that all events in the queue have been reviewed or
11 Previous Message For U.S. Local and Canadian Local systems, pressing the
Button Previous Message button scrolls the display to show the
preceding event in the selected event queue. Reviewing events
using the Previous Message button does not acknowledge the
For U.S. Proprietary and Canadian Proprietary systems, the
Previous event button is not operational. Events must be
acknowledged in order of their occurrence.
Note: Press and hold for auto-scroll.
12 Next Message For U.S. Local and Canadian Local systems, pressing the Next
Button Message button scrolls the display to show the following event in
the selected event queue. Reviewing events using the Next
Message button does not acknowledge the event.
For U.S. Proprietary and Canadian Proprietary systems, the
Next Message button is not operational. Events must be
acknowledged in order of their occurrence.
Note: Press and hold for auto-scroll.
13 Command Menus Pressing the Command Menus button displays the system
Button command menu to access the following system functions:
Status, Enable, Disable, Activate, Restore, Control Output,
Reports, Program, and Test
Pressing the button a second time returns the user to the current
event window.

EST3 System Operation Manual 2.5

3-LCD and 3-LCDXL operating instructions

Functional description of 3-LCD and 3-LCDXL controls and indicators (see Figure 2-1)
Control or
Index indicator Functional description
14 Details Button Pressing the Details button displays additional information about
the event highlighted on the display screen.
• For Zone Groups, pressing the Details button displays a list of
the active devices in the zone group.
• For Instruction Text Groups, pressing the Details button
displays the entire instruction text.
• For Maintenance Alerts, pressing the Details button displays a
list of the dirty devices.
• For Common Troubles, pressing the Details button displays a
list of the specific troubles for the selected device.
• For Guard Patrols, pressing the Details button displays the
offending station and indicates whether the activation was
caused because of an early, late, or out of sequence
15 Enter key Pressing the Enter key selects the highlighted menu option or
causes the system to start processing the information shown in
the display.
16 Delete / Backspace Pressing the Delete / Backspace key moves the cursor to the left
key of the current position and removes the character from the
display. The Delete / Backspace key is also used to cancel
functions and move the operator back through the menus.
17 Numeric Keypad Pressing any number key selects the menu item or enters the
respective number into the system for use in conjunction with
other system functions.
18 Alarm Button / LED Pressing the Alarm button places the contents of the Alarm
queue onto the display screen for review. Active alarm events
are displayed in the order in which they are received. When an
alarm event is highlighted on the display, pressing the Alarm
button acknowledges the event and advances the display to the
next event.
The Alarm LED serves as a common alarm event indicator. The
LED, when flashing, indicates that there is an event in the queue
that has not been reviewed (local systems) or acknowledged
(proprietary systems). When on steady, the LED indicates that
all events in the queue have been reviewed or acknowledged.

2.6 EST3 System Operation Manual

3-LCD and 3-LCDXL operating instructions

Functional description of 3-LCD and 3-LCDXL controls and indicators (see Figure 2-1)
Control or
Index indicator Functional description
19 Supvr Button / LED Pressing the Supervisory button places the contents of the
Supervisory queue onto the display screen for review. Active
supervisory events are displayed in the order in which they are
received. When a supervisory event is highlighted on the display,
pressing the Supervisory button acknowledges the event and
advances the display to the next event.
The Supervisory LED serves as a common supervisory event
indicator. The LED, when flashing, indicates that there is an
event in the queue that has not been reviewed (local systems) or
acknowledged (proprietary systems). When on steady, the LED
indicates that all events in the queue have been reviewed or
Note: Security events allow for multiple activations from the
same point. It is not uncommon for this to happen.
20 Alarm Silence Pressing the Alarm Silence button turns off the EVAC and
Button / LED ALERT channels, and all active audible and visible notification
appliance circuits. Pushing the button a second time turns the
notification appliance circuits back on. This button may be used
to cancel the drill signal.
The Alarm silence LED, when lit, indicates that the active
notification appliance circuits have been silenced.
Note: Project configuration settings affect the operation of the
Alarm Silence function
21 Reset Button / LED Pressing the Reset button activates the system’s reset sequence
to restore the system to normal.
The Reset LED flashes quickly during the smoke power-down
phase, flashes slowly during the power-up phase, is on steady
during the restoral phase, and is off when the system has reset.
• The Reset button is disabled as long as the alarm silence
inhibit timer is running
• The Reset button does not affect disabled points or manually
overridden functions
• The Reset button may not affect security or access control
devices. These points may be included in the supervisory or
monitor display queues.

EST3 System Operation Manual 2.7

3-LCD and 3-LCDXL operating instructions

Functional description of 3-LCD and 3-LCDXL controls and indicators (see Figure 2-1)
Control or
Index indicator Functional description
n/a Buzzer The buzzer on the CPU sounds to alert the operator to off-
normal system conditions, such as:
• Active alarms
• Active test or disabled zones
• Active fault conditions
• Active monitor conditions
The buzzer sounds a pattern associated with each event as
determined by the market place settings.
Alarm: 3-3-3 pattern
Supervisory: 2-2 pattern
Trouble: 15 pulses per minute
Monitor: 3-3-3 pattern

2.8 EST3 System Operation Manual

3-LCD and 3-LCDXL operating instructions

Creating a status report

Use the Status command to create reports of off-normal points,
or to determine the status of points in a security partition. The
Status command generates a list that you can view on the 3-
LCD(XL) display module or print on a local printer.
The Status Menu lets you choose the following reports:
• All active points
• Alarm points
• Supervisory points
• Trouble points
• Monitor points
• Test points
• Disabled points
• Output points
• Security points
On the Security Status Menu, you can choose between Partition
and Holdup status reports.

To create a status report:

1. Press the Command Menus button, then choose Status.

2. Choose the type of list you want to generate.
3. Enter the target panel’s 2-digit address (PP).
Choose a partition from the Partition List.
4. Do one of the following:
Choose Display if you want to view the list on the 3-
LCD(XL) module.
Choose Print Locally, then select a printer, if you want to
send the list to a printer connected to the local panel.

EST3 System Operation Manual 2.9

3-LCD and 3-LCDXL operating instructions

Disabling groups
A group is an object created during system programming.
Groups are required in order to execute certain system functions,
but groups bear no physical relationship to the system.
For example, smoke detectors can be assigned to the same zone
group even though they are not attached to the same wire run.
Disabling a group isolates the group from the system just as if it
were a hardware component. Disabling a zone group disables
each of the devices in the group individually. Disabling other
groups only disables the group response.
There are several types of group:
• And group
• Check-in group
• Matrix group
• Service group
• Guard patrol group
• Zone group
• Instruction text group
When you disable a group, the CPU lights the 3-LCD(XL)
Disable LED and places a Disabled Active event in the trouble
Note: Before disabling a group, you need to know which devices
are included in the group. You should be able to get a list of
logical groups and their members from the company that
installed the system.

To disable a group:

1. Press the Command Menus button, then choose Disable.

2. Choose Group.
3. Choose the group type.
4. Select the group from the list.
5. If prompted, enter a valid user access level password.

2.10 EST3 System Operation Manual

3-LCD and 3-LCDXL operating instructions

Enabling groups
A group is an object created during system programming.
Groups are required in order to execute certain system functions,
but groups bear no physical relationship to the system.
For example, smoke detectors can be assigned to the same zone
group even though they are not attached to the same wire run.
Enabling a group establishes the group as part of the system just
as if it were a hardware component. When enabled, any changes
in state that occurred while the group was disabled are processed.
Enabling a zone group enables each of the devices in the group
individually. Enabling other groups only enables their group
There are several types of group:
• And group
• Check-in group
• Matrix group
• Service group
• Guard patrol group
• Zone group
• Instruction text group

To enable a group:

1. Press the Command Menus button, then choose Enable.

2. Choose Group.
3. Choose the group type.
4. Select the group from the list.
5. If prompted, enter a valid user access level password.

EST3 System Operation Manual 2.11

3-LCD and 3-LCDXL operating instructions

Disabling hardware components

Disabling a hardware component isolates the component from
the system. While disabled, a component’s state changes are not
processed. For example, if a disabled smoke detector changes to
the alarm state, the panel will not go into alarm. The panel will
go into alarm if you enable the disabled smoke detector and the
smoke detector is still in the alarm state.
Hardware components include:
• Devices (input and output circuits, detectors, and modules)
• Rail modules
• Buttons
• LEDs
When you disable a hardware component, the CPU lights the 3-
LCD(XL) Disable LED and places a Disabled Active event in the
trouble queue.
Note: To disable a component you need the component’s logical
address. You can get component’s logical addresses from an
SDU Objects report.

To disable a hardware component:

1. Press the Command Menus button, then choose Disable.

2. Do one of the following:
• Choose Device to disable: input circuits, output circuits,
detectors, or modules
• Choose Card to disable: rail modules or control / display
• Choose Button to disable: control / display module
• Choose LED to disable: control / display module LEDs
3. Enter the target component’s logical address.
4. If prompted, enter a valid user access level password.

2.12 EST3 System Operation Manual

3-LCD and 3-LCDXL operating instructions

Enabling hardware components

Enabling a hardware component re-establishes a disabled
component as part of the system. When enabled, any changes in
state that occurred while the component was disabled are
processed. For example, if you enable a smoke detector that
changed to the alarm state while it was disabled the panel will go
into alarm.
Hardware components consist of:
• Devices (input and output circuits, detectors, and modules)
• Rail modules
• Buttons
• LEDs
To enable a disabled component you need the component’s
logical address. You can get a disabled component’s logical
address from the disabled points list.
Note: All components are enabled at startup, unless programmed
otherwise. The 3-LCD(XL) does not indicate a trouble for any
points disabled at startup and points disabled at startup are not
listed on the disabled points list.

To enable a hardware component:

1. Press the Command Menus button, then choose Enable.

2. Do one of the following:
• Choose Device to enable: input circuits, output circuits,
detectors, or modules
• Choose Card to enable: rail modules or control / display
• Choose Button to enable: control / display module
• Choose LED to enable: control / display module LEDs
3. Enter the component’s logical address.
4. If prompted, enter a valid user access level password.

EST3 System Operation Manual 2.13

3-LCD and 3-LCDXL operating instructions

Arming security partitions

A ‘Partition’ can comprise A security partition is a group of devices intended to secure a
any combination of physical area. When you arm a partition, you instruct the system
security, fire, supervisory, to monitor those devices for armed alarm events.
and monitor device types
as well as EST3 System Partitions can be armed for two states: Stay and Away. Arming to
Pseudo points. Note that Stay causes the system to monitor only those devices on the
only security device types perimeter of the protected area. This leaves you free to move
will generate security alarm about inside the partition. Arming to Away causes the system to
events. Partition alarm monitor all devices, both perimeter and interior.
events are not annunciated
on the 3-LCD(XL), they Before arming the partition, the system checks all the devices in
only get annunciated in the partition to ensure that they’re in the normal state. Typically,
FireWorks, Keypad Display if a device is off-normal it may prevent the partition from being
units, or as activated LEDs armed. However, you can elect to disable the off-normal device
on 3-ANNs and Envoy. and arm the remaining devices in the partition.
Non-security device types
will not trigger Partition When commanded to conditionally arm, the partition may arm
Alarm events. There is directly or may generate an error or warning under the following
virtually no limit on the conditions:
number of ‘objects’ that can
be assigned to a single • The Partition is configured to issue a warning (not error) for
partition. non-security objects that are “off-normal”. If non-security
objects are configured to issue an error on Partition arming,
then the Partition will always issue an error message and will
not arm conditionally when any one single error device is
“off-normal”. When this occurs, the Partition can only be
‘forced’ into an arm state.
• The total number of “off-normal” non-security devices plus
the total number of bypassed or disabled regular security
devices do not exceed the maximum number of
bypassed/disabled devices (as set in the 3-SDU.)
• When security devices are in a “Test” condition (see Testing
Security Devices), the Partition will arm with no warning
even if the number of devices in “Test” exceed the 3-SDU
setting for maximum number of bypassed/disabled devices.
Partitions can be commanded to arm unconditionally (i.e., forced
arm) irrespective of the error or warning conditions presented,
via the following methods:
• An SDU Rule activated by a switch on an EST3 panel.
• An unconditional arm command is issued via FireWorks.
This also requires the proper user access level.
Note: Issuing an unconditional forced arm command to a
Partition may result in undesirable false security alarm events.
After choosing to arm the partition, the system displays a list of
partitions. Scroll through this list and select the partition you
wish to arm.

2.14 EST3 System Operation Manual

3-LCD and 3-LCDXL operating instructions

Note: 3-LCD(XL) security commands are optional. Cabinet

configuration settings determine whether security commands
appear on the panel menus.

To arm a security partition:

1. Press the Command Menus button, then choose Security.

2. Choose Partition.
3. Choose the type of arming you want: Partition Away or
Partition Stay.
4. Scroll through the Partition List and choose the partition you
want to arm.
5. If prompted, enter a valid user access level password.

EST3 System Operation Manual 2.15

3-LCD and 3-LCDXL operating instructions

Disarming security partitions

A security partition is a group of devices intended to secure a
physical area. When you disarm a partition, you instruct the
system to stop monitoring those devices for armed alarm events.
When a partition is disarmed the system generates disarmed
alarm events, except for 24Hour security devices which always
generate armed alarm events.
When you choose the disarm command, the system checks all
the devices in the partition to ensure that they’re in a normal
state. If a device is in an off-normal condition while the partition
is armed, the panel will restore the armed event and activate the
disarmed event.
After you choose the disarm command, the system displays a list
of partitions. You scroll through this list and select the partition
you wish to disarm.
Note: Security commands are optional. Project configuration
settings determine whether security commands appear on the
panel menus.

To disarm a security partition:

1. Press the Command Menus button, then choose Security.

2. Choose Partition.
3. Choose Partition Disarm.
4. Scroll through the Partition List and choose the partition you
want to disarm.
5. If prompted, enter a valid user access level password.

2.16 EST3 System Operation Manual

3-LCD and 3-LCDXL operating instructions

Resetting security partitions

A security partition is a group of devices intended to secure a
physical area. When you reset a partition, you instruct the system
to update the status of the devices, then update the event
messages in all annunciator message queues.
When you choose the reset command, the system checks all the
devices in the partition to determine their current state. Event
messages previously stored in message queues are deleted, and
new event messages are added as required by the current state of
the devices.
After you choose the reset command, the system displays a list
of partitions. Only disarmed partitions can be reset. You scroll
through this list and select the partition you wish to reset.
Note: Security commands are optional. Cabinet configuration
and card access settings determine whether security commands
appear on the panel menus. The Partition Reset command has no
effect on fire alarm devices.

To restore a security partition:

1. Press the Command Menus button, then choose Security.

2. Choose Partition.
3. Choose Partition Reset.
4. Scroll through the Partition List and choose the partition you
want to reset.
5. If prompted, enter a valid user access level password.

EST3 System Operation Manual 2.17

3-LCD and 3-LCDXL operating instructions

Bypassing security devices

When you bypass a security device, the system suppresses the
device’s security alarm events, but continues to process all other
events (e.g. Tamper, Fault, and Maintenance). For example, say
a loading bay door is damaged so that the door contact cannot be
closed. This prevents arming of the partition. As a temporary
measure you can bypass the door contact to make it possible to
arm the partition.
Devices can only be bypassed and unbypassed while the
partition is disarmed. When armed, you cannot bypass or remove
While bypassed, the device’s alarm events are not processed.
The panel will go into alarm if you unbypass the device while it
is still in an alarm state.
Security points may be bypassed and disabled at the same time.
In this state, the disable takes priority and only the disable state
is annunciated. When the point becomes enabled, the bypass
indication will once again be displayed.
Note: To bypass a device you need the device’s logical address.
You can get device’s logical addresses from an SDU Objects
report. In addition, the SDU includes a setting that defines how
many points in a partition can be bypassed and still allow arming
of that partition.

To bypass a security device:

1. Press the Command Menus button, then choose Security.

2. Choose Device.
3. Choose Bypass.
4. Enter the logical address of the device.
5. If prompted, enter a valid user access level password.

2.18 EST3 System Operation Manual

3-LCD and 3-LCDXL operating instructions

Removing bypasses from security devices

When you remove a bypass from a security device, the system
resumes processing the device’s alarm events. The panel will go
into alarm if you remove a bypass from a device while it is in an
active state (i.e., in its otherwise alarm position).
To unbypass a device, you need the device’s logical address.
You can get the logical address from the Disabled Points list.

To remove a bypass from a security device:

1. Press the Command Menus button, then choose Security.

2. Choose Device.
3. Choose Remove Bypass.
4. Enter the logical address of the device.
5. If prompted, enter a valid user access level password.

EST3 System Operation Manual 2.19

3-LCD and 3-LCDXL operating instructions

Guard patrol groups

Guard patrol groups are used to monitor the activities of security
guards. A security guard can be required to walk any one of a
number of predetermined tours. During each tour, the guard must
activate guard patrol stations that are located along the tour.
When a guard activates a station too early, too late, or out of
sequence, the 3-LCD(XL) displays a Guard Patrol Active
message in the alarm message queue. The operator can press the
Details button to determine which station reported in.

Starting a guard patrol

Activating a guard patrol group starts the system’s early, late,
and out of sequence sensing mechanisms. If a station reports in
early, late, or out of sequence, the guard patrol sensing
mechanisms stop and the tour is ended.

To activate a guard patrol:

1. Press the Command Menus button, then choose Activate.

2. Choose Guard Patrol Route.
3. Select the guard patrol route from the list.
4. If prompted, enter a valid user access level password.

Restoring a guard patrol

When a guard patrol tour ends because a guard patrol station was
not activated at the proper time, you must restore the Guard
Patrol group to which the station belonged.

To restore a guard patrol:

1. Press the Command Menus button, then choose Restore.

2. Choose Guard Patrol Route.
3. Select the guard patrol route from the list.
4. If prompted, enter a valid user access level password.

2.20 EST3 System Operation Manual

3-LCD and 3-LCDXL operating instructions

Check-in groups
Check-In groups are used to monitor occupants in nursing care
facilities. Occupants must activate their check in device during
their assigned check-in period. The 3-LCD(XL) displays a
Check-In Active message for any member of a group that fails to
check in on time. Activating a check-in device anytime outside
the check-in period or a second time within the check-in period
sends an Emergency Active message to the 3-LCD(XL) display.

Activating a check-in group

Activating a check-in group starts the group’s check-in
sequence. The 3-LCD(XL) displays a Function Active, Check-In
Activate event to signal the operator that a check-in timer has
started. If every member of the group checks in, the group
automatically restores after the time-out period expires, and the
panel returns to normal operation.
If any member fails to check in, a Check-In Group Activate event
is generated for each failed check-in. Again, the Check-In
function will automatically restore upon expiration of the time-
out period.
Note: Normally time controls are used to activate check-in
groups. You can also use the Enable command to activate a
check-in group.

To activate a check-in group:

1. Press the Command Menus button, then choose Activate.

2. Choose Check-In Group.
3. Select the group from the list.
4. If prompted, enter a valid user access level password.

Canceling a check-in sequence

You cancel a check-in sequence by restoring the check-in group
before the check-in timer expires.

To cancel a check-in sequence:

1. Press the Command Menus button, then choose Restore.

2. Choose Check-In Group.
3. Select the check-in group from the list.
4. If prompted, enter a valid user access level password.

EST3 System Operation Manual 2.21

3-LCD and 3-LCDXL operating instructions

Restoring a check-in group

Typically, when all members of the check-in group respond
within the time-out period (as established in the 3-SDU), the
Function Active, Check-In Activate event restores automatically
and no other events associated with the check-in group will be
reported. However, if any member fails to respond within the
time-out period, the following sequence must be enacted to
restore the check-in devices to the group at the conclusion of the
time-out period. Otherwise, EST3 will consider those devices as
being out-of-service for all subsequent check-in group
Note: The check-in group time-out period must be expired and
member devices must have failed to respond. Otherwise,
activating member devices under otherwise normal conditions
will trigger an emergency alarm event.

To restore devices that did not respond within the time-out


• Activate and restore each check-in device that did not

respond within the time-out period.

2.22 EST3 System Operation Manual

3-LCD and 3-LCDXL operating instructions

Changing the smoke detector sensitivity level

Smoke detectors can operate using two levels of sensitivity,
called primary sensitivity and alternate sensitivity. The system
configures smoke detectors to use their primary sensitivity level
(typically, less sensitive) during normal business hours. A time
control then reconfigures the smoke detectors to use their
alternate sensitivity level (typically, more sensitive) after hours
when the premises are unoccupied.
You can use menu commands to manually switch between
sensitivity levels as required. To change to the alternate
sensitivity level, you activate alternate sensitivity. To change to
primary sensitivity level, you restore primary sensitivity.
Note: You should be able to get a list of the primary and
alternate sensitivity setting for each smoke detector from the
company that installed the system.

To change to alternate sensitivity level:

1. Press the Command Menus button, then choose Activate.

2. Choose Alt. Sensitivity.
3. If prompted, enter a valid user access level password.

To change to primary sensitivity level:

1. Press the Command Menus button, then choose Restore.

2. Choose Primary Sensitivity.
3. If prompted, enter a valid user access level password.

EST3 System Operation Manual 2.23

3-LCD and 3-LCDXL operating instructions

Changing event message routing

Each device in the system is configured with a primary and
alternate message routing. When a device in the system changes
state, the panel connected to the device produces an event. The
panel distributes the event according to the active message
routing setting that is active at the time.

Activating event alternate message routing

Activating the alternate event message routing directs the panel
to use the alternate routing destinations for any device that
changes state.

To activate event alternate message routing:

1. Press the Command Menus button, then choose Activate.

2. Choose Alt Message Route
3. If prompted, enter a valid user access level password.

Restoring event primary message routing

Restoring the primary message directs the panel to use the
primary routing destinations for any device that changes state.

To restore event primary message routing:

1. Press the Command Menus button, then choose Restore.

2. Choose Primary Msg Route
3. If prompted, enter a valid user access level password.

2.24 EST3 System Operation Manual

3-LCD and 3-LCDXL operating instructions

Changing the output state of a relay or LED

Use the Control Output command to change the output state of a
relay or LED.
• A relay module can be On (energized) or Off (deenergized).
In the energized state, the relay module’s normally-open
contacts are held closed and the normally-closed contacts are
held open.
• An LED can be off, on, blink slow, or blink fast. The fast
and slow blinking rate is determined by the marketplace.
Changing the output state of a relay or LED requires entering a
command priority level.

Priority Description
Set This priority overrides low, medium, and high
priority instructions and forces the device to the
desired state. The set priority does not reset the
device’s priority counters.
Latch This priority overrides low, medium, and high
priority instructions and forces the device to the
desired state. The latch priority does reset the
device’s priority counters.
Low This priority forces the device to the desired state
and adjusts the low priority counter accordingly.
Medium This priority forces a device to the desired state
and adjusts the medium priority counter
High This priority forces a device to the desired state
and adjusts the high priority counter accordingly.

To change the output state of a relay or LED:

1. Press the Command Menus button, then choose Activate.

2. Choose the device type.
3. Select the desired output state.
4. Select the priority this command has over other commands
affecting the same device.
5. Enter the target device’s 8-digit logical address
6. If prompted, enter a valid user access level password.

EST3 System Operation Manual 2.25

3-LCD and 3-LCDXL operating instructions

Creating reports
The Reports command generates a report that you can view on
the 3-LCD(XL) display module or print on the local printer.
Three types of report are available:
• Device Maintenance
• History
• Revisions
• Modcom Compliance
Device Maintenance: a list of detectors and the amount of
environmental compensation they have used. You can choose to
list devices in several ways.
History: a chronological list of events that have occurred on a
panel since the panel was placed into service or since the last
time the history was cleared.
Two versions of the History report are available: History With
Text, and History Without Text. History With Text only includes
devices for the targeted panel in the report. History Without Text
includes devices for all panels in the report.
Revisions: a list of all the hardware and software components
installed in a panel and their revision levels.
Modcom Compliance: lists the NFPA 72 compliance level of
all 3-MODCOM modules in a given panel.

To create a Device Maintenance report:

1. Press the Command Menus button, then choose Report.

2. Choose device maintenance.
3. Do one of the following:
• Choose Dirty Devices >80% then enter the target panel
address (PP).
• Choose Dirty Devices >20% then enter the target panel
address (PP).
• Choose Single Device then enter the target device
address (PPCCDDDD).
• Choose Devices On A Card to get the compensation
level for all the detectors on a single loop then enter the
target loop’s logical address (PPCCL).
4. Send the list to the display or to the printer. If you choose to
send the list to the printer, choose Printer 1 if the printer is
connected to port 1 or Printer 2 if connected to port 2.

2.26 EST3 System Operation Manual

3-LCD and 3-LCDXL operating instructions

Note: If the device maintenance report is being run on a

Addressable Analog Driver Controller, use the following table to
determine sensitivity levels.

Addressable Analog Driver Controller device maintenance report sensitivity levels

Alarm Alarm Alarm Trouble
Type Trouble Normal
level 1 level 2 level 3 short
Photo 400 520 - 1610 1710 2050 2390 N/A
Ion 400 600 - 1710 1810 1960 2110 N/A
Thermal 400 500 - 1900 N/A N/A 2000 N/A
Monitor 600 750 - 1300 N/A N/A 1400 1800
Control 600 750 - 1300 N/A N/A N/A 1400

Note: For additional information, refer to the device’s

installation sheet.

EST3 System Operation Manual 2.27

3-LCD and 3-LCDXL operating instructions

To create a History report:

1. Press the Command Menus button, then choose Report.

2. Choose History.
3. Choose History With Text or History Without Text.
4. Enter the target panel’s 2-digit address (PP).
5. Send the list to the display or to the printer. If you choose to
send the list to the printer, choose Printer 1 if the printer is
connected to port 1 or Printer 2 if connected to port 2.

To create a Revisions report:

1. Press the Command Menus button, then choose Report.

2. Choose Revision Levels.
3. Enter the target panel’s 2-digit address (PP).
4. Send the list to the display or to the printer. If you choose to
send the list to the printer, choose Printer 1 if the printer is
connected to port 1 or Printer 2 if connected to port 2.

To create a Modcom Compliance report:

1. Press the Command Menus button, then choose Report.

2. Choose Modcom Compliance.
3. Enter the target panel’s 2-digit address (PP).
4. Send the list to the display or to the printer. If you choose to
send the list to the printer, choose Printer 1 if the printer is
connected to port 1 or Printer 2 if connected to port 2.

2.28 EST3 System Operation Manual

3-LCD and 3-LCDXL operating instructions

Setting the system time and date

Set the system time and date to configure the panel’s time of day
and date reference. Set the system time and date when the panel
is first placed in service.
The system time of day is set in 24-hour format (HHMMSS),
where: HH is the hour, MM is the minutes, and SS is the
For example:

Enter this value

(HHMMSS) To set this time
000000 12 midnight
010000 1 a.m.
115900 11:59 a.m.
120000 12 noon
130000 1 p.m.
235930 11:59:30 p.m.

To set the system time of day reference:

1. Press the Command Menus button, then choose Program.

2. Choose Change Time.
3. Enter the time in 24-hour format (HHMMSS)
4. If prompted, enter a valid user access level password.
The system date is set in a month/date/year format
(MMDDYYYY), where: MM is the month number, DD is the
date, and YYYY is the year. For example, to set the date for
January 1, 1999, enter 01011999.

To change the system date reference:

1. Press the Command Menus button, then choose Program.

2. Choose Change Date.
3. Enter the date (MMDDYYYY).
4. If prompted, enter a valid user access level password.

EST3 System Operation Manual 2.29

3-LCD and 3-LCDXL operating instructions

Changing user access level passwords

You should change the access level passwords from their default
values to prevent unauthorized access to system. You may not
use the same password for more than one access level. The
system default passwords are as follows:

Access Default Access level

Level password required to
Level 1 1111 Level 2
Level 2 2222 Level 3
Level 3 3333 Level 4
Level 4 4444 Level 5

Caution: Before changing a password, be sure to write it down

on a sheet of paper and store it in a safe place.

To change a user access level password:

1. Press the Command Menus button, then choose Program.

2. Choose Edit Password.
3. Select the user access level password you want to change.
4. Enter the new 4-digit password.
5. If prompted, enter a valid user access level password.

2.30 EST3 System Operation Manual

3-LCD and 3-LCDXL operating instructions

Restarting a panel
Restarting a panel initiates the panel’s start up processes without
first turning off the operating power.

To restart a panel:

1. Press the Command Menus button, then choose Program.

2. Choose Restart.
3. Choose whether to restart a single panel or all panels on the
network. If you choose to restart a single panel, then enter
the target panel’s 2-digit address (PP).
4. If prompted, enter a valid user access level password.

EST3 System Operation Manual 2.31

3-LCD and 3-LCDXL operating instructions

Scheduling holidays
Holidays vary from installation to installation and may change
from year to year. By scheduling holidays, a panel can activate a
time-controlled event based on whether the day is a scheduled
Note: Each panel can store up to 255 holidays.

To schedule a holiday:

1. Press the Command Menus button, then choose Program.

2. Choose Edit Holiday List.
3. Choose Add Holiday.
4. Enter the holiday’s month and date (MMDD).
5. If prompted, enter a valid user access level password.

To delete a holiday from the list:

1. Press the Command Menus button, then choose Program.

2. Choose Edit Holiday List.
3. Select Delete Holiday.
4. Select the holiday from the list.
5. If prompted, enter a valid user access level password.

To change a holiday:

1. Press the Command Menus button, then choose Program.

2. Choose Edit Holiday List.
3. Choose Edit Holiday.
4. Select a holiday from the list.
5. Enter the new month and date (MMDD).
6. If prompted, enter a valid user access level password.

2.32 EST3 System Operation Manual

3-LCD and 3-LCDXL operating instructions

Clearing the panel history file

Clearing the panel’s history file:
• Resets the alarm history counter on the 3-LCD(XL) display
• Erases the list of events that occurred on the panel since the
panel was placed into service or the last time the history file
was cleared.
Caution: Clearing the panel history file means that all history
data for the panel is permanently deleted. Entering panel 99
clears history on all panels in the network. This command
requires a level 4 password, and is for use by an authorized
service technician only.

To clear the alarm history:

1. Press the Command Menus button.

2. Choose Program, then choose Clear History.
3. Enter the panel number.
4. If prompted, enter a valid user access level password.

EST3 System Operation Manual 2.33

3-LCD and 3-LCDXL operating instructions

Testing alarm input devices

In order to test an alarm input device, the device must be part of
a service group. Service groups allow alarm input devices to be
activated without placing the system into alarm. The protected
premises may be divided into more than one service group to
make testing possible without leaving the entire premises
Without any additional programming, you can test alarm input
devices by:
• Putting the service group into test
• Activating each of the devices in the service group
• Verifying each of the devices show up on the active points
• Canceling the test
Note: Putting a service group into test introduces a Service
Group Active event in the trouble queue. You can press the
Details button to verify which service group is in test.

To put a service group into test:

1. Press the Command Menus button, then choose Test.

2. Choose Start Test.
3. Select the service group.
4. If prompted, enter a valid user access level password.

To cancel the test:

1. Press the Command Menus button, then choose Test.

2. Choose Cancel Test.
3. Select the service group that is in test.
4. If prompted, enter a valid user access level password.
Note: A service group will automatically time-out and cancel
after approximately 1 hour of inactivity.

2.34 EST3 System Operation Manual

3-LCD and 3-LCDXL operating instructions

Testing security input devices

The information provided in section “Testing alarm input
devices” applies equally to all security input devices. However,
there are certain nuances that apply to security devices only.
With the service group activated, security devices will generate
Test Events only in accordance with their expected operation
relative to their armed conditions.
The following example applies equally for all security device
For Security Interior devices, if the partition is disarmed or
armed stay, Test Events will not be generated on the activation
of the device. If the partition is armed away, Test Events will be
generated on the activation of the device. However, there is a
slight exception. If, after activating the Service Group, the
Security Interior device is activated (and not restored) while the
partition is disarmed, a Test Event will be generated immediately
when the partition is armed even if the armed state is stay.
The exception in the above example happens as a result of a
status update that occurs for all partition devices when partitions
are armed. On evaluating the results of the status update, EST3
generates the Test Events after recognizing the active state of the
security device with respect to the active state of the Service
Group irrespective of the device type and armed conditions. This
applies to all security device types.
Another rule that applies for security devices is that partitions
must be disarmed and reset in order to clear all security Test
Events from the Monitor queues in both EST3 and FireWorks.
Canceling the service group test is not sufficient.

EST3 System Operation Manual 2.35

3-LCD and 3-LCDXL operating instructions

Testing Signature devices

From the 3-LCD(XL) you can place a Signature device into the
alarm, prealarm, or trouble condition for testing. Signature
devices include all sensors, modules, and security devices. To
test a Signature device, the device must be connected to a 3-
SSDC1 or 3-SDDC1.
For latching devices, you must reset the panel to restore the
tested device to its normal state. Nonlatching devices restore
automatically without resetting the panel.

WARNING: The AlarmTest command puts the device into alarm

condition and activates its programmed alarm responses.

To test a Signature device:

1. Press the Command Menus button, then choose Test.

2. Choose Signature Device Test.
3. Choose Alarm, etc, Prealarm, etc, or Trouble.
4. Enter the device address and press the enter button.
5. When prompted, enter a valid user access level password.

2.36 EST3 System Operation Manual

3-LCD and 3-LCDXL operating instructions

Testing the panel lamps and panel sounder

From the 3-LCD(XL) you can test all the LEDs on the panel and
the panel sounder. Performing a lamp test lights all LEDs on the
panel and turns on the panel sounder for 10 seconds. After the
test is finished, the LCD returns to its normal state display.

To perform a lamp teat:

1. Press the Command Menus button, then choose Test.

2. Choose Lamp Test.

EST3 System Operation Manual 2.37

3-LCD and 3-LCDXL operating instructions

2.38 EST3 System Operation Manual

Chapter 3
3-ASU operating instructions

This chapter provides a functional description of the controls and
indicators provided on the 3-ASU Audio Source Unit. The
3-ASU is the control point for all the audio signals distributed by
the system.

Controls and indicators • 3.2
Operation the Audio Source Unit • 3.4
Event signaling • 3.4
Basic response tasks • 3.5
Paging sequence • 3.5
Phone page • 3.5
Paging with the remote microphone • 3.6
Optional audio zone controls • 3.7

EST3 System Operation Manual 3.1

3-ASU operating instructions

Controls and indicators

1 2


Ready to
All Call

All Call





Figure 3-1: 3-ASU controls and indicators

3.2 EST3 System Operation Manual

3-ASU operating instructions

Functional description of 3-ASU controls and indicators (see Figure 3-1)

Control or
Index Indicator Functional Description
1 Push-To-Talk Push the PTT switch and wait for the Ready to Page LED
(PTT) Switch (item 4) to light steadily before making an announcement.
2 Paging Speak into the microphone to make an announcement.
3 Page Level Meter Indicates paging volume. When paging, speak at a level that
causes the far right LED to only flicker occasionally.
4 Ready to Page Green LED flashes during pre-announcement tone, then is on
LED steady when the system is ready to page.
5 All Call Green LED on indicates the 3-ASU is in the All Call mode.
Switch/LED Pressing the All Call switch directs the page to all areas of the
facility. To exit the All Call mode, press the switch a second
time or press the All Call Minus, EVAC, or Alert switches.
6 All Call Minus Green LED on indicates the 3-ASU is in the All Call Minus
Switch/LED mode. Pressing the All Call Minus switch directs the page to
the areas of the facility which have not been automatically
selected to receive the EVAC or Alert tone/message. To exit
the All Call Minus mode, press the switch a second time or
press the All Call, EVAC, or Alert switches.
7 Phone Page Green LED on indicates the 3-ASU is in the Phone Page
Switch/LED mode. Pressing the Phone Page switch replaces the paging
microphone (item 2) with the firefighter’s telephone system.
Individuals in remote areas of the facility can then issue a
page via the firefighter’s telephone system. All phone paging
is under the direct control of the 3-ASU operator. Press the
switch a second time to disconnect the Phone Page mode.
8 EVAC Switch/LED Green LED on indicates the 3-ASU is in the EVAC mode.
Pressing the EVAC switch directs the page to areas of the
facility which are automatically receiving the evacuation
tone/message. To exit the EVAC mode, press the switch a
second time or press the All Call, All Call Minus, or Alert
9 Alert Switch/LED Green LED on indicates the 3-ASU is in the Alert mode.
Pressing the Alert switch directs the page to areas of the
facility which are automatically receiving the Alert
tone/message. To exit the Alert mode, press the switch a
second time or press the All Call, All Call Minus, or EVAC

EST3 System Operation Manual 3.3

3-ASU operating instructions

Operation the Audio Source Unit

The function of a life safety system is to alert people occupying a
facility of an emergency. The Audio Source Unit is designed to
permit rapid selection and paging to the affected areas of the
facility. For example, the page signal automatically overrides
any other signals.

Event signaling
In large facilities, the people most effected by an emergency
should be instructed to evacuate the area immediately, and
people not in immediate danger should receive an alert signal.
Since most large facilities have a significant number of transient
occupants, the most effective signaling is a combination of
attention getting tones, followed by instructional messages.
The information provided here is general in nature. Each facility
is unique. The life safety system in your facility has been
designed by fire safety professionals to meet the specific
requirements of the fire codes in your location. Please refer to
the site-specific instructions provider by the installer to
determine the exact operation of your system.

Evacuation (EVAC) Signaling

The evacuation signal notifies facility occupants that they are in
immediate danger, and must evacuate the area. Evacuation
signals can take the form of bells, horns, tones, and audio
messages. Accompanying the audio message is a visual
notification appliance, typically a flashing strobe light.
The system automatically activates all the evacuation signals in
the affected areas of the facility.

Alert Signaling (optional)

The alert signal notifies the occupants of a facility that: an
emergency event is in progress; they are not in immediate
danger; and they should prepare to evacuate, but not to evacuate
at this time. Alert signals are typically tones or audio messages.
The system automatically activates the alert signals (if
programmed in your system) in the affected areas of the facility.

Page Messages
The most reliable source of information about an emergency
event comes from the individual who is in charge of the facility
during the emergency. This individual is typically the fire chief
or facility manager. The page function permits the individual in
charge to make announcements to selected portions of the

3.4 EST3 System Operation Manual

3-ASU operating instructions

building, advising occupants of what actions to take for safe

egress, etc.

Basic response tasks

The basic tasks in responding to an emergency event are:
1. Use the All Call function to announce the arrival of the fire
department, making any necessary announcements.
2. Use the Page to Evac function to reinforce the evacuation of
the occupants in areas receiving the evacuation signal. As an
example, occupants may be directed to follow the evacuation
plan, not to use the elevators, etc.
3. Use the Page to Alert function to notify the areas not in
immediate danger to prepare to evacuate, or that people in
the evacuation area may be entering their area as an area of
4. Use the All Call Minus switch to make announcements to
areas of the facility not receiving the Evac or Alert signals,
as required. Stairwells are typical areas accessed using the
All Call Minus page function.
5. The zone page controls may be used to manually select
paging areas.

Paging sequence
Select the areas to receive the page by pressing the appropriate
page function switch(s). The switch’s integral LED will be on
steady when the system is ready to receive the page.
Press the PTT switch on the microphone. The Ready to Page
LED will flash while the pre-announcement tone is sounding.
Begin the announcement once the Ready to Page LED is on
steady. Adjust your voice level so that the far right LED on the
volume meter only flickers occasionally. Release the PTT switch
when the announcement is finished. The system will turn off the
page, and return to its pre-page condition after a short delay.
Note: The local microphone has priority over a telephone page,
which has priority over a remote microphone page.
Each installation is customized. Please refer to your site-specific
documentation to determine which areas of your facility
automatically receives the page, or how to select the areas to
receive the page.

Phone page
If your system is equipped with a firefighter’s telephone circuit,
you can connect the telephone circuit to the page function by
pressing the Phone Page switch. This permits an individual

EST3 System Operation Manual 3.5

3-ASU operating instructions

talking on the firefighter’s telephone system to make

announcements over the paging system.
Establish the phone connection over the Firefighter’s Telephone
Control Unit. Select the areas to receive the page the same way
as if it were to be originated using the microphone. Instruct the
individual who is remote paging to begin speaking after the pre-
announcement tone has finished. Press the Phone Page Switch
and begin the phone page. The phone page is under complete
control of the 3-ASU/FT, and may be interrupted at any time by
pressing the Phone Page switch a second time.

Paging with the remote microphone

If your system is equipped with the remote paging microphone,
it may be used to issue pages throughout the facility. The remote
microphone page is automatically overridden by any pages
issued by the local microphone in the Audio Source Unit or a
phone page.
Each remote microphone installation is customized. Please refer
to your site-specific documentation to determine which areas of
your facility automatically receives the page, or how to select the
areas to receive the page.

3.6 EST3 System Operation Manual

3-ASU operating instructions

Optional audio zone controls

The system can provide total manual control of the paging
signals. This permits the individual in charge to extend the
coverage area of the page beyond the pre-programmed areas.
Your system may have the option of manually directing the page
message using one of the types of control/display modules
shown in Figure 3-2. The specific type and location of these
displays will vary, however the basic functions are similar.

Figure 3-2: Control/display module options

Pressing a zone select switch on the displays shown in Figure

3-2A and Figure 3-2B adds that zone to any zones selected by
the page function switches on the Audio Source Unit. The LED
in the upper left corner of each floor’s control/display module is
on when the floor is selected. The LED in the lower left corner
on display B is used to annunciate trouble on an amplifier or
notification appliance circuit associated with the zone.
The control/display module shown in Figure 3-2C is used to
manually direct the Evac and Alert signals as well as the page

EST3 System Operation Manual 3.7

3-ASU operating instructions

message to individual areas of the facility. The LEDs can be

programmed to follow any automatic system responses as well
as manual audio zone selections.
The control/display module shown in Figure 3-2D is used to
manually direct the Evac signal and pages to individual areas of
the facility. The center switch is inoperative. This configuration
is typically used in facilities where the alert signal is
automatically sent to all areas not receiving the evacuation
signal. The LEDs follow any automatic system responses as well
as manual audio zone selections. The Status LED can be
programmed to indicate the trouble state of the zone amplifier.

3.8 EST3 System Operation Manual

Chapter 4
3-FTCU operating instructions

This chapter provides a functional description of the controls and
indicators provided on the 3-FTCU Firefighter Telephone
Control Unit.

Controls and indicators • 4.2
Operation • 4.4
Normal condition • 4.4
Trouble condition • 4.4
Answering incoming calls • 4.5
Disconnecting calls • 4.7
Paging by phone • 4.8

EST3 System Operation Manual 4.1

3-FTCU operating instructions

Controls and indicators

1 2 3 4


0 Calls Pending

Unit: ok


To Answer call, LIFT PHONE HANDSET and,
Press CONNECT to select call pending
Press REVIEW PENDING to scroll pending for connection
Press ACK to silence phone call-in buzzer
Press DISCONNECT to terminate a call
Press REVIEW CONNECTED to select active calls for disconnect


Figure 4-1: 3-FTCU controls and indicators

4.2 EST3 System Operation Manual

3-FTCU operating instructions

Functional description of 3-FTCU controls and indicators (see Figure 4-1)

Control or
Index Indicator Functional Description
1 Master Telephone The master telephone handset permits the operators to
Handset communicate with dedicated firefighter telephone stations
which are strategically located throughout the facility.
2 Connect Switch The connect switch connects the incoming calls to the master
telephone handset.
3 Review Pending The review pending switch scrolls the list of pending incoming
Switch calls.
4 ACKnowledge The acknowledge switch silences the call-in buzzer.
5 LCD Display The LCD display shows the status of the firefighter telephone
system. The display is backlit in the alarm mode and when an
incoming call is received.
6 Disconnect Switch The disconnect switch is used to remove the connected phone
which is shown in reversed text on the bottom of the display.
7 Review The review connected switch scrolls the list of connected calls
Connected Switch on the bottom of the display.
8 Instruction This card is a set of phone operating instructions.

EST3 System Operation Manual 4.3

3-FTCU operating instructions

The operational status of the phone system can be determined by
using the 3-FTCU LCD display.

Normal condition
When there is no activity on the system the screen appears as
shown in Figure 4-2. The top line indicates that there are no
incoming calls pending.

0 Calls Pending Pending Call Counter

Title Block

Unit: ok Phone System Status


Figure 4-2: Normal 3-FTCU Display

The bottom line indicates the 3-FTCU unit status. “OK” means
that there are no troubles with the phone system.

Trouble condition
When there is a fault on the firefighter telephone system, a fault
indication will appear on the bottom of the display, as shown in
Figure 4-3. Local faults may appear on the second line of the
display. Circuit faults require the use of the 3-LCD(XL) display
module to find the specific cause of the problem.

0 Calls Pending Pending Call Counter

Handset Off Hook Local Trouble Indicator

Title Block

Unit: Trouble Phone System Status


Figure 4-3: Trouble 3-FTCU Display.

4.4 EST3 System Operation Manual

3-FTCU operating instructions

Answering incoming calls

An incoming call is initiated when a firefighter telephone is
taken off-hook or plugged into a remote telephone jack. The
caller hears a tone, indicating the connection is good, and the
call-in buzzer is activated at the 3-FTCU.

The number of incoming calls is always listed on the top line of
the display. The identification of the incoming call appears in
reversed text on the second line of the display, as shown in
Figure 4-4. Should multiple calls be pending, the reversed text
display will slowly sequence through the incoming calls.

2 Calls Pending Pending Call Counter

First FL stairwell Pending Call Identification

(multiple pending call are
displayed sequentially)
0 Calls Connected Connected Calls Counter


Figure 4-4: Incoming Call, 3-FTCU Display

To answer an incoming call

1. Silence the call-in buzzer by pressing the ACK

(acknowledge) switch. The buzzer will re-sound each time a
new incoming call is received.
2. If multiple calls are shown in the display, stop the call
identifier sequencing by pressing the Review Pending switch
once. Each additional activation of the Review Pending
switch manually steps the display through the list of
incoming calls. When the desired call appears on the
pending calls identification line, stop stepping through the
3. To answer the selected call, press the Connect switch. The
call identifier will move from the pending calls identification
line of the display to the connected call list at the bottom of
the display, as shown in Figure 4-5. Once connected, you
may begin your conversation.

EST3 System Operation Manual 4.5

3-FTCU operating instructions

1 Calls Pending Pending Call Counter

Pending Call Identification

1 Calls Connected Connected Calls Counter

First FL stairwell Connected Call Identification


Figure 4-5: 3-FTCU Display - One Connected Call and One

Pending Call

Notice in Figure 4-5 that the calls connected counter

indicates one call connected, the first floor stairwell phone,
and the pending call counter decremented to show the one
remaining incoming call from the second floor stairwell
4. To add the second floor stairwell phone to the conversation,
press the Connect switch again. Because there is only one
call pending, there is no need to scroll through incoming

0 Calls Pending Pending Call Counter

2 Calls Connected Connected Calls Counter

Reversed text indicates
the selected connected call
First FL stairwell
Connected Calls
Identification List

Figure 4-6: 3-FTCU Display, Two Connected Calls

The connected calls counter indicates that two phone circuits are
connected, and both calls now appear in the connected calls
identification list. The two stairwell phones and the 3- FTCU
master handset are connected together in a party line connection,
and may communicate with each other.
Up to five phone circuits can be connected in a party line
connection. A full complement of connected circuits is shown in
Figure 4-7.

4.6 EST3 System Operation Manual

3-FTCU operating instructions

0 Calls Pending Pending Call Counter

5 Calls Connected Connected Calls Counter

Connected Calls
First FL stairwell
Identification List
Reversed text indicates
Penthouse the selected connected call
First FL stairwell

Figure 4-7: 3-FTCU Display, Five Connected Calls

Disconnecting calls
When a calling party is ready to hang up or remove a phone from
its jack, the operator should disconnect the call as described

To disconnect a call

1. Press the Review Connected switch until the call to be

disconnected is displayed in reversed text. In Figure 4-7, the
Penthouse phone is selected.
2. Press the Disconnect switch. The call will be removed from
the connected calls list and added to the pending calls list as
shown in Figure 4-8 below. When the remote phone is hung
up or removed from the phone jack, it will be removed from
the calls pending list.

1 Calls Pending Pending Call Counter

Penthouse Pending Call Identification
4 Calls Connected Connected Calls Counter

Connected Calls
First FL stairwell
Identification List

First FL stairwell Reversed text indicates

the selected connected call

Figure 4-8: 3-FTCU Display, One Pending Call and Four

Connected Calls

3. Hanging up the master handset in the 3-FTCU transfers all

connected calls to the calls pending list. If the remote phones
have not been hung-up within 20 seconds, the call in buzzer
will resound.

EST3 System Operation Manual 4.7

3-FTCU operating instructions

Paging by phone
The phone page feature of the 3-ASU audio source unit permits
individuals with access to a remote firefighter telephone to make
announcements over the emergency voice/alarm communications
system, under the supervision of the Audio Source Unit operator.
1. Establish a phone connection with the remote phone which is
to issue the page.
2. Set up the areas to receive the page using one of the ASU
page area functions and/or manual switch selection of
additional audio zones.
3. When ready to begin the paging sequence, the ASU operator
should press the Phone Page switch.
4. Begin the announcement. The 3-ASU operator can monitor
the page using the master handset.

4.8 EST3 System Operation Manual

Appendix A
System addresses

This appendix provides a quick reference for interpreting the
mapping of system addresses.

Address format • A.2
LRM addresses • A.4
Control / display module addresses • A.8
Device addresses • A.10

EST3 System Operation Manual A.1

System addresses

Address format
Tip: To determine a local The system derives the addresses it assigns from the panel’s
panel's cabinet number, cabinet number and the LRM’s location within the panel (see
use the 3-LCD command Figure A-1). The basic address format is PPCCDDDD, where:
menu to get the status on
all the active points on the PP is the panel’s cabinet number. The cabinet number is
panel. When prompted for assigned when the installer downloads the CPU database into the
a panel number, enter 00. panel.
The panel returns the
startup response point's CC is the LRM’s slot address. The cabinet number and the slot
logical address. The first address make up the LRM’s logical address.
two numbers of the logical DDDD is the device’s point address. The LRM’s logical address
address is the cabinet
and device’s point address make up the device or circuit’s logical
The CRC Card Reader Controller and KPDISP Keypad Display
are devices supported by a 3-SAC module. However, they also
act as independent processors, and have their own points and
pseudo points. For this reason, their device numbers are further
You can think of a SAC device as having this address format:
PPCCSSDD: SS is the CRC or KPDISP device number, as
assigned during LRM configuration. DD is a point or pseudo
point within the device.

A.2 EST3 System Operation Manual

System addresses

Signature detectors Signature modules

01020001 - 01020125 01020126 - 01020250

Cabinet #1 0102 01360129 01370001

+ - H + - MW + -



- + KR - + H - +

Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3 Slot 4 Slot 5 Slot 6 Slot 7

01360152 01370012


Figure A-1: Addressing example

EST3 System Operation Manual A.3

System addresses

LRM addresses
Figure A-2, Figure A-3, and Figure A-4 show the logical
addresses that the system assigns to LRMs based on the panel

A.4 EST3 System Operation Manual

System addresses

PP00 PP01 PP02 PP03 PP04 PP05

- N N C N


Rail 1
Available in
1-, 2-, and 3-rail J1



OUT B IN R T T O R T T O 1 2
+ - + - + - + - + - + - 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2

PP32 PP33 PP34 PP35 PP36 PP37

PP07 PP06

Rail 2
Available in
2- and 3-rail

PP08 PP09 PP10 PP11 PP12 PP13 PP14

Rail 3
Available only
in 3-rail cabinets

PP40 PP41 PP42 PP43 PP44 PP45 PP46


Figure A-2: LRM addresses for 3-CHAS7, 3-ASU/FT, 3-CHAS7 configuration

EST3 System Operation Manual A.5

System addresses

PP00 PP01 PP02 PP03 PP04 PP05

- N N C N


Rail 1
Available in
1-, 2-, and 3-rail J1



OUT B IN R T T O R T T O 1 2
+ - + - + - + - + - + - 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2

PP32 PP33 PP34 PP35 PP36 PP37

PP06 PP07 PP08 PP09 PP10

Rail 2
Available in
2- and 3-rail

PP39 PP40 PP41 PP42

PP11 PP12 PP13 PP14 PP15 PP16 PP17

Rail 3
Available only
in 3-rail cabinets

[LRM_ADDR_02.CDR] PP43 PP44 PP45 PP46 PP47 PP48 PP49

Figure A-3: LRM addresses for 3-CHAS7, 3-ASU/CHAS4, 3-CHAS7 configuration

A.6 EST3 System Operation Manual

System addresses

PP00 PP01 PP02 PP03 PP04 PP05

- N N C N


Rail 1
Available in
1-, 2-, and 3-rail J1



OUT B IN R T T O R T T O 1 2
+ - + - + - + - + - + - 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2

PP32 PP33 PP34 PP35 PP36 PP37

PP06 PP07 PP08 PP09 PP10 PP11 PP12

Rail 2
Available in
2- and 3-rail

PP38 PP39 PP40 PP41 PP42 PP43 PP44

PP13 PP14 PP15 PP16 PP17 PP18 PP19

Rail 3
Available only
in 3-rail cabinets

[LRM_ADDR_03.CDR] PP45 PP46 PP47 PP48 PP49 PP50 PP51

Figure A-4: LRM addresses for 3-CHAS7, 3-CHAS7, 3-CHAS7 configuration

EST3 System Operation Manual A.7

System addresses

Control / display module addresses

Figure A-5 shows the device logical addresses that the system
assigns the control/display modules.

A.8 EST3 System Operation Manual

System addresses

PPCC0129 PPCC0129 PPCC0001

PPCC0130 PPCC0130 PPCC0002
PPCC0131 PPCC0003
PPCC0133 PPCC0132 PPCC0004
PPCC0134 PPCC0133 PPCC0005
PPCC0135 PPCC0134 PPCC0006
PPCC0137 PPCC0135 PPCC0007
PPCC0138 PPCC0136 PPCC0008
PPCC0139 PPCC0137 PPCC0009
PPCC0142 PPCC0138 PPCC0010
PPCC0143 PPCC0139 PPCC0011
PPCC0144 PPCC0140 PPCC0012
PPCC0146 PPCC0141 PPCC0013
PPCC0147 PPCC0142 PPCC0014
PPCC0148 PPCC0143 PPCC0015
PPCC0150 PPCC0144 PPCC0016
PPCC0151 PPCC0145 PPCC0017
PPCC0152 PPCC0146 PPCC0018

24 LEDs 6 groups of 3 switches

and 3 LEDs

PPCC0129 PPCC0129
PPCC0001 PPCC0001
PPCC0131 PPCC0002 PPCC0130 PPCC0002
PPCC0133 PPCC0131
PPCC0003 PPCC0003
PPCC0135 PPCC0132
PPCC0004 PPCC0004
PPCC0137 PPCC0133
PPCC0005 PPCC0005
PPCC0139 PPCC0134
PPCC0006 PPCC0006
PPCC0141 PPCC0135
PPCC0007 PPCC0007
PPCC0143 PPCC0136
PPCC0144 PPCC0008 PPCC0008
PPCC0145 PPCC0009 PPCC0137 PPCC0009
PPCC0147 PPCC0138
PPCC0010 PPCC0010
PPCC0149 PPCC0139
PPCC0150 PPCC0011 PPCC0011
PPCC0151 PPCC0140
PPCC0152 PPCC0012 PPCC0012

12 switches and 12 switches and

24 LEDs 12 LEDs


Figure A-5: Control/display module switch and LED device addresses

EST3 System Operation Manual A.9

System addresses

Device addresses
Figure A-6 shows the device logical addresses that the system
assigns to various rail modules.

A.10 EST3 System Operation Manual

System addresses

PPCC0002 PPCC0003
PPCC0001 PPCC0001 PPCC0004


NAC /B 1 2 3 4 1/2
+ -
T B1 T B1



J3 J1





T B2 T B2
5 6 7 8 5/6
- + - + S - + S - +

PPCC0005 PPCC0008
Zoned amplifier PPCC0006 PPCC0007
Initiating device circuit

PPCC0001 - PPCC0099

Signature detectors B B S

PPCC0001 - PPCC0125

Signature modules


PPCC0126 - PPCC0250 Modules

PPCC0101 - PPCC0199

Signature modules
PPCC0376 - PPCC0500



Signature detectors
PPCC0251 - PPCC0375 Addressable analog
controller module
Signature controller

Figure A-6: Rail module device addresses

EST3 System Operation Manual A.11

System addresses

A.12 EST3 System Operation Manual

Appendix B
Operation sequence charts

This appendix summarizes the operation of the system in a series
of convenient charts.

Table B-1: Fire Alarm Sequence - 3-LCD(XL) Display
Response • B.2
Table B-2: Fire Alarm Sequence - Common Feature
Response • B.2
Table B-3: Fire Alarm Sequence - Zone Annunciation • B.3
Table B-4: Fire Alarm Sequence - Notification Appliance Circuits
(Default Operation) • B.3
Table B-5: Fire Alarm Sequence - Off Premise Connection • B.3
Table B-6: Trouble Sequence - 3-LCD(XL) Display
Response • B.4
Table B-7: Trouble Sequence - Common Feature
Response • B.4
Table B-8: Trouble Sequence - Annunciation • B.4
Table B-9: Trouble Sequence - Annunciation • B.5

EST3 System Operation Manual B.1

Operation sequence charts

Table B-1: Fire Alarm Sequence - 3-LCD(XL) Display Response

Event¾ Normal First Subsequent Alarm
3-LCD(XL) DisplayÀ Alarm Alarm Restore Reset
Power LED On On On On On
Alarm LED Off Flashing Flashing Flashing Off
Trouble LED Off Off Off Off Off
Panel buzzer Off On On Off Off
3-LCD text display Title Current event Updates last No change Title
screen & last event window event latched screen
window until reset
Alarm counter on 0000 0001 0002 0002 0000
3-LCD display
Alarm history counter 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001
on 3-LCD display
Reset Switch Enabled Disabled for Enabled after No change Disabled
silence Inhibit Inhibit period
period expires

Table B-2: Fire Alarm Sequence - Common Feature Response

Event¾ Normal First Subsequent Alarm
3-LCD(XL) DisplayÀ Alarm Alarm Restore Reset
Alarm Silence Inhibit Off Timer starts Runs until No change Off
Timer expired
Alarm Silence LED Off Yellow after Yellow after No change Off
silence silenced
Alarm Silence Timer Off Timer starts, Restarts, No change Off
alarm alarm silenced
silenced if if timer expires
timer expires
Page Inhibit Timer Off Timer starts, No change No change Off
paging until
timer expires
Auto General Alarm Off Timer starts, No change No change Off
Signal Timer (re- total EVAC if unless
cycle) timer expires canceled by

B.2 EST3 System Operation Manual

Operation sequence charts

Table B-3: Fire Alarm Sequence - Zone Annunciation

Event¾ Normal First Subsequent Alarm
3-LCD(XL) DisplayÀ Alarm Alarm Restore Reset
Panel Annunciator Off On red On red No change Off
Printers Ready Prints event Prints event Prints on Off
History Logger Ready Logs event Logs event Logs Ready

Table B-4: Fire Alarm Sequence - Notification Appliance Circuits (Default Operation)
Event¾ Normal First Subsequent Alarm
3-LCD(XL) DisplayÀ Alarm Alarm Restore Reset
General Alarm Off Sounds No change, No change Off
Audible Notification alarm resounds
Circuits alarm if
General Alarm Visual Off Displays Displays alarm Displays alarm Off
Notification Circuits alarm indication indication

Table B-5: Fire Alarm Sequence - Off Premise Connection

Event¾ Normal First Subsequent Alarm
3-LCD(XL) DisplayÀ Alarm Alarm Restore Reset
Reverse Polarity Off Reverses No change No change Reverses
Alarm Output polarity polarity
back to
Common Alarm Off On No change No change Off
Auxiliary Control Off On as On as No change Off
Relays programmed programmed

EST3 System Operation Manual B.3

Operation sequence charts

Table B-6: Trouble Sequence - 3-LCD(XL) Display Response

Event¾ Normal First First Alarm Notes
3-LCD(XL) DisplayÀ Trouble w/Active Trouble
Trouble Queue Alarm Queue
Current Event Off Trouble message Alarm message Alarm has priority
Last Event Window Off Trouble message Alarm message Alarm has priority
Queue LED Off Flashes yellow Flashes red

Table B-7: Trouble Sequence - Common Feature Response

Event¾ Normal First First Alarm Notes
3-LCD(XL) DisplayÀ Trouble w/Active Trouble
Panel buzzer Off Sounds trouble Sounds alarm Alarm has priority
Panel Silenced LED Off Off Off Yellow when local
buzzer silenced
CPU Trouble Relay On Off Off Relay powered in
normal state
CPU Alarm Relay Off Off On Remains on until
panel reset

Table B-8: Trouble Sequence - Annunciation

Event¾ Normal First First Alarm Notes
3-LCD(XL) DisplayÀ Trouble w/Active Trouble
Panel Zone LED Off On yellow On red
Remote Annunciator Off On yellow Steady red Alarm has priority
Alarm Zone LED if same LED is
also used to
annunciate trouble
Printers Ready Prints trouble Prints alarm Time, date, event
message message message, &
device data
History logger Ready Logs event Logs event Time, date, event
message, &
device data

B.4 EST3 System Operation Manual

Operation sequence charts

Table B-9: Trouble Sequence - Annunciation

Event¾ Normal First First Alarm Notes
3-LCD(XL) DisplayÀ Trouble w/Active Trouble
Off Premise Module All Trouble circuit Alarm and trouble
(3-OPS) circuits reverses polarity, circuits reverse
3 circuit configuration normal module trouble polarity
polarity relay operates
Off Premise Module Normal Circuit opens, Circuit reverses Alarm has priority
1 circuit configuration polarity (module trouble polarity (trouble
relay operates) relay restores)
Auxiliary Control Off On as On as programmed
Relays programmed

EST3 System Operation Manual B.5

Operation sequence charts

B.6 EST3 System Operation Manual


3 Device Maintenance report

creating • 2.27
3-ASU description • 2.27
controls and indicators • 3.2 Devices
operating • 3.4 disabling • 2.12
3-FTCU enabling • 2.13
controls and indicators • 4.2 Dirty head report
operation • 4.4 creating • 2.27
3-LCD controls and indicators • 2.2 Disabled points
3-LCDXL controls and indicators • 2.2 identifying • 2.9
Disabling hardware components • 2.12
A Disabling logical devices • 2.10, 2.11
Disarming security partitions • 2.16
Active points
identifying • 2.9 E
Alarm silence/reset inhibit timer • 1.15
Alternate message routing Emergency active • 1.15
activating • 2.24 Enabling hardware components • 2.13
Alternate sensitivity
changing to primary • 2.23
And groups G
disabling • 2.10, 2.11 Guard patrol • 1.13
Arming security partitions • 2.14 Guard Patrol groups
Audio Source Unit disabling • 2.10, 2.11
paging sequence • 3.5 Guard patrols
paging with remote microphone • 3.6 activating • 2.20
phone page • 3.6 restoring • 2.20
Automatic alarm silence timer • 1.15
Automatic general alarm (GA) timer • 1.16
B Hardware components
disabling • 2.12
Button enabling • 2.13
operation • 1.16 High priority
Buttons description • 2.25
disabling • 2.12 History report
enabling • 2.13 creating • 2.27
Bypassing security devices • 2.18 Holidays • 1.16
scheduling • 2.33
Canceling the test • 2.35, 2.37 I
Changing holidays • 2.33 Identifying active or disabled points • 2.9
Changing the output state of a relay or LED • 2.25
Changing the smoke detector sensitivity level • 2.23
Changing user access level passwords • 2.31 L
Check-in groups • 1.14
Lamp test • 2.38
Check-In groups
Latch priority
disabling • 2.10, 2.11
description • 2.25
Clearing the panel history file • 2.34
changing the state of • 2.25
D disabling • 2.12
enabling • 2.13
Date Logical devices
entering • 2.30 disabling • 2.10, 2.11
Default passwords • 2.31 Low priority
Deleting holidays • 2.33 description • 2.25

EST3 System Operation Manual Z.1


Matrix groups Scheduling holidays • 2.33
disabling • 2.10, 2.11 Security devices
Medium priority bypassing • 2.18
description • 2.25 removing bypass • 2.19
Modcom Compliance report Security partitions
creating • 2.27 arming • 2.14
description • 2.27 disarming • 2.16
restoring • 2.17
Service groups
P disabling • 2.10, 2.11
Panel sounder test • 2.38 Set priority
Password protection • 1.2 description • 2.25
Passwords Setting the system time and date • 2.30
changing • 2.31 Signature devices, testing • 2.37
default • 2.31 Smoke detector sensitivity
Primary message routing description • 2.23
restoring • 2.24 Smoke detector sensitivity level
Primary sensitivity changing • 2.23
changing to alternate • 2.23 System timers • 1.15
Putting a service group into test • 2.35
Putting a Signature device into test • 2.37 T
Testing alarm input devices • 2.35
R Testing Signature devices • 2.37
Rail modules Testing, lamp • 2.38
disabling • 2.12 Testing, LEDs • 2.38
enabling • 2.13 Testing, panel sounder • 2.38
Relays Time controls • 1.16
changing the state of • 2.25 holidays • 1.16
Removing bypasses from security devices • 2.19 Time Controls
Reports • 2.27 disabling • 2.10, 2.11
Restarting a panel • 2.32 Time of day
Restoring security partitions • 2.17 entering • 2.30
Revisions report
creating • 2.27 Z
description • 2.27
Zone groups
disabling • 2.10, 2.11

Z.2 EST3 System Operation Manual

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