Exchange Server 2010 Configuration
Exchange Server 2010 Configuration
Exchange Server 2010 Configuration
Now first part is just create two or three domain users in active directory users and computers as below.
Note: This is just create users only the main difference is that in Exchange 2003 creating a user in
domain will ask wants to create mail box for that user. Now in Exchange 2007 and in 2010 this process
is a different tasks. Will tell you more detail in later.
After that open Exchange Management Console. Your Exchange Server will be as follow.
Open all the tree view as follow.
Now go to Recipient Configuration, Mail Box
Note: Server Configuration and Organization Configuration are not the same and both hub transport are
for opposite purposes.
Server Configuration Hub Transport is for incoming emails from outside to your entire organization. That
means outside of your domain controller/ domain forest. The easiest description is from internet or
from unknown sources.
There are two default hub transport connectors created by exchange installation as below.
Client and Default both are enabled. Both have hub transports have their meaning.
Client hub transport is for individual emails send to your organization from outside (Example: gmail,
yahoo, hotmail etc.)
General, Network, Authentication tabs have no special or important configuration to take care, I will
omit here. Let's see Permission Groups tab.
This tab is important who can send to emails to your exchange server will decide here.
Default client permission not include top most one Anonymous users, that means if emails from gmail or
hotmail comes to this server will be rejected therefore if you want to accept emails from individual
internet emails then select Anonymous users check box. Exchange users and exchange servers are
default selected for allowing known users to send from outside to this exchange server.
Other check box Legacy Exchange Servers is for old version exchange servers like 5.5, 2000, 2003, 2007
etc. Partners check box need special configuration and I will omit here.
Default hub transport is as below. Don't think same as above. I just configure the same configuration to
both connectors. Default is both Anonymous users and Exchange users boxes are not selected because
this is for accepting emails from server to server emails. If you want to accept every single mail comes to
your organization then you can disable this default hub transport connector.
There are other important tabs under client access under mailbox in Server configuration. But I will only
tell about Outlook Web App is exchange OWA server address (Outlook Web App)
I will omit Offline Address Book, PoP3 and IMAP4 because they are not very important and not very
difficult to configure. Exchange Active Sync may be later.
Organization Configuration Hub Transport is for outgoing emails. That means outside of your domain
controller/ domain forest. The easiest description is to internet or to unknown destinations.
There are two default hub transport connectors created by exchange installation as below.
First tab is Remote Domains tab, right click and click New Remote Domain.
Normally default is *, that means everybody can send to every destinations (gmail, hotmail, yahoo, or to
any email address)
Choose Last Option it will be OK with all versions of Out of office configurations.
For Exchange Rich-text format default choice Determined by Individual user settings will be suitable.
Accepted Domain tab is default, choose the top one and you can change based on your organization's
Email Address Policy is very important and if you are not familiar with Exchange email environment you
may face a lot of difficulties in email address naming for your organization.
Actually I edit default Policy to meet my requirements but now I will show for juniors who are not
familiar with Exchange server environment.
You can configure different email addresses based on department or company etc.
Click Add and Choose SMTP Address and will show this page.
You can name suitable email address for your organization's need.
Click Next.
Click Next.
Click Finish. That's All. But there are a lot of meanings in this policy creation and will explain more if I
can. But now I will omit it here.
Now go to Transport Rules. This is the most important part of the sending emails to outside
destinations. If something wrong no emails will go out from your exchange server to external
Click New send connector tab and then will show you this page.
Type Name for your connection and then select the intended use for this send connector.
Choose Custom because template settings are not 100% compatible with your organization needs.
Normally add * sign for sending to all destinations, include all subdomains are intended for other
exchange servers that are under your domain forest, normally not need to check that box. Cost is always
1 if there is only one connector.
Click add and it will show below box.
My example is showing how to add IP address of forwarding mail server or mail relay server’s name.
If you add IP address must be put inside the brackets like above example or can put FQDN( Fully Qualify
Domain Name) here. This is your normally your ISP’s mail server or someone else mail server that will
relay all mails send to outside of your organization.
If your ISP’s mail relay server does not need password to send emails then this tab not need to
configure. But if there is password to send to mail relay server you must add user name and password
here based on ISP’s security credentials.
Click Next.
Click New.
Click Finish.
Another important thing is Transport rule. This rule is for controlling who can send emails to outside of
your organization.
Click new rule and will show this page. Name the rule and click next.
Click add and choose among users whom you intend not to send emails to outside of your organization.
Here I choose user3 as an example and setup he/she can’t not send emails to outside.
By Arkar Myint