Conflits of Interest
Conflits of Interest
Conflits of Interest
An interest may be defined as a commitment, goal, or value held by an
individual or an institution.
• financial gain,
• work commitments, and
• intellectual and personal matters,
special steps are needed to assure that conflicts do not interfere with the
responsible practice of research.
These and other options are either worked out by a conflict of interest
review committee or an administrator charged with overseeing conflicts of
If the conflicts cannot be managed and could have an adverse impact on
the research, then they must be eliminated, by divesting equity, reducing
the income received from the research, assigning supervisory
responsibilities to someone else, stepping out of the room when a particular
proposal is discussed, or some other action.
Conflicts of interest are pervasive in medical research but must be
managed effectively to maintain the integrity of research and public trust.
Although most of the focus on conflicts and their management has been on
financial conflicts, it is likely that non-financial and intrinsic conflicts have
similar potential for creating bias and exerting undue influence on the
judgment and actions of the investigator. Further efforts are needed to
develop and test methods for effectively identifying conflicts of interest, and
strategies for their management should be evaluated for their capacity to
promote high quality research, protection for research subjects, and public
trust in medical research.