Wave II - Threshold - Text
Wave II - Threshold - Text
Wave II - Threshold - Text
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The Gateway Experience™
Wave II—Threshold
Although a pattern set in Focus 12 can be changed or canceled in It’s important to end this process each time you practice by per-
Focus 12, don't keep checking or changing it because of fear or ceiving your body as well, whole and perfect. You won’t want to
doubt. You wouldn't dig up a seed to see how it's growing, would energize any condition less than the ideal. As you become familiar
you? Start with small, reasonable patterns. If you pattern for $50 with this technique, feel free to experiment with other colors and
and prove to yourself it works, later patterns will come more easily. to develop other purposes for yourself.
10 11
Experience, its up to you to take it out of the tool box and use it.
Threshold #5—Energy Bar Tool (EBT)
Energy Bar Tool is an extremely valuable and highly versatile Threshold #6 — Living Body Map (LBM)
tool for gathering and directing nonphysical energies. History and Since maps are an objective representation of territory, the under-
mythology abound with “power sticks” that link human and spiri- lying concept of the LBM supports the perspective and detach-
tual energies, ranging from the staff that Moses turned into a ser- ment useful in healing. You have undoubtedly recognized how the
pent to the scepters that symbolize the power of kings and queens progressive nature of Gateway Experience uses previous learn-
to the sabers of light that link the heroes of Star Wars to “The ing as your adventure proceeds. In this exercise for influencing
Force.” While moving through the exercise, focus on finding or physical body energy, you learn a new tool while using your EBT.
creating your own very personal EBT, one that shares your ener-
gy and holds significance for you. You are first verbally guided to create a white mental outline
around your physical body. This “map” represents a composite of
However vague your EBT may seem at first, continue practicing your entire physical system. Then you change the outline’s color to
and allow it to develop. Your hands may become your EBT, rather red, representing blood circulation; then blue for your nervous
than something external to you. You may sense the increasingly system; yellow for the organs of your glandular system; orange
charged vibration throughout your body, or as localized, or as mov- for your muscle and bone structure. As the exercise proceeds, you
ing and spreading as intensity builds. Your EBT may become a learn to use the LBM to identify where healing energy is needed.
roadway that leads you to further explorations. It can be used as Then, with your EBT, you are guided to direct purple healing
a beacon to attract guidance or other intelligence, a vehicle for energy to those parts of your physical body.
space travel, or a comforting symbol of safety and security. The
forms and uses of your EBT are truly limitless. Practice and Remember that visualizing is not necessary for working with
experiment, knowing that its power is reciprocal: as you recharge energy. To “think” or feel or sense a color or image is to create it.
it, it recharges you. Keep your EBT where it is always available to As you follow the instructions, consider this as an opportunity to
you and creatively use it in your daily life as well as in your Hemi- “play” with the shape and form of your EBT. The verbal guidance
Sync exercises. As with all the tools you learn in the Gateway
provides a structure, but you need not adhere to it in a rigid fash- Many Gateway Experience enthusiasts become inspired to
ion. We encourage you to experiment and be creative with all the attend the residential programs made available by The Monroe
tools, to make them yours, to be open to fresh insight about what Institute. If you have an interest in learning more about these pro-
works best for you. grams, you may do so by visiting the Institute's Web site at:
www.monroeinstitute.org or by calling the Program Registrar at
434-361-1252 or 866-881-3440 (toll free).
Looking Ahead
Wave III—Freedom is awaiting you as soon as your feel ready to
move on. The exercises on Wave IIT give you a sense of ease and
security as you delve further into nonphysical experience. You are
introduced to the Continuum of Consciousness and methods for
practicing OBEs and remote viewing. Happy adventures!