NBC September 2023 Poll For Release 92423
NBC September 2023 Poll For Release 92423
NBC September 2023 Poll For Release 92423
Interviews: 1000 Registered Voters, including 848 respondents interviewed via cellphone.
Date: September 15-19 2023
48 Male
Study #230239 52 Female
NBC News Survey
Please note: all results are shown as percentages unless otherwise stated.
The margin of error for 1000 interviews among Registered Voter is ±3.10%
Unless otherwise noted by a “+” or “++”, all previous data shown reflects responses among all adults.
Q2a For statistical purposes only, would you please tell me how old you are? +
(IF “REFUSED,” ASK:) Well, would you tell me which age group you belong to? (READ LIST.)
18-24 ............................................................................ 8
25-29 ............................................................................ 8
30-34 ............................................................................ 9
35-39 ............................................................................ 7
40-44 ............................................................................ 9
45-49 ............................................................................ 5
50-54 ............................................................................ 6
55-59 ............................................................................ 9
60-64 ............................................................................ 13
65-69 ............................................................................ 8
70-74 ............................................................................ 8
75 and over .................................................................. 9
Not sure/refused......................................................... 1
+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.
Q2b To ensure that we have a representative sample, would you please tell me whether you are from a Hispanic,
Latino, or Spanish-speaking background? +
Q2c And again, for statistical purposes only, what is your race--white, black, Asian, or something else? +
QF4 Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as a Democrat, a Republican, an independent, or something
else? (IF "DEMOCRAT" OR "REPUBLICAN," ASK:) Would you call yourself a strong (Democrat/Republican)
or not a very strong (Democrat/Republican)? (IF "NOT SURE," CODE AS "NOT VERY STRONG
DEMOCRAT/REPUBLICAN.") (IF "INDEPENDENT," ASK:) Do you think of yourself as closer to the
Republican Party, closer to the Democratic Party, or do you think of yourself as strictly independent? (IF
Q4 If there were a primary election in your state next year, would you vote in – (ROTATE DEMOCRAT &
REPUBLICAN) the Democratic primary, the Republican primary, -- or would you wait to vote in the general
election in November? +
QF2 Are you currently employed? (IF "CURRENTLY EMPLOYED," ASK:) What type of work do you do?
(RECORD UNDER "6--OTHER.") (IF "NOT CURRENTLY EMPLOYED," ASK:) Are you a student, a stay-at-
home mom or dad, retired, or unemployed and looking for work? +
Currently Employed 62
Professional, manager ............................................... 23
White-collar worker .................................................... 18
Blue-collar worker ...................................................... 20
Farmer, rancher ......................................................... 1
Not Currently Employed 37
Student....................................................................... 2
Stay at home mom/dad .............................................. 3
Retired ....................................................................... 27
Unemployed, looking for work .................................... 3
Other .......................................................................... -
Not sure ................................................................... 1
+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.
QF2a And are you paid by annual salary, hourly wage, or through some other means? +
QF3 What is the last grade that you completed in school? (DO NOT READ CHOICES.)
Grade school................................................................ -
Some high school ........................................................ 3
High school graduate ................................................... 25
Some college, no degree ............................................. 18
Vocational training/School ........................................... 3
2-year college degree .................................................. 13
4-year college/bachelor's degree ................................. 21
Some postgraduate work, no degree ........................... 2
2-3 years postgraduate work/master's degree ............. 11
Doctoral/law degree ..................................................... 4
Not sure/refused ........................................................ -
+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.
Hart Research Associates/Public Opinion Strategies Study #230239 -- page 4
September 2023 NBC News Survey
Getting started…
Q5 All in all, do you think things in the nation are generally headed in the right direction, or do you feel that
things are off on the wrong track?
9/23+* 6/23+ 1/23 11/22+ 10/22+ 9/22+ 8/22+ 5/22 3/22 1/22
Right direction ....................... 23 20 23 21 20 27 21 16 22 22
Wrong track .......................... 73 74 71 72 71 68 74 75 71 72
Mixed (VOL) ....................... 3 3 3 3 5 3 2 4 4 3
Not sure .............................. 1 3 3 4 4 2 3 5 3 3
10/29- 10/9-
10/21 8/21 4/21 1/21+ 31/20+ 12/20+ 7/20+ 3/20+ 12/19 8/19 1/19
22 29 36 21 31 29 19 37 35 33 28
71 63 56 73 60 62 72 56 56 60 63
4 4 4 3 4 5 5 4 6 5 6
3 4 4 3 5 4 4 3 3 2 3
10/30- 10/8-
7/15 6/15 4/15 3/15 1/15 12/14 11/14 11/1/14+ 12/14+ 9/14+ 8/14
28 31 28 32 31 27 25 27 25 23 22
65 61 62 60 59 64 65 63 65 67 71
4 4 6 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 5
3 4 4 3 5 3 4 4 4 4 2
10/25- 10/7-
6/14 4/14 3/14 1/14 12/13 28/13 9/13 9/13 7/13 6/13 4/13
25 27 26 28 29 22 14 30 29 32 31
63 63 65 63 64 70 78 62 61 59 61
7 6 5 5 5 4 4 5 6 6 5
5 4 4 4 2 4 4 3 4 3 3
9/26- 9/12-
2/13 1/13 12/12 10/12+ 30/12+ 16/12+ 8/12+ 7/12+ 6/12 5/12 4/12
32 35 41 41 40 39 32 32 31 33 33
59 57 53 53 53 55 61 60 61 58 59
6 4 3 4 5 4 4 5 5 5 6
3 4 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 2
3/12 1/12 12/11 11/11 10/11 8/11 7/11 6/11 5/11 4/11 2/11
33 30 22 19 17 19 25 29 36 28 31
58 61 69 73 74 73 67 62 50 63 60
5 5 6 5 5 5 5 6 10 6 6
4 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 4 3 3
+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters
* Asked of one-half the respondents (FORM A).
Hart Research Associates/Public Opinion Strategies Study #230239 -- page 5
September 2023 NBC News Survey
Q6 In general, do you approve or disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing as president?
(IF APPROVE/DISAPPROVE) And, do you strongly or just somewhat (approve/disapprove) of the job Joe
Biden is doing as president?
Q7 Please tell me if you approve or disapprove of President Biden’s handling of each of the following. The
(first/next) one is… (RANDOMIZE)
The economy
September 2023+ ........................................................................... 37 59 2 2
April 2023........................................................................................ 38 58 2 2
January 2023 .................................................................................. 36 61 2 1
September 2022+ ........................................................................... 40 58 1 1
August 2022+ ................................................................................. 40 56 2 2
May 2022 ........................................................................................ 33 62 3 2
March 2022 ..................................................................................... 33 63 3 1
January 2022 .................................................................................. 38 60 2 -
October 2021 .................................................................................. 40 57 2 1
August 2021.................................................................................... 47 49 2 2
April 2021........................................................................................ 52 43 2 3
+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.
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September 2023 NBC News Survey
Moving on…
Q8 Now I'm going to read you the names of several public figures, groups and organizations and I'd like you to
rate your feelings toward each one as very positive, somewhat positive, neutral, somewhat negative, or very
negative. If you don't know the name, please just say so. (ALWAYS ASK JOE BIDEN FIRST, RANDOMIZE
Don't Know
Very Somewhat Somewhat Very Name/
Positive Positive Neutral Negative Negative Not Sure
Joe Biden1
September 2023+ ...................................... 19 20 11 8 41 1
June 2023+ ................................................ 18 21 12 9 39 1
April 2023................................................... 17 21 13 10 38 1
January 2023 ............................................ 19 20 15 9 37 -
November 2022+ ...................................... 23 19 8 9 41 -
October 2022+ .......................................... 22 21 11 6 40 -
September 2022+ ..................................... 22 20 11 7 40 -
August 2022+ ........................................... 20 20 12 9 39 -
May 2022 .................................................. 17 20 12 11 40 -
March 2022 ............................................... 18 19 16 9 37 1
January 2022 ............................................ 18 21 13 11 37 -
October 2021 ............................................ 21 19 12 8 40 -
August 2021.............................................. 25 18 12 8 36 1
April 2021.................................................. 29 21 13 9 27 1
January 2021+ .......................................... 24 20 15 11 29 1
October 29-31, 2020+ ............................... 23 22 12 9 33 1
October 9-12, 2020+ ................................. 24 19 14 12 30 1
September 30-October 1, 2020+ .............. 22 21 16 13 28 -
September 2020+ ..................................... 22 21 12 14 31 -
August 2020+ ........................................... 18 21 15 12 33 1
June 2020+ ............................................... 17 20 23 12 26 2
April 2020+ ............................................... 16 21 19 16 25 3
January 2020+ .......................................... 14 21 19 15 27 4
October 4-6, 2019 ..................................... 12 21 28 15 19 5
August 2019.............................................. 11 23 25 16 22 3
January 2018 ............................................ 30 24 22 11 11 2
January 2017 ............................................ 35 21 19 10 12 3
October 2015 ............................................ 19 23 24 17 14 3
September 2015 ....................................... 15 25 25 14 14 7
June 2015 ................................................. 16 24 24 16 15 5
November 2014 ........................................ 13 22 22 17 21 5
June 2014 ................................................. 11 21 25 15 21 7
July 2013 .................................................. 17 21 21 15 20 6
January 2013 ............................................ 20 21 17 16 21 5
December 2012 ........................................ 21 18 18 15 23 5
October 2012+ .......................................... 21 19 15 13 29 3
September 26-30, 2012+ .......................... 18 19 19 14 24 6
July 2012+ ................................................ 15 20 23 14 23 5
May 2012 .................................................. 15 20 21 16 21 7
December 2010 ........................................ 10 24 25 15 18 8
August 26-30, 2010 .................................. 13 21 21 15 20 9
January 10-14, 2010 ................................. 15 23 25 15 14 8
July 2009 .................................................. 13 25 20 17 19 6
January 2009 ............................................ 20 27 22 12 9 10
December 2008 ........................................ 20 25 25 12 11 7
October 17-20, 2008+ ............................... 28 23 19 12 14 4
October 4-5, 2008+ ................................... 21 22 24 12 15 6
September 19-22, 2008+ .......................... 17 20 25 13 16 9
September 6-8, 2008+ .............................. 18 22 23 13 12 12
September 2007 ....................................... 4 13 26 11 11 35
January 2017 ............................................ 35 21 19 10 12 3
May 2022 .................................................. 17 20 12 11 40 -
The historical trend data for this item does not include every survey in which this item has been asked.
Hart Research Associates/Public Opinion Strategies Study #230239 -- page 7
September 2023 NBC News Survey
Don't Know
Q8 (cont'd) Very Somewhat Somewhat Very Name/
Positive Positive Neutral Negative Negative Not Sure
Kamala Harris
September 2023+ ......................... 11 20 15 11 40 3
June 2023+ ................................... 11 21 16 10 39 3
January 2023 ................................ 15 20 15 9 37 4
August 2022+ ............................... 14 18 15 10 40 3
May 2022 ...................................... 14 17 18 12 36 3
January 2022 ................................ 14 18 15 11 38 4
August 2021.................................. 19 18 13 10 36 4
January 2021+ .............................. 24 17 15 8 33 3
October 29-31, 2020+ ................... 24 18 10 9 33 6
October 9-12, 2020+ ..................... 26 15 13 10 31 5
September 30-October 1, 2020+ .. 23 17 15 10 28 7
September 2020+ ......................... 21 16 15 10 28 10
August 2020+ ............................... 21 18 13 9 26 13
Ron DeSantis
September 2023+ ......................... 10 18 16 11 37 8
June 2023+ ................................... 14 16 12 9 37 12
September 2022+ ......................... 19 12 12 7 26 24
May 2022 ...................................... 20 8 15 6 20 31
Nikki Haley
September 2023+ ......................... 6 17 23 14 12 28
June 2023+ ................................... 4 15 20 14 11 36
Vivek Ramaswamy
September 2023+ ......................... 4 11 19 9 20 37
Kevin McCarthy
September 2023+ ......................... 5 11 25 13 26 20
November 2022+ .......................... 4 9 20 11 21 35
August 2021.................................. 4 11 19 9 18 39
Nikki Haley .................................................................. 23 26 -3
Joe Biden .................................................................... 39 49 -10
The U.S. Department of Justice .................................. 33 43 -10
The Democratic party .................................................. 35 47 -12
Vivek Ramaswamy ...................................................... 15 29 -14
The Republican party .................................................. 32 47 -15
Donald Trump ............................................................. 35 54 -19
Ron DeSantis .............................................................. 28 48 -20
Kamala Harris ............................................................. 31 51 -20
Kevin McCarthy ........................................................... 16 39 -23
+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters
Hart Research Associates/Public Opinion Strategies Study #230239 -- page 11
September 2023 NBC News Survey
Q9 Please tell me how interested you are in the 2024 elections, using a scale from one to ten on which a "ten"
means that you are very interested in the elections and a "one" means that you are not at all interested. You
may choose any number from one to ten. (RECORD NUMBER 1-10. IF "NOT SURE," RECORD AS "DK.") 1
10, very interested ....... 59
9 .................................. 8
8 .................................. 10
7 .................................. 7
6 .................................. 4
5 .................................. 4
4 .................................. 2
3 .................................. 2
2 .................................. 1
1, not at all interested .. 3
Cannot rate ............... -
10/10- 10/8-
13/16+ 10/16+ 9/16+ 5/16+ 2/16+ 9/15+ 4/15+
67 62 60 60 61 56 53
5 8 8 9 9 8 7
9 10 11 11 13 13 15
5 5 7 6 6 9 8
3 2 3 3 3 3 4
4 6 4 6 4 5 7
2 - 1 1 1 1 1
1 2 2 2 1 1 1
1 1 1 - - 1 2
2 4 3 2 2 2 2
1 - - - - 1 -
9/26- 9/12-
10/12+ 30/12+ 16/12+ 8/12+ 7/12+ 6/12+ 5/12+ 4/12+ 3/12+ 1/12+
69 65 64 62 62 60 62 61 48 57
8 8 8 6 6 8 7 6 11 10
9 10 12 13 11 12 12 12 14 11
4 5 6 6 7 7 6 7 9 7
2 3 2 3 4 3 4 3 5 3
5 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6
- - 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2
- 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2
1 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 1 2 3 1 1 2 2 1
- - - - - - - - 1 -
The historical trend data for this item does not include every survey in which this item has been asked.
+ Results show reflect responses among registered voters.
Hart Research Associates/Public Opinion Strategies Study #230239 -- page 12
September 2023 NBC News Survey
Q10 And, if the Republican primary for president were being held today, which one of the following candidates would
you favor? (RANDOMIZE) (IF "NOT SURE," ASK:) Well, which way do you lean? (ACCEPT ONLY ONE
(IF CHOICE, THEN ASK:) And, which of the following candidates would be your second choice? (RE-READ
9/23+ 6/23+
Donald Trump .............................................................. 46 45
Joe Biden ..................................................................... 46 49
Depends (VOL) ......................................................... - -
Neither (VOL) ............................................................ 6 4
Other (VOL) ............................................................... 1 1
Not sure .................................................................... 1 1
+Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.
Hart Research Associates/Public Opinion Strategies Study #230239 -- page 13
September 2023 NBC News Survey
9/23+ 8/20+
More for Joe Biden ....................................................... 38 36
More against Donald Trump ......................................... 58 58
Some of both (VOL) ................................................... 4 6
Not sure ..................................................................... - -
+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.
Clinton-Kaine Voters
10/8- 10/ 10/8-
10/16+ 10/16+ 9/16+ 9/16+ 5/16+1
More for Hillary Clinton ..................... 49 49 49 50 44
More against Donald Trump ............. 46 48 44 44 52
Some of both (VOL)........................ 4 3 5 5 4
Not sure .......................................... 1 - 2 1 -
+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.
Vice Presidential candidates not listed in May 2016.
9/23+ 8/20+
More for Donald Trump ................................................ 57 74
More against Joe Biden ............................................... 36 20
Some of both (VOL) ................................................... 7 5
Not sure ..................................................................... - 1
+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.
Trump Voters
10/8- 10/ 10/8-
10/16+ 10/16+ 9/16+ 9/16+ 5/16+1
More for Donald Trump .................... 39 42 37 41 42
More against Hillary Clinton .............. 53 54 52 51 54
Some of both (VOL)........................ 8 4 9 7 3
Not sure .......................................... - - 2 1 1
+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.
Vice Presidential candidates not listed in May 2016.
Q14 If the election for president were held today, with ONLY (ROTATE) Ron DeSantis as the Republican candidate
and Joe Biden as the Democratic candidate, for whom would you vote?
9/23+ 6/23+
Ron DeSantis ............................................................... 45 47
Joe Biden ..................................................................... 46 47
Depends (VOL) ......................................................... 1 -
Neither (VOL) ............................................................ 5 4
Other (VOL) ............................................................... 1 1
Not sure .................................................................... 2 1
+Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.
Q15 If the election for president were held today, with ONLY (ROTATE) Nikki Haley as the Republican candidate
and Joe Biden as the Democratic candidate, for whom would you vote? +
Q16 If the election for president were held today, with (ROTATE AND READ FIRST) Donald Trump as the Republican
candidate, Joe Biden as the Democratic candidate, (RANDOMIZE AND READ NEXT) a Green Party candidate,
a Libertarian candidate, and a candidate from the No Labels party for whom would you vote? +
Q17 In your own words, please tell me one or two reasons you would vote for a (INERT RESPONSE) in 2024.
Hart Research Associates/Public Opinion Strategies Study #230239 -- page 15
September 2023 NBC News Survey
Q18 What is your preference for the outcome of the Congressional elections in November of 2024 -- (ROTATE:) a
Congress controlled by Republicans or a Congress controlled by Democrats? 1
11/22+ 10/22+ 9/22+ 8/22+ 5/22+ 3/22+ 1/22+ 10/21+ 8/21+ 4/21+ 31/20+
47 46 46 47 46 46 46 45 46 42 43
47 47 46 45 46 44 47 47 47 47 48
6 7 8 8 8 10 7 8 7 11 9
10/27- 8/18-
8/20+ 7/20+ 6/20+ 1/20+ 12/19+ 30/19+ 10/18+ 9/18+ 22/18+ 7/18+ 6/18+ 4/18+
42 43 40 43 42 42 41 40 42 43 40 40
47 47 51 49 49 49 48 52 50 49 50 47
11 10 9 8 9 9 11 8 8 8 10 13
10/10- 10/8-
3/18+ 1/18+ 12/17+ 10/17+ 9/17+ 6/17+ 4/17+ 13/16+ 10/16+ 9/16+ 8/16+ 6/16+
40 43 39 41 42 42 43 44 42 45 43 46
50 49 50 48 48 50 47 46 48 48 47 46
10 8 11 11 10 8 10 10 10 7 10 8
10/7- 9/26-
9/13+ 9/13+ 7/13+ 6/13+ 10/12+ 30/12+ 10/11+ 8/12+ 7/12+ 6/12+ 5/12+ 4/12+
39 43 44 42 43 43 41 42 45 44 43 44
47 46 44 45 45 47 45 47 46 45 44 46
14 11 12 13 12 10 14 11 9 11 13 10
8/08+ 6/08+ 4/08+ 3/08+ 11/07+ 9/07+ 10/06+ 9/06+ 7/06+ 4/06+ 3/06+ 1/06+
36 33 34 35 37 35 37 39 38 39 37 38
47 52 49 49 46 47 52 48 48 45 50 47
17 15 17 16 17 18 11 13 14 16 13 15
12/05+ 11/05+ 10/05+ 7/05+ 5/05+ 10/04+ 9/04+ 6/04+ 5/04+ 3/04+ 1/04
38 37 39 40 40 43 42 42 41 42 42
46 48 48 45 47 44 46 44 44 45 43
16 15 13 15 13 13 12 14 15 13 15
Moving on…
Q19 Some people feel so strongly about an issue that they will vote for or against a candidate on that basis
regardless of the candidate's stand on most other issues. I'm going to read you a list of issues and ask whether
you consider any one issue so important that you would vote for or against a candidate solely on that basis. If
you do not feel strongly enough about any of the issues to determine your vote, please just say so....
8/22+ 5/22+ 1/20+
Abortion ....................................... 21 22 16
Guns ............................................ 17 12 19
Border security............................. 10 9 7
Climate change ............................ 9 8 17
Gay marriage ............................... 8 6 3
Immigration .................................. 7 6 7
None of these ............................ 23 32 27
Other (VOL) (SPECIFY) ............ 2 2 2
Not sure ..................................... 3 3 2
+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.
X2. And what did you mean specifically when you said protecting constitutional rights? (PROBE:) Are there
specific constitutional rights that come to mind that are particularly important for you? (SEE VERBATIM
Hart Research Associates/Public Opinion Strategies Study #230239 -- page 17
September 2023 NBC News Survey
Q20 How satisfied are you with the choice of REPUBLICAN candidates for president (ROTATE TOP TO BOTTOM,
BOTTOM TO TOP) -- very satisfied, fairly satisfied, not very satisfied, or not at all satisfied? ^
Very satisfied ................................................................ 7
Fairly satisfied ............................................................... 25
Just somewhat satisfied ................................................ 36
Not that satisfied ........................................................... 31
Not sure ...................................................................... 1
^ Results shown reflect responses among Republican primary
Q21 Which of the following statements comes closest to your opinion regarding Donald Trump and the future of
the Republican Party? (ROTATE TOP TO BOTTOM)
9/23^ 6/23^
The Republican Party should continue to be led by Donald Trump ....................................................... 58 49
Donald Trump was a good president, but it is time to consider other leaders ....................................... 19 21
The Republican Party needs a new leader with better personal behavior and a different approach ..... 22 29
All/multiple (VOL) (PROMPT) If you had to select just ONE, which comes closest to your opinion? .. - -
None (VOL) ......................................................................................................................................... 1 -
Not sure............................................................................................................................................... - 1
^ Results shown reflect responses among 321 Republican primary voters; MoE +5.47%.
Switching topics…
Q22 Would you like a Democratic candidate to challenge Joe Biden for the Democratic nomination in 2024?^^
Yes........................................................................................ 59
No.......................................................................................... 36
Not sure.............................................................................. 5
^^ Results shown reflect responses among 309 Democratic primary
voters; MoE +5.58%.
Q23 Do you believe that Congress should hold impeachment hearings to remove Joe Biden from office or not? +
Q24 If your Member of Congress supported impeaching and removing Joe Biden from office would this make you
more likely to vote for them, less likely to vote for them, or would it make no difference either way about how
you might vote? +
Moving on…
Q25 Now let me read you some concerns you may hear about two of the candidates for president. For each one,
please tell me whether it gives you major concerns, moderate concerns, minor concerns, or no real concerns
about that candidate. (RANDOMIZE)
Total Total
Major/Mod Minor/No Major Moderate Minor No Real Not
Concerns Concerns Concerns Concerns Concerns Concerns Sure
At 80 years old, Joe Biden not having the necessary
mental and physical health to be president for a
second term
September 2023+ .......................................................... 74 26 59 15 12 14 -
Total Total
Major/Mod Minor/No Major Moderate Minor No Real Not
Concerns Concerns Concerns Concerns Concerns Concerns Sure
Joe Biden not having the necessary mental and
physical health to be president.
June 2023+ .................................................................... 68 32 55 13 15 17 -
October 9-12, 2020+ ...................................................... 51 48 38 13 19 29 1
Q27 How satisfied are you with the state of the U.S. economy today are you (ROTATE TOP TO BOTTOM,
BOTTOM TO TOP) – very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied with the
state of the economy?
High Low
9/23+ 4/21 8/19 11/18+ 6/18+ 1/18 4/17 6/15 9/98 2/09
Very satisfied ........................... 6 6 21 28 20 21 8 4 31 1
Somewhat satisfied ................ 22 42 36 40 43 48 48 33 55 6
Somewhat dissatisfied ............ 22 32 27 18 25 22 29 34 10 22
Very dissatisfied ..................... 50 20 14 11 12 8 14 29 3 70
Not sure .................................. - - 2 3 - 1 1 - 1 1
1/10 10/09 9/09 7/09 6/09 4/09 2/09 1/09 4/08+ 12/07
1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 5
15 17 21 11 11 16 6 8 12 27
33 31 35 31 33 30 22 25 28 28
50 49 41 56 54 52 70 65 58 40
1 1 1 - 1 - 1 - - -
9/06+ 1/04 12/02 10/02+ 9/02 7/02 4/02 1/02 12/01 1/01
10 6 3 4 2 4 6 4 5 18
33 45 33 27 32 42 44 43 47 57
32 30 38 37 41 39 33 39 32 18
25 18 25 31 24 14 15 13 15 6
- 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1
Q28 When it comes to your own financial situation today are you (ROTATE TOP TO BOTTOM, BOTTOM TO TOP) – very satisfied,
somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied?
High Low
9/23+ 5/22 11/18+ 12/13 1/13 1/12 1/09 4/08+ 9/98 1/13
Very satisfied ......................... 19 20 28 16 12 17 15 17 26 12
Somewhat satisfied ................ 36 41 46 47 43 47 41 42 52 43
Somewhat dissatisfied ........... 24 22 15 20 23 21 22 20 14 23
Very dissatisfied ..................... 20 16 9 17 22 14 22 21 7 22
Not sure ............................... 1 1 2 - 1 1 - - 1 1
12/07 1/04 12/02 10/02+ 7/02 1/02 1/01 4/00+ 10/99 9/99
21 19 17 18 16 19 21 25 21 22
46 50 44 40 47 50 50 51 53 50
17 18 21 23 24 19 17 13 14 18
16 13 17 19 13 12 11 10 11 10
- 1 1 - - - 1 1 1 -
Moving on…
Q29 Now, for each of the following, please tell me whether that applies or does not apply to you personally. The
(first/next) one is…(RANDOMIZE)
Now I am going to ask you a few questions for statistical purposes only…
QF1x A lot of people are unable to get out and vote for many reasons. Did you happen to vote in the November
2020 election for president? (IF “YES,” ASK:) And did you vote for (ROTATE) Donald Trump or Joe Biden? +
Donald Trump....................................................................................... 43
Joe Biden ............................................................................................. 47
Voted for someone else (VOL) .......................................................... 2
Voted, not sure (VOL)......................................................................... 1
No, Did Not Vote .................................................................................. 6
Not sure .............................................................................................. 1
+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters
Hart Research Associates/Public Opinion Strategies Study #230239 -- page 23
September 2023 NBC News Survey
10/29- 10/9-
5/22 3/22 1/22 10/21 8/21 4/21 1/21+ 31/20+ 12/20+
34 40 36 43 40 44 46 54 46
58 53 56 50 50 50 46 38 42
3 2 4 3 4 3 3 4 8
4 4 3 3 5 3 5 3 4
1 1 1 1 1 - - 1 -
10/27- 10/4-
30/19+ 6/19+ 9/19+ 7/19+ 6/19 5/19 3/19 2/19 1/19
52 48 48 44 52 47 43 45 51
38 39 40 46 38 42 47 47 38
6 8 7 7 3 5 5 4 6
2 4 4 2 5 5 4 2 3
2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2
+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.
QF5 Thinking about your general approach to issues, do you consider yourself to be liberal, moderate, or
conservative? (IF "LIBERAL" OR "CONSERVATIVE," ASK:) Do you consider yourself to be very
(liberal/conservative) or somewhat (liberal/conservative)? +
QF8 How would you describe your economic circumstances—(ROTATE TOP TO BOTTOM) poor, working class,
middle class, upper middle class, or well-to-do? +
Poor ............................................................................. 7
Working class .............................................................. 28
Middle class................................................................. 43
Upper middle class ...................................................... 19
Well-to-do .................................................................... 3
Not sure/refused ........................................................ -
+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.