Air Top 2000 S D
Air Top 2000 S D
Air Top 2000 S D
Air Heater
– Improper installation or repair of Webasto heating and cooling systems can cause
fire or the leakage of deadly carbon monoxide leading to serious injury or death.
– Installation and repair of Webasto heating and cooling systems requires special
Webasto training, technical information, special tools and special equipment.
– NEVER attempt to install or repair a Webasto heating or cooling system unless you
have successfully completed the factory training course and have the technical skills,
technical information, tools and equipment required to properly complete the
necessary procedures.
– ALWAYS carefully follow Webasto installation and repair instructions and heed all
– Webasto rejects any liability for problems and damage caused by the system being
installed by untrained personnel.
List of Contents
1. Introduction
2. General Description
3. Functional Description
5. Troubleshooting
5.1 General....................................................................................................................................................501
5.2 General Failure Symptoms......................................................................................................................501
5.3 Failure Symptoms during Operation........................................................................................................502
5.4 Error Code Output ......................................................................................................................................503
6. Functional Tests
6.1 General....................................................................................................................................................601
6.2 Adjustments.............................................................................................................................................601
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List of Contents Air Top 2000 S
7. Circuit Diagrams
7.1 General....................................................................................................................................................701
8. Servicing
8.1 General....................................................................................................................................................801
8.2 Work on the Air Heater ............................................................................................................................801
8.3 Work on the Vehicle ................................................................................................................................801
8.4 Air Heater Test Run.................................................................................................................................801
8.5 Servicing..................................................................................................................................................801
8.6 Visual Inspections and Installation Regulations ......................................................................................801
8.8 Start-Up...................................................................................................................................................808
9. Repair
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Air Top 2000 S List of Figures
List of Figures
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List of Figures Air Top 2000 S
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Air Top 2000 S 1 Introduction
The air heater Air Top 2000 S is used to Within the scope of the StVZO (Road Licensing Regula-
tions of the Federal Republic of Germany) “Design
- heat the cabin General Approvals”, laid down by the Federal Office for
- defrost the windscreens. Motor Traffic, exist for the Air Top 2000 S with the
following official marks of conformity:
They are not cleared for heating a transportation com-
partment for dangerous goods. -S 324 (Diesel)
The heaters operate independent from the vehicle en- -S 325 (Gasoline)
gine and are connected to the fuel tank and to the electri-
cal system of the vehicle. Their use is possible in
vehicles with water- or air-cooled engines. The installation of the heater is to be performed in ac-
cordance with the installation instructions and must be
checked in case of
a) the vehicle type inspection in accordance with
1.2 Meaning of Warnings, Cautions § 20 StVZO
b) the individual inspection in accordance with
and Notes § 21 StVZO or
c) the examination in accordance with § 19 StVZO
WARNINGS, CAUTIONS, and NOTES in this manual performed by an officially authorised expert or exam-
have the following meaning: iner for road traffic, a vehicle inspector or a public
servant as per section 7.4 a of Annex VIII to the
This heading is used to highlight that non-compliance In the event of c) the installation must be certified on the
with instructions or procedures may cause injuries or acceptance certificate included in the copy of the
lethal accidents to personnel. “General Operating License” giving details about
- manufacturer
CAUTION - type of vehicle , and
This heading is used to highlight that non-compliance - vehicle identification number.
with instructions or procedures may cause damage to This validates the “Design General Approval”.
The acceptance certificate must be kept with the
NOTE vehicle.
This heading is used to highlight and draw specific atten- The year of first operation must be permanently
tion to information. marked on the identification label.
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1 Introduction Air Top 2000 S
The heater must not be installed in the passenger or Heating Air System
driver compartments of busses. Should the heater never- Heating air intake openings must be arranged so that
theless be installed in such a compartment, the installa- under normal operating conditions exhaust fumes of the
tion box must be sealed tight against the vehicle interior. vehicle engine or air heater are not likely to be expected.
There must be sufficient ventilation of the installation box
from the exterior in order not to exceed a maximum tem- Extracting combustion air from the vehicle interior is not
perature of 40 °C in the installation box. permissible.
At filling stations and fuel depots the heater must be Combustion Air Line
switched off as there is a potential danger of explo- The combustion air required must be taken from the
sion. exterior.
Within rooms accommodating persons, the combustion
Where flammable fumes or dust may build up (e.g. air lines must not have more than four disconnects and a
in the vicinity of fuel, coal, wood, cereal depots, or splash-water protected exterior wall feedthrough. The
similar installations) the heater must be switched off disconnects must be sealed in a way not to exceed a
to prevent explosions. leak rate of 200 l/h at an overpressure of 0.5 mbar.
The line including feedthrough, disconnects, material
Due to the danger of poisoning and suffocation the and specific type must be described in the installation
heater must not be operated in enclosed areas such as instructions.
garages or workshops without exhaust venting, not even The line must require tools for installation and removal,
if the start-up is activated by the timer or telestart device. must be protected against damage, and must be shock-
When removing the heater the gasket below must be re-
placed. Exhaust Line
Heaters must be designed to discharge the exhaust to
The heat exchanger of the air heater remains service- the exterior.
able for a maximum of 10 years and must then be re-
placed with an original spare part by the manu- Exhaust pipes must be routed so that exhaust fumes are
facturer or by one of its authorized workshops. unlikely to penetrate into the vehicle’s interior.
The heater must then be provided with a label The function of any parts of the vehicle essential for its
marked with the sales date and with the words “Orig- operation must not be impaired. Condensate or water
inal Spare”. penetrated must not be able to accumulate in the
Should exhaust pipes be routed through rooms exhaust line.
accommodating persons, these pipes shall also be Drain holes are permissible; these must drain the fluid to
renewed after 10 years. the exterior via lines sealed against the vehicle interior.
Installations not legally authorized will void the air The exhaust line outlet is to be positioned to the top, to
heater’s “Official Marks of Conformity” and thus the the side, or in case of exhaust venting below the vehicle
vehicle’s permit of operation. The same applies for floor, to the nearest possible location of the vehicle’s or
repairs performed by unskilled personnel and repairs cockpit’s side or rear end. In compartments accommo-
with no original spare parts. dating persons, exhaust lines must not have more than
one disconnect and must have a splash-water protected
feedthrough in the exterior wall/floor. For water, that has
1.5 Legal Provisions for Installation penetrated into the exhaust line, the connection of a
drain line with a metal-sealing joint is permissible. The
drain pipe must be routed sealed through the exterior
For testing the heater in accordance with 19, 20, or 21 wall or the vehicle floor.The heat exchanger, the exhaust
of the StVZO the following regulations are to be ob- line connected, as well as the possible drain pipe must
served in particular (§ 22 a StVZO): be sealed so that with an overpressure of double the
overpressure of the exhaust having the maximum per-
Testing is performed upon presentation of the operating missible exhaust line length - at least however at an over-
and installation instructions of the manufacturer. pressure of 0.5 bar - a total leak rate of 30 l/h is not
The year of the initial operation must be durably marked
on the heater identification plate by the installing person. The line including feedthrough, disconnects, material
and specific type must be described in the installation
The line must require tools for installation and removal,
must be protected against damage, and must be shock-
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Air Top 2000 S 1 Introduction
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2 General Description Air Top 2000 S
The combustion and heating air fan delivers the air re-
quired for combustion from the combustion air inlet to
For control and monitoring a
the burner insert. By means of the fan the heating air is
also delivered to the hot air outlet.
- control unit/control circuit board
- flame sensor
- glow plug
- temperature limiter
- temperature sensor
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Air Top 2000 S 2 General Description
The heat exchanger dissipates the heat provided by The control unit/control circuit board is the central con-
combustion to the air delivered by the combustion and trolling unit for functional sequencing and monitoring of
heating air fan. the combustion operation. A temperature sensor located
on the control unit is used for temperature control. All
heaters may have the temperature sensor replaced
with an external temperature sensor. The combustion
and heating air fan may be set by means of a poten-
Diesel Fuel
2 mm 1 mm
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2 General Description Air Top 2000 S
The flame sensor is a low-Ohm PTC resistor changing The temperature limiter protects the air heater against
its resistance dependent on its heating by the flame. excessive operating temperatures. Overheat protection
The signals are routed to the control unit for processing. is activated at a temperature higher than 150 °C to inter-
The flame sensor monitors the flame operating condition rupt the electrical circuit of the dosing pump and switch
over the complete duration of heater operation. off the heater with run-down operation.
After cooling down the electrical circuit is restored.
The air heater may be switched on again (see 3.1.8).
Flame Sensor
Temperature Limiter
2.6 Glow Plug
Glow Plug
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Air Top 2000 S 3 Functional Description
3. Functional Description
3.1 Functional Description Air Top 2000 S Should no proper combustion develop within 120 sec-
onds (for fuel-operated within 115 seconds) the combus-
tion and heating air fan speed is increased to full load for
3.1.1 Control Element approx. 30 seconds (15 seconds for fuel-operated
heaters) with the glow plug on and the dosing pump off
The control element is used to switch the air heater on (no fuel delivery) with a subsequent automatic restart.
and off, set the desired room temperature (air intake tem-
perature between 10 °C and 45 °C), and to unlock a Should the no-combustion-condition persist, after an-
failure interrupt condition. other 80 seconds (for fuel operated heaters after approx.
85 seconds) there will be a switch-off by error lockout
The green LED indication is used to indicate the opera- (see 3.1.8) with a run-down of the combustion and heat-
ting condition (LED permanently on) and an overheat ing air fan lasting 120 seconds at 2/3 of its max. speed.
condition (LED flashes).
2. Start (automatic restart)
Fan speed is again reduced to approx. 30% (for fuel
3.1.2 Switch-On
operated heaters to approx. 50%) and fuel is delivered.
During the next 20 seconds fan speed is increased to ap-
The control element is set to the desired room tempera- prox. 60% (for fuel-operated heaters to approx. 75%) of
ture. When switching the air heater on, the operating indi- full speed. As soon as a flame is detected within the next
cator is illuminated and the glow plug is activated 55 seconds, combustion will be stabilized. Should there
(cycled). The motor of the combustion and heating air be no flame condition after a total fuel delivery period of
fan starts high-speed operation for 1 second (break- 180 seconds, fuel delivery will be stopped and the glow
away moment) and is then under slow-down control to plug deactivated. The combustion air fan continues full
approx. 30% (Diesel) or 50% (fuel) of full speed. load operation for another 120 seconds (run-down) and
the heater enters the error lockout condition.
Should the temperature of the intake air be above the se-
lected, rated temperature, only the motor of the combus-
3.1.3 Stabilization
tion and heating air fan will operate (control idle). Start
operation will be initiated with a heating air temperature Diesel Operated Heaters
below the rated temperature. With the glow plug activated the operating speed of the
combustion and heating air fan is increased. After an-
The flame sensor function is checked. If the flame sen- other 20 seconds the speed of the combustion and heat-
sor at this time already signals “flame”, there will be a ing air fan is continuously increased within 17 seconds
120 second run-down and an error lockout of the control to full load for full heat.
unit. A malfunction of any other component monitored
causes an error lockout without run-down. NOTE
This operating condition is omitted if the set temperature
After approx. 20 seconds (for fuel operated heaters after (control idle) has already been achieved once.
approx. 15 seconds) the fuel dosing pump is activated. The glow plug is deactivated and heating operation com-
After another 25 seconds the speed of the combustion mences. A flame-out during speed up control causes a
and heating air fan is continuously increased to a higher restart, 5 restarts an error lockout of the heater.
rate and combustion begins. As soon as a flame is
detected, combustion will be stabilized (see 3.1.3). Fuel Operated Heaters
With the glow plug activated the operating speed of the
Should no normal combustion be achieved within 120 combustion and heating air fan is continuously increased
seconds (for fuel operated heaters after approx. 115 within 4 seconds to full load for full heat. This operating
seconds), the speed of the combustion and heating air condition will be omitted if the start occurs after a control
fan is increased for approx. 30 sec and there will be an idle period.
automatic repeat start with the glow plug activated and The glow plug is deactivated and heating operation com-
fuel dosing pump deactivated (no fuel supply). mences. A flame-out during speed up control causes a
restart, 5 restarts an error lockout of the heater.
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3 Functional Description Air Top 2000 S
During operation the combustion exhaust gasses flow Switching the heater off extinguishes the operation indi-
through the heat exchanger charging its walls with com- cation of the control element.
bustion heat, which in turn is taken up by the heating air If no fuel has been delivered or if the air heater is in con-
delivered by the heating air fan to be routed to the ve- trol idle, the air heater is deactivated immediately
hicle interior. without run-down.
The temperature of the heating air sucked in is
measured by means of a temperature sensor fitted to If fuel supply has commenced it will be immediately
the air intake side of the air heater or by means of an ex- stopped at switch-off. Fan speed remains constant and
ternally located temperature sensor. then decreases within 30 seconds to approx. 60% of full
A temperature below the one set with the control ele- speed. After this or with the flame sensor detecting “no
ment increases the heater performance up to maximum flame”, fan speed rises to maximum speed for 60 sec-
heat. In order to extend the burner idle period of Diesel onds and run down for 120 seconds is initiated. Run-
operated heaters during permanent operation with a down is at approx. 60% of full speed and is deactivated
heating performance in excess of 1.1 kW, the fuel dos- automatically.
ing pump delivery rate is reduced every 15 minutes for
20 seconds. NOTE
Re-activation of the heater during run-down is permitted.
A heating performance less than 1.1 kW causes the fuel Run-down will be completed first with a subsequent re-
delivery to the dosing pump to be interrupted every 30 start.
minutes for 4 seconds. Additionaly heating operation is
briefly suspended every 9 hours like in control idle. For
Diesel-operated heaters this is only applicable, if at this 3.1.8 Switch-off upon Failure
time heating performance is less than 1.1 kW.
The control unit recognizes failures of individual air
heater components and malfunctions in the start se-
3.1.5 Control Operation quence and in normal operation.
During control operation fan speed and dosing pump The air heater is deactivated and enters the error lock
rate of delivery are subject to heating performance. out mode under the following conditions:
The glow plug is deactivated.
flame sensor open or short circuit
temperature sensor open or short circuit
3.1.6 Control Idle glow plug open or short circuit
fan motor open or short circuit or fan speed wrong
After reaching the temperature set with the control ele- dosing pump open or short circuit
ment, heating performance is controlled to decrease. overheating
The speed of the combustion and heating air fan slows low voltage below 10 Volt or high voltage above
down and the fuel delivery rate to the dosing pump is re- 15 Volt in excess of 20 seconds for 12 Volt heaters
duced. When exceeding the air intake temperature set low voltage below 20 Volt or high voltage above
with the control element during minimum heating perfor- 30 Volt in excess of 20 seconds for 24 Volt heaters
mance, the dosing pump is deactivated after 5 seconds
and combustion terminates. A switch-off like in “switch-off” will be performed.
Fan speed remains constant for 35 seconds and is then In case of overheating there will be no fuel supply. After
increased to approx. 60% of full speed for cooling the run-down the control unit is in the error lockout mode.
heater down. the fan then continues to operate at ap- The operation indication outputs a flash code.
prox. 30% of full speed until temperature is below the For error unlock the air heater has to be switched off
temperature set with the control element. If temperature momentarily (at least 2 seconds) before switching on.
falls below the one set with the control element, the
heater will restart (without break away).
New settings on the control element are executed by the
control unit/heater with a time delay.
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Air Top 2000 S 4 Technical Data
Fuel consumption Control range 0.1 .. 0.2 kg/h (0.16..0.27 l/h) 0.1 .. 0.21 kg/h (0.12 .. 0.24 l/h)
CO2 in exhaust
(perm. functional range) Max. 9.5 … 10.5 9.5 … 12.0
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5 Troubleshooting Air Top 2000 S
5. Troubleshooting CAUTION
Troubleshooting is normally limited to the isolation of
defective components.
5.1 General The following causes for trouble are not considered and
should always be checked for to exclude them as cause
for trouble:
A malfunction of the Air Top 2000 S is indicated by an
error code displayed on the combination or standard corrosion on connector
timer. When equipped with a standard control dial loose contact on connector
the operating indicator flashes. In addition a heater check wrong crimping on connector
out may be performed using a personal computer (refer corrosion on electrical wiring and fuses
to operating instructions PC air heater diagnosis). corrosion on battery terminals
Air heater switches No combustion after start or repeat Switch off heater momentarily and
off automatically start switch on once again
Heater expels black fumes Combustion air and/or Check combustion and exhaust
exhaust ducting blocked ducting for obstructions
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Air Top 2000 S 5 Troubleshooting
5.3 Failure Symptoms during Operation failure symptom listed, in emergencies, assistance by our
service technicians may be requested.
The following table (Fig. 502) lists the possible failure
symptoms as they might occur during the functional NOTE
sequence of operation. Overheating and dosing pump failure are always indi-
cated additionally after run-down by the flashing LED of
In case of malfunction the failure is to be isolated and the control dial.
removed using this table. It is important to accurately
identify the failure symptom. In all cases of trouble also a defective control unit may
be the cause should all other components turn out to be
Should the failure symptom not be contained in this serviceable.
table or the trouble not be detected under the specific
No start but LED illuminates immediately Fan or control unit defective or fan blocked
Very low speed with no start immediately Control idle operation: wrong manual control (selected
temperature is below air intake temperature) or wrong
integration (excessive air intake temperature)
Motor operates momentarily 1 Glow plug or flame sensor short or open circuit or
and then stops control unit defective
Run-down after 230 No flame: wrong fuel supply quantity, defective or slow
fan, coked burner (in particular pilot flame outlet bore),
combustion air/exhaust ducting obstructed or heat
exchanger coked, dosing pump seized
Interruption of dosing pump during combustion Flame-out by gas bubbles in fuel delivery or strong
cycling and max. speed for operation wind against exhaust outlet or defective no-flame
30 sec with subsequent re-start detection
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5 Troubleshooting Air Top 2000 S
When equipped with a control dial, the error code
output is indicated by flashing of the operating indica-
tor/error code indication. The number of flash pulses
corresponds to the number indicated in the table below.
After a quick pulse train there will always be an error
code output.
F 10 Overheating
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Air Top 2000 S 6 Functional Tests
The CO2 contents of the exhaust is adjusted with the 1. Withdraw cover from upper shell according to 9.2.1.
potentiometer on the control circuit board. The air heater 2. Switch on air heater.
is preset by the manufacturer with respect to the com- 3. Rotate potentiometer two times and with no interrupt
bustion and heating air fan fitted. After adjustment by the through its complete setting range (e.g. max. - min.-
manufacturer the potentiometer is in center position max.).
(Fig. 601). After an inadvertent loss of this position it is 4. Adjust desired CO2 contents (Fig. 601).
sufficient to restore its original position. 5. Switch off air heater.
6. Install cover and secure.
The manufacturer setting may be corrected by rotating
the potentiometer. A suitable tool like a small screw
driver (2.5 mm tip) is to be used.
+ –
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6 Functional Tests Air Top 2000 S
During electrical testing always ensure that the control
unit and the component under test are electrically discon-
nected from each other.
Cold test:
Resistance at 25 °C: 2.6 ... 3.4 Ω
Test current: < 5 mA
Hot test:
Resistance at 800 - 1000 °C: 12 ... 15 Ω
(ceramic rod red hot over a length of approx. 20 mm)
Test current: < 5 mA
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Air Top 2000 S 7 Circuit Diagrams
7. Circuit Diagrams
7.1 General
control element
combination timer
control element and standard timer
X1 X2 X3 X4 X5
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7 Circuit Diagrams Air Top 2000 S
? ?
Fig. 702 Circuit Diagram Automatic Control Air Top 2000 S, 12V/24V with Control Dial
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Air Top 2000 S 7 Circuit Diagrams
? ?
Fig. 703 Circuit Diagram Automatic Control Air Top 2000 S, 12V/24V with Combination Timer
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7 Circuit Diagrams Air Top 2000 S
? ?
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Air Top 2000 S 7 Circuit Diagrams
Adapter Harness
P/N 9008440A
3 4
6 7
9 0
1 11
Fig. 705 Connection Diagram, Air Top 2000 S with Combination Timer
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7 Circuit Diagrams Air Top 2000 S
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Air Top 2000 S 8 Servicing
8.1 General check heating air inlet and outlet for foreign matter
and contamination. (Contaminated or clogged heat-
ing air ducts may lead to overheating and thus
This section describes the servicing procedures that
response of the temperature limiter).
may be performed with the air heater installed.
Clean air heater exterior (prevent the ingress of
8.2 Work on the Air Heater Examine electrical connections for corrosion of con-
tacts and for security.
Prior to performing any work it is mandatory to discon- Check combustion air and exhaust ducts for damage
nect the vehicle battery main lead. As long as the air and obstructions.
heater is in operation or in run-down, the battery main Check fuel lines and fuel filter for leakage.
supply must not be disconnected due to the danger of Replace fuel filter if installed.
overheating resulting in a response of the overheat pro-
tection. 8.6 Visual Inspections and Installation
When performing extensive repairs on the heater a com-
plete removal is advisable. When performing repairs re-
quiring a relocation of the installation position, the 8.6.1 Heating Air System
relevant installation instructions and the vehicle-specific
installation proposal have to be observed. CAUTION
The integration of the air heater into the vehicle’s own air
8.3 Work on the Vehicle system is not permitted due to the system’s high press-
ure and temperature.
CAUTION Fitted in the air heater on the heating air intake side is a
In the vicinity of the air heater a temperature of 85 °C temperature sensor, which operates the heater in the
must not be exceeded under any circumstances (e.g. relevant range of performance in conjunction with the
during body paint work). control dial dependent on the air intake temperature
and position of the rated value transmitter. Heating per-
8.4 Air Heater Test Run formance is selected so that after quickly reaching the
preselected indoor temperature it is maintained at this
WARNING value. Air Top 2000 S heaters may be operated with an
The air heater must not be operated, not even with external temperature sensor (see 9.1.2).
timer, in enclosed areas like garages or workshops not
equipped with an exhaust venting facility. Minimum inside diameter of the heating air duct is
55 mm. Standard diameter is 60 mm.
Operation of the heater without the control unit cover is NOTE
not permitted and causes overheating. For heating air ducting only materials may be used
which are temperature-proof to at least 130 °C.
8.5 Servicing Maximum loss of pressure between suction and delivery
side of the heating air duct 1.0 mbar (10 mm water
NOTE column).
In order to avoid the seizure of mechanical components,
the air heater should be operated every 4 weeks for at When exceeding this value the temperature limiter is
least 20 minutes. very likely to respond. The heating air hose is to be se-
cured at its joints.
The air heater does not require maintenance. It should
however be checked by Webasto-trained skilled person-
nel on regular intervals, the latest before the heating
season begins (point of time, when the heater is more
frequently in use due to weather conditions).
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8 Servicing Air Top 2000 S
iØ2mm I1 Fuel Tapping
Vehicles with a Diesel Engine S
The fuel must be taken from the vehicle fuel tank or
from a separate tank (Figs. 802, 803 and 804). This I 1 + I 2 ≤ 10 m (32.8 ft.) I1
separate fuel pickup precludes any effect of pressure. I 1 ≤ 1.2 m (3.9 ft.)
I 2 ≤ 8.8 m (28.8 ft.)
Vehicles with an Injection Engine
When installing the heater in a vehicle with fuel injection
systems, it is important to establish whether the fuel
pump is located inside or outside the tank. Fig. 801 Fuel Supply
If the fuel pump is located inside the tank, fuel can only
be extracted from the return line using a Webasto fuel
tee fitting in which case it must be ensured that the
return line continues almost to the bottom of the tank.
If this is not the case, a Webasto fuel standpipe
(see Figs. 802, 803 and 804) may be used.
The fuel tee must be fitted in such a way that any air or
gas bubbles are automatically discharged towards the
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Air Top 2000 S 8 Servicing
25 mm (1 in.)
Plastic Tank The fitting plate must be made of sheet metal!
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8 Servicing Air Top 2000 S
The proper connection of fuel lines with hoses is shown It is advantageous to mount the dosing pump in a cool
in Fig. 805. location. The ambient temperature must never exceed
+20 °C during operation.
Correct Dosing pump and fuel lines must not be installed in loca-
tions exposed to heat radiated by hot vehicle compo-
nents. A heat shield is to be provided as required.
Clamp Installation and Attachment
0 - 90°
AT 2000 S. 12 Volt and 24 Volt - Gasoline and Diesel Fig. 807 Fuel Filter
0-90° 0-90°
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Air Top 2000 S 8 Servicing
8.6.5 Combustion Air Supply Both lines must be routed away from the heater in a de-
scending attitude. If this is not possible, a condensate
Combustion air must under no circumstances be ex- drain hole ø 4 mm must be provided at the lowest point.
tracted from rooms with persons. The combustion air
inlet must not point towards the forward direction of mo- Inner diameter of lines:
tion. It must be located so that no clogging by contamina- Combustion air line: 22 mm
tion is to be expected. Exhaust line: 22 mm
For fuel operated heaters the combustion air tap must When exceeding an exhaust line length of 2 m, insulated
be located in a possibly cool and splash water proof posi- exhaust lines have to be used (below minimum dew
tion using a combustion air line. point).
If the air heater is located in a closed installation box, Smallest bending radius: 50 mm
combustion air must be taken in from and the exhaust
routed to the exterior. The feedthroughs must not allow In order to ensure the angle of 90° ± 10°, an attachment
exhaust fumes to enter the vehicle interior. is required not further than 150 mm away measured
from the exhaust pipe end.
If a contamniated combustion air supply is expected, a
combustion air filter (Ident No. 21963A) can be fitted
(Air Top 2000 S D only).
ø 6,5
Fig. 808 Exhaust Muffler, Direction of Flow
Any exhaust exit direction other than the one shown in
Fig. 809 may cause fires.
Operation of the air heater is also permitted without
Sum of bends:
Combustion air line: max. 270°
Exhaust: max. 270°
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8 Servicing Air Top 2000 S Connection Air Heater, Control Dial The cable loom is prefabricated to connect to the control
dial (rated value transmitter).
Electrical connection is according to Circuit Diagram For plug disconnection pull on terminal plug only
Automatic Control (see Section 7). (Fig. 812).
By pulling on the cable loom the terminal plug is
For connection of the cable loom the cover (see secured (self-locking).
of the air heater has to be removed for connecting the
cable loom plug(s) to the control unit. Avoid touching the
control unit strip conductors.
AT 2000 S
F = 15A (12V)
F = 10A (24V)
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Air Top 2000 S 8 Servicing
3 4
Exhaust Muffler
Fuel Connector
Control Dial
Air Heater
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8 Servicing Air Top 2000 S
CAUTION After you have installed the heater, bleed the fuel supply
When the heater is installed it must not be dismantled. system carefully.
8.7.1 Air Heater, Removal and Installation As a result of the low fuel consumption the heater must
be switched on several times to fill the fuel line. Removal
Conduct a trial of the heater to check all the connections
1. Disconnect battery terminal leads. for leaks and to ensure that they are secure. If the
2. Withdraw cover from upper housing shell according heater suffers a fault during operation, the fault must be
to 9.2.1. located and remedied.
3. Disconnect the wire harness plug from control unit.
4. Disconnect interior air ducts if present.
5. Disconnect cable to dosing pump at cable disconnect.
6. Disconnect fuel inlet on air heater.
7. Disconnect connections of combustion air intake and
exhaust outlet on air heater.
8. Remove four nuts and lock washers on air heater.
9. Remove air heater and discard gasket. Installation
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Air Top 2000 S 9 Repair
Temperature Sensor Connector X9
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9 Repair Air Top 2000 S
9.2 Disassembly and Assembly Covers for Heating Air Inlet and Outlet Grates for Heating Air Inlet and Outlet The upper shell (2, Fig. 901) can be raised by pulling up.
The grates (5, Fig. 901) can be released from the Lower Housing Shell
covers by twisting and pulling off forwards.
By gently pulling the lower shell (4, Fig. 901) on both
sides in the areas Y , you can release the fixing and
the shell can be taken off the motor casing.
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Air Top 2000 S 9 Repair
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9 Repair Air Top 2000 S
3 4
1 Plug Connections
2 Control Unit
3 Screw (2)
4 Screw (2)
5 Temperature Limiter
6 Bracket
7 Screw
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Air Top 2000 S 9 Repair
! MAX.
1 Insulation
2 Seal
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9 Repair Air Top 2000 S Installation • Loose wire strands of the mesh must be cut off
to prevent contact with the temperature sensor.
1. Ensure that sealing surfaces on combustion air fan
and on heat exchanger are not damaged. • Ensure a secure fit between the heat exchanger,
2. Place new gasket (2, Fig. 904) onto flange of insulating mesh, and the upper housing.
combustion air fan (3).
3. Place combustion air fan into assembly position and • An overly worn, damaged or flattened insulating
mount using screws (1). Torque screws (1) to 6 Nm. mesh must be replaced with a new mesh.
1 Screw (5)
2 Gasket
3 Combustion Air Fan
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Air Top 2000 S 9 Repair
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9 Repair Air Top 2000 S
1 Flame Sensor
2 Spoiler
3 Screw (4)
4 Locking Tab
5 Burner Insert 13
6 Combustion Tube
7 Gasket
8 Heat Exchanger
9 Cable Grommet
10 Cable Grommet 2
11 Glow Plug
12 Grommet
13 Screw 1
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Air Top 2000 S 9 Repair
Detail A
Detail B
Twist Lock
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9 Repair Air Top 2000 S
If the heat exchanger is going to be replaced, the
temperature limiter must also be replaced. Removal
When performing the following step ensure that fuel
connection is not bent. Installation
The burner insert will be secured when installing flame
sensor and glow plug.
When performing the following step ensure that the fuel
connection is not bent.
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Air Top 2000 S 10 Packaging/Storage and Shipping
10.1 General
06/2008 1001
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Notes Air Top 2000 S