Midterm Examination NSTP 2
Midterm Examination NSTP 2
Midterm Examination NSTP 2
National Service Training Program 2 (NSTP 2)
Second Semester S.Y. 2022-2023
I. FACTUAL KNOWLEDGE: Read and recall each question carefully and encircle the letter of
the best answer. (1 point each)
1. It is composed of all agencies, organizations, firms, and institutions within the community that
can be considered assets to the community in some way.
A. DepEd B. TESDA C. Community Organizations D. NSTP
2. It refers to a process used to determine the needs of individuals or a group of individuals in
order to design a program that will respond effectively to the needs and bring about
desired changes in behavior.
A. Mega Assessment B. needs assessment
C. Community Assessment D. Late Evaluation
3. It is data that is collected by the research team at the time of the assessment. Examples are
surveys and interviews.
A. evidence B. Data C. secondary data D. primary data
4. A group of people who may not populate in the same location but have common goods.
A. Functional community
B. Geographical community
C. Community Organizations
D. Literacy Training Service Program in the Community
5. The practice of providing time and skills for the benefit of other people and causes rather than
for financial benefit.
A. Volunteerism
B. Community sentiment
C. Permanence
D. Similarity
6. It is designed to immerse students in activities that will arm them with the capability to
contribute in the upliftment of the general welfare and the quality of life of the community.
A. Civic Welfare Training Service Program II
B. National Service Training Program
C. Literacy Training Service Program
D. Reserved Officers Training Corps Program
7. Work done by a person or group of people that benefits others. It is often done near the
area where you live, so your own community reaps the benefit of your work.
A. outreach B. community engagement
C. visitation D. community service
8. The most fundamental or essential characteristics or element of a community.
A. Naturality
B. locality
C. Group of people
D. Similarity
9. It is the process of bringing together all societal and personal influences to raise awareness
of and demand for health care, assist in the delivery of resources and services, and
cultivate sustainable individual and community involvement.
A. Reserved Officers Training Corps
B. Civic Welfare Training Service
C. Social mobilization
D. Literacy Training Service
10. It is a call for partnership with all stakeholders: "government workers and technical experts."
Policy makers depend on technocrats, bureaucrats, and service professionals to provide the
rationale for decisions as well as to plan and implement programs.
A. mobilization strategy B. Societal C. Remedial policy D. Psychometrics
11. It is composed of community leaders, schools, churches, mosques, and grassroots groups are
critical to get communities involved. They help transform development goals into action.
Popular participation takes place here.
A. LGU B.NGA C. Non-governmental sector D. DSWD
12. It is the main reason to obtain accurate information regarding the needs of a community; as
they encounter natural growth and development, communities encounter fluctuating
A. Work B. Peace C. Order D. change
13. It is used to obtain insights about the well-being of people. This approach uses descriptive
statistics to prepare an assessment report for the community.
A. Existing Data Approach B. Existing Data Approach
C. Promotion Approach D. Informant Approach
14. It is held during which time the participants discuss the needs faced by the community, what
some of the priority needs are and what can be done about these priority needs.
A. Focus group interviewer.
B. Group interaction
C. Key Informant Approach
D. Community Forum
15. It evaluates the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of an organization; is
a broad overview of the most important internal strengths and weaknesses and the
most important external opportunities and threats; it is a function performed during the
strategic planning process.
A. strategic planning
B. SWOT Analysis
C. program evaluation
D. Literacy Training Service
16. _________________ are a particular form of data collection utilized during the needs
assessment process.
A. interview B. exam C. test D. surveys
17. __________________ are public meetings for invited people to express opinions about
problems and needs.
a. Forums B. Existential C. Gestalt D. interview
18. It is an informal technique used to help assess the needs and feelings of participants on
subjects; typically, small in size and usually range between six to twenty participants; they
are commonly used during the needs assessment process.
A. interview B. surveys C. focus group D. Forums
19. It is a systemic process through which an organization agrees on- and builds commitment
among key stakeholders to- priorities which are essential to its mission and responsive to the
operating environment.
A. strategic planning
B. program evaluation
C. organizational planning
D. SWOT Analysis
20. It carefully collects information about a program or an aspect of a program to make
necessary decisions about the program.
A. SWOT Analysis
B. strategic planning
C. program evaluation
D. organizational planning
21. _________________ are the counterpart to needs assessments; assess the relevance, adequacy
and appropriateness of current individual programs, activities and events; they measure the
relevance, satisfaction and effectiveness of an existing activity.
A. Interaction B. Evaluations C. Reproduction D. Falsification
22. Information is gathered from a representative sample of community residents about issues
affecting their well-being.
A. Existing Data Approach
B. SWOT Analysis
C. Key Informant Approach
D. Community Attitude Survey Approach
23. It identifies community leaders and people who are knowledgeable about the
community and can accurately identify priority needs and concerns.
A. Community Attitude Survey Approach
B. Existing Data Approach
C. SWOT Analysis
D. Key Informant Approach
24. It is an invaluable tool involving people in solving problems and developing goals; allows the
community to prioritize needs and strategies community solution to improve conditions.
A. community needs assessment process.
B. Community Needs Assessment
C. Assessment
D. SWOT Analysis
25. It is performed prior to acting and is used to determine current situations and identify issues
for action.
A. Information theory B. school guidance C. Assessment D. Beliefs
26. Doing community service has personal benefits as well. It often makes participants more
organized, responsible, and compassionate.
A. Personal growth B. Development C. Beliefs D. Analysis
27. One important requirement of the NSTP prescribe to students male or female alike. This serves
as the practical based element of NSTP where lessons learned and acquired in NSTP1 are
A. conversation B. Community Immersion C. Community Gesture D. message
28. A group of people living in a particular locality, we can see its existence.
A. consumption B. verbal communication C. message D. Concrete Nature
29. Which of the following serves as the web of relationships and interactions among human
A. consumption B. verbal communication C. message D. Community
30. A sanctuary of people populating in the same geographical location
a. Transactional Analysis B. Linguistics C. Geographical community D. perception
I. CONCEPTUAL KNOWLEDGE: Read each sentence carefully. Identify if it is True or False. Write
TRUE if the statement expresses the correct idea. If the statement is incorrect, write FALSE and
replace the underlined word or phrase to make it correct. (1 point each)
II. PROCEDURAL KNOWLEDGE (2 points each): Differentiate and write, what word/words made it
false. Underline the word/words.
A- if the first statement is true and second statement is false.
B – if the first statement is false and the second statement is true.
C – if both statements are true.
D – if both statements are false.
1. Community service is unpaid work performed by a person or group of people for the
benefit and betterment of their community without any form of compensation.
Community service can be distinct from volunteering since it is not always performed
on a voluntary basis and may be compulsory. While individual benefits may be
realized, they may be performed for a variety of reasons, including citizenship
requirements, alternatives to criminal justice sanctions, school or class requirements,
and requisites to obtain certain benefits.
students to train, organize and mobilize them for national defense preparedness.
3. The National Defense Act of 1935 (Commonwealth Act No. 1) was passed by the
Philippine National Assembly on December 21, 1935. The purpose of this act was to
create an independent Philippine Army; this was interrupted by World War II.
NSTP, according to RA 9163, is a program that aims to improve youth civic awareness
and defense preparedness by instilling service and patriotism ethics while undergoing
training in any of the three program components that are specifically designed to
improve youth's active participation in the community.
6. Inherited traits and tendencies, both physical and mental, cannot be accentuated,
altered, controlled, and perhaps even definitely eliminated by environment.
Learn to say no to the person who try to seduce you to use drugs.
7. The will is man’s capacity to direct and to restrain thought, emotion, and action.
Educate yourself what is the bad side effects and what the consequence of using
drugs is.
8. If you can’t avoid using drugs, help yourself go to the professional who may know to
help your addiction.
Values bring independence and freedom, expand the capacity to be self – sufficient,
and liberate one from external influences. As we develop values within the self, we
share the fragrance of those values with the world around us, and in this way, we
move forward to a better world.
The original state of respect is based on awareness of the self as a unique entity, a life
force within, a spiritual being.
10. Students of any baccalaureate degree course or at least two years technical
vocational courses in public and private educational institutions shall be required to
complete one of the NSTP components as prerequisite for graduation.
Students who have completed any of the three components but are still considered
freshman in the course to which they have moved or transferred are likewise
disqualified. The unique nature of the Philippine Merchant Ship Academy, the
Philippine National Police Academy, and the Philippine Army Military Academy is a
consideration for.
1. If you were given a chance to prepare an action plan for your community service
activities, what action plan would you propose? Write it on the spaces provided:
2. How can community service help develop your community awareness and
5. What did you learn from your recent community immersion services in the community?
National Service Training Program 2 (NSTP 2)
Second Semester S.Y. 2022-2023
I. FACTUAL KNOWLEDGE: Read and recall each question carefully and encircle the letter of
the best answer. (1 point each)
1. It is composed of all agencies, organizations, firms, and institutions within the community that
can be considered assets to the community in some way.
A. DepEd B. TESDA C. Community Organizations D. NSTP
2. It refers to a process used to determine the needs of individuals or a group of individuals in
order to design a program that will respond effectively to the needs and bring about
desired changes in behavior.
A. Mega Assessment B. needs assessment
C. Community Assessment D. Late Evaluation
3. It is data that is collected by the research team at the time of the assessment. Examples are
surveys and interviews.
A. evidence B. Data C. secondary data D. primary data
4. A group of people who may not populate in the same location but have common goods.
A. Functional community
B. Geographical community
C. Community Organizations
D. Literacy Training Service Program in the Community
5. The practice of providing time and skills for the benefit of other people and causes rather than
for financial benefit.
A. Volunteerism
B. Community sentiment
C. Permanence
D. Similarity
6. It is designed to immerse students in activities that will arm them with the capability to
contribute in the upliftment of the general welfare and the quality of life of the community.
A. Civic Welfare Training Service Program II
B. National Service Training Program
C. Literacy Training Service Program
D. Reserved Officers Training Corps Program
7. Work done by a person or group of people that benefits others. It is often done near the
area where you live, so your own community reaps the benefit of your work.
A. outreach B. community engagement
C. visitation D. community service
8. The most fundamental or essential characteristics or element of a community.
A. Naturality
B. locality
C. Group of people
D. Similarity
9. It is the process of bringing together all societal and personal influences to raise awareness
of and demand for health care, assist in the delivery of resources and services, and
cultivate sustainable individual and community involvement.
A. Reserved Officers Training Corps
B. Civic Welfare Training Service
C. Social mobilization
D. Literacy Training Service
10. It is a call for partnership with all stakeholders: "government workers and technical experts."
Policy makers depend on technocrats, bureaucrats, and service professionals to provide the
rationale for decisions as well as to plan and implement programs.
A. mobilization strategy B. Societal C. Remedial policy D. Psychometrics
11. It is composed of community leaders, schools, churches, mosques, and grassroots groups are
critical to get communities involved. They help transform development goals into action.
Popular participation takes place here.
A. LGU B.NGA C. Non-governmental sector D. DSWD
12. It is the main reason to obtain accurate information regarding the needs of a community; as
they encounter natural growth and development, communities encounter fluctuating
A. Work B. Peace C. Order D. change
13. It is used to obtain insights about the well-being of people. This approach uses descriptive
statistics to prepare an assessment report for the community.
A. Existing Data Approach B. Existing Data Approach
C. Promotion Approach D. Informant Approach
14. It is held during which time the participants discuss the needs faced by the community, what
some of the priority needs are and what can be done about these priority needs.
A. Focus group interviewer.
B. Group interaction
C. Key Informant Approach
D. Community Forum
15. It evaluates the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of an organization; is
a broad overview of the most important internal strengths and weaknesses and the
most important external opportunities and threats; it is a function performed during the
strategic planning process.
A. strategic planning
B. SWOT Analysis
C. program evaluation
D. Literacy Training Service
16. _________________ are a particular form of data collection utilized during the needs
assessment process.
A. interview B. exam C. test D. surveys
17. __________________ are public meetings for invited people to express opinions about
problems and needs.
a. Forums B. Existential C. Gestalt D. interview
18. It is an informal technique used to help assess the needs and feelings of participants on
subjects; typically, small in size and usually range between six to twenty participants; they
are commonly used during the needs assessment process.
A. interview B. surveys C. focus group D. Forums
19. It is a systemic process through which an organization agrees on- and builds commitment
among key stakeholders to- priorities which are essential to its mission and responsive to the
operating environment.
A. strategic planning
B. program evaluation
C. organizational planning
D. SWOT Analysis
20. It carefully collects information about a program or an aspect of a program to make
necessary decisions about the program.
A. SWOT Analysis
B. strategic planning
C. program evaluation
D. organizational planning
21. _________________ are the counterpart to needs assessments; assess the relevance, adequacy
and appropriateness of current individual programs, activities and events; they measure the
relevance, satisfaction and effectiveness of an existing activity.
A. Interaction B. Evaluations C. Reproduction D. Falsification
22. Information is gathered from a representative sample of community residents about issues
affecting their well-being.
A. Existing Data Approach
B. SWOT Analysis
C. Key Informant Approach
D. Community Attitude Survey Approach
23. It identifies community leaders and people who are knowledgeable about the
community and can accurately identify priority needs and concerns.
A. Community Attitude Survey Approach
B. Existing Data Approach
C. SWOT Analysis
D. Key Informant Approach
24. It is an invaluable tool involving people in solving problems and developing goals; allows the
community to prioritize needs and strategies community solution to improve conditions.
A. community needs assessment process.
B. Community Needs Assessment
C. Assessment
D. SWOT Analysis
25. It is performed prior to acting and is used to determine current situations and identify issues
for action.
A. Information theory B. school guidance C. Assessment D. Beliefs
26. Doing community service has personal benefits as well. It often makes participants more
organized, responsible, and compassionate.
A. Personal growth B. Development C. Beliefs D. Analysis
27. One important requirement of the NSTP prescribe to students male or female alike. This serves
as the practical based element of NSTP where lessons learned and acquired in NSTP1 are
A. conversation B. Community Immersion C. Community Gesture D. message
28. A group of people living in a particular locality, we can see its existence.
A. consumption B. verbal communication C. message D. Concrete Nature
29. Which of the following serves as the web of relationships and interactions among human
A. consumption B. verbal communication C. message D. Community
30. A sanctuary of people populating in the same geographical location
a. Transactional Analysis B. Linguistics C. Geographical community D. perception
IV. CONCEPTUAL KNOWLEDGE: Read each sentence carefully. Identify if it is True or False. Write
TRUE if the statement expresses the correct idea. If the statement is incorrect, write FALSE and
replace the underlined word or phrase to make it correct. (1 point each)
Community service can be distinct from volunteering since it is not always performed
on a voluntary basis and may be compulsory. While individual benefits may be
realized, they may be performed for a variety of reasons, including citizenship
requirements, alternatives to criminal justice sanctions, school or class requirements,
and requisites to obtain certain benefits.
3. The National Defense Act of 1935 (Commonwealth Act No. 1) was passed by the
Philippine National Assembly on December 21, 1935. The purpose of this act was to
create an independent Philippine Army; this was interrupted by World War II.
NSTP, according to RA 9163, is a program that aims to improve youth civic awareness
and defense preparedness by instilling service and patriotism ethics while undergoing
training in any of the three program components that are specifically designed to
improve youth's active participation in the community.
6. Inherited traits and tendencies, both physical and mental, cannot be accentuated,
altered, controlled, and perhaps even definitely eliminated by environment.
Learn to say no to the person who try to seduce you to use drugs.
7. The will is man’s capacity to direct and to restrain thought, emotion, and action.
Educate yourself what is the bad side effects and what the consequence of using
drugs is.
8. If you can’t avoid using drugs, help yourself go to the professional who may know to
help your addiction.
Values bring independence and freedom, expand the capacity to be self – sufficient,
and liberate one from external influences. As we develop values within the self, we
share the fragrance of those values with the world around us, and in this way, we
move forward to a better world.
The original state of respect is based on awareness of the self as a unique entity, a life
force within, a spiritual being.
10. Students of any baccalaureate degree course or at least two years technical
vocational courses in public and private educational institutions shall be required to
complete one of the NSTP components as prerequisite for graduation.
Students who have completed any of the three components but are still considered
freshman in the course to which they have moved or transferred are likewise
disqualified. The unique nature of the Philippine Merchant Ship Academy, the
Philippine National Police Academy, and the Philippine Army Military Academy is a
consideration for.
1. If you were given a chance to prepare an action plan for your community service
activities, what action plan will you proposed? Write it on the spaces provided:
2. How can community service help develop your community awareness and
5. What did you learn from your recent community immersion services in the community?