Jurnal 2
Jurnal 2
Jurnal 2
Ecological Indicators
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/ecolind
Keywords: Forests are vital in combating climate change by storing and sequestrating CO2 from the atmosphere. Measuring
Land cover change the influence of land use/land cover (LULC) changes on the capacity of carbon storage (CS) within forest eco
Carbon sequestration systems presents a significant challenge. This study employs remote sensing techniques to examine the changes
Forest habitats
in spatiotemporal patterns of CS in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT), resulting from LULC alterations between
Spatiotemporal analysis
Sustainable development
1996 and 2021. LULC change patterns were identified for six different years utilizing the Google Earth Engine
(GEE). The Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs (InVEST) model was combined with GEE to
evaluate the changing patterns of CS. The study discovered that the CHT region experienced a loss of 21.65 × 106
Mg of CS, owing to a 21% reduction in vegetation cover (2862.85 km^2) during the study period. The central city
area (Chittagong) accounted for the most significant loss of CS (7.99 × 106 Mg), while the suburban areas of
Khagrachari (0.92 × 106 Mg) and Rangamati (3.53 × 106 Mg) contributed the least. The multiple regression
model revealed that elevation and vegetation characteristics significantly influenced CS. The findings underscore
the importance of developing policies and strategies that mitigate the adverse effects of land cover change on CS,
and advocate for sustainable forest management practices that strike a balance between ecological, social, and
economic concerns.
1. Introduction 2021). Approximately 45% of the organic carbon present in biomass and
soil is stored in forests, while land surfaces have taken in nearly 30% of
Forests are integral to the global carbon cycle, serving as a carbon atmospheric CO2 from 1990 to 2017 (Baul et al., 2021). Tropical forests
sink and capturing 7.6 billion metric tons of CO2 each year (Streiff, are particularly crucial to global carbon sinks, absorbing and storing
Abbreviations: CS, Carbon Storage; LULC, Land use/Land cover; CHT, Chittagong Hill Tracts; EVI, Enhanced Vegetation Index; NDVI, Normalized Difference
Vegetation Index; GEE, Google Earth Engine; InVEST, Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs.
* Corresponding author at: Department of Urban & Regional Planning, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (A.A. Kafy), [email protected] (M. Saha), [email protected]
(Md.A. Fattah), [email protected] (M.T. Rahman), [email protected] (B.M. Duti), [email protected] (Z.A. Rahaman), [email protected]
(A. Bakshi), [email protected] (S. Kalaivani), [email protected] (S. Nafiz Rahaman), [email protected] (G.S. Sattar).
Received 15 October 2022; Received in revised form 12 May 2023; Accepted 16 May 2023
Available online 22 May 2023
1470-160X/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
A.A. Kafy et al. Ecological Indicators 152 (2023) 110374
terrestrial carbon and accounting for approximately 25% of the world’s significant role in carbon sequestration and storage (Koutika, 2022).
atmospheric carbon (Kreier, 2022). Moreover, forests contain organic However, due to anthropogenic activities such as deforestation, the
carbon, which comprises a significant portion of the net carbon in the country loses an average of 24,000 ha of forest area yearly. The Chit
forest ecosystem, ranging from 36% to 60%, depending on the forest tagong Hill Tracts (CHT) region, which is the only extensively hilly re
type and location (Koutika, 2022). Regrettably, rapid land use/land gion in Bangladesh and covers an area of 15,516 km2, has been
cover (LULC) change is destroying many forests worldwide, leading to experiencing rapid LULC changes, particularly deforestation (Baul et al.,
changes in soil organic carbon and contributing to approximately 2021). The reduction of forest cover in CHT can be attributed to a
25–30% of all greenhouse gas emissions (Olorunfemi et al. 2022). combination of factors. Extensive deforestation for agricultural expan
Recent studies have also discovered that the world’s tropical forests sion has played a significant role as local communities and commercial
already exhibit reduced carbon absorption (Hubau et al. 2020). Over the enterprises clear forests to create more cultivable land (Ahmed et al.,
past few decades, the decline and degradation of forest ecosystems have 2021). Illegal logging for timber and fuelwood also contributes to forest
resulted in severe losses of global carbon reserves. The loss is particu depletion, driven by high demand and limited enforcement of forestry
larly concerning because clearing tropical forests removes vital carbon laws (Vasile & Iordăchescu 2022). Infrastructure development, such as
sinks that sequester CO2 from the atmosphere and stabilize the climate road construction and establishing new settlements, has led to habitat
(Hoque et al. 2021). Although carbon storage (CS) from tropical forests fragmentation and loss (Liu et al., 2019). The reduction of forest cover
is expected to continue for several more decades, according to recent has far-reaching consequences that affect not only the local environment
climatic models, preserving and restoring forests is essential to but also the global carbon cycle and climate. Deforestation decreases CS
addressing climate change (Baul et al., 2021). capacity, as forests serve as natural carbon sinks that absorb and store
Forests can have varying impacts on the carbon cycle, ranging from atmospheric carbon dioxide (Pawlik et al., 2020). As a result, the loss of
net emitters to net carbon sinks, depending on their unique character these forests contributes to increased greenhouse gas emissions and
istics and regional settings. Forests serve as vital carbon sinks by exacerbates global climate change (Hasan et al., 2019). The disruption
absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere and converting it into biomass of the global carbon cycle also has implications for natural hazards such
through photosynthesis. The sequestered carbon accumulates in forest as increased flooding and landslides due to reduced water absorption
soils, biomass, deadwood, and litter. However, carbon is also naturally capacity of the soil and destabilized slopes which significantly height
released from forest ecosystems through respiration, oxidation, and ened vulnerability to natural hazards and put local communities at
human activities (Waseem & Khayyam, 2019). The rapid growth of greater risk, endangering lives and infrastructure (Brando et al., 2019).
human populations and urban settlements has created an increasing Moreover, reducing biodiversity loss is a significant concern, as defor
challenge for forest lands and eco-friendly land cover (Almulhim & estation leads to habitat destruction and fragmentation, threatening the
Cobbinah, 2022). The transformation of forest land to other uses nega survival of numerous plant and animal species (Shah et al., 2022).
tively impacts terrestrial ecosystems, resulting in carbon emissions, Additionally, local communities that rely on forests for their livelihoods,
climate change, and global warming (Harris et al., 2021). Consequently, such as through the collection of non-timber forest products or
severe natural disasters such as hurricanes, floods, and other calamities ecosystem services like water filtration, may face economic hardship
occur, causing significant social and economic losses and contributing to and declining quality of life (Tieminie et al., 2021). Lastly, the loss of
climate change on local and global scales (Amit et al., 2023; Senan et al., traditional knowledge and cultural values associated with these forests
2022; Song and Zeng, 2017). Therefore, a comprehensive understanding is another consequence of deforestation, which can have long-lasting
of the capacity of CS dynamics due to LULC change is crucial for effects on the social fabric of the region (Ogar et al., 2020).
ecological and environmental management, climate change mitigation, This study addresses a critical research gap by providing a compre
and sustainable development. hensive assessment of the impact of LULC changes on CS in the CHT
The UNDP and IPCC have established a clear link between LULC and region of Bangladesh from the year 1996 to 2021, a topic that has
carbon sequestration and storage (UNDP, 2015; IPCC, 2019). To eval received little attention in previous research. By employing the InVEST
uate the ecosystem services (ES) of various LULC types, scientists have model and mapping spatiotemporal vegetation cover dynamics, this
introduced several models, with the Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem research contributes valuable methodological insights by adding novelty
Services and Tradeoffs (InVEST) model being the most advanced and for assessing CS potential and resiliency at the regional scale undergoing
contemporary one for ES assessment (Sánchez-Canales et al., 2012; rapid LULC changes. Mapping spatiotemporal vegetation cover dy
Redhead et al., 2016; Leh et al., 2013; Keller et al., 2015). Researchers namics will help identify potential areas for afforestation and assist
have quantified and mapped CS and sequestration as one of the most policymakers in landscape planning and management to minimize
common regulatory services (Jiang et al. 2017; Kanime et al., 2013; possible future impacts. The intellectual merit of this study lies in its
Stringer et al., 2012; Yang et al., 2020; Wang and Qie 2018). Although focus on the understudied region of Bangladesh, highlighting the
previous research focused on the relationship between LULC and CS, the importance of tropical forests in developing countries as essential con
majority of studies have been conducted in developed cities, coastal tributors to global carbon sequestration and storage. The broader im
regions, flood plains, arid and hilly regions (Fattah et al., 2021a; Zhao pacts of this study include its potential to inform policymaking and
et al., 2016; 2018; Lu et al., 2018; Favretto et al., 2016). Although some landscape planning for more effective environmental management and
studies have analyzed CS in developing countries (Adelisardou et al., sustainable development in Bangladesh and other developing countries.
2022; Liang et al., 2018b; Lininger et al., 2019), none have specifically By identifying areas with high CS potential and addressing the drivers of
examined LULC-based CS dynamics in Bangladesh. In developing LULC change, this research can help policymakers develop targeted
countries, forest biodiversity is important in addressing climate change forest conservation and restoration strategies, ultimately contributing to
by capturing carbon and regulating the worldwide climate (Liang et al., global climate change mitigation efforts. Additionally, this study’s
2021). A better understanding of how forest cover changes affect CS and findings can be used to raise awareness about the importance of forests
its impacts on environmental protection will help address climate and their role in the global carbon cycle.
change and sustainable development in these countries (Hoque et al.,
2021). Forest cover change and its effects on CS in developing countries 2. Materials and methods
are essential in the global context, as these nations are often the most
vulnerable to climate change (Ahmad et al., 2022; World Bank, 2021; 2.1. Study area
Begum et al., 2020).
Bangladesh is home to approximately 2.6 million hectares of tropical The CHT encompasses an area of approximately 15,516 km2, rep
forests, which comprise 17% of the country’s total land area and play a resenting the only major hilly region in Bangladesh. Situated in the
A.A. Kafy et al. Ecological Indicators 152 (2023) 110374
southeastern part of the Chittagong Division, it shares borders with the Table 1
Chittagong district to the west, Myanmar to the southeast, Tripura to the Dataset descriptions.
north, and Mizoram to the east (Fig. 1). The region includes the districts Date Scene ID Sensor Cloud Path /
of Chittagong, Cox’s Bazar, Bandarban, Rangamati, and Khagrachari Acquired (Y/ Cover Row
and features a deep forest with rugged mountainous topography, wa M/D)
terfalls, and lakes. Home to a diverse array of ethnic groups, the CHT has 1996/04/06 LT51360441996097BKT02 Landsat 4–5 <5% 136/
a population of over 13.84 million people who largely depend on forests 2001/04/04 LT51360442001094BKT01 TM C1 Level- 44
for their livelihoods, either directly or indirectly (BBS, 2022). 2006/04/02 LT51360442006092BKT00 1
2011/04/08 LT51360442011058BKT00
Despite its natural beauty and significance, the CHT faces consider 2016/04/10 LC81360442016008LGN02 Landsat 8 OLI <5% 136/
able challenges due to human activities such as population growth, 2021/04/27 LC81360442021117LGN00 / TIRS C1 44
tourism expansion, landslides, and agriculture. More than 50% of the Level-1
CHT area is inhabited, with people clearing forests, leveling hills to
expand settlements, and constructing new infrastructure. These activ
Atmospheric correction was essential for eliminating the impact of the
ities have led to dramatic changes in the landscape and land cover of the
atmosphere on the images, while radiometric correction helped adjust
districts within the CHT. Although the government and responsible
for sensor calibration changes over time. For a more comprehensive
authorities have implemented reforestation programs to replace lost
understanding of these corrections, readers are advised to refer to Pons
forest land, thousands of trees are cut down annually without permission
and Solé-Sugrañes (1994), Hadjimitsis et al. (2010), and Prie
(Hasan et al., 2019).
to-Amparan et al. (2018). Following the corrections, the study area was
extracted from the Landsat images. A detailed methodological flow chart
2.2. Datasets of the study can be found in Fig. 2. Rainfall data for the years 1996–2021
were collected from the Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD).
To investigate the changes in LULC classes over time, this study The study region’s vegetation health was evaluated using the Enhanced
employed six Landsat satellite images captured at five-year intervals Vegetation Index (EVI) and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index
between 1996 and 2021. The first four images, spanning from 1996 to (NDVI) via the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform.
2011, were sourced from Landsat 4–5 TM, while the last two images,
covering 2016 to 2021, were obtained from the Landsat 8 OLI sensor
(Table 1). The research was conducted within the 45 Datum WGS-84 2.3. LULC mapping using GEE
zone, and all images had less than 5% cloud coverage.
ERDAS Imagine was used to perform atmospheric and radiometric To produce LULC maps, the maximum likelihood supervised image
corrections on the satellite images to prepare them for analysis. classification method (MLSICM) was applied using the GEE. The
A.A. Kafy et al. Ecological Indicators 152 (2023) 110374
A.A. Kafy et al. Ecological Indicators 152 (2023) 110374
MLSICM algorithm is founded on the Bayes theorem and assigns pixels accurate classification (Kafy et al., 2022). The Kappa Coefficient was
to each class based on the highest probability function (Majd et al., 90.18, 91.85, 92.63, 93.66, 93.57, and 93.32 for 1996, 2001, 2006,
2012; Ahmad and Quegan, 2012). It is a widely trusted and utilized 2011, 2016, and 2021, respectively, indicating an excellent result.
technique for identifying LULC features in remote sensing imagery since
Total number of corrected classified pixelx (diagonal)
it employs statistical methods to compare the spectral characteristics of Overall accuracy =
total number of reference pixels
various LULC types in the image with reference data or training samples.
Moreover, this method is versatile and can be implemented with × 100
different types of remote sensing data, including hyperspectral imagery (1)
(Oo et al., 2022; Fattah et al., 2021b).
The GEE platform provides access to an array of satellite data and Useraccuracy =
numberof correctlyclassifiedpixelxsineachcatagory(diagonal)
products. This cloud computing platform enables users to utilize more totalnumberof referencepixelsineachcategory(rowtotal)
computational capacity for image processing and analysis without ×100
storing images locally (Nasiri et al., 2022; Rahaman et al., 2022, 2023; (2)
Rahaman and Shermin, 2022). This study used the GEE platform to
identify five LULC types based on the corresponding LULC features
Total number of Sample × Total Number of Corrected Sample − ( col . tot × row tot)
Kappa coefficient = 2 ∑ × 100 (4)
( Total number of Sample ) − ( col . tot × row tot )
outlined in Table 2. The band compositions for Landsat 5TM and Landsat 2.5. Assessing CS using InVEST model
8 OLI were natural color (red-band 3, green-band 2, and blue-band 1)
and false color (near-infrared-band 4, red-band 3, and green-band 2) as The InVEST model is a reliable technique that is frequently used to
well as natural color (red-band 4, green-band 3, and blue-band 2) and quantify regional CS for each LULC type (Hoque et al., 2021; Liang et al.,
false color (near-infrared-band 5, red-band 4, and green-band 3), 2021). The concentration of carbon was calculated for each grid cell of a
respectively. Previous research has extensively discussed the application region, depending on the carbon density pool which considers above
of GEE platforms in similar contexts, and readers are advised to consult ground carbon concentration (Cm,a , Mg /km2 ) and below ground carbon
Tassi and Vizzari (2020), Pan et al. (2021), Iban and Sahin (2022) for a concentration (Cm,b , km2 ), soil organic carbon (Cm,s , km2 ) and dead
more in-depth understanding of LULC classification in GEE platforms. organic matter (Cm,d , km2 ) (Nelson et al., 2014). The CS density (C) for
To detect LULC changes, this study employed the Land Change each land use type in each cell can be measured by Eq. (5) (Aalde et al.,
Modeler (LCM), a tool that allows users to identify and analyze LULC 2006).
changes over time. This tool processes and analyzes satellite imagery to
generate precise and reliable maps of land cover changes. It incorporates ∑
C= Am *(Cm,a + Cm,b + Cm,s + Cm,d (5)
statistical and mathematical techniques to discern differences in the m=1
spectral characteristics of distinct land cover types.
To calculate storage of carbon (C) and carbon sequestration (S) for
the CHT area, Eq. (6) and Eq. (7) were employed, respectively. CS was
2.4. LULC accuracy assessment
denoted as CT2 and CT1 for the year T2 and T1, respectively. The bio
physical data collected from field surveys and sampling were presented
Kappa statistics were employed in this study to assess the accuracy of
in Table 3 (Liang et al., 2018). A carbon sequestration model was
the LULC classes. More than 500 sample points were considered for each
established by analyzing the net change in pixel-by-pixel CS between
study year, collected from Google Earth imagery, and taken from every
existing and future LULC maps over the years.
district. Random sampling was used to determine the spatial distribution
of samples. Different sample sizes were considered for each LULC type, ∑
C= Cm,i,j (6)
as shown in Table S1. Overall accuracy (Eq. (1), user accuracy (Eq. (2), m=1
and producer accuracy (Eq. (3) were calculated along with Kappa Co
efficient (Eq. (4). These metrics provide a comprehensive understanding S = CT2 − − CT1 , where T2 > T1 (7)
of the accuracy of LULC classification, with higher values indicating a
highly accurate classification (>85%), and lower values indicating a less
Table 2 Table 3
Land use land cover category. Carbon Concentration of each LULC Type.
LULC type Including land
LULC Class Carbon density (Mg / km2 ) References
Water Body Rivers, canals, lakes, ponds, permanent open water
Ca Cb Cs Cd
Vegetation Trees, shrubs, parks, playgrounds, mixed forest, grassland
Land Water body 0 0 11,900 123 (Ma et al., 2019)
Built-up Area Residential, commercial, rural settlements, industrial Vegetation land 410 5640 22,600 22 (Li et al., 2004)
infrastructure, transportation-related infrastructure Built-up land 210 4510 11,530 27 (Adelisardou et al., 2021)
Crop Land All types of cultivated land (crop field, urban agriculture) Crop land 4650 8070 10,840 100 (Razzaque, 2021)
Bare Land Open space, bare land, exposed soil Bare land 2260 9030 14,660 294 (Liang et al., 2021)
A.A. Kafy et al. Ecological Indicators 152 (2023) 110374
3. Results and discussion presented in Table S2. Overall, the LULC change analysis for the entire
CHT region revealed a decline of 2862.86 km2 (21%) in vegetated areas
3.1. Changes in LULC scenario and 126.59 km2 (16%) in waterbody areas, while bare land, built-up
area, and agricultural land cover increased by 8% (2.3 km2), 388%
The spatial distribution of land cover in the CHT region from 1996 to (466.27 km2), and 66% (2520.87 km2), respectively. Waterbody areas in
2021 is depicted in Fig. 3. LULC statistics for each of the five districts are Bandarban and Chittagong districts increased by 275% (22.22 km2) and
A.A. Kafy et al. Ecological Indicators 152 (2023) 110374
18% (13.77 km2), respectively, while those in Cox’s Bazar, Rangamati, shifting cultivation involving the cutting of trees on hill slopes, is
and Khagrachari districts declined by 49% (113.35 km2), 12% (52.71 responsible for increased agricultural land in Bandarban. According to
km2), and 37% (3.07 km2). Vegetation cover in all districts decreased, Rabby et al. (2022), the increased population and tourism industries
with the highest decline in vegetation cover recorded in Chittagong City have been causing the transformation of vegetation cover into built-up
(1317.72 km2 or 64%), followed by Cox’s Bazar (667.79 km2), Ban areas in the Khagrachari district.
darban (485.16 km2), Rangamati (409.93 km2), and Khagrachari (66.39 The results highlight the significant changes in LULC over time in the
km2). The built-up area in Chittagong City, Bandarban, and Rangamati CHT region, with a substantial decline in vegetation cover and water
increased by 144.24 km2, 10.87 km2, and 11.76 km2, respectively. The body areas and an increase in built-up and agricultural land. These
built-up area in Cox’s Bazar increased by 330.09 km2, the highest in changes can be attributed to various factors, such as population growth,
crease among the hilly districts in the Chittagong region. This is due to tourism expansion, and the Rohingya influx, which have put pressure on
two reasons: first, the expansion of the tourism industry increased the the natural resources in the region.
built-up areas in the urban parts of Cox’s Bazar district; secondly, the In light of these findings, policymakers and stakeholders must
Rohingya influx in 2017 has intensified the loss of forest areas more than consider the impact of human activities on the environment in the CHT
ever. In 2017 and 2018, over one million Rohingya refugees, including region. Sustainable land-use planning and resource management stra
more than 400,000 children, fled to Cox’s Bazar (UN-OCHA, 2022). tegies should be developed to balance the needs of the growing popu
Over 0.895 million Rohingya reside in Cox’s Bazar camp, the world’s lation and the preservation of the area’s natural resources. This includes
largest refugee camp, housing 456,712 children (UN-OCHA, 2022). promoting responsible tourism, implementing reforestation and affor
Every year, about 30,000 children are added. To accommodate these estation programs, and providing support for alternative livelihoods that
refugees and provide wood fuel, 60 culms of bamboo and 6,800 tons of are less dependent on exploiting natural resources. Moreover, address
fuelwood are used each month (UNDP Bangladesh, 2018), which has put ing the challenges posed by the Rohingya influx requires a coordinated
the vegetation cover in the Cox’s Bazar district in critical condition. The response from both national and international actors. Efforts should be
Rohingya influx has also influenced the rise of agricultural land. Anjum made to ensure adequate housing and fuel sources for refugees while
et al. (2021) reported that the increased population and expansion of the minimizing the environmental impact on the surrounding area. In the
tourism industry have been the reasons for the built-up expansion in long term, finding a durable solution to the Rohingya crisis will be
Bandarban, Rangamati, and Khagrachari districts. Chowdhury et al. essential for alleviating pressure on the CHT region’s environment and
(2020) claimed that the Rohingya influx and expansion of the tourism ensuring the sustainable development of hilly areas.
industries had caused the maximum built-up expansion in Cox’s Bazar
District. Rabby et al. (2022) reported a slowly decreasing rate of vege
tation cover in the Khagrachari district. This study found that Kha 3.2. Changes in carbon sequestration scenario
grachari district had the lowest rate of destruction of vegetated areas
compared to other hilly districts in Chittagong. Eco-friendly land cover, such as vegetation and waterbodies, can
The spatial distribution of the LULC transformation matrix is pre absorb CO2 from the atmosphere through photosynthesis. In contrast,
sented in Fig. 5, with the associated statistics shown in Fig. 6. Bandarban human activities, such as LULC changes, have far-reaching conse
district experienced a decline of 485.16 km2 in forest area, of which quences for carbon sequestration and emission (Sha et al., 2022). This
452.95 km2 was converted into agricultural land (Fig. 4). Jhuming, or study applied the InVEST model to map the historical CS scenario in the
CHT region (Fig. 7), with the spatial distribution of CS changes during
A.A. Kafy et al. Ecological Indicators 152 (2023) 110374
the study period presented in Fig. 8. The density of CS in CHT ranged (6.06 × 106 Mg/year) occurring between 2006 and 2011. A district-by-
from 9.39 Mg/km2 to 22.40 Mg/km2 during the study period (Fig. 7). district gain-loss analysis revealed that Chittagong City suffered the
The CS change analysis indicates that the loss of vegetation cover and greatest CS losses estimated as 7.99 × 106 Mg during 1996–2021, fol
the increase in built-up area and agricultural land decreased the carbon lowed by Cox’s Bazar district with 5.36 × 106 Mg, Bandarban with 3.86
absorption capacity. In 1996, the entire CHT region had a CS of 495.93 × 106 Mg, Rangamati with 3.53 × 106 Mg, and Khagrachari with 0.92 ×
× 106 Mg/year. From 1996 to 2001, CS declined by 1.6 × 106 Mg/year 106 Mg (Fig. 9). Chittagong City experienced the maximum CS loss due
but increased by 0.87 × 106 Mg/year from 2001 to 2006. From 1996 to to the most significant loss of vegetation cover. The massive Rohingya
2021, the CS decreased by 16.3 × 106 Mg/year, with the highest decline influx in the Cox’s Bazar district is the primary reason for vegetation
A.A. Kafy et al. Ecological Indicators 152 (2023) 110374
cover loss, increased agricultural cover, and built-up areas, which cover accounted for 79% (393.81 × 106 Mg) of CS in the total CHT re
further contributed to the rapid decline of the CCC. This finding is gion, whereas it accounted for 92% in Bandarban, 55% in Chittagong,
consistent with that of Islam et al. (2022), who found a rapid decline in 55% in Cox’s Bazar, 88% in Khagrachari, and 90% in Rangamati district.
carbon sequestration capacity in Chittagong and Cox’s Bazar districts Due to the rapid decline of vegetation cover, the CS in vegetated areas
during 1998–2018 due to the loss of hilly vegetation cover. Rasul (2009) has decreased. In 2021, the CS of vegetation cover dropped to 65%
reported that agricultural land-use practices in the CHT region of (311.72 × 106 Mg) of the total CS in the CHT region. The CS capacity of
Bangladesh have been leading to the loss of ecosystem services such as vegetation cover in Chittagong and Cox’s Bazar districts declined from
carbon sequestration, scenic beauty, water conservation, and biodiver 56.24 × 106 Mg to 20.18 × 106 Mg in Chittagong and from 27.18 × 106
sity protection. Mg to 9.43 × 106 Mg in Cox’s Bazar by 2021. Similarly, the CS of
The results demonstrate the significant decline in carbon sequestra vegetation cover in other districts also declined.
tion capacity in the CHT region, primarily driven by the loss of vege Although the CS of water bodies and barren land cover has not
tation cover, which emphasizes the need for effective land-use planning changed significantly, an increasing pattern of CS in cropland and built-
and management strategies to minimize the environmental impacts of up areas has been observed. From 1996 to 2021, the CS of cropland
human activities on the region’s CS capacity. Sustainable agricultural increased from 18% to 21% of the total storage. Chittagong City expe
practices, afforestation and reforestation programs, and responsible rienced a rise of 26.12 × 106Mg of CS for cropland cover, Rangamati
tourism development should be implemented to mitigate the adverse 10.96 × 106Mg, and Cox’s Bazar 9.90 × 106 Mg. CS in the CHT region
effects of LULC changes on carbon sequestration. Moreover, addressing increased by 7.59 × 106 Mg between 1996 and 2021, with Chittagong
the environmental impacts of the Rohingya influx requires a coordinated City accounting for 2.24 × 106 Mg and Cox’s Bazar accounting for 4.98
effort from national and international stakeholders to ensure that × 106 Mg. Khagrachari exhibited a decline in CS in built-up areas by
adequate housing and fuel sources are provided for refugees while 0.01 × 106Mg. The CS for water bodies in Chittagong and Bandarban
minimizing the environmental impact. By adopting these measures, the districts increased by 0.16 × 106 Mg and 0.27 × 106 Mg, while it
hilly region with a higher proportion of forest cover can work towards a declined by 1.26 × 106 Mg in Cox’s Bazar, 0.04 × 106 Mg in Kha
more sustainable future that balances its growing population’s needs grachari, and 0.65 × 106 Mg in Rangamati district.
with preserving its valuable natural resources and ecosystem services. The analysis demonstrated that the decline in vegetation cover is
responsible for the overall decrease in CS capacity across the study
districts. This finding aligns with a prior study by Islam et al. (2022),
3.3. Variations of carbon storage on different LULC who reported that the carbon stock of vegetation-covered areas in
Chittagong and Cox’s Bazar districts declined due to the loss of hilly
The distribution of CS across various LULC classes was identified in vegetation. They also claimed that the carbon stock of built-up areas in
the GIS environment and illustrated in Fig. 10. The results indicate that these districts increased due to built-up expansion. In line with the
vegetated covers are the dominant sources of CS. In 1996, vegetation
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present findings, previous studies have found a higher density of carbon greenhouse gas emissions and increasing carbon sequestration in
stock in densely vegetated cover areas (Liang et al., 2021; Ma et al., ecosystems.
2019; Solomon et al., 2018; Xu et al., 2016). This is particularly crucial One possible reason for the decline in CS in vegetated areas is
given the ongoing global efforts to mitigate climate change by reducing deforestation driven by multiple factors, such as agricultural expansion,
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logging, and infrastructure development. Agricultural expansion can findings were reported by Kobler et al. (2019) for the Northern Lime
lead to clearing forests and other vegetated areas for cropland, which stone Alps and Enescu et al. (2022) for Romania. According to Ram
explains the increasing CS in cropland cover observed in this study. anujan (2002), increased rainfall enhances carbon sequestration from
Logging for timber and other forest products can also contribute to the the atmosphere by promoting the decomposition of dead plant mate
loss of vegetation cover and, subsequently, a reduction in CS capacity. rials, resulting in natural fertilizers that help plants grow. This study
Infrastructure development, such as road construction and urbanization, discovered that precipitation had a very weak correlation with CS
can further exacerbate the loss of vegetated areas, leading to increased density in Bandarban and Khagrachari districts and a weak correlation
carbon emissions from built-up areas. Climate change might also play a in other districts. Precipitation exhibited both positive and negative
role in the observed variations in CS across different LULC types. correlations. A negative correlation was observed for the year 2021 in
Changes in temperature and precipitation patterns can lead to shifts in Bandarban (− 0.099) and Chittagong (− 0.140) and for 2011 in Kha
vegetation types, distribution, and growth rates, ultimately affecting CS grachari district (− 0.096). The t-test value indicates a significant cor
capacity. Additionally, more frequent and severe extreme weather relation at a 0.01 confidence level for most of the ecological parameters.
events, such as storms, floods, and landslides, can lead to the destruction The possible reasons behind the observed changes in CS dynamics
of vegetation and a decline in CS. The rapid decline of vegetation cover, can be attributed to a combination of natural and anthropogenic factors.
particularly in Chittagong and Cox’s Bazar districts, could be attributed Land-use change, deforestation, and urban expansion significantly
to local factors, such as the massive influx of Rohingya refugees, which contribute to the decline in vegetation health and, consequently,
has put significant pressure on natural resources. The increased popu reduced CS capacity. As vegetation cover decreases, the capacity of the
lation has led to an expansion of built-up areas and agricultural land to ecosystem to sequester carbon from the atmosphere is diminished.
accommodate the needs of the growing population, resulting in the loss Elevation is also a crucial factor affecting CS dynamics. Higher elevation
of vegetation cover and a decline in CS capacity. The consequences of areas typically have more densely vegetated cover and lower levels of
these situations are multifaceted. The decline in CS in vegetated areas human disturbance, leading to higher CS concentrations. On the other
can result in a reduction in ecosystem services, such as climate regula hand, lower elevated regions are more prone to urbanization and agri
tion, water conservation, and biodiversity protection. Furthermore, the cultural expansion, resulting in reduced vegetation cover and lower CS
loss of vegetation cover can lead to soil erosion, decreased water quality, density. The influence of precipitation on CS density is more complex.
and increased vulnerability to natural disasters, which can negatively While increased rainfall can promote carbon sequestration by enhancing
affect the livelihoods of local communities (Faisal et al., 2023). plant growth and decomposition of dead plant materials, it can also have
To address these challenges, developing and implementing targeted negative effects depending on the specific conditions of the study area.
policies and management strategies that promote sustainable land-use The negative correlation observed for 2021 in Bandarban and Chitta
practices, conserve and restore vegetated areas, and enhance CS ca gong and for 2011 in Khagrachari district could be due to extreme
pacity in the CHT region is crucial. This may include promoting agro weather events, such as heavy rainfall causing soil erosion or flooding,
forestry systems, afforestation, and reforestation programs, and which can negatively impact vegetation health and reduce CS capacity.
establishing protected areas. Additionally, raising awareness of the To address these challenges and optimize CS, it is essential to consider
importance of CS and its role in mitigating climate change can help the complex relationship between ecological indicators and carbon
garner support for conservation and restoration efforts. sequestration dynamics while developing land-use planning, conserva
tion, and restoration strategies.
3.4. Influence of ecological indicators on CS
4. Limitations, strengths, and implications
A multi-linear regression model was employed to assess the complex
relationship between CS and ecological indicators, such as precipitation, While this study provides valuable insights into the changes in LULC
NDVI, EVI, and elevation in the study area. Figs. S1, S2, and S3 and their impact on CS in the CHT region of Bangladesh, several limi
represent the spatiotemporal distribution of EVI, NDVI, and precipita tations should be acknowledged. Firstly, the study relied on satellite
tion for the study years, while Fig. S4 illustrates the elevation profile of imagery from Landsat sensors to analyze land cover changes. Although
the study region. The multi-linear regression model was constructed Landsat data is widely used for land cover analysis, it has spatial reso
with ecological parameters as independent variables and CS as the lution and spectral coverage limitations (Roy et al., 2021). Higher-
dependent variable, with the results summarized in Table S3. resolution imagery could provide more detailed information on land
The correlation coefficients for DEM, EVI, and NDVI suggest a pos cover dynamics, but it may not be available for the entire study period.
itive influence of vegetation health and elevation on CS in the study Additionally, the accuracy of the satellite data is subject to atmospheric
region. In Bandarban, vegetation health displayed a moderately positive and radiometric corrections, which may introduce some uncertainties in
relationship with CS. A moderate influence of vegetation indices was the analysis (Jenerowicz et al.,2023). Secondly, land cover classification
also observed in Khagrachari district. Solomon et al. (2018) identified accuracy is an important consideration. While the study used the
vegetation health as Ethiopia’s most crucial indicator of higher CS MLSICM, which is a commonly employed technique, misclassifications
concentrations. The correlation coefficients for EVI ranged from 0.431 are still possible (Ha et al., 2020). The accuracy assessment based on
to 0.493 and from 0.319 to 0.527 for NDVI in Khagrachari, indicating a Kappa statistics estimates the classification quality but does not guar
moderate influence on vegetation health. The strong positive influence antee 100% accuracy (Pontius & Millones 2011). Furthermore, the study
of dense vegetation on higher CS concentration has been reported in focused specifically on the CHT region in Bangladesh, and the findings
several previous studies, including Xu et al. (2016), Ma et al. (2019), may not be directly applicable to other areas with different ecological
Solomon et al. (2018) and Liang et al. (2021). Elevations in the Kha characteristics. The drivers of LULC change in the CHT region, such as
grachari district exhibited a weak positive correlation with CS, with population growth, the tourism industry, and the Rohingya influx, may
correlation values between 0.190 and 0.337. Elevation of Chittagong not be generalizable to other areas. Moreover, the study primarily
and Cox’s Bazar districts had a more significant impact on CS than examined changes in LULC and their impact on CS. While this provides
vegetation health, implying that lower elevation in these districts was valuable insights, other factors influencing carbon sequestration, such as
more likely to have lower CS density. The built-up expansion was mostly soil composition, topography, and climate variability, were not exten
concentrated in lower elevated areas, resulting in lower CS. In the sively analyzed. Future studies could consider incorporating these
Rangamati district, EVI was identified as the most influential ecological additional variables for a more comprehensive understanding of carbon
parameter. Mwakisunga and Majule (2012) found that higher elevation dynamics in the region.
led to higher CS concentrations in the Tanzanian highlands. Similar Despite the limitations, this study has several notable strengths
A.A. Kafy et al. Ecological Indicators 152 (2023) 110374
contributing to its scientific value and reliability. Firstly, the study While the research is focused on Bangladesh, the methodology
employs a comprehensive methodology combining Landsat satellite employed can be applied to other regions facing similar challenges.
imagery and the MLSICM, allowing accurate and consistent land cover Future research should address remote sensing limitations and include
mapping for 25 years, enabling long-term LULC changes analysis in the additional ecological factors, such as soil quality and human activities,
CHT region. Secondly, the inclusion of the InVEST model in the study which affect CS. By adopting sustainable land-use planning and man
provides a robust framework for quantifying CS and sequestration, agement strategies, regions with growing populations can conserve and
enhancing our understanding of the impact of land use changes on restore vegetated areas, enhance CS capacity, and preserve valuable
carbon dynamics. Furthermore, the study’s focus on land use change and natural resources and ecosystem services.
its implications for CS and sequestration in hilly regions addresses a
critical research topic with significant environmental and climate CRediT authorship contribution statement
change implications. The study offers valuable insights for land man
agement and conservation practices in similar areas by examining the Abdulla-Al Kafy: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis,
unique challenges and opportunities in the CHT region. Overall, the Investigation, Methodology, Project administration, Resources, Super
study’s comprehensive methodology, utilization of the InVEST model, vision, Validation, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing.
accuracy assessment, and focus on an important research topic Milan Saha: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Inves
strengthen its scientific value and contribute to understand land use tigation, Methodology, Resources, Supervision, Validation, Writing –
dynamics and carbon dynamics. review & editing. Md. Abdul Fattah: Conceptualization, Resources,
In terms of the future research scope, this study highlights the need Supervision, Validation, Investigation, Methodology, Writing – review &
for further investigation into the specific implications of land use editing. Muhammad Tauhidur Rahman: Methodology, Resources,
changes on biodiversity, water resources, and ecosystem services in the Supervision, Validation, Writing – review & editing. Bushra Monowar
CHT region. Understanding these relationships can provide valuable Duti: Conceptualization, Data curation, Investigation, Methodology,
insights for sustainable land management and conservation strategies. Project administration, Writing – review & editing. Zullyadini A.
The outcomes of this study have implications beyond the CHT region, as Rahaman: Conceptualization, Data curation, Investigation, Methodol
they contribute to the broader understanding of land use change and its ogy, Project administration, Writing – review & editing. Arpita Bakshi:
impact on CS in hilly areas. The findings can inform land management Conceptualization, Data curation, Investigation, Project administration,
policies and practices to mitigate carbon emissions and conserve valu Writing – review & editing. S. Kalaivani: Conceptualization, Data
able ecosystems. curation, Investigation, Project administration, Writing – review &
In summary, while this study provides valuable insights into LULC editing. Sk Nafiz Rahaman: Conceptualization, Data curation, Meth
changes and their impact on CS in the CHT region, it is essential to odology, Writing – review & editing. Golam Shabbir Sattar: Concep
acknowledge the abovementioned limitations. Addressing these limita tualization, Data curation, Methodology, Writing – review & editing.
tions and further exploring the identified research gaps will enhance our
understanding of land use dynamics, carbon sequestration, and
ecosystem management not only in the CHT region but also in other Declaration of Competing Interest
similar regions globally.
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
5. Conclusion interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
the work reported in this paper.
The study provides a comprehensive assessment of the impact of
LULC changes on CS in the CHT region of Bangladesh between 1996 and Data availability
2021. Employing the InVEST model, the research maps the spatiotem
poral dynamics of vegetation cover and identifies potential areas for Data will be made available on request.
afforestation, which can aid policymakers in landscape planning and
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stantial decline in CS from 495.93 × 106 Mg/year in 1996 to 479.63 ×
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