Ashrea Kitchen Ventilation

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1.1-Principles 1.4-Dynamic Volumetric Flow Rate Effects

• The building should always be slightly positively • Minimum exhaust flow rates for kitchen hoods are
pressurized (e.g., +1.25 Pa) compared to determined either by laboratory tests or by building
atmosphere to prevent infiltration of outdoor air. code requirements. Energy codes specify maximum
Infiltrated air contains contaminants and insects and airflow rates. In either case, the installed System
adds to the heat load.
• Every kitchen should always be slightly negatively
pressurized (–0.25 Pa) to adjacent rooms or areas
immediately surrounding it to help contain odors in
the kitchen and to prevent odor migration out of the

1.2-Life-Cycle Cost Analysis (LCC).

• As with any engineering design, many

considerations must be considered to ensure the 1.5-ENERGY CONSIDERATIONS
CKV system operates properly and with the best
interest of end users in mind. Life-cycle cost
analysis compares the real cost of owning and • The Kitchen Exhaust Systems section of ASHRAE
operating two or more systems over a given period Standard 90.1 states that if a CKV system has a
of time (typically 10 to 20 years). For each system, total exhaust airflow rate greater than 2.4 m3/s, the
the total life-cycle cost can be calculated using design must adhere to maximum exhaust rates
Equation (1) (Fuller and Peterson 1996): specified for the different hood types. These rates
apply to listed hoods and are set 30% below the
• LCC = I + Repl – Res + E + W + OM&R (1)
minimum values for unlisted hoods dictated by the
• where
International Mechanical Code® (IMC) (ICC
• LCC = Total LCC in present-value dollars of given
2018). If a kitchen or dining facility has a total
• I = Present-value investment costs kitchen hood exhaust airflow rate greater than 2.4
• Repl = Present-value replacement costs m3/s, it must have one of the following:
• Res = Present-value residual (scrap) costs • At least 50% of all replacement air is transfer air
• E = Present-value energy costs that would otherwise be exhausted.
• W = Present-value water costs • Listed energy recovery devices with a sensible heat
• OM&R = Present-value, nonfuel, operating, recovery effectiveness of not less than 40% on at
maintenance and repair costs least 50% of the total exhaust airflow.

1.3-Incorporating Variable-Frequency Drives 1.6-Energy Conservation Strategies

(VFDs) for Exhaust Fan Control
• Specifying Exhaust Hoods for Minimal Airflow.
VFDs should have a separate conduit from the VFD The type and style of exhaust hood selected
to motor. In some cases, VFD output circuits may depends on factors such as restaurant type,
share conduit for short distances (e.g., in a cable tray, restaurant menu, and food service equipment
through a roof penetration), for up to 4.6 m. installed, as well as flexibility for future kitchen
If VFD output circuits share conduit for more than upgrades. Exhaust flow rates are largely determined
4.6 m, then output reactors should be installed on by the food service equipment and hood style.
every VFD. • Wall-mounted canopy hoods function effectively at
No more than two VFD output circuits should share a lower exhaust flow rates than single-island hoods.
single conduit for more than 4.6 m. Single- and double-island canopy hoods are more
For retrofit projects, replace existing motors to sensitive to replacement air supply and cross drafts
prevent motor burnout. than wall mounted canopy hoods (Swierczyna et al.
If existing motor are to be reused, use the following. 2010).
recommended limitations on distance from VFD to • Engineered back shelf (proximity) hoods may
motor. Be reasonably. exhibit the lowest capture and containment flow
conservative, but remember the risk of motor failure. rates.
always exists.
• In some cases, a back shelf hood performs the same
- 230 V AC motors: up to 60 m from VFD to motor job as a wall-mounted canopy hood at one-third
- 460 V AC motors: up to 20 m from VFD to motor
• the exhaust rates. Cooking appliance type and duty
- 575 V AC motors: up to 12 from VFD to motor
rating must be included in the specification process,
If VFD-to-motor wiring distances exceed these
because not all hoods (particularly back shelf
limits, then output reactors are recommended.
hoods) are rated or designed for all cooking
Limitations on VFD-to-motor distance when the
appliance types or duty ratings.
motor is new and known to meet the standards of
NEMA Standard MG-1
Part 31 are.
• 230 V AC motors: up to 152 m from VFD to motor
• 460 V AC motors: up to 60 m from VFD to motor
• 575 V AC motors: up to 30 m from VFD to motor
• If VFD-to-motor wiring distance exceeds these
limits, then output reactors are recommended

Prepared by Eng. Muhamed Khalil
1.7-Demand-Controlled Kitchen Ventilation 2.1-Many Factor Must be Know

• Demand-controlled kitchen ventilation (DCKV) • Grease Removal

refers to any engineered, automated method of Most grease removal devices in Type I hoods operate
modulating (e.g., variable reduction) on the same general principle: exhaust air passes
• the amount of air exhausted for a specific cooking through a series of baffles that create a centrifugal
operation in response to a part-load or no-load force to throw grease particles out of the airstream as
condition (e.g., by duct temperature, the exhaust air passes around the baffles.
• opacity, or appliance surface temperatures). The amount of grease removed varies with baffle
• A DCKV system is different from a DCV system in design, air velocity, temperature, type of cooking, and
that the controlling demand factor is the kitchen’s other factors.
cooking operations and not space carbon dioxide • Baffle filters
(CO2) levels. In conjunction with this, the amount have a series of vertical baffles designed to capture.
of replacement air (consisting of makeup, transfer, grease and drain it into a container. The filters are
and outdoor air) is also modulated to maintain the arranged in a channel or bracket for easy insertion and
same relative air ratios, airflow patterns, and removal for cleaning. Each hood usually has two or
pressurizations. Failure to integrate systems could more baffle filters, which are typically constructed of
cause negative pressure. aluminum, steel, or stainless steel and come in various
standard sizes.
• Removable extractors (also called cartridge
have a single horizontal-slot air inlet. The filters
are arranged in a channel or bracket for easy
insertion and removal for cleaning. Each hood
usually has two or more removable extractors, which
are typically constructed of stainless steel and
contain a series of horizontal baffles designed to
remove grease and drain it into a container.
Available in various sizes
• Stationary extractors
1.8-Optimized Heating and Cooling Set Points are integral to the listed water-wash exhaust hoods
and are typically constructed of stainless steel and
contain a series of horizontal baffles that run the full
• A commercial kitchen may be considered
length of the hood. The baffles are not removable for
comfortable at temperatures of up to 29°C when
cleaning, though some have doors that can be
space humidity is ≤60%.
removed to clean the extractors and plenum.
• Multistage filters
1.9-Reduced Exhaust and Associated Duct use two or more stages of filtration to remove a larger
percentage of grease. They typically consist of a baffle
• it has been difficult to reduce exhaust flow rates in filter or removable extractor followed by a higher-
a retrofit situation because of the minimum duct efficiency filter, a packed bead bed. Each
velocity restriction. National Fire Protection hood usually has two or more multistage filters, which
Association (NFPA) Standard 96 had historically are typically constructed of aluminum or stainless
required a minimum duct velocity of 7.62 m/s. steel and are available in standard sizes.
• Reduced code-approved duct velocity also
facilitates application. of DCKV systems with less 2.2-The Basic type of Hoods
resistance from local code authorities. From a new-
facility design perspective, it is recommended that. • Wall-mounted canopy, used for all types of
most kitchens be designed for an in-duct velocity cooking equipment located against a wall.
between 7.62 and 9.1 m/s. This allows for reducing
• Back shelf/proximity, used for counter-height
the airflows to 2.5 m/s if needed in the future or as equipment typically located against a wall, but
part of a demand-ventilation control strategy.
possibly freestanding.
• Exhaust from heavy-duty solid fuel cooking can be
• Pass-over, used over counter-height equipment
treated and
when pass-over configuration (from cooking side
• cooled down by an in-line water mist duct section. to serving side) is required.
The duct system monitors and cycles water mist to
• Single-island canopy, used for all types of
maintain a set exhaust temperature threshold.
cooking equipment in a single-line island
Listed grease ducts have a threshold not exceeding
260°C for continuous exhaust.
• Double-island canopy, used for all types of
cooking equipment mounted back-to-back in an
2.0-Type Hood island configuration.
• Eyebrow, used for direct mounting to ovens and
• A Type I hood is used for collecting and removing some dishwashers.
grease particulate, condensable vapor, and smoke.
It includes (1) listed grease filters, baffles, or
extractors for removing the grease and (2) fire
suppression. system. Type I hoods are required
over cooking equipment that produce smoke or
grease-laden vapors (e.g., ranges, fryers, griddles,
gas underfired and electric broilers, ovens).
• A Type II hood collects and removes steam and
heat where grease or smoke is not present. It may
or may not have grease filters or baffles and
typically does not have a fire-suppression system.
It is usually used over dishwashers. 2
Prepared by Eng. Muhamed Khalil
2.3-Sizing Overhang 2.6-HOOD EXHAUST AIR FLOW RATE

• varies with hood style, distance between hood and

cooking surface, and characteristics of cooking
• ASHRAE research (Swierczyna et al. 2006, 2010)
indicates that an appliance front overhang of 9 to
18 in. for canopy style and a 10 in.

2.4-Duty Types and Temperature

2.7-Exhaust Static Pressure Loss of Type I Hoods


• Installing shelving or ancillary equipment (e.g.,

salamander) behind or above a range should not
negatively affect C&C performance, if other best
practices (e.g., maximizing hood overhang) are
• Use larger hoods, both deeper and taller.
• Installing hoods at lowest height practical (or
allowed by code) to minimize distance from
cooking surface to hood improves C&C
performance. Introduce replacement air at low
velocity. Do not locate four-way diffusers near
2.5-Duty Types hood and minimize use of air curtains.

2.9-Type II Hoods

Condensate hood
• For applications with high-moisture exhaust,
condensate forms on interior surfaces of the hood.
• The hood is designed to direct the condensate
toward a perimeter gutter for collection and
drainage, allowing none to drip onto the appliance
below. Hood material is usually noncorrosive, and
filters are usually installed.
• Heat/fume hood
For hoods over equipment producing heat and
fumes only. Filters are usually not installed.

Prepared by Eng. Muhamed Khalil
3.0-Ventilation Rates for Hooded Door 3.3- Recommended Duct-Cleaning Schedules

• Ventilation Rates for Hooded Door


3.4- Hood-Supplied Replacement Air

3.1-Type II Hood Duty Classification by

3.5- Room-Supplied Makeup Air (Diffusers and


• Directional Ceiling Diffusers

Air from these two- or three-way diffusers should not
be directed toward exhaust hoods, where it might
disturb the thermal plume and adversely affect hood
performance. The diffuser should be located so that
the jet velocity at the lip of the hood does not exceed
75 fpm.
• Four-way directional diffusers
located close to kitchen exhaust hoods can have a
detrimental effect on hood performance, particularly
when flow through the diffuser approaches its design
limit. They are not recommended within 15 ft of the
3.2-Typical Filter Guidelines Versus Appliance hood.
• Perforated Ceiling Diffusers
The diffuser should be located so that the jet velocity
at the lip of the hood does not exceed 75 fpm.


Hooded and Unhooded Appliance Loads

• One of the challenges in performing cooling and

heating load calculations for a kitchen is
determining the space heat gains from the cooking
appliances. Given that many of the largest cooking
appliances include exhaust hoods to remove the
smoke, grease, and heat, determining the heat gain
can be challenge. There may also be many smaller
appliances that do not include exhaust hoods, and
which reject all their heat directly to the space.

Prepared by Eng. Muhamed Khalil
3.7- Recommended Rates of Radiant and Convective Heat Gain 3.9- Recommended Rates of Radiant Heat Gain from Hooded
from Unhooded Electric Appliances During Idle (Ready-to- Gas Appliances During Idle (Ready-to-Cook) Conditions
Cook) Conditions (Chapter-18) (Chapter-18)

3.8- Recommended Rates of Radiant Heat Gain from Hooded 4.0- Recommended Rates of Radiant Heat Gain from Hooded
Electric Appliances During Idle (Ready-to-Cook) Conditions Solid Fuel Appliances During Idle (Ready-to-Cook) Conditions
(Chapter-18) (Chapter-18)

4.1- Recommended Rates of Radiant and Convective Heat Gain

from Ware washing Equipment During Idle (Standby) or
Washing Conditions (Chapter-18)

4.2- Thermal Comfort Research Results

• Stoops et al. found that temperature increases with height above

the floor: although floor-level temperatures ranged from
approximately 75 to 83°F, at head level for staff temperatures
ranged from86 to 99°F.

Prepared by Eng. Muhamed Khalil

• Duct Systems
• These ducts may also be used to exhaust smoke from
a fire. To be effective, ducts must be grease tight; it
must be clear of combustibles, or combustible
material must be protected so that it cannot be ignited
by a fire in a duct.
• single-speed systems generally are to design duct
velocity between 1500 and 1800 fpm.
• Ducts may be round or rectangular. Standards and
model codes contain minimum specifications for
duct materials and construction, including types and
thickness of materials, joining methods, and
minimum clearance of 18 in. to combustible
• Most of these listed systems allow zero clearance to
combustibles. And provide 1 h or 2 h fire resistance

4.4- EXHAUST Fans can using in General

Power roof ventilator (PRV) Also known as upblast

• Are designed for mounting at the exhaust duct outlet
and discharge upward or outward from the roof or
building. Aluminum upblast fans must be listed for
the commercial kitchen exhaust application.
• must include a grease drain, grease collection device,
and integral hinge kit to permit access for duct
Centrifugal fan Also known as a utility set.
• These fans are typically constructed of steel and
roof mounted. Where approved, centrifugal fans can
be mounted indoors and ducted to discharge
• The inlet and outlet are at 90° to each other (single
width, single inlet), and the outlet can usually be
rotated to discharge at different angles around a
vertical circle.
Tubular centrifugal. These fans, also known as inline
• Having the impeller mounted in a cylindrical housing
discharging the gas in an axial direction.
• Where approved, these fans can be in the duct inside
a building
• if exterior fan mounting is not practical for wall or
roof exhaust. They are always constructed of steel.
The gasketed flange mounting must be grease tight
yet removable for service.
High-plume fan
• fans may be used for kitchen applications when the
requirements for a high exhaust plume are required.
• These fans generate a high nozzle exit velocity,
which forces the exhaust plume to higher elevations
and thus discharges smoke and grease laden vapors
into the atmosphere.
• This fan is applicable when the intent is to prevent
re-entraining smoke and grease-laden kitchen
exhaust into the building makeup air system, or to
discharge it over neighboring buildings or structures.
• Using in laboratories.
• Rooftop terminations are preferred because
discharge. can be directed away from the building,
the fan is at the end of the system, and the fan is

Prepared by Eng. Muhamed Khalil
4.6- FIRE SAFETY Electronic Systems

• Newer systems can also combine cold water and

• The combination of flammable grease vapor and surfactant fire suppression with daily hood and lower
particulates carried by kitchen ventilation systems and duct cleaning by hot water and surfactant. With
the potential of cooking equipment to be an ignition electronic detection, detectors can be mounted high in
source creates a higher hazard level than normally ducts, using listed duct penetrations, to better detect
found in HVAC systems. fires that auto ignite in ducts, such as from solid-fuel
• Solid-Fuel Cooking cooking and related creosote deposits.
• When solid-fuel cooking is used in commercial Multiple-Hood Systems.
kitchens, fire risk is increased by the formation and
deposition of combustible creosote in exhaust systems. The multiple-hood exhaust system must be designed to
• Creosote is formed when unburnt vapors from solid- • prevent a fire in one hood or in the duct from
fuel combustion condense in exhaust systems. spreading through the ducts to another hood.
• solid-fuel cooking appliances are referred to as “extra- • protect against a fire starting in the common duct
heavy-duty cooking appliances. system.

4.7- Fire Suppression Systems 4.9- Preventing Fire Spread

• Exhaust systems serving grease producing equipment • The exhaust system must be designed and installed both
must include a fire-extinguishing system that protects to prevent a fire started in the exhaust system from
the cooking equipment, hood interior, hood filters or damaging the building or spreading to other building
grease extractors, ducts, and any other grease-removal areas, and to prevent a fire in one building area from
devices in the system. spreading to other parts of the building through the
exhaust system.
4.8- Dry and Wet Chemical Systems. • This protection has three main aspects.
1. maintaining clearance from the duct to other
portions of the building.
• Wet chemical and combinations of wet chemical and 2. the duct in a fire-resistance-rated enclosure or
water fire-extinguishing systems have comprised the wrapping the duct with a listed fire-rated product.
majority of fire suppression systems. 3. designing, constructing, and testing to ensure
• Wet chemical systems extinguish fires by reacting with integrity of the duct before and during a fire.
fats and grease to saponify, or form a soapy foam layer,
which prevents oxygen from reaching the burning
surface. 5.0- Clearance to Combustibles
• If the foam layer disappears or is disturbed before the
frying medium has cooled below its autoignition • The exhaust system must be designed and installed both
temperature, the fat can reignite. to prevent a fire started in the exhaust system from
• Frying media commonly used today, which contain a damaging the building or spreading to other building
high percentage of vegetable oils, have autoignition areas, and to prevent a fire in one building area from
points of about 685 to 710°F when new. spreading to other parts of the building through the
• With solid-fuel cooking, the flash point of liquid exhaust system.
creosote ranges from 165 to 198°F and the autoignition • This protection has three main aspects.
temperature for solid creosote ranges from 451 to 4. maintaining clearance from the duct to other
680°F. portions of the building.
Manual pull stations 5. the duct in a fire-resistance-rated enclosure or
• are generally required to be at least 10 ft from the wrapping the duct with a listed fire-rated product.
cooking appliance and in a path of egress. 6. designing, constructing, and testing to ensure
• Some code authorities may prefer that the pull station integrity of the duct before and during a fire.
be installed closer to the cooking equipment for faster
Water Systems

• Water can be used for protecting cooking equipment,

hoods, and exhaust systems.
• Standard fire sprinklers may be used throughout the
system, except over deep-fat fryers, where special
automatic spray nozzles specifically listed for the
application must be used.
Combination Systems
• Hoods that use water either for periodic cleaning
(water-wash) or for grease removal (cold-water mist)
can use this feature in conjunction with the fire-
extinguishing system to protect the hood, grease-
removal devices, and/or ducts in the event.
Hybrid Systems

• One type connects to the domestic water system and

then discharges this water on the protected areas
following initial activation and wet chemical agent
discharge, but it retains fusible links for detection.
• A second type provides electronic detection in place of
fusible links, cables, cable conduit, pulley elbows, and
tees, though it retains conventional wet chemical fire
Prepared by Eng. Muhamed Khalil

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