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PHP Vs Node

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PHP vs Node.

Where PHP wins: Mixing code with content
You’re typing along, pouring thoughts into text for your website, and you want to add a
branch to the process, a little if-then statement to make it look pretty, say, depending on
some parameter in the URL. Or maybe you want to mix in text or data from a database.
With PHP, you open up the magic PHP tags and start writing code within seconds. No
need for templates—everything is a template! No need for extra files or elaborate
architectures, only programmable logistical power at your fingertips.

Where Node wins: Separating concerns

Mixing code with content is a crutch that can end up crippling you. Sure, it’s fun to mix
code in with HTML the first two or three times you do it. But soon your code base
becomes a tangled mess of logic. Real programmers add structure and separate the
cosmetic layer from the logical layer. It’s cleaner for new programmers to understand
and easier to maintain. The frameworks running on Node.js are built by programmers
who know that life is better when the model, view, and controller are separate.

Where PHP wins: Deep code base

The web is filled with PHP code. The most popular platforms for building websites
(WordPress, Drupal, Joomla) are written in PHP. Not only are the platforms open
source, but so are most of their plugins. There’s PHP code everywhere, and it’s waiting
for you to download, modify, and use for your needs.

Where Node wins: More modern features

Sure, there are thousands of great open source PHP files, but some are 12-year-old
WordPress plug-ins hoping and praying that someone will download them. For every
modern version of Symfony, there is a dusty, long-forgotten library that no one updates.

Who wants to spend hours, days, or weeks monkeying with code that hasn’t been
updated in years? Node.js plug-ins are not only newer, they were built with full
knowledge of the latest architectural approaches. They were built by programmers who
understand that modern web apps should push most of the intelligence to the client.

And while JavaScript has many little idiosyncrasies that drive some mad, for the most
part it is a modern language that sports a modern syntax and a few useful features like
closures. You can reconfigure and extend it easily, making powerful libraries like jQuery
possible. You can pass functions around like objects. Why limit yourself?
Where PHP wins: Simplicity (sort of)
There’s not much to PHP: a few variables and basic functions for juggling strings and
numbers. It’s a thin layer that doesn’t do much except move the data from port 80 to the
database and back. That’s what it’s supposed to do. A modern database is a magical
tool, and it makes sense to leave the heavy lifting to it. PHP is the right amount of
complexity for a job that’s not supposed to be complex.

Then again, if you’re a programmer who wants to do more than interact with a database
and format the results, you can now do more with PHP without holding your nose.
Facebook’s HHVM adds support for Hack, a complete language filled with modern
features like type annotations, generics, and lambda expressions. Using this limits your
code to running only on the HHVM, but that’s not the worst thing in the world. It’s very

Where Node wins: Dozens of language options

If PHP users are happy to get access to Hack, they should consider moving to the world
of Node.js because many major languages can be cross-compiled to run in JavaScript.
There are well-known options like Java, C#, or Lisp and dozens of others like Scala,
OCaml, and Haskell. There are even gifts for nostalgic lovers of BASIC or Pascal.
This list of languages that compile to JavaScript from Jeremy Ashkenas is fairly
comprehensive. Plus JavaScript cousins like TypeScript and CoffeeScript offer slightly
different and improved approaches to the same game.

Where PHP wins: No client app needed

All of the talk about using the same language in the browser and on the server is nice,
but what if you don’t need to use any language on the browser? What if you ship the
data in HTML form? What if you’re building a spartan, static website to deliver strictly
what is needed without the interactive bling? The browser pops it up, and there are no
headaches or glitches caused by misfiring JavaScript threads that try to create a page
on the browser from two dozen web service calls. Pure HTML works more often than
anything else, and PHP is optimized to create that. Why bother with JavaScript on the
browser? Build up everything on the server and avoid overloading that little browser on
the little phone.

Where Node wins: Service calls are thinner than

HTML-fat PHP calls
While AJAX-crazy HTML5 web apps can have too many moving parts, they are cool—
and very efficient. Once the JavaScript code is in the browser cache, the only thing that
moves along the wires is the new data. There’s not a ton of HTML markup, and there
are no repeated trips to download the entire page. Only the data has changed. If you’re
willing to put in the time to create a slick browser-side web app, there’s a big payoff.
Node.js is optimized to deliver the data and only the data through web services. If your
app is complex and data-rich, it’s a good foundation for efficient delivery.

Where PHP wins: SQL

PHP was built to co-exist with MySQL and its many variants, like MariaDB. If MySQL
isn’t exactly right, there are other great SQL databases from Oracle and Microsoft. Your
code can switch with a few changes to your queries. The vast SQL world doesn’t end at
its borders. Some of the most stable, well-developed code will interface with an SQL
database, meaning all that power can also be easily integrated into a PHP project. It
may not be one perfect, happy family, but it’s a big one. Not only that, but the database
world is slowly getting better as developers find ways to add more intelligence to the
database so you don’t need to work as hard.

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Where Node.js wins: JSON

If you must have access to SQL, Node.js has libraries to do that. But Node.js also
speaks JSON, the lingua franca for interacting with many of the latest NoSQL
databases. That’s not to say you can’t get JSON libraries for your PHP stack, but
there’s something fluid about the simplicity of working with JSON when using
JavaScript. It’s one syntax from browser to web server to database. The colons and the
curly brackets work the same way everywhere. That alone will save you from hours of

Where PHP wins: Coding speed

For most developers, writing PHP for web apps feels faster: no compilers, no
deployment, no JAR files or preprocessors—simply your favorite editor and some PHP
files in a directory. Your mileage will vary, but when it comes to banging a project
together quickly, PHP is a good tool to use.

Where Node.js wins: Application speed

Writing JavaScript code is a bit harder when you’re counting curly brackets and
parentheses, but when it’s done, your Node.js code can fly. The callback mechanism is
brilliant because it saves you from juggling the threads. The core is well-built and
designed to do all that for you. Isn’t that what everyone wants?

Where PHP wins: Competition

The battle for the hearts and minds of PHP developers is still unfolding. The HHVM
team and the Zend team are working hard to deliver fast code for
everyone. Independent benchmarks are appearing, and everyone is pushing the code
bases to the limit. This only means better performance.

Where Node.js wins: Solidarity

Do you really want two different code bases? Sure, competition helps, but fragmentation
soon follows. What happens when your code runs on only one of the two? Competition
doesn’t do any good if you have to spend weeks or months rewriting your code. While
Node.js experienced its own splintering a few years back, with the launch of io.js,
the Node.js universe has since reunited, giving it the kind of language solidarity that
PHP developers may soon long for.

Where PHP wins: Basic apps

In the last few years, a few developers have started up web apps and found themselves
frustrated by the sluggish behavior. The JavaScript that drives all of those moving
pieces can be tens of thousands of bytes, sometimes hundreds of thousands. When all
of the packets arrive, they must be parsed, compiled, and finally executed—all to deliver
a few bytes like the temperature and the forecast.

The backlash against this rococco insanity can be found in the teams building static site
generators (463 at this writing) and stripped-down webpages in the AMP format. PHP is
a natural choice for any team that wants to concentrate the intelligence on the server so
the client isn’t overburdened.

Where Node.js wins: Richness

Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, the architect of buildings, once said, “Less is more.” Robert
Venturi, another architect, came along and retorted, “Less is a bore.” The smartphones
have more power than a room full of Cray computers. The desktops have video cards
with multiple fans to keep them cool during all of the processing. Why should we strip
down our code and live like a Depression-era victim in a Steinbeck novel? Live it up.
Big, slick websites full of JavaScript code are eye-catching, dramatic, and most of all
fun. Sure it’s kind of obscene to waste that much bandwidth on a few bits of data, but
bandwidth has never been cheaper. Live a little!

Where both win: Headless

The word “headless” refers to the PHP code running on the server. Recently some of
the top PHP applications like Drupal have peered across the aisle and come away
amazed by the sophisticated user interfaces built by the JavaScript frameworks like
React, Angular, or Vue. Instead of trying to compete with them, they’re ceding control of
the client and concentrating on doing a good job with the back-end on the server.

If you’ve got quite a bit invested in PHP code running on the server, this may be a way
to enjoy the best of both approaches. The old, established PHP code acts as a front
door to the database, double-checking the requests, cleaning up the data, and generally
providing all of the business logic. The client side is a progressive web app written with
the latest JavaScript framework. When it needs information, it sends off an AJAX
request to the PHP code.

This may not make sense for someone starting from scratch, but if you’ve relied upon
PHP for years and you want to move forward gradually, this can be a happy

Where both win: Microservices and serverless

The rising microservice or serverless paradigms offer a way for JavaScript and PHP
code to cohabit the server and get along. Both solutions split the work into dozens of
smaller services or functions and these can run independently and stay in their lanes.
Some parts, usually the older and most stable sections of the app, can run PHP. The
other parts, often the newer ones, will be written in Node.js. The language
of POST or GET can be the lingua franca that unites them all.

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