Having read the chapter by Barry A.K I came to conclusion that written speech, in
general,is a form of language existence, opposed to oral speech. This is a secondary,
later form of language existence. If oral speech singled out a person from the animal
kingdom, writing should be considered the greatest of all inventions created by man.
This is a speech based on visually perceived stable fixation of language constructions in
the form of written text. At the same time, it turns out that it is possible to transmit
messages with a significant time delay.
Barry(2008) notes that it is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of "writing"
and "written speech" because they are not identical. Writing is a mechanism for
performing written speech. Written speech is a special system of symbols and signs, the
possession of which means a critical turning point in the entire cultural development of
the child. The development of written speech is a transition from illusory play through
drawing to writing. Thus, writing acts both as a mechanism and as one of the stages of
the development of written speech, being its symbolic fixation.
Written speech, first of all, refers to language phenomena. As a result, it is necessary to
take into account the factors that determine this type of speech from a linguistic and
psycholinguistic point of view. At the same time, written speech is a special human
activity in which it is necessary to distinguish both psychological and physiological
aspects. In this regard, when studying the mechanisms of writing and speech, it is
important to take into account not only the doctrine of mental operations, but also the
psychological structure of each operation separately.
In chapter 6 author provides relevant background information about English
orthography history.Moreover,Baugh&Kable (1993) stated that In history, sounds and
letters were constantly mixed by linguists, even by Humboldt, they were finally delimited
in European science only in the second half of the XIX century.
On the other hand, the actual study of graphics, unlike the study of phonetics, did not
play a big role in the European tradition. Apparently, the reason was the relative
simplicity of phonetic writing as in the ancient world literacy teaching was considered a
craft. And the prestige used by writing before fell sharply during the Romantic era, in the
first half of the XIX century.Today,We certainly know that successful writing of English
means more than spelling words correctly. As author claims, there are many other issues
related to involving the language spoken on paper, such as word proficiency, syllables
and sentence restrictions.
We can better assess the size of the task before or semi-mediocre condition of our
students. Take, for example, some punctuation agreements accompanying the
proposals. We know that sentences start with uppercase letters and end with final
punctuation, either a period, a question mark, or an exclamation mark, depending on
their intended function. But if we think about what is considered a sentence in a word,
we will understand how difficult it is to characterise this concept in a non-circular way.
The common definition of "full thought" does not exclude, for example, small
components, which are often found in isolation when they say: where did you go last
night? To the movies. If we include a certain notion of subject and predicate as a
requirement for a complete sentence, we do not exclude some fragments of sentences,
because I need a vacation that can also remain autonomous in conversation. We note
once again that our written conventions do not directly comply with our expression
agreements and that children should understand that these conventions are not based
solely on speech.
Barry, A. K. (2008). Linguistic perspectives on language and education. Upper Saddle
River, N.J: Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall. [Barry] Chapter 6 – The Written Word (115-130)