Babero & Villaseca 2000
Babero & Villaseca 2000
Babero & Villaseca 2000
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1Departamento de Geologia, Facultad C C del Mar, Universidad de Cadiz, 11510 Puerto Real, Cadiz, Spain
Departamento de P etrologia y Geoquimiea, Facultad C C Geologieas, Universidad Complutense, 28040 Madrid,
Relics of HP-MT eclogitic assemblages related to the first metamorphic stage of the Hercynian nrr"TP'TlU
the MT eclogite facies (as deduced from the presence of and rutile included in garnet) and
through medium to Iow pressure and retrograde amphibolite-greenschist facies.
Thermobarometric calculations in the ecIogitic yield pressures of -14 kbar for ternp,eraLtUlres
in the range 725-775°C. for the indicates a Sl.ll�nlltlC,;m(
drop in (P < 10 kbar) for similar temperatures vary from gabbro to
lellCC)tonaJlltc:s showing the typical Fe enrichment of the tholeiitic series. Chemical characteristics
indicate a derivation from low-pressure of tholeii tic melts more enriched than typical
MORB compositions. Their original location far from continental margins as evidenced by the absence
of ophiolitic material in the area and their association with platform sediments suggests that
eclogitization was related to intracontinental crustal subduction and The P-T conditions
estimated in the metabasites for the first metamorphic stage are similar to ones deduced for the
metasediments and suggest that the Hercynian crust could have reached a thickness of
-70-80 km, which is more than the double the present thickness.
FIG. 1. (a) Geological map ofa sector of the Central Spain Region (Hercynian orogen) and its location in the Ibelian
Hercynian Belt (grey alea). The two insets are the main regions where the studied metabasites crop out; (b) the
Tenzuela sector; and (c) the Collado Hermoso sector.
(1983) describes these metabasic rocks as having scale ductile extensional shear zones such as the
a relict eclogitic assemblage, citing the presence Berzosa-Riaza zone to the east of the studied area
of Na-rich pyroxenes included in garnets. The (Escuder Viruete et al., 1998). During M2, this
maximum pressure attained was estimated to be orogenic segment reached the highest temperature
-7-11 kbar. In a more recent work on these (715°C, 4-5 kbar, Villaseca, 1983; Arenas et aI.,
metabasi tes, Villaseca and Barbero (1994) made a 1991) and a decompressional evolution occurred.
brief revision of the PT conditions of the first Mineral parageneses of the M2 stage are generally
Hercynian metamorphic episode concluding that well preserved and define a granulite facies
the minimum pressure achieved was -9 kbar, metamorphic zone with orthoclase, cordierite
probably reaching up to 12-15 kbar for tempera and sillimanite. Migmatization occurred mainly
tures in the range 650-750°C. The second in the quartzo-feldspathic meta-igneous and
metamorphic stage (M2' paroxysmal meta metapeli tic protoliths associated with these
morphism) coincides with the final development metabasites. In nearby granulitic terranes such
of the second deformation episode (D2), which is as the Anatectic Complex of Toledo located 100
essentially an extensional event which overprints km to the south of the study area, the
and transposes DJ structures generating some km- metamorphic climax reached 800±5 0°C and
5 ± 1 kbar more peraluminous towards more basic composi
tions, thus having S-type characteristics.
of the parageneses Two types of basic rocks appear
decompressional stage. The M3 mineral assem in the area, both of them restricted exclusively to
blages reflect greenschist facies conditions of the central domain of the Sierra de Guadarrama
-450°C and 2 kbar (Villaseca, 1983; Arenas et The metabasites with eclogitic relics have never
al , 1991). been found within the abundant
In the present work, new mineral chemical data lower Ordovician orthogneisses (Fig. 1). These
on the relict eclogitic of the Ml older metabasites crop out as discontinuous
stage are with the aim of bands, boudins or lenses within the Precambrian
determining the P-T eclogitic conditions attained metasediments against which they present sharp
during the Hercynian metamorphic evolution of contacts. were intensively recrystallized
this area. Moreover, new whole-rock chemical during the Hercynian orogeny, transformed
data on these metabasites have been obtained into a nd
which, together with previous data (Villaseca, mela-amphibolites. Based on several character
198 3; Villaseca et al. , 1993), may place istics (discussed below) they are interpreted as
of the basic derived from tholeiitic sills of undetermined
times. Precambrian age, at least to the
orthogneisses of Lower Ordovician age. A
variation in composition from
gabbros towards leucotonalites is observed
The Sierra de Guadarrama is rnrnT)n"prj of (Villaseca, 1983). It is only in these metabasites
metamorphic rocks, both metasedimentary and in which the residual eclogitic mineral assem-
types, into which voluminous studied in the work appear.
late intruded A second group metabasites, of
coronitic metagabbros and metadiorites, intruded
The metasedimentary sequences, of uncertain into all of the previous series (not
age, crop out under the Sardic alone into the Proterozoic
(L o w e r O r d o v i c ian-M i d d l e D e v o n i a n ) . sequences, but also into the Lower Ordovician
Significant palaeontological remains are absent, felsic orthogneisses). Because of their tendency to
which together with the fact that these sechrrlentary appear in shear zones related to the vV_'HI-'.lv"'WJ1HU
rocks sugge st an early O rd ovic ia n age For this -50 samples of amphibolitic
(470-500 Ma Rb-Sr whole rock, Vialette et al , metabasites from the region of Turegano (near
1987; -487 Ma, U-Pb zircon 1) were
a!. , 1995). These Lower Ordovician The mineral are
are mainl y Table 1. Electron microprobe analyses were
them have a on seven polished sections
with a tendency to be t h r e e d i ff e r e n t e s: a J E O L
TABLE 1. Relation of the blastesis of the different mineral phases with respect to the three metamorphic stages
of the Spanish Central System.
Metamorphic stages
Eclogite facies MI I Granulite facies M2 I Greenschist facies M3
Garnet ••••••
Dmenite ......
Titanite P,,!!-Hbl
Ca-amphibole ? ..... AeIInoIlte
SUPERPROBE JXA 8900-M at Complutense bearing amphibolites with a massive structure and
University of Madrid; a JEOL SUPERPROBE an eclogite-like appearance, generally found as
733 at St Andrews University (UK); and a rounded masses included within t he former rock
CAMECA SX-50 at Oviedo University (Spain). types. Some pegmatitic varieties with conspic
In all cases, the operating conditions were 15 kV, uous amphibole, plagioclase and quartz crystals
20 nA. and a beam diameter of 2-5 flm, and ZAF appear. A second important group of small
correction procedure was used. Analyses outcrops of metabasites are located to the south
performed on the same mineral grain in the of the Collado Hermoso village (Fig. le).
different microprobes gave similar results. Different mineral assemblages, which are the
Whole-rock major elements were determined result of the successive metamorphic recrystaJli
by ICP-AES and trace elements by ICP-MS at zation stages, can be dist inguished. In Table I the
CNRS (Nancy, France) following the method of relation between the blastesis of the different
Govindaraju and Mevelle (1987). Three whole mineral phases and the three metamorphic stages
rock chemical analyses have been taken from of the area are summarized.
Villaseca (1983) (Table 5). The mineral abbrevia
tions follow those used by Kretz (1983).
Eclogitic relict paragenesis
of these minerals (clinopyroxene, quartz, rutile) a thin plagioclase film between both minerals.
should be interpreted as primary in cl usions Ilmenite is abundant in several types as
the garnet growth. Other �HJllf��"�� crystals in the nematoblastic matrix of
71300 71300 71300 71300 96895 96895 82244 82244 82244 82244
103 rim 104 108 109 71 core 74 rim 69 rim 70 72 73 core
Structural formula 0 = 12
3. 00 3 . 00 3. 00 3 . 00 3. 00 3.00 2. 97 2. 98 2. 98 2. 99
0. 00 0.00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 03 0. 02 0. 02 0. 0 1
1 . 92 1 . 95 1 . 93 1 . 94 1 . 94 1 . 95 1 . 93 1 . 96 1 . 95 1 . 97
0. 0 1 0.00 0. 0 1 0. 0 1 0. 0 1 0. 0 1 0. 0 1 0. 00 0. 02 0. 0 1
�t 0. 20
1 . 94
0. 28
1 . 92
0. 28
1 . 86
0. 1 8
1 . 86
0. 22
1 . 96
0. 34
1. 90
1 . 90
0. 3 2
1 . 92
0. 3 1
1 . 87
Mn 0. 09 0.06 0. 08 0. 09 0. 1 6 0. 06 0. 02 0. 03 0. 03 0. 05
Ca 0. 80 0.73 0. 77 0.79 0. 84 0. 81 0. 84 0. 81 0. 8 1 0. 83
Prp 6. 69 7 . 23 9. 25 9.36 5. 92 7. 20 1 1 . 06 1 0. 55 1 0. 47 10. 1 2
AIm 63. 85 66. 68 62. 7 6 6 1 . 45 61. 12 64.40 61. 14 62. 03 62.29 6 1 .02
3. 06 2.07 2.7 1 3 . 03 5.37 1 .84 0.72 0. 99 0. 94 1 .74
26. 40 24. 0 1 25. 27 26. 1 5 27.58 26.56 26. 97 26. 42 26. 27 27 . 1 2
and the rest of the gabbroic types having Xl'vfg 96896 and XMg 0. 37 -0. 43 in sample 96 895, their
� Type C
clogites 82
10 Prp
core rim
C 70
AIm. 65
60 Aim
� 30 Grs
� 25
30 �
Q 20
20 :; 15
10 FeJMg
::::!::::!::=-:±:::t Sps
core rim core
FIG. 3. (a) Garnet composition pl ot in the Prp-(Grs+Andr)-(Alm+Sps) diagram. Note the more c alcic composition of
the garnets in sample 82245. Fields of type B and C eclogites after Coleman et al. (1965). (b) Typical unzoned garnet
profile in sample 96896. (c,d) Zoning profiles with an increase in Fe accompanied by a decrease in Ca from c ore to
rim indic ating a down pressure re-equilibration.
calculated according to Robinson et al. (1982) and (Fig. 5). This could be the result of local re
the amphiboles are classified to Leake equilibration due to the large volume differences
et al. (1997), (Table 4} All analysed between the host garnet and the
are calcic types varying from to inclusion as stated by Spear (1991) for biotite
lerroT)ar:ga�:lte in the most basic types and from inclusions in garnet from metapelitic rocks. The
to and edenite in UH.LI-'''',"-Y'VH.''' included in garnet a slightly
the most evolved metagabbros 5, higher AI content in those of the
82244-5) the amphiboles included in matrix (Fig. 5). This tendency is reflecting
garnet tend to show more composi O'\\-'Tl-DH:ssure amphibole rpr'r.",t;;oi
tions when to those in the matrix zation as will be discussed below. No
En Fs
FIG. 4. (a) Clinopyroxene composition in tenns of jadeite-aeg irine-Q(di, en, fs); in samples 71300 and 96896 some
clinopyroxene inclusions plot in the field of omp hacite. (b) wollastonite-enstatite-ferrosilite classification diagram
for c1ino- and orthopyroxenes.
chemical variation has been found in amphibole clase included in garnet showed the highest albite
its location in relation content but nevertheless, its varies
to garnet domains. When comparing the amphi within a narrow range (An 10 to Ann). In contrast,
bole composition with that of other amphiboles 96895 shows plagioclase with a wide
from different we note that compositional variation (An50 to AnlO), the most
they plot in the field of intermediate pressure calcic being that included in garnet In the last two
terrains (Fig. 5). This points to a cases, inclusions are the result of the
intermediate to lower nrf"'"""rp retrograde reaction between eclogitic garnet and
as is common in other as evidenced by the presence of
(Messiga et al , 1992; Medaris et al , 1995} residual clinopyroxene surrounded by plagioclase
coronas inside the garnet (see 2d). In two
"ajlHl-n'-',�, a compositional profile from the contact
with the garnet towards the UH.Lf.HHU'ViLU,""
Most of the is found defining coronas has been performed, the plagioclase An45
around garnet, thus suggesting a post-eclogitic garnet and An28 towards the matrix. This
character 2). Nevertheless, three textural coincides with the decrease in grossular compo
types of were inclu- nent in the thus the down
sions, coronas and matrix. Plagioclase presents pressure re-equilibrium between garnet rims and
similar compositions from sample to sample but adjacent plagioclase. This An content of
in certain cases a wide range of variation within ,.JiL'",LV,""LU"',"" between garnet has
individual rocks occurs. In general, been observed in other
composition varies from An 10 to An50 the average (O'Brien et al. , 1992}
An20' The orthoclase content never exceeds In every sample, plagiodase in the matrix
1 mol.%. In gabbroic 71300, the presents similar to the ,.JiU",
. "J,""lL""..0
TABLE 3. Selected clinopyroxene and analyses from tholeiitic metabasites from the Sierra de Guadarrama.
Orth opyroxene
Sa mple 71300 71300 71300 71300 71300 71300 96895 96895 96895 96895 96896 96896 96896 96895 96895 96896 96896 96896 96896
Texture incl. inc1. inc1. incl. matrix matrix incl. incl. m atrix matrix incl inc1. matrix inc1. inc1.
Analysis 61 62 105 (c 3) 92 101 105 53 54 79 28 154 162 151 45 34 38 39 140 130
Si02 50.65 51.01 52.24 51.80 50.90 49.93 50.40 50.76 52.02 51.47 52.84 50.66 50.42 49.60 50.04 50.55 50.44 48.51 49.22
Ti02 0.43 0.33 0.33 0.31 0.13 0.08 0.27 0.26 0.08 0.14 0.10 0.03 0.12 0.05 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.06
Ali)3 5.37 5.26 4.88 5.30 3.54 2.02 2.04 1.50 2.70 3.84 6.82 7.00 0.86 0.42 0.42 0.43 0.24 0.40 0.42
FeO 14.93 14.73 14.68 15.22 14.81 19.72 16.77 14.76 14.35 12.00 11.93 15.45 18.18 36.74 35.36 36.33 36.08 39.06 37.88
MnO 0.16 0.23 0.13 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.26 0.21 0.04 0.14 0.22 0.35 0.40 0.59 0.52 0.41 0.53 1.03 0.80
MgO 7.23 7.30 7.49 6.88 9.46 7.23 8.60 9.96 10.06 10.03 7.44 5.99 7.87 12.37 11.56 12.21 12.37 9.15 10.62
Ca O 17.71 17.35 17.90 18.95 21.48 21.04 21.43 21.98 20.32 20.04 17.75 18.17 21.13 0.64 0.86 0.62 0.58 0.96 0.70
Na 20 2.77 2.90 2.48 2.59 0.81 0.65 0.29 0.04 1.05 1.67 2.66 1.98 0.46 0.00 0.02 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.03
Total 99.33 99.18 100.12 101.05 101.24 100.67 100.08 99.52 100.64 99.34 99.83 99.66 99.50 100.60 98.85 100.73 100.28 99.21 99.73
QUAD 78.90 78.01 81.62 80.74 93.80 94.99 97.78 99.69 92.19 87.42 79.51 84.35 96.44
Jd 14.16 15.44 18.38 15.14 3.17 1.01 1.38 0.22 5.54 8.44 20.49 15.65 0.60
Aegirine 6.94 6.55 0.00 4.12 3.02 3.99 0.84 0.09 2.27 4.15 0.00 0.00 2.96
En 36.54 35.77 36.71 37.11 28.31 32.35
Fs 62.11 62.31 61.95 61.95 69.56 66.11
Wo 1.36 1.92 1.34 1.34 2.14 1.54
TABLE 4. Selected amphibole analyses of tholeiitic metabasites from the Sierra de Guadarrama
71300 71300 71300 71300 71300 96895 96895 96897 96897 96987
Text Corona Inclusion Inclusion Inclusion
4 25 17 24 116 14 65 72 107 108
Si02 43. 27 40. 1 0 40. 28 40.58 40.36 42. 96 42. 06 44. 79 43. 47 43. 1 2
Ti02 1.91 1 . 35 1 . 23 1.01 1 . 98 0. 82 0. 1 0 1 . 19 1 . 04 0. 52
A1203 9.24 13.75 1 2. 05 13. 6 1 1 2 . 42 13 . 69 13. 03 9. 04 1 0. 60 1 1 . 20
FeO 17. 96 20. 40 2 1 . 85 20.84 23. 27 1 8.58 23. 81 1 9. 60 20. 9 1 20. 5 2
M nO 0. 00 0. 24 0. 20 0. 1 4 0. 24 0. 1 9 0. 64 0. 24 0. 1 9 0. 1 4
M gO 1 0.57 7. 23 7. 16 7. 1 0 5. 92 7. 08 5. 30 9. 02 7. 93 8. 0 1
C aO 1 0. 7 1 1 1 . 44 1 0. 9 1 1 0.58 9. 62 10. 49 1 1. 7 1 1 0. 8 1 1 1 . 06 1 1 . 28
Na20 2. 69 2. 99 3. 00 3. 24 3. 05 2.37 0. 24 1 . 88 2. 1 4 1 . 98
K20 0. 1 4 0. 23 0. 00 0. 00 0. 1 8 0. 1 4 0. 09 0. 05 0. 03 0. 04
Total 96. 49 97.73 96. 68 97. 09 97 . 03 96.32 96. 98 96. 63 97.35 96. 8 1
B Ca 1 . 73 1 . 87 1 . 80 1 . 72 1.58 1 . 70 1. 90 1 . 74 1.79 1 . 83
BNa 0. 27 0. 1 3 0. 20 0. 28 0. 42 0. 30 0. 07 0. 26 0. 2 1 0. 17
Total B 2. 00 2. 00 2. 00 2. 00 2. 00 2. 00 1 . 97 2. 00 2. 00 2. 00
ANa 0.5 1 0. 75 0. 69 0. 68 0. 48 0. 39 0. 00 0. 29 0. 4 1 0. 4 1
AK 0. 03 0. 04 0. 00 0. 00 0. 03 0. 03 0. 02 0. 0 1 0. 00 0. 0 1
Total A 0.54 0. 79 0. 69 0. 68 0. 52 0. 42 0. 02 0.30 0. 42 0. 42
of the inclusions and coronas. As a degree of differentiation, the most variable types
tendency towards more calcic composition close those cropping out at Tenzuela massif
to the garnet domain is seen. 1) (Villaseca, 1983). In other outcrops the
metagabbroic composition dominates. The CIPW
normative compositions range from olivine
h""',....... ;.",.. ...' ... and n""r ... ..' CJ&l'n&l�." of the
normative «15 in the gabbros towards
metabasite protoliths 'l'H"t'7_Tlr"CTYI"t",p for rocks with Si02 contents of
The major and trace elements of nine metabasites >49 wt. %. The metabasic series vary from silica
are in Table 5. Three are taken saturated to oversaturated. The most differentiated
from Villaseca (1983) with new trace and REE rock (leucotonalite 67041, Table 5) has
carried out at the CRPG-CNRS 0. 51 wt. % normative corundum The '''"U "Y �'''-=L'''-'
I"'�OOO 0.4
Ferropargasite 0.2
7.5 7.0 6.5 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5
. 96897
Edenite Pargasite
6. 7635 1 0.8
82245 . 96905
� 0.6
76352 0.4
Si (p.t: u.)
b 7 1300 inclusions 0.9
0.6 �
< 6 0.5 •
0.4 71300 Matrix / �
z •
FIG. 5. (a) Composition of Ca-amphibo1es from the Central S pain metabasites (Leake et al. , 1 997); (b) concentration
of AI in four and six fold c oordinates sites for inclusion and matrix amphibo1es of sample 7 1300; (c) Na(M4 ) vs.
A1VI+Fe 3-t-+Ti diagram of amphibo1es from Central Spain metabasites c ompared to amphibo1es of different
metamorphic facies series. Shaded field: S anbagawa and Franciscan high pressure facies series; dotted line:
Dalradian intennediate pressure facies; continuous line: Haast River intennediate pressure facies; dashed line:
Abukuma low pressure terrane ; from Laird and AIbee ( 1 98 1 ) .
shown by the high F e content of the metabasites The HFSE and REE are usually regarded as
in the AFM diagram (Fig. 6a). The P205 contents trace elements remaining unaffected by meta
are generally high compared to other tholeiitic morphic processes (Rollinson, 1993). All the
series. In fact, in the MnO-TiOrP205 diagram analysed metabasites are richer in Th, Nb, Zr and
(Fig. 6b) these metabasites plot from tholeiitic LILE than averaged MORB composition (Fig. 6c).
towards more alkaline fields (Mullen, 1983). In fact, in the ZrlY vs. Zr dia gram (not shown),
MgO MnO*10
Rb Th Nb La Sr P Zr Ti La Nd Srn Gd Dy Er Yb
Ba K Ce Nd Srn Gd Y Yb Ce Eu Lu
FIG. 6. (a) AFM diagram for the Central Spain metabasites showing the typical Fe enrichment of the tholeiitic series ;
fields after Irvine and B aragar (1971). (b) MnO-TiOTP205 discrimination diagram with fields after Mullen (1983).
(c) N-type M ORB (S aunders and Tarney , 1984; Sun, 1980) normalized diagram for metabasites; CAB , island-arc
c alc-alkaline basalt; IAT, island-arc tholeiite; O IT , ocean-island tholeiite; OIA, ocean-island alkali basalt. (d) C l
chondrite (Evensen et al. , 1978) normalized REE diagram.
these metabasites plot mostly in within-plate fields, In summary, we believe that the metabasic
far from the composition of oceanic or plate pro tolith derived from low-pressure crys tal
margin basalts (Pearce and Norry, 1979). Although fractionation of tholeiitic melts more enriched
the metagabbros varieties exhibit :flat chondrite than typical MORB compositions. Their associa
normalized REE patterns (LaNNbN =1 . 0-1 .8) tion with typical continental platform sediments
they show absolute concentrations of -20 times such as mature pelites, calc-silicates, marbles and
chondrite (Fig. 6d). The more silica-rich metaba minor quarzites, defines a continental affinity and
sites display fREE-enriched patterns (LaN/YbN = not an oceanic character for these tholeiitic sills.
3. 6) and some negative Eu anomaly, but HREE The high degree of evolution acquired by these
patterns are consistently:flat suggesting that neither metabasites is illustrated by the presence of felsic
garnet nor amphibole were important phases types which is in agreement with intracontinental
involved in the petrogenesis of the tholeiites. scenarios proposed by Hess (1989).
TABLE 5. Major and trace element of selected metabasites.
71300 968 95 968 96 62984 71303 82244 9512 66726 67056 67041
Si02 44. 41 46. 34 48. 23 48. 60 49.50 50. 43 5 1.79 63.92 69.44 72.77
Ti02 4.36 3.81 3. 46 2. 89 2. 22 1.94 1. 93 1 . 28 0. 58 0. 43
Al203 1 3 . 02 12. 82 13. 12 1 4.73 13.59 13. 43 1 4. 1 4 1 4. 1 1 13. 68 14.36
Fe203 20. 1 1 18. 66 17.75 13.38 14. 08 14. 5 1 1 2.55 7 . 73 5. 28 3. 21
MnO 0. 40 0.31 0. 28 0. 22 0. 27 0.23 0. 22 0.08 0. 04 0.03
4.36 4.77 4. 1 9 4. 88 7.52 5.43 6. 42 1 .37 0. 66 0. 62
9.5 1 9.54 8. 95 8. 1 3 10.53 10. 64 1 0.50 4. 64 3. 3 2. 43
Na:f) 3.56 3 . 33 3.39 3.53 1 . 27 2.94 1 . 70 5.72 5. 08 5. 49
K20 0. 43 0. 15 0.3 6 1 . 46 0. 24 0.05 0. 3 1 0 . 43 1. 46 0.5 1
P20S 0.32 0 . 45 0.52 0. 64 0. 26 0. 1 2 0. 25 0 . 29 0. 2 0. 06
LOI 0. 90 0 0 1.50 1 . 23 0.39 0. 46 0 . 22 0. 22 0. 4
T otal 1 0 1 . 38 99. 92 99. 95 99. 96 100 . 7 1 100. 4 1 100. 27 99.79 99. 94 100. 3 1
For kinetic reasons, mafic rocks tend to preserve ""H�"'�I-'.,,_au presence of plagioclase and
high-press ure parageneses relati ve to felsic rocks coronas around garnet and
(O'Brien et aI., 1992) The presence of scarce amphibolitization of the rock 2)
included in garnet in certain as H20 pressure increases are controlled by
samples indicates that the P-T evolution of these reactions such as:
rocks passed through a high P stage.
Grt + ---"" PI (>An) + Amp (2)
M 2 granulitic re-crystallizationis proven by the
presence of coronas around clino of the M2
pyroxen e in cl usions in garnet (Fig. 2). This metamorphic The local
indicates the occurrence of the reaction: presence of orthopyroxene in the inner coronas
around garnet 2e) indicates a reaction of the
Grt + ---"" PI «An) + (low Na) (1)
instead of reactions GADS,
Grt + (± ---"" Opx + PI (3)
O'Brien e t al., 1992) as
present an olivine-normative '.AJ>.H!-,V0LUVU. which is less common than reaction 2
because of minor vanatlOns in the whole-rock Inclusion omphacite and adjacent core garnet
composition of the metabasites and/or the were used in all cases.
presence of minor volatile phases during the Pressure-temperature estimates have also been
eclogite retrogression. The last two reactions are made using TWEEQU techniques as described by
probably coupled because: (1) the outer amphi Berman (1991) using the end-member properties
bole-rich rim is concentric to the orthpyroxene + and thermodynamic database of Berman (1988;
plagioclase inner rim (Fig. 2e); and (2) both the 1990). The solution models used in the calcula
orthopyroxene and the amphibole were formed tions are from Berman ( 1 990) for garnet;
during granulitic conditions as deduced from the Fuhrman and Lindsley (1988) for plagioclase,
P-T estimates as discussed below. and ideal models are used for pyroxenes. Reaction
This metamorphic evolution is represented in curves were calculated for the mineral composi
terms of ACF diagrams in Fig. 7. The tie-lines tions given in Tables 2-4 and the assemblages
connecting ld-rich clinopyroxene and garnet deduced from petrographic studies (Table 1)
(eclogite paragenesis) switch to a new tie-line con sidered to be representative of the firs t
connecting Ca-rich plagioclase and amphibole Hercynian metamorphic episode. Intersections
(reaction 2), and Na-rich plagioclase and diop gi ving standard deviations of ±0.5 bar and
sidic clinopyroxene (reaction 1). In certain ±20°C after no more than one iteration in the
microdomains of some metagabbros (sample exclusion analysis are regarded as yielding
96895, Fig. 7) reaction 3 can take place together acceptable results. Core-inclusions representing
with reaction 2 with the new orthopyroxene peak pressure conditions and border and matrix
plagioclase assemblage formed in the inner zones phases representative of the later retrogression
towards the garnet (Fig. 2). stages are treated separately.
The peak pressure eclogitic conditions are The eclogite-granulite transition paragenesis in
documented by the paragenesis Alm-Grs-Prp sample 71300 with omphacitic pyroxene inclusions
garnet + omphacite + rutile + quartz. in garnet, produce a tight crossing of reactions (two
Combination of the garnet-clinopyroxme Fe independent) at pressures of -14 kbar and
Mg exchange thermometer (Ellis and Green, temperatures of -760°C (Fig. 9). This is consid
1979; Krogh, 1988) and the geobarometer based ered to represent the highest pressure attained in
on the reaction: albite in plagioclase jadeite (in
= the area. Similar P-T values are obtained, never
omphacite) + quartz (Holland, 1980) yields theless, for other samples like 76352, 82244 and
press ure-temperature condi tions (Fig. 8) of 96895 for equilibrium parageneses Grt + PI + Cpx
-14±2 kbar and 700±50°C (sample 71300), + Qtz + Hm + Rt resulting in tight crossing of all
12±2 kbar and 675±50°C (sample 82244). equilibria (two independent)as illustrated in Fig. 9.
c F c F
FIG. 7. ACF diagrams showing the tie-line switching from gnt-cpx (id rich) assemblages toward a typical granulite
facies paragenesis with plagioc1ase and amp hibole and/or orthopyroxene.
·teS ..
£'C1ogt ··
14 ····
9;')··G··· 73804
__ . - -,____
10 �
jQ= Q. J_ �___ __ ___ I---
6 �
Ten1perature (OC)
FIG. 8. PT diagram in which the results of several classical thermobarometers in different samples (textured
quadrangular areas with respective sample numb er ) for theMI and M2 metamorphic stages are shown. M2 peak
conditions from MaJtln Romera et al. (1999). M3 metamorphic conditions from Villaseca (1983) and A rena s e/. at. .
(1991). Thick gley alTOW shows a p ossible PT metamorphic path for the Sierra de Guadanama sector as deduced
from the metamorphic conditions of the th.ree main metamorphic stages. Jadeite isopleths ale after GaspaJik and
Lindsley (1980 ); Hbl in reaction after Winkler (1976); Ky-And-Sill is after Holdaway (1971); facies boundruies
drawn after Spear (1993).
18 18
14 14
f: 10 f: 10
� =
� �
f: �
� �
6 6
FIG. 9. PT estimates based on the TWQ intersections for cores-inclusions and rims-matrix of individual s amples
using the mineral assemblages shown in the insets and some of the reactions Oabelled) of the Appendix. See text for
further details of the activity models used, thermodynamic data set and uncertainties of the intersections .
1984) which results in the range 680 to Peak pressure conditions based on the eclogitic
750°C Similar results are obtained using the two relics in the metabasites studied in this work are
pyroxene thermometer from Wood and Banno estimated to be -14 kbar and 750°C Pressure
(1973) considering matrix phases (800-850°C in temperature estimates made on garnet rims and
sample 96895, 750-800°C in sample 96896) and matrix phases vary from 6 to 10 kbar and 680 to
also with the geotherm- 800°C As the metamorphic climax conditions of
ometer from garnet the area have been estimated to be at even lower
rims and adjac ent matrix orthopyroxene pressures (4-6 kbar, Villaseca, 1983), the total
(760-800°C, 96896). Pressures during decompression range h as to be -8-10 kbar
the M2 episode must be < 7-8 kbar as the 8). The P-T path thus obtained shows an
component in clinopyroxene is <10% isothermal decompression, and in any case, an
8) which is consistent with the results important increase in temperature related to
obtained using the consistent thermo- thermal relaxation is not observed. Such an
database as discussed above. isothermal of
The related paragneisses enclosing the eclogi tic deep-placed metamorphic rock to be rapid
metabasic lenses evolve with them, compared to the rate of thermal relaxation and
displaying biotite, cordierite, and subsequent cooling, but not so rapid as to preserve
sillimanite as part of a M2 abundant relics. Whether the
paJrag,en,eSl:S, whose must clearly cross into exhumation is related to extension of an over
the s i l li m a ni t e s t a b il i t y fi e l d 8). thickened and lor thermally weakened orogenic
Thermobarometric estimates based on garnet - 1989; Ruppel and 1994) or
biotite and GASP T in the range (H_'_V�jL�f_n l"H'.'-'U by rates of synoro-
740-780°C and P of 4-6 kbar (Marlin Romera genic erosion (Jamieson et aI. , 1995; Willett et al. ,
et al. , 1999), which is in agreement with the 1993), or a combination of the two, is a difficult
conditions estimated in the to answer with the present data.
me tabasi tes. Nevertheless, the presence of a system of
extensional detachments such as the Berzosa
Riaza shear zones in the Sierra de Guadarra,
(Escuder Viruete et al. , 1998) suggests that the
High-pressure mineral reflecting the near isothermal decompression path could be
pressure conditions in rocks from the axial largely controlled by these extensional tectonics.
sectors are scarce. In the extrusion the
Hercynides from central the main remains transition from the eclogite field to the sillimanite
of a event are the rare omphacitic field. Isostatic erosion and
l l ".·� U �'VU in garnet described in this and Thompson, 1984) never reaches such a large
previous works (Villaseca, 1 983; Villaseca and scale advection of heat and the P-T path never
Barbero, 1994). The first Hercynian tectonometa reaches the sillimanite field (Thompson et aI. ,
HRa V" lv phase recorded in the Central 1997). With the data available,
System is Devonian in age, and is marked by the this decompression has occurred a time
of P alaeozoic sedimenta tion span of -40-50 Ma.
(Gutierrez Marcos et al. , 1990). In coincidence lt is remarkable that these high-pressure
with this assumption are the ages of 370-380 Ma rocks occur in an intracontinental
which Wildberg et al. , (1989) obtained from section of the orogen, a
zircon from different and ortho thickening of the continental crust during the
gneisses from the eastern part of the Sierra de collision. The new barometric esti
Guadarrama and which they assume reflect the mates made in this work allow us to a
first event (Dl)' burial depth for these metabasites of -55 km
The metamorphic cl imax with associated (considering an average for the crust in
crustal anatexis is estimated to have occurred at this sector of -2. 7 g
-325-330 Ma based on data that there is no evidence of tectonic
such as U-Pb in monazite from of the imbrication of different slices since
eastern part of the S ierra de Guadarrama times, and that the present thickness
(Valverde Vaquero et al. , 1995; Escuder Viruete of the crust in Central is -31 km (Paulssen
et a!., 1998} and Visser, 1993) the crust the
Ml stage could have reached a thickness of References
- 70 80 km, which is more than the double the
present thickness. This has important conse Arenas , R. , Fuster, 1. M. , GonzaIez Lodeiro, F. , Macay a,
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Alfredo Femandez Larios and Jose GonzaIez del Escuder Viruete, 1. , Hemaiz, P. P. , V al verde-V aquero,
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micropro be a nalysis performed at CAI of Variscan syncollisional extension in the Iberian
Mi cro scopia Electro ni ca fro m Complu tense Massif: structural, metamorphic and geochronologi
University. F. 1. Fernandez, P. 1. Q'Brien and an cal evidence from the Somosierra sector of the Sierra
anonymous reviewer are thanked for their de Gu adarrama (Central Iberian Zone, Spain).
constructive comments. This work was supported Tectonophysics, 290, 87 - 109.
financially by the project DGYCIT PB96-0661 of Evensen, N. M. , Hamilton, PJ. and O ' Nions , R. K ( 1 978)
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Selected equilibria used in analysis (Bennan, 1991). Numbers refer to those in the intersection
diagrams in 9.
1. Jd + Qz Ab =
2. Py + 2 Grs + 3 A b 3 An + 3 Di + 3 Jd
5. 3 A b + Alm + 2Grs 3 Jd + 3 Hd 3 An
6. Alm + 3 Di Py + 3 H d
= thermometer)
7. 4 H d + Py + 4 R t 3 Qz + 4
= + 3 D i An
8. 2 Rt + Py + 2 Hd + Grs 2 An + 3 Di + 2 Urn
1 0. 6 Rt + Py + 6 Hd 3 Di + Grs + 6 Urn
A bbreviations: Ab, albite; An, anortite; Alm, almandine; Di, diopside; Grs, grossular; Hd, hedenbergite; Ilm ,
ilmenite; Jd, j adeite; Py, pyrope; Q z, beta quartz; Rt, rutile. Other abbreviations follow Kretz ( 1 983 ).