1.01 Introduction To Technical Writing
1.01 Introduction To Technical Writing
1.01 Introduction To Technical Writing
Define technical communication.
Distinguish technical writing from academic writing.
Explain the features of technical writing style.
Introduce the concepts of audience, culture, and ethics as they apply to technical writing.
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Technical communication, however, is intended for another purpose. These documents convey information to audiences who may
or may not have prior knowledge of the material discussed. Technical communicators must, therefore, determine the needs of their
audience and design documents that convey information in an accessible and appropriate manner. Depending on the context of
communication, it might also be necessary to convey information in a concise and efficient manner, succinctly presenting points
and cutting extraneous or potentially distracting material.
Workplace Writing
However, the focus for technical writing courses is not necessarily a career as a technical writer but an introduction to the kinds of
writing skills you need in practically any technically-oriented professional job. No matter what sort of professional work you do,
you're likely to do lots of writing—and much of it technical in nature. The more you know about some basic technical-writing
skills, which are covered in this guide and in technical-writing courses, the better job of writing you're likely to do. And that will be
good for the projects you work on, for the organizations you work in, and—most of all—good for you and your career.
Professional technical writers rely on these strategies to ensure the technical accuracy of their work:
Study of books, articles, reports, websites related to the product.
Product specifications: what the product is supposed to do, how it is designed.
Interviews with subject matter experts: the product specialists, developers, engineers.
Product meetings during the development cycle.
Live demonstrations of the product.
Familiarization with similar, competing products.
Experimenting with working models of the product.
Most importantly, subject matter experts' review of technical writers' work for technical accuracy and completeness.
Cultural Communication
Technical writers need to be aware of the differences between the behavior and the norms, beliefs and values of specific cultural.
According to Edward T. Hall and Mildred Reed Hall, In Understanding Cultural Differences, each culture operates according to its
own rules (1990, pp. 3-4). Hall and Hall add that problems occur when members of one culture apply the rules to another culture
(1990, pp. 3-4). To communicate effectively with other cultures, the technical writer needs to not only be aware of rules governing
behaviors that can be observed but also of the not-so-obvious rules that govern the norms, beliefs, and values of the people of a
culture. The invisible rules of a culture dramatically impact the acceptance of ideas, plans, and strategies. The Cultural Iceberg
illustrates patterns of world communication, showing indicators of Institutional Culture (the obvious behavior of a culture), which
can be clearly seen as the tip of the iceberg, and People Culture (the norms, beliefs and values of a culture), which cannot be seen
and which are the barriers to successful communication.
Figure 1 The Cultural Iceberg
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Technical writers have a responsibility to their readers and to their employers to follow ethics when writing reports. Technical
writers must use words that demonstrate valid appeals to reason, avoiding emotional words and phrases that appeal to basic
emotion instead of justifiable reasoning. In addition, technical writers must use valid references to support ideas and strategies,
avoiding referencing non experts to sway readers’ support. Also, technical writers must use accurate numbers to report data,
avoiding charts and tables that skew data. Using any type of fallacies in technical writing is unethical and could result in dire
Not only do technical writers have a responsibility to report accurate information, but they also have a responsibility to credit
accurate sources of information. At no time is it acceptable to rearrange information in order to attempt to indicate that the writer is
the source of someone else’s idea or to indicate that the writer read a report that included information he/she cited, when the
primary source of the information was cited in another report. All sources must be referenced accurately in the text and cited on a
reference page.
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Features of Technical Writing
Technical documents must be reader-centered. The information is explained and presented in a style that is easy to navigate
and understand. Technical documents value the reader’s time by using the following features:
Accessible – Think about the users of your document. You understand the material and created the document based on that
knowledge and understanding, but for your audience, this is new information. So the information must be explained and
presented in a style that is easy to understand and follow.
Collaborative - technical documents must consider multiple perspectives; therefore, they are frequently composed by a
team of writers.
Concise –To write concisely does not mean to use fewer words. Instead, it means to use all the words you need but only the
words you need.
Efficient page design: Use headings, numbered or bulleted lists, tables, easy-to-read fonts, white space, and other elements
to help the reader navigate through the material.
Logical organization: use chronological order and emphasize important information.
Meaningful content: include all of the information needed but none of the information that is not needed.
Supplemental material: Abstracts, footnotes, glossary, appendix, definitions, etc., provides readers with additional
information when needed.
Visual elements: Use charts, graphs, or images to clarify written concepts or relationships.
Justify your left margin only; don’t fully justify your paragraphs, as
this can result in odd spacing
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Readability in Publications
The way a text looks matters to a reader, so it should matter to a writer. Letters, reports, and websites are more than just words on a
page or a screen. How ideas are arranged and delivered in physical form, whether electronically or on paper, can make reading
seem intimidating, confusing, or downright unfriendly, even if the content itself is perfect. Your text is like a room for your ideas.
Sometimes you want readers to get in and get out quickly, but often, you want them to sit down and make themselves comfortable,
put their feet up and stay awhile. Whatever the case, you should be in control of the reader’s experience.
To make a document more reader-friendly, many technical writers rely on visuals to achieve this goal. See Chapter 15, "Visuals in
Technical Documents" for detailed information about using visuals.
Because page design can have such a significant impact on your communication’s usability and persuasiveness, you should
approach design in the same reader-centered manner that you use when drafting text and graphics. Think continuously about your
readers, including who they are, what they want from your communication and the context in which they will be reading.
It helps to think about the building blocks of a page design in the way that professional graphic designers do. When they look at a
page, they see six basic elements:
Text: Paragraphs and sentences.
Headings and titles: Labels for sections of your communication.
Graphics: Drawings, tables, photographs, and so on — including their captions.
White space: Blank areas.
Headers and footers: The items, such as page numbers, that occur at the top or bottom of each page in a multi-page document.
Physical features: These include paper, which may take many shapes and sizes, and bindings, which come in many forms.
Figure 3.1. Overview of design elements. Notice how your eye is drawn to the blue header and the boxed elements. In these spaces,
you can highlight the important parts of your message:
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Technical writing is designed to inform, instruct, or persuade an audience. It is informative and concise. Technical writers often
collaborate with others in their organizations to develop documents that are formatted and designed to inform their audience in
accessible ways. All forms of technical writing -- memos, letters, proposals, reports, and so on -- have different conventions for
format and design. Technical writing differs from the academic writing to which many students are accustomed. As you continue
exploring concepts of technical communication in this course, remember these introductory concepts to technical writing and work
to apply them to the documents you create.
Hall, E.T. & Hall, M.R. (1990). Understanding Cultural Differences. Intercultural Press.
Society for Technical Communication. (2021). Defining Technical Communication. https://www.stc.org/about-
This work "Introduction to Technical Writing" is a derivative of "What is Technical Communication?" by Chelsea
Milbourne, Anne Regan, Morgan Livingston, & Sadie Johann, Technical Writing for Technicians CC-BY Will Fleming, and
"ENGL 145: Technical and Report Writing" by Amber Kinonen,used under a CC BY license. "Introduction to Technical
Writing" is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by Tamara Girardi and Mary Richards.
1: Introduction to Technical Writing is shared under a CC BY 4.0 license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
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