Benefits of STEM Education
Benefits of STEM Education
Benefits of STEM Education
What are the benefits of STEM education, especially in low income countries?
1. Summary
2. Rationale for STEM education
3. STEM and gender differences
4. Benefits of STEM Education
5. STEM education in Rwanda
5. References
1. Summary
The literature concurs with the general view that science, technology, engineering and
mathematics (STEM) education is necessary to facilitate economic development, international
competitiveness and job creation. However, the literature does not specify the particular benefits
of STEM education in developing countries since the consensus is that STEM education is
generally lacking in these countries. Moreover, the gender gap in STEM education is prevalent
in some developed and most developing countries (UNESCO, 2017:20). However, STEM has
been useful for enhancing teacher training in developing countries, stimulating innovative
approaches for secondary education and aligning the demand and supply of skills (Burnett &
Jayaram, 2012; Hooker, 2017). In Rwanda, engineering education has provided skilled
personnel for industry and solutions for local development problems (Lwakabamba & Lujara,
2003). In addition, collaboration with Swedish universities has boosted the research capacity at
the University of Rwanda (Tvedten, Byabagambi, Lindström, & Tedre , 2018).
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The literature on STEM education in developing countries focuses on the challenges many
young people face with regard to access to secondary and tertiary education in general as well
as the gender gaps in STEM education. It therefore proposes strategies for overcoming these
difficulties. Studies on STEM education usually adopt a regional focus such as Africa or Asia
and therefore the reports amalgamate data from middle-income and low-income countries.
There is some literature on the benefits of science and technology (as a sector) on economic
growth or combating diseases such as HIV or malaria. The literature does not discuss the
benefits of STEM education beyond the general view that STEM facilitates economic growth and
competitiveness. Given that the literature does not address the query directly, the following
approach is used in this rapid literature review: literature from developed and developing
countries is used to discuss the rationale for STEM education and the key trends in this field.
Statistics relating to the gender gap are presented and the impact of some programmes which
aim to improve female participation in STEM in developing countries is discussed. Since much
of the literature on STEM education mentions teacher training, this is discussed as a benefit of
STEM education, together with meeting the demand for skills and innovations for secondary
education. Case studies of STEM education projects in Rwanda, a low-income country which
has prioritised education and undertaken several initiatives to improve STEM education, are
used to highlight the benefits of STEM education.
The rationale for investment in STEM education relates mainly to its association with
improved economic outcomes (African American Institute, 2015; Williams, 2011).
Unemployment in the Middle East and Latin America is linked to the inadequate supply of
skills required by employers (Burnett & Jayaram, 2012).
The 21st century job market requires a new set of skills, and there is more emphasis on
technology skills (Voogt & Roblin, 2012).
Across the world only 30% of female students pursue STEM related higher education
studies (UNESCO, 2017).
UNESCO (2017) regards access to STEM education for girls as a human right.
Science Technology and Mathematics clinics in Ghana have provided training to over
40,000 girls from 1986-2010 (Bermingham & Engmann, 2012).
Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) education is recommended for
bridging the demand and supply of skills in Africa and Asia (Burnett & Jayaram, 2012).
TVET is necessary at secondary school level to prepare students for self-employment
and entrepreneurship (Likly et al., 2018).
Apprenticeships and continuing education can be used to provide STEM related training
to informal sector workers (Lwakabamba & Lujara, 2003).
STEM education should address local development needs (Sohoni, 2012).
STEM education can contribute to voluntary, informal and domestic work by enhancing
knowledge of hygiene, health, and agriculture (Likly et al., 2018).
of the world, for example in Africa, where many low-income countries (LICs) are found. In the
1980s, budget cuts led to a reduction in Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in
Africa, which has still not recovered. In 2012, only 6% of the total secondary enrolments were in
TVET (African American Institute, 2015). According to the Trends in International Mathematics
and Science (TIMS) study and the UNESCO Global Monitoring Reports, the performance of
African students in mathematics and science is persistently lower than international averages
(Hooker, 2017). Hence, the quality of STEM education is poor in Africa.
STEM education is fairly globalised: Commonwealth countries follow trends in the United
Kingdom while European and Asian countries tend to follow developments in the United States
(Williams, 2011). However, the majority of technologies which developing countries need to
reduce poverty, add value to natural resources and improve the efficiency of domestic industries,
have already been invented and are widely used in high-income countries. The issue is that
these technologies are not very prevalent in many developing countries. Consequently, the
priority for STEM education requires developing engineering, technical and vocational skills
rather than conducting state-of-the-art research and development (Watkins & Ehst, 2008). For
example, tertiary science and technology education can accelerate the development of a
knowledge-based economy in developing countries. In addition, it is critical for research to focus
on making STEM relevant to local problems and development issues.
production workers will disappear as a result of the potential for ICT to perform routine
tasks (Voogt & Roblin, 2012); and
Training for informal sector workers through apprenticeships and other programmes: for
example, in Senegal 10,000 young people received TVET training for the motor repair
sector (Burnett & Jayaram, 2012: 18).
In 2010 scholars in developed countries proposed that the teaching of science, technology,
engineering and mathematics at secondary education level should be integrated into one subject
under the guise of STEM (Hooker, 2017). Teachers of STEM would be able to teach any of the
subjects (Hooker, 2017). The main motivation for an integrated STEM discipline at secondary
school level was a response to vocational needs and economic aspirations (Williams, 2011).
However, this approach has been criticised for lacking clarity and undermining technology
training. Moreover, the individual components of STEM are based on different epistemological
assumptions, and these differences should be respected (Ostler, 2012; Williams, 2011).
21st-century competence
Globalisation and the rapid development of ICT are transforming society. Consequently, STEM is
necessary to meet demands for 21st-century workplaces (Hooker, 2017). There are a number of
frameworks for 21st-century competences such as the assessment and teaching of 21st-century
skills developed by companies such as Cisco, Intel and Microsoft, the partnership for 21st-century
skills developed by the Centre of K-12 education in the United States, 21st-century skills and
competences for the new millennium learners developed by the Organisation for Economic
Cooperation and Development and the ICT competency framework for teachers developed by
UNESCO (Voogt & Roblin, 2012:21). A review of these and several other frameworks for 21st-
century competence found that all refer to information literacy, technological literacy and ICT
literacy (Voogt & Roblin, 2012). Information literacy refers to the capacity to access information
in an efficient and effective manner, as well as the ability to critically evaluate information. ICT
literacy refers to more than technical skills and includes the use of digital technology,
communications tools or networks to operate in a knowledge society. Technological literacy
refers to the ability to use, understand and evaluate technology as well as applying it to develop
solutions for particular problems (Voogt & Roblin, 2012). Thus, in the knowledge society students
will have to understand and evaluate the different technologies which they utilise.
A new set of skills, generally possessing the following qualities, are required for the 21st-century
according to Voogt & Roblin (2012: 300):
Transversal – i.e. they are not directly linked to a specific field but are relevant across
many fields;
Multidimensional – i.e. they include knowledge, skills and attitudes; and
Association with higher order skills and behaviours – i.e. enabling people to cope with
complex problems and unpredictable situations.
It is expected that schools will be required to make curricular changes in order to prepare
students for the knowledge society, and in addition it may be necessary to redefine what should
be included in the core secondary school curriculum (Voogt & Roblin, 2012).
Figure 1: Girls Enrolment Ratios in primary, secondary and higher education, 2014 (200 countries and
dependant territories)
The literature on STEM and girls focuses on statistics which reflect that females have less
access to STEM education, descriptions of programmes which aim to broaden access to higher
education for girls, and explanations of the factors that inhibit interest in STEM among girls.
Figure 2 reveals that across the world only 30% of female students pursue STEM related high
education studies. However, Figure 3 reveals that there is no data on the composition of females
in STEM related higher education courses in many of the poorest countries in the world.
Figure 2: Distribution of Female Students Enrolled in Higher Education - World Average (110 countries
and dependant territories)
Figure 3: Percentage of Female Students Enrolled in Science, Mathematics and Statistics at Higher
Education Level (82 countries)
The literature does not discuss the benefits of providing STEM education for girls. UNESCO
adopts a rights-based perspective and argues that it is a human right to provide girls with equal
access to STEM education as it enables them to pursue the career of their choice (UNESCO,
2017). Moreover, women have already made valuable contributions to this field and the catalytic
role of STEM is enhanced by their participation (UNESCO, 2017). UNESCO has responded to
issues relating to gender gaps in education by mainstreaming gender across all programmes and
activities. The goal is to fully integrate gender equality considerations into all programmes. In
addition, there are gender specific interventions which aim to address specific inequalities (IOS,
2017). An evaluation of UNESCO interventions aimed at improving access to education for girls
broadly claims that STEM education for girls contributes towards the Millennium Development
Goals and the strategic development goals but does not provide further detail on how this can be
accomplished (IOS, 2017).
Case studies
The Yuwa programme offers soccer training to girls from low income families in rural India. The
broader aim of the programme is to increase school attendance, enhance general skills
development and empower girls to break social constraints (Burnett, 2013). The Kicking It New
School is a new component of the Yuwa programme in Jharkund, India. It provides
supplementary education through technology using e-readers. Peer educators aged between 12
and 14 years old act as “guides on the side” and help other children to use e-learning resources.
The aim is to raise participation in maths and science levels by two standards. Through the use
of e-readers and eventually tablet computers the girls will become familiar with technology and
this is anticipated to stimulate their interest in STEM. The cost of the tablet programme is USD
13 per participant, and the e-reader lasts up to three years. Thus far, the programme has been
evaluated in terms of school and soccer practice attendance which has been high for the
participants (Burnett, 2013).
The Science, Technology and Mathematics clinics were set up to help a selection of promising
female secondary school students participate in a specialised STEM study programme.
According to the Ministry of Women’s and Children’s Affairs, 40,908 girls participated in the
STEM clinics between 1986 and 2010. In addition, female participation in science and
mathematics at tertiary institutions rose from 12% to 25% (Bermingham & Engmann, 2012).
The Digital Education Enhancement Project (DEEP) in Egypt and South Africa pilots show that
the limited range of new technologies adopted in professional development. Participatory
research played a significant role in transforming opportunities for teacher education, and had a
positive impact on universal basic education in terms of attendance, motivation, quality of
learning, literacy, numeracy and science (Hooker, 2017). In addition, ICT-enabled teaching can
result in more positive attitudes among students especially if students enjoy working with
devices: “There is a growing emphasis on the use of technology to support deeper learning
approaches for engaging students in the 21st century of critical thinking, problem solving,
collaboration and self-directed learning” (Hooker, 2017:11).
The skills gaps in Africa relate to numeracy, critical thinking communication, leadership, decision-
making and technical capacity. Non-cognitive skills (e.g. communication, leadership and
decision-making) are becoming increasingly important as economies transform. Burnett &
Jayaram (2012) conducted a survey of 83 employers in Benin, Burkina Faso, Kenya, Senegal
and Uganda to assess the skills needs of employers. Employers in Benin prefer employees to
have some university education and prioritise non-cognitive or social skills (Burnett & Jayaram,
2012). Across all countries, the public sector is the main employer for secondary school leavers.
Small and medium enterprises prioritise cognitive over non-cognitive skills, while larger firms
require both. TVET is needed in finance and construction. The Association for the Development
of Education in Africa found that communication skills are crucial and social skills are especially
valuable for young recruits (Burnett & Jayaram, 2012).
The curricula for African countries in the survey emphasised cognitive skills (literacy, numeracy
and scientific literacy) and some non-cognitive skills such as reliability and communication as
well as specific technical skills (Burnett & Jayaram, 2012). Vocational education is proposed as
an important reform for the education system (Burnett & Jayaram, 2012). TVET curricula should
be responsive to market demands. For example, in Ghana the TVET curricula has compulsory
English, mathematics, social science and integrated science courses. In Mali, Senegal and Togo
apprenticeships are included in TVET courses. Some secondary schools in Kenya have been
vocationalised to include agriculture, business, computing, home science and industrial
education. Despite these initiatives, direct links between schools and employers are lacking
(Burnett & Jayaram, 2012). One of the main challenges of aligning education with the needs of
employers is that the majority of women in Africa are employed in the informal sector.
A survey of employers in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh found that 56% of employers prioritised
non-cognitive skills. This study uncovered regional differences. For example, a large city like
Delhi has a better educated population compared with other cities, and many of its residents
have strong interpersonal skills. Consequently, the skill requirements in Delhi reflect a mix of
advanced cognitive and non-cognitive skills. In contrast, other cities with a less educated
population, for example Lahore and Bhopal, require basic skills as well as non-cognitive skills
such as honesty and a strong work ethic (Burnett & Jayaram, 2012). However, the skills
requirements in 11 high-growth sectors in India reflected a greater need for skills relating to
STEM, see Table 1.
A survey in Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam found that employers were generally dissatisfied
with the skill level of secondary school leavers. Moreover, neither general nor vocational
secondary education was providing school leavers with the skills that they required for the
workplace, including basic subject knowledge, analytical skills, management skills, technical
skills, teamwork, foreign languages, computer and ICT skills, problem solving skills and
interpersonal skills (Burnett & Jayaram, 2012: 16). In Cambodia the survey found that only 13%
of employers believe that graduates have all or most of the skills required for the labour market
(Burnett & Jayaram, 2012). They were also concerned about the attitude towards work among
unskilled workers and the level of problem-solving and analytical skills among skilled workers
and professionals, respectively. Burnett & Jayaram (2012) note that similar findings emerged
from other studies. Employers in Vietnam prioritised information skills including the computer
processing of information, resource skills such as time management and interpersonal skills like
teamwork or negotiation (Burnett & Jayaram, 2012).
Vocational education is less stigmatised in South-East Asia compared with either South Asia or
Africa (Burnett & Jayaram, 2012). Afghanistan, Nepal and Pakistan are moving towards a skills
development orientation. A skills qualification framework such as the National Qualifications
Framework for Vocational Education in India is necessary to allow students in vocational
education to undertake further studies. Despite these reforms, students in Asian countries still do
not fully meet the requirements and needs of employers. The shortfall is attributed to ineffective
teaching (Burnett & Jayaram, 2012).
The supply of skilled workers for social professions can be boosted through STEM
education. For example, in sub-Saharan Africa there is a need for 5.7 million teachers
and 3.8 million health workers;
Given the scale of the informal sectors in many LICs, secondary education should
provide the skills for self-employment and entrepreneurship. Many artisan and trade
occupations require STEM knowledge although there is more emphasis on technology.
Hence, TVET is essential and it may be necessary to offer it earlier at secondary
education level.
Rapid urbanisation and internet expansion creates job opportunities in the ICT sector,
therefore it is critical to have training in ICT at secondary school level;
Lower secondary education should provide adequate STEM knowledge of hygiene and
health to enhance living standards. For example, knowledge on disease and infection
are included in the biology curriculum at lower secondary level in Tanzania;
Vocational subjects such as agriculture and domestic science include STEM content
which may be useful for rural students who undertake cattle hoarding, small-holder
agriculture or fishing; and
Voluntary and creative work requires basic STEM knowledge such as ICT skills for audio
visual editing or chemistry knowledge for mixing dyes.
among schools within the programme, and additional funding was required to sustain the
programme (Bermingham & Engmann, 2012).
The Emusoi Centre in Tanzania provides girls with academic and vocational secondary
school education. The programme targets young woman from poor families. Scholarships
and remedial tuition is provided to participants. The programme has supported over
1,000 students since its inception in 2000. The participants have pursued careers such
as social work, law, accountancy, administration, IT, teaching, community development,
journalism, nursing, laboratory technology and jobs in the tourism sector. The cost is
estimated at USD 1,000 per student (Bermingham & Engmann, 2012).
In Cambodia IT courses are provided to disadvantaged young people who are enrolled in
vocational training programmes. A pilot e-learning project was launched to help students
to learn using online materials to complement face-to-face classroom activities. Thus far,
there has been no formal assessment of the programme in terms of its impact on
students’ performance (Bermingham & Engmann, 2012).
Domestic development
Sohoni (2012) is sceptical about the development dividend arising from research and
development at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) for the following reasons:
The focus was on international research and development issues that would result in
publications in international peer reviewed journals;
There was little interest in studying or finding solutions for local development problems;
There is little support for research from the private sector, and
Most graduates go into the private sector to work, and there is shortage of engineers in
the public sector which subsequently has a negative impact on public infrastructure
KIST was founded in 1997 to help Rwanda recover from the genocide which resulted in the
death or departure of most skilled professionals. The academic programmes are demand driven
so that they produce skilled technicians at different levels to meet the needs of the labour market
(Lwakabamba & Lujara, 2003). There is a continuing education programme which provides short
courses so that technicians and artisans can update their knowledge and become more efficient.
There is a production department which oversees several income generating activities. There is
an emphasis on locally produced technology which has resulted in the building of bio-gas and
bio-latrine plants for schools, prisons and hospitals (Lwakabamba & Lujara, 2003). Cooking
stoves and efficient breadmaking ovens have been developed for local communities. A cottage
industry unit has been established to train disadvantaged people and stimulate entrepreneurship.
SIDA Collaboration Programme in Rwanda
SIDA funded a collaboration project between the University of Rwanda (UR) and 12 Swedish
universities. The programme began in 2002 and is in its third phase which runs from 2013 to
2018 (Tvedten, Byabagambi, Lindström, & Tedre, 2018). The programme provides training for
graduate students, assistance with curriculum development, joint research projects and
institutional capacity building. The budget for phase 3 is SEK 334 million. The overarching
objective of the project is to increase production and use of scientific knowledge and thus
contribute to the development of Rwanda. Moreover, it is envisaged that the research will
contribute to better policy-making and improved products or services produced by the private
sector and civil society organisations in Rwanda (Tvedten et al., 2018). Although Rwanda has
experienced impressive economic growth recently, the majority of the population is still engaged
in subsistence farming and the government recognises that structural transformation is
necessary. An evaluation of the programme ascertained the following findings (Tvedten et al.,
The majority of PhD graduates are in Peace, Conflict and Development studies. The best
record in terms of completion is in ICT research and Mathematics. Roughly half (47%) of
the PhD students finish in five years, which is a relatively low dropout rate compared with
other programmes between Swedish and African universities.
The Theory of Change specifies that research capacity can be improved by providing an
enabling environment for research. The programme supports a research directorate,
Management Information System, and institutional advancement and research
infrastructure. However, despite these administrative improvements the environment is
still not conducive to research due to procurement problems, lack of incentives arising
from the performance appraisal system (which does not reward staff for research output),
and heavy teaching and administrative duties - which permit little time for research.
Swedish universities claim that it leads to valuable research findings and secures steady
access to Rwandan PhD students. The main contribution of the Swedish partners was in
terms of theory, methodology and academic writing, as these were areas where students
were generally weak.
There is still a gender imbalance at UR as men occupy most high-level positions.
Overall, Rwandan and Swedish counterparts regarded the programme as a success in
spite of its shortcomings.
6. References
African American Institute. (2015). State of Education in Africa Report 2015. Retrieved from
Bermingham, D., & Engmann, M. (2012). Innovative models for employability in Africa and Asia.
Washington, DC: Results for Development Institute. Retrieved from
Burnett, N. (2013). Pathways to employability: lessons and case studies for closing the youth skills.
Washington, DC: Results for Development Institute. Retrieved from
Burnett, N., & Jayaram, S. (2012). Innovative Secondary Education for Skills Enhancement: Skills for
Employability in Africa and Asia. Washington, DC: Results for Development Institute. Retrieved from
Hooker, M. (2017). A Study on the Implementation of the Strengthening Innovation and Practice in
Secondary Education Initiative for the preparation of Science, Technology, English and Mathematics
(STEM) Teachers in Kenya to integrate Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in
Teaching and Learning (PhD Thesis). Queen’s University Belfast.
Iksan, Z. (2009). Promoting cooperative learning in science and mathematics education: A Malaysian
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IOS. (2017). Evaluation of UNESCO’s Programme Interventions on Girls’ and Women’s Education.
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Likly, L., Joubert, M., Barrett, A.M., Bainton, D., Cameron, L., & Doyle, H. (2018) Supporting
Secondary School STEM Education for Sustainable Education in Africa. Working Paper 05/2018.
University of Bristol. Retrieved from
Lwakabamba, S., & Lujara, N. K. (2003). Effective Engineering Training: the case of Kigali Institute of
Science, Technology and Management. Global Journal of Engineering Education, 7(1), 71–76.
Ohize, E. J. (2017). Repositioning Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Education for
Economic Recovery in Nigeria. Conference Proceedings. “Reposition Science, Technology,
Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) Education for Economic Recovery in Nigeria.” Kontagora, Niger
State. Retrieve from
Ostler, E. (2012). 21st century STEM education: A tactical model for long-range success. International
Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 2(1).
Sohoni, M. (2012). Engineering teaching and research in IITs and its impact on India. Current
Science, 102(11), 1510–1515.
Tvedten, I., Byabagambi, A., Lindström, J., & Tedre, M. (2018). Evaluation of the Sida supported
research capacity and higher education development programme in Rwanda, 2013-2017. Sida
Decentralised Evaluation. Retrieved from
UNESCO. (2017). Cracking the code: Girls’ and women’s education in science, technology,
engineering and mathematics (STEM). UNESCO. Retrieved from
Voogt, J., & Roblin, N. P. (2012). A comparative analysis of international frameworks for 21st century
competences: Implications for national curriculum policies. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 44(3), 299–
Watkins, A., & Ehst, M. (2008). Science, Technology, and Innovation: Capacity Building for
Sustainable and Poverty Reduction. The World Bank.
Williams, J. (2011). STEM education: Proceed with caution. Design and Technology Education: An
International Journal, 16(1).
We thank the following experts who voluntarily provided suggestions for relevant literature or
other advice to the author to support the preparation of this report. The content of the report
does not necessarily reflect the opinions of any of the experts consulted.
Key websites
Closing the STEM Gap:
Suggested citation
Ismail, Z. (2018). Benefits of STEM Education. K4D Helpdesk Report. Birmingham, UK:
International Development Department.
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