Ventilador 4118-N-2H7P
Ventilador 4118-N-2H7P
Ventilador 4118-N-2H7P
4118 N/2H7P
1 General ............................................................................................................................................................... 3
2 Mechanics .......................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 General......................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Connections.................................................................................................................................................. 3
3 Operating Data ................................................................................................................................................... 5
3.1 Electrical Interface - Input.............................................................................................................................. 5
3.2 Electrical Operating Data .............................................................................................................................. 6
3.3 Electrical Interface - Output ........................................................................................................................... 7
3.4 Electrical Features ........................................................................................................................................ 7
3.5 Aerodynamics ............................................................................................................................................. 11
3.6 Sound Data................................................................................................................................................. 13
4 Environment..................................................................................................................................................... 13
4.1 General....................................................................................................................................................... 13
4.2 Climatic Requirements ................................................................................................................................ 13
5 Safety................................................................................................................................................................ 14
5.1 Electrical Safety .......................................................................................................................................... 14
5.2 Approval Tests............................................................................................................................................ 14
6 Reliability.......................................................................................................................................................... 15
6.1 General....................................................................................................................................................... 15
Product Data Sheet 4118 N/2H7P
1 General
2 Mechanics
2.1 General
Width 119,0 mm
Height 119,0 mm
Depth 38,0 mm
Mass 0,425 kg
Housing material Metal
Impeller material Plastic
Max. torque when mounted across both mounting Wire outlet corner: 420 Ncm
flanges Remaining corners: 600 Ncm
Screw size ISO 4762 - M4 degreased, without an additional
brace and without washer
2.2 Connections
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Product Data Sheet 4118 N/2H7P
The auxilliaries shown on the schematic diagram (which are required for the intended use) are not part of our delivery.
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Product Data Sheet 4118 N/2H7P
3 Operating Data
Speed control:
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Product Data Sheet 4118 N/2H7P
Transistor requirements: VCE max. >= 12V; Isink max > 5mA; VCEsat < 0,15V
Alternatively to the PWM signal the fan can be controlled by an analog control signal of 0...5 V (5 V corresponds to
100 % PWM)
It must be ensured that the power supply is "sink-able" and can operate with the internal pull-up resistor.
The shown pull-up resistor to the internal reference voltage (+5V) has 10kOhm.
Measurement Normal air density = 1,2 kg/m3; Temperature 23°C +/ - 3°C; Motor axis horizontal; warm-up
conditions: time before measuring 5 minutes (unless otherwise specified). In the intake and outlet area
should not be any solid obstruction within 0,5 m.
Name Condition
PWM 0001 PWM: 95 %; f: 2 kHz
The inrush current depends on the capacitor and the resistance of the wires. When using an external capacitor the
inrush current rises accordingly. The integrated capacitor has 47uF.
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Product Data Sheet 4118 N/2H7P
When the fan starts up or the rotor is locked the tacho is off. After a successful start-up the tacho output signal turns
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Product Data Sheet 4118 N/2H7P
When several fans are operated together (in a fan tray) and one fan starts after the other and the starting current is
eventually limited, it can happen that the not yet operated fan is driven in reverse by the counter pressure. This
backspinning can lead to a failure of the first start-up. The fan detects this and tries another start with increased
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Product Data Sheet 4118 N/2H7P
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Product Data Sheet 4118 N/2H7P
Internal Fuse:
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Product Data Sheet 4118 N/2H7P
3.5 Aerodynamics
Measurement Measured with a double chamber intake rig acc. to DIN EN ISO 5801.
conditions: Normal air density = 1,2 kg/m3; Temperature 23°C +/ - 3°C;
In the intake and outlet area should not be any solid obstruction within 0,5 m. Motor shaft
The information is only valid under the specified test conditions and may be changed by the
installation conditions. If there are deviations from the standard test conditions, the
characteristic values must be checked under the installed conditions. Power consumption of
the fan motor when operating at normal voltage is shown. Depending on the operating
conditions of the application, the power input may be higher.
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Product Data Sheet 4118 N/2H7P
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Product Data Sheet 4118 N/2H7P
Measurement Sound pressure level: 1 meter distance between microphone and the air intake.
conditions: Sound power level: Acc. to DIN 45635 part 38 (ISO 10302)
Measured in a semianchoic chamber with a background noise level of Lp(A) < 5 dB(A)
For further measurement conditions see chapter aerodynamics.
4 Environment
4.1 General
Please require severity levels and specification parameters from the responsible development departments.
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Product Data Sheet 4118 N/2H7P
5 Safety
Dielectric strength
DIN EN 60950 (VDE 0805) and DIN EN 60335 (VDE 0700)
A.) Type test 500 VAC / 1 Min.
Measuring conditions: After 48h of storage at 95% R.H. and
No arcing or breakdown is allowed!
All connections together to ground.
B.) Routine test 850 VDC / 1 Sec.
Measuring conditions: At indoor climate.
No arcing or breakdown is allowed!
All connections together to ground.
Isolation resistance RI > 10 MOhm
Measuring conditions: After 48h of storage at 95% R.H. and
25°C measured with U=500 VDC for 1 min.
Clearance / creepage distance 1,0 mm / 1,2 mm
Protection class III
CE EC Declaration of Conformity No
EAC Eurasian Conformity Yes
UL Underwriters Laboratories Yes / UL507, Electric Fans
VDE Association for Electrical, Electronic and Information Yes / Approval acc. to EN 60950 (VDE 0805) - Information
Technologies technology equipment
CSA Canadian Standards Association Yes / C22.2 No. 113 Fans and Ventilators
CCC China Compulsory Certification Yes / GB 12350 Safety Requirements for small Power Motors
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Product Data Sheet 4118 N/2H7P
6 Reliability
6.1 General
In order to achieve the specified life time figure, it is necessary to connect an external capacitor.
As a basis a capacitor of 220...1000 uF connected to the supply voltage between plus and minus can be used. Max.
suggested lead length between fan and capacitor: 300 mm.
Life expectancy L10 at TU = 40 °C 57.500 h
Life expectancy L10 at TU max. 25.000 h
Life expectancy L10 acc. to IPC 9591 at TU = 40 °C 97.5 00 h
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