32 Paths of Wisdom Lesson 1 Diagrams Final
32 Paths of Wisdom Lesson 1 Diagrams Final
32 Paths of Wisdom Lesson 1 Diagrams Final
Lesson 1
This course will take a unique approach by presenting the 32 Paths of Wisdom within the framework of the
Hermetic Cabalah as expressed by the Rosicrucian grade and order system over laid upon the Tree of All Life. (see
illustration) Tradition tells us this diagram is a ‘Map’ of the Interior Kingdom we were born to rule. Our course will
follow the sequence of verses suggested by this Rosicrucian ‘Map’ and begin study on the 10th Path which equates
to Malkut and the grade of Zelator. The reasoning behind this approach is that it will trigger various types of subtle
yet profound changes within the pupil’s consciousness. The goal being the development of one’s latent potentials
and the realization of the Soul’s perfection, our inherent Divinity.
The 32 Paths of Wisdom are mentioned in the opening lines of the Book of Formation (Sepher Yitzirah,
circa second century B.C.E. to second century C.E.), one of the oldest works of Cabalah known. However, an
elaboration of the Paths themselves was not to be found there until it appeared appended onto the main work around
the seventh century C.E. or later. It should be born in mind that initiatory or spiritual schools, the originators of such
knowledge, have invested a great deal of private work for a very long time before any mystical or esoteric texts
would appear which were being published for general circulation to a wider audience. The reasons for this multi-
generational process are beyond the scope of the current work.
It has been thought best to provide the original Hebrew titles of this work and its 32 verses owing to the fact
that many English translations have left much to be desired regarding accuracy. Additionally, for those of you who
are trained in the various forms of Cabbalistic analysis, the original spellings in Hebrew are provided with the hope
of being advantageous to your work and understanding. Quotations of the verses are in italics. Occasionally, words
will appear within square brackets which have been inserted for clarification of the verse being quoted.
Main Title
In Hebrew, the main title is: HMKC XVBIXN BL, “Lamed-Bet Netibot Chokmah”, The 32 Paths of Wisdom.
Since the Letters of the Hebrew alphabet are also numbers, 32 is designated by Lamed (30) and Bet (2)- BL. This
actually spells the Hebrew word “Lev” meaning “Heart”, indicating that this is a Journey of the Heart and the most
central aspect, core, or Heart, of the Cabbalistic Tradition. Netibot, XVBIXN, means “trodden paths” and by the
Initiate is considered as synonymous with stages, degrees, states, modes or phases of consciousness. Chokmah,
HMKC, is the Divine Wisdom, the first radiant outpouring of the Life Force from the Crown of Brilliance flowing
into the Womb of Creation, Binah. Also note that it is the Grade of Magus or Magician.
*ZVNTIM LKW, “Sekhel Mitnotzetz”, Resplendent or Scintillating Consciousness. The Journey is initiated
at Malkut, the “Kingdom” or Omniverse of Nature-Creation, the Immeasurable Realm of embodiment (Guph, UVG
in Hebrew) and the four Elements of manifesting expression (Fire, Air, Water, Earth). Also, the four phases of time
(morning-Spring, noon-Summer, Sunset-Fall, night-Winter). Sekhel, LKW, is a verb meaning “to look at” implying
insight or to gain a conscious awareness of, and the acquisition, to some degree, of practical skill in.
Mitnotzetz, *ZVNTIM, is usually translated as “Resplendent” but, this Hebrew term has many similarities
with “Scintillating” as well. The implication is an experience that is shining brilliantly, attractive and impressive by
being richly detailed, colorful or sumptuous. This is our everyday waking experience of Nature, the world we all
are born into. It fills every moment with thousands of sensory impressions creating the standard by which we judge
“The Tenth Path is the Scintillating Consciousness. It is exalted above every head and sits upon the Throne
of Divine Understanding. It shines with the Radiance of all the Emanated Luminaries, and it causes an influence to
flow forth from the Countenance of the Holy ONE.”
The first sentence describing this Path equates it to the Crown Chakra (“exalted above every head”) and
that this Interior Star “sits upon the Throne of Divine Understanding” or Binah. Binah is the seat of Nashamah, the
Highest, Divine and Immortal aspect of our Soul structure. It is also the Grade of Master of the Temple. The verse
reveals a clue as to why Malkut is called the Daughter of Binah. “It shines with the Radiance of all the Emanated
Luminaries” indicating that Malkut is the result or outcome of the other nine Sephirot of the Tree functioning
together in a harmonically integrated and organic process.
The influence flowing forth from the “Countenance of the Holy One” is a reference to Metatron, a Greek
word meaning the “Presence (or Countenance) upon the Throne”. Metatron is one of the Archangels of Keter which
alludes to two more concepts. First, hidden within Keter is Yechidah (HDICI), Hebrew for “Union”, the emblem of
the One True Self of all beings. Secondly, this is a hint which will allow us to comprehend the saying: “Malkut is in
Keter and Keter is in Malkut but after another manner.”
An important reason to begin one’s journey upon the Way of Return at Malkut is its designation as “The
Gate”. This Gate has many titles: Gate of Tears, Death, Prayer, Malkah- the Queen, Kallah- the Bride and so forth.
The most significant one for our purpose is “The Gate unto the Garden of Eden”. Eden (FDO), means “delicate” or
“pleasure” and in the Biblical story of Creation is interpreted as Paradise/Heaven, the implication is a condition
or state of Perfection. For us it is also the Garden of the Mysteries. Hence an Initiate is designated a “Neophyte”
meaning Newly Planted within this Garden of potential, illumination and realization.
Two more titles of the Gate are worth commenting upon. The Gate of the Queen, Malkah, (HKLM), and of
Kallah, (HLK), the Bride. Both of these words mean “Crowned one” and are derived from the root Kallal, (LLK),
meaning “complete” or “perfect”. Here is a ‘hint’ that the aspirant has begun a process which will culminate in an
advanced stage of unfoldment known as the Sacred or Hermetic Wedding, in Greek: Hiros Gamos.
Each of the Sephirot/Grades have a “Spiritual Experience” connected with the level of consciousness it
represents. This will be commented upon when we study each Sephirah/Grade. For Malkut/Zelator it is: The vision of
the Holy Guardian Angel. The Holy Guardian Angle is sometimes described as the “Higher Genius”.
More than a being this is a universal principal manifesting from a level higher than that of our personal lives.
It shapes the circumstances in which we find ourselves, and, by means of these circumstances, unfolds our inherent
Divinity and develops our latent abilities. It guides an Initiate to act in concert or harmony with the ever changing
flow of currents and conditions behind the panorama of one’s life experiences.
The descriptive “Holy Guardian” indicates that one so attuned with this Universal Principal will make the
best possible decision or take the most appropriate action regardless of the circumstances at hand. Thus there will
always be aspects of protection or safety vouchsafed the Initiate no matter the course of action taken or behavior
required. One name of this being-principal is Hua (or Ho), AVH, Hebrew for the personal pronoun “He” indicating
that it is an active force within the Kingdom of Nature.
As with the Spiritual Experience, each Sephira/Grade also correlates with a ‘Magical Image’ emblematic of
personal qualities of Consciousness with which we may develop a living relationship. These will also be commented
upon when we study each Sephirah/Grade.
The image is that of a young woman of regal bearing, seated upon a jet black Throne. She is robed in the
russet browns, olive greens and citrines of Earth. A golden Pentagram Crown frames her head which radiates
a pulsating glory of Divine Light. She is the living image of Mother Nature. Being the daughter of Divine
Understanding indicates that there are many Malkut-Binah links that are very extensive and worthy of the study and
meditation of every pupil upon the Way of Return. Remember that the very first revelation of the Divine to us is the
Book of Nature, the first Bible written directly by the Hand of God.
Finally, I would like to offer this thought. When one realizes the possibilities offered by this Tradition, this
“Map” of our Life Path, one is filled with a zealous enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is from the Greek enthousiasmos-enthous:
to be filled by Spirit, to be Spiritually inspired. This “feeling” or level of consciousness explains the designation of
Zalator for the very first step on the Way of Return. I believe the intent of the Tradition in using this title refers to a life
long motivation not only to answer those ultimate questions about the meaning and purpose of Life but, further to be of
service to all of our fellow beings out of a profound sense of love and compassion, for we are all ONE LIFE.
The Gate: The Aramaic word for Gate is “Troa” (AORX), note that it begins with the letter Tav. By rearranging the
four letters of Troa into its various permutations a significant statement will be discovered. ROTA TARO ORAT TORA
ATOR. The Wheel of Tarot speaks the Law of Mother Nature. Taro/Troa alludes to the “Book T” described in the Fama
Guph (UVG): Hebrew for “body”. In Cabbalistic philosophy, it is the principal of embodiment or manifestation within
the realm of Assiah meaning Actualization, the time-space continuum of Mother Nature. This is to be understood in
the sense of a vehicle or configuration for the expression of the Divine Potential which animates and vitalizes any
manifesting result, location, body or form.
Hiros Gamos: (Greek, ieroV gmoV), “Sacred (or Hermetic) Marriage”. The origins of this magical process are
very old and can be found in Greek, Egyptian, Sumerian and even Buddhist sources. Basically it is the harmonious
integration of the Nephesh (Vitalizing Soul) with the Ruach (Central/Personal Soul) allowing the perfect expression
of the Nashamah (highest, Divine and Immortal aspect of Soul). In Alchemy it is known as the Wedding of the Red
King to the White Queen or of the Sun and Moon. As one will discover, this is the reason for describing Malkut as the
Crowning of the Bride or Queen. The Bridegroom is the Divine Child we all have the potential to realize.
Immeasurable Realm: a descriptive term used during the Zelator ritual referring to the quality of Malkut.
“Immeasurable” is a very accurate assessment of the reality in which we find ourselves as modern Theoretical
Physics has demonstrated. For an example, the question arises where would one accept the accurate measurement
of any object? At the limit of what visible light might show or the boundary of its molecular structure or the end of
the electromagnetic influence of its molecules? This does not take into account Quantum Mechanical aspects of the
particles making up the atoms which only tend to exist or conversely exist everywhere at once until they are observed
or measured. In other words, there is not any type of real, hard or sharp edge to the manifesting results we experience
within Malkut.
Another and even more interesting observation of physics is “Quantum Entanglement”. Without going into
the complicated details, basically, this phenomenon implies that particles, atoms and even molecules of similar type
can effect each other instantaneously even though they may be separated by astronomical distances. Einstein called it:
“spooky action at a distance”.
The Way of Return: In Hebrew it is described by the term “Teshuvah” (HBVWX) meaning “returning” or “to return”
(to the Ultimate Source of being) and is often translated as “repentance”. It’s mystical implication is to travel the Path
of the Mysteries from darkness into the Light of All Life. Initiates understand it as implying the transmutation or
regeneration of the aspirant into being more than mankind to become truly Human.