Q1 Grade 8 Music DLL Week 3
Q1 Grade 8 Music DLL Week 3
Q1 Grade 8 Music DLL Week 3
TEACHING DATE AND September 11-15, 2023 QUARTER 1st
12:50 – 6:50 WEEK
1. Teacher’s Guide pages pp. 13-16 pp. 24-26 pp. 10-12 pp. 17-20
2. Learner’s Material pp. 13-16 pp. 24-26 pp. 10-12 pp. 17-20
Module Music Module Music
Bulaga (Indonesian questions: watch?v=Rifz
Version) Alfred Sim 沈志豪 -《一直 Ask the students the
都在》Official Music Video Based on the dialect following questions:
(新传媒 8 频道 《卫国先 /lyrics of the song, * Who can guess the
“https:// 锋》插曲之一) - what do you think is nationality of the
www.youtube.com/ YouTubeU the nationality of the singer?
watch?v=GNxM4mejVQo singers in the nursery * How will you
Ask the students the rhymes? describe the music
Ask students the following questions: used in the video?
following questions: * Who can guess the What have you
1.Based on the dialect nationality of the singer? observed in their ( 5 minutes)
/lyrics of the song, what * How will you describe music?
do you think is the the music video?
nationality of the (5 minutes) ( 5 minutes)
C. Presenting Examples / The teacher will post The teacher will post The teacher will post The teacher will post
Instances Of The New pictures of particular pictures of particular pictures of particular pictures of particular
Lesson events, then he/she will events then he/she play events, then she/he events, then she/he
play music videos of music videos of play music videos of play music videos of
Indonesia. Let the Singapore. Let the Cambodia. Let the Malaysia. Let the
students guess in what students guess in what students guess in what students guess in
event is the music used event is the music used event is the music used what event is the
by picking pictures by picking pictures by picking pictures music used by picking
posted by the teacher. posted by the teacher. posted by the teacher. pictures posted by the
(10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) teacher.
(10 minutes)
D. Discussing New Concepts The teacher will play The teacher will play The teacher will play The teacher will play
And Practicing New Skills different kinds of music different kinds of music different kinds of music different kinds of
#1 of Indonesia and will also in Singapore and will also of Cambodia will also music in Malaysia and
discuss the relationship discuss the relationship discuss the relationship will also discuss the
of music to their culture, of music to their culture, of music to their relationship of music
geography and historical geography and historical culture, geography and to their culture,
background and background of Thailand historical background geography and
elements of music. (See attached CD) of Indonesia historical background
(See attached CD) (15 minutes) (See attached CD) of Myanmar
(15 minutes) (15 minutes) (See attached CD)
(15 minutes)
E. Discussing New Concepts
And Practicing New Skills
F. Developing Mastery The teacher will play The teacher will play The teacher will play The teacher will play
(Leads To Formative music used in events of music used in a particular music used in a music used in a
Assessment 3) Indonesia such as: event of Singapore such particular event of particular event of
Weddings, religious as: Cambodia such as: Malaysia such as:
affairs, and festivals. Let Weddings, religious Weddings, religious Weddings, religious
the students identify the affairs, and festivals. Let affairs, and festivals. affairs, and festivals.
musical elements used in the students identify the Let the students Let the students
each song and in what musical elements used in identify the musical identify the musical
specific events were each song and in what elements used in each elements used in each
those songs used. specific events were song and in what song and in what
(10 minutes) those songs used. specific events were specific events were
(10 minutes) those songs used. those songs used.
(10 minutes) (10 minutes)
G. Finding Practical The teacher will play a The teacher will play a The teacher will play a The teacher will play
Applications Of The music video with lyrics of music video with lyrics of music video with lyrics a music video with
Concepts And Skills In the song “Burung the Dayung Sampan of the song lyrics of the Malaysia
Daily Living Kakatua” https:// https://www.youtube.c music
https:// www.youtube.com/ om/watch? https://
www.youtube.com/ watch?v=Rifzhttps:// v=XtCMYoUkk5M&list= www.youtube.com/
watch?v=iAO_wpd2dH4 www.youtube.com/ PLE405D18D5952931A watch?
watch?v=xGsAz7PWhRI v=EAiJZvqIBOQ
Let the students sing Let the students sing
songs of Indonesia. Ask Let the students sing songs of Cambodia.
them how they felt as songs of SIngapore. Ask Ask them how they Let the students sing
they were singing the them how they felt as felt as they were songs of Malaysia .
Indonesian song. they were singing the singing the Cambodian Ask them how they
(5 minutes) Thai song. song. felt as they were
(5 minutes) (5 minutes) singing the song.
(5 minutes)
H. Making Generalizations The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask The teacher will ask
And Abstractions About following questions: following questions: the following the following
The Lesson questions: questions:
*What is the importance *What is the importance
of music in terms of of music in terms of *What is the *What is the
historical, geographical historical, geographical importance of music in importance of music in
and cultural background and cultural background terms of historical, terms of historical,
of Indonesia. of Singapore. geographical and geographical and
cultural background of cultural background of
*How are imusical *Are musical elements Cambodia? Malaysia.
elements important to important to the music of *Are musical elements
the music of Indonesia? Singapore? *How are musical important to the music
(5 minutes) ( 5 minutes) elements important to of Malaysia?
the music of (5 minutes)
(5 minutes)
I. Evaluating Learning The teacher will play The teacher will play The teacher will play The teacher will play
three varieties of music three varieties of music three varieties of music three varieties of
of Indonesia. Teacher of Singapore Teacher will of Cambodia. Teacher music of Malaysia.
will let the students write let the students write will let the students Teacher will let the
down the specific events down the specific events write down the specific students write down
such as such as events such as the specific events
wedding, religious affairs, wedding, religious wedding, religious such as
and national anthem and affairs, and national affairs, and national wedding, religious
identify the elements of anthem and identify the anthem and identify affairs, and national
each music. elements of each music. the elements of each anthem and identify
(5 minutes) (5 minutes) music. the elements of each
(5 minutes) music.
(5 minutes)
J. Additional Activities For The teacher will again The teacher will again The teacher will again The teacher will again
Application And play different kinds of play different kinds of play different kinds of play different kinds of
Remediation music of Indonesia then music of SIngapore then music of Cambodia music of Malaysia then
the students will analyze the students will analyze then the students will the students will
the musical elements of the musical elements of analyze the musical analyze the musical
the selected songs. the selected songs. elements of the elements of the
(5 minutes) (5 minutes) selected songs. selected songs.
(5 minutes) (5 minutes)
K. Assignment Ask students to relate Ask students to relate Ask students to relate Ask students to relate
Philippine music to that Philippine music to that Philippine music to that Philippine music to
of Indonesian music then of Singapore music then of Cambodia music that of Malaysia music
compare the music compare the music then compare the then compare the
particularly in terms of particularly in terms of music particularly in music particularly in
pitch, rhythm, expression pitch, rhythm, expression terms of pitch, rhythm, terms of pitch,
and style. and style. expression and style. rhythm, expression
and style.
A. No. of Learners Who
Earned 80% In The
B. No. Of Learners Who
Require Additional For
Remediation Who Scored
Below 80%
C. Did The Remedial Lessons
Work? No. Of Learners
Who Have Caught Up
With The Lesson.
D. No. Of Learners Who
Continue To Require
E. Which Of My Strategies
Worked Well? Why Did
These Work?
F. What Difficulties Did I
Encounter Which My
Principal Or Supervisor
Helped Me Solved?
G. What Innovation Or
Localized Materials Did I
Use / Discover Which I
Wish To Share With Other