Child Case Sample

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Psychological Assessment Report

Name of Client: BC
Father’s Name: XYZ
Date of Birth: June 4,2009
Date of Assessment: January 5, 6 and 7, 2016
Examiner: Saleem Abbas
Case No: 16891

Identifying Information

ABC is a 6 years and 7 months old Boy. He has a younger sisters. He is a Muslim, belongs to
Urdu speaking family with middle socio economic status. Hisfather’s qualification is Master and
he is working in Bank. Hismother’s qualification is intermediate and she is a house wife. He
lives in Nuclear family setup and resides at Gulshan-e-JauherKarachi.

Referral Source and Presenting Complaints

ABC was referred to Institute of Clinical Psychology, University of Karachi by tutor of client for
the purpose of IQ assessment. His presenting complaints include, difficulties in study (poor
academic performance),confuse mind and slow learner.

Identifying Information

Mother of client reported that he is slow learner. He has difficulties in studies like reading
writing and remembering. According to his mother he has difficulties in leaning new information
and retaining old learned information is also difficult for him. He forgot previous learned

Mother of client reported that client’s birth was normal but he was weak and underweight at the
time of birth. His all milestone was age appropriate except speech. Mother of client reported
thatclient’s birth was normal and his all milestone was age appropriate except speech. He started
neck holing at the age of 5 months, crawling at the age of 6 months, sitting at the age of 8 month
and walking at the age of 1 year and 6 month. His speech was little delayed and he started one
word speech at the age of 2 year.

Mother of client reported that he feels difficulties in learning new information and retrieve them.
He becomes confused when his teachers teach him and can’t understand what they teach.
According to mother of client, client is slow learner and he takes time for learning as compare to
others children of his age.

Regarding hisfamily history mother of client reported that he has average relationship with his
sister and parents but relationship between parents of clients is not good. Father of clients shows
aggression with his wife and children on minor things. He does not give the time to his family
and ignored their opinion at home that’s why client is overly dependent of his mother so he is
closed to his mother more than his father. According client’s mother, when father of client come
back to his home, he avoid his children and wife and did not spend his time with his family.
Client’s mother reported that due to such behavior of client’s father he feels rejection and
becomes depressed and isolated. Father of client reported that his behavior with family is not and
deals aggressively. According to him due to his job stressor and family issues.

Regarding his friendship history client and mother of client reported that he has friends in his
class and in his family. At homehe play with his friends.


 Bender Gestalt Test …………………………….(BG)

 Wechsler intelligence Scale for Children………..(WISCIII)
 Slosson Intelligence Test ……………………….(SIT)
 Wide Range Achievement Test…………………(WRAT-4)
 Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale…………….(VABS)
 Human Figure Drawing Test …………………..(HFD)

Behavior duringAssessment Sessions

During assessment session client was cooperative and friendly. He tries to answers all the
questions according to his capabilities. His tone was low in the session. Overall her behavior was

Psychological Evaluation

On psych neurological screening test (BG) client’s score falls within Superior range. This
indicates that client’s visual motor perceptual functioning is intact.

On Slosson Intelligence Test (SIT), it was seen that Hussain’s mental age is 5 years and 8
months compared to his chronological age of 6 years and 7 months, which indicates that his
intellectual capacity falls within moderate low range (IQ 83).

On Intelligence Test (WISC-III) Hussain’s verbal IQ is 82 with the confidence interval of (75-
87) and falls within the “borderline” range and performance scale IQ is 75 with the confidence
interval of (69-85) which falls within the “Low Average”. His full scale IQ is 76 with confidence
interval is (71-83) which falls within “Low Average” range. There is a no significant
discrepancy between Hussain’s verbal IQ and performance IQ which indicates his true picture of
his verbal and performance IQ.

Further analyses show that his Verbal Comprehension (VC) scores are 83 and Perceptual
Organization (PO) index is 70. His performance is better on verbal comprehension (VC is 80)
than perceptual organization as he falls within borderline range in VC which shows that his
knowledge is considered better than then his perceptual skills.

On Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT-4) Hussain’s word reading skills falls within
Average range which are equivalent to the child of grade K.7. His spellings skills falls within
range of lower extreme range which are equivalent to a child of K.1. His Mathematic skills falls
within Average range and his mathematics skills are equivalent to the child of class 1.

According to Vineland adaptive behavior scale, client’s overall adaptive functioning is

equivalent to a child of 4years2 months it classifies his general adaptive functioning in “mild
deficit” range in comparison to a child of his own age group.Hussain Ali’sperformance in
communication skills is equivalent to a child of 4 years and 2 months.His performance in Daily
Living skillsareequivalents to a child of 3 years and 11 months. Further, hisperformance in
socialization skills are equivalent to a child of 4 years and 1 month. Moreover, hisperformance
on communicationand daily living skills fall within mild deficit range. His performance on
socialization domain within moderate deficit range.

Sub domain analysis of communication skill domain is indicative of his “moderate low
“functioning on all three subdomains of receptive, expressive and written subdomain.His
receptive skills are equivalent to the child of 3 years and 11 months, expressive skills are
equivalent to the child of 4 years and 3 months and his written skills are equivalent to the child
of 5 years and 8 months. His receptive skills falls within moderate low range,it shows that he
feels difficulties to maintain his attention and also difficulties to understand what would be said
to him. He feels difficulties in learning and retaining new information. He can understand simple
instruction butfollowings complex and multiple instructions are difficult for him.On
“expressivedomain and written “sub domain he scored “ moderate low”It shows that he has
difficulties to respond appropriately when something asked like he feels difficulties to remember
his birthday.Using of irregular plural and reading common signs are also problematic for him.He
is unable to using telephone and telling his home address to others. However, he can express
hisemotions like happiness and anger. Client's written skills falls within low rangeand are not age

Sub domain of daily living skills is indicative of “mild deficit range” Functioning onsubdomain
of personal and community falls within the range of low and his domestics’ skills falls within the
range of moderate low. Hispersonalskills are equivalent to the child of 3 years and 10 months,
his domestic skills are equivalent to the child of 4 years and 2month and hiscommunity skills are
equivalent to the child of 4 years and 10 months.It indicates that child cannot carry out relatively
age appropriate personal responsibilities (such as;toileting, dressing, grooming, health care). He
is unable to take care of his self properlylike, his hygiene and other task that are little complex
and difficult for him. He cannot adequately perform routine task especially require excessive
motivation. He cannot perform certain household chores which an average child can do.

Analysis of socialization skills shows that her performance falls within moderate low range. On
subdomains of interpersonal relationship and play and leisure he falls within moderate low range
and his coping skills falls within low range. His interpersonal relationship are equivalent to the
child of 5 years and 8months, play and leisure time skills are equivalent to the child of 4 years
and 4 months and his coping skills are equivalent to the child of 2 years and 11 months. This
indicates that he has group of friends but has difficulties to introducing himself to others. He has
little difficulties in establishinginterpersonal relationship with others also. Keeping secrets are
also difficult for him. During purposeful conversation he is unable to end his conversation
appropriately. His performance in play and leisuretime falls within moderate low range, it
indicates that he feels difficulties in playing complex game, and following the rules of game is
also difficulties for him.He cannot initiate conversation with other people. On coping skills sub
domain his performance is more lo from all subdomains of communication, daily living and
socialization. His scores falls within low range on coping skillswhich indicates that he has
difficulties incope with the stressful environment.

Tentative Diagnosis

V61.20 (Z62.820) Parents Child Relational Problem

Conclusion and Recommendations

On the basis of psychological testing and conducting clinical interview with parents, teachers and
observation shows that client’s problems in academies and emotional problems including
anxiety, confusion and fears are because of inadequate parental handling. As he needs father
attention, his father has difficult to manage time and ignores his need of attention or deal
himaggressivelywhichcauses fear and anxiety. On the contrary his mother is overprotective and
puts undue expectations in studies which further causes him to be emotional disturb and he
shows even difficult to use his intellectual capabilitiesappropriately.

 Parental counseling is highly recommended to aware parents about his needs.

 It is highly recommended to father of client to give quality time to the client for the
fulfilment of his emotional needs.
 Reinforcement schedule technique work effectively with client that will help to control
his maladaptive behavior and emotional problem
 Social skills training will be effective for client to learn proper socialization and to help
him express his needs appropriately.

Supervisor Examiner

Salman Shahzad, Ph.D.Mr. Saleem Abbas

s Assistant Professor Ph. D (intern)

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