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TM0007-Uso e Installazione Perscab UK

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Copyright FENWAL Italia S.p.A.

Page 2 of 36
Amendment Brief Description of Content Name of Person
Number Incorporating

3 6.5 Zone Activation Time

6.6 Area 2 Outputs Activation Time
6.8 Language
7.6 IDA card
7.11 Outputs in Area 2
9 Type and Avice Activation Time


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Chapter Page

1 PRESENTATION ...................................................................................................................................... 5
2 FILE ............................................................................................................................................................... 6
3 RUN............................................................................................................................................................... 7
4 OPTIONS .................................................................................................................................................... 8
4.1 Communication Set ....................................................................................................................... 8
4.2 Set Debug .......................................................................................................................................... 9
4.3 Cards List ......................................................................................................................................... 10
5 ?.................................................................................................................................................................... 11
6 CONTROL PANEL CONFIGURATION ........................................................................................... 12
6.1 Heading ............................................................................................................................................. 12
6.2 Configuration ................................................................................................................................. 12
6.3 Company .......................................................................................................................................... 13
6.4 Network 485 .................................................................................................................................... 13
6.5 Zone Activation timing ............................................................................................................... 13
6.6 Area 2 Outputs Activation Timing ......................................................................................... 13
6.7 Analogue Sensor Calibration .................................................................................................. 13
6.8 LCD Backlight ................................................................................................................................ 13
6.9 Language ......................................................................................................................................... 13
6.10 Printer ............................................................................................................................................ 14
6.11 Area 2 events printing ............................................................................................................ 14
6.12 Host Computer .......................................................................................................................... 14
6.13 Panel Clock Setting ................................................................................................................. 14
7 ZONE CONFIGURATION .................................................................................................................... 15
7.1 Select area ....................................................................................................................................... 15
7.2 Area 1 [Safety] configuration .................................................................................................. 15
7.3 Zone Selection (Left button on Mouse) .............................................................................. 16
7.4 Zone Selection (Right button on Mouse) ........................................................................... 16
7.5 Zone Settings Change ................................................................................................................ 17
7.6 Modify zone sensors field......................................................................................................... 18
7.7 Modification of zone input field ............................................................................................. 21
7.8 Modification of zone actuators field .................................................................................... 23
7.9 Modification of zone associations field.............................................................................. 25
7.10 Preliminary zone check ......................................................................................................... 26
7.11 Area 2 [Security] configuration .......................................................................................... 26
7.12 Area 0 [Common entities] configuration ........................................................................ 26
8 HOLIDAYS ................................................................................................................................................ 26
9 TIME CODES ........................................................................................................................................... 26
10 REMOTE ASSOCIATIONS ............................................................................................................. 26
11 FOOTNOTE.......................................................................................................................................... 26
12 CHECK ................................................................................................................................................... 26
13 FILE GENERATING FOR… ............................................................................................................ 26
14 PROGRAMME INSTALLATION..................................................................................................... 26
14.1 Installation via CD-ROM or Floppy Disk ......................................................................... 26

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PERSCAB programming software is used for configuring 1019/1020 Control Panels or for
modifying existing programmes. It works with Windows 95/98 or Windows-nt operating
systems. Control Panel configuration is in three distinct phases:
1. Enter all settings relating to control panel programme.
2. Check data validity.
3. Transfer configuration file to control panel.

The same software can generate configuration files for both Series 1019 and 1020 Control
Panels. Below are the limitations adopted for configuration of 1020 panels.

• Configurations for 1020 panels can have a maximum of 40 zones only in area 1 (safety).
• Configurations for 1020 panels can accept the following types of cards only:
up to 4 ESP type cards, 1 DI card and 1 DO card.
• Admissible addresses are: 1-2-3-4 for ESP type cards, 5 for DI cards, and 6 for DO
• For DI/DO cards, only channels 1 to 8 are accepted.

NB: This programme utilises some parameters which are based on international settings of
the operational system. These parameters vary depending on the language used. Below is a
table showing recommended parameters for the two versions of the Perscab programme.

International Setting Perscab in Italian language Perscab in English

parameters language
International settings standard Italian UK English or USA English
Time format OO:mm:ss HH:mm:ss
Time spacer : :
Date format gg/MM/aa Not applicable
Date spacer / /
Decimal spacer , .

Do not utilize different international settings from the ones above, because the programme
has been tested only for international settings: standard Italian, UK English and USA

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Fig. 1

In this phase it is possible to select the following options:

New create a new configuration (1019 or 1020)
Open edit or change an existing configuration (.XML).
Save save configuration under current name(.XML).
Save as save configuration under a different name (.XML).
Print print as shown in fig. 2
Exit exit programme.

Fig. 2

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Fig. 3

In this phase the following options can be selected:

Check Check data validity and enable the trasmission

Transmission transfer complete or partial configuration to Control Panel.
Receive receive complete configuration from Control Panel.
File generating for.. generate (*.CFG) configuration Visual-2000 file and (*MOD)
configuration ModBus file.

Trasmission and Reception functions will be performed only if mod. bite-board 2000 dongle
key is inserted into LPT1 port on the computer.

Page 7 of 36

In this phase the following options can be selected:

Communication Set to define/change connection settings to Control Panel and

Modbus converter options.
Set Debug to enable/disabile Debug function during
transmission/reception configuration
Cards List to display the cards list.

4.1 Communication Set

Fig. 4

Connection: Indicates the type of connection between the programme and the panel. The
connection can be direct (Serial Port) or via Ethernet Link (TCP/IP). In both cases however
the connection can be made only with one Control Panel at a time. Therefore in case of
connections to more panels on the same link, the IP address will have to be changed.

IP address: Indicates control panel IP address in case of centralised connection.

Language: This setting cannot be changed as it indicates the configuration language

used for programming.

Serial: These are the configuration settings in case of serial connection:

Port Select computer serial port.

Baud Rate Select speed of serial port data transmission.

Page 8 of 36
Parity Select type of parity.
Stop Bit Select number of stop bits.
Handshake Select type of data flow.

Modbus: Use these settings for configuration of Modbus options in MOD file.

Base Entity Address Defines base Modbus address for entities.

Entity Configuration Configures Modbus variables relevant to entities.

Enable the outputs duplicated control in different zone This setting enable/disable the
outpus duplicated control in different zone.
if enabled it is not possible
if disabled it is possible
duplicate the outputs in different zone.

4.2 Set Debug

The following window will be shown during transmission/reception configuration:

- Packed Retry number: indicate each packed retry number

- Total Packed Retry number: indicate total packed retry number
- Packed Transmitted number: indicate packed transmitted number

To disabile this options select again Set Debug.

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4.3 Cards List
Selecting this option to display the cards list.

RACK indicate rack number

Pos indicate positions cards into rack
Ind indicate the address cards

Besides selectiong from File menu Print option it is possible to print the cards list with
correspondent address.

Page 10 of 36
5 ?

Fig. 5

In this phase the following options are available:

Information on View installed version of the programme.

User Manual Access User Manual programme. This manual is in PDF format; for
viewing and printing you need a PC equipped with Acrobat Reader
(Version 4 or superior) operating system.

Page 11 of 36
On this page it is possible to view or change Control Panel configuration.

Fig. 6

6.1 Heading
This gives information relating to the customer and the type of control panel. Even though
the Control Panel does not use this information, it is stored in the binary configuration. This
data however is used for the headings on the two documentation files.

In this section you can view the following:

System Name 20 characters

Client Name 20 characters
Author 20 characters
Date dd/mm/yy

6.2 Configuration
These are the settings needed for configuration of the control panel hardware and some of
its operating options. In this section you can view the following:

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6.3 Company
In this window you can select the company name or logo which is displayed in bitmap

Company Company name is displayed.

Logo File Shows file name and displayed logo path.
Logo Display Enables displayed logo as an alternative to company name.

6.4 Network 485

Use this window to configure RS485 communication bus for remote keypad.

Disable Enable the RS485 bus for remote keypad.

Enable Disable the RS485 bus for remote keypad.
Number of keypads Number of connected keypads (1-16).

6.5 Zone Activation timing

Use this window to set zone time delays in minutes. This function, typical of the security
area, is used for checking possible alarm points before zone activation. (System ready for
activation). During activaction delay time programmable outputs cannot be activated.
If you put timer on 0 zones are immediately activated.

Minutes Set time delay in minutes (1-10 minutes).

6.6 Area 2 Outputs Activation Timing

Use this window to set Area 2 Outputs activation time in minutes. The value must be
between 1 and 10 minutes.
NB: Set a value >= 3 minutes to be covered by Level 2 IMQ certification.

Minutes Area 2 Outputs Activation time (1-10 minutes).

6.7 Analogue Sensor Calibration

This window is for setting analogue sensor calibration time delays. Every day, at the set
time, all analogue sensors present on the control panel will perform a calibration function to
compensate for the presence of dirt in the detection chamber.
It is advisable to set this function at a time when there is no smoke in the zones.

Calibration time Time at which the calibration is performed (hh:mm).

6.8 LCD Backlight

In this window you set LCD backlight status.

Auto Light turns off by itself after 2 minutes of inactivity

Yes Light is always on.
No Light is always off.

6.9 Language
This setting cannot be changed as it indicates the control Panel communication language.
This parameter is identical to Perscab Language.

IT Italian language.
UK English language.

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6.10 Printer
In this window you set communication and printer functions if serial printer is connected to
Control Panel.
Disable Disable printer functions.
40 Columns Enable printer functions on 40 columns.
80 Columns Enable printer functions on 80 columns.
Baud Rate Select data transmission speed.
Parity Select type of parity.
Stop Bit Select number of stop bits.
Handshake Select type of data flow check
Mode By selecting “reduced” only alarm events are printed, by
selecting “complete” all events are printed.

6.11 Area 2 events printing

In this window you set enble/disable Area 2 events printing.
Disable Area 2 events printing disabled.
Enable Area 2 events printing enabled.

6.12 Host Computer

Set Host port communication functions here.
Disable Disable Host computer functions.
Enable Enable Host computer functions.

Serial Enable Host computer functions on serial port.

TCP/IP Enable Host computer functions on ethernet port.

Baud Rate Select serial port data transmission speed .

Parity Select type of parity.
Stop Bit Select number of stop bits.
Handshake Select type of data flow check.

IP C. Panel Address IP control panel address.

Master 1 IP address Master #1 IP address
Master 2 IP address Master #2 IP address
IP Gateway address IP address for access gateway to network .
Netmask Subnet Mask.

Identifier Identifies control panel number on the network (1-999).

6.13 Panel Clock Setting

In this window you set panel time.

Automatic Summer/Winter Time change

Panel clock is automatically updated according to Summer/Winter legal Time.

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For 1019 control panels the configuration structure is:
Area 0 (common entities) Area 1 (safety) Area 2 (security)
1 Zone consisting of: 300 zones consisting of: 300 zones consisting of:
99 sensors 99 sensors 99 sensors
99 inputs 99 inputs 99 inputs
99 actuators 99 actuators 99 actuators
99 associations 99 associations

As you can see the configuration is organised into three areas. Area 0 is where the common
entities are programmed. Area 1 consists of a variable number of zones between 1 and 300
relating to safety section. Area 2 consists of a variable number of zones between 1 and
300 relating to security section.
Each zone consists of 1-99 sensors, 1-99 inputs, 1-99 actuators, 1-99 associations. The
zone relating to area 0 has no associations.

For 1020 control panels the configuration structure is:

Area 0 (common entities) Area 1 (safety)

1 Zone consisting of: 40 zones consisting of:
99 sensors 99 sensors
99 inputs 99 inputs
99 actuators 99 actuators
99 associations

As you can see in this case the configuration is organised into two areas. Area 0 is where
the common entities are programmed. Area 1 consists of a variable number of zones
between 1 and 40 relating to safety section. Each zone consists of 1-99 sensors, 1-99
inputs, 1-99 acuators, 1-99 associations. The zone relating to 0 has no associations.

7.1 Select area

Select here which area you want to work on.

Fig. 7

By selecting 0 you access the common entities zone.

By selecting area 1 you access the zone selection menu relating to safety section.
By selecting area 2 you access the zone selection menu relating to security section. (Only
on 1019 control panels).

7.2 Area 1 [Safety] configuration

With left mouse button select ‘+’ symbol near ‘Area 1 [Safety]’ field. At this point you will see
the list of zones belonging to Area 1, as shown in Figure 9.

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7.3 Zone Selection (Left button on Mouse)
After selecting desired area you access the zone selection menu. From now on we will refer
only to management of area 1 zones, since management of area 2 zones is identical.
However management of area 0 is identical only to zone 1.

Fig. 8

7.4 Zone Selection (Right button on Mouse)

Select a zone with the left button on the mouse. Then if you press the right button on the
mouse the following options will be viewed:

Fig. 9

Include To include a new zone in current selection.

Eliminate To eliminate a selected zone.
Add To add a new zone at the end.
Rename To rename a zone.
Duplicate To duplicate the selected zone.
Print To print the settings of the selected zone.

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7.5 Zone Settings Change
To change zone settings select a zone by pressing the left button on the mouse twice.

Fig. 10

Category Indicates which time band is associated with the zone.

Acceptable parameters are 1-10 or 0 for no category.
Virtual Badge Indicates the number of the virtual badge associated with the
zone. Acceptable parameters are 1-32 or 0 for no virtual
Dis. Input Selection of this option enables a 1019-A8 input for activation
of partial zone setting and unsetting.
A8 Address A8 card address for partial zone setting and unsetting.
A8 Channel A8 card channel for partial zone setting and unsetting.
Zone status output This option activates 1019-DO output card for indication of
zone status relevant to setting and unsetting of the zone
DO address DO card address for zone status indication.
DO channel DO card channel for zone status indication.

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7.6 Modify zone sensors field
To access this field use the mouse to select each sensor

Fig. 11

In this phase it is possible to:

• Select each box to modify the parameters
• Select one or more lines with the left button on the mouse
• Cancel selected lines
• Copy selected lines
• Paste selected lines
• Eliminate selected lines

Available boxes on this page are:

Number : Indicates sensor number in sequence. This number is automatically generated by

the system between 1 and 99.

Sensor name: 25 characters available, modifiable at will.

Card: Indicates which type of card belongs to the sensor. Acceptable card types are: H3,
G3, A3, A5, A8, IDA, ESP, VIO, V2S, VAN. This field cannot be inputted manually via the
keypad, but must be selected from the list.
NB: Since 1019-IDA card is no longer produce, it cannot be covered by IMQ certification.

Address: Indicates physical address of the card. For all card types it is a three-digit number
between 1 and 126. It is possible to modify this parameter by typing in the number via the
keypad or using the arrow keys.

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Type: Indicates which device type the channel refers to. This name can vary depending on
the type of card. This parameter is applicable only to cards ESP/VIO/V2S/VAN. This field
too cannot be inputted manually via the keypad, but must be selected from the list.

Channel: Indicates the number of the device channel which the sensor being programmed
refers to. It is a variable number which depends on card type and, in case of V2S VAN
card, also on type of device. It is possible to change this parameter by typing in the number
or using the arrow keys.

Point: Indicates the sub-channel of a device. It is a one-digit variable number which

depends on the type of device. It is possible to change this parameter by typing in the new
number or using the arrow keys. Below is a table with device type and number of channels
and points allowed for each type of card in sensors field.

Card Device type Channels allowed in Points allowed in sensors’

sensors’ field field
H3 * 1-2 1 (automatic)
G3 * 1 (automatic) 1 (automatic)
A3 * 1 (automatic) 1 (automatic)
A5 * 1-2 1 (automatic)
A8 * From 1 to 8 1 (automatic)
IDA * From 1 to 127 1 (automatic)
ESP ALG-E From 1 to 127 1 (automatic)
ESP ATG-E From 1 to 127 1 (automatic)
ESP AIE-E From 1 to 127 1 (automatic)
ESP ACA-E From 1 to 127 1 (automatic)
ESP CHQ-CP From 1 to 127 1 (automatic)
ESP RL/3H2 From 1 to 127 1 (automatic)
ESP RL/5H2 From 1 to 127 1 (automatic)
ESP CHQ-MZ From 1 to 127 1 (automatic)
ESP CHQ-Z From 1 to 127 1-2
ESP CHQ-S From 1 to 127 1-2
ESP CHQ-R From 1 to 127 3 (automatic)
ESP CHQ-B From 1 to 127 3 (automatic)
VIO 8/DIN From 1 to 31 From 1 to 8
VIO 8/VIN From 1 to 31 From 1 to 8
V2S 4/BIN From 1 to 63 From 1 to 4
V2S 8/VIN From 1 to 31 From 1 to 8
VAN 1/AIN From 1 to 63 1 (automatic)
VAN 8/VIN From 1 to 31 From 1 to 8

Mode: Indicates operating mode for those sub-channels which are provided with two
operating modes (retained, non-retained) and is available only on the devices belonging to
ESP cards (all types), VIO type 8/DIN, V2S type 4/BIN and VAN type 1/AIN. It is a letter that
can assume only values R or N. This field cannot be entered via the keypad, but must be
selected from the list.

Logic: Indicates operating logic for those channels/sub-channels provided with two
opperating logics, i.e. NA or NC and is available only on the sub-channels belonging to VIO
cards type 8/DIN. They are two letters which can assume only NA or NC values. This field is
not inputted by the operator and must therefore be selected automatically. This field cannot
be entered via the keypad, but must be selected from the list.

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Sensitivity: Indicates sub-channels’ working sensitivity. These sub-channels are provided
with three different types of sensitivity. However this feature is available only on sub-
channels belonging to ESP cards and only for devices type ALG-E, AIE-E, ATG-E, ACA-E .
Admitted values are Low/Medium/High.
This field cannot be entered via the keypad, but must be selected from the list.

Units of measure: Indicates pre-alarm and alarm threshold levels for devices with two
programmable thresholds. This feature is available only on channels belonging to A3 and
A5 cards and on sub-channels belonging to VAN cards for devices type 1/AIN.
This measure is not directly used by the control panel, but the program, through adequate
conversion operations, obtains the 8-Bit numeric value relevant to pre-alarm and alarm
thresholds, which will be transmitted to the control panel. Cards type A3 and A5 accept only
Bit-type values. Cards VAN-1/VAN instead accept the following units of measure: mA,
%LEL, or PPM.

Pre-alarm: Indicates pre-alarm threshold level for devices with two programmable alarm
thresholds. It is available only on channels belonging to A3 and A5 cards and sub-channels
belonging to VAN cards and type 1/AIN devices. The values are inputted by the operator
and change according to the type of measure selected. If the value is not within the
permissible range for that particular unit of measure, it will not be accepted.

Alarm: Indicates alarm threshold level for devices with two programmable alarm thresholds.
It is available only on channels belonging to A3 and A5 cards, and sub-channels belonging
to VAN cards for type 1/AIN devices. The values are inputted by the operator and change
according to the type of measure selected. If the value is not within the permissible range for
that particular unit of measure, it will not be accepted. The pre-alarm and alarm values
allowed for the various units of measure are the following:

Card Device Unit of measure Accepted Values

A3 * Bit 0-255
A5 * Bit 0-255
VAN 1/AIN mA 4-20
VAN 1/AIN %LEL 0-100
VAN 1/AIN PPM 0-200

Page 20 of 36
7.7 Modification of zone input field
To access this field select the word “input” via the mouse.

Fig. 12

In this phase it is possible to:

• Select an individual box and change its parameters
• Select one or more lines with the left button on the mouse
• Cancel the selected lines
• Copy the selected lines
• Paste the selected lines
• Eliminate the selected lines

The available boxes on this page are:

Number : Indicates input progressive number. It is generated automatically by the

programme and is comprised between 1 and 99.

Input Name: 25-character field modifiable at will.

Card: Indicates the type of card the sensor belongs to. Admissible types are: H3, G3, A8,
IDA, ESP, VIO, V2S, DI. This field cannot be inputted manually, but must be selected from
the list.

Address: Indicates card physical address. For all card types it consists of a three-digit
number comprised between 1 and 126. It is possible to change this parameter via the

Page 21 of 36
numbers on the keypad or the arrow keys.

Type: Indicates the device type which the channel refers to. It is a variable name which
depends on the type of card. This parameter is available only on cards type ESP/VIO/V2S.
This field cannot be inputted manually, but must be selected from the list.

Channel: Indicates the channel number of the device which the sensor under examination
refers to. It is a variable number and depends on the type of card as well as, in case of
card V2S, on the type of device. It is possible to change this parameter via the numbers
on the keypad or the arrow keys.

Point: Indicates the sub-channel of a device. It is a variable one-digit number and depends
on the type of device. It is possible to change this parameter via the numbers on the
keypad or the arrow keys. Please refer to the table below showing types of devices, number
of channels and admissible points for each type of card in inputs field.

Card Type of device Admissible channels in Admissible points in sensor

sensor field field
H3 * 2 (automatico) 1 (automatic)
G3 * 1 (automatico) 1 (automatic)
A8 * From 1 to 8 1 (automatic)
IDA * From 1 to 127 1 (automatic)
ESP CHQ-MZ From 1 to 127 1 (automatic)
ESP CHQ-Z From 1 to 127 1-2
ESP CHQ-S From 1 to 127 1-2
ESP CHQ-R From 1 to 127 3 (automatic)
ESP CHQ-B From 1 to 127 3 (automatic)
VIO 8/DIN From 1 to 31 From 1 to 8
VIO 8/VIN From 1 to 31 From 1 to 8
V2S 4/BIN From 1 to 63 From 1 to 4
V2S 8/VIN From 1 to 31 From 1 to 8
DI * From 1 to 16 1 (automatic)

Mode: Indicates operational mode for those sub-channels with two working modes (i.e.
retained, non-retained) and is available only on devices belonging to ESP cards (all types):
VIO type 8/DIN, V2S type 4/BIN. It is a letter which can assume only value R or N. This
field cannot be inputted manually, but must be selected from the list.

Logic: Indicates the operational logic for those channels/sub-channels provided with two
operational logics (NA or NC) and is available only on sub-channels belonging to type 8/DIN
DI and VIO cards. It consists of two letters which can assume only NA or NC values. This
field is not inputted by the operator and must be selected automatically. This field cannot be
inputted manually, but must be selected from the list.

Associated Actuator: Indicates the zone actuator associated with the input whose
activation logic is being checked by the control panel. It consists of a number comprised
between 1 and 99. This field is inputted manually by the operator. If the number is not within
the admissible range it will not be accepted. To disable this function put value 0. The time
delay for activation of the associated actuator is fixed at 10 seconds.

Page 22 of 36
7.8 Modification of zone actuators field
To access this field select the word “actuators” via the mouse.

Fig. 13

In this phase it is possible to:

• Select an individual box and change its parameters
• Select one or more lines with the left button on the mouse
• Cancel selected lines
• Copy selected lines
• Paste selected lines
• Eliminate selected lines

Number : Indicates actuator progressive number. It is generated automatically by the

programme and is comprised between 1 and 99.

Actuator Name: 25-character field modifiable at will.

Card: Indicates the type of card the actuator belongs to. Admissible types are: H3, H8, DO,
IDA, ESP, VIO, V2S, VAN. This field cannot be inputted manually, but must be selected
from the list.

Address: Indicates card physical address. For all card types it consists of a three-digit
number comprised between 1 and 126. It is possible to change this parameter via the
numbers on the keypad or the arrow keys.

Page 23 of 36
Type: Indicates the device type which the channel refers to. It is a variable name which
depends on the type of card. This parameter is available only on cards type
ESP/VIO/V2S/VAN. This field cannot be inputted manually, but must be selected from the

Channel: Indicates the channel number of the device which the sensor under examination
refers to. It is a variable number and depends on the type of card as well as, in case of
card V2S, on the type of device. It is possible to change this parameter via the numbers
on the keypad or the arrow keys.

Point: Indicates the sub-channel of a device. It is a variable one-digit number and depends
on the type of device. It is possible to change this parameter via the numbers on the
keypad or the arrow keys. Please refer to the table below showing types of devices, number
of channels and admissible points for each type of card in actuators field.

Card Type of device Admissible channels in Admissible points in sensors

sensors field field
H3 * 3-4-5 1 (automatic)
H8 * From 1 to 8 1 (automatic)
DO * From 1 to 16 1 (automatic)
IDA * From 1 to 127 1 (automatic) (Note-A)
ESP CHQ-MZ From 1 to 127 1 (automatic)
ESP CHQ-Z From 1 to 127 3 (automatic)
ESP CHQ-B From 1 to 127 1-2
ESP CHQ-R From 1 to 127 1-2
ESP CHQ-BS From 1 to 127 1 (automatic) (Note-B)
VIO 8/DOUT From 1 to 31 From 1 to 8
VIO 8/VOUT From 1 to 31 From 1 to 8
V2S 8/VOUT From 1 to 63 From 1 to 4
VAN 8/VOUT From 1 to 31 From 1 to 8

Note A: The addresses of actuators belonging to IDA cards must be greater than those of
the devices belonging to the same card described under sensor/input fields

Note B: Each ESP card can have a maximum of 20 CHQ-BS actuators.

Mode: Indicates actuator activation mode (Fixed, Periodic, Pulsed). It is a letter which can
assume only values F, P or I. This field cannot be inputted manually, but must be selected
from the list.

Periodic: Indicates time in seconds relating to actuator activation mode, if the actuator has
been programmed in Periodic or Pulsed mode. It is a three-digit number comprised
between 0 and 255. It is possible to change this parameter via the numbers on the keypad
or the arrow keys.

Sounder: Indicates if the actuator being in programmed is a sounder, in which case, it will
be activated by the control panel even following an evacuation command, and will be
disabled only following the Silence sounders command. Admissible values are Y and N.
This field cannot be inputted manually, but must be selected from the list.

Page 24 of 36
7.9 Modification of zone associations field
To access this field select the word Associations with the mouse

Fig. 14

In this phase it is possible to:

• Select an individual box and change its parameters
• Select one or more lines with the left button on the mouse
• Cancel selected lines
• Copy selected lines
• Paste selected lines
• Eliminate selected lines

The boxes available on this page are:

Number : Indicates association progressive number. It is generated automatically by the

programme and is comprised between 1 and 99.

Association Name: 25-character field modifiable at will.

Rule: Indicates the type of logic utilised by the association. Admissible values are: OR,
AND, or a number comprised between 1 and 9. This field cannot be inputted manually, but
must be selected from the list.

Page 25 of 36
Entity: Indicates the totality of entities which make up the rule. It consists of a series of
parameters subdivided into four characters. The first character indicates which status must
be assumed by the entity in order to meet the rule. The second character indicates the type
of entity on which the rule is executed; and the third character indicates if the field refers to
the current zone or the common zone in area 0. The fourth character indicates the row
number of the entity in the field which the rule refers to. Parameter groups can be spaced
with a comma up to a maximum of four, or a dash, up to a maximum of two. Entities
sequence can be typed in freely or selected via the help menu shown in Fig. 15 for sensors,
Fig. 16 for inputs, Fig. 17 for actuators, Fig. 18 for associations and Fig. 19 for associations
coming from the network.

Fig. 15

Fig. 16

Fig. 17

Page 26 of 36
Fig. 18

Fig. 19

Following are some examples of valid associations:

Rule Entity Conditions which satisfy the association

OR AS1Z, AS2C Zone sensor N. 1 alarm or common sensor N. 2 alarm
AND FI1Z, AO2C Zone input N. 1 alarm and activate common N. 2 output
OR BS1Z Zone sensor N. 1 Pre-alarm or Alarm
AND AR1, AN2 Verified zone rule N. 1; verified network rule N. 2.
3 AS1-34 Alarm of at least three zone sensors between N. 1 and N. 34
OR ES1Z Zone sensor N°1 is isolated on Level 1 or 2
OR II1Z Zone input N° 1 isolated

Actuators-1: This field consists of a variable number of parameters from 1 to 6 and each
consists of two fields. They indicate which actuators are activated when a rule is satisfied.
The first field indicates if the actuator refers to the current zone or common zone; the
second field indicates the relevant line number comprised between 1 and 99. Actuators
sequence can be typed in freely or selected via the help menu shown in Fig. 20.

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Fig. 20

Delay: Indicates the delay in seconds for Actuators-1 activation, once the rule is satisfied. It
is a three-digit number comprised between 0 and 300. It is possible to change this
parameter via the numbers on the keypad or arrow keys.

Actuators-2: This field is identical to Actuators-1 field and allows the definition of another 6

Delay: : Indicates the delay in seconds for Actuators-2 activation once the rule is satisfied. It
is a three-digit number comprised between 0 and 300. It is possible to change this
parameter via the numbers on the keypad or arrow keys.

7.10 Preliminary zone check

Inside a zone and at the output, the programme carries out a number of preliminary checks
on the validity of the programmed parameters. In particular the programme will check for:
• The presence of different card types with the same address in Sensor/Input/Actuator
fields (duplicate card address)
• The presence, in Sensor/Input/Actuator fields of channels/points belonging to the same
• The presence, in Inputs field, of actuators associated with current zone entities which
do not exist. (Non-defined actuator)
• The presence, in Associations field, of current zone entities which do not exist. (Non-
defined Sensor/Input/Actuator/Association)
• The presence, in Associations field, of rules relating to subsequent associations.
(Reference to subsequent association).
• The presence, in actuator field, of a number of type CHQ-BS actuators belonging to the
same ESP card, greater than 20.
• The presence, in actuator field, of like actuators defined with different operational
The presence of this type of inconsistency will be clearly indicated to the operator and it will
not be possible to exit the field before having changed the incorrect parameter. If there are
no mistakes you can go back to the preceding zone selection menu.

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7.11 Area 2 [Security] configuration
With left mouse button select ‘+’ symbol near ‘Area 2 [Security]’ field.
Area 2 programming is practically identical to that of Area 1, except for:
• In inputs/sensors field, admissible card types are only those with supervised lines in
accordance with regulations for security panels Level 2. In particular these cards are:
V2S-A8-IDA. The input types used by these cards are non-latching.
• In actuators filed admissible cards are: H8-DO-IDA-V2S.
• Programmable outputs must not be fixed or periodic, otherwise IMQ mark will be
• Rules refered to Alarm state are active also with Tamper state. If you need to activate
outputs with zone disable you must define them in Common zone.

7.12 Area 0 [Common entities] configuration

With left mouse button select ‘+’ symbol near ‘Area 0 [Common entities]’ field.
In Area 0 you can configure entities belonging to several zones. Configuration of Area 0 is
basically the same as Area 1 except for:
• Only one zone is programmable.
• In this zone yuo cannot define associations.
• In this zone is possible define until 999 actuator.

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By selecting this option you access the holidays definition page.
In this phase it is possible to select up to a maximum of 30 days defined as holidays during
current year, as shown in the figure below:

Fig. 21

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In this phase it is possible to define/change 10 categories of time codes as shows in figure
22 below.

Fig. 22

In this phase it is possible to:

• Select an individual box and change its parameters
• Select one or more lines with the left button on the mouse
• Cancel selected lines
• Copy selected lines
• Paste selected lines
• Eliminate selected lines

The boxes available on this page are:

Number : Indicates time bands progressive number. It is generated automatically by the

programme and is comprised between 1 and 10.

Beginning Time: Indicates beginning of current time band in format: hours/minutes. This
parameter can be changed by typing in the numbers or via the arrow keys.

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Modify Beginning Time: : Indicates beginning of current time band valid for one machine
cycle in format: hours/minutes. (Temporary modification). This parameter can be changed
by typing in the numbers or via the arrow keys.

End Time: Indicates the end of the current time band in format: hours/minutes. This
parameter can be changed by typing in the numbers or via the arrow keys.

Modify End Time: : Indicates the end of current time band valid for one machine cycle in
format: hours/minutes. (Temporary modification). This parameter can be changed by typing
in the numbers or via the arrow keys.

Validity: Indicates valid days in current time band. Admissible values are: Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Weekday, Workday, Weekend,
Holiday. This field cannot be inputted manually, but must be selected from the list.

Type: Indicates the type of activity performed by the control panel when the time band
under examination is active. This field cannot be inputted manually, but must be selected
from the list. Admissible types are:

• Liv-1: Isolates/deisolates the zones associated with this time band on level one.
If a zone is isolated on level 1, entities status variations are indicated on control panel,
but rules are not carried out; therefore no outputs activations will be performed in
isolated zones on this level.
• Liv-2: Isolates/deisolates the zones associated with this time band on level two.
If a zone is isolated on level 2, no entities status variations will be indicated except for
Tamper events.
• Temperature Mode: (Sets Series ESP type ACA combined detectors in “only
temperature” working mode.
• Combined Mode: (Sets Series ESP type ACA combined detectors in “smoke +
temperature” working mode).

Time Setting Forewarning: Gives prior indication of time available before each category
setting (0-60 minutes). This parameter can be changed by typing in the numbers or via the
arrow keys.
During setting forewarning period it is possible to delay the relevant zone activation time by
one hour. During each panel cycle a maximum of three zone activation delays can be
performed; therefore each category setting (zone activation) can be delayed by maximum
three hours.

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In this phase you can define/change up to a maximum of 999 remote associations which
will then be sent to the other control panels in the communication network, as shown in Fig.


Fig. 23

In this phase it is possible to:

• Select an individual box and change the parameters
• Select one or more lines with the left button on the mouse
• Cancel selected lines
• Copy selected lines
• Paste selected lines
• Eliminate selected lines

The boxes available on this page are:

Number : Indicates remote associations progressive number. It is generated automatically

by the programme and is comprised between 1 and 999.

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Remote Association Name: 19-character field, modifiable at will.

Identifier: Indicates the control panel identifier present on the network, which the remote
association refers to and consists of a number between 1 and 999. This parameter can be
changed by typing in the numbers or via the arrow keys.

Area: Indicates the area which the remote association refers to. This field cannot be
inputted manually, but must be selected from the list.

Zone No. : Indicates the zone number which the remote association refers to and consists
of a number tetween 1 and 300. This parameter can be changed by typing in the numbers
or via the arrow keys.

Association No.: Indicates the association number which the remote association refers to
and consists of a number tetween 1 and 99. This parameter can be changed by typing in the
numbers or via the arrow keys.

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On the last line of the main screen page you can find some information concerning the
configuration file.

1019: Indicates the type of control panel which has been selected for that type of
configuration and can assume values 1019 or 1020.

dd/mm/yy hh:mm : Indicates the date and time when the last saving of the active file has
been performed.

C:\PERSCAB\CENTRALI\PROVA.XML: Indicates path and name of the file currently being


In this phase the programme checks data validity, the following window will be shown:

The presence of this type of inconsistency will be clearly indicated to the operator so that he
can make the necessary changes.


In this phase the programme generate configuration files for:
• VISUAL-2000 filename.CFG
ASCII file which includes all programming data for Visual-2000 Supervision System
configuration. To obtain the complete file structure refer to the relevant technical
• MODBUS filename.MOD
ASCII file which includes all programming data for Modbus configuration. To obtain the
complete file structure refer to the relevant technical specifications.

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In the table below are listed the minimum technical requirements needed for installing the
configuration software on the computer.

Characteristics Minimum Recommended

Processor Pentium 100Mhz Pentium 800Mhz or greater
Operational system Windows 95 or greater Windows 95 or superior (Note-A)
Ram Memory 32Kbytes 64Kbytes
Hard disk 1 Ghz 1 Ghz
Screen Resolution 800x600 - 16 colours 1024x728 a 256 colori
Serial Ports 1 RS232 port RS232 Port
Network Card (note-B) 10BT Ethernet Card 10BT Ethernet Card

Note-A: To view the Use Manual on line your computer must be equipped with
ACROBAT READER Version 4 or superior.

Nota-B: Only for Lan network connections.

14.1 Installation via CD-ROM or Floppy Disk

• Put the disk into the CD-ROM drive or Floppy Disk drive.
• From Start menu select the command: Execute
• Input the command as shown in Fig. 24, bearing in mind that the first letter indicates the
name of the Drive where the disk has been inputted.
• Press OK key.

Fig. 24

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