Physical Education

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LESSON 1: 1937 Physical Education was made curricular

subject in the school curriculum.

The newer and modern perception of physical
education is that it is education through 1969 The School of Physical Education and
physical activities. In modern physical Sports Development Act of 1969. A program
education idiom, it is education through of activities included among others:
"movement." Wunderlich (1967) describes 1982 MAPE was introduced and the learning
of movement as follows: area involves music, arts, and physical
1. It provides sensory data. education.

2. It broadens the horizon.

3. It stimulates function and structure of all Functions of Physical Education
bodily organs. Physical Education performs three
4. It is the means by which an individual functions which are:
learns about himself in relation to his ambient 1. Biologic Function - enhancement of the
environment. individuals' growth and development through
Physical Education focuses on the concept body movement.
of "learn to move, move to learn". An 2. Integrative Function - personality
individual must know how to move in order to integration achieved through participation in
learn on how to move in order to acquire and properly selected physical activities.
learn the needed knowledge in a certain
activity. 3. Social Function - transmitting values and
standards that are consistent with the needs
and ideals of the society.
- integral part of the educational OBJECTIVE OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION
program designed to promote Students are involved with movement that is
optimum development of the getting their bodies into action. Movement is
individual physically, socially, the medium for education people in regard to
emotionally and mentally their physical, mental, emotional and social
- aim the improvement of human development
performance through the medium of
physical activities 1. PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT
- concerned to the development of it deals with the program of activities that
knowledge and attitudes conducive to build physical power in an individual by
lifelong learning and participation. developing the various systems of the body

individual who participates energetically will

Legal Bases of Teaching Physical develop and maintain good health and a
Education in the Philippines Setting high level of physical fitness.
The different activities in physical education
provide opportunities for the
1901 Physical exercise was one of the development of desirable social traits
subjects introduced in the public schools and needed for adjustment to the social life in
regular program of athletics was developed. general
1920 Physical Education was made a
required subject subjects in the curriculum of 1.friendliness
all public schools. 2. cooperation
3. respect for the rights of others
4. good sportsmanship
5. good leadership and followership 6. Being physically fit - being able to perform
honesty in group competition one's daily task efficiently without undue
3. EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT fatigue and still have an extra energy to enjoy
leisure activities and/or meet emergency
The informal nature of physical education demands.
activities provides opportunities for self-
expression and emotional mastery. (3) three important aspects that an
individual should be able to meet in order
-students overcome their shyness and to be considered physically fit.
help them boost their confidence and self-
esteem. 1. Being able to perform one's daily tasks
EX: without getting too tired before the end of
1. self-confidence 2. self-control 3. self- the day. These daily activities include: a.
reliance 4. courage 5. determination Waking up in the morning to prepare for
school or work b. Going to school or office on
4. MENTAL DEVELOPMENT time c. Attending classes regularly
deals with the accumulation of a body of
knowledge and the ability to think and 2. Enjoying leisure time in some form of
interpret this knowledge. recreational activities.
Leisure time - amount of time that is left after
OBJECTIVES OF PE: the daily routine activities of an individual
have been accomplished.
1. Knowledge- it enhances critical thinking
how activities are done according to rules, Recreation- refers to any activity that is
regulations and strategies. participated in by the individual during leisure
time on voluntary basis because it provides
2. Physical fitness - improves and maintains
an immediate satisfaction to the individual.
the workload of the individual without
EXAMPLE: a. Watching TV or movies b.
staggering and undue fatigue after which
Talking to friends over the phone c. Reading
have time or energy to meet some more
books and magazines articles
emergencies in life.
3. Social -to understand oneself; to get along CONCEPT OF PHYSICAL FITNESS
with others for effective living. ACCORDING TO ANDIN (2019)
4. Motor skills -learning of the fundamental - Physical fitness is the ability to
skills necessary for participation in sports and perform one's tasks efficiently without
games. undue fatigue but with extra reserve in
5. Aesthetic-relating or responsive to or case of emergency.
appreciative of what to is pleasurable to the COMPONENTS OF PHYSICAL FITNESS
senses. 1. ORGANIC VIGOR
6. Nationalism - preservation of cultural soundness of the heart and the lungs
heritage through revival of indigenous games, which contribute to the ability to resist
dances and sports.
7. Conservation of natural environment - 2. ENDURANCE
protection of forest and aquatic resources. ability to sustain long-continued
contractions where a number of muscle
The Meaning, Concepts and Components groups are used
of Physical Fitness capacity to bear or last long in a certain
task without undue fatigue.
Physical Fitness - ability to perform one's 3. STRENGTH
daily task efficiently without undue fatigue but  capacity to sustain the application of
with extra "reserve" in case of emergency. force without yielding or breaking;
the body and the waste products
 ability of the muscles to exert effort of oxidation carried off
against a resistance
ability of the muscles to release maximum 3. IMPROVED DIGESTION
force in the shortest period of time. exercise aids digestion in increasing the
5. FLEXIBILITY appetite and movement of digestive organs
quality of plasticity which gives the ability to IT AIDS IN 2 WAYS:
do a wide range of movement - increases the appetite
6. AGILITY - The movement of the digestive
ability of the individual to change direction organs speeds up that moves the
or position in space with quickness and food along more rapidly and easily
lightness of movement
ability to control organic equipment neuro- Elimination is greatly aided and
muscularly; constipation prevented by exercise. The
a state of equilibrium. peristaltic action increases and therefore
8. SPEED the processes of excretion are more
ability to make successive movements of efficiently regulated
the same kind in the shortest period of time
muscles become stronger through use.
VALUES OF EXERCISE Also, the general muscle tone of the body
is improved through exercise.
- The basis of even so called inept
organic materials is activity. 2. PSYCHOLOGICALVALUES
- The consensus of scientific opinion - exercise improves the mental tone of
today is that exercise is of value to the individual
most individuals. - it assists in maintaining mental
- Exercise must be regular, enjoyable, health
vigorous and suited to the individual. - exercise is like developing
confidence and obtaining joys and
satisfactions that come from
successfully completed tasks
- exercise improves the efficiency in 3. SOCIOLOGICAL VALUES
function of the vital organs and instinct or desire may be satisfied through
muscular system sports. In sports, other social values such
- It also helps to promote the growth as team work, loyalty and
and development of some body sportsmanship may also be achieved

UNDER: Functions of Physical Education

1. IMPROVED CIRCULATION Physical Education performs three functions

Exercise serves to promote better which are:
circulation through out the entire body.
1. Biologic Function - enhancement of the
This results in part from the fact that the
individuals' growth and development through
heart pumps out a greater volume of
blood with fewer strokes per minute. body movement.
2. Integrative Function - personality
integration achieved through participation in
- during the exercise, the rate of
properly selected physical activities.
respiration increases.
- Respiration or breathing is the
means by which oxygen is taken to
3. Social Function - transmitting values and C. Cardiovascular Endurance - ability of the
standards that are consistent with the needs heart, blood vessels and the lungs to adapt to
and ideals of the society. physical exertion for a prolonged duration.
D. Flexibility
- ability of the muscles and joints to go
through a full range motion.
- reduces the risk of injury, enhances
2 categories the health-related components
performance and prevents muscle and
(Flexibility, Cardiovascular Endurance,
Muscular Strength, Muscular Endurance and
Body Composition) and the performance- - achieved through stretching designed to
related components (Agility, Balance, lengthen or elongate soft tissue structures
Coordination, Power, and Speed). and thereby increase the range of motion
1. Health-Related Fitness Types of Stretching (Basic Methods Used
to Develop Joint Flexibility)
- function of body's adaptation to exercise. It
could be developed and maintain through the 1. Ballistic Stretching. - muscle contractions
regular and proper exercise program. to force muscle elongation bobbing (i.e. up
and down) movement
(5) components of Health Fitness. They
are as follows: 2. Static Stretching. - involves slowly
stretching a segment of the body to the
A. Muscular Strength - ability of the muscle to
farthest point and holding that position for at
maximum effort in brief duration. It may be
least 15-30 seconds.
developed through isotonic, isometric, or
isokinetic contractions. 3. Dynamic stretching- use of a muscle's
own force production and the body's
1. Isotonic Contractions - voluntary
momentum to take a joint through the full
contractions in which muscles shorten and
available range of motion
lengthen alternately. The muscle contracts at
varying speed against a resistance. 4.Proprioceptive Neuromuscular
Facilitation -contract-relax approach to
These contractions are of two types:
2.Concentric Contraction - muscles that
E. Body Composition - proportion of lean
shorten during exercise. NO movement that
body mass fat body mass. It stresses one's
occurs and the length of the muscle remains
relative fatness or leanness in relation to
3.Eccentric Contraction - muscle that
lengthens during an exercise. Muscles exert
force due to an outside resistance. Somatotyping or body typing - system of
classifying an individual according to the
Isometric Contractions - muscles are
shape of the body
contracted against an immovable resistance.
3 distinct types:
Isokenetic Contractions - muscles are
exposed to fixed machines with variable 1. An ectomorph body type is characterized
degrees of resistance. as lean and small body build with greater
surface area to mass ratio.
B. Muscular Endurance - ability of the
muscle to endure a sub maximal effort for a 2. A mesomorph body type has a relative
prolonged period of time. predominance of muscles. The bones are
usually large and heavy with massive limbs,
thus contributing to greater weight than the 5. Power - ability to perform one maximum
ectomorphic body type. effort in a short period of time. EX: track and
field and weightlifting.
3. An endormorph body type -
characterized by a relative predominance of BENEFITS OF PHYSICAL FITNESS
soft roundness and large digestive viscera.
1. Vitality. Muscles are basic for all body
There is a greater percent of body fat when
action. They increase in strength with and
compared to lean body mass.
deteriorate from lack of it.
2. Posture. to maintain his general postural
alignment better than one weak musculature.
3. Relieves Lowback Pain
4. Retards Aging Process.
5. Physical Fitness and Ability to Meet
6. Neuromuscular Skill. The smooth,
efficient coordination of the muscular system
Somatotypes are of special interest to fitness is improved as a result of regular participation
enthusiasts and athletes. It helps the in physical activity.
individual understand the extent of weight
7. Relaxation.
reduction or weight gain he/she expects to
achieve given a well-defined exercise 8. Improvement of Personality and Social
program. Skills

Performance Related Fitness 9. Mental Fitness.

- one's movement skill. 10. General Growth.

5 general components namely: The Parameters of Physical Fitness

1. Balance - ability to maintain various disciplines into four measurable

equilibrium in relation to changes in parameters, which are:
body position. 1. Muscular Endurance
Static Balance - maintain equilibrium in a 2. Muscular Strength
fixed position such as standing on one foot or
on a balance beam. 3. Cardio-respiratory Endurance

Dynamic Balance - maintain one's 4. Joint Flexibility

equilibrium while the body is in motion. UNIT 3-NUTRITION:
Walking on a balance beam is one example
of this type of balance. Nutrition- substance in food that provides
structural or functional components or energy
2.Coordination - harmonious working to the body.
relationship between the skeletal muscle and
nerves in one aspect of movement Essential nutrient - substance that must be
obtained from the diet because the body
3. Agility -ability to quickly shift or change cannot make it in sufficient quantity to meet
direction of the body from one point to its needs.
The Food Groups Contemporary health
4. Speed - perform a task or move from one specialists consider the four basic food
point to another in the shortest possible time. namely:
1. Carbohydrate
the energy and giving foods. Rice, whole
grain, flour, potatoes
main component of these foods is starch,
which is turned into sugar needed to produce

2. Protein-rich foods
building blocks of the body as they build and
repair body tissues.
Sources of protein are meat, fish, poultry,
beans, milk and eggs.
3. Fat-rich foods.
needed for body lubrication and insulation.
They protect the internal organs and provide
essential fatty acids
4. Vitamin and mineral-rich foods
body regulator of metabolic processes.
Sources of most vitamins and minerals are
green leafy and yellow vegetables and fruits.
(6) essential nutrients that the body needs
to function properly.
1. Protein: meat, dairy, legumes, nuts,
seafood and eggs
2. Carbohydrates: pasta, rice, cereals,
breads, potatoes, milk, fruit, sugar
3. Lipids (most commonly called fats
4. Vitamins:
5. Minerals
6. Water: As a beverage and a component of
many foods, especially vegetables and fruits.
- "forgotten nutrient
- it is a substance that is essential to the life.


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