Sacrifice Circumcision Ruler-Medieval Islamic West

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“The Insitute of email tudes Sh Heritage Series,6 ditorial Board: Farhad Daftary (general edtos), Maria De Cis (imanaging editor), Gurdofaid Miskinzoda. (managing editor), Mohammad Ali Ami-Moczi Hermann Landolt, Wierd Madelung, Orkhan Mir-Kasimoy, Andrew Newman, Sabine Schmidtke, Pao E Walker Previously plished tes 1. Daftary, Farhad. History ofS la (2013). 2. Daftar, Fahad, nd Gurdofarid Miskinzoda, eds. The Study of Sh’ ‘ayy: History, Theology and Law (2019. 3 Mi-Kasioy, Orkhan. Words of Power: Haruf Teachings Between ‘Sion aed Sufi in Medieval las (2015). 4. Asatryan, Mashegh. Controversies in Romative Sham: The Ghul Muslin and hr Bee (201), 5. Dell, Mari. Slason and Destiny nam The Sh mail er ‘pectve of Hamid al-Din al Kia (2018). Intellectual Interactions in the Islamic World ‘The Ismaili Thread Edited by (Orkhan Mir-Kasimov LB.TAURIS inv association with “THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES solar mations Ap Rin Cat et ton ican oceans atin aed rep coon eee iret eer ‘Greaney Bed ec =nigee mererercn ta, SErngrumrrenageettas, eens tare lease at Be Sanaa seagate levee eae. insane ameter eee ec esha tote es {Secesine aot espana ‘inn mre sat nwt it wy ‘adugnep acer seecaen ‘The Institute of Ismaili Studies “The Insitute of mall Studies was exablched in 1977 with the objet ‘of promoting scholarship and learning on Islam a the stor s ‘wellas contemporary contexts, and beter undertanding ofits rel ‘lonship with other societies and faiths ‘The Tnstte's programmes encourage a perspective which isnot confined tothe theological and religious heritage of slam, bt seks to explore the elatonship of religious ideas to broader dimensions of society and. culture. The programmes thus encourage an interdisciplinary approach to the material of Iamic history and ‘thought. Particular attention also given to istues of modernity that aise ab Muslims seek 1 relate their heritage to the comtemporary ‘Within the Islamic tradition, dhe Institute's programmes promote research on those areas which have, to date, eclvedcelaivey litle altetion ftom scholars. These include the intellectual and iterary expressions of Shs in general, and Ismaiis in particular, Inthe context of Islamic socetis, the Testes programmes are Informed by the fall ange and diversity of clere in which Islam ie practised today, from the Middle Bas, South and Central Asia, and ‘Aftca othe industralized societies of the West, thus aking into con- sideration the varity ofcontets which shape the ideal, elle and practices ofthe ath, ‘These objectives are realised through concrete programmes and activites organized and implemented by various depariments ofthe Insitute insta also caluboratespelodially, on a programme: ‘specific basis with other insttations of learning in the United King dom and abroad. o ‘The Insite of nal Studies “The Insitete’sacademie publications fll into @ numberof inter- elated catego 1. Occasional papers or esaysaddresing broad themes ofthe ela- tionship between religion ad society, with special reference to Islam, 22. Monographs exploring specfc aspects of Islamic faith and eul- ture, oF the eontributlons of individual Muslim thinkers or 13, Eins or translations of significant primary or secondary texts 4, Translations of poetic or trary texts which illustrate the rich heritage of spt devotional and symbolic expressions in Muslin istry. 5, Works on Ismail history and thought, and the relationship of the Tamale to ther traditions, communes and schools of thought in ilam, 6 Proceedings of conferences and seminars sponsored by the Insitute, 17. Biographical works and catalogues which document manu scrip, psted texts and other source material “This book alls into category a Usted above In facilitating these and oer publications, the Instn sole sim is to encourage orginal research and analysis of rlevant sues, Wale very effort i made to ensue thatthe publiatons are of high acx- ‘lemle standard, there ie naturally bound tobe a divesty of views, ‘eas and interpretations. As sac, the opinions expressed in these publications must be undersiod as belonging to ther authors alone, ‘Shi'i Heritage Series Sh Muslims, wit dhe ich intelectual an cultural heritage, have contributed significantly to the fecundity and dives ofthe Islamic teadtons throughout the centuries, enabling Islam to evolve and Auris both aba major religion and also a a eilsaton, In spite of| this, Shi Islam has received litle scholany atetion inthe Westin medieval as well as modem tims. Ii only in recent decades that academic intrest has focused increasingly on Shi Iam within the Wider stad of lta, “The principal objective ofthe Sif Heritage See, launched by the Insite of lama Studie, ito enhance general knowledge of Shit Islam and promotea beter understanding ofits history, doctrines nd practices in their historical and contemporary manifesations ‘Aderessing all Shi communities, the sere also aims to engage in discussions on theoretical and methodological iss, while impting farther esate inthe fel, ‘Works published inthis series wl inclade monographs, collective volumes, eitlons and translations of primary tex, nd bistogrsph cal projects, bringing together some ofthe most significant hemes in the study of Shi Islam through an interdisciplinary approach, and making them accessible toa wide eederhip. Table of Contents [Noten Transhteration, Dates aul Abbreviations Inteodvetion Orie i Kasimow PART ONE: IN THE EYES OF OTHERS: MUTUAL REFLECTIONS IN POLEMICAL AND DOCTRINAL LITERATURE, 1. Sunni Perceptions of the Ismaili Medieval Perspectives Farad Daflary 2. small Polemics Against Opponent inthe Eaely Fatimid Period Paul. Waler 3. On the Limited Representation of the mals InalSadag( (38/991) Kamal an Roy Viloey 4. The Places where the Wrestler was ‘Thrown Down’ (Magn al-muse) an the Question of Tast's Rejection ofis Prior Nia Identity ‘Toby Mayer PARP'TWO: AUTHORITY AND LAW 5. Ima and Sunni Elaborations ofthe Sources of Law: The Kia abMajaliswal-musyarat by al-Qii Abt lana al-Nu'man and the sala ‘fal shai: A Comparative Study ‘Apstino Ciao 6, Sucifice, Circumcision and the Ruler in the Medieval Islamic Wess The Ismii- Fatimid Legacy ‘Maribel ero sil B st o 109 w x Table of Contes 17. Homan Action, God's Wil: Further Taoughts on the Divine Command (ay) inthe Teachings of ‘Maly! al-Din Ibn al Arab (560-638/1165-1240) ‘MighalEbstin PART THREE: THE IKHWAN AL SABI’, THEOSOPHICAL "AND PHILOSOPHICAL TRENDS 5, Onto-cosmology and Hieroistory in the Manuscript ‘Tradition ofthe Ras'd nd al Sa? Cannel Bao 9, Estrdsmali Sources anda Shit of Paradigm in Nvaeismailisn| Daou Mohammad Poor 10, Nate according to Hamid al-Din al-Kirmant {Laer 411/1020) and Malla Sade 2. 1080/1640): Ista Lafluence ona Twever Thinker or Dependence ‘on Common Sourcest Tassos, PART FOUR: MYSTICAL TRENDS Bary Ismaili and Other Muslims Polemies and Borrowing in Ki al Kasi Mush Asta 12, The intlecteal Interactions of Yemeni Tayibism with the Barly Shi Tradition aril De Smt 13, "The Nei small Thoory ofthe Resurrection (Giydna) and Post Mongol Iranian Messanis Ontun Mi-Kasimoy PART FIVE: ISMAILL-SUFI RELATIONSHIPS IN| BADAKHSHAN 14 Imai-Sof and mal-Twelver Relations in Badekishia in the Post-Alamat Period: The Cigh-sdma ‘Nourmamsadcho Nourmamadchoey 15, The Concept of Wily in Mabaraei Wakbin’s (hid Dumas A Traditional lamall-Sali Perspective ‘on the Origins of Divine Guidance ‘Ablabnamad lev 195 219 om 299 2 355 381 Table of Contents ‘PARD SUX: THE INTERACTION AND CIRCULATION OF KNOWLEDGE ACROSS RELIGIOUS AND (GEOGRAPHICAL BOUNDARIES 16, Beyond Space and ‘Time: ‘The ineant Life of Books in the Fatimid Matket Place Dalia Conese 17, On the Cusp of Islami and "Hinds! Wordviews? "The Gnan Literature and the Dislecses of Sef and Other Wafi A. Morin 18, Springs Equinoe Nawrazintsmali Thought ‘Shafique N. Viard 19, Yemeni Ismalsa in Jewish Philosophy, SiathTwelh to Hleventh/Sevententh Centuries A General Historical Sketch Maur Zonta Indes “07 ar 453 483 193 6 Sacrifice, Circumcision and the Ruler in the Medieval Islamic West: The Ismaili-Fatimid Legacy’ Maribel Fierro (Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC -Spain)) Shi doctrines spread in Nowth ican tritory inthe ealy period before the establishment of the Ismal-Ftimid caliphate in Ligiya (Tunisia) in the year 296/909, but only afew records have bee eft by the limited namber of individuals and groups that followed them! ‘The testis of al-Maghribal-aqs (what is now Morocco) saw the ‘emergence of polities governed by descendants of the Prophets progeny, the Iisids (Hasanids), who were acknowledged as rulers by some Berber groups and whose claims to religous and politcal authority wer informed by Sh ideal as reflected in the inscriptions ‘on some of ther coins. However, the evidence for their adoption of Shi rituals and thee conceptions of power is seatce again given the sheence ofan rsd historiography? with othnk Aso Gonz Aton, Doi Hallberg Oban Mi ado and Lie Maio forth aa corns nd mac in ting tit Sach dns hat en ewe by Wied Madang ment 58 ‘un inte Mah, Sd aa, 4497 pp. 8737 * seeds Garcia Area and nda Mansa, Lgtna tls et ‘9 Crowe and Me Gt Ae, Gs de leo Ana 1 Mag sie (di Ca de Vague, T93), p 27- 28 ‘26-26 Chal Beno, ‘Ler Mi hie conte oo Nata, {Ar song Monon he Medel Meera, 23,3201 7-18 Rel ‘ties rider hereon Maro ete mrgion ait ‘A Qanar 38,1201). 9p 7-7 us Inelotal Iterations in the amie World ‘As regards al-Andalus, hsm was almost completely absent. The ‘main reason for this was the establishment of Umayyad rule inthe region which determined the construction of an identity that wae deeply ant-Shii* The interlude ofthe Hamme caliphate under ‘descendants of the Iii, ae the collapse ofthe Umayyads inthe carly ifhfleventh centry might have developed into afll-‘ledged Si polity bu i lsted for too brie «period and has only let some tantalising bits of evidence’ During the reiga of Umayyads, Ismail sions arrived in al-Andalus and they may have contbuted tothe ‘Mahdi rebellion ofthe Umayyad pretender bn a-Qit in the year 288/900. The establishment ofthe Fatimid caliphate was a racial ac tor in “Abd al-Rahman II's (t. 300-850/912-961) decision to pro-