Syllbus Elec111 Reading Visual Arts
Syllbus Elec111 Reading Visual Arts
Syllbus Elec111 Reading Visual Arts
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: 1. ORIENTATION
A. Vision
1. Recite the OLFU mission-vision and policies. B. Mission
2. Identify the course content outline in Philippine Literature. C. School Policies
D. Course content
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to: Introduction to Reading Visual
2 Art
1. Define arts and visual arts Definition
2. Appreciate the role of visual arts in one’s life Types of Virtual Arts
3. Enumerate the elements of arts Principles of Artistic Composition
Basic elements of the arts
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to: Usage of Elements of Arts
Styles of Arts
1. Distinguish the usage of elements of the arts Functions of Arts
2. Apply the elements of arts in an artwork
3. Demonstrate understanding of the styles and functions of arts
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to: Tools used for visual arts
Fundamental of interpretation:
4 1. Distinguish different tools used for visual arts (film, painting, sculpture, Formal and Contextual Analysis
photography, etc.) of Virtual Art
2. Differentiate Formal and Contextual Analysis
3. Apply Formal and Contextual analysis in analyzing virtual Art
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to: Historical background of painting
in the Philippines
1. Appreciate the historical background of painting in the Philippines and in the Types of painting
world Painting Styles
5 2. Demonstrate understanding on the different types of painting Elements of Painting
3. Appreciate the painting styles and elements of painting Four basic steps in Art Criticism
4. Exhibit understanding on the four basic steps in art criticism Art criticism
5. Critique an artwork using the four basic steps in art criticism
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to: Development of sculpture outside
the Philippines (Global perspective)
1. Discuss the development of sculpture in the world
2. Demonstrate appreciation of sculpture as an art
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to: Development of sculpture outside
the Philippines
1. Explain the development of sculpture outside the Philippines Artwork Criticism
2. Critique an art work using the four basic steps in art criticism
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to: Development Types of
architectural constructions,
9 1. Identify the different types of architectural constructions materials used
2. Appreciate the Philippine Architecture The Philippine Architecture
3. Enumerate the various architectural styles Different architectural tyles
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to: Photography
concepts and elements of
10 1. Determine the concepts and elements of photography photography
2. Use the principles in conducting DIY photography at home
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to: Analyzing Photography (the four
basic steps of art criticism)
1. Explain the components of dance and the different kinds of dance Components of dance
2. Discuss how the attitude towards dance changes Changes in Attitude towards dance
Principles and kinds of Dance
Formal visual analysis: The elements & principles of composition. The Kennedy Center. (n.d.).
How to identify movie genres: Beginner’s Guide to 13 film genres - 2023. MasterClass. (n.d.).
Kennedy, M. (2023, August 16). How to use the 7 principles of art and design in Photography. ExpertPhotography.
Marcos, L., Ferianiza, M., Bermudo, p., and Yangco, A. (2010). Introduction to Humanities, Visual and Performing Arts. Manila:
Nord, L., & Hellerman, J. (2017, December 8). Watch: These are the ten tools every filmmaker should buy. No Film School.
Rose, Gillian. Visual Methodologies: An Introduction to Researching Visual Materials. Los Angeles: Sage Publications, 2012. Print.
The final grade of the student is interpreted as shown on the table below:
AVERAGE ABOVE 98.00 95.00 – 97.00 94.00 83.00 – 85.00 80.00-82.00 76.00-79.00 75.00 74.00 and below
FINAL GRADE 1.00 1.25 1.50 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 5.0
FDA (Failure due to Absences) UW (Unauthorized Withdrawal) INC (Incomplete)
AW (authorized withdrawal NFE (No Final Examination
Lecture 60%: Prelims (20%) Midterms (20%) Finals (20%) Performance Tasks (40%)