a.) Clinical
Psychological testing can uncover and assess problems quickly and accurately as to address
their needs as soon as possible with the right treatment and continue monitoring their progress
to see the effectiveness of their treatment if it is necessary for any changes to occur.
● Understanding Yourself Better - Testing with different assessments helps understand our
own minds as to get to know ourselves better on a deeper level.
● Accuracy of Diagnosis - To validate the person if they ever felt something is different
within them accurately from the tests given.
● Receiving Treatment - With the proper diagnosis given, the right treatment can be given
to improve their lifestyle and adapt to better habits or behaviors.
● Given Additional Help - Additional help can be given to the patient on areas they are still
struggling on.
b.) Industrial
● Recruitment
Prior to hiring a candidate, companies can verify their suitability via psychological testing.
Psychological testing is used to examine a prospective employee's capability for doing the job
well under difficult circumstances, in particular their capacity to work under pressure. A
psychological exam can anticipate behavior, which helps HR staff during the hiring process
● Employees
In addition to using psychological testing during the hiring process, many businesses also utilize
it to check on the ongoing suitability of their new employees for their positions. Psychometric
testing is crucial to company efficiency. It is ideal for identifying the reasons behind job failure
and risk analysis, in addition to assisting in the selection of applicants with promotion-level skills.
In addition, it aids organizations in understanding the present health and wellbeing of their
personnel, teams, and leaders, as well as the factors that both favorably and unfavorably affect
c.) Educational
● Theoretical concerns about the reliability of the test, this is used to know the accuracy or
consistency of the psychological assessment. Trait error it issues from the subjects trials
factual subjects, specifically if the subject has biases for example with their religious
belief . Method errors are the errors that arise due to issues with the way a
researcher conducts a test, experiment, or study. This type of error can occur
when the procedures or methods followed are not executed correctly or
● Validity can not only be determined by a single research but it also requires numerous
research that demonstrates the relationship between the test and behavior needed to be
measured. Validity can also be used to determine whether or not the results of an
experiment are meaningful. Maturation is a potential threat to the validity of a test,
especially in longitudinal studies or studies conducted over an extended period.
Maturation refers to the natural changes that individuals undergo as they grow,
develop, and gain life experience. These changes can impact their views, beliefs,
knowledge, skills, and behaviors over time. When studying individuals or groups
longitudinally, it's important to consider how these natural developmental
changes might affect the validity of the test.
The concept of test validity largely focuses on how effectively an instrument measures what it is
intended to measure. According to Goode and Hatt, a measuring instrument (scale, test, etc.)
has validity when it genuinely measures what it promises to measure.
analysis that finds simply that, given the elements, the nature of the continuum
cannot be anything other than what is stated. Logical validation, also known as
face validity, is nearly always employed since it naturally arises from the
with logic/face validity focuses directly on the type of behavior in which the tester
is interested.
restriction. Experts are also human, and this method can only lead to
known religious practice, might account for the discrepancies in the scale
Assessment Bias | Definition, Types & Examples - Video & Lesson Transcript. (2022,
Cherry, K. (2023, March 15). Validity in Psychology: Definition and Types. Verywell
Issues Shaping the Future and Ethics of Psychological Testing. (2020, October 19).
SEAHI Publications and Academic Journals. Retrieved August 30, 2023, from
Shukla, U. (2023, February 13). Psychological Testing and Industrial Application.