Koh 2019
Koh 2019
Koh 2019
Guest editorial
2. Introduction
So far, all the industrial revolutions that took place in the past two centuries is promoted
by altering production mode enabled by a specific emerging technology at that time
(Liao et al., 2017). The arrival of steam engine promoted the first industrial revolution; the
application of electricity led to the second revolution, and the widespread use of information
technology and electronics products support the third revolution (Liao et al., 2017). The recent
popularization of the IoT and cyber-physical system (CPS) (Khaitan and McCalley, 2014) has
attracted the attention of both enterprise and academics. Leveraging those two emerging
technologies is promising to enable the higher level of connection between information,
products and people (Ibarra et al., 2018), thereby making contributions to the current production
mode. This phenomenon is considered as the fourth industrial revolution, also known as
industry 4.0, which is about to bring about an extensive range of innovation from a variety of
digital technologies (Lu, 2017), advanced materials (Schumacher et al., 2016), innovative
products (Pereira and Romero, 2017), to new manufacturing processes (Wagner et al., 2017).
Industry 4.0 is an emerging concept deriving from technological advancement and disruptive
developments in the industrial sector worldwide in the past few years (Dallasega et al., 2017).
It defines a methodology applying emerging technologies to revolutionize the current production
that transits from machine dominant manufacturing to digital manufacturing (Oztemel and
Gursev, 2018). Some consider it as the integration of technologies such as CPS, IoT, Big Dara and
Cloud manufacturing (Pereira and Romero, 2017). However, there is a discourse arguing that
industry 4.0 is not only regarding integrating technologies but concerning the whole concept of
how to acquire, share, use, organize data and resource to make the product/service deliver faster,
cheaper, more effective and more sustainable (Piccarozzi et al., 2018).
As the interest in the Industry 4.0 research is growing rapidly, these studies do not limit
their focus on industry 4.0 itself, but seek to find the relationship between industry 4.0 and
other topics. For instance, Piccarozzi et al. (2018) try to link industry 4.0 with management
studies; Dallasega et al. (2018) investigate industry 4.0 in the context of the supply chain.
Müller et al. (2018) and Kamble et al. (2018) explore the relationship between industry 4.0 and
sustainable development.
This position paper intends to summarize the major topics in the current research
regarding Industry 4.0 and charts key thematic future research directions and paradigms.
In the following section, the paradigms and principles of industry 4.0 are concluded. Five
technologies that are widely discussed in the current research are identified and the
outcomes of industry 4.0 are discussed at the end of this position paper.
Cloud computing is a computing technology. Cloud computing centers can store and compute
a huge amount of data, therefore promoting the manufacturing and production and further
bringing organizations higher performance and lower cost (Mitra et al., 2017). Cloud
computing is supported by virtualization technology, as it provides cloud computing with
resource pooling, resource sharing, dynamic allocation, flexible extension and other
capabilities (Xu et al., 2018). Xu et al. (2018) also address the usefulness of cloud computing in
facilitating efficient data exchange and sharing. Through cloud computing, data can be stored
in either private cloud or public cloud servers, and thus cloud computing can promote
complex decision-making (Xu et al., 2018).
Cloud-based manufacturing is key to the success Industry 4.0 implementation. It enables
the modularization and service-orientation in the field of manufacturing (Xu et al., 2018),
where system orchestration and sharing of service and components are essential
considerations and are affected by modularization and service-orientation (Xu et al., 2018).
Branger and Pang (2015) assumed that cloud manufacturing is expected to be the next
paradigm in manufacturing in Industry 4.0.
IJOPM 3D printing
39,6/7/8 3D printing relies on additive manufacturing (as opposed to subtractive manufacturing).
Final products in 3D printing are built up with successive layers of materials (Oztemel and
Gursev, 2018), thus avoiding the component assembly in the production process. Additive
manufacturing techniques can make contributions to industry 4.0 in terms of offering
organizations construction advantages, as it allows to produce small batches of customized
822 products with complex and lightweight design (Kamble et al., 2018). Chen and Lin (2017)
state that the exploitation of 3D technology can optimize smart manufacturing and lean
manufacturing. However, there are technical challenges in the use of 3D printing, namely,
limited accuracy and productivity, and limited available material (Chen and Lin, 2017).
Because of the technical challenges, additive manufacturing (3D printing) is still in the initial
stage. However, once the challenges have been solved, it is expected to see wider adoption of
this technology in Industry 4.0 (Kamble et al., 2018).
Robotic systems
However, robotics has been used for production in many manufacturing industries, the
modern robotics systems are more flexible, autonomous and smart and are able to
communicate and cooperate with one another and even have learning ability (Kamble et al.,
2018), leading to the next generation of robotic systems, namely, cobot (collaborative
robots). Pei et al. (2017) state that the modern robotics can perform well in most of the
processes in the smart factory, for instance, Mueller et al. (2017) proposed that it is feasible to
use programmable dual-arm robots to efficiently distribute and allocate materials in the
assembly line. Therefore, the application of modern robots can provide the factory with cost
advantages and a wide range of capabilities (Pei et al., 2017). To ensure the safe operation of
the robotics system, a device named safety eye is equipped. Once the device has detected
any disturbance in the operation, it will stop the robot and will not reactivate the robot
before the operators remove the objects that disturb the operation (Kamble et al., 2018).
9. Conclusion
The purpose of this position paper is to summarize the major topics of recent research on
industry 4.0. First, three paradigms and six principles of industry 4.0 are identified, and five
technologies that are frequently discussed in industry 4.0 are concluded. The outcomes and
impacts of industry 4.0 are discussed at the end. In addition, the methodological approaches
in industry 4.0 research has been discussed, and future research directions and paradigms
of industry 4.0 methodological approach have been proposed.
Although industry 4.0 has been widely discussed from multiple perspectives, as Guest editorial
technology advancement still takes place constantly, thus continuously shaping the
industry and organizations, there are abundant research opportunities in this topic.
Meanwhile, with the increasingly in-depth understanding of industry 4.0, there are more
research potentials to combine industry 4.0 with other research fields, to further investigate
the industry 4.0 with a wider scope.
Lenny Koh 825
Management School, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK
Guido Orzes
Faculty of Science and Technology, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano,
Bolzano, Italy, and
Fu (Jeff ) Jia
University of York, York, UK
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Further reading
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