FI AA Cutover Activities 12.09.2021

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In S/4 HANA Takeover Assets Process

1 AS91/AS100 or LTMC ===> Creation of Take o

2 ABLDT ===> To upload assets

3 ABLDT_OI ===>

4 AB01L ===>

Group Assets
AS81 Creation of Grp assets
AS91/AS100 Creation of individual A
ABLDT ===> To upload assets

AB01L ===>
ChangeCompany code Status===> Take over status ( Ongoing-other postings

Asset Take Over Transaction Types

900 Takeover open items APC (AuC)
910 Takeover open down payments on AuC
970 Mid-Year Transfer of Accumulated Values
980 Year-End Transfer of Accumulated Values

Asset Data Transfer

Below are the sequence of AssetCutover Activities to be followed
Step1 FAA_CMP_DT Set Company Code Statu

Step2 Define Offsetting accoun

Step3 Create Takeover assets(

Step4 Post Take over asset Ba




Step5 Company Code Status

Step1 FAA_CMP_DT Set Company Code Status
Company code Status:
The following statuses

Company Code Locked:

it is no longer possible
Transfer Date : Asset Take Over date
Which date take over b
Example :

Legacy Data Transfer Status :

Document Type :
To post FI JV for Take ov

Supress Depreciation calculation :

If Indicator Not activate

If Indicator Activated:

Comment for Segment :

Giving text of the Legacy data
Specify Offsetting Account for Legacy Data Transfer

We need to specify the takeover GL


Define Transaction Types for Transfer of Open Items
Define transaction type
No action from your end

AS91 Create Master Data for Legacy Asset

Possible to create only Takeover AA Mastr
Need to extend period controls for the FY Y0


Date : 18.09.2021

Reason for dump error :

Dummy Ledger Not assigned Accounting Princ

Depreciation posted till which period in previous system ???=====> FBLDT ( Takeo

Specify Offsetting Account for Legacy Data Transfer

in S/4 HANA=====> Specifying Takeover GL in the configuration level
in ECC==========> Specifying Takeover GL in the Data entry level

Define Transaction Types for Transfer of Open Items

Takeover Assets Process steps

1 AS91/AS100/LTMC Creation of Takeover Assets

2 ABLDT to upload takeover asset value

3 AB01L to upload takeover asset value

1 AS91/AS100/LTMC Creation of Takeover Assets

Save The asset 1000 0 is created

ABLDT Upload /Post Asset take over values

its appilicable only in S/4 HANA
Values updates /post to both FI and also AA

AS91 Upload Asset

Asset Useful life
In terms dep %
Dep Reserves
Acc dep Till Prev Year
2021 till 8.2021
Acc dep till Aug 2021
NBV as on 31.08.2021

0.78884 100
0.82 100
USD to Inr
GRP currency
Hard Currency

Check Local GAP

Asset transaction was posted with document no. Y100 0001000151 in acc
Asset transaction was posted with document no. Y100 0009000000 in acc


To check other Accounting Principle

AW01N asset Explorer
Local GAP
Test Case2
Test ca Taveover assets if asset capitalisation date is current year
Current year asset take over
Asset Capitalisation date is current year , we need to bring asse
Example Asset Purchased on 01.04.2021
Golive date 05.09.2021
Takeover Asset data 31.08.2021
Dep posted in previous Aug-21 5 periods posted
Jan to dec
Asset value 100000
Useful life 10
Dep for 5 periods(Dep R 4167
NBV 95833

Process Steps

AS91 Create Take over asset with CY capitalisation date

AB01L To post asset takeover values for current year capitalisation ass
Save The asset 1001 0 is created

AB01L Asset takeover values

FB03 1000152

AW01N Asset Values

In this case Dep reserve to be accounted

ABLDT To account Dep reserve

FB03 1000153
dep area2

Test case3
Takeover asset with current year capitalisation date through ABLDT

The asset 1002 0 is created

Note: Not Possible to account for those assets capitalisation date is current year for Acc

ABLDT=====> To account current year dep

AB01L ====> To account acq value

ABLDT=====> To account current year dep

Need to follow the sequence as below
1 AB01L

1 AB01L
ABLDT To post CY Dep
===> Creation of Take over assets
( Not possible to upload asset balances)
===> To upload assets balances (Year end asset take over balance)
===> It updates both to AA and FI
To Upload AUC Balances
===> It updates both to AA and FI
To Update Mid yearAsset Balances ( To upload asset take over transactions d
===> It updates both to AA and FI

Creation of Grp assets

Creation of individual Assets and Link to Grp assets
===> To upload assets balances (Year end asset take overs)
===> It updates both to AA and FI
To Update Mid yearAsset Balances ( To upload asset take over transactions d
Ongoing-other postings allowed or Completed)

ms APC (AuC)
wn payments on AuC
of Accumulated Values
of Accumulated Values
ities to be followed
Set Company Code Status ====> Either 2( OnGoing -o
==> Doc Type( Take over po
===> Transfer Date ( Take o
Define Offsetting account for Legacy data transfer
===> Need to specify the T
Intial Upload entry :
Dr Asset
Cr Intial Balance Upload ( BS Normal GL acco

Create Takeover assets(AS91/AS100) or LTMC

====> It creates only Takeover assets and not Possible to upload asset balan

Post Take over asset Balances

It post both to Asset Accounting and also FI acconting ( Same universal docu

Dr. Asset GL
Cr. Dep reserve GL
Cr. Asset take over GL (Intial balance take over GL)
ABLDT ===> To upload assets balances (Year end asset
===> It updates both to AA and FI
ABLDT_OI ===> To Upload AUC Balances
===> It updates both to AA and FI
===> To Update Mid yearAsset Balances ( To u
===> It updates both to AA and FI

Company Code Status

====> Either 2( OnGoing -other postings allowe
e Status ====> Either 2( OnGoing -other postings
==> Doc Type( Take over postings): SA
===> Transfer Date ( Take over date) :
The following statuses are possible:

For Testing:
With this status, it is possible to reset master data an
With this status, it is no longer possible to reset mast
Deactivated: ===> Deactivation of Asset Accounting
It is not possible to post any postings at all

===> Blocked Asset Accountng

it is no longer possible to make postings on fixed asset accounts or changes
Asset Take Over date
Which date take over balance uploading into SAP
Example : Take over date : 31.08.2021
DEP posted till which period in previous system : 8.2021 ( a

fer Status :
0 In Preparation
the system allows incomplete Customizing setting

1 On Going
It allow to perform Takeover assets and Take ov
Not allowed regular asset creations and asset tr
We would recommend to use for New Impleme
2 On Going (Other Postings Allowed)
It allow to perform Takeover assets and Take ov
in addition to take over assets , It allow perform
We would recommend to use for SAP live System
Not possible to perform Take over assets
It allow perform regular asset creations an

Which doc type to be used

To post FI JV for Take over asset balance
Dr. asset
Cr. Dep reserve
Cr. Asset take Over GL ( Intial Balance Upload GL)
tion calculation :
If Indicator Not activated :
System calculates plan depreciation on real basis while creating take over ass
it may impact performance while uploading mass take over assets due to pla

If Indicator Activated:
I wouldn't calculate plan depreciation on real time basis while creating take o
Need to perform separately to calculate plan dep for take over assets through

This field is available from version 2020

Giving text of the Legacy data transfer
Define transaction types for Take Over assets
only Takeover AA Mastr and not possible to upload asset balance through AS91
Not assigned Accounting Principle
ystem ???=====> FBLDT ( Takeover upload template) in S/4 HANA
ation level
Creation of Takeover Assets
Possible to upload /create takeover assets without asset balance

to upload takeover asset values if asset capitalisation date is previous year and take over date is year end
to upload takeover asset values I for current year asset capitalisation

Creation of Takeover Assets

Possible to upload /create takeover assets without asset balance
e over values
o both FI and also AA
2018 ===> Apr 2018 to mar 2019
2019---> Apr 2019 to mar2020
2020-----> Apr 2020 to Mar 2021
2021----> Apr 2021 to Mar 2022====> CY till Au


100000 1220 1250 IAS (Y2)
in Years 10 1E+05
In terms dep % 10 10
10000 2500
10000 10000
Acc dep Till Prev Year 20000 243.9 250 10000
2021 till 8.2021 6667 81 83.333333333 22500 274.39
Acc dep till Aug 2021 26667 325 333.33333333 4167 51
73333 894 916.66666667 26667 325
73333 894

78.884 EUR
82 EUR
USD to Inr 80
t no. Y100 0001000151 in acctg princ. YP
t no. Y100 0009000000 in acctg princ. YW01
s current year

r , we need to bring asset transactions with line items ( Current year purchases in the

5 periods posted
Jan to dec
100000 100000
10 10
4167 4167
95833 95833

Create Takeover assets

To post asset takeover values

ation date 01.04.2021

nt year capitalisation assets

e through ABLDT
tion date is current year for Accumulated asset values
ke over transactions during the year )

ke over transactions during the year )

> Either 2( OnGoing -other postings allowed) or 1 On going
oc Type( Take over postings): SA
Transfer Date ( Take over date) : Which Date balance uploading into SAP

Need to specify the Take Over GL ( Intial balance upload GL account)

d ( BS Normal GL account without Open item Management)

e to upload asset balances

( Same universal document updates both to FI and AA)

lances (Year end asset take over balance)

th to AA and FI

th to AA and FI
rAsset Balances ( To upload asset take over transactions during the year )
th to AA and FI

-other postings allowed) or 0 Completed

Going -other postings allowed) or 1 On going
e over postings): SA
e ( Take over date) :
eset master data and transaction data.

ossible to reset master data and transaction data.

of Asset Accounting
t any postings at all in Asset Accounting

ccounts or changes to the asset master record in the company code.

ous system : 8.2021 ( aug 2021) that means SAP calculates dep from period 9.2021 on

te Customizing settings for the legacy data transfer (for example, the document type for

ver assets and Take over asset balances

creations and asset transactions
use for New Implementation Projects and not recomendable for Live systems
ver assets and Take over asset balances
sets , It allow perform regular asset creations and asset transactions
use for SAP live Systems

orm Take over assets

ular asset creations and asset transactions

creating take over assets

over assets due to plan dep calculation on real time basis

s while creating take over assets

ke over assets through Tcode AFAR after upoading takeover balance
nce through AS91
take over date is year end
Apr 2018 to mar 2019 Jan 2019 to march 2019 (3 periods)
Mar 2021
Mar 2022====> CY till Aug 2021 ( Till period5.2021===> 5 periods)

USD 01.01.2019

281.25 20000 IAS is only for 5 periods
52 6667
333 26667
917 73333
year purchases in the legacy system)

ading into SAP
eriod 9.2021 onwards ( We need to specify in FBLDT or FB01L)

cument type for the posting of the legacy data transfer is allowed to be missing).

Takeover Assets

Asset Data Transfer
AssetCutover Activities
Step1 Set Company Code Sta
Step2 Date Specifications

Step3 Create Takeover assets

Step4 Post fI JV for asset take

Step5 Set Company Code Sta

Step1 Set Company Code Status
0 Asset data transfer completed
Not possible to perform
Possible to post asset r
we can set this option
1 Asset data transfer not yet com
Possible to perform ta
Not possible to post a
we can set this option
2 Test company code with data t
Possible to perform ta
Possible to post asset r
we can set this option
3 Company code deactivated - la
It reprents the compa

Date Specifications
Case1 Go live date :05.01.2021
Take over date :

Two Possible cases

1 Case1 ==>

Example : Go live date

Specify Last Period Pos

2 Case2 ==>

Example : Go live date

Specify Last Period Pos

Specify Last Period Posted in Prv.System (Transf.During FY)

This step its relevant if take over date is other than yea
We need to specify depreciation posted till which perio
Dep will calculate after specified period in SAP

Step3 Create Takeover assets

Need to create asset along with Asset Balance

===> It updates onl
AS91/AS100===> It u
AS91 It creates Single asset
AS91===> Upload tools like LSMW / BDC====> to
AS100 We can upload the multiple
We can upload maxium up

OASV/F-02 Post FI JV

Dr. Building GL 1000000

Cr. Dep Reser -Building 150000
Cr. Take over GL 850000

Step1 Set Company Code Status

Date Specifications
Case1 Go live date :05.01.2021
Take over date :

Two Possible cases

1 Case1 ==>

Example : Go live date

Specify Last Period Pos

2 Case2 ==>

Example : Go live date

Specify Last Period Pos

Class example : Following Golive is during the year

Specify Last Period Posted in Prv.System (Transf.During FY)

This step its relevant if take over date is other than yea
We need to specify depreciation posted till which perio
Dep will calculate after specified period in SAP
Dep posted till period 8.2021 in previous systems
Step3 Create Takeover assets

Need to create asset along with Asset Balance

===> It updates onl
AS91/AS100===> It u
AS91 It creates Single asset
AS91===> Upload tools like LSMW / BDC====> to
AS100 We can upload the multiple
We can upload maxium up

AS91 It creates Single asset

Dep Reserves

NBV as on 31.08.2021

check the asset and analyse asset values

AS03 Display Asset Master

Check asset Values
Possible to compare dep areas
FBL3n Asset GL balance

Conclusion :
AS91 not posted any FI entry

OASV/F-02 Post FI JV
Post fI JV for asset takeovers (OASV /F-02)

Dr. Asset GL
Cr. Dep reserve GL
Cr. Asset take over GL (Intial ba

Dep area1
Asset value 100000
Dep reserve ( Till PY +cY de 26667
NBV 73333

Transaction code :OASV

Asset transaction posted with document no. 1000077

FB03 Display FI doc

FAGLL03 Check Asset GL account Balances

Ledger 0L
Step5 Set Company Code Status
0 Asset data transfer completed
Not possible to perform
Possible to post asset r
we can set this option

Test case2
Try to create Takeover asset through AS91 then observe error

Test case3 To process take over assets further then need to follow below
Step1 Set Company Code Status
Step2 Date Specifications
Specify Transfer Date/
Specify Last Period Pos
Step3 Create Takeover assets(AS91/A
Step4 Post fI JV for asset takeovers (O

Dr. Asset GL
Cr. Dep reserve GL
Cr. Asset take over GL
Step5 Set Company Code Status

Step1 Set Company Code Status

AS91 Upload Asset

Asset Useful life
In terms dep %
Dep Reserves
Acc dep Till Prev Year
2021 till 8.2021
Acc dep till Aug 2021
NBV as on 31.08.2021

The asset 20001 0 is created
FB01L/FB50L To post FI entry for Ledger specific

Ledger 0L
Pre request===> Deactivate Asset recon account types

FS00 ===> Not possible to deactiva

OAK5 To deactivate Asset recon account

FS00 Check Asset GL then observe the recon account type deactiva

Ledger Y0

Ledger Y1

Activate Asset Recon Account Types OAMK

Test case3 Taveover assets if asset capitalisation date is current year
Current year asset take over
Asset Capitalisation date is current year , we need to b
Example Asset Purchased on 01.04.2021
Golive date 05.09.2021
Takeover Asset data 31.08.2021
Dep posted in previous sys Aug-21 5 periods posted
Jan to dec
Asset value 100000 1219.5121951
Useful life 10
Dep for 5 periods(Dep Resr 4166.67 50.81300813
NBV 95833 52.083333333

Process Steps

AS91 Create Take over asset with CY capitalisation date

Just Create asst and update Current Year Dep which is
Not possible to post Asset value and dep reserve throu
we need to post asset values through AB01 or AB01L
Need to post manual FI jV through FB01L /FB50 fr curr
Save The asset 20002 0 is created

Step2 AB01L/AB01
Post FIJV for Dep reserve for CY which is posted in Previous systems
Cr. Dep reserve-Building 4167
Dr. Asset Takeover GL 4167

Save Asset transaction posted with document no. 1000080

mpany Code Status
Specify Transfer Date/Last Closed Fiscal Year ===> which da
Specify Last Period Posted in Prv.System (Transf.During FY)
Takeover assets(AS91/AS100) ====> it creates Takeover assets alo
JV for asset takeovers (OASV /F-02) FB01L/FB50L
Pre request for (F-02/FB01l/FB50L)===>need to remov
OASV===> Not required to deactivate Asset recon acco
Dr. Asset GL
Cr. Dep reserve GL
Cr. Asset take over GL (Intial balance take over GL)
mpany Code Status

nsfer completed
ssible to perform takeover assets
e to post asset regular transactions
n set this option after completing asset data transfer
nsfer not yet completed
e to perform takeover assets
ossible to post asset regular transactions
n set this option to bring the take over assets for those company code not in live
code with data transfer always allowed
e to perform takeover assets
e to post asset regular transactions
n set this option for those companies already in Live to bring both take over assets an
deactivated - later reporting allowed
ents the company not in use ( Aasset accounting not in active)
Not Possible to perform takeover assets
Not Possible to post asset regular transactions

FY ===> Jan to Dec

5.01.2021 Year end take over balances)

Take over date is year end date ( in case Golive is year beginning)
in ths case System treat the depreciation alredy posted in previous system ti
le : Go live date ==> 05.01.2021
Take over date ====>31.12.2020
in this case , System treat depreciation already accounted in previous system
y Last Period Posted in Prv.System (Transf.During FY)
Not requied to specify previous periods in the SAP

Take over date is during the year ( in case Golive date is during the year)
in ths case we need to specify , depreciation posted till which period in previ
le : Go live date ==> 05.09.2021
Take over date ====>31.08.2021
y Last Period Posted in Prv.System (Transf.During FY)
requied to specify previous periods in the SAP 8 (August)
i.e depreciated already posted till period 8(August 2021) in previous system s
s other than year end date.
d till which period in previous systems( Legacy systems)
d in SAP

Takeover assets(AS91/AS100)

It updates only in AA and NO FI entry ( No data posted to the FI)==>

AS100===> It updates only In AA, It woulnd n't create FI entry
gle asset
/ BDC====> to upload multiple assets
ad the multiple assets through Excel Sheet
ad maxium upto 5000 assets
FY ===> Jan to Dec
5.01.2021 Year end take over balances)

Take over date is year end date ( in case Golive is year beginning)
in ths case System treat the depreciation alredy posted in previous system ti
le : Go live date ==> 05.01.2021
Take over date ====>31.12.2020
in this case , System treat depreciation already accounted in previous system
y Last Period Posted in Prv.System (Transf.During FY)
Not requied to specify previous periods in the SAP
Take over date is during the year ( in case Golive date is during the year)
in ths case we need to specify , depreciation posted till which period in previ
le : Go live date ==> 05.09.2021
Take over date ====>31.08.2021
y Last Period Posted in Prv.System (Transf.During FY)
requied to specify previous periods in the SAP 8 (August)
i.e depreciated already posted till period 8(August 2021) in previous system s
s other than year end date.
d till which period in previous systems( Legacy systems)
d in SAP
Takeover assets(AS91/AS100)

It updates only in AA and NO FI entry ( No data posted to the FI)==>

AS100===> It updates only In AA, It woulnd n't create FI entry
gle asset
/ BDC====> to upload multiple assets
ad the multiple assets through Excel Sheet
ad maxium upto 5000 assets

gle asset

100000 INR Capitalisation date 01.01.2019

or FB01L/FB50L ====> Ledger
Pre request for (F-02/FB01l/FB50L)===>need to remove asset recona
OASV===> Not required to deactivate Asset recon account types
over GL (Intial balance take over GL)

Dep Area2 Dep Area3

100000 100000
26667 26667 ===> Till previous year dep(20000) +CY d
73333 73333
ode Status
nsfer completed
ssible to perform takeover assets
e to post asset regular transactions
n set this option after completing asset data transfer

hen observe error message

ed to follow below sequence of steps
ode Status

y Transfer Date/Last Closed Fiscal Year ===> which date bala

y Last Period Posted in Prv.System (Transf.During FY)
er assets(AS91/AS100) ====> it creates Takeover assets along with A
sset takeovers (OASV /F-02) FB01L/FB50L
Pre request for (F-02/FB01l/FB50L)===>need to remove asse
OASV===> Not required to deactivate Asset recon account ty

p reserve GL
et take over GL (Intial balance take over GL)
ode Status

ode Status

2018 ===> Apr 2018 to mar 2019 Jan 2019 to mar

2019---> Apr 2019 to mar2020
2020-----> Apr 2020 to Mar 2021
2021----> Apr 2021 to Mar 2022====> CY till Aug 2021 ( Till pe
Capitalisation date 01.01.2019
100000 INR 95000 100000
in Years 10 5 4
s dep % 10 20 25

3Months 4750
10000 19000 25000
10000 19000 25000
Till Prev Year 20000 42750 50000
6666.67 7916.67 16667 IAS is only for 5 p
till Aug 2021 26667 50667 66667
73333 44333 33333
Till period=======>8 periods===>
or Ledger specific entries

on account types for Asset GL accounts

sible to deactivate asset recon account type if GL account having transactions

set recon account Types

ount type deactivated
s current year

r , we need to bring asset transactions with line items ( Current year purchases in the

ods posted
Jan to dec
100000 100000
10 10
4166.7 4166.7
95833.3 95833.3

Create Takeover assets

To post asset takeover values

sation date 01.04.2021

ar Dep which is accounted in previous system
ep reserve through AS91 take over option if capitalisatin date is current year
AB01 or AB01L
01L /FB50 fr current year dep and Dep reserve
===> which date balance uploading into sap
===> till which period dep posted in the previous systems
keover assets along with Asset balances and NO FI entry generates

=>need to remove asset reconaccount type

Asset recon account types

e not in live
ke over assets and regular transactions


revious system till end of previous fy

previous system till Dec 2020 and SAP calculates depreciation from Jan 2021 in SAP

ng the year)
h period in previous systems then sap calcuates depreciation after specified period

8 (August)
revious system so SAP system calculates deprecation from period 6.2021(September

revious system till end of previous fy

previous system till Dec 2020 and SAP calculates depreciation from Jan 2021 in SAP
ng the year)
h period in previous systems then sap calcuates depreciation after specified period

8 (August)
revious system so SAP system calculates deprecation from period 9.2021(September
====> Ledger Specific Postings ====> To post different values for different Ledgers
ove asset reconaccount type
count types
dep(20000) +CY dep till Perd8.2021 accounted in previous system (6667)
> which date balance uploading into sap
===> till which period dep posted in the previous systems
sets along with Asset balances and NO FI entry generates
to remove asset reconaccount type
econ account types

Jan 2019 to march 2019 (3 periods)

ll Aug 2021 ( Till period5.2021===> 5 periods)

IAS is only for 5 periods
purchases in the legacy system)

ent year
Jan 2021 in SAP

pecified period

2021(September 2021) onwards

Jan 2021 in SAP
pecified period

2021(September 2021) onwards

fferent Ledgers
Takeover Assets

Asset Data Transfer
AssetCutover Activities
Step1 Set Company Code Status
Step2 Date Specifications
Specify Transfer Da
Specify Last Period
Step3 Create Takeover assets(AS91/AS
Step4 Post fI JV for asset takeovers (OA

Dr. Asset GL
Cr. Dep reserve GL
Cr. Asset take over
Step5 Set Company Code Status
Step1 Set Company Code Status
0 Asset data transfer completed
Not possible to perform takeove
Possible to post asset regular tra
we can set this option after com
1 Asset data transfer not yet completed
Possible to perform takeover ass
Not possible to post asset regula
we can set this option to bring th
2 Test company code with data transfer a
Possible to perform takeover ass
Possible to post asset regular tra
we can set this option for those
3 Company code deactivated - later repor
It reprents the company not in u
Not Possible to per
Not Possible to pos

Date Specifications
Case1 Go live date :05.01.2021
Take over date :

Two Possible cases

1 Case1 ==> Take over date is y
in ths case System
Example : Go live date ==> 05.01
Take over date ==
in this case , Syste
Specify Last Period Posted in Prv
Not requied to sp

2 Case2 ==> Take over date is d

in ths case we nee
Example : Go live date ==> 05.09
Take over date ==
Specify Last Period Posted in Prv
requied to specif
i.e depreciated alre

Specify Last Period Posted in Prv.System (Transf.During FY)

This step its relevant if take over date is other than year end dat
We need to specify depreciation posted till which period in prev
Dep will calculate after specified period in SAP

Step3 Create Takeover assets(AS91/AS

Need to create asset along with Asset Balance

===> It updates only in AA an
AS91/AS100===> It updates o
AS91 It creates Single asset
AS91===> Upload tools like LSMW / BDC====> to upload
AS100 We can upload the multiple assets t
We can upload maxium upto 5000


Dr. Building GL 1000000

Cr. Dep Reser -Building 150000
Cr. Take over GL 850000
Code Status

Specify Transfer Date/Last Closed Fiscal Year ===> which date balance up
Specify Last Period Posted in Prv.System (Transf.During FY) ===> till which
ver assets(AS91/AS100) ====> it creates Takeover assets along with Asse
asset takeovers (OASV /F-02) FB01L/FB50L
Pre request for (F-02/FB01l/FB50L)===>need to remove asset re
OASV===> Not required to deactivate Asset recon account type
Dr. Asset GL
Cr. Dep reserve GL
Cr. Asset take over GL (Intial balance take over GL)
Code Status

o perform takeover assets
ost asset regular transactions
his option after completing asset data transfer
not yet completed
erform takeover assets
to post asset regular transactions
his option to bring the take over assets for those company code not in live
with data transfer always allowed
erform takeover assets
ost asset regular transactions
his option for those companies already in Live to bring both take over assets and regu
tivated - later reporting allowed
e company not in use ( Aasset accounting not in active)
Not Possible to perform takeover assets
Not Possible to post asset regular transactions

FY ===> Jan to Dec

Year end take over balances)

Take over date is year end date ( in case Golive is year beginning)
in ths case System treat the depreciation alredy posted in previous system till end o
live date ==> 05.01.2021
Take over date ====>31.12.2020
in this case , System treat depreciation already accounted in previous system till De
eriod Posted in Prv.System (Transf.During FY)
Not requied to specify previous periods in the SAP

Take over date is during the year ( in case Golive date is during the year)
in ths case we need to specify , depreciation posted till which period in previous sys
live date ==> 05.09.2021
Take over date ====>31.08.2021
eriod Posted in Prv.System (Transf.During FY)
requied to specify previous periods in the SAP 8 (August)
i.e depreciated already posted till period 8(August 2021) in previous system so SAP s
er than year end date.
which period in previous systems( Legacy systems)

ver assets(AS91/AS100)

dates only in AA and NO FI entry ( No data posted to the FI)==>

===> It updates only In AA, It woulnd n't create FI entry

C====> to upload multiple assets

e multiple assets through Excel Sheet
axium upto 5000 assets
date balance uploading into sap
===> till which period dep posted in the previous systems
s along with Asset balances and NO FI entry generates

o remove asset reconaccount type

con account types
r assets and regular transactions

s system till end of previous fy

ous system till Dec 2020 and SAP calculates depreciation from Jan 2021 in SAP

od in previous systems then sap calcuates depreciation after specified period

s system so SAP system calculates deprecation from period 6.2021(September 2021)

021 in SAP

d period

September 2021) onwards

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