PG 43
PG 43
PG 43
NSO Worksheet II
are the seeds of _________.
a) Banana
b) Papaya
c) Watermelon
d) Onion
A) B) c) D)Both A and B
A) B) c) d) All of these
The hen in the picture has laid its egg and the chicks are going to come out any time.
Would the chicks also have a beak like their parent?
14. A) Yes
B) No
C) Beaks will be visible after a year
D) None of the above
15. Look at the picture and Identify the natural nonliving thing
A) Coconut tree
B) Boat
C) Oar
D) River
A man lives in a place where it is very hot and water is very scarce.
What kind of plant should he grow?
A) Mango tree
B) Cactus
C) Banana tree
D) Coconut tree
17. Look at the picture and confirm the kind of a person he is based on his eating habits.
A) Vegetarian
B) Non-Vegetarian
C) Eggetarian
D) Vegan
18. The parent of the girl in the picture showed her to a dentist as she had bad breath.
The dentist examined her teeth and gums properly and realized the reason for it.
A) Her tongue was red
B) One of her teeth was decaying
C) One of her teeth was not straight
D) She was suffering from tonsils
The End
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