Investigating of Sine Curve in Polar Coordinates Using Geogebra
Investigating of Sine Curve in Polar Coordinates Using Geogebra
Investigating of Sine Curve in Polar Coordinates Using Geogebra
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AIP Conference Proceedings 2542, 040006 (2022);
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© 2022 Author(s).
Investigating of Sine Curve in Polar Coordinates using
Djoko Untoro Suwarnoa)
Abstract. In daily life, some functions are circular, such as the orbit of the planets, the shape of a flower that blooms.
Curves in the form of Cartesian coordinates can be mapped into curves in polar coordinates. The Cartesian coordinate
system is used more often than polar coordinates, so students are less familiar with mathematical equations using polar
coordinates. This paper discusses the visualization of the sine wave curve at polar coordinates in the form of the effect of
wave frequency (integer and fractional frequency), the number of waves (single and multi-wave), the effect of offset using
GeoGebra. The results were obtained in the form of a curve that resembles a blooming flower. Variation of sine with
fractional frequency produces a more complex pattern than sine with integer frequency. The effect of the offset on the
curve affects the density of the center point of the curve.
Sine curves are found in many lives around us, such as the projection of rotating wheels that will form sine
functions or cosine functions. The sine curve is formed from the sin(t) equation, where t is time while the cosine curve
is formed from the cos(t) equation. Sine and cosine curves are often described in time domains and square coordinates
(Cartesian). In daily life, polar coordinates are found in the form of circular natural objects such as flowers. The
application of the polar form is also found in recording in spirals, antenna radiation patterns, planetary orbitals, etc.
The exploration of polar coordinates using GeoGebra was carried out by [1–3]. The reason for using GeoGebra in this
research is that GeoGebra is a web-based tool for teaching and learning Mathematics. GeoGebra is a free digital tool
for class activities, graphing, geometry, collaborative whiteboard, and more.
The novelty of this research is reviewed from the GeoGebra community, including Nick Benallo Polar Graphics
2021, Tim Brzezinski Polar Coordinate (intro) 2016, AB Corn Polar Grapher with Transformations 2014. This study
discussed the representation of sine curves in polar coordinates using GeoGebra. In this study is the influence of the
number of sine waves on the polar graph, the influence of sine amplitude on the polar graph, the construction protocol
on GeoGebra.
A polar coordinate graph with a grid of circles that shows the radius and angular line representing angles from 0
to 2𝜋 radians is shown in Fig. 1. The angle is repeating when the angle is more than 2π. Waves in the time function
are mapped in polar coordinates with 0 < t < 2π, as seen in Fig. 2, where the function y = sin(3t) is mapped into polar
form r = sin(3t), where q = t.
The 4th International Conference on Science and Science Education (IConSSE 2021)
AIP Conf. Proc. 2542, 040007-1–040007-6;
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-4259-7/$30.00
FIGURE 1. 2D polar coordinate system.
(a) Function y = sin(3t) in the form of (b) Function r = sin(3t), where q = t in polar
Cartesian coordinate coordinate
FIGURE 2. A function in Cartesian and polar coordinates.
The construction protocol using GeoGebra for drawing the function y = sin(3t) in the form of Cartesian coordinates
and polar coordinates is shown in Fig 3. Writing points in Cartesian coordinates in GeoGebra uses the format A = (x,
y) while writing points in polar coordinates use the format A = (radius, angle). Angles in GeoGebra have units of
radians, if it uses degrees, add a degree symbol by pressing [alt][o]. To get the symbol pi by pressing [alt][p], the
keyword pi is also known by GeoGebra as the constant pi. The curve command in GeoGebra is used to create curves
with parameters such as equations, limits, and increments. Command format: curve(<expression>,<var>,
This research will examine the effect of the number of frequencies of the sine function (single frequency and multi-
frequency) in polar form, the effect of frequency (fractional and integer), the effect of wave count, the effect of the
offset value on the polar form. To convert from Cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates, use equation 3.
The effect of the number of waves in the polar form is shown in Fig. 4, while the sine waves as a time-domain
function are shown in Fig. 5. shows that the period wave of N = 1 in the polar form is a petal form. This is due to the
time the amplitude is positive, the angle 0 < q < p occurs, when the amplitude is negative, the angle p < q < 2p occurs.
A negative amplitude with an angle greater than π would be a positive amplitude. For waves with N = 2 periods, each
part of the wave is depicted in polar form so that it draws with 4 petals.
FIGURE 6. Polar shapes and waveforms of y(t) = sin(t) + "sin(9t).
Figure 7(a) on the right shows the sine function y(t) = sin(1.6t) in the time domain, with a frequency of 1.6 radians
per second or having a period of 2p/1.6 or 3.92. In the polar form, it will turn into a flower with 16 petals as shown in
Fig. 7(a) on the left. The effect of adding offsets to the waves causes the waves to shift up or down. A positive offset
causes the wave to shift upwards as shown in Fig. 7(b) and Fig. 7(c). The larger the offset causes the formed curve to
decompose (no concentrated of the middle curve) as shown in Fig. 7(c). The effect of offset on the curved petal is that
the center of the flower will bloom more [4], as shown in Fig. 8.
The general sine function equation is
y(t) = A sin(ωt + φ) + offset,
where A is the amplitude, ω is the frequency or number of waves per second, phase φ is the shift of the curve towards
the time axis, while the offset will shift the curve to the y axis. The offset position is shown in Fig 9. The offset does
not change the curve shape in Cartesian coordinates but rather shifts the curve up or down. The effect on the polar
shape will be different, that is, the curve is getting further away from the center point.
Table 1 shows the effect of the sine frequency on the image formed in the polar form. The sine frequency starts
from 1 Hz to 5 Hz in 0.1Hz increments. A sine with an integer frequency produces a simple pattern, while a sine with
a fractional frequency produces a more complicated pattern. A sine curve with a fractional frequency will be depicted
completely when the multiple of the fractional frequency becomes an integer. For example, with a frequency of 2.4
rad/s, the curve will return to its original position when it reaches 5 periods.
(a) Petal 23, offset = 0.1 (b) Petal 23, offset =0.5
Patterns formed by non-sine functions such as spiral shapes (bifilar coil shapes) are shown in Fig. 10. Eq (4) and
Eq. (5) show the GeoGebra construction protocol to create a spiral with a spacing of 1, with the center point at point
O and the number of turns N.
𝑦(𝑡) = $% (4)
Curve((𝑦(𝑡); 𝑡), 𝑡, 0, 2𝜋𝑁) (5)
The results of research and experiment can be concluded as follows:
1. Curves in Cartesian coordinatesare converted into curves in polar coordinate by changing the time axis of the
Cartesian coordinate to angles at the polar coordinate.
2. Through GeoGebra, visualization of sine waves in polar coordinate is easy. Changing sine wave parameters
such as frequency, and adding offset is easy.
3. Sine waves form petals, the more waves in a 2p angle will be described as the number of petals. The number
of petals is indicated by the frequency of the sinuses. The offset value of the sine is shown as the inner circle
of the curve.
The author wishes to thank PKTC FST USD for the support and funds to be present at this seminar.
1. F. R. V. Alves, GGIJRO-Geogebra Int. J. Romania 3, 21–30 (2013).
2. T. Phan-Yamada and W. M. Yamada III, J. Math. Teach. Educ. 106, 228–233 (2012).
3. A. Mahmudi, “Pemanfaatan GeoGebra dalam pembelajaran matematika,” in Seminar Nasional LPM UNY-2011.
4. L. Ramshaw, Comput. Aided Geom. Des. 6, 323–358 (1989).
5. B. Bank, M. Giusti, J. Heintz, and L. M. Pardo, J. Complex. 21, 377–412. (2005)