FOIA Request - CREW: United States Trade Representative: Regarding Mongolia Forward's Ties To Gage LLC and Rep. Rehberg (R-MT) : 10/3/2011
FOIA Request - CREW: United States Trade Representative: Regarding Mongolia Forward's Ties To Gage LLC and Rep. Rehberg (R-MT) : 10/3/2011
FOIA Request - CREW: United States Trade Representative: Regarding Mongolia Forward's Ties To Gage LLC and Rep. Rehberg (R-MT) : 10/3/2011
citizens .for.
and ethtcs tn washtngton
October 3, 2011
By Email: [email protected] and First-Class Mail
Jacqueline Caldwell
FOIA Service Center
U.S. Trade Representative
1724 F Street, N.W. , Room 514
Washington, D.C. 20508
Re: Freedom of Information Act Request
Dear Ms. Caldwell:
Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington ("CREW") makes this request for
records, regardless of format, medium, or physical characteristics, and including electronic
records and information, audiotapes, videotapes and photographs, pursuant to the Freedom of
Information Act ("FOIA"), 5 U.S.C. 552, et seq. , and U.S. Trade Representative ("USTR")
regulations, 15 C.F.R 2004.
First, CREW seeks any and all correspondence between Representative Dennis "Denny"
Rehberg (R-MT), his Chief of Staff, Robert Joseph (Jay) Martin, or any other member of his
staff, and any employee ofUSTR from January 1, 2008, to the present regarding Mongolia
Forward or Gage LLC/Gage International. CREW further seeks any and all responses by any
employee ofUSTR to Representative Rehberg, Mr. Martin, or any other member of
Representative Rehberg's staff, during the same time period regarding these entities. Mongolia
Forward is an American company headquartered in Washington D.C. that is seeking to develop
uranium mines in Mongolia. Gage LLC (AKA Gage International) is a government affairs and
lobbying firm located in Washington D.C. that represents Mongolia Forward, the Embassy of
Mongolia, and several other American and Mongolian interests.
Second, CREW seeks any and all documents and records in any form from any office
within USTR, from January 1, 2008, to the present, regarding Mongolia Forward. This request
includes, but is not limited to, internal USTR documents, and any communication to or from any
person or entity outside USTR including, but not limited to, any member of Congress, the
Embassy ofMongolia, the U.S. Embassy in Mongolia, and any employee or employees of any
other federal agency.
Third, CREW seeks any and all documents and records in any form from any office
within USTR, from January 1, 2008, to the present, regarding Gage LLC or Gage International.
This request includes, but is not limited to, internal USTR documents, and any communication to
or from any person or entity outside USTR including, but not limited to, any member of
Congress, the Embassy of Mongolia, the U.S. Embassy in Mongolia, and any employee or
1400 Eye Street, N.W., Suite 450, Washington, D.C. 20005 I 202.408.5565 phone I 202.588.5020 fax I
Jacqueline Caldwell
October 3, 3011
Page 2
employees of any other federal agency. Gage LLC (AKA GAGE International) is a government
affairs and lobbying firm located in Washington D.C. that represents Mongolia Forward, the
Embassy of Mongolia, and several other American and Mongolian interests.
Finally, CREW also seeks any and all records of or reflecting communications from
January 1, 2008, to the present to, from, and/or between USTR officials regarding Mongolia
Forward or Gage LLC/Gage International and any and all of the following:
1) Leo A. Giacometto;
2) A.J. Rehberg;
3) Former Senator Conrad Bums;
4) Any or all individuals identified as officers, directors, or employees of Mongolia
5) Any or all individuals identified as officers, directors, or employees of Gage LLC or
Gage International.
Please search for responsive records regardless of format, medium, or physical
characteristics. Where possible, please produce records electronically, in PDF or TIF format on
a CD-ROM. We seek records of any kind, including electronic records, audiotapes, videotapes,
and photographs. Our request includes any letters, emails, facsimiles, telephone messages, voice
mail messages, and transcripts, notes, or minutes of any meetings, telephone conversations, or
discussions. Our request also includes any attachments to these records.
If it is your position that any portion of the requested records is exempt from disclosure,
CREW requests that you provide it with an index ofthose documents as required under Vaughn
v. Rosen, 484 F.2d 820 (D.C. Cir. 1973), cert. denied, 415 U.S. 977 (1972). As you are aware, a
Vaughn index must describe each document claimed as exempt with sufficient specificity "to
permit a reasoned judgment as to whether the material is actually exempt under FOIA."
Founding Church of Scientology v. Bell, 603 F.2d 945, 949 (D.C. Cir. 1979). Moreover, the
Vaughn index must "describe each document or portion thereof withheld, and for each
withholding it must discuss the consequences of supplying the sought-after information." King
v. US. Dep'tofJustice, 830 F.2d 210,223-24 (D.C. Cir. 1987) (emphasis added). Further, "the
withholding agency must supply 'a relatively detailed justification, specifically identifying the
reasons why a particular exemption is relevant and correlating those claims with the particular
part of a withheld document to which they apply."' !d. at 224 (citing Mead Data Central v. US.
Dep 't of the Air Force, 566 F .2d 242, 251 (D.C. Cir. 1977)).
In the event some portions of the requested records are properly exempt from disclosure,
please disclose any reasonably segregable non-exempt portions of the requested records. See 5
U.S.C. 552(b). If it is your position that a document contains non-exempt segments, but that
those non-exempt segments are so dispersed throughout the document as to make segregation
impossible, please state what portion of the document is non-exempt, and how the material is
Jacqueline Caldwell
October 3, 3011
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dispersed throughout the document. Mead Data Central, 566 F.2d at 261. Claims of
nonsegregability must be made with the same degree of detail as required for claims of
exemptions in a Vaughn index. If a request is denied in whole, please state specifically that it is
not reasonable to segregate portions of the record for release.
Finally, CREW welcomes the opportunity to discuss with you whether and to what extent
this request can be narrowed or modified to better enable USTR to process it within the FOIA's
deadlines. Anne Weismann, the CREW attorney handling this matter, can be reached at (202)
408-5565 or [email protected].
Fee Waiver Request
In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(4)(A)(iii) and USTR regulations, 15 C.F.R.
2004.11, CREW requests a waiver offees associated with processing this request for records.
The subject of this request concerns the operations of the federal government and the disclosures
will likely contribute to a better understanding of relevant government procedures by CREW and
the general public in a significant way. Moreover, the request is primarily and fundamentally for
non-commercial purposes. 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(4)(A)(iii). See, e.g., McClellan Ecological v.
Carlucci, 835 F.2d 1282, 1285 (9th Cir. 1987).
Specifically, these records are likely to contribute to greater public awareness about
USTR's role in supporting Mongolia Forward's efforts to develop uranium mines in Mongolia.
The USTR is responsible for, among other things, promoting American investments abroad.
CREW seeks to determine whether the USTR, possibly at the behest of members of Congress,
also worked to promote Mongolia Forward's efforts.
CREW is a non-profit corporation, organized under section 501(c)(3) ofthe Internal
Revenue Code. CREW is committed to protecting the public's right to be aware of the activities
of government officials and to ensuring the integrity of those officials. CREW uses a
combination of research, litigation, and advocacy to advance its mission. The release of
information garnered through this request is not in CREW's financial interest. CREW will
analyze the information responsive to this request, and will share its analysis with the public,
either through memoranda, reports, or press releases. In addition, CREW will disseminate any
documents it acquires from this request to the public through its website,, which also includes links to thousands of pages of documents CREW
acquired through its multiple FOIA requests as well as documents related to CREW's litigation
and agency complaints, and through
Under these circumstances, CREW satisfies fully the criteria for a fee waiver.
Jacqueline Caldwell
October 3, 3011
News Media Fee Waiver Request
CREW also asks that it not be charged search or review fees for this request because
CREW qualifies as a "representative ofthe news media" pursuant to the FOIA and USTR
regulations 15 C.F.R. 2004.9 (c). InNat'l Sec. Archive v. US. Dep'tofDefense, 880 F.2d
1381, 1386 (D.C. Cir. 1989), the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit found the
National Security Archive was a representative of the news media under the FOIA, relying on
the FOIA's legislative history, which indicates the phrase "representative of the news media" is
to be interpreted broadly; "it is critical that the phrase 'representative of the news media' be
broadly interpreted if the act is to work as expected. . .. In fact, any person or organization
which regularly publishes or disseminates information to the public ... should qualify for
waivers as a 'representative ofthe news media."' 132 Cong. Rec. S14298 (daily ed. Sept. 30,
1986) (emphasis added), cited in id.
CREW routinely and systematically disseminates information to the public in several
ways. First, CREW maintains a frequently visited website,, that
received 41,446 page views in September 2011. In addition, CREW posts all of the documents it
receives under the FOIA on, and that site has received 1,300,981 page views of
CREW's documents since April14, 2010.
Second, since May 2007 CREW has published an online newsletter, CREWCuts, that
currently has 16,281 subscribers. CREWCuts provides subscribers with regular updates
regarding CREW's activities and information the organization has received from government
entities. A complete archive of past CREWCuts is available at
http:/ /
Third, CREW publishes a blog, Citizens bloggingfor responsibility and ethics in
Washington, that reports on and analyzes newsworthy developments regarding government
ethics and corruption. The blog, located at, also provides
links that direct readers to other news articles and commentary on these issues. CREW's blog
had 3,857 page views in September 2011.
Finally, CREW has published numerous reports to educate the public about government
ethics and corruption. See The Revolving Door, a comprehensive look into the post-government
activities of24 former members of President Bush's cabinet; Record Chaos, which examines
agency compliance with electronic record keeping responsibilities; and Those Who Dared: 30
Officials Who Stood Up For Our Country. These and all other CREW's reports are available at
http:/ /
Based on these extensive publication activities, CREW qualifies for a fee waiver as a
"representative of the news media" under the FOIA and agency regulations.
Jacqueline Caldwell
October 3, 3011
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If you have any questions about this request or foresee any problems in releasing fully the
requested records on an expedited basis, please contact me at (202) 408-5565. Also, if CREW's
request for a fee waiver is not granted in full, please contact our office immediately upon making
such determination. Please send the requested records to Anne L. Weismann, Citizens for
Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, 1400 Eye Street, N.W., Suite 450, Washington, D.C.
e L. Weismann
Chief Counsel