Eye Brochure

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Glaucoma is a common eye

condition where the optic nerve,
which connects the eye to the brain,
becomes damaged.

It's usually caused by fluid building

up in the front part of the eye, which
increases pressure inside the eye and
can lead to loss of vision.

This disease is caused by the This disease is caused by the This occurs when the lens become
eyeball being too long from front to eyeball being too short from front to opaque and light cannot pass
back or the lens being too curved back or the lens being too flat and through it causing a person to
and as a result distant light rays are as a result distant light rays can become unable to see.
bent more than necessary and focus focus on the retina.
in front of the retina. This can be corrected with lens
Nearer light rays are focused behind removing surgery or appropriate
Nearer light rays are focused on the the retina. This can be corrected spectacles.
retina therefore are seen much using convex lens.
clearer than distant ones. Concave
Lens can help to correct this.

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