Class 12 Maths: Project Work

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Project Work

Class 12
Activity 1
To demonstrate a function which is Cardboard. nails, strings, adhesive
not one-one but is onto. and plastic strips.
1. Paste a plastic strip on the left hand side of the cardboard and fix three nails
on it as shown in the Fig.3.1. Name the nails on the strip as I. 2 and 3.
2. Paste another strip on the right hand side of the cardboard and fix two nails in
the plastic strip as shown in Fig.3.2. Name the nails on the strip as a and b.
3. Join nails on the left strip to the nails on the right strip as shown in Fig. 3.3.

•I V 1.

•2 2•

_J..-~--r-- •b
•3 3•
Fl1. 3.1 Fla· 3.1 Fl1. 3.3

1. Take the set X = { 1, 2, 3 }
2. Take the set Y = {a, b }
3. Join (correspondence) elements of X to the elements of Y as shown in Fig. 3.3
I. The image of the element I of X in Y is _ _ __
The image of the element 2 of X in Y is _ _ __

The Image of the element 3 of X Is .......

2. The lma1es of distinct elements of X are not distinct, so It Is not one-one
3. Every element of Y Is the Image of some element of X, so It is onto


The p,en function Is not one-one but Is onto function.

This adlvlty can be used to demonstarate the concept of one-one and onto

X y

Model Guidelines
I/ You have to make 1 model for each activity.

II/ You can use Mount board or card board and also the required
material required what you have written.

iii/ The size of the model will be 1.5 ft by 1 ft.

Activity 2

Ou.cnvE M.t'IDIALRr.Qumm
To verify that the relation R in the set A piece of plywood. some pieces of
L of all lines in a plane, defined by wires (8), nails, white paper, glue etc.
R = {(/, m) : l .L m} is symmetric but
neither reflexive nor tramitive.

Mnlloo OF CoNsnlucnON
Take a piece of plywood and paste a white paper on it. Fix the wires randomly
on the plywood with the help of nails such that some of them are parallel,
some are perpendicular to each other and some are inclined as shown in


1. Let the wires represent the lines 11, / 2, •••• / 1 •

2. I, is perpendicular to each of the lines 12, 13, / 4• (sec Fig. l)

3. 16 is perpendicular to 17•
4. 12 is parallel to 13, 13 is parallel to 14 and l, is parallel to 11•
5. (1 1, 12), (11, 13), (11, I), (16, 17) e R
I. In Fig. l, no line is perpendicular to itself, so the relation
R = (( l, m) : l l. m) _ reflexive (is/is not).
2. In Fig. I, 11 l.'2. Is '2 l. 11 ? _ _ (Yes/No)

Similarly, l, l. 11 • Is 11 l. l,? _ _ (Yes/No)

(l3,l1)e R~(l1,l3) __ R (t!/e)

Also, 16 l. J,. Is', l.16? _ _ (Yes/No)

(16,',)E R..,.(1,.1.) _ _ R (t!/E)

The relation R .... symmmic (is/is not)

3. In Fig. I, '2 l. 11 and l 1l. l 3 • Is 12 l. 131 ... (Yes/No)

i.e., ('2, I,) E Rand (I,. I,) E R ~ ('2, I,) - - R (t!/E)

The relation R ··- transitive (isflS not).

The liven relation R Is symmetric but neither nflexlve nor transitive.

This activity can be used to check whathlr a llven relation Is an equlvlllence

relation or not.

---- - - - . --- ---- - -- --
Activity 3
OamcnvE MA'IDW. Rr.Qumm
To verify that the relation R in the set A piece of plywood. some pieces of
L of all lines in a plane. defined by wire (8). plywood. nails. white paper.
R = {( I. m) : Ill m) is an equivalence glue.

Take a piece of plywood ofconvenient siz.e and paste a white paper on it. Fix
the wires randomly on the plywood with the help of nails such that some of
them are puallel. some are perpendicular to each other and some are inclined
as shown in Fig. 2.


I. Let the wires ,.aent lhe lines 11• 4- ...• la·
2. /1 is perpendicular to each of the lines 12• I>. 14 (sec Fig. 2).

3. 16 is perpendicular to 17•
4. 12 is parallel to 13, 13 is parallel to 14 and 15 is parallel to 11•
5. (l'l' 13) , (13, I), (I,. 11), e R

I . In Fig. 2, every line is parallel to itself. So tbc relation R = {( I, m) : Ill m)
.... reflexive relation (is/is not)
2. In Fig. 2, observe that '211'3 . Is 13 ••• 12? (1/ II)
So, (12,l.)e R•(l3,12) ... R (e/e)
Similarly, 13 1114• Is 14 .. J3? C,I II )
So, (13,l)e R•(l4,13) . .. R (e/e)
and (I,, I,) E R ⇒ (I,, I,) ... R (e/e)
.·. The relation R ... symmetric relation (is/is not)
3. In Fig. 2. observe that 12 11 13 and 13 1114• Is 12 ... 14 ? (II/ II )
So, (4, /3) e Rand (13, 14) e R ⇒ (12, 14) ••• R (e/f)

Similarly, 13 II 14 and 14 1112• Is 13 ••• 12 ? OI'/ II )

So, ('3, I) e R, (14, 12) e R • (I,, 12) ••• R (e,e)
Thus, the relation R ... tnmsitivc relation (isf11 not)
Hence, the relation R is reflexive, symmcbic and transitive. So, R is an
equivalence relation.
The atven relation R Is equivalence relation.

This activity Is useful In understandl111 the concept of an equivalence



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Activity 4
OalEcnvE MA'IDW.Rl:Qumm
To demonstrate a function which is Cardboard, nails, strings, adhesive
one-one but not onto. and plastic strips.

1. Paste a plastic strip on the left hand side of the cardboard and fix two nails
in it as shown in the Fig. 4.1. Name the nails as a and b.
2. Paste another strip on the right hand side of the cardboard and fix three
nails on it as shown in the Fig. 4.2. Name the nails on the right strip as
1, 2 and 3.
3. Join nails on the left strip to 1he nails on the right strip • shown in the Fig. 4.3.

•2 •2

,. •3 •3

1. Take the set X = {a, b}
2. Take the set Y = ( 1, 2, 3 }.
3. Join elements of X to the elements of Y as shown in Fig. 4.3.

I. The image of the element a of X in Y is _ _ _ _ _.
The image of the element b of X in Y is _ _ _ __

So, the Fig. 4.3 represents a _ _ _ _ _ _ __

2. Every element in X has a _ _ _ _ image in Y. So, the function is
_ _ _ _ _ (one-one/not one-one).
3. The pre-image of the element I of Yin X _ _ _ _ (exists/does not
exist). So, the function is _ _ _ _ (ontdnot onto).

Thus, Fig. 4.3 represents a function which is _ _ _ but not onto.

The 11Nn function Is one-one but not onto flmctlon.

This activi ty can be UNCI to d1mo..str1t1 the concept of one Gile but not onto



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'b •
- - --- -- - - --

--· - · --- - --
I would like to express my special thanks of
aratitude to my ~a.t"s teacher (Name of the
teacher) who gave me a golden opportunity to do
this project and also provided support in completing
in my Rroject .
I would also like to extend my 1ratitudeto our
Principal " (Name of the principal) for providin1 me
with all the facilities that were required.

Your Name
Your Class

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