40 Gb:s DWDM Structure With Optical Phase Configuration For Long-Haul Transmission System

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J. Opt. Commun.

2016; aop

Hsiu-Sheng Lin* and Po-Chou Lai

40 Gb/s DWDM Structure with Optical Phase

Configuration for Long-Haul Transmission System
DOI 10.1515/joc-2016-0019 many wavelengths and high bit rates being multiplexed
Submitted/Received February 20, 2016; revised March 25, 2016; in a fiber.
accepted April 11, 2016 The dispersion compensation fiber (DCF) feature is a
Abstract: We propose the experimental transport of 48 dispersion compensation technology that almost comple-
channels with 40 Gbit/s dense wavelength-division multi- tely compensates for accumulated positive dispersion over
plexing (DWDM) system that uses single-mode fiber a wide range of wavelengths. Using the DCF as a dispersion
(SMF) in combination with dispersion compensation compensation device has been proposed to improve the
fiber (DCF) which is a dispersion compensation device, system’s performance. The DCF parameter value includes
in C and L band wavelength range to solve the dispersion a loss value of 0.5 dB/km, an effective area of 22 μm2 and a
program. The DWDM system scheme employing single dispersion value of –85 ps/nm/km. The differential phase-
Mach–Zehnder modulation (MZM) return-to-zero differen- shift keying (DPSK) format in a high-speed optical commu-
tial phase-shift keying (RZ-DPSK) modulation format with nication system carries signal information by an optical
hybrid Raman/EDFA (Erbium-doped fiber amplifier) con- phase change bit, due to DPSK 3 dB having a lower require-
figuration to improve transmission signal, and employing ment for an optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR) than an on–
an optical phase conjugation (OPC) configuration in the off keying (OOK) signal when using a balanced receiver. The
middle line. That can compensate for dispersion impair- return-to-zero (RZ) modulation format possesses greater
ment and improve nonlinear effects to investigate trans- advantages in operating with high input powers and high
mission distance performances. receiver sensitivity than the conventional non-return-to-
zero (NRZ) modulation format. The optical signal of RZ-
Keywords: dense wavelength-division multiplexing DPSK modulation format is generated by two cascaded
(DWDM), Mach–Zehnder modulation (MZM), return-to- Mach–Zehnder modulators (MZMs), one is used for phase
zero differential phase-shift keying (RZ-DPSK), single- modulation referred to as E/O phase modulator, and the
mode fiber (SMF), dispersion compensation fiber (DCF), other is used for pulse carving out of NRZ-DPSK optical
optical phase conjugation (OPC) signals referred to as an E/O intensity modulator.
We proposed a novel system to generate RZ-DPSK
PACS® (2010). 42.79.Sz
signal that only one MZM modulator and the use of an
electronic component to replace the pulse carving in the
1 Introduction second MZM modulator. The system is to generate an
electrically pulse-carved bipolar signal, where “ + 1” state
To resolve the bandwidth exhaustion and enable multiple corresponds to “0” phase and “–1” state corresponds to
services in optical communication system, more than one “π” phase [3]. The single MZM for generating RZ-DPSK
wavelength has been multiplexed in the same fiber using output signal is the same as the RZ-DPSK modulation
dense wavelength-division multiplexing (DWDM) technol- generating signal that reduces modulation system complex
ogy [1, 2]. The DWDM system involves transport technology for long-distance transmission effectively [4, 5].
that enables many aggregate wavelengths to move over a
single fiber. It can work for long-haul distances, with
2 The specific optical phase conjugation
*Corresponding author: Hsiu-Sheng Lin, Institute of Computer
Communication Engineering, National Taipei University of Dispersion impairment and nonlinear effects can limit the
Technology, Rm. 1, 6F., No. 111, Sec. 2, Daye Rd., Taoyuan Dist., transmission distance. However, modulation formats in
Taoyuan City 330, Taiwan, R.O.C., E-mail: [email protected]
optical communication system suffers from the impact of
Po-Chou Lai, Department of Electronic Engineering Department of
Electronic Engineering, National Taipei University of Technology, 1,
dispersion and nonlinear effects. A novel scheme for imple-
Sec.3, Chung-Hsiao, E. Rd., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., menting optical phase conjugation (OPC) is proposed. It is a
E-mail: [email protected] new method to compensate for the dispersion impairment

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2 H.-S. Lin and P.-C. Lai: 40 Gb/s DWDM Structure with Optical Phase Configuration

and reduce the nonlinear effects in long-haul optical com- 0

munication system [6–8]. Laser pump Data signal
1,555.7 nm 1,558.2 nm
The OPC is a novel scheme to compensate for the
nonlinear effects and dispersion impairment with conven-
tional compensation formats. The spectrum data signal of

Intensity (dB)
Conjugate signal
OPC is inverted in the middle optical communication trans- –20 1,553.3 nm
mission system. Employing the OPC scheme, the accumu-
lated dispersion and nonlinear effects in the middle part of –30
the transmission are degraded. It has been proven that OPC
by four-wave mixing (FWM) can fully compensate for the
dispersion impairment and reduce nonlinear effects at a
40 Gb/s RZ-DPSK transmission system [9].
1,552 1,554 1,556 1,558 1,560
Wavelength (nm)
2.1 The principle of OPC
Figure 2: The optical spectrum of OPC after the SOA.
The simplest way to understand how OPC can compen-
sate the dispersion impairment is by formula (1): Figure 2 shows the new optical spectrum signal after the
SOA. The input data signal is combined with the amplified
∂A* iβ2 ∂2 A* β3 ∂3 A* output of a dispersion fiber brag (DFB) pump laser and
− − = 0, (1)
∂Z 2 ∂t2 6 ∂t2 injected into the SOA. The input data signal is 1,558.2 nm
where A* is the phase conjugated field and β2 is the and the DFB pump laser is 1,555.7 nm conjugated to gener-
dispersion parameter. The formula shows the phase con- ate one FWM signal at 1,553.3 nm. The FWM has an inverted
jugated field A* produces the sign reversed with the dis- optical spectrum from the input data signal. By the process,
persion parameter β2 . With the OPC in the middle of the the signal of the accumulated dispersion is also inverted.
transmission system, the dispersion acquired over the After the conversion process, the pump signal was
first half will be exactly compensated for in the second removed by a fiber Bragg grating (FBG). The band-pass
half of the link. Since the β3 term does not change the filter (BPF) mainly filters the converted data signal to
sign, the OPC cannot compensate for the third-order dis- receiver and detects using a bit error rate (BER) detector.
persion. The pulse shape is restored to the input form, The isolator component mainly prevents the signal from
and the input data signal is completely recovered, thus a being refracted by the FBG back into the SOA to reduce
phase reversal signal induced by the OPC. The signal SOA damage.
spectrum after the OPC becomes the mirror signal of the
input spectrum. Therefore, the OPC implements in the
middle span can compensate for the dispersion impair- 3 Experimental structure
ment and nonlinear effects simultaneously.
Figure 1 shows the basic OPC configuration; the OPC The block shown in Figure 3 is the proposed single
of the input data signal and pump laser signal are con- MZM modulator to generate RZ-DPSK signal structure.
jugated by FWM after a semiconductor optical amplifier
(SOA) generates a new optical spectrum signal.

Input data signal Isolator FBG EDFA BPF
1,558.2 nm
Data out Low-pass
SOA Gaussian
Clock Time

Laser Output
1,555.7 nm diode

Figure 1: The basic OPC configuration. Figure 3: The block of the Single MZM gererate RZ-DPSK signal.

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H.-S. Lin and P.-C. Lai: 40 Gb/s DWDM Structure with Optical Phase Configuration 3

The input differential precoded data with divider is Figure 6 shows the 48-channel DWDM system
separated into two parts, one is sent to the input of scheme at 40 Gb/s employing single MZM RZ-DPSK
the XOR gate and the other 40 Gb/s signal is sent with transmission of single-mode fiber (SMF) and DCF for
a certain time delay into the XOR gate. The other signal long-haul transmission and using OPC in the middle
is combined with the output of the XOR gate. The output transmission scheme for dispersion compensation and
signal is passed to low-pass Gaussian filter (LPGF) to improve nonlinear effects [10, 11].
generate a pulse-carved bipolar signal and through At the transmitter, the output signals of 48 contin-
amplifier to drive single MZM to generate RZ-DPSK uous-wave (CW) lasers on a 50 GHz are coupled by
signal. using a multiplexer device. The modulation signal
Figure 4 shows the time domains of single MZM uses a single MZM RZ-DPSK format to generate an RZ-
RZ-DPSK. The data waveform is the precoded data sig- DPSK signal output. The wavelength range of 48 chan-
nal, the clock is 40 Gb/s signal with delay time and the nels is from 1,540 to 1,558.8 nm and the injected power
XOR output waveform is a combination of delay signal of 48-channel laser source using 1 mW (0 dBm). The
and precoded data signal. The combiner output wave- signal transmission part employing 100 km SMF and
form generates the differential signal with high level of 20 km DCF for one span transmission distance and
“1” and low level of “–1.” employing hybrid amplifier included two pump lasers
Raman fiber amplifier and EDFA to improve the trans-
mission impairment.
1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 In the middle of the transmission distance, OPC con-
DATA(A) figuration is employed to compensate for the accumu-
lated dispersion impairment and improve nonlinear
Clock(B) effects for long-haul optical communication performance.
XOR The OPC as a novel configuration can be utilized to
output(C) compensate for accumulated dispersion and nonlinear
Combiner effects in the DWDM system. The spectrum data signal
from the OPC is inverted by FWM effects after an SOA in
the middle of the optical communication transmission
output(E) system. The injected current of the SOA is set to 750 mA,
and the length of SOA is 2 mm [12, 13]. The input data
Modulator 0 π 0 π 0 0 π π π 0 π signal at 1,558.2 nm and the DFB pump laser at 1,555.7 nm
are conjugated to generate an FWM signal at 1,555.3 nm.
Figure 4: The signal MZM RZ-DPSK time domains. The FWM effect generates the inverted optical spectrum
signal by input data signal and DFB pump laser.
After the conversion phenomenon, the pump noise
The filter output waveform employs the LPGF to generate signal is removed by an FBG. The isolator device mainly
bipolar signal and the signal input into the MZM modulator prevents the signal from being refracted by the FBG back
to generate RZ-DPSK signal. The modulator output wave- into the SOA device. The noise of the converted data
form of “1” state corresponds to “0” phase and “0” state signal is removed utilizing an 8 nm BPF.
corresponds to “π” phase that have the same signal as the Figure 7 illustrates the spectrum signal before the
conventional RZ-DPSK signal output. SOA device. The input data signal generates power of –
Figure 5 shows single MZM RZ-DPSK time domains. 24.12 dBm at 1,558.2 nm and the laser pump signal gen-
Figure 5(a) is the different precoded data signal, erates power of 11.8 dBm at 1,555.7 nm.
Figure 5(b) is the 40 Gb/s clock signal, Figure 5(c) Figure 8 illustrates the spectrum signal after the SOA
shows the XOR output waveform combined with time device. In the middle of the long-haul transmission link,
delay signal and precoded data signal, Figure 5(d) is the the OPC configuration was accomplished by FWM effects
combined output waveform to generate the differential in an SOA device.
signal with high level of “1” and low level of “–1,” The input data signal generates power of –10.04 dBm
Figure 5(e) is the filter output waveform employing the at 1,558.2 nm, the laser pump signal generates power of
LPGF to generate pulse-carved bipolar signal and the 18.7 dBm at 1,555.7 nm and the conjugate signal generates
Figure 5(f) is the MZM output waveform. power of –22.13 dBm at 1,553.3 nm.

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4 H.-S. Lin and P.-C. Lai: 40 Gb/s DWDM Structure with Optical Phase Configuration

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

Figure 5: The time domains waveform of single MZM RZ-DPSK. (a) The pre-coded data signal; (b) 40 Gb/s clock signal; (c) the XOR output
waveform; (d) the combiner output waveform; (e) the filter output waveform; and (f) the MZM output waveform.

By the FWM effect after SOA, the power spectrum signal Figure 10 shows 48-channel flatness efficiency of spec-
is improved to 7 dB, and the increased power can trum signal after multiplexer, the maximum power signal is
improve nonlinear effects and promote the transmission 1,557.6 nm that generates –19.38 dBm and the minimum
distance. Figure 9 shows 48-channel spectrum signal power signal is 1,542.4 nm that generates –20.12 dBm.
after multiplexer. The 48-channel flatness efficiency is ± 0.37 dB.

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H.-S. Lin and P.-C. Lai: 40 Gb/s DWDM Structure with Optical Phase Configuration 5


CH1 RZ-DPSK 100 km 20 km


Pump laser
Single MZM Laser pump coupler 1,480 nm

1,540–1,558.8 nm Span-1

Pump laser Pump laser

1,446 nm 1,452 nm

BPF FBG Isolator




1,555.7 nm

100 km 20 km Single MZM


Pump laser Single MZM

Laser pump coupler 1,480 nm RZ-DPSK Rx


Pump laser Pump laser Figure 6: The system employing OPC

1,446 nm 1,452 nm scheme transmission SMF and DCF.

Figure 7: The spectrum signal before the SOA. Figure 8: The spectrum signal after the SOA.

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6 H.-S. Lin and P.-C. Lai: 40 Gb/s DWDM Structure with Optical Phase Configuration









0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000

Distance (km)

Figure 11: The average OSNR value employing OPC with transmission

Figure 9: The spectrum signal of 48 channels after multiplexer. configuration in middle line with SMF and DCF in the
long haul at 5,040 km transmission.
The 48-channel scheme employs OPC configuration
with SMF and DCF after long haul at 5,040 km transmis-
sion; all the 48 channels Q-factor are over 6 and BERs are
all over 10−9 that corresponds to the system specification.
Figure 12 shows the 48 channels with distributed BER
value employing OPC configuration with SMF and DCF at
Flatness efficiency 0.37 dB
5,040 km transmission. Figure 13 shows the flatness effi-
ciency of spectrum signal at 2,520 km middle section. The
maximum power signal is 1,557.6 nm that generates –
20.44 dBm and the minimum power signal is 1,540 nm
that generates –27.25 dBm; the average power of 48 chan-
nels is –23.84 dBm.
Figure 14 shows the flatness efficiency of spectrum
signal after OPC configuration, the maximum power signal


Figure 10: The flatness efficiency of 48 channels after multiplexer.

4 Experimental results and discussions

The SMF transmission at 100 km and DCF transmission at 12

20 km are comprised in one span of the system transmis-
sion scheme. The experimental setup employs OPC con-
figuration with transmission fiber to measure the flatness
efficiency and OSNR value for transmission distance per- 6
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48
formance. The average OSNR value for 48 channels trans-
mitted at 600 km is 20.32 dB and at 5,040 km is 10.23 dB.
Figure 11 shows the average OSNR value employing OPC Figure 12: The 48 channels BER value with SMF and DCF at 5,040 km.

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H.-S. Lin and P.-C. Lai: 40 Gb/s DWDM Structure with Optical Phase Configuration 7

Average power –23.84 dBm

Figure 15: The best eye pattern of channel 36.

Figure 13: The flatness efficiency of spectrum signal at 2,520 km.

Average power –19.02 dBm

Figure 16: The worst eye pattern of channel 1.

The 48-channel system employs OPC configuration with

SMF and DCF at 5,040 km. Figure 15 shows channel 36 is
the best eye pattern with the BER of 5.13 × 10−20 and
Figure 14: The flatness efficiency of spectrum signal after OPC
Figure 16 shows channel 13 is the worst eye pattern with
the BER of 6.16 × 10−10.

is 1,557.2 nm that generates –8.58 dBm and the minimum

power signal is 1,540 nm that generates –27.47 dBm; the
average power of 48 channels is –19.02 dBm. 5 Conclusion
So, the 48 channels transmit SMF and DCF at 40 Gb/s
employing OPC configuration in middle section, the The proposed novel scheme of OPC configuration in the
power spectrum signal is increased at 4.82 dB; therefore, middle line can compensate for the nonlinear effects and
the increased power can improve nonlinear effects and reduce dispersion impairment to promote system perfor-
propagate long-haul transmission. mance in long-haul fiber communication system.

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8 H.-S. Lin and P.-C. Lai: 40 Gb/s DWDM Structure with Optical Phase Configuration

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