How To Configure of Quality Management in Embedded EWM

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How to Configure SAP Quality Management in

Embedded EWM

Document Version Description

1.0 First released version

How to configure embedded SAP EWM and SAP Quality Management 2

INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................4
SAP QUALITY MANAGEMENT (QM) SETTINGS .............................................................................................4
2.1 BASIC SETTINGS ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
Activate Business Transaction Event QBEXT (QM) ...................................................................................................... 4
Quality Work Center ................................................................................................................................................... 4
Process-Oriented Storage Control ............................................................................................................................... 6
Switch on Application Log ........................................................................................................................................... 7
2.2 PROCESS-SPECIFIC SETTINGS ...................................................................................................................................... 7
Inspection in Warehouse Inbound Processing ............................................................................................................ 7
Warehouse Internal Inspection ................................................................................................................................. 29

How to configure embedded SAP EWM and SAP Quality Management 3

The purpose of this document is to describe the general configuration steps required to manually set up
quality management processes in embedded EWM in S/4HANA 1909 and higher releases. It is assumed that
an EWM warehouse number and basic EWM processes e.g. inbound process are set up in the system.
In this guide we mention example warehouse number, storage types or warehouse process types that are
taken from Warehouse Management with pre-configured Processes.
This document supplements the existing Customizing documentation in the Implementation Guide (IMG) and
provides additional information where required.
This document also supplements the existing best practice process Basic Warehouse Inbound Processing
from Supplier with Quality Management (1V9). Whereas the best practice process is based on inspection
rules in this how-to guide the new option to run the quality inspection process without inspection rules
delivered with S/4HANA 1909 is described.

SAP Quality Management (QM) Settings

2.1 Basic Settings

Activate Business Transaction Event QBEXT (QM)

Access the activity as follows:

IMG Menu Quality Management → Environment → Tools → Communication

with Quality Inspection Engines → Activation of Events for
Transferring QM Data in Procurement → Activation of BTE

Transaction Code SPRO or FIBF

In the menu, select Settings → Identification → SAP Applications.

Click on message popup “Caution: The table is cross-client” ok.
Verify that Application ID QBEXT is active.

Quality Work Center

You need to assign a default quality work center to your warehouse in order to be able to repack partial
quantities into new destination HUs and close HUs as well as to print HU labels when using the partial
quantity decision functionality. For more details see topic Enter a Usage Decision in the Help Portal1.

Specify Work Center Layout

1. Access the activity as follows:

IMG Menu SCM Extended Warehouse Management → Extended Warehouse

Management → Master Data → Work Center → Specify Work
Center Layout

Transaction Code SPRO

2. Choose in toolbar New Entries.

Warehouse No. <your Whse No.> e.g. W001

How to configure embedded SAP EWM and SAP Quality Management 4

Work Center Layout QICR

Description Quality Inspection

Transaction Type 3 Quality Inspection and Count

Tab Pages in Scanner Area

Display Scannr Area [X]

Create HU [X]

Repack HU [X]

Change HU [X]

Focus on Stock [X]

Tab Pages in Detail Area

Display Detail Area [X]

Different Functions

Packing in Bin [X]

Delete HU [X]

Empty HU [X]

HU Header Chgble [X]


Display Tree Control [X]

Note: that only fields are shown in the table above where entries need to be done.
3. Save and leave.

Define Work Center

1. Access the activity as follows:

IMG Menu SCM Extended Warehouse Management → Extended Warehouse

Management → Master Data → Work Center → Define Work

Transaction Code SPRO

2. Choose in toolbar New Entries.

Warehouse No. <your Whse No.> e.g. W001

Work Center WQ01

Define Work Center

How to configure embedded SAP EWM and SAP Quality Management 5

Description Work Center - Quality Inspection

Storage Type <your storage type for the work center e.g.

Repack WPT <warehouse process type for Repack at Packing

Station e.g. P340>

Work Center Layout QICR

Save Action [x]

Note: that only fields are shown in the table above where entries need to be done.
3. Save and leave.

Assign Default Work Center for Inspection

1. Access the activity as follows:

IMG Menu SCM Extended Warehouse Management → Extended Warehouse

Management → Cross-Process Settings → Quality Management →
Inspection Results → Assign Default Work Center for Inspections

Transaction Code SPRO

2. Choose in toolbar New Entries.

Warehouse No Work Center

<your whse No.> WQ01

3. Save and leave.

Process-Oriented Storage Control

You define the external step to move quality stock to the quality work center
1. Access the activity as follows:

IMG Menu SCM Extended Warehouse Management → Extended Warehouse

Management → Cross-Process Settings → Warehouse Task →
Define Process-Oriented Storage Control

Transaction Code SPRO

4. Choose in tree of Dialog Structure Process-Oriented Storage Control and create a New Entries.

Whse Process Destination Destination Destination

Type Storage Type Storage Storage Bin
External Section
Warehouse No Step

<your whse e.g. P360 e.g. T820 e.g. S001 e.g.QUAL-I01

No.> QIS

How to configure embedded SAP EWM and SAP Quality Management 6

Switch on Application Log
Application logging records the progress of the execution of an application so that you can reconstruct it later
if necessary. Whereas the system log records system events, you can use the application log to record
application-specific events.
1. Access the activity as follows:

IMG Menu SCM Extended Warehouse Management → Extended Warehouse

Management → Settings → Application Log → Activate Application

Transaction Code /n/SCWM/ACTLOG

2. Activate Application Logs

Subobject User Log Active

QINSP <Your Value> 4 - Additional Information

QINSP_FIN_S4 <Your Value> 4 - Additional Information

3. Choose Save

2.2 Process-Specific Settings

Inspection in Warehouse Inbound Processing

Inspections After Goods Received from Goods Procured Externally

The inspection object types (IOTs) basically define on which object the inspection planning in EWM is done.
For the inspection after goods receipt inspection object type 4 is the choice. In this case the inspection
planning is done on inbound delivery item level.
Access the activity as follows:

IMG Menu SCM Extended Warehouse Management → Extended Warehouse

Management → Cross-Process Settings → Quality Management →
Basics and Integration → Define and Activate Warehouse-
Dependent IOTs

Transaction Code SPRO

4. Choose in toolbar New Entries.

Warehouse No. <your Whse No.> e.g.


Insp. Obj. Type 4

Warehouse-Dependent IOT Settings

Activ. InspObj. [X]

How to configure embedded SAP EWM and SAP Quality Management 7

Change Pr./Batch [X]

Act. Dec. [ ]

Acceptance Sampling [ ]

GR Control [ ]

Prod. Presampling [ ]

Insp. Setup Origin N No Inspection Rule

Origin of GR Control X Not Relevant

Activ. InspObj.: by selecting this checkbox you activate the selected IOT
Change Pr./Batch: by selecting this checkbox you allow changing the product or batch at usage decision.
As example a product or batch number needs to change if the quality inspection did show some minor
defects, but the product can still be sold.
Qty Chg. All.: by selecting this checkbox you allow changing the quantity of the stock item at usage
decision. In example according to the system you must do a usage decision for 5 pieces but actual only 4
pieces are available. So there is a difference between system and physical reality. You want to correct the
quantity in the system. Note: If you change the quantity you need to assign an exception code for quantity
Act. Dec.: by selecting this checkbox button Trigger Follow-Up gets displayed in the Stock-based Decision.
You would select this option if you have a two-step usage decision process. The first person proposes a
usage decision code and a second person checks the code and triggers the follow-up action. For more
details read the field help (F1 help)
Acceptance Sampling: by selecting this checkbox you activate the acceptance sampling process. For more
details read the field help (F1 help). See also the description of the Acceptance Sampling process in the SAP
Help Portal1
GR Control: by selecting this checkbox you activate the goods receipt control process. For more details read
the field help (F1 help). See also the description of the Goods Receipt Control process in the SAP Help
Prod. Presampling: by selecting this checkbox you activate the presampling in production process (in QM
also known as “Early Lot”). For more details read the field help (F1 help). See also the description of the
Presampling in Production process in the SAP Help Portal1.
Insp. Setup Origin: in the dropdown list you select where the inspection lot setup data originates from. The
recommended, simplest and newest (available since release 1909) inspection lot setup option is “N No
Inspection Rule”. For more details read the field help (F1 help). See also the description of the Configure
Quality Management Without Inspection Rules in the SAP Help Portal1.
Origin of GR Control: in the dropdown list you select where the data to control the goods receipt process
originates from. It can be either taken from the Quality Info Record or from the inspection rule. If you don’t
use goods receipt control the setting is “X Not Relevant”. See also the description of the Goods Receipt
Control process and Configure Goods Receipt Control in the SAP Help Portal1.
5. In the Dialog Structure tree on the left side choose Insp. Planning w/o Rules.
6. Choose in toolbar New Entries.

Warehouse No. <your Whse No.> e.g.


Insp. Obj. Type 4

Quality Insp Process 0

How to configure embedded SAP EWM and SAP Quality Management 8

Qlty Insp. Grp.

Insp. Planning w/o Rules

Indep. Stk Ty. QQ

External Step QIS

Quality Insp Process: you select the quality inspection process. In the case of IOT4 the processes
• Inspection after goods receipt
• Acceptance Sampling
• Presampling in Production
Are for choice.
Qlty Insp Grp.: you use this field if you have a group of materials that follow the same inspection settings.
You assign the material the attribute Quality Inspection Group either on global level in the material master
(transaction MM01) on tab Warehouse Execution or for a certain warehouse in the warehouse product
(transaction /SCWM/MAT1) on tab Whse Data.
External Step: you use this field to control the destination bin where the quality stock is putaway after goods
receipt. For more details read the field help (F1 help).
7. Save your entries and leave.
Access the activity as follows:

IMG Menu SCM Extended Warehouse Management → Extended Warehouse

Management → Cross-Process Settings → Quality Management →
Inspection Results → Maintain Follow-Up Actions

Transaction Code SPRO

Choose Define Follow-Up Actions.

Choose in Dialog Structure Define Follow-Up Actions for Inspection results.
Check that following entries are existing

Short Text EWM

FollowUP Funct Follow-Up FolUpAct

L Usage Decision for Putaway to Final Storage Bin [x]

EWM_A Inspection Lot

L Usage Decision for Putaway to Blocked Stock [x]

EWM_R Inspection Lot Area

Select each follow-up action and choose in Dialog Structure Function Modules. Check that following entry
exits. If it doesn’t exist, you need to add it

AftrPst SyncUpdt BTran Short text for function

Cntr Function Module module

[ ] [ ] EWM Logistical Follow


Choose in Dialog Structure Define Follow-Up Actions for Inspection results.

Check that following entries are existing

How to configure embedded SAP EWM and SAP Quality Management 9

Short Text EWM
FollowUP Funct Follow-Up FolUpAct

T Usage Decision for Putaway to Final Storage Bin [x]

EWM_AP Partial Lot (Part. Qn.)

T Usage Decision for Putaway to Blocked Stock [x]

EWM_RP Partial Lot Area (Part. Qn.

T Usage Decision for Scrap to Cost Center [x]

EWM_S2CC Partial Lot

T Usage Decision for Sample Consumption [x]

EWM_SMPC Partial Lot

Select each follow-up action and choose in Dialog Structure Function Modules. Check that following entry
exits. If it doesn’t exist, you need to add it

AftrPst SyncUpdt BTran Short text for function

Cntr Function Module module

[ ] [ ] Sample for follow-up

action function modules
1 QTFA_EWM_LOG_FOLLOW_UP_S4 (not executable!)


Define code groups and codes for making usage decisions to standardize the usage decision options quality
engineers have when completing an inspection lot.
1. Access the activity as follows:

IMG Menu Quality Management → Quality Inspection → Inspection Lot

Completion → Edit Code Groups and Codes for Usage Decisions

Transaction Code SPRO

2. Choose in toolbar New Entries.

Code Group Short Text for Code Status

17 EWM Inspection 2 Released

17P EWM Inspection Partial Quantity Decision 2 Released

3. Select newly created code group 17 and choose Dialog Structure Codes for Usage Decision.
4. Choose in toolbar New Entries and enter following values

Code Description

ACPT Accepted

REJC Rejected

5. Save
6. Select newly created code group 17P and choose Dialog Structure Codes for Usage Decision.

How to configure embedded SAP EWM and SAP Quality Management 10

7. Choose in toolbar New Entries and enter following values

Code Description

ACPT Accepted

REJC Rejected

S2CC Scrap to Cost Center

SMPC Sample Consumption

8. Save and leave.
Access the activity as follows:

IMG Menu Quality Management → Quality Inspection → Inspection Lot

Completion → Edit Selected Sets for Usage Decisions

Transaction Code SPRO

1. Choose in toolbar New Entries.

Plant Sel. Set Short Text Status

PL01 17 EWM Inspection 2 Released

PL01 17P EWM Inspection Partial Quantity Decision 2 Released

2. Select newly created code group PL01 17 and choose Dialog Structure Selected Set Codes for Usage
3. Choose in toolbar New Entries and enter following values

Code Group Code Valuation Code Quality Score FollowUp

17 ACPT A Accepted (ok) 100 EWM_A

17 REJC R Rejected (not ok) 0 EWM_R

4. Save
5. Select newly created code group PL01 17P and choose Dialog Structure Selected Set Codes for Usage
6. Choose in toolbar New Entries and enter following values

Code Group Code Valuation Code Quality Score FollowUp

17P ACPT A Accepted (ok) 100 EWM_AP

17P REJC R Rejected (not ok) 0 EWM_RP

17P S2CC R Rejected (not ok) 0 EWM_S2CC

17P SMPC R Rejected (not ok) 0 EWM_SMPC

7. Save and leave.

How to configure embedded SAP EWM and SAP Quality Management 11

To define the inspection types and the controls associated with the inspection type. The inspection type
determines how an inspection is to be carried out.
1. Access the activity as follows:

IMG Menu Quality Management → Quality Inspection → Inspection Lot

Creation → Maintain Inspection Types

Transaction Code SPRO

2. Verify the following Entry:

Inspection Type 01

Task List Usage 5

Short Text Goods Receipt Insp. for Purchase Order


Define default values for a material's inspection setup.
1. Access the activity as follows:

IMG Menu Quality Management → Quality Inspection → Inspection Lot

Creation → Define Default Values for Inspection Type

Transaction Code SPRO

2. Verify the following entry:

Inspection Type 01

Description Goods Receipt Insp.

for Purchase Order

Insp. by Task List [X]

Assign Specification [X]


Record Characteristic [X]


Skips Allowed [X]

Post to Inspection [X]


Insp. Lot Summary One Insp. For

Product/Batch and
Inbound Delivery

Automatic Usage [X]


How to configure embedded SAP EWM and SAP Quality Management 12

Q-Score Procedure 06 From usage
decision code

Save and leave.

Make plant-specific settings relating to quality management, for example, settings that are relevant for a specific
inspection type such as the default settings for usage decisions.

IMG Menu Quality Management → Basic Settings → Maintain Settings at Plant


Transaction Code SPRO

On Plant-Dependent QM Setting choose your plant e.g. PL01.

Navigate in Dialog Structure (tree on left side) to Inspection Type-Specific Settings for Plant.
Create following entry:

Inspection Type 01

UD Plant <your plant> e.g. PL01

UD Sel. Set 17

PL Sel. Set 17P


In this customizing activity you assign parameters to each follow-up action that control the logistical follow-up
action in EWM.
1. Access the activity as follows:

IMG Menu SCM Extended Warehouse Management → Extended Warehouse

Management → Cross-Process Settings → Quality Management →
Inspection Results → Maintain Follow-Up Actions

Transaction Code SPRO

2. Choose Define Assign Logistical Follow-Up Actions.

3. Choose in Dialog Structure on the left side Follow-Up Actions.
4. Select or mark follow-up action EWM_A.
5. Choose in Dialog Structure on the left side Assign Logistical Follow-Up Action.
6. Choose in toolbar New Entries.

Warehouse No. <your Whse No.> e.g.


Follow-Up Actn EWM_A

Insp. Obj. Type 4

Assign Logistical Follow-Up Actions

Internal Action 4 Put Away

Non-Dep.Stk Ty. FF

How to configure embedded SAP EWM and SAP Quality Management 13

Whse Proc. Type

Internal Actions: these are predefined follow-up actions. For more details read the field help (F1
Whse Proc. Type: you need to maintain a warehouse process type (WPT) if for the follow-up action
a warehouse task shall be created. Put away is an exceptional case. For put away the warehouse
process type is taken over from the inbound delivery.
7. Save your entry.
8. Repeat step 4 to 7 for follow-up action EWM_AP
9. Go back to step 3 and mark follow-up action EWM_R
10.Choose in Dialog Structure on the left side Assign Logistical Follow-Up Action.
11.Choose in toolbar New Entries.

Warehouse No. <your Whse No.> e.g.


Follow-Up Actn EWM_R

Insp. Obj. Type 4

Assign Logistical Follow-Up Actions

Internal Action 1 Blocked Stock

Non-Dep.Stk Ty. BB

Whse Proc. Type <choose a warehouse

process type for
posting stock to
scrapping and that
moves stock to the
scrapping zone>

12.Save your entry.

13.Repeat step 9 to 12 for follow-up action EWM_RP
14.Save your entry.
15.Go back to step 3 and mark follow-up action EWM_S2CC
16.Choose in Dialog Structure on the left side Assign Logistical Follow-Up Action.
17.Choose in toolbar New Entries.

Warehouse No. <your Whse No.> e.g.


Follow-Up Actn EWM_S2CC

Insp. Obj. Type 4

Assign Logistical Follow-Up Actions

How to configure embedded SAP EWM and SAP Quality Management 14

Internal Action 8 Scrap to Cost

Non-Dep.Stk Ty. BB

Movement Reason Dependent on the system

settings, you might need to
specify a reason code.

18.Save your entry

19.Go back to step 3 and mark follow-up action SMPC
20.Choose in Dialog Structure on the left side Assign Logistical Follow-Up Action.

Warehouse No. <your Whse No.> e.g.


Follow-Up Actn EWM_SMPC

Insp. Obj. Type 4

Assign Logistical Follow-Up Actions

Internal Action 9 Sample Consumption 2

Non-Dep.Stk Ty. BB

Movement Reason Dependent on the system

settings, you might need to
specify a reason code.

21.Save and leave.

Having done all settings so far, a basic quality inspection process after goods receipt can be processed.

Test Case: Inspection after goods receipt from external procurement

You have maintained and released an inspection plan in app (transaction QP01) for your material and plant.

Use this test case to verify your settings.

Step Step description Input data Expected results

1 Create Purchase Order Open Create Purchase Order - Message Standard PO

Advanced (ME21N). created under the
number… appears.

Enter following Data

Order Type: Standard PO
Vendor: e.g VEND001

Available since release S/4HANA 2020

How to configure embedded SAP EWM and SAP Quality Management 15 Current date

If the Header data is not visible,

choose Expand Header.
Choose the Org.Data tab page.
Enter the following data:
Purchasing Org.: 0001
Purchasing Group: 001
Company Code: 0001

If the Item Overview is not visible,

choose Expand Items.
Choose Default Values (lower
screen area!).
The Item Default Values dialog box
appears, make the following
Plant: e.g. PL01
Storage Location: AFS
Choose Save.

Enter the following data:

Material with active
inspection type 01 in the
inspection setup on view
Quality Management of the
material master data: e.g.

PO Quantity: 20

Choose Confirmations tab page.

Enter the following data:
Conf. Control: Inbound

then choose Enter.

Choose Enter.
If the message Order quantity
violates rounding rules (See long text)
appears, choose Enter.
If the message The effective price
is…, the article price is … appears,
choose Enter.

How to configure embedded SAP EWM and SAP Quality Management 16

Choose Enter to confirm the
message Can delivery date be met?
Choose Save.

Note down the standard PO for

later use.

2 Create Inbound Open Create Inbound Delivery Message Inbound

Delivery (VL31N). Delivery … was saved
and distributed to the
WMS appears.
Enter following data:
• Purchase Order No. noted
down in step before
• External ID: your choice
e.g. ASN<current data>-
<seq No.> ASN20160907-
Choose Continue.
Choose Save.

Note the ID of the Inbound Delivery

on your ID sheet.
Note the ASN (Delivery Note)
Number on your ID sheet.

3 Process Goods Open Change Inbound Deliveries – Goods receipt has

Receipt Deliveries (F1706). been posted and an
inspection lot has
been created.
Warehouse Number: e.g. W001
Planned Dlv. Date: Next 10 Days Putaway warehouse
task is confirmed.

Choose Filters (right upper corner).

Open Documents and enter your LE
Delivery or ASN noted down in the
last step.
Choose OK.
Choose Go.

Select the inbound delivery.

Optionally pack the inbound

delivery items by changing to tab
Unpacked Items.
Choose Create HU.
Packaging Material: e.g. EUROPALLET
Number of HUs: 5.

How to configure embedded SAP EWM and SAP Quality Management 17

Go to tab Total Items.
Click on link HUs: 1 in the item table
Note the ID of the Handling Unit on
your ID sheet.

Choose Goods Receipt.

Choose Settings for view settings of

the Items table and select column
Inspection Lot Number.

Choose Ok.

Note the ID of the Inspection Lot

Number on your ID sheet.

Choose Create Tasks.

Click on link Warehouse Tasks in the
item table.
Confirm the warehouse task.

4 Check physical stock Open the Warehouse Monitor The physical stock
for inspection lot in (/SCWM/MON) App. having a reference to
warehouse monitor the inspection lot is
Navigate in tree structure to
Documents →Inspection.
Write mouse-click and select Set
Selection Criteria (or double click)
Select your Inspection Lot.
Choose Execute.

In table Inspection choose button

Physical Stock.

5 Make Usage Decision Open the Record Usage Decision EWM posting changes
(QA11) App. have been triggered.
Putaway warehouse
Enter the Inspection Lot Number task for accepted
from the previous step decided quantities
Choose Enter. have been created.

Choose EWM Inspection on the top

right corner. Inspection lot is
Choose one of the pallets and decided.
choose on the respective button in
the column Action.
Remark: if you use
decision codes S2CC
and SMPC no reference

How to configure embedded SAP EWM and SAP Quality Management 18

Depending on the inspection result, document is allowed
you could for example enter the for the stock item. It
following partial quantity decision: means that the
storage type in which
Quantity: 4EA
you record the usage
Decision: REJC – Rejected decision needs to be
final. This restriction is
Optionally choose Decision S2CC planned to be
(scrap to cost center) or SMPC removed in future.
(sample consumption). Note in this
case you need to assign also a cost
center and reason code.
Repeat the steps for other pallets.
Confirm your changes in the EWM
Inspection screen by choosing the
Take Over Partial Lot Inspection.

Depending on the inspection result,

please make for example the
following collective usage decision
and select Choose.
Positive Result.
UD code: 17 ACPT - Accepted
Choose Yes if dialog box
Confirmation Prompt appear.
Remark: pallets for which you
didn’t assign a decision code in the
EWM Inspection will now take over
the decision code of the collective
usage decision so that the whole
inspection lot quantity now is
decided, and respective logistical
follow-up actions are triggered.

Choose Save.

6 Check partial lots of Open the Warehouse Monitor For each follow-up
inspection lot in (/SCWM/MON) App. action triggered in the
warehouse monitor EWM Inspection action
in the last step a
Navigate in tree structure to partial lot has been
Documents →Inspection. created.
Write mouse-click and select Set
Selection Criteria (or double click)
Select your Inspection Lot.
Choose Execute.

In table Inspection choose button

Partial Lot.

7 Check warehouse Open the Warehouse Monitor In table Warehouse

documents of (/SCWM/MON) App. Task all warehouse

How to configure embedded SAP EWM and SAP Quality Management 19

inspection lot in documents I.e.
warehouse monitor warehouse tasks and
Navigate in tree structure to
posting changes for
Documents →Warehouse Task.
the inspection lot are
Write mouse-click and select Set displayed.
Selection Criteria (or double click)
Select Inspection ID Type A and your
Inspection Lot.
Choose Execute.
Note the IDs of the warehouse
documents on your ID sheet.

8 Check Material Open the Display Material Document Material documents

Documents List app (MB51). are displayed
Select the material documents for
your warehouse documents by
entering in selection field Reference
a concatenation between * and
your warehouse document ID e.g.

Trouble Shooting


Check if inspection type 01 is active in your material master in the Inspection Setup on view Quality
Check if IOT 4 has been activated for your warehouse number, see chapter Define and Activate Warehouse-
Dependent IOTs (EWM)0.
Check if Business Transaction Event QBEXT is active, see 0.
Check in the qRFC Monitor (Inbound Queue) [Transaction SMQ2] if there is a hanging queue for Queue
Name: WMQF*.

Acceptance Sampling

Assign Logistical Follow-Up Actions – Acceptance Sampling (IOT4)

To define and maintain follow-up actions for an inspection outcome. These follow-up actions can be used for
quality control or only for informative purposes.

1. Access the activity as follows:

How to configure embedded SAP EWM and SAP Quality Management 20

IMG Menu SCM Extended Warehouse Management → Extended Warehouse
Management → Cross-Process Settings → Quality Management →
Inspection Results → Maintain Follow-Up Actions

Transaction Code SPRO

2. Select the Follow-Up Action previously created “EWM_AGRR” and Assign Logistical Follow-up Action;
Warehouse Number <Your Value>

Follow-Up Action EWM_AGRR

Insp. Object Type 4

Int. Foll-Up Action 7 - Allow GR After Early Inspection with


Non-Dep. Stock Type BB

Whse Process Type

Movement Reason

3. Choose Save.

Inspections After Goods Received from In-house Production

Please read also the Help Portal documentation: Navigate in the SAP Help Portal to -> Product Assistance: click on English. Navigate
to Enterprise Business Applications→ Supply Chain→ Extended Warehouse Management
(EWM)→Quality Management(→Embedded EWM3)→Inspections of Goods from In-House
Production→Inspection After Goods Receipt.
To setup the process you do the same settings as for Inspections After Goods Received from Goods
Procured Externally with the following described deviations:
You check the settings in Maintain Inspection Types (QM), Define Default Values for Inspection Type, and
Maintain Settings at Plant Level for inspection type 04.

Test Case: Inspection after goods receipt from production

Use this test case to verify your settings.
As prerequisite you have created
• a finished material FINMAT (transaction MM01)
• a BOM for production (transaction CS01) for your finished material
• a routing (transaction CA01) with one operation maintained

Additional structure element Embedded EWM available from S/4HANA 2020 FPS2 in Help Portal
documentation to group all Help Portal Pages for Quality Management belonging to embedded EWM.

How to configure embedded SAP EWM and SAP Quality Management 21

• a production version (transaction C223)
• an inspection plan for your material and plant (transaction QP01)
Execute the test case steps:

Step Step description Input data Expected results

1 Create Production Open app Create Production Order Message Order

Order (CO01). number… saved
appears in the status
Enter following Data
Material: FINMAT
Production Plant: e.g.

Order Type: PP01

Choose Continue.
On tab General enter
Total Qty: 10 EA
Type: Current date.
On tab Goods Receipt enter
following data:
Stor. Loc.: AFS (your EWM
managed storage location=

Choose Release Order.

Choose Save
Confirm warning popup Cost
If the Header data is not visible,
choose Expand Header.
Note down the order number for
later use.

2 Create inbound delivery Open app Post Goods Movement Message Delivery…
(MIGO). created appears in the
status bar.
Select Goods Receipt and

Enter your order number from

the previous step and choose the
Execute icon.

Select the item and go to tab

Reduce the quantity in field Qty in
Unit of Entry to 1 EA.
Check field Item OK.
Execute Check Entries (F7).
Choose Post (Ctrl + S).
Note down the delivery number.

How to configure embedded SAP EWM and SAP Quality Management 22

3 Post goods receipt Open Fiori app Change Inbound Success messages
Deliveries – Production. Goods receipt posted
has been display and
Select your LE Delivery number the field Inspection Lot
noted down in the previous step Number is filled with a
in your warehouse number e.g. value.
W001 for today.

Open the selected inbound

Go to tab Unpacked Items.
Select Create HU.
Enter the packaging
material e.g.
EUROPALLET and number
of HUs 1.
Choose Goods Receipt.
Choose Settings (Ctrl + .). Select
in Columns Inspection Lot Number.
Hint: you might want to save your
view by clicking o icon next to
Standard and choose Save As .
Note down the inspection lot

4 Create putaway Still in app Change Inbound Putaway warehouse

warehouse tasks Deliveries – Production with your tasks have been
inbound delivery selected. created and
Choose Create Tasks.
A link Warehouse Tasks appears in
column Warehouse Tasks.
Click on the link Warehouse Tasks.
The app Process Warehouse Tasks
– Putaway opens with your
warehouse tasks(s) selected.
Select the warehouse task(s) and
choose Confirm.

5 Record usage decision Open app Record Usage Decision The inspection lot has
(QA11). been decided.
Enter your inspection lot

Option 1: Post partial quantities

Choose EWM Inspection.

How to configure embedded SAP EWM and SAP Quality Management 23

On a popup with title Stock-based
Q-Inspection with Default Work
Center: WQ014 appears.
Select the stock item you want to
inspect and double click on it. In
the lower screen section the Qual.
Inspection view opens.
Select a Decision Code using the
search help e.g. R1 (rejected-
blocked stock).
The follow-up action code is
automatically assigned e.g.

Choose Okay (F8).

Choose UD Code e.g. A1
(accepted-unrestricted stock) for
the inspection lot in order to
complete the usage decision.
Note that all the rest quantity that
has not been decided in EWM
Inspection get this UD code and
its assigned follow-up action.
Option 2: collective usage
Without going to EWM Inspection
you enter the UD code directly
and save. The complete
inspection lot quantity follows this
usage decision.

6 See steps 6-8 in Test


Presampling in Production
Please read also the Help Portal documentation: Navigate in the SAP Help Portal to -> Product Assistance: click on English. Navigate
to Enterprise Business Applications→ Supply Chain→ Extended Warehouse Management
(EWM)→Quality Management(→Embedded EWM5)→Inspections of Goods from In-House
Production→Presampling in Production.

This depends on setting in section Assign Default Work Center for Inspection
Additional structure element Embedded EWM available from S/4HANA 2020 FPS2 in Help Portal
documentation to group all Help Portal Pages for Quality Management belonging to embedded EWM.

How to configure embedded SAP EWM and SAP Quality Management 24

To activate applications to send QM data from the material master to an EWM system in conjunction with a
Quality Inspection Engine (QIE) of SAP via Business Transaction Events.
1. Access the activity as follows:

IMG Menu Quality Management → Environment → Tools → Communication

with Quality Inspection Engines → Activation of Events for
Transferring QM Data in Procurement → Activation of BTE

Transaction Code SPRO

2. From the transaction screen follow Menu → Settings → Identification → SAP Applications
a. Note: Cross client setup when initial.
2. Select Application Indicator “QBEXTP - External Inspection Production” and check to activate.
3. Choose Save.
Access the activity as follows:

IMG Menu SCM Extended Warehouse Management → Extended Warehouse

Management → Cross-Process Settings → Quality Management →
Basics and Integration → Define and Activate Warehouse-
Dependent IOTs

Transaction Code SPRO

1. Choose in toolbar New Entries.

Warehouse No. <your Whse No.> e.g.


Insp. Obj. Type 4

Warehouse-Dependent IOT Settings

Activ. InspObj. [X]

Change Pr./Batch [X]

Act. Dec. [ ]

Acceptance Sampling [ ]

GR Control [ ]

Prod. Presampling [X]

Insp. Setup Origin N No Inspection Rule

Origin of GR Control X Not Relevant

2. In the Dialog Structure tree on the left side choose Insp. Planning w/o Rules.
3. Choose in toolbar New Entries.

How to configure embedded SAP EWM and SAP Quality Management 25

Warehouse No. <your Whse No.> e.g.

Insp. Obj. Type 4

Quality Insp Process 2

Qlty Insp. Grp.

Insp. Planning w/o Rules

Indep. Stk Ty. QQ

External Step QIS

Quality inspection process 2 is the setting for Presampling in Production.

Test Case: Presampling in Production

Use this test case to verify your settings.
As prerequisite you have created
• a finished material FINMAT (transaction MM01)
• a BOM for production (transaction CS01) for your finished material
• a routing (transaction CA01) with one operation maintained
• a production version (transaction C223)
• an inspection plan for your material and plant (transaction QP01)
It is important for Presampling in Production that you do the following setting in the material master: on the
Quality Management tab, maintain the inspection setup and specify early lot creation under Control of
Inspection Lot Creation. Activate the inspection type 04.
Execute the test case steps:

Step Step description Input data Expected results

1 Create Production Open app Create Production Order Message Order

Order (CO01). number… saved
appears in the status
Enter following Data
Check in the
Material: FINMAT application log
(transaction SLG1) for
Production Plant: e.g. object QBLEXT and
subobject PP.. for
Order Type: PP01 reference *<your
order number> that
Choose Continue.
an inspection lot has
On tab General enter been created.
Total Qty: 10 EA Note down the
inspection lot number.
Type: Current date.
On tab Goods Receipt enter
following data:
Stor. Loc.: AFS (your EWM
managed storage location=

How to configure embedded SAP EWM and SAP Quality Management 26

Choose Release Order.
Choose Save
Confirm warning popup Cost
If the Header data is not visible,
choose Expand Header.
Note down the order number for
later use.

2 Create inbound delivery Open app Post Goods Movement Message Delivery…
(MIGO). created appears in the
Select Goods Receipt and status bar.

Enter your order number from

the previous step and choose the
Execute icon.

Select the item and go to tab

Reduce the quantity in field Qty in
Unit of Entry to 1 EA.
Check field Item OK.
Execute Check Entries (F7).
Choose Post (Ctrl + S).
Note down the delivery number.

3 Post goods receipt Open Fiori app Change Inbound Success messages
Deliveries – Production. Goods receipt posted
has been display and
Select your LE Delivery number
the field Inspection Lot
noted down in the previous step
Number is filled with a
in your warehouse number e.g.
W001 for today.

Open the selected inbound

Go to tab Unpacked Items.
Select Create HU.
Enter the packaging
material e.g.
EUROPALLET and number
of HUs 1.
Choose Goods Receipt.
Choose Settings (Ctrl + .). Select
in Columns Inspection Lot Number.
Hint: you might want to save your
view by clicking o icon next to
Standard and choose Save As .
Note down the inspection lot

How to configure embedded SAP EWM and SAP Quality Management 27

4 Create putaway Still in app Change Inbound Putaway warehouse
warehouse tasks Deliveries – Production with your tasks have been
inbound delivery selected. created and
Choose Create Tasks.
A link Warehouse Tasks appears in
column Warehouse Tasks.
Click on the link Warehouse Tasks.
The app Process Warehouse Tasks
– Putaway opens with your
warehouse tasks(s) selected.
Select the warehouse task(s) and
choose Confirm.

5 Record usage decision Open app Record Usage Decision The inspection lot has
(QA11). been decided.
Enter your inspection lot

Option 1: Post partial quantities

Choose EWM Inspection.
On a popup with title Stock-based
Q-Inspection with Default Work
Center: WQ016 appears.
Select the stock item you want to
inspect and double click on it. In
the lower screen section the Qual.
Inspection view opens.
Select a Decision Code using the
search help e.g. R1 (rejected-
blocked stock).
The follow-up action code is
automatically assigned e.g.

Choose Okay (F8).

Choose UD Code e.g. A1
(accepted-unrestricted stock) for
the inspection lot in order to
complete the usage decision.
Note that all the rest quantity that
has not been decided in EWM
Inspection get this UD code and
its assigned follow-up action.
Option 2: collective usage
Without going to EWM Inspection
you enter the UD code directly

This depends on setting in section Assign Default Work Center for Inspection

How to configure embedded SAP EWM and SAP Quality Management 28

and save. The complete
inspection lot quantity follows this
usage decision.

6 See steps 6-8 in Test

Case: Inspection after
goods receipt from
external procurement

Goods Receipt Control

Define Control Keys (IOT4)

To define the control keys for QM in procurement.
1. Access the activity as follows:

IMG Menu Logistics General → Quality Management → QM in Logistics → QM

in Procurement → Define Control Keys

Transaction Code SPRO

2. Create the following Entries:

QM Notification type Short Text

GRB_E E Block goods receipt

GRB_I I Warning msg when posting goods receipt

3. Choose Save.
4. Assign to your material for testing

Warehouse Internal Inspection

Please read also the Help Portal documentation: Navigate in the SAP Help Portal to -> Product Assistance: click on English. Navigate
to Enterprise Business Applications→ Supply Chain→ Extended Warehouse Management
(EWM)→Quality Management(→Embedded EWM7)→Warehouse Internal Inspection

Stock Inspection
Inspection of stock in the warehouse

Additional structure element Embedded EWM available from S/4HANA 2020 FPS2 in Help Portal
documentation to group all Help Portal Pages for Quality Management belonging to embedded EWM.

How to configure embedded SAP EWM and SAP Quality Management 29

For the warehouse internal inspections object type 5 is the choice. In this case the inspection planning is
done on product level.
Access the activity as follows:

IMG Menu SCM Extended Warehouse Management → Extended Warehouse

Management → Cross-Process Settings → Quality Management →
Basics and Integration → Define and Activate Warehouse-
Dependent IOTs

Transaction Code SPRO

1. Choose in toolbar New Entries.

Warehouse No. <your Whse No.> e.g.


Insp. Obj. Type 5

Warehouse-Dependent IOT Settings

Activ. InspObj. [X]

Change Pr./Batch [X]

Act. Dec. [ ]

Acceptance Sampling [ ]

GR Control [ ]

Prod. Presampling [ ]

Insp. Setup Origin N No Inspection Rule

Origin of GR Control X Not Relevant

2. In the Dialog Structure tree on the left side choose Insp. Planning w/o Rules.
3. Choose in toolbar New Entries.

Warehouse No. <your Whse No.> e.g.


Insp. Obj. Type 5

Quality Insp Process 0

Qlty Insp. Grp.

Insp. Planning w/o Rules

Indep. Stk Ty. QQ

External Step QIS

How to configure embedded SAP EWM and SAP Quality Management 30

8. Save your entries and leave.
Same as in 0.


Same as in 0
Same as in 0
To define the inspection types and the controls associated with the inspection type. The inspection type
determines how an inspection is to be carried out.
1. Access the activity as follows:

IMG Menu Quality Management → Quality Inspection → Inspection Lot

Creation → Maintain Inspection Types

Transaction Code SPRO

2. Verify the following Entry:

Inspection Type 08

Task List Usage 5

Short Text Stock transfer inspection


Define default values for a material's inspection setup.
1. Access the activity as follows:

IMG Menu Quality Management → Quality Inspection → Inspection Lot

Creation → Define Default Values for Inspection Type

Transaction Code SPRO

2. Verify the following entry:

Inspection Type 01

Description Stock transfer


Insp. by Task List [X]

Assign Specification [X]


Record Characteristic [X]


How to configure embedded SAP EWM and SAP Quality Management 31

Skips Allowed [X]

Post to Inspection [X]


Insp. Lot Summary One Insp. For

Product/Batch and
Inbound Delivery

Automatic Usage [X]


Q-Score Procedure 06 From usage

decision code

Save and leave.

Make plant-specific settings relating to quality management, for example, settings that are relevant for a specific
inspection type such as the default settings for usage decisions.

IMG Menu Quality Management → Basic Settings → Maintain Settings at Plant


Transaction Code SPRO

On Plant-Dependent QM Setting choose your plant e.g. PL01.

Navigate in Dialog Structure (tree on left side) to Inspection Type-Specific Settings for Plant.
Create following entry:

Inspection Type 08

UD Plant <your plant> e.g. PL01

UD Sel. Set 17

PL Sel. Set 17P


In this customizing activity you assign parameters to each follow-up action that control the logistical follow-up
action in EWM.
1. Access the activity as follows:

IMG Menu SCM Extended Warehouse Management → Extended Warehouse

Management → Cross-Process Settings → Quality Management →
Inspection Results → Maintain Follow-Up Actions

Transaction Code SPRO

2. Choose Define Assign Logistical Follow-Up Actions.

3. Choose in Dialog Structure on the left side Follow-Up Actions.
4. Select or mark follow-up action EWM_A.
5. Choose in Dialog Structure on the left side Assign Logistical Follow-Up Action.
6. Choose in toolbar New Entries.

Warehouse No. <your Whse No.> e.g.


How to configure embedded SAP EWM and SAP Quality Management 32

Follow-Up Actn EWM_A

Insp. Obj. Type 5

Assign Logistical Follow-Up Actions

Internal Action 4 Put Away

Non-Dep.Stk Ty. FF

Whse Proc. Type

Internal Actions: these are predefined follow-up actions. For more details read the field help (F1
Whse Proc. Type: you need to maintain a warehouse process type (WPT) if for the follow-up action
a warehouse task shall be created. Put away is an exceptional case. For put away the warehouse
process type is taken over from the inbound delivery.
7. Save your entry.
8. Repeat step 4 to 7 for follow-up action EWM_AP
9. Go back to step 3 and mark follow-up action EWM_R
10.Choose in Dialog Structure on the left side Assign Logistical Follow-Up Action.
11.Choose in toolbar New Entries.

Warehouse No. <your Whse No.> e.g.


Follow-Up Actn EWM_R

Insp. Obj. Type 5

Assign Logistical Follow-Up Actions

Internal Action 1 Blocked Stock

Non-Dep.Stk Ty. BB

Whse Proc. Type <choose a warehouse

process type for
posting stock to
scrapping and that
moves stock to the
scrapping zone>

12.Save your entry.

13.Repeat step 9 to 12 for follow-up action EWM_RP
14.Save your entry.
15.Go back to step 3 and mark follow-up action EWM_S2CC
16.Choose in Dialog Structure on the left side Assign Logistical Follow-Up Action.
17.Choose in toolbar New Entries.

Warehouse No. <your Whse No.> e.g.


Follow-Up Actn EWM_S2CC

How to configure embedded SAP EWM and SAP Quality Management 33

Insp. Obj. Type 5

Assign Logistical Follow-Up Actions

Internal Action 8 Scrap to Cost


Non-Dep.Stk Ty. BB

Movement Reason Dependent on the system

settings, you might need to
specify a reason code.

18.Save your entry

19.Go back to step 3 and mark follow-up action SMPC
20.Choose in Dialog Structure on the left side Assign Logistical Follow-Up Action.

Warehouse No. <your Whse No.> e.g.


Follow-Up Actn EWM_SMPC

Insp. Obj. Type 5

Assign Logistical Follow-Up Actions

Internal Action 9 Sample Consumption2

Non-Dep.Stk Ty. BB

Movement Reason Dependent on the system

settings, you might need to
specify a reason code.

21.Save and leave.

Having done all settings so far, a basic quality inspection process after goods receipt can be processed.

Test Case: Stock Inspection

• You have maintained and released an inspection plan in app (transaction QP01) for your material and
• Your material has activated in inspection type 08. the material master (MM02) in the Inspection Setup on
view Quality Management.
Execute the test case steps:

Step Step description Input data Expected results

Available since release S/4HANA 2020

How to configure embedded SAP EWM and SAP Quality Management 34

1 Select stock to be Option 1: Warehouse Monitor Message Quality
inspected Inspection 1700…
Open app Warehouse Monitor
(/SCWM/MON). created appears on the
Display logs popup.
Navigate in tree structure to
Stock and Bin→Physical Stock.
In the context menu choose Set
Selection Criteria or double click. In
the selection screen popup enter
your selection criteria e.g.
Product: e.g. PROD-S01
Stock Type: F2

In the output list Physical Stock on

the right side select one or more
rows (by holding the SHIFT key
while marking the rows).
In the toolbar of the output list
select the dropdown list of the
More Methods icon and choose
Create Insp. (IOT5).
A popup appears to enter an
Exception Code. Exception code
CRID is entered as default. This is
the standard delivered exception
code for creating inspections for
stock. Choose Continue on the
A popup with title Display logs
appears showing success
message containing the created
inspection lot number.
Note down the inspection lot
number and confirm the popup

2 Record usage decision Open the Record Usage Decision EWM posting changes
(QA11) App. have been triggered.
Enter the Inspection Lot Number Inspection lot is
from the previous step decided.
Choose Enter.
Choose EWM Inspection on the Remark: if you use
top right corner. decision codes S2CC
and SMPC no reference
Choose one of the stock items document is allowed
and choose on the respective for the stock item. It
button in the column Action. means that the
Depending on the inspection storage type in which
result, you could for example you record the usage
enter the following partial quantity decision needs to be
decision: final. This restriction is
planned to be
Quantity: 4EA removed in future.
Decision: REJC – Rejected

How to configure embedded SAP EWM and SAP Quality Management 35

Optionally choose Decision S2CC
(scrap to cost center) or SMPC
(sample consumption). Note in
this case you need to assign also
a cost center and reason code.
Repeat the steps for other
Confirm your changes in the
EWM Inspection screen by
choosing the Take Over Partial Lot
4Depending on the inspection
result, please make for example
the following collective usage
decision and select Choose.
Positive Result.
UD code: 17 ACPT - Accepted
Choose Yes if dialog box
Confirmation Prompt appear.
Remark: stock items for which
you didn’t assign a decision code
in the EWM Inspection will now
take over the decision code of the
collective usage decision so that
the whole inspection lot quantity
now is decided, and respective
logistical follow-up actions are
Choose Save.

3 Check partial lots of Open the Warehouse Monitor For each follow-up
inspection lot in (/SCWM/MON) App. action triggered in the
warehouse monitor EWM Inspection action
in the last step a
Navigate in tree structure to partial lot has been
Documents →Inspection. created.
Write mouse-click and select Set
Selection Criteria (or double click)
Select your Inspection Lot.
Choose Execute.

In table Inspection choose button

Partial Lot.

4 Check warehouse Open the Warehouse Monitor In table Warehouse

documents of (/SCWM/MON) App. Task all warehouse
inspection lot in documents I.e.
warehouse monitor warehouse tasks and
Navigate in tree structure to posting changes for
Documents →Warehouse Task. the inspection lot are
Write mouse-click and select Set
Selection Criteria (or double click)

How to configure embedded SAP EWM and SAP Quality Management 36

Select Inspection ID Type A and
your Inspection Lot.
Choose Execute.
Note the IDs of the warehouse
documents on your ID sheet.

5 Check Material Open the Display Material Material documents

Documents Document List app (MB51). are displayed
Select the material documents for
your warehouse documents by
entering in selection field
Reference a concatenation
between * and your warehouse
document ID e.g. *7000009427

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How to configure embedded SAP EWM and SAP Quality Management 37

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