U 9 Hjirmkldv
U 9 Hjirmkldv
U 9 Hjirmkldv
Thanks to all
1 I do not want any money my family can take care of my needs thanks for your health.
2 I do not wish to reveal my identity as I had already tried this with one of the people
commenting here and it the consequences were disheartning
3 For those people who think this is a dram you are free to think so but your views really
turn like these when you are nearing your end and the worse part is you know about it.
4 I write for my hearts relief and not for any kninds of financial favours from anyone.
I do tell my parents that I love them a lot but I can not share my pain because if I ever
did that they would feel extremely weak to see their son losing hope hence I chose
quora and anonymity.
They try to find out every possible source of miraculous recovery story they could and
tell me to keep myself motivated and even I want one such thing to happen but I get
very negative thought when I see people turning their faces and simply not to talk or
even look at me when I am in park and again I have my sister by my me side.
I had a beautiful childhood like I and my sister were like typical brother sisters fighting
for small things like for watching tv and I used to enjoy it a lot but now there is no fight
and she allows me to watch anything I like and does everhything for me I tell her this
almost everyday and she feels great.
I write my heart out here (as the ques suggests) and not in anyway for any favours
Keep praying
October 28
Thanks to all the upvoters… and all the prayers.
Some comments coming up like you want to give some years of your life to me. Please
do not think that ever again. You have 2 functional hands, legs all 5 senses (sight,
sound(ears), taste, smell and touch (skin)) intact and a good brain to think deeply. So
stop thinking as your life directional was and start working. Make your family proud.
Your family does everything for you. And if not for your family do something good for
I say it because When you are on your deathbed some 60–70 years from now you must
not regret the fact that you wasted time and could not accomplish your targets. You do
not realise how much time you have and how much can be done in that.
I have some sort of insecurity that I would be left alone and that is not just from a day or
2 but from 3–4 weeks. I do not know why but it's there. I have discussed this with my
sister and she assures me that she would be there all the time. I mean I annoy my family
members sometimes like I always want someone in front of my eyes. It sounds pathetic
but it's true.
I vomitted yesterday night it was almost all blood and something's that I had eaten the
whole day ( it's quite normal as it happens 4 times a week). Naturally I was very
depressed this morning so my sister took off from her college and kept me busy by
discussing older times like how we both messed up together and how I cried when she
teased me I was adopted.
I still remember that I and my sis used to hide remote in the washroom when it was time
for some important cartoon (for me it was dragon ballz and for her it was suite life of
Zack and Cody) and we used to have some insecurity when our parents gave one of us
more attention than the other.
If I rewind and look into my life I realize how messi I was and my sister even then helped
me she had been of constant support to me. I owe her everthing. I write this in every
answer but I can't help it I just love her.
I have realized one thing that I do not want to leave in misery. All the time I have I will
enjoy and annky my sister and parents.
Keep praying