Electroreduction of Carbon Dioxide by Heterogenized Cofacial Porphyrins
Electroreduction of Carbon Dioxide by Heterogenized Cofacial Porphyrins
Electroreduction of Carbon Dioxide by Heterogenized Cofacial Porphyrins
Received: 2 July 2021 / Revised: 12 July 2021 / Accepted: 16 July 2021 / Published online: 3 August 2021
© The Author(s) 2021
Great attention has been paid to cofacial porphyrins due to their many unique advantages over their monomeric analogs.
However, their synthesis is usually complicated. In this work, a facile impregnation method for preparing heterogenized,
cofacially stacked porphyrins is proposed. An anionic porphyrin is introduced as an underlayer for immobilization of cationic
cobalt porphyrin via electrostatic force. The metal center of the underlying molecule contributes to the electronic structure
of the upper cationic cobalt porphyrin. Screening reveals the anionic iron porphyrin to be the most efficient underlayer
molecule, lowering the activation energy barrier of CO2 electroreduction, with an improved turnover frequency by 74% to
8.0 s−1 at − 0.6 V versus RHE.
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Electroreduction of Carbon Dioxide by Heterogenized Cofacial Porphyrins 75
76 P. Tian et al.
of rGO absorbance. The above results reveal the intimate catalyst. CoTSPP, NiTSPP, and FeTSPP have overall current
contact between the CoTMAP and CoTSPP molecules. densities of 1.4, 0.7, and 1.1 mA/cm2, respectively, at − 0.6 V
Ni/Co-Por and Fe/Co-Por were also prepared by introduc- versus RHE (Fig. S6), in agreement with our previous study
ing NiTSPP and FeTSPP as the sublayer porphyrins, respec- that CO2 reduction favors cationic substituents over neutral
tively, for systematically investigating the structure–activity or anionic ones [27]. Excellent selectivities toward CO pro-
relationship of cofacial porphyrins during the electrochemi- duction are shown by all tested catalysts, with F ECO values
cal CO2 reduction. For comparison, monomeric CoTMAP, over 90% (Fig. 2b, Fig. S7).
CoTSPP, FeTSPP, and NiTSPP catalysts on rGO were also The resistances of the catalysts were investigated by AC
prepared at a content of 5 wt%. The EDS maps in Fig. S2 impedance analysis at an open-circuit voltage (OCV). The
confirm the highly disperse NiTSPP and CoTMAP in Ni/ Nyquist plots demonstrate that the four samples have similar
Co-Por and uniform distribution of FeTSPP and CoTMAP in interfacial charge transfer resistance (Rct), possibly due to the
Fe/Co-Por. In addition, the binding energies of the Co 2p3/2 identical and low catalyst loading. TOF values were calcu-
signal are also found to shift in these two catalysts due to the lated for investigating the intrinsic reactivity of each catalyst
electronic interactions (Fig. S3). The steady-state electrore- based on the number of CoTMAP molecules on the top layer.
duction of C O2 was conducted in a customized H-cell in a It could be argued that the underlying MTSPP may not be
CO2-saturated 0.5 M N aHCO3 electrolyte. Cyclic voltam- completely stacked (i.e., covered) and may still contribute
metry measurements show prominent reduction currents at to the reductive currents. Therefore, a set of H/Co-Por sam-
potentials more negative than approximately − 0.4 V ver- ples were prepared as a control with various H2TMAP load-
sus RHE (Fig. S4). CoTMAP exhibits a stable current at a ings for the second impregnation step. As described above,
potential of − 0.6 V versus RHE with an average current den- CoTSPP alone delivers a jCO of 1.3 mA/cm2 (Fig. 2c). The
sity of 4.6 mA/cm2 during 1 h of electrolysis (Fig. 2a, Fig. introduction of H 2TMAP, which is inactive for CO produc-
S5). Moreover, the activities for cofacial porphyrins follow tion, suppresses the current densities. This serves as direct
the order Fe/Co-Por (8.0 mA/cm2) > Co/Co-Por (6.5 mA/ proof that the cationic porphyrins preferentially graft on the
cm2) > Ni/Co-Por (5.7 mA/cm2). Current densities are much pre-deposited anionic porphyrins by electrostatic force and
lower in the sulfonate group functionalized metal porphyrin block the underlying metal centers from accessing the reac-
than in the methylanilinium group functionalized CoTMAP tants. The partial current density of CO becomes negligible
Electroreduction of Carbon Dioxide by Heterogenized Cofacial Porphyrins 77
(< 10% of the original value) with weight ratios of H2TMAP/ for all CoTMAP-based catalysts. While all the cofacial por-
CoTSPP over 1.3, implying the complete assembly of H/Co- phyrins show the same RDS for CO2-to-CO conversion as
Por cofacial porphyrin. The control experiment also vali- the monomeric CoTMAP, their reaction energy barriers
dates our calculation protocol of TOF values for the samples appear to be lower (Fig. S11). Then, the calculated theoreti-
discussed here. The CoTMAP catalyst exhibits a T OFCO of cal reaction overpotentials over the tested catalysts follow the
4.4 s−1 (Fig. 2d), similar to that of Ref. [27]. Fabricating the order Fe/Co-Por (0.58 V) < Co/Co-Por (0.60 V) < Ni/Co-Por
cofacial porphyrins using MTSPP leads to improved intrinsic (0.65 V) < CoTMAP (0.68 V). The above results show that,
activities with the order of Fe/Co-Por (7.6 s−1) > Co/Co-Por in addition to peripheral substituents, metal atoms from the
(6.1 s−1) > Ni/Co-Por (5.4 s−1). underlying catalytically inactive porphyrin molecules also
DFT calculations were performed for analyzing the ther- play an important role in tuning the electronic structure of
mochemical reaction energetics of CO2RR on CoTMAP, Co/ the catalytically active porphyrin molecules on the top layer.
Co-Por, Ni/Co-Por, and Fe/Co-Por. The molecular structures Correspondingly, the log(TOF) values appear to be linearly
were first optimized for the cofacial porphyrins according to correlated with the theoretical overpotential values.
the H-aggregation configuration. The introduced H2TMAP
blocked the underlying metal sites (Fig. 2c), which implies
a high overlapping degree (Fig. S8). CO 2-to-CO elec- Conclusions
troreduction by molecular catalysts involves *COOH and
*CO intermediates [32–34]. *COOH formation is usually In summary, a two-step impregnation method is proposed to
considered the rate-determining step (RDS), and the *CO prepare cofacially stacked porphyrins by utilizing the elec-
species are believed to desorb promptly to form the CO trostatic force between the cationic and anionic porphyrin
products. CoTMAP, Co/Co-Por, Ni/Co-Por, and Fe/Co-Por molecules, which not only avoids the common tedious chem-
have Tafel slopes of 114.9, 123.8, 118.4, and 133.7 mV/dec ical synthesis route but also effectively tunes the electronic
(Fig. S9). Furthermore, a CO2 reaction order of approxi- structure of the molecular catalysts, eventually leading to a
mately 1 is determined for all the catalysts, indicating the lower reaction energy barrier and a significantly improved
CO2-to-*COOH transformation to be the rate-limiting step reaction rate for CO2 electroreduction. Our method should
(Fig. S10)[9]. *COOH formation is the most energy-demand- theoretically be adaptable to other carbonaceous supports
ing, as suggested by the DFT results, associated with the such as carbon black and carbon nanotubes. In addition, the
highest energy barrier of + 0.6 eV compared to other reaction facile approach has the potential to guide the rational design
steps (Fig. 3a). Figure 3b shows the free energy diagrams of other cofacial porphyrin catalysts.
78 P. Tian et al.
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