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Chapter 1

Autumn : Musim Gugur

Cloudy : Berawan
Cold : Dingin
Foggy : Berkabut
Hot : Panas
Rainy : Hujan
Season : Musim
Spring : Musim Semi
Strongest : Terkuat
Sunny : Panas
Weather : Cuaca
Winter : Musim Dingin

1. It is very hot. The sky is clear. The Sun brightly. It is…..
a. Rainy c. cloudy
b. Sunny d. stormy
2. It rains for long time. The sun doesn’t shine. It is wet
everywhere. People have umbrella and raincoat in the
street. It is……..
a. Foggy c. windy
b. Sunny d. rainy
3. There are many clouds in the sky. They block the sun,
only a little light can go trough the clouds. But it
doesn’t rain. It often makes us sweaty. It is…….
a. cloudy c. stormy
b. Snowy d. rainy
4. Sometimes the sky is full of clouds, or sometimes it is
very clear. The wind blows hard for long time. It blows
everything. Often it is very dusty as the wind blows the
dust to the air, or it is very thundery as thunder cracks
the sky while the wind is blowing. It is frightening. It
a. foggy c. windy
b. Sunny d. snowy
5. It is like morning all the day. The sun is blocked by the
fog. It is cold. We can only see for several meters as
the sight is blocked by the fog too. It is..
a. stormy c. rainy
b. foggy d. cloudy

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