Alergias y Microbiota
Alergias y Microbiota
Alergias y Microbiota
Yvonne J. Huang, MD,a Benjamin J. Marsland, PhD,b Supinda Bunyavanich, MD, MPH, MPhil,c Liam O’Mahony, PhD,d
Donald Y. M. Leung, MD, PhD,e Antonella Muraro, MD, PhD,f and Thomas A. Fleisher, MDg Ann Arbor, Mich, Lausanne
and Davos, Switzerland, New York, NY, Denver, Colo, Padua, Italy, and Bethesda, Md
PRACTALL is a joint initiative of the American Academy of complemented by outlining important knowledge gaps regarding
Allergy, Asthma & Immunology and the European Academy of its role in allergic disease and delineating strategies necessary to fill
Allergy and Clinical Immunology to provide shared evidence- these gaps. In addition, a review of progress in approaches used to
based recommendations on cutting-edge topics in the field of manipulate the microbiome will be addressed, identifying what has
allergy and immunology. PRACTALL 2017 is focused on what has and has not worked to serve as a baseline for future directions to
been established regarding the role of the microbiome in patients intervene in allergic disease development, progression, or both. (J
with asthma, atopic dermatitis, and food allergy. This is Allergy Clin Immunol 2017;139:1099-110.)
From athe Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care, Department of Internal Medicine,
Key words: Microbiome, microbiota, dysbiosis, asthma, atopic
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; bService de Pneumologie, Faculty of Biology dermatitis, food allergy, systems biology, probiotic, prebiotic
and Medicine, University of Lausanne; cthe Division of Allergy and Immunology,
Departments of Pediatrics and Genetics and Genomic Sciences, Icahn School of
Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York; dMolecular Immunology, Swiss Institute of There is increasing evidence that resident microbial communities
Allergy and Asthma Research, University of Zurich, Davos; ethe Division of Allergy
in the human gastrointestinal tract, airway, and skin contribute to
and Immunology, Department of Pediatrics, National Jewish Health, Denver;
Food Allergy Referral Centre Veneto Region, Department of Women and Child health and disease. This complex relationship between the micro-
Health, Padua General University Hospital; and gthe Department of Laboratory biota (Table I) and the human host could lend itself to manipulation
Medicine, Clinical Center, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda. to benefit the host. This fits with recognition that the microbiome
Supported in part by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Intramural Program of the plays an important role in early immunologic development, raising
NIH Clinical Center.
Disclosure of potential conflict of interest: Y. J. Huang has received travel support and
the possibility that experimental manipulation can modulate the im-
payment for lectures from the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology and mune system.1 Linking the microbiota to both immune development
has received travel support from the National Academy of Science, Engineering, and and response heightens the potential that the microbiome plays an
Medicine; the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the American College of Chest important role in the development and manifestations of allergic dis-
Physicians, the European Respiratory Society, and the Massachusetts Institute of
eases. In fact, at a clinical level, this connection had its origins with
Technology. S. Bunyavanich has received a grant from the NIH/National Institute of
Allergy and Infectious Diseases. L. O’Mahony has consultant arrangements with observations in the 1980s that children in large families had a lower
Alimentary Health Ltd and has received grants from GlaxoSmithKline. D. Y. M. Leung incidence of allergic rhinitis and atopic dermatitis (AD) compared
has received a grant from MedImmune; has received consulting fees or honoraria from with children from smaller families, observations that led to the hy-
Novartis, Regeneron, and Sanofi-Aventis; and has received payment for writing or giene hypothesis.2 Subsequent epidemiologic studies yielded data
reviewing this manuscript from Omnia-Prova Education Collaborative. A. Muraro has
consultant arrangements with Meda, Novartis, and Menarini; is employed by Padua
documenting a lower rate of allergic disease in children raised in Eu-
University Hospital; and has received payment for lectures from Meda and Menarini. T. A. ropean rural environments linked to raw milk and stable exposure,
Fleisher is President of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology; has particularly during the first year of life.3,4 A host of additional studies
received payment for lectures from the Boston City Wide Allergy Meeting, the Louisiana established that in addition to the findings noted above, absence of
Society of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, and the Alaska Society of Allergy, Asthma,
early antibiotic exposure, exclusive breast-feeding for the first
and Immunology; and has received royalties as coeditor of Clinical Immunology: Princi-
ples and Practice. B. J. Marsland declares that he has no relevant conflicts of interest. 4 months of life, vaginal delivery, furry pets in the home during in-
Received for publication December 15, 2016; revised February 2, 2017; accepted for fancy, lack of maternal antibiotic use during pregnancy, and
publication February 7, 2017. maternal animal exposure during pregnancy all were associated
Available online February 28, 2017. with lower rates of allergic disease.5-9 Taken together, these clinical
Corresponding author: Thomas A. Fleisher, MD, Department of Laboratory Medicine,
CC, National Institutes of Health, 10 Center Dr, MSC 1508, Bethesda, MD
observations established a strong link between microbes and the
20892-1508. E-mail: [email protected]. development of allergic disease.
The CrossMark symbol notifies online readers when updates have been made to the The science connecting the microbiome to immunologically
article such as errata or minor corrections mediated disorders, including allergic disease, has been advanced
by the capacity to catalog microbiota and define imbalances
Ó 2017 Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of the American Academy of Allergy,
Asthma & Immunology in microbial communities, which are referred to as dysbiosis (Table I). These studies have used next-generation DNA
APRIL 2017
FIG 1. Microbial ecology. The human body provides a diverse habitat for the microbes that reside on its
epithelial surfaces. Differences in oxygen levels, pH, and availability of nutrients create environments that
select for the microbes specifically adapted to colonize the tissue. However, the human body ecosystem is
dynamic, with changes driven by age, diet, environmental exposures, and disease. Nutrients provided from
diet are key ecological influencers within the intestinal tract because they represent energy sources for
bacteria that have the metabolic machinery to use them. Diet changes with both age and lifestyle matched
by a coordinated change in the constituents of the microbiota. Inflammation is a powerful modifier of the
local microbial habitat both directly through antimicrobial immune mechanisms and indirectly by
influencing putative energy sources such as mucins. Physiologic changes, including pH or oxygen levels,
change the environment, providing microbes with the toolkit to handle these microenvironments. Host-
microbe cross-talk is a key determinant of the tissue habitat. Tonic signals from the microbiota set the tone
of the local immune system, which, under steady-state conditions, results in a state of mutualism; however,
dysregulation of this interaction, such as through exposure to an exogenous pathogen (or a bloom of a
pathobiont), medical treatment (antibiotics, antifungal drugs, and immunosuppression), or inflammation/
tissue damage, can perpetuate inflammation or cause exacerbations. DAMPS, Danger-associated molecu-
lar patterns; PAMPs, pathogen-associated molecular patterns.
microbiota, leading to an increase in circulating short-chain fatty rendering them less capable of instigating TH2 responses in the
acids (SCFAs).57-59 SCFAs have been shown to influence the lungs.57 SCFAs are also known to act as histone deacetylase in-
maturation state of dendritic cell progenitors in the bone marrow, hibitors; a study from Choi et al60 reported that trichostatin A, a
Box 1. Bacterial genera implicated in asthma or asthma-related fea- education provided by beneficial microbes. A subset of patients
tures (from recent microbiota studies) with AD are prone to microbial dysbiosis with bacteria, viruses,
and fungi, which can exacerbate skin inflammation.68
Bacterial genus compartment Asthma context
Staphylococcus aureus is the most common pathogen grown
from AD skin. Colonization and infection with S aureus is asso-
Haemophilus Respiratory Increase associated with ciated with increased IgE responses, food allergy, and the severity
asthma in children and of AD skin disease.69,70 These detrimental effects are likely medi-
ated through production of staphylococcal virulence factors,
Neisseria Respiratory Increase associated with including superantigens that stimulate type 2 immune responses
asthma in adults and subvert the activity of regulatory T cells; cytolysins, which
Moraxella Respiratory Increase associated with
lyse epithelial cells; and serine proteases and lipases, which dam-
asthma in children and
age the skin barrier. S aureus colonization occurs as a result of
skin barrier dysfunction (eg, reduced filaggrin expression) and
Streptococcus Respiratory Increase associated with
increased IL-4 and IL-13 expression. These abnormalities can
asthma in children
Lactobacillus Gastrointestinal, Decrease associated with
occur as a result of genetic and immune responses triggered by al-
respiratory asthma in children and lergens, scratching, or both. IL-4 and IL-13 enhance S aureus
adults binding to AD skin by inducing S aureus adhesins and reduce S
Bifidobacterium Gastrointestinal Decrease associated with risk
aureus killing by inhibiting the production of keratinocyte
for asthma development in derived antimicrobial peptides required for control of S aureus
childhood abundance. The observation that a humanized mAb that blocks
Faecalibacterium Gastrointestinal Decrease associated with risk the action of IL-4 and IL-13 leads to a dramatic reduction in
for asthma development in AD skin severity supports the concept that IL-4 and IL-13
childhood blockade can also reduce S aureus colonization in patients with
Akkermansia Gastrointestinal Decrease associated with risk AD.71 Using new therapies that specifically target polarized im-
for asthma development in mune pathways will allow us to sort out key mechanisms of dis-
childhood ease pathogenesis.
Morganella Gastrointestinal Increase associated with The use of next-generation DNA sequencing methods has
morganii asthma in nonobese adults provided a more complete evaluation of the bacterial composition
in AD skin. These data suggest an important role for other
members of the skin bacterial community beyond S aureus.72 16S
rRNA gene sequencing has demonstrated that there is remarkable
diversity in the healthy skin microbiome at the genus level. Impor-
tantly, exacerbation of AD is associated with loss of microbial di-
histone deacetylase inhibitor, protected against allergic airway versity and increased abundance of S aureus. Interestingly, anti-
inflammation in mice. Indeed, recently, it was shown that SCFAs inflammatory and emollient therapy is associated with increased
might lead to epigenetic modifications in the forkhead box P3 microbial diversity, supporting the importance of skin epithelial
pathway in utero,61 thus protecting mice against allergic function in maintaining a normal microbiome.72,73 Future studies
inflammation. will involve metagenomics or DNA sequencing of full-length mi-
Finally, the leading hypotheses to date have been limited to the crobial genomes to identify microbes at the strain level and permit
role of the bacterial microbiota in the influence of allergic exploration of mechanisms through which individual bacteria
responses. However, it is notable that in addition to complex affect the skin barrier and their immune response.74 It is critical
bacterial communities being detected in farm dust, fungal loads that such studies control for host factors, including age and
have also been reported to be high.48 Within the context of allergy, body regions, because these variables have been found to alter
fungi are typically considered within the framework of allergens the bacterial composition of the skin.75,76
or inducers of allergic inflammation.62 However, fungi could also Although antibiotics are often used in the treatment of S
be key regulators of inflammation and immune homeostasis,63 aureus infection, these medications have the disadvantage of
opening the avenue of beneficial roles of fungi in shaping immune not only killing S aureus but also killing beneficial bacteria
responsiveness. Indeed, a recent report by Wheeler et al64 has re- and potentially selecting for antibiotic-resistant bacteria, such
ported that disruption of the ‘‘mycobiome’’ with antifungal drugs as methicillin-resistant S aureus. There is increasing evidence
can predispose mice to both colitis and allergic airway that commensal skin microbes from normal skin can improve
inflammation. the skin barrier and augment host defense against skin patho-
gens, including S aureus. Staphylococcus epidermidis and
Staphylococcus hominis secrete antimicrobial activities that
AD inhibit S aureus growth and biofilm formation.77,78 S epidermi-
AD is a complex familial transmitted skin disease with distinct dis has also been found to stimulate Toll-like receptor 2 to induce
phenotypes and endotypes.65 Two major biologic pathways are production of keratinocyte-derived antimicrobial peptides and
responsible for AD: epidermal epithelial dysfunction and altered increased tight junctions to enhance the skin barrier.79,80 Suc-
innate/adaptive immune responses.66,67 The increased prevalence cess with fecal microbiota therapy, in which the gastrointestinal
of AD, particularly in industrialized regions, has been hypothe- disease microbiota of patients with recurrent Clostridium diffi-
sized to be due to excessive hygiene accompanying the Western cile infections is replaced with bacteria from healthy subjects,
lifestyle reducing exposure of the host’s immune system to might be applicable to patients with AD. In this regard there
APRIL 2017
Box 2. Microbes associated with AD Box 3. Microbial orders implicated in food allergy and food allergy–
related outcomes
Microbe Effects reported
Order Effects reported
S aureus Detrimental
Group A Streptococcus Detrimental Clostridiales Mostly beneficial
S epidermidis Beneficial Bacteroidales Beneficial and
S hominis Beneficial detrimental
Herpes simplex virus Detrimental Enterobacteriales Mostly detrimental
Vaccinia virus Detrimental Lactobacillales Mostly beneficial
has been interest in microbial skin ‘‘transplant’’ therapy of contrast to these studies of milk allergy status, a recent multi-
commensal bacteria from healthy skin to replace S aureus on center longitudinal study of 226 children with milk allergy exam-
the skin of patients with AD (Box 2). ined the relationship between the gut microbiome and food
Eczema herpeticum (EH) is a life-threatening complication of allergy resolution, finding that Firmicutes, including Clostridia,
AD and can result in severe disfigurement and corneal blindness were enriched in the early infant gut microbiome of patients
associated with ocular infection. These patients frequently have whose milk allergy resolved by age 8 years.89
serum IgE levels of greater than 1000 IU/mL, are colonized with S Given differences in the presentations and natural histories of
aureus, and have severe AD.81 Interestingly, S aureus has been specific food allergies, it is plausible that the microbiota
shown to secrete products that enhance viral replication in kerati- associated with each food allergy subphenotype are also distinct.
nocytes. Because the majority of patients with AD have high titers Reduced microbial richness and increased Bacteroides were
of immunoglobulin (IgG) antibodies to herpes simplex virus but observed in subjects with self-reported peanut or tree nut allergy
less than 5% have EH, host factors, such as genetic risk variants, compared with those not reporting these allergies.90 Although dif-
are thought to determine AD with EH susceptibility. Genetic ef- ferences in the implicated taxa reported in this study versus the
fects in patients with AD with a history of EH are supported by milk allergy studies might have been due to the specific food al-
the dramatic 10.1-fold odds ratio conferred by filaggrin-null mu- lergy targeted, additional explanations include this study’s focus
tations.82 Susceptibility to EH has also been associated with mu- on adults (vs children) and its use of self-reported food allergy,
tations in tight junctions, as well as thymic stromal lymphopoietin which is prone to reporting bias.
genes. Gene transcriptome studies of patients with AD prone to Murine models of food allergy have provided experimental
EH have also revealed a defect in their interferon-signaling path- dimensions to the study of microbiota and food allergy. Food
ways.83 Targeted deep sequencing has identified rare loss-of- allergy–prone mice with a gain-of-function mutation in the IL-4
function variants in IFNGR1 for the risk of AD complicated by receptor a chain demonstrated differential abundance of Lach-
EH.84 In experimental animal models of AD, filaggrin-deficient nospiraceae, Lactobacillaceae, Rikenallaceae, and Porphyromo-
mice, as well as type 2 immune responses mediated by thymic nonadaceae compared with wild-type mice.91 Interestingly, the
stromal lymphopoietin and IL-33, promote vaccinia virus replica- food allergy phenotype could be transmitted by transferring the
tion.85 Overall, these studies support the concept that the propen- gut microbiota from affected to wild-type germ-free mice.91
sity to disseminated skin infection is caused by genetic and Other murine studies have shown that Clostridia strains in partic-
acquired defects in epithelial skin barrier function, reduced innate ular modulate allergy.92 Investigators identified 17 strains of bac-
immune responses, and increased type 2 immune responses. teria from human stool that enhanced regulatory T-cell
abundance, with genome sequencing revealing that all 17 strains
were within the Clostridia.92 Oral administration of these 17 Clos-
FOOD ALLERGY tridia strains into mice attenuated disease in models of colitis and
Food allergy is thought to involve deviation from the default allergic diarrhea.92 Colonization of germ-free mice with Clos-
state of mucosal immune tolerance that can be driven by diet, tridium species clusters protected against sensitization to pea-
commensal microbiota, and the interactions between them.86 nut/cholera toxin, with reduced levels of peanut-specific and
Studies of the gut microbiota in patients with food allergy have total IgE compared with those in germ-free control mice and no
yielded variable findings on bacteria associated with the condi- temperature decrease on allergen challenge.93 The functional ef-
tion. Heterogeneity in diagnostic criteria, variable food allergy fects of Clostridia in food allergy can occur through bacterial me-
subphenotypes (eg, allergy to different foods), altered diet, and tabolites that regulate epithelial integrity and immune responses
differences in profiling and analytic approaches underlie the in the gut.94 The clostridial families Lachnospiraceae and Rumi-
disparate findings that have been reported (Box 3). nococcaceae ferment dietary fiber to produce SCFAs, which ulti-
Studies of children with milk allergy have shown that infants mately promote epithelial integrity, repair, and homeostasis.95
with milk allergy have higher total bacteria and anaerobic counts Findings that specific bacterial taxa modulate allergy suggest
compared with healthy control subjects; after 6 months of potential therapeutic utility from the manipulation of gut micro-
differential formula intake, the 46 infants with milk allergy biota in patients with food allergy. Only a few trials of probiotics
studied had higher proportions of lactobacilli and lower pro- for the prevention or treatment of challenge-proved food allergies
portions of enterobacteria and bifidobacteria observed in bacterial have been published. Trials of probiotic supplementation with
cultures.87 A 16S rRNA gene sequencing–based study of 39 chil- Lactobacillus casei and Bifidobacterium lactis for 12 months
dren showed that infants with milk allergy have increased micro- showed no effect on milk allergy resolution, although Lactoba-
bial diversity with an increased abundance of Ruminococcaceae cillus rhamnosus combined with extensively hydrolyzed casein
and Lachnospiraceae compared with control subjects.88 In formula increased rates of milk allergy resolution compared
with a control group receiving formula alone.96,97 The probiotic (eg, with probiotics) can provide the most effective preventive
Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG administered with peanut oral and therapeutic effects and form part of a precision medicine
immunotherapy for 18 months induced desensitization compared approach.
with placebo.98 However, because there was no oral immuno- In addition to treating patients with a single or a small number
therapy–only or probiotic-only group, the efficacy of the probiotic of microbes, fecal microbiota transplantation is an efficient
itself is unclear. The effects of probiotic treatment are likely strain method for transferring entire communities of organisms from a
specific, and the data are currently inconclusive to support probi- healthy subject to a patient. Fecal microbiota transplantation has
otic supplementation with specific taxa for food allergy. been successfully used in patients with C difficile colitis,105,106
Early infancy could be the key window of opportunity for and studies are ongoing in other patient groups. However, there
intervention given age-dependent associations between the gut are significant questions concerning this approach relating to
microbiome and food allergy outcomes. Gut microbial richness at donor selection, mechanism of action, and the ‘‘ideal’’ microbiota
age 3 months is associated with increased likelihood of food for transplantation. To address these issues, significant research is
sensitization by age 1 year, whereas there is no association at age ongoing to engineer a microbial cocktail that can effectively
12 months.99 Gut microbiome composition at age 3 to 6 months, establish itself in the human gut and replace the damaging ele-
but not 7 to 12 or 13 to 16 months, is associated with milk allergy ments of the microbiota. However, these engineered microbial
resolution.89 Murine models also support age-sensitive interac- consortia have yet to make it to the clinic, and their exclusion
tions with microbiota.47 Colonization of germ-free mice with a of other members of the microbiome (eg, fungi, viruses, and
diverse microbial population early but not late in life suppresses phages) might lead to unexpected hurdles in the future.
IgE and prevents mice from having food allergy.100 These collec- Delivery mode alters microbial diversity and composition, and
tive findings support the notion that microbial effects on early im- cesarean section delivery has been associated with increased risk
mune system development play a role in subsequent food allergy for immune and metabolic disorders.107 Recently, innovative ef-
development. forts have begun to try altering the microbiota of cesarean sec-
tion–delivered infants to be more like those of vaginally born
infants. By using swabs, babies were exposed to their maternal
STRATEGIES TO MANIPULATE THE MICROBIOME vaginal contents, thus transferring the vaginal microbes to the in-
Probiotic and prebiotic trials in patients with food allergy, AD, fant.108 This pilot study showed that bacterial communities can be
and asthma represent attempts to deliberately modify microbiota partially restored in newborns delivered by means of cesarean
and their metabolism.101 Probiotics can be defined as live micro- section. Although larger cohorts and longitudinal observation
organisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, have the are required to determine whether this procedure modifies disease
potential to confer a health benefit on the host. Notably, the defi- risk in later life, this is an interesting proof of concept. A summary
nition of a probiotic does not differentiate between the wide range of strategies to mitigate the risk of allergic disease is presented in
of potential health benefits, and it is clear that not all probiotics Box 4.
will influence the immune system in the same way. Even strains
within the same species display different host effects, such as in-
duction of forkhead box P3–positive regulatory T cells,102 CHALLENGES AND RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES
showing that health claims relating to one probiotic cannot be Analytics
extrapolated to other bacterial strains within that species. One limitation associated with many current studies is that they
Prebiotics can be defined as selectively fermented ingredients focus exclusively on the bacterial microbiota and omit the likely
that allow specific changes in the composition and/or activity in important contribution of the mycobiome and virome. Ap-
the gastrointestinal microbiota that confer benefits on host well- proaches to characterize the mycobiome composition are
being and health. As with the probiotic definition, not all
prebiotics will have the same effect on immunologic functions, Box 4. Current opportunities for practical clinical intervention to
and their effect could vary widely depending on the composition mitigate risk of allergic disease
of the host’s gut microbiota.
Clinical intervention Rationale
The combination of probiotics and prebiotics is termed
synbiotics. The probiotic and prebiotic human studies to date Reduce elective cesarean Microbial dysbiosis can be mitigated to
have focused on administration to the gut, but lung or skin sections reduce the risk of allergic immune
application can provide more potent therapeutic responses in responses and inflammation.
patients with asthma or AD, respectively. Reduce indiscriminate
Diet is a critical regulator of the gut microbiota composition use of antibiotics
and function, as demonstrated by a large number of observational during infancy/
and intervention studies.103 Short-term dramatic changes in diet perinatal period
Encourage breast-feeding,
can rapidly alter the gut microbiota, and long-term dietary habits
when possible
seem to be a dominant force shaping the composition and activity Increase dietary intake of Microbial fermentation produces SCFAs,
of the microbiota. Dietary fermentable fibers seem particularly fermentable fiber which in vitro and in vivo data suggest
important because microbial fermentation of these fibers gener- can mitigate allergic responses,
ates SCFAs that can influence the severity of allergic inflamma- including in the lung.
tion.57 Dietary practices early in life influence later risk of Topical anti-inflammatory Inflammation reduces host antimicrobial
atopy and asthma,104 which might be mediated indirectly by medication responses, and use of anti-inflammatory
dietary-associated changes in the microbiota. Dietary modifica- agents reduces S aureus colonization.
tion in combination with appropriate microbiota manipulation
APRIL 2017
developing but still difficult. In particular, isolation of fungal tract. Longitudinal observational studies to address this are a
DNA requires specific processing that is typically not used in challenge but important to establish foundational knowledge that
classical bacterial microbiota analysis. In addition, fungal allows interpretation of how observed perturbations to the
sequence databases, which allow the DNA sequence fragments microbiome shape or predict respiratory outcomes.
to be assigned to specific fungi, are still in development. For Second, there is a need to understand the functional conse-
viruses, there is no parallel to 16S rRNA sequencing in bacteria, quences of asthma-associated respiratory dysbiosis and how these
which means that a deep-sequencing approach and powerful relate to disease pathogenesis or phenotype. Understanding how
bioinformatic tools are required to better understand changes in inhaled exposures (pollutants, particulates, microbes, and drugs)
virome composition. However, analysis of specific viruses by affect the respiratory microbiome adds another layer of
using classical techniques, such as PCR, could be an interim step complexity. Current capabilities to collect a massive amount of
toward understanding the importance of subclinical viral com- information and variety of data types will require novel integra-
munities that might provide tonic signals to the immune system tive approaches for analysis, such as through systems biology or
and members of the microbiome. machine-learning methods.
Although there is strong evidence that very early-life factors Third, how and when to intervene with potential approaches to
shape allergy and asthma risk in childhood, the heterogeneity of therapeutically modify the microbiome remains a difficult
allergic diseases and asthma presents both challenges and question. Current evidence indicates a very early window of
opportunities to understand how the microbiome can shape opportunity to minimize the risk of childhood asthma or atopy.
disease phenotypes. For example, it is now recognized that a Are such approaches viable in adults to ‘‘reverse’’ asthma or other
significant proportion of asthma in adults is not driven by type 2 atopic diseases? Beyond allergic diseases, leveraging microbiota
airway inflammation.28 Emerging evidence suggests that asthma- manipulation to treat nonallergic diseases continues to present
associated alterations in the respiratory microbiome are linked to challenges and is an active area of investigation.
diminished type 2 airway inflammation and diminished response
to corticosteroids.39,40 Whether this respiratory dysbiosis is sim-
ply a reflection of the underlying host state or actively shapes the Systems biology
phenotypic features of asthma is difficult to dissect from clinical Systems biology is an approach to understanding living
studies. Nonetheless, the microbiota-phenotypic feature link is systems focused on modeling diverse types of high-dimensional
striking in some cases, such as different patterns of airway micro- interactions to develop a more comprehensive understanding of
biota enrichment associated with obesity or stability of asthma biology at multiple scales: molecular, cellular, tissue, organ,
control in patients with severe asthma.34 organism, and community.110 System-wide multiscale profiles of
Thus further studies in diverse groups of patients with asthma populations are coupled with computational techniques to build
and allergic disorders are merited. However, it is important to network models.110 Networks provide a mathematic framework
emphasize that such studies require thoughtful prospective for exploring the context in which genes, gene products, mi-
considerations in study design and execution. These include crobes, metabolites, and other variables operate, connect, and
attention to clinical phenotyping and sample collection and interact.110 Networks can place microbiota of interest in the
processing procedures for microbiome-specific analyses. Other- context of biologic pathways and molecular interactions, and
wise, the results might be difficult to interpret or compare across the best nodes from a network can be used to assess the disease
studies. Moreover, acquiring and analyzing (in vitro or in vivo) and serve as targets for therapeutic intervention.110
host cells from the same tissue site as the microbiota is an impor- Systems biology approaches, such as probabilistic causal
tant step toward testing causality and understanding how host- network analysis, can be used to move beyond associations
microbe interactions could be modulated to prevent or treat asth- between the microbiota and allergy outcomes to inferring causal
matic patients. directionality. In such instances Bayesian methods can be used to
To understand ultimately how the microbiome shapes allergic infer causal relationships by considering thousands of molecular,
diseases and asthma in patients will require a combination of both microbial, and clinical variables and using statistical techniques
discovery- and hypothesis-driven research. Clinical insights can to select a consensus model that best fits the data and identifies
drive relevant questions regarding the microbiome for which a directionality of relationships between the variables.110,111 The
variety of analytic tools are now available and continue to be connectivity structure of networks in disease helps us understand
developed. Prespecified hypotheses, informed by clinical knowl- how biological processes are defined at the molecular level, how
edge or basic science insights, can be formulated to interrogate they are disrupted in disease, and how we can assess disease risk
microbiome-related data (here referring to a variety of possible and potentially intervene.110,111 Causal network approaches have
omic techniques, including 16S rRNA, metagenomics, metatran- been applied to several disease areas outside of allergy, resulting
scriptomics, and metabolomics). A recent perspective article on in new mechanistic understandings for metabolic disease,112 car-
‘‘where next for microbiome research’’ described areas for diovascular disease,113 and Alzheimer disease.114 The implemen-
attention,109 several of which are highly relevant to the focus tation of such systems biology approaches to better understand
and intent of this PRACTALL report. These include understand- the role of the microbiome in patients with asthma, AD, and
ing interactions among microbiota and between microbiota and food allergy represents a challenge to be addressed in the future.
the host, systems biology for integrative analysis of the human To further our understanding of the microbiome in patients
microbiome, and manipulation of the microbiota as a therapeutic with asthma and allergic diseases, the objective should be to build
approach. on the level of data integration thus far (Fig 2).110 To that end, we
For asthma, extensions of these topics are important to need to generate multiple dimensions of data on each subject to
consider. First, there is a dearth of knowledge on the stability of lend power and provide the raw materials needed for a systems
the microbiome, particularly in adults and the lower respiratory biology approach to examine asthma, AD, and food allergy at a
FIG 2. Moving toward a systems biology view of the microbiome in asthma and allergy. The colored circular
nodes represent microbial, genetic, regulatory, metabolite, and environmental entities associated with
asthma and allergic disorders. Their identification and potential connectivity can be assessed by the
profiling represented in the large rectangular nodes. The green rectangular nodes represent diseases of in-
terest. Orange lines (edges) denote evidence for associations between the implicated nodes in asthma and
allergy. Dashed blue edges denote relationships that are currently less well studied. Examination of the net-
work’s collective nodes and edges or a substantial subset thereof would move us toward a systems biology
understanding of allergic disease. Figure adapted from Bunyavanich and Schadt.110
more holistic level.110 The resulting network can then be used to tissue type, between different tissues,117 and between the host
predict the behavior of these conditions and generate novel and and environment, including the microbiome.110
biologically relevant information. Developing a clear understanding of the role played by the
microbiota in the development and evolution of allergic disease
will afford the opportunity for targeted and rational means to
manipulate the microbiota to the advantage of the host. Such an
CONCLUSION approach will contribute to and build on precision medicine for
Because asthma, AD, and food allergy are complex and allergy care.65 Studies to date have yet to delineate clear ap-
heterogeneous diseases, it is unlikely that the microbiota proaches for the clinical manipulation of the microbiota with re-
implicated in these diseases or even the microbiome in its entirety gard to asthma and allergy. However, the increasing availability of
can fully capture the interdependent dynamics of the molecular data in these areas should lead to carefully controlled clinical tri-
networks involved in these diseases (Fig 2). Our understanding of als of microbiota-directed therapy. Such trials will clarify the de-
allergic diseases has been advanced not only by studies of the mi- gree to which microbial manipulation is a useful option for the
crobiome but also by data generated through genome-wide asso- prevention, management, or both of allergic diseases. Primary
ciation, transcriptomic, epigenomic, and metabolomic studies.110 prevention through microbiota-directed therapy is particularly
Integrating these types of system-wide data will facilitate con- appealing to potentially decrease the incidence of asthma and al-
struction of models that are predictive of complex biological in- lergy. Ultimately, clinical efficacy is unlikely to be achieved with
teractions and systems, a necessary step to developing a more a single approach, and a variety of strategies customized to
complete understanding of asthma, AD, and food allergy.110 It different patient phenotypes/endotypes or perhaps individual pa-
is likely that bacterial, viral, and fungal biomes interact with tients will emerge.
the human genome in complex ways to influence these disor- In conclusion, our understanding of the role of the microbiota
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relationships between the microbiota and host genomic profiles evolve. Advances in this field will be driven by progress in our
in other disease areas, such as inflammatory bowel disease, sug- ability to address the gaps in approach, analysis, and interpreta-
gesting that similar approaches can be applied to allergic dis- tion that we have identified and to integrate knowledge of the
ease.115,116 The ultimate objective is to better understand causal microbiome into a systems biology context of the human host and
relationships among molecular features within a given cell or environment. By moving forward research on the microbiome in
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