ST - Joseph's Degree & PG College Business Law Unit1
ST - Joseph's Degree & PG College Business Law Unit1
ST - Joseph's Degree & PG College Business Law Unit1
• As a social being, man comes into contact with people in different capacities
• For example:
• The word ‘Law’ is a general term and has different connotations for different people,
1.A citizen may think of Law as a set of rules which he must obey.
In the words of Salmond,” Law is the body of principles recognized and applied by the state
Woodrow Wilson has defined law as “that portion of the established habit and thought of
mankind which has gained distinct and formal recognition in the shape of uniform rules
- customs and
• It is a real phenomenon having a real existence in relation to the facts of human affairs
• The object of law is order and the result of order is that men are enabled to look ahead
• In the context of new emerging India, the main object of law is considered to be “ to
establish socio-economic justice and remove the existence imbalance in the socioeconomic structure.”
• In the pre- independence era, the principal concern of the government was limited to
• The situation has changed now and the fundamental task of broadening the horizons of
the welfare state is being pursued by the legislation covering the entire gamut of social
It is an agreement made between two or more parties which the law will enforce
Sec. 2(h) Indian Contract Act, 1872 defines a Contract as an agreement enforceable by law
An agreement is defined as “Every promise and every set of promises, forming consideration
A promise is defined thus “When the person to whom the proposal is made signifies his
To form an agreement, there must be a proposal or offer by one party and its acceptance by
the other
The parties to the agreement must have agreed about the subject matter of the agreement in
the same sense and at the same time. Unless there is consensus ad idem, there can be no
It is defined as a legal tie which imposes upon a definite person or persons the necessity of
Lawful consideration
Lawful object
Legal formalities
The terms of the offer must be definite and the acceptance of the offer must be absolute and
The acceptance must be according to the mode prescribed and must be communicated to the
When two parties enter into an agreement, their intention must be to create legal
If there is no such intention on the part of the parties, there is no contract between them
month. Later the parties separated and the husband failed to pay the
amount. The wife sued for the allowance. Held, agreements such as these
Lawful consideration
Consideration means an advantage or benefit moving from one party to the other. It is the
A promise to do something and getting nothing in return is usually not enforceable by law
The parties to the agreement must be capable of entering into a valid contract
It is essential to the creation of every contract that there must be free and genuine consent of
The consent of the parties is said to be free when they are of the same mind on all the
There is absence of the free consent if the agreement is induced by Coercion, Undue
Lawful object
o Illegal
o Immoral
If an agreement suffers from any legal flaw, it would not be enforceable by law
The agreement must not have been expressly declared void by law in force in the country
The agreement must be certain and not vague or indefinite, if not it cannot be enforced
show what kind of oil was intended. The agreement is void for uncertainty
purchase terms”. The hire purchase price was to be paid over two years. Held,
there was no contract as the terms were not certain about the rate of interest and
mode of payment. NO precise meaning could be attributed to the words “on hire
Legal formalities
As regards the legal effects, there is no difference between a contract in writing and a
complied with
Voidable contract
thereto, but not at the option of the other or others is a voidable contract
specified time, any failure on his part to perform his obligation within the
fixed time makes the contract voidable at the option of the promisee
Void agreement
Void contract
be enforceable
• A contract, when originally entered into, may be valid and binding on the
Illegal agreement
– An illegal agreement is one which transgress (controversy) some rule or basic
agreements are void but all void agreements are not necessarily illegal
Unenforceable contract
Express contract
– If the terms of contract expressly agreed upon at the time of formation of the
Implied contract
– An implied contract is one which is inferred from the acts or conduct of the
Quasi contract
E commerce contract
– The contracts which is entered into between two parties via internet is called E
Commerce Contract
Executed contract
– Executed means that which is done. If both the parties have performed their
Executory contract
– When only one party has to fulfill his obligation at the time of the formation of
the contract, the other party having fulfilled his obligation at the time of the
Bilateral contract
– The obligation on the part of both the parties the contract is outstanding at the
When a contract is broken by one party, the other party may sue to treat the contract as rescinded and
refuse further performance. In such a case, he is absolved of all his obligations under the contract.
E.g: A promises B to supply 10 Bags of cement on a certain day. B agrees to pay the price after the
receipt of the goods. A does not supply the goods. B is discharged from liability to pay the price.
Damages are the monetary compensation allowed to the injured party by the court for the loss of injury
It is to put the injured party in the same position, so far as money can do it, as if he had not been
I.e, in the position in which he would have been there been performance and not breach.
X’s mill was stopped by the breakdown of a shaft. He delivered the shaft to Y, a common carrier, to be
taken to a manufacturer to copy it and make a new one. X did not make known to Y that delay would
result in loss of profits. By some neglect on the part of Y the delivery of the shaft was delayed in transit
beyond a reasonable time. Held, Y was not liable for loss of profits during the period of delay as the
circumstances communicated to Y did not show that a delay in the delivery of the shaft would entail loss
Such damages which is naturally arose in the usual course of things from such breach. This
Such damages which the parties knew, when they made the contract, to be likely to result from
Such Compensation is not to be given for any remote or indirect loss or damage sustained by
Such compensation for damages arising from a breach of contract, the means which existed of
remedying the inconvenience caused by the non-performance of the contract must be taken into
When a contract has been broken, the injured party can recover from the other party such damages as
naturally and directly arose in the usual course of things from the breach.These damages are known as
ordinary damages.
E.g.: A contracts to sell and deliver 50 quintals of Farm wheat to B at Rs.475 per quintal, the price to be
paid at the time of delivery. The price of Wheat rises to Rs. 500 per quintal and A refuses to sell the
In a contract for the sale of goods, the measure of damages on the breach of a contract is the difference
between the contract price and the market price of such goods on the date of the breach.
If, however, the thing contracted for is not available in the market, the price of the nearest and best
Where the subject matter of a contract is goods specially made to order and which are not marketable,
E.g: A contracts to pay a sum of money to B on a specified day. He does not pay the money on that day.
B in consequence of not receiving money on that day, is unable to pay his debts, and is totally ruined. A
not liable to make good to B anything except the principal sum he contracted to pay together with
If any promisee neglects or refuses to afford the promisor reasonable facilities for the performance of
promise, the promisor is excused by such neglect or refusal as to any non-performance caused thereby.
E.g: A contracts with B to repair his house. B neglects or refuses to point out to A the places in which his
house requires repair. A is excused for the non-performance of the contract, if it is caused by such
or refusal.
Damages other than those arising form the breach of the contract may be recovered if such damages
reasonably be supposed to have been in the contemplation of the both of the parties as the probable
of the breach of the contract. Such damages are known as Special Damages,witch cannot be claimed as
S sent some specimens of his goods for exhibition at an agricultural show.After the show he entrusted
some of his samples to an agent of the railway company for carriage to another show ground at New
Castle. On the consignment note he wrote “Must, be at New Castle, Monday certain”. Owing, to a
on the part of the railway company, the samples arrived late for the show. Held, S could claim damages
Damages for the breach of a contract are given by way of compensation for loss suffered, and not by
punishment for wrong inflicted. Hence, “vindictive” or “exemplary” damages have no place in the law of
But in case of
(b) Dishonor of a cheque by banker wrongfully when he possesses sufficient funds to the credit of the
Where the injured party has not in fact suffered any loss by reason of the breach of a contract, the
A firm consisting of four partners employed B for a period of two years. After six months two partners
retired, the business being carried on by the other two. B declined to be employed under the continuing
partners. Held, he was only entitled to nominal damages as he had suffered no loss.
An exception to this rule exists in the case of a banker who wrongfully refuses to honor a customer’s
cheque. IF the customer happens to be a tradesman, he can recover damages in respect of any loss to
A was wrongfully dismissed in a harsh and humiliating manner by G from his employment. Held,
(a) A could recover a sum representing his wages for the period of notice and the commission which
(b) He could not recover anything for his injured feelings or for the loss sustained from the fact that
It is the duty of the injured party to take all reasonable steps to mitigate the loss caused by the breach.
He cannot claim to be compensated by the party in default for loss which he ought reasonably to have
That is he cannot claim compensation for loss which is really due not to the breach but due to his own
Although damages which are incapable of assessment cannot be recovered, the fact that they are
to assess with certainty or precision does not prevent the aggrieved party from recovering them.
The courtmust do its best to estimate the loss and a contingencymay be taken into account.
himself was to select twelve out of these fifty. The selected twelve were to be provided theatrical
engagements. C was one of the fifty and by H’s breach of contract she was not present when the final
selection was made. Held, C was entitled to damages although it was difficult to assess them.
Cost of decree
The aggrieved party is entitled, in addition to damages, to get the cost of getting the decree for
Liquidated damages represents a sum, fixed or ascertained by the parties in the contract, which is a fair
and genuine pre-estimate of the probable loss that might ensue as a result of the breach, if it takes
A penalty is a sum named in the contract at the time of its formation, which is disproportionate to the
damage likely to accrue as a result of the breach. It is fixed up with a view to secure the performance of
the contract
A right to sue on a quantum meruit arises where a contract, partly performed by one party, has become
The right is founded not on the original contract which is discharged or is void but on an implied promise
In certain cases, damages are not an adequate remedy. The court may, in such cases, direct the party in
breach to carry out his promise according to the terms of the contract. This is a direct by the court for
Specific Performance of the contract at the suit of the party not in breach.
Where a party is in breach of a negative term of a contract, the court may , by issuing an order, restrain
him form doing what he promised not to do. Such an order of the court is known as an “Injunction”.
W agreed to sing at L’s theatre, and during a certain period to sing nowhere else. Afterwards W made
contract with Z to sing at another theatre and refused to perform the contract with L. Held, W could be