Cello-IQ Programming Manual

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Cellocator Cello

Programming Manual -

Proprietary and Confidential


Revised and Updated: April 18, 2018


Copyright © 2018 by Pointer Telocation, Ltd.

Cellocator Cello
Programming Manual

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Cellocator Cello
Programming Manual

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Cellocator Cello
Programming Manual

Table of Contents

Cellocator Cello Programming Manual - Cello-IQ ................................................................ 1

1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 16
1.1 About this Document ..................................................................................................16
1.2 Applicability Table ......................................................................................................16
1.3 References ................................................................................................................16
1.4 Document Conventions ...............................................................................................16
2 Accessing the Configuration Memory via Wireless Channel (OTA) .......................... 17
3 Accessing the Configuration Memory via Direct Wire Interface .............................. 18
4 Event Types generated by Cellocator devices ......................................................... 18
4.1 Logged (Plain) Event ...................................................................................................18
4.2 HRLS Event ...............................................................................................................18
4.3 Distress Event ............................................................................................................18
4.4 Security Event ...........................................................................................................19
5 Address and Bitmask Field Allocation Tables .......................................................... 20
5.1 Address Allocation Table ..............................................................................................20
5.2 Bitmask Field Allocations .............................................................................................40
5.2.1 Application Configuration .............................................................................................40
5.2.2 Communication Events Mask ........................................................................................43
5.2.3 Communication Settings in Home/Roam GSM Network Mode ...........................................43
5.2.4 WAKE UP Message Configuration ..................................................................................44
5.2.5 GPS Management Bitmap ............................................................................................44
5.2.6 Maintenance Server Configuration Bitmap .....................................................................44
5.2.7 GSM Band / GPRS Auth Type Programming ...................................................................45
5.2.8 UART Configuration ....................................................................................................45
5.2.9 Alternative Inputs Usage Bitmap ..................................................................................45
5.2.10 Inputs Triggering Distress Voice Call .............................................................................46
5.2.11 Speaker of Hands Free - Mute settings ..........................................................................46
5.2.12 Volume and Gain Control Byte .....................................................................................46
5.2.13 Time Based Mask Bitmap.............................................................................................47
5.2.14 Over (and Idle) Speed Session Control Bitmap ...............................................................47
5.2.15 Go/Halt Session Control Bitmap ...................................................................................47
5.2.16 GPS Alerts Mask Bitmap ..............................................................................................47
5.2.17 Time Report Period Value (Home, Roam, High Speed) .....................................................48
5.2.18 Time/Distance Alert Multipliers for High Speed Mode .......................................................48
5.2.19 Mask of Authentication Alerts .......................................................................................48

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5.2.20 Discrete Inputs Masks .................................................................................................49

5.2.21 Mask of Analog Inputs Alerts........................................................................................50
5.2.22 GP Frequency Input Configuration Byte .........................................................................50
5.2.23 Violation of Additional GP Frequency Thresholds .............................................................50
5.2.24 Disable Continuous Output Activation after SW Reset Bitmask .........................................51
5.2.25 Outputs Inversion Mask...............................................................................................51
5.2.26 Geo-Fence Alert Mask .................................................................................................52
5.2.27 Silent Delay Configuration ...........................................................................................52
5.2.28 Offline Tracking - Auto Upload Configuration ..................................................................52
5.2.29 Security Settings Bitmask 1 .........................................................................................52
5.2.30 Security Settings Bitmask 2 .........................................................................................53
5.2.31 Security Logic Configuration ........................................................................................53
5.2.32 Feedbacks / Alarm Triggered / Alarm Cadence Outputs ...................................................53
5.2.33 Active Correlation Lines ...............................................................................................53
5.2.34 Vector Change Detection Bitmask .................................................................................53
5.2.35 Garmin Configuration ..................................................................................................54
5.2.36 Feedback for Driver Behavior Violations Bitmask ............................................................54
5.2.37 Driver Behavior Continuous Violation - Feedback Bitmask ................................................55
5.2.38 Driver Behavior Continuous Violation - Output Activation Template ...................................55
5.2.39 Driver Behavior Continuous Violation - Feedback Logic ....................................................55
5.2.40 Driver Behavior Momentary Violation - Output Activation Template ...................................56
5.2.41 Outputs, Auto-Activated upon Jamming Detection ..........................................................56
5.2.42 Accelerometer Configuration ........................................................................................59
5.2.43 Towed Mode Configuration...........................................................................................59
5.2.44 Cello AR Keyboard Configuration Bitmask ......................................................................59
5.2.45 Cello AR: Alarm Cadence duration and cycles .................................................................60
6 Communication and Configuration ......................................................................... 61
6.1 Communication Events ................................................................................................61
6.1.1 SMS Delivery Confirmation ..........................................................................................61
6.1.2 Enable Voice Call Events..............................................................................................61
6.2 Communication Settings..............................................................................................62
6.2.1 GPRS Settings ............................................................................................................62
6.2.2 SMS Settings .............................................................................................................74
6.2.3 Comm. Permissions in Home/Roam Network ..................................................................75
6.2.4 COM port settings.......................................................................................................77
6.2.5 1-Wire port settings ....................................................................................................79
6.2.6 Data Forwarding from COM Port ...................................................................................81
6.2.7 PSP Configuration .......................................................................................................84
6.2.8 Garmin: Integration of CU with Garmin Terminals ..........................................................86
6.2.9 Cellocator MDT100 .....................................................................................................88
6.2.10 Transparent Data Mode over COM Port ..........................................................................89
6.2.11 Distress Session Configuration .....................................................................................92

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6.2.12 Wake Up Messages .....................................................................................................93

6.2.13 Offline Tracking ..........................................................................................................94
6.2.14 Cell ID Based Location (Neighborhood list of the serving GSM cell) ...................................99
6.2.15 Internal Accelerometer Configuration .......................................................................... 102
6.2.16 Roaming List, GSM Operator Management ................................................................... 105
6.2.17 GSM Jamming Detection & Reaction (Not Supported by 3G units) ................................... 110
6.2.18 Other Configuration Parameters related to Communication Settings ................................ 118
6.2.19 White List ................................................................................................................ 121
6.3 GPS Calibration ........................................................................................................ 122
6.3.1 Base Unit (Measurement Factor of GPS Odometer) ....................................................... 122
6.3.2 GPS Odometer Current Value ..................................................................................... 122
6.3.3 Report Max. Speed instead of Real Time Speed ............................................................ 123
6.3.4 Enable Voice Call Unsolicited Serial Status Messages .................................................... 123
6.3.5 Enable IMEI Transmission via Type 0 Message ............................................................. 123
6.3.6 Enable GPS Navigation Start-Stop updates .................................................................. 123
6.3.7 GPS Navigation Start/Stop filter ................................................................................. 124
6.3.8 Enable Tight GPS PMODE Filter................................................................................... 124
6.3.9 GPS DOP Threshold .................................................................................................. 125
6.3.10 Synchronize Unit’s Time with GPS Time only when GPS is Navigating ......................... 125
6.3.11 Velocity Threshold for HIGH SPEED Mode .................................................................... 125
6.3.12 GPS Maintenance Updates ......................................................................................... 126
6.3.13 GPS Odometer Management ...................................................................................... 126
6.3.14 GPS Reset Settings ................................................................................................... 128
6.3.15 Vehicle’s Driver speed delta relative to GPS speed ........................................................ 129
6.4 Inputs & Outputs ...................................................................................................... 129
6.4.1 Discrete Inputs Triggering Time Filters ........................................................................ 129
6.4.2 Analog Measurement Averaging Time ......................................................................... 133
6.4.3 Inputs in OTA Message .............................................................................................. 133
6.4.4 Enable Monitoring Logical Status of Ignition in OTA Packets ........................................... 134
6.4.5 Enable Warning Output Activation during Gradual Immobilization ................................... 134
6.4.6 Outputs Pulse Width Period ........................................................................................ 134
6.4.7 LED Management ..................................................................................................... 134
6.4.8 Analog (& Frequency) Inputs in OTA Message .............................................................. 138
6.4.9 Disable Continuous Output Activation after SW Reset .................................................... 139
6.4.10 Feedback Outputs..................................................................................................... 141
6.4.11 Outputs Inversion Mask............................................................................................. 141
6.4.12 Usage Counter Configuration ..................................................................................... 142
6.4.13 Frequency Metering .................................................................................................. 144
6.4.14 Modem & SIM .......................................................................................................... 156
6.4.15 Modem Reset Settings .............................................................................................. 159
6.4.16 GSM Band & GPRS Auth Type .................................................................................... 160
6.4.17 SIM PIN .................................................................................................................. 161
6.5 Power Management .................................................................................................. 163

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6.5.1 Power Management Mode .......................................................................................... 163

6.5.2 Hibernation Mode Delay ............................................................................................ 164
6.5.3 Enable Pre-Hibernation Update ................................................................................... 164
6.5.4 Enable Data Forwarding from Serial Port by SMS (in Hibernation) ................................... 165
6.5.5 GPS Peeking ............................................................................................................ 165
6.5.6 GSM Peeking ........................................................................................................... 166
6.5.7 Battery Charging ...................................................................................................... 167
6.6 Voice Call Settings .................................................................................................... 168
6.6.1 Voice Call Destination Number ................................................................................... 168
6.6.2 GSM Related Preferences........................................................................................... 169
6.6.3 Inputs Triggering Voice Call ....................................................................................... 170
6.6.4 Speaker of Hands Free - Mute Settings ....................................................................... 171
6.6.5 Volume and Gain Control Byte ................................................................................... 172
6.7 Informative Parameters ............................................................................................ 174
6.7.1 Last Distance Event .................................................................................................. 174
6.7.2 Field for Customer Use .............................................................................................. 175
7 Distance and Speed Events ................................................................................... 176
7.1 Distance Events ....................................................................................................... 176
7.1.1 Enable Distance Updates ........................................................................................... 176
7.1.2 Trip for a Distance Event ........................................................................................... 176
7.1.3 Distance Event Multiplier for HIGH SPEED Mode ........................................................... 176
7.2 Over and Idle Speed ................................................................................................. 177
7.2.1 Velocity Threshold for Over Speed Start Event ............................................................. 177
7.2.2 Velocity Threshold for Over Speed End Event ............................................................... 177
7.2.3 Filter of Over Speed Duration ..................................................................................... 177
7.2.4 Do not use Time Filter to Close Over Speed Session...................................................... 178
7.2.5 Alternative Over Speed Threshold for Input Dependent Mode ......................................... 178
7.2.6 Velocity Threshold for Idle Speed Start Event .............................................................. 179
7.2.7 Velocity Threshold for Idle End Event .......................................................................... 179
7.2.8 Filter of Idle Speed Duration ...................................................................................... 179
7.2.9 Multiplier for Idle Speed Start Detection Time Filter ...................................................... 179
7.2.10 Do not use Time Filter to Close Idle Speed Session ....................................................... 180
7.2.11 Start Idle Speed Timer with Ignition On ...................................................................... 180
7.2.12 Create Idle/Over Speed End Update for an Open Session per Ignition Off ........................ 180
7.2.13 Events and Distress Control ....................................................................................... 180
7.3 Sudden Course Changed and Sudden Speed Change Sensors ........................................ 181
7.3.1 Speed Thresholds V0, V1 and V2 ................................................................................ 181
7.3.2 Delta Speed and Delta Course for Speed Range X ......................................................... 182
7.3.3 Events, Distress and HRLS Updates Control ................................................................. 183
7.3.4 Speed Limiting Geo-Fence ......................................................................................... 184
7.3.5 Speed Limiting Geo-Fence Enable ............................................................................... 184
7.3.6 Speed Limiting Geo-Fence Threshold Select ................................................................. 184

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7.3.7 Speed Limiting Geo-Fence Threshold .......................................................................... 185

7.3.8 Speed Limiting Geo-Fence Alerts Enable ...................................................................... 185
7.3.9 Speed Limiting Geo-Fence Output Activations .............................................................. 185
7.4 Go (Start Movement) and Halt (Stop Movement) Events ............................................... 185
7.4.1 Go/Halt Speed Detection Threshold ............................................................................ 186
7.4.2 Go/Halt Time Threshold Filter .................................................................................... 186
7.4.3 Go/Halt Session Control ............................................................................................ 186
8 Time and Trip Events ............................................................................................ 188
8.1 Start and Stop Alerts ................................................................................................ 188
8.1.1 Start Alert Generation Time Filter ............................................................................... 188
8.1.2 Stop Alert Generation Time Filter ............................................................................... 188
8.2 Time-based Alert ...................................................................................................... 188
8.2.1 Time Alerts Resolution Definer ................................................................................... 189
8.2.2 Time Alerts Period Value ........................................................................................... 189
8.2.3 Force one second resolution Roaming Mode ................................................................. 189
8.2.4 Time Alert Period Multiplier for High Speed Mode .......................................................... 190
8.2.5 Time Report Period Multiplier for NOIP Mode ................................................................ 190
8.2.6 Table of Time-based Alert Period Calculation ................................................................ 190
8.2.7 V-Trek: Dynamic Time-based Alerts Period Control as a Function of Speed ...................... 191
8.3 Curve Smoothing ..................................................................................................... 193
8.3.1 Enable Vector Change Detection Events /Distress ......................................................... 194
8.3.2 Prevent Curve Smoothing Message Generation during "Halt" Mode ................................. 195
8.3.3 Enable Compressed Vector Change Report................................................................... 195
8.3.4 Compressed Vector Change Report Timeout ................................................................ 196
8.3.5 Vector Change Detection Angle .................................................................................. 196
8.4 Communication Idle Alerts ......................................................................................... 197
8.4.1 Time between Communication Idle Alerts .................................................................... 197
8.4.2 Event and Distress Controls for Communication Idle Alert .............................................. 197
8.4.3 Do not Wake Up from Hibernation upon Comm. Idle Distress ......................................... 197
8.5 Driver Authentication ................................................................................................ 198
8.5.1 Enable Driving Without Authentication Alert ................................................................. 200
8.5.2 Enable Authentication Updated Alert ........................................................................... 200
8.5.3 Maximum Time without Authentication ........................................................................ 200
8.5.4 Enable Authentication Reminder Feedback Output Activation ......................................... 201
8.5.5 Ignition Filter Source for Starting Driver Authentication Time Calculations ....................... 201
8.5.6 Time to Authentication Loss ....................................................................................... 202
8.5.7 Activate Immobilizer while no active Dallas .................................................................. 202
8.5.8 Enable Conditional Activation of Immobilizer ................................................................ 202
8.5.9 Enable Pre-defined Driver ID’s List.............................................................................. 203
8.5.10 Enable “Dallas ID Updated” Event even if it is not in the List .......................................... 203
8.5.11 iButton Codes (30 Buttons) ....................................................................................... 204

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8.5.12 Enable Feedback upon Authentication ......................................................................... 204

8.5.13 Enable Resending "Driver Authentication" Alert upon each Detection .............................. 204
8.5.14 Enable Dallas Bus Mode (1-Wire) Bus ......................................................................... 205
8.5.15 Enable Infinite Driver Notifications when Driver is not Identified ..................................... 205
8.6 Extended Driver Authentication .................................................................................. 206
8.6.1 Enable Differentiation between Driver and Passenger .................................................... 206
8.7 Trailer Connection Monitoring .................................................................................... 210
8.7.1 Dallas Family of Trailer Identifier ................................................................................ 210
8.7.2 Enable Trailer Connection Event ................................................................................. 211
8.7.3 Trailer Connection Distress ........................................................................................ 211
8.7.4 Timeout for Trailer Connection Status Change .............................................................. 211
8.7.5 Trailer Connected: Over Speed Start Velocity threshold ................................................. 212
8.7.6 Trailer Connected: Over Speed End Velocity Threshold .................................................. 212
8.8 Controlling of Work Time on Static Objects .................................................................. 212
8.9 Driver Behavior ........................................................................................................ 213
8.9.1 Coasting .................................................................................................................. 213
8.9.2 Behavior Violation Indications to Driver ....................................................................... 215
8.9.3 Additional Thresholds for GP Frequency Meter .............................................................. 221
9 Inputs Events ....................................................................................................... 223
9.1 4 – Ignition ............................................................................................................. 225
9.1.1 Reporting Journey Start ............................................................................................ 225
9.1.2 Reporting Journey Stop ............................................................................................. 225
9.1.3 Inverting Journey Start/Stop ..................................................................................... 226
9.1.4 Reporting Signal Falling on Ignition ............................................................................ 226
9.1.5 Reporting Signal Rising on Ignition ............................................................................. 226
9.1.6 Inverting Ignition Input ............................................................................................. 226
9.2 5 – Lock .................................................................................................................. 227
9.2.1 Function Assigned to Lock Input ................................................................................. 227
9.2.2 Inverting Lock Input ................................................................................................. 227
9.2.3 Threshold for Lock Input ........................................................................................... 228
9.2.4 Averaging Factor for Lock Input ................................................................................. 228
9.2.5 Reporting Signal Falling on Lock ................................................................................. 228
9.2.6 Reporting Signal Rising on Lock.................................................................................. 229
9.3 11- Unlock............................................................................................................... 229
9.3.1 Function Assigned to Unlock Input .............................................................................. 229
9.3.2 Inverting Unlock Input .............................................................................................. 230
9.3.3 Threshold for Unlock Input ........................................................................................ 230
9.3.4 Averaging Factor for Unlock Input .............................................................................. 230
9.3.5 Reporting Signal Falling on Unlock .............................................................................. 231
9.3.6 Reporting Signal Rising on Unlock............................................................................... 231
9.4 14 – Door ................................................................................................................ 231

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9.4.1 Door Input Type ....................................................................................................... 231

9.4.2 Function Assigned to Door Input................................................................................. 232
9.4.3 Scaling Factor for Frequency Report on Door Input ....................................................... 233
9.4.4 Thresholds on Door as a General Purpose Frequency Counter ........................................ 234
9.4.5 Time Filter for Frequency/Analog Door Input ................................................................ 235
9.4.6 Door Freq. Input Violation Type .................................................................................. 235
9.4.7 Threshold for Door Input ........................................................................................... 236
9.4.8 Averaging Factor for Door Input ................................................................................. 236
9.4.9 Inverting Door Input ................................................................................................. 237
9.4.10 Reporting Signal Falling On Door ................................................................................ 237
9.4.11 Reporting Signal Rising on Door ................................................................................. 237
9.4.12 Function buttons events – Door input .......................................................................... 238
9.5 15 – Shock .............................................................................................................. 238
9.5.1 Shock Input Type ..................................................................................................... 238
9.5.2 Function Assigned to Shock Input ............................................................................... 239
9.5.3 Scaling Factor for Frequency Report on Shock Input ..................................................... 240
9.5.4 Threshold on Shock as a General Purpose Frequency Counter ........................................ 241
9.5.5 Time Filter for Violation of Frequency / Analog Shock Input ........................................... 242
9.5.6 Shock Freq. Input Violation Type ................................................................................ 242
9.5.7 Threshold for Shock Input ......................................................................................... 243
9.5.8 Averaging Factor for Shock Input ............................................................................... 243
9.5.9 Inverting Shock Input ............................................................................................... 244
9.5.10 Reporting Signal Falling on Shock Input ...................................................................... 244
9.5.11 Reporting Signal Rising on Shock Input ....................................................................... 244
9.5.12 Function buttons events - Shock Input ........................................................................ 245
9.6 16 – Panic ............................................................................................................... 245
9.6.1 Function Assigned to Panic Input ................................................................................ 245
9.6.2 Inverting Panic Input ................................................................................................ 246
9.6.3 Threshold for Panic Input .......................................................................................... 246
9.6.4 Averaging Factor for Panic Input ................................................................................ 246
9.6.5 Reporting Signal Falling on Panic ................................................................................ 247
9.6.6 Reporting Signal Rising On Panic ................................................................................ 247
9.7 Accelerometer .......................................................................................................... 247
9.7.1 Tilt Tamper .............................................................................................................. 247
10 Power Events ....................................................................................................... 250
10.1 Power Threshold Settings .......................................................................................... 250
10.1.1 Main Power Low Threshold – High/Low levels ............................................................... 250
10.1.2 Backup Battery Low Threshold – High/Low Levels ......................................................... 250
10.2 Power Events/Distress Control ................................................................................... 251
10.2.1 Enabled Main Power Disconnected in Ignition Off Mode alert .......................................... 251
10.2.2 Enabled Main Power Low in Ignition Off Mode Alert ....................................................... 251
10.2.3 Enabled Backup Battery Disconnected in Ignition Off Mode Alert .................................... 251

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10.2.4 Enabled Backup Battery Low in Ignition Off Mode Alert.................................................. 252
10.2.5 Enabled Main Power Disconnected in Ignition On Mode Alert .......................................... 252
10.2.6 Enabled Main Power Low in Ignition On Mode Alert ....................................................... 252
10.2.7 Enabled Backup Battery Disconnected in Ignition On Mode Alert ..................................... 252
10.2.8 Enabled Backup Battery Low in Ignition On Mode Alert .................................................. 253
10.2.9 Period between the Alerts, Triggered by Detection of Power Disconnection ...................... 253
10.3 Radio-Off Mode (Hardcoded - Always Enabled) ............................................................. 253
11 Geo-Fences ........................................................................................................... 255
11.1 Geo-Fence ............................................................................................................... 255
11.1.1 Format of Geographical Perimeter .............................................................................. 256
11.1.2 Four Configuration Bytes of the Fence ......................................................................... 256
11.1.3 TOE - Type of Entry .................................................................................................. 257
11.1.4 Waypoint ................................................................................................................. 257
11.1.5 Geo Hot Spot ........................................................................................................... 258
11.1.6 No Modem Zone ....................................................................................................... 258
11.1.7 Output Control ......................................................................................................... 258
11.1.8 Output Activation Pattern .......................................................................................... 259
11.2 Fences Configuration ................................................................................................ 259
11.2.1 Geo-Fence Logic ....................................................................................................... 259
11.2.2 Geo-Fence Violation Filter .......................................................................................... 260
11.2.3 Ignore Geo-Fence Violation on Boot (after Reset) ......................................................... 260
11.2.4 Control of Geo-Fence Alters (Events and Distress) ........................................................ 261
11.2.5 Geo-Fence Heading Angle .......................................................................................... 262
11.2.6 Geo-Fence Priority .................................................................................................... 263
12 Towing Detection and Towed Mode (Not supported by CelloTrack) ...................... 266
12.1 Towing Detection ..................................................................................................... 266
12.1.1 Towing Detection - Speed Threshold ........................................................................... 266
12.1.2 Towing Detection - Geo-Fence Perimeter ..................................................................... 266
12.1.3 Towing Detection and Towed Mode Time Filter ............................................................. 267
12.1.4 Enable GPS Wake Up upon Movement for Towing Detection ........................................... 267
12.1.5 Towing Alerts (Distress and Event) Control .................................................................. 267
12.2 Towed Mode ............................................................................................................ 268
12.2.1 Enable Towed Mode .................................................................................................. 269
12.2.2 Enable Towed Mode Start-Stop Distress/Event ............................................................. 269
13 External Keyboard (Cello-AR Advance Recovery) ................................................. 270
13.1 Pairing Procedure ..................................................................................................... 271
13.2 Keyboard Configuration ............................................................................................. 271
13.2.1 Enable Keyboard ...................................................................................................... 271
13.2.2 Keyboard Msg Type 9 Data Source ............................................................................. 271
13.2.3 Wrong Keyboard ID Detection .................................................................................... 272

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13.2.4 Keyboard Disconnection Detection .............................................................................. 272

13.2.5 Enable Forwarding Data from Keyboard to Serial Port ................................................... 273
13.2.6 Enable Malfunction Report ......................................................................................... 273
13.2.7 Activate Alarm Cadence upon Hotwiring Detection ........................................................ 274
13.2.8 Generate Msg. Type 0 Reply for Commands Addressed to Keyboard ............................... 274
13.2.9 Disable Pairing ......................................................................................................... 275
13.3 Alarm Cadence ......................................................................................................... 275
13.3.1 Alarm Cadence outputs selection ................................................................................ 275
13.3.2 Alarm Cadence Template: Number of Cycles ................................................................ 275
13.3.3 Alarm Cadence Template: On Time ............................................................................. 276
13.3.4 Alarm Cadence Template: Off Time............................................................................. 276
13.4 BCALL (Brake down) Destination Number .................................................................... 276
14 CFE ....................................................................................................................... 277
14.1 General ................................................................................................................... 277
14.2 Block Diagram ......................................................................................................... 278
14.3 Programmable CFE Parameters .................................................................................. 279
14.3.1 Enable CFE .............................................................................................................. 279
14.3.2 Enable CFE as IO Extender ........................................................................................ 279
14.3.3 Automatic CFE Power Mode Control ............................................................................ 280
14.3.4 Enable CFE Connected & Disconnected Events.............................................................. 280
14.3.5 Enable CFE Connected & Disconnected Distress ............................................................ 280
14.3.6 Enable Auto-Programming of CFE due to CRC32 Error ................................................... 280
14.3.7 Enable CFE Data Updates during Ignition Off ............................................................... 280
14.3.8 CFE COM 1 (Cello Port) Configuration .......................................................................... 281
14.3.9 CFE COM 3 (Cello Port) Configuration .......................................................................... 281
14.3.10 CFE COM 4 (Cello Port) Configuration ..................................................................... 281
14.3.11 CFE COM 5 (Cello Port) Configuration ..................................................................... 282
14.3.12 CFE VOUT Control ............................................................................................... 282
14.3.13 CFE Hibernation Setting Bitmask ........................................................................... 282
14.3.14 CFE Bluetooth Page Mode (Infrastructure) .............................................................. 282
14.3.15 CFE Page Scan Mode (Infrastructure) ..................................................................... 283
14.3.16 CFE Bluetooth Pin Code (Infrastructure) ................................................................. 283
14.3.17 CFE COM2 (Infrastructure) ................................................................................... 283
14.3.18 CFE Bluetooth Configuration (Infrastructure) .......................................................... 284
14.3.19 CFE Local Bluetooth Device’s Friendly Name (Infrastructure) .................................... 284
14.3.20 CFE Input Type / Assigned Function ....................................................................... 284
14.3.21 Function assigned to CFE input.............................................................................. 285
14.3.22 Scaling Factor for Frequency Report on CFE Input ................................................... 285
14.3.23 Threshold for CFE Input (Discrete Wet/Dry) ............................................................ 287
14.3.24 Averaging Factor for CFE Input ............................................................................. 288
14.3.25 CFE Inputs State Update Configuration .................................................................. 288
14.3.26 Cello: Analog Measurements Update Period ............................................................ 289

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14.3.27 CFE Serial MUX Protocol Selection ......................................................................... 289

15 Crash Detection Feature ....................................................................................... 291
15.1 General ................................................................................................................... 291
15.2 Crash Detection Configurable Parameters .................................................................... 292
15.2.1 Light Crash Detection Threshold ................................................................................. 292
15.2.2 Heavy Crash Detection Threshold ............................................................................... 292
15.2.3 Enable Crash Detection Events for Light/Heavy Crash ................................................... 292
15.2.4 Enable Distress for Light/Heavy Crash ......................................................................... 293
15.2.5 Enable Light/Heavy Crash Detection in Ignition Off ....................................................... 293
16 OneWire Temperature Sensors ............................................................................. 294
16.1 One Wire Temperature Measurement Update Configuration ........................................... 295
16.2 1-Wire Temperature Sensor High Threshold ................................................................. 296
16.3 1-Wire Temperature Sensor Low Threshold .................................................................. 296
16.4 1-Wire Temperature Sensor Filter ............................................................................... 297
16.5 Enable 1-Wire Temperature Sensor Logged Events ....................................................... 297
16.6 Enable 1-Wire Temperature Sensor Distress Events ...................................................... 297
17 GNSS External/Internal Antenna (Only GNSS) ..................................................... 298
17.1 GNSS Internal Antenna No-Fix-Time Timeout (GNSS Variants only) ................................ 299
17.2 GNSS External Antenna No-Fix-Time Timeout (GNSS Variants only) ............................... 299
18 Auxiliary Satellite Unit.......................................................................................... 300
18.1 Auxiliary Satellite: Cellular network connect-reconnect criteria ....................................... 300
18.2 Falling Back to Satellite ............................................................................................. 301
18.2.1 Auxiliary Satellite: No GSM-GPRS Timeout (Basic, Advanced) ........................................ 301
18.2.2 Auxiliary Satellite: Timeout Resolution for No GSM-GPRS .............................................. 301
18.3 Restore Cellular........................................................................................................ 301
18.3.1 Auxiliary Satellite: GSM-GPRS Reconnect Timeout (Basic, Advanced) .............................. 301
18.3.2 Auxiliary Satellite: Timeout Resolution of GSM-GPRS Reconnect ..................................... 302
18.4 Satellite Control Bitmask ........................................................................................... 302
18.4.1 Auxiliary Satellite Unit- Enable Periodic Distress Events ................................................. 302
18.4.2 Auxiliary Satellite Unit - Satellite Operational Mode ....................................................... 303
18.4.3 Auxiliary Satellite Unit - Periodic Distress Report Period ................................................ 303
19 Driver Behaviour .................................................................................................. 304
19.1.1 Driver Behavior (CSA) Disable.................................................................................... 304
20 MultiSense and MultiSense-TH ............................................................................. 305
20.1 Introduction............................................................................................................. 305
20.2 Operation ................................................................................................................ 306
20.2.1 Marking ................................................................................................................... 306
20.2.2 Battery ................................................................................................................... 306

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20.2.3 Button and Blue LED ................................................................................................. 306

20.2.4 Pairing Process ......................................................................................................... 306
20.2.5 Unpairing Process ..................................................................................................... 307
20.3 Sensors ................................................................................................................... 308
20.3.1 Accelerometer .......................................................................................................... 308
20.3.2 Ambient Light Sensor (ALS) ....................................................................................... 308
20.3.3 Accurate Temperature Sensor .................................................................................... 308
20.3.4 Humidity Sensor....................................................................................................... 308
20.3.5 Magnetic Sensor ....................................................................................................... 308
20.4 Parameter Descriptions and Notes .............................................................................. 309
20.4.1 MultiSense Units Provisioning ..................................................................................... 309
20.4.2 MultiSense Open/Close Door/Window Feature .............................................................. 309
20.4.3 BLE Pairing Time Window .......................................................................................... 310
20.4.4 Specific MultiSense parameters .................................................................................. 310
21 BT Extender .......................................................................................................... 314
21.1 Overview ................................................................................................................. 314
21.2 BT Extender Main Configuration ................................................................................. 315
21.3 Sensors Data Reporting Method and BT Classic Service Events ....................................... 315
21.3.1 Sensors Data Reporting Method ................................................................................. 315
21.3.2 Type of message containing the entire graph/the entire violation session/Start & Stop
violation points .................................................................................................................. 316
21.3.3 Enable BT Classic Service Events ................................................................................ 317
21.4 MultiSense Parameters .............................................................................................. 317
21.4.1 Common Parameters to All Paired MultiSense Devices ................................................... 317
21.4.2 Specific MultiSense Parameters .................................................................................. 318
21.4.3 MultiSense Events .................................................................................................... 318
21.4.4 Add Module 44 to MultiSense Report ........................................................................... 318
22 PointerCept .......................................................................................................... 319
22.1 Overview ................................................................................................................. 319
22.2 End Unit .................................................................................................................. 320
22.2.1 Enable PointerCept Mode ........................................................................................... 320
22.2.2 RF Beacon Conditions ............................................................................................... 320
22.2.3 RF Beacon Pattern .................................................................................................... 322
22.2.4 Frequency Hopping ................................................................................................... 327
22.2.5 Preamble ................................................................................................................. 327
22.2.6 Sync Words ............................................................................................................. 328
22.2.7 Manual Group Selection............................................................................................. 328
22.2.8 PointerCept Events ................................................................................................... 329
22.3 PointerCept Base ...................................................................................................... 329
22.3.1 RF Receivers ............................................................................................................ 331
22.3.2 Communication Channels .......................................................................................... 340

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22.3.3 Power Control .......................................................................................................... 341

22.3.4 IO Management ....................................................................................................... 343
22.3.5 BT Management ....................................................................................................... 344

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1 Introduction

1.1 About this Document

This document defines the contents of the Cellocator Unit’s Configuration Memory (CM).
The CM is a non-volatile memory, which is used to store different parameters that affect
the behavior of the unit, as well as communication parameters, which are necessary for
the Cellocator unit’s correct operation.
The CM can be read and written both from the wireless channel as well as from the direct
wire interface. Refer to the Wire and Wireless Protocols in order to learn how to read and
write to the CM. Note that if the stored communication parameters are not correct, the
wireless channel might not work, so the only way to program the CM might be via the
direct wire interface.

1.2 Applicability Table

Device Comments

Cello Family Fw: 33o Cello-IQ30, Cello-CANiQ, Cello CANiQ 3G

+ CFE + AR (External Key Board support)

Cello-IQ FW Version 33e: Full CFE support with 8KBytes memory


1.3 References
All the reference documents listed in the following table can be downloaded from the
support section of the Pointer Website (www.pointer.com).

# Reference Description

1.4 Document Conventions

Unless otherwise specified:

 All multiple bytes values are stored and treated Intel-style (meaning, “little endian”,
least significant bytes first).

 All the parameters are loaded from CM upon reset. In other words, changing the
programming parameters will take effect only after unit reset.
This document defines the common programmable features, supported by all the
modifications of Cellocator units, as well as the specific programmable options, supported
by specific modifications only. The non-common options are highlighted.

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2 Accessing the Configuration Memory via Wireless

Channel (OTA)
When done over the air (OTA), CM access is performed in blocks. The 4096 bytes are
partitioned to aligned, non-overlapping blocks of 16 bytes. This means the whole CM
space contains 256 different blocks, assigned with block codes of 0 (zero) to 255
The first block (which represents CM locations 0 to 15 decimal) is assigned with block
code 0 (zero). The following blocks are assigned with successive numbers (block 1 for
locations 16 to 31 and so on).
Refer to the Cellocator Wireless Communication Protocol document for more information
about accessing the CM via the wireless channel.

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3 Accessing the Configuration Memory via Direct

Wire Interface
The CM cells are accessed via the direct wire interface in a linear manner. This means
that cells are identified by their actual addresses – there are no blocks or pages.
Refer to the Cellocator Serial Communication Protocol for more information about
accessing the CM via the direct wire interface.

4 Event Types generated by Cellocator devices

Every event (like trigger on input, violation of speed any other), generated by the
Cellocator unit can be threaded in 4 ways, as per the descriptions below. Every enabled
event causes the unit to generate a location message type 0 (see description in Cellocator
Wireless Communication Protocol) with the appropriate transmission reason. The various
event types are described in the following sections.

4.1 Logged (Plain) Event

If the condition for the specific event is met, the unit will create an event and store it into
its non-volatile memory. The event will be uploaded to the Control Center only during the
GPRS session and will be deleted from the memory of the unit only after reception of an
Acknowledge. Note: Plain events will never be delivered by SMS.

4.2 HRLS Event

This is a private case of Plain Event. If the condition for the specific event is met, the unit
will create a pre-defined number of plain events (one a second) and store them into its
non-volatile memory. Upon the end of storing the unit will upload them to the Control
Center, similarly to any other plain events.

4.3 Distress Event

If the condition for the specific event is met, the unit will create a series of messages
(session) with the same transmission reason. The messages will be uploaded to the
Control Center immediately with the first available communication transport (during IP
session – over IP, otherwise by SMS). The messages are not stored in the memory and if
there is no cellular coverage at the moment of sending the message will be lost. Distress
events do not require ACK from the control center.
The number and time between messages in a Distress transmission session is defined in a
Time between Transmissions section of that document.
Distress sessions caused by the same trigger, which occurred while the first session is not
over, restarts the session from the beginning.
Distress sessions caused by a different trigger, which occurred while the first session is
not over, causes a new distress session (up to 5 distress sessions can be maintained
A 6th distress session, while the previous 5 are still active, will be lost.

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It is also possible to initiate an endless (or specified duration) distress session by

command from the CCC. Upon starting, this session cancels all active distress sessions.
The session will be stopped by any other distress session or by a command from the OTA.
Distress sessions may be prolonged by up to 20 seconds after the transmission of the last
distress message.

4.4 Security Event

As per the Distress Event, but in this instance the condition for event generation is only
checked when the alarm of the unit is armed (only applicable for security modification of
the Cellocator unit). If the condition for the specific event is met, the unit will create a
series of messages with the same transmission reason.
The number and time between messages in a Security transmission session is defined in a
Security Section of that document.
IMPORTANT: Any event can be created in multiple ways simultaneously.

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5 Address and Bitmask Field Allocation Tables

This section describes the addresses and bit mask field allocations. Where relevant, there
are references to corresponding sections, where you can find further information.

 Address allocation table, see below

 Bitmask Field allocation tables, page 40

5.1 Address Allocation Table

Address Purpose

0 Application Configuration byte 1

1 Application Configuration byte 2

3-4 Hibernation mode communication settings

5 Unused

6 Application Configuration byte 3

7 Application Configuration byte 4

8 - 31 Operational Sever - PPP Username

32-34 Trip for a Distance event in Roaming mode

35 Time/Distance alert multipliers for High Speed in Roaming GSM

36 - 65 Operational Sever - APN

66 - 69 Default Target IP Address (for GPRS)

70 - 71 Time between Idle Transmissions

72 - 73 Time between Distress Transmissions

74 Operational Server - Modem type code

75 Number of Distress transmissions

76 - 79 GPS odometer's current value

80 - 83 Base unit (measurement factor of GPS odometer)

84 Max Time between GPS readings for SxT calculation

85 - 88 GPS odometer - Last Distance Event (in base units)

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Address Purpose

89 - 91 Trip for a Distance event (in base units)

92 Time/Distance alert multipliers for High Speed in Home GSM

93 Over Speed velocity threshold for GPS Over Speed Start event

94 Over Speed velocity threshold for GPS Over Speed End event

95 Over Speed time event filter

96 Idle Speed Velocity threshold for GPS Idle End event

97 Idle Speed Velocity threshold for GPS Idle Speed Start event

98 Idle Speed event time filter

99 GPS Events Mask Bitmap

100 - 101 Inputs Logic Invert Mask

102 GPS Distress Triggers Bitmapped mask

103 HRLS Trigger Mask of GPS Events

104 Journey Start Event time filter

105 Journey Stop Event time filter

106 Time Report Period Value

107 - 108 Listening UDP Port (while connected to both operational server or
maintenance server)

109 - 110 Operational server TCP/UDP Target Port

111 Maximum time without authentication

112 Time to Authentication loss

115 Main Power Low threshold - high level

116 Main Power Low threshold - low level

119 Backup Battery Low threshold - high level

120 Backup Battery Low threshold - low level

121 Mask of Analog Inputs Events

122 Mask of Analog Inputs Distress

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Address Purpose

123 Mask of Authentication events

124 - 125 Inputs Events mask – on Falling

126 - 127 Inputs Events mask – on Rising

128 - 129 Inputs Distress mode mask - on Falling

130 - 131 Inputs Distress mode mask - on Rising

132 - 133 Towing detection – Speed threshold

134 - 135 Towing detection – Geo-Fence perimeter

136 Common Discrete Inputs change Time filter

137 Towing detection filter

138 Maximum Backup Battery extra charge time

139 Message Transit Acknowledge timeout

140 Outputs pulse width period

141 - 164 Operational Sever - PPP Password

165 - 166 Modem Reset Period

167 - 176 BCALL (Brake down) Destination number

177 - 186 SMS Center Address

187 - 196 SMS Default Destination Address

197 - 200 SIM PIN code

201 - 202 Communication settings in Home GSM Network Mode

203 - 204 Communication settings in Roam GSM Network Mode

205 Advanced GSM Jamming Detection – Ignition Off - 1st activated output

206 Advanced GSM Jamming Detection – Ignition Off - Template of 1st

activated output (1st byte) (Infrastructure)

207 Advanced GSM Jamming Detection – Ignition Off - Template of 1st

activated output (2nd byte) (Infrastructure)

208 Advanced GSM Jamming Detection – Ignition Off – 2nd activated output

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Address Purpose

209 Advanced GSM Jamming Detection – Ignition Off - Template of 2nd

activated output (1st byte) (Infrastructure)

210 Advanced GSM Jamming Detection – Ignition Off - Template of 2nd

activated output (2nd byte)

211 Advanced GSM Jamming Detection – Ignition Off - Delay for output
activation for the 1st output (Infrastructure)

212 Advanced GSM Jamming Detection – Ignition Off - Delay for output
activation for the 2nd output (Infrastructure)

213 Advanced GSM Jamming Detection – Jamming Detection Time Filter:

Jamming detection time in resolution of 3 Seconds. Ranges between 3
Seconds to 765 Seconds. Default 10 Seconds (Infrastructure)

214 Advanced GSM Jamming detection – Ignition On and Ignition Off

Jamming End Time Filter (15 Sec resolution)

215 Logged Events Amount for Upload Offline Events

216-217 Unused

218-219 Logged Events Upload Periodic Timer

220 Timeout before switching off the modem

221 Number of Logged Events Upload Retries

222 Time Between Logged Events Upload Retries

223-224 Local Timer to Upload Logged Events

225-226 Movement Timer Before Local Timer Activation

227-229 Unused

2301 Modem On Delay Timer

231-234 Unused

250-254 Unused

255 Offline Tracking - Auto Upload configuration

Available only for CR300B (New Platform) from FW version 43m and later, and for CR300B
(Legacy) from FW version 43h and later.

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Address Purpose

256-258 Unused

259-260 Offline Tracking - Time to Auto Upload after Trip Stop

261 Trailer Connected mode: Over-speed Start Velocity threshold

262 Trailer Connected mode: Over-speed End Velocity threshold

263 GPS Peeking – Max. On Time

264 - 265 GPS Peeking – Off Time

266 Power Management mode

267 GSM Peeking – Maximum Modem On Time

268 - 269 GSM Peeking – Off Time

270 GSM Peeking – Maximum Network Registration Time

271 - 272 Hibernation Mode Delay

273 - 282 Voice Call Destination number

283 Number of retries to forward data over UDP

284 Anti-Flooding timer

285 Garmin Configuration

CelloTrack Configuration 1

288-299 Unused

300-309 White List Number 1

310-319 White List Number 2

320-329 White List Number 3

330-339 White List Number 4

340-349 White List Number 5

350-411 Unused

351-371 Operational Server APN Extension

381-401 Maintenance Server APN Extension

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Address Purpose

402-411 Unused

412 Security - Max. Amount of failure samples

413 Security – Pre-arming Time

414 Security - Time to Passive Arming

415 Security - Time to Pre-Arming

416 Security - Silent delay time

417 Security - Maximum time in Garage mode

418-420 Reserved, ex. Security - Security inputs invert bitmap

421 Security - Trigger an Alarm upon Towing Detection during Alarm Armed

422 - 425 Security - Security inputs mask bitmap

426 Security - Number of Security transmissions

427 Security - Time between Security transmissions

428 Security - Logic configuration

429 - 434 Dallas 01 code

435 - 440 Dallas 02 code

441 - 446 Dallas 03 code

449 Feedback bitmap

CelloAR: Alarm Cadence outputs bitmask

451 Time zone (for Cellocator MDT synchronization)

455 Velocity threshold for HIGH SPEED mode

465 Additional inputs functionality control bitmask

466 Analog Measurement Averaging Time

467 Accelerometer Configuration

468 Voltage Level Threshold IgnitionOn Detection

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Address Purpose

469 Internal variable: AHR counter

470 Towed Mode

471-472 UART configuration

473 Speed Range Threshold V0

474 Speed Range Threshold V1

475 Speed Range Threshold V2

476 Harsh Braking Threshold for Speed range 0

477 Harsh Braking Threshold for Speed range 1

478 Harsh Braking Threshold for Speed range 2

479 Harsh Braking Threshold for Speed range 3

480 Course Delta Threshold for Speed range 0

481 Course Delta Threshold for Speed range 1

482 Course Delta Threshold for Speed range 2

483 Course Delta Threshold for Speed range 3

484 Mask of Authentication Distress

485 Time Based Alert Period Multiplier for NOIP mode

486 - 487 HRLS Trigger Mask Inputs Falling Events

488 - 489 HRLS Trigger Mask Inputs Rising Events

490 HRLS Trigger Mask Analog Inputs Events

491 Number of Events during HRLS

492 Idle Speed Alerts Control Bitmask

493 Time Based Events Mask Bitmap

494 Time Based Distress Mask Bitmap

495 HRLS Trigger Mask Time Based Events (not supported, Infrastructure

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Address Purpose

496 GPS Events Mask (second byte, the first is on 99)

497 Active GPS Distress Triggers Bitmapped mask (second byte, the first is
on 102)

498 HRLS Trigger Mask of GPS Events (second byte, the first is on 103)

499 Time event period in Roaming

500 GPS Navigation Start/Stop Filter

501 Disable Continuous Output Activation after SW Reset Bitmask

502 - 503 Outputs Inversion Mask

504 Maximum number of AHR retries

505 Inputs triggering Distress voice call (bitmap)

506 Speaker of Hands Free - Mute Settings and CR300 Outputs Control

507 Speaker Mute Time during Auto-answered Incoming Calls

508 Speaker Mute time during Distress Calls

509 Vehicle’s Driver speed delta relative to GPS speed

510 Vehicle’s speed delta relative to GPS speed

511 Acceleration Threshold for Speed range 0

512 Acceleration Threshold for Speed range 1

513 Acceleration Threshold for Speed range 2

514 Acceleration Threshold for Speed range 3

515 Registration Lack Timeout (for Modem’s AHR)

516 Local RPM Calibration Input/output selection

517 Local RPM Calibration 1st Measurement Point

518 GNSS Internal Antenna No-Fix-Time Timeout (Only Cello-IQ GNSS)

519 GNSS External Antenna No-Fix-Time Timeout (Only Cello-IQ GNSS)

520 CFE - Analog measurements update period – Home Network

521 CFE - Analog measurements update period – Roam Network

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Address Purpose

522 GSM Jamming Detection – Activated outputs release configuration

523 Momentary Driver Behavior events: First output

524 Momentary Driver Behavior events: Second output

525 Application Configuration byte 9

526 Application Configuration byte 10

604 Communication Events Mask

610 PointerCept End Unit – Enable Pointercept Mode, Enable Manual Group
Selection, Enable PointerCept Beacon Start/Stop Logged Events, Enable
Beacon upon Jamming on Hibernation, Enable CPIN Error Logged Event,
Country Table Set

611 PointerCept End Unit – Manual Group Number

612 PointerCept End Unit – Preamble Length

613 PointerCept End Unit – Preamble Content

614 PointerCept End Unit – Baud Rate, Enable CPIN Error Distress Event,
Frequency Hopping Mode

615-618 PointerCept End Unit – Sync Word 0/1

619 PointerCept End Unit – Modem PA Power Level

620 PointerCept End Unit – Beacon AHR Period

621 PointerCept End Unit – Complementary/PSP Message Ratio

622-627 PointerCept End Unit – Non Frequency Hopping Channel for Group

628 PointerCept End Unit – Modem PA Off Temperature

629 PointerCept End Unit – In Batch Update Period

630 PointerCept End Unit - Periodical Beacon Transmission Timer

632 PointerCept End Unit – Initial Session Time

635 PointerCept End Unit – GSM Reconnect Filter, No GSM Filter

636 PointerCept End Unit – Beacon On Time

637 PointerCept End Unit – Beacon Off Time

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Address Purpose

638 PointerCept End Unit – Total Beacon Time

639 PointerCept End Unit – Battery Beacon On Time

640 PointerCept End Unit – Battery Beacon Off Time

641 PointerCept End Unit – Battery Total Beacon Time

642-649 PointerCept End Unit – Sync Word 2/3/4/5

650 Auxiliary Satellite Unit- Enable Periodic Advanced Auxiliary

Distress Events Satellite Unit
Auxiliary Satellite Unit- Satellite Operational

656 Auxiliary Satellite Unit- Periodic Distress

Report Period

661-990 Dallas codes 31 to 85

1004 Geo-Fence Alert Mask for events

1005 Geo-Fence Alert Mask for distress

1006 GeoFence filter threshold

1008 Roaming Operator’s Management - Timer of Auto-Search

1009 Roaming Operator’s Management - Number of PLMNs programmed

1010-1012 Roaming Operator’s Management - PLMN 1

1013-1015 Roaming Operator’s Management - PLMN 2

…. ….

1307-1309 Roaming Operator’s Management - PLMN 100

1310 V-Trek - V1

1311 V-Trek - T1

1312 V-Trek - V2

1313 V-Trek - T2

1314 - 1317 Reserved for Customer’s Use

designed to store customer’s proprietary data (like specific EEPROM
content identifier)

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Address Purpose

1320 PSP - Polling Interval

1321 PSP - Allowed number of communication failures

1322-1325 Geofence Outputs activation 0-3

1326-1329 New SIM PIN

1330 First Usage Counter input

1331 Second Usage Counter input

1332 Usage Counter Reporting interval

1343 PSP – Echo Timeout

1344 Wake Up message configuration

1345 Auxiliary Satellite Unit (Only Cello-IQ GNSS)

1346 Period between the alerts, triggered by detection of power


1347 Application Configuration byte 5

1348 Application Configuration byte 6

1349 Application Configuration byte 7

1350 Application Configuration byte 8

1351 Violation of additional GP Frequency thresholds

1352 Periodical Modem Reset Randomization threshold

1353 Anti-flooding randomization threshold

1354 GSM band and authentication type

1355 Periodic transparent mode peek time

1356 Periodic transparent mode cycle time

1357 Door Event Begin Additional Time Filter

1358 Door Event End Additional Time Filter

1359 Shock Event Begin Additional Time Filter

1360 Shock Event End Additional Time Filter

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Address Purpose

1361 Distress Event Begin Additional Time Filter

1362 Distress Event End Additional Time Filter

1363 Unlock Event Begin Additional Time Filter

1364 Unlock Event End Additional Time Filter

1365 Lock Event Begin Additional Time Filter

1366 Lock Event End Additional Time Filter

1367 Ignition (as GP) Event Begin Additional Time Filter

1368 Ignition (as GP) Event End Additional Time Filter

1369 CFE In 1 Event Begin Additional Time Filter

1370 CFE In 1 Event End Additional Time Filter

1371 CFE In 2 Event Begin Additional Time Filter

1372 CFE In 2 Event End Additional Time Filter

1373 CFE In 3 Event Begin Additional Time Filter

1374 CFE In 3 Event End Additional Time Filter

1375 CFE In 4 Event Begin Additional Time Filter

1376 CFE In 4 Event End Additional Time Filter

1377 CFE In 5 Event Begin Additional Time Filter

1378 CFE In 5 Event End Additional Time Filter

1379 CFE In 6 Event Begin Additional Time Filter

1380 CFE In 6 Event End Additional Time Filter

1387-1388 Go / Halt Speed Detection threshold

1389 Go / Halt Time threshold filter

1390 Go / Halt – Session Control Bitmask

1391 Modem type code for Maintenance Server

1392-1395 Maintenance Server IP address

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Address Purpose

1396-1397 Maintenance Server Target Port

1398 Maintenance Server configuration bitmask

1399 Maintenance Server connection period

1400 Maintenance Server Session Time Update

1403-1432 Maintenance Server APN

1433 Vector Change Detection Bitmask

1434 Compressed Vector Change Report Timeout

1435 Vector Change Detection angle

1437 CFE multiplexer protocol assignment for serial interface 2

(Infrastructure for Bluetooth)

1438 CFE multiplexer protocol assignment for serial interface 3

1439 CFE multiplexer protocol assignment for serial interface 4

1440 CFE multiplexer protocol assignment for serial interface 5

1448-1609 Dallas codes 04 to 30

1620 Select Measurement source reported in Byte 26 of OTA Msg type 0

1621 Select Measurement source reported in Byte 27 of OTA Msg type 0

1622 Select Measurement source reported in Byte 28 of OTA Msg type 0

1623 Select Measurement source reported in Byte 29 of OTA Msg type 0

1625 GPS DOP Threshold

1626-1649 Maintenance Server APN Username

1650-1673 Maintenance Server APN Password

1674 Input Type / Assigned function

Door ( pin 14)
1675-1676 Scaling Factor for Frequency report on Door input

1677 Freq./ Analog Input Configuration Byte

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Address Purpose

Frequency / Analog Low Threshold / Discrete

1678-1679 Wet/Dry Threshold (1678)

1680-1681 Frequency / Analog High Threshold

1682 Violation Time Filter (Frequency / Analog)

1685 Function buttons events- Door input

1686 Averaging factor for Door Input

1687 Input Type / Assigned function

Shock (pin 15)
1688-1689 Scaling Factor for Frequency report on Shock input

1690 Freq./ Analog Input Configuration Byte

Frequency / Analog Low Threshold / Discrete

Wet/Dry Threshold (1691)

1693-1694 Frequency / Analog High Threshold

1695 Violation Time Filter (Frequency / Analog)

1698 Function buttons events- Shock input

1699 Averaging factor for Shock Input

1700 Assigned function Panic (Distress)

(pin 16)
1701 Threshold for Panic Input

1702 Averaging factor for Panic Input

1703 Assigned function

Unlock (pin 11)
1704 Threshold for Lock Input

1705 Averaging factor for Lock Input

1706 Assigned function

Lock (pin 5)
1707 Threshold for Unlock Input

1708 Averaging factor for Unlock Input

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Address Purpose

1709-1710 CelloAR: Keyboard Configuration Bitmask

1711 Reserved for manufacturer usage (Timer of retry of SIM operation

upon failure)

1712-1713 CelloAR: Alarm Cadence duration and cycles

1714-1715 CFE COM 1 (Cello Port) configuration

1716-1717 CFE COM 3 configuration

1718-1719 CFE COM 4 configuration

1720-1721 CFE COM 5 configuration

1722-1725 CFE Spare

1726 CFE Control

1727 CFE Hibernation setting bitmask

1728-1753 CFE Reserved

1754 CFE Bluetooth Page Mode

1755-1756 CFE Reserved

1757 CFE Page scan mode

1758-1766 CFE Bluetooth Pin Code

1767-1768 CFE Infrastructure for

COM 2 (Bluetooth) configuration
1769-1777 CFE Bluetooth Configuration (Infrastructure)

1778-1809 CFE Local Bluetooth device’s friendly name.

1810 CFE Input1 Type / Assigned function

1811 CFE Averaging factor for Input1

1812-1813 CFE Scaling Factor for Frequency report 1

1814 CFE Discrete Wet/Dry Threshold

1815 CFE Spare

1816 CFE Input2 Type / Assigned function

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Address Purpose

1817-1818 CFE Averaging factor for Input2

1819 CFE Scaling Factor for Frequency report 2

1820 CFE Discrete Wet/Dry Threshold

1821 CFE Spare

1822 CFE Input3 Type / Assigned function

1823 CFE Averaging factor for Input3

1824-1825 CFE Scaling Factor for Frequency report 3

1826 CFE Discrete Wet/Dry Threshold

1827 CFE Spare

1828 CFE Input4 Type / Assigned function

1829 CFE Averaging factor for Input4

1830-1831 CFE Scaling Factor for Frequency report 4

1832 CFE Discrete Wet/Dry Threshold

1833 CFE Spare

1834 CFE Input5 Type / Assigned function

1835 CFE Averaging factor for Input5

1836-1837 CFE Scaling Factor for Frequency report 5

1838 CFE Discrete Wet/Dry Threshold

1839 CFE Spare

1840 CFE Input6 Type / Assigned function

1841 CFE Averaging factor for Input6

1842-1843 CFE Scaling Factor for Frequency report 6

1844 CFE Discrete Wet/Dry Threshold

1845 CFE Spare

1846 CFE Inputs state update configuration

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Address Purpose

1847-1913 CFE Reserved for future use

1911-1919 PointerCept Base – Mobile App Password

1914 Lock to Certain IMSI

1917-1920 Speed Limiting Geo-Fence Thresholds: Each Geo-Fence can select 1 of 4

Speed Limit thresholds by setting bits 30-31 in the fence configuration

1921-2020 Geo Fence heading angle (Infrastructure)

2021-2022 BT-extender configuration

2044 Tilt Tamper Messaging

2045 Tilt Tamper Angle Change Threshold

2046 Tilt Tamper Time Filter

2050 Orientation Change Messaging

2051 Orientation Change Angle Change Threshold

2052 Orientation Change Time Filter

2084 PointerCept Base – Specific RF Component Control

2085 PointerCept Base – Enable PLL AFC, Enable Adaptive Channel Filter BW,
RSSI Averaging Method

2086 PointerCept Base – RSSI Latch Method

2087 PointerCept Base – Preamble Timeout

2088 PointerCept Base – Hop Conditions

2089 PointerCept Base – RSSI Threshold

2090 PointerCept Base – RSSI Timeout

2091 PointerCept Base – Enable Charging During Ignition Off

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Address Purpose

2092 PointerCept Base – Manual Power Control of Main Modules

2093 PointerCept Base – End Unit Preamble Length

2368-2369 Maximum Possible Scaled Frequency

2370 Violation Timer for 1st additional GP Frequency threshold

2371 Violation Timer for 2nd additional GP Frequency threshold

2372-2373 1st additional GP Frequency threshold

2374-2375 2nd additional GP Frequency threshold

2376 Feedback for driver behavior violations bitmask

2377-2379 Configuration of 1st output for continuous driver behavior violation

2380-2382 Configuration of 2nd output for continuous driver behavior violation

2383 Driver behavior- continuous violation feedback Logic

2384 Light crash detection threshold

2385 Heavy crash detection threshold

2386 Coasting detection - Coasting Violation period

2387 Coasting detection - Speed threshold

2388-2389 Coasting detection - Engine Speed threshold

2390 Enable crash detection feature, Enable EDR event for Light/Heavy
crash, Enable EDR distress for Light/Heavy crash

2391 Alternative Over-Speed threshold for Input Dependent mode

2392 Timeout for Trailer Connection status change

2393 Dallas Family of Trailer Identifier

2394 -2425 Default target DNS Address (for Maintenance Server)

2426 GSM Jamming Detection - 1st activated output

2427 GSM Jamming Detection - Template of 1st activated output (1st byte)

2428 GSM Jamming Detection - Template of 1st activated output (2nd byte)

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Address Purpose

2429 GSM Jamming Detection – 2nd activated output

2430 GSM Jamming Detection - Template of 2nd activated output (1st byte)

2431 GSM Jamming Detection - Template of 2nd activated output (2nd byte)

2432 GSM Jamming Detection - Delay for output activation for the 1st output

2433 GSM Jamming Detection - Delay for output activation for the 2nd output

2434-2437 Pulse Counter: Shock Input: Current Pulse Count (32 bits, Little Endian-
LSByte on 2438)

2438-2441 Pulse Counter: Door Input: Current Pulse Count (32 Bits, Little Endian-
LSByte on 2442)

2442-2443 Pulse Counter: Door Input: Scaling Factor: Multiplying this 16 bit Little
Endian value with the current Door pulse count will translate the pulse
count into Volume units (For example a scaling factor of 1 indicates 1
pulse represents 1 litter)

2444-2445 Pulse Counter: Shock Input: Scaling Factor: Multiplying this 16 bit Little
Endian value with the current Shock pulse count will translate the pulse
count into Volume units (For example a scaling factor of 1 indicates 1
pulse represents 1 litter)

2446-2447 Pulse Counter: Defines the Pulse Counter periodic Transmission Period
This 16 Bits Little Endian value has a time resolution of 15 Minutes or
15 Seconds (configurable, address 2461).

2448 Excessive RPM events Config

2449-2451 Feedback for Excessive RPM event 1

2452-2454 Feedback for Excessive RPM event 2

2455-2456 Excessive RPM (Engine Speed) threshold 1

2457-2458 Excessive RPM (Engine Speed) threshold 2

2459 OneWire Temperature msg 9 update rate. Home Network

2460 OneWire Temperature msg 9 update rate. Roam Network

2461 Pulse Counter Periodic Transmission Resolution

2462 1-Wire Temperature Sensor High Threshold

2463 1-Wire Temperature Sensor Low Threshold

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Address Purpose

2464-2495 Operational Server DNS Address

2496-2516 Geo-Fence 1 Configuration

…. ….

4080-4095 Geo-Fence 100 Configuration

2140-2509 PointerCept Base – Hopping Table 0/1/2/3/4/5

2525-2536 PointerCept Base – Sync Word 0/1/2/3/4/5

2549-2554 PointerCept Base – RF Receiver 1/2/3/4/5/6 Group

2555-2558 PointerCept Base – Base Frequency

2559 PointerCept Base – Channel Spacing

2560 PointerCept Base – End Unit Payload Length

2561 PointerCept Base – CRC Method

2562 PointerCept Base – Baud Rate, RX Data Error Rate

2563 PointerCept Base – RX BW

3000 PointerCept Base – Status Message to Server Update Rate

3001 PointerCept Base – Status Messages Forwarding

3002 PointerCept Base – Beacon Detect Messages Forwarding

3003 PointerCept Base – MER – Number of Expected Messages

3004 PointerCept Base – Cello Status Message Update Rate

3005 PointerCept Base – Base AHR Period

3006 PointerCept Base – Enable Internal Buzzer

3007 PointerCept Base – External Output Functioning

3458-3462 PointerCept Base – BT PIN Code

3467 PointerCept Base – BT Operation Mode

3468 PointerCept Base – BT Connect-ability Peeking Period

3471 PointerCept Base – System Power Mode

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Address Purpose

3472 PointerCept Base – Battery Power Conservation Mode OK Threshold

3473 PointerCept Base – Battery Power Conservation Mode Low Threshold

3475 PointerCept Base – Battery Off Mode Low Threshold

3476 PointerCept Base – Number of Missed Hops to Stay in Synchronized


6500–6541 Dallas codes 86 to 92

6542 PointerCept BS Bluetooth page mode

6543 PointerCept BS Bluetooth scan mode

6544 PointerCept BS Bluetooth pin code 8 bytes

6545 PointerCept BS Bluetooth baud rate

6550-6574 Geo-Fences priority

6575-6622 Dallas codes 93 to 100

6656-8191 Cello-IQ GNSS, Cello-CANiQ New GNSS programming parameters:

(See CSA Programming Manual.docx for details)

5.2 Bitmask Field Allocations

This field describes the allocation of configuration bits in the bitmap configuration bytes.
The description of each bit is provided in other sections in this document.

5.2.1 Application Configuration

Address: 0, Application Configuration byte 1

Presentation Enable Enable

Ignition filter
of inputs in conditional infinite
Enable warning source for
wireless activation driver
Enable Long output starting
Cellocator of notification
Transparent Transmission activation Driver
protocol immobilizer when
Mode Ack. Timeout during Gradual Authentication
Driver is
immobilization time

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

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Address: 1, Application Configuration byte 2

Wake up Enable Enable Enable Generate an Ignore Geo- Shorten

from Command Immobilizer modem’s event per Violations on cellular
hibernation Authentication activation power AHR Boot registration
upon while there is control by timeout
periodical no Door
Usage Authenticatio input
counter n code
update timer

Bits 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Address: 3, Hibernation mode communication settings

Reserved Enable Reserved Renew GPRS

Outgoing upon drop in
Voice Call in (in semi-
hibernation hibernation)

Bits 7 Bits 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Address: 4, Hibernation mode communication settings

Enable Pre- Enable Pre- Enable Data Enable Enable Reserved Enable Enable Auto
Hibernation Hibernation Forwarding Active SMS Incoming Intermediat Answering
distress event From Serial in Voice Call in e state of Incoming
Port By SMS Hibernation semi- Anti- call in semi-
in semi- hibernation flooding in hibernation
hibernation semi-

Bits 7 Bits 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Address: 6, Application Configuration byte 3

Automatic CFE Enable Overlapping Enable GPS Reset GPS Reset Disable Active Enable CFE as
Power mode CFE Geo-Fence Privacy on ignition on ignition Transmissions I/O Extender
control logic: Mode off off
(Infrastructure Global/ When not in When in
) Discrete navigation Navigation

Bits 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Address: 7, Application Configuration byte 4

Forward LED Synchronize Enable PSP Enable LED output state

data, Management unit’s time Usage after Power Recycle
received with GPS Counters
disable 0-LED inactive
from COM time only
port as a when GPS is 1-LED Active
text SMS 1-Disable navigating (Infrastructure)

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

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Address: 1347, Application Configuration byte 5

Enable Enable CFE Enable Enable CFE Enable CFE Enable Enable
RemoteCamera data updates Auto- connected& connected& Voice call Max
during programming disconnected disconnected status Speed
Ignition Off of CFE due to distress events (Type Report
CRC32 error 35h)
over serial

Bits 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Address: 1348, Application Configuration byte 6

Enable software flow Enable Consider Disable GSM Enable Enable Enable OTA
control (XON/XOFF) Offline Unknown Jamming Event Garmin Auto Ack to
tracking Operators (Legacy + Support SIM PIN Forward from
As Ignition On) locking OTA to Serial
Forbidden Data Packet

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Address: 1349, Application Configuration byte 7

Enable Enable Trailer Enable Enable Enabling Backward Spare (was: Enable
controlling Connection Trailer differentiation reading a compatible Enable Monitoring
of Distress Connection between the 256-bit OTA msg Radio- Off. logical
employees Event driver and the EEPROM of type 8 The link status of
work time passenger DS1971 below is for Ignition in
explanation OTA
on that packets

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Address: 1350, Application Configuration byte 8

Driver Enable event Enable Coasting detection configuration

Behavior for Distress for
(CSA) additional additional
Disable freq. freq. Enable Enable event RPM Speed
threshold threshold Distress for for Coasting threshold threshold
0-Enable Coasting type type
violation violation

0 – disable 0 – disable 0 – lower 0 – lower

0 – disable
than than
1- Enable 1- Enable 0 – disable 1- Enable (default)
1- Enable 1- higher
1- higher than
than (default)

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Address: 525, Application Configuration byte 9

Disable GSM Advanced Enable Advanced Universal Radio Modem USIM Infrastructure
Jamming GSM Recovery (Disable Communication application Robbery Mode
Event Tester while driving

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(Ignition Off) Jamming Dallas Based Driver ID 0-Disable Homologation 0- USIM 0-Disable
Detection Support) 1-Enable initialization application 1-Enable
(Ignition mode Disabled
0-Do not
Disable 0- Legacy Fleet mode Production
1-Disable 1 – Legacy Fleet and tester only Disabled 1- USIM
Advanced Recovery Enable application
Mode (External Enabled,
KeyPad) SIM

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Address: 526, Application Configuration byte 10

Enable Local RPM Force one Force one

Report on Calibration second second
engine hours Enable resolution resolution
from engine for Roam. for Home.
RPM enable 0-Legacy 0-Legacy
(supported resolution resolution
by 40,50 1-Enable
1- one 1- one
Second Second
resolution resolution

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

5.2.2 Communication Events Mask

Address: 604

Unused Unused Unused Unused Unused Unused Enable Voice SMS Delivery
Call Events Confirmation
event enable

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

5.2.3 Communication Settings in Home/Roam GSM Network Mode

Address: Home GSM: 201; Roam GSM: 203; Hibernation: 3

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 02

Available only for CR300B (New Platform) from FW version 43m and later, and for CR300B
(Legacy) from FW version 43l and later.

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Enable SMS Generate Generate GPRS Enable Generate Generate

Cell ID Cell ID Cell ID Cell ID
packet (RT) packet packet (RT) packet
with any (logged) with any (logged)
distress with any distress with any
while there event while unconditiona event
is no valid there is no lly unconditiona
GPS valid GPS lly

Address: Home GSM: 202; Roam GSM: 204; Hibernation: 4

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Unused Disable Disable Enable Enable IP Enable Auto Answer

forward from active incoming up event Intermediate Voice call (if
serial port to transmissions Voice Call state of Anti- incoming
SMS via SMS flooding voice

5.2.4 WAKE UP Message Configuration

Address: 1344

Enable GPRS Enable SMS Number of repetitions,

Wake up Wake up Value of zero set number of retries to 64
message message

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

5.2.5 GPS Management Bitmap

Address: 509

Enable Tight GPS Not used CR200/CR300 Reset last known Enable Pythagoras Enable Speed x Time
PMODE Filter GPS location on Ignition Calculation Calculation (SxT)
management off

Bit 7 Bits Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0


5.2.6 Maintenance Server Configuration Bitmap

Address: 1398

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Reserved Enable Modem Enable auto Reconnect to Enable Enable Enable

FW Upgrade connection to the connection to firmware programming
from the maintenance maintenance the upgrade from updates from
Maintenance server server after maintenance the the
Server firmware server on each maintenance maintenance
upgrade power up. server server

Bit 6-7 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

5.2.7 GSM Band / GPRS Auth Type Programming

Address: 1354


Connection Authentication type
Authentication (only for Manual
Selection Mode Authentication type
Selection mode)

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

5.2.8 UART Configuration

Address: 471

Reserved Baud rate

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Address: 472

Reserved Flow Control Stop Bits Parity

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

5.2.9 Alternative Inputs Usage Bitmap

Address: 465

1-Wire Enable 1-Wire Enable 1-Wire "Private"/"Business" Enable modem’s Enable Initialization
Temperature Temperature Temperature mode toggling power control by & Answering Voice
Sensor Sensor Distress Sensor Logged shock input Call by Shock input
Filter Events Events

Bits 5-7 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

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5.2.10 Inputs Triggering Distress Voice Call

Address: 505

Private-Business Mode Voice Call Answering Button Press Filter Door input Panic button
Switch upon Trip Start

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

5.2.11 Speaker of Hands Free - Mute settings

Address: 506

Spare Spare Temporary Temporary

Mute Mute
Speaker Speaker
During during auto-
Distress Calls answered
0-Don’t Mute
0-Don’t Mute

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Default value:
Bit 0: Do not mute
Bit 1: Do not mute

5.2.12 Volume and Gain Control Byte

Address: 1402

Ringer (Side tone) volume Speaker's Volume Mic. Gain

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

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5.2.13 Time Based Mask Bitmap

Address: 493 for events
494 for distress

Only in 494 Unused Enable Time Enable event for

events Communication Idle

Do not wake up from

hibernation upon comm.idle

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

5.2.14 Over (and Idle) Speed Session Control Bitmap

Address: 492

Create Idle/Over Start Idle speed Don’t use time Don’t use time Multiplier for filter of Idle Speed Start
Speed End event timer with ignition filter to close Idle filter to close Session
for open session On speed session Over speed
per ignition Off session

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

5.2.15 Go/Halt Session Control Bitmap

Address: 1390

Spare Spare Don’t use time Multiplier for Go/Halt Time Threshold filter
threshold filter for For "Halt" detection
"Go" detection

Bit 7 Bits 5,6 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

5.2.16 GPS Alerts Mask Bitmap

Address: 99 For events
102 For distress
103 For HRLS

Enable event Enable event Enable Enable Enable Idle Enable Over Enable Enable GPS
upon upon speed Sudden Sudden Speed Speed Distance Navigation
location detection Course Speed Events Events Events Start/Stop
change when Change Change Events
detection Ignition Off Sensor sensor
Ignition Off

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Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Address: 496 For events

497 For Distress
498 For HRLS

Not used Enable Go/Halt Enable Event per Enable GPS

Events GPS Auto Factory Disconnection
0 – Disable reset

1 - Enable

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

5.2.17 Time Report Period Value (Home, Roam, High Speed)

Address: For Home GSM: 106
For Roam GSM: 499

Resolution Basic Period Value (BPV)


Bits 7 Bits 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

5.2.18 Time/Distance Alert Multipliers for High Speed Mode

Address: For Home GSM: 92
For Roam GSM: 35

Time Event Multiplier for HIGH SPEED mode Distance Event Multiplier for HIGH SPEED mode

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

5.2.19 Mask of Authentication Alerts

Address: 123 for events

Enables Enable Enable Enable Enable Enable Pre- Authenticati Driving

Dallas Bus resending Authenticati Authenticati “Dallas ID defined on updated without
"Driver on on reminder updated” driver ID’s event Authenticati
Authenticati confirmation output event even if list on
0 –Bus mode on" upon output activation it is not in
1 –Point to each activation the list
point (Bus detection

Not used

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Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Address: 484 for distress

Not used Authentication Driving

updated event without

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

5.2.20 Discrete Inputs Masks

Address: For Inversion 100-101
Inputs Events on Falling 124-125
Inputs Events on Rising 126-127
Inputs Distress on Falling 128-129
Inputs Distress on Rising 130-131
HRLS Trigger Mask of Inputs Falling 486-487
HRLS Trigger Mask of Inputs Rising 488-489
Security inputs mask bitmap 422-425

Lower byte

Unlock Panic CFE In 1 Shock Door
(Ignition or

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Upper Byte

Ignition Accelerometer
Input as status CFE In 6 CFE In 5 CFE In 4 Lock CFE In3 CFE In2

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

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5.2.21 Mask of Analog Inputs Alerts

Address: 121 for events, 122 for distress, 490 for HRLS

Ignition Switch On Ignition Switch Off

Backup Backup battery Main Main Power Backup Backup battery Main Main Power
battery disconnected Power Disconnected battery disconnected Power Disconnected
Low level Low Low level Low
Level Level

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

5.2.22 GP Frequency Input Configuration Byte

Address: 1677 for Door input
1690 for Shock input

Ignore Don't use time Enable voltage Enable voltage Enable voltage Enable voltage Input violation type
violation on filter for / frequency / frequency / frequency / frequency
Ignition On voltage / violation end violation end violation start violation start
frequency distress event distress event
violation end
0– 0 – Low
Thresh. 1 - High
0-Use 0-Disable 0-Disable 0-Disable 0-Disable
1 – Start 1– 0 – Keep
violation on 1 – Don't use 1 - Enable 1 - Enable 1-Enable 1-Enable Range In
Ignition On 1 - Keep

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

5.2.23 Violation of Additional GP Frequency Thresholds

Address: 1351

2nd additional GP frequency threshold 1st additional GP frequency threshold

Enable Enable Enable Enable Enable Enable Enable Enable

distress Event for distress Event for distress Event for distress Event for
for falling falling for rising rising for falling falling for rising rising
violation violation violation violation violation violation violation violation

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

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5.2.24 Disable Continuous Output Activation after SW Reset Bitmask

Address: 501

Reserved Reserved Blinkers LED St. Reserved Siren Gradual

Immobilizer Stop

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

5.2.25 Outputs Inversion Mask

Address: 502

CFE Out 5 CFE Out 4 CFE Out 3 CFE Out 2 Gradual Stop Unused CFE Out1

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Address: 503

Unused CFE Out 6 Unused Blinkers Unused Unused LED

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

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5.2.26 Geo-Fence Alert Mask

Address: 1004 - For events
1005 - For distress

Unused Speed No Modem Geo Hot Way Point Keep Out Keep In
Limiting Zone Entry Spot violation Fence Fence
Geo-Fence Traversal violation violation

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

5.2.27 Silent Delay Configuration

Address: 1401

Trigger Silent Trigger Silent

delay upon delay upon
Time between Silent Delay expiration beeps Number of Silent Delay expiration beeps
Door open Ignition On
detection detection

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

5.2.28 Offline Tracking - Auto Upload Configuration

Address: 255

Unused Memory Ignition Off

Full Event

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

5.2.29 Security Settings Bitmask 1

Address: 421

Unused Trigger an Alarm Upon

Towing Detection During
Alarm Armed

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

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5.2.30 Security Settings Bitmask 2

Address: 424

`Unused Trigger an Alarm Upon

Main Power Disconnection

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

5.2.31 Security Logic Configuration

Address: 428

Unused Auto-gradual Unused Auto Arming Disable Auto Does Not Unused
stop Enable Independent Arming Trigger
from door Silent
delay upon

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

5.2.32 Feedbacks / Alarm Triggered / Alarm Cadence Outputs

Address: 449 For Feedbacks
450 For Alarm Triggered outputs (CelloR) / Alarm Cadence outputs (CelloAR)

Note: this
Unused Blinkers Unused output is
unavailable for
CAN variants

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

5.2.33 Active Correlation Lines

Address: 287

Unused Shock (pin 15) Unlock (pin 11) Lock (pin 5)

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

5.2.34 Vector Change Detection Bitmask

Address: 1433

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Reserved Prevent Enable Enable Enable

Curve Compress Vector Vector
Smoothing Vector change change
Message change Detection Detection
generation Detection Distress Events
during "Halt"

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

5.2.35 Garmin Configuration

Address: 285

Enable Data Forward Discard Enable Backward Disable Ping Enable Enable
forwarding data as a Garmin Cellocator MDT compatible Garmin Garmin Garmin
through log Container packets Time/Zone Mode (for protocol connected / connected /
during synchronization terminals upon disconnected disconnected
NoIP/ not connection Distress Events
NoGSM reporting
A604 as
part of their
support data

0 – Disable 0 – Disable 0 – Disable

0 – Normal (default)
Mode (Ping 1 – Enable 1 – Enable
to Garmin, 1 – Do not (default) (default)
default) disable

(FM Enable
to Garmin)

Bits 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

5.2.36 Feedback for Driver Behavior Violations Bitmask

Address: 2376

Reserved Excessive Idle Sudden Harsh Harsh Coasting Over Speed

RPM Speed course Acceleration Breaking (irrespective
change of the
source of

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

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5.2.37 Driver Behavior Continuous Violation - Feedback Bitmask

Address: 2377 for first output
2380 for second output

reserved Output Activation Pattern (Upon Driver Output, auto-activated upon Driver
behavior violation) behavior violation detection

Bits 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

5.2.38 Driver Behavior Continuous Violation - Output Activation Template

Address: 2378 for first output
2381 for second output

Number of activations in a session Activation length

Bits 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Address: 2379 for first output

2382 for second output

Time between the activation sessions Number of activation sessions

Bits 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

5.2.39 Driver Behavior Continuous Violation - Feedback Logic

Address: 2383

Sustain Sustain Sustain

Excessive Coasting Speeding
Feedback Violation Deactivation time threshold
RPM violation violation
In seconds
violation feedback till feedback till
feedback till violation violation
violation ends ends

Bits 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Bits 0, 1, 2:

 Name in Programmer:
 Sustain Speeding violation feedback till violation ends
 Sustain Coasting violation feedback till violation ends
 Sustain Excessive RPM violation feedback till violation ends

 Description: These bits enable the user to sustain continuous violation feedbacks
(according to template) till violation ends. If it is cleared then the feedback template

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will be generated once. They are considered only if Output Activation Pattern (upon
continuous driver behavior violation) is set to option number 5 (Warning of delayed
violation registration).

 Type: Flag

 Default value: 10

 Range:
Bits 3 to 7:

 Name in Programmer: Feedback Violation Deactivation time threshold

 Description: if Output Activation Pattern (upon continuous driver behavior violation)

is set to option number 5 (Warning of delayed violation registration) Continuous
violations will be deactivated when the violation time will be longer than the time
defined in this field. Please refer to Feedback Violation Deactivation time threshold

 Type: Decimal

 Default value: 10

 Range: 0 – 255

 Units: 1 Second

5.2.40 Driver Behavior Momentary Violation - Output Activation Template

Address: 523 for first output
524 for second output

Number of repetitions (Duty Activation length (in resolution of 0.5

Output number
cycle 50% ) seconds).

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

5.2.41 Outputs, Auto-Activated upon Jamming Detection

GSM jamming detection can activate outputs for Driver feedback. The configurable
options enable the selection of one of the unit’s outputs, and define the patterns sent
over the selected output. It is possible to activate up to two outputs for a jamming event.
When the advanced jamming mode is enabled (see Advanced GSM Jamming Detection
Mode), the unit differentiates between GSM jamming detection during Ignition-ON and
Ignition-Off. Each jamming condition can activate up to two outputs. The advanced mode
reuses the same outputs activation configuration used in the non Advanced mode for
jamming Outputs activation during Ignition-On.

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On state)

Output Activation Pattern upon jamming detection

Addresses: 2426 (and 2429 for second output)

Activation Pattern Output number

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Template of Output Activation upon Jamming Detection byte 1

Address: 2427 (and 2430 for second output)

Number of Activation pattern cycles in a session Output Activation length

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Template of Output Activation upon Jamming Detection byte 2

Address: 2428 (and 2431 for second output)

Time between the activation sessions Number of sessions

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Delay for output activation upon jamming detection

Address: 2432 (and 2433 for second output)

Delay for output activation

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Outputs, Auto-Activated upon Jamming Detection while in Ignition-Off

Output Activation Pattern upon jamming detection – Ignition-Off

Addresses: 205 (and 208 for second output)

Activation Pattern Output number

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Template of Output Activation upon Jamming Detection byte 1 – Ignition-Off

Address: 206 (and 209 for second output)

Number of Activation pattern cycles in a session Output Activation length

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

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Template of Output Activation upon Jamming Detection byte 2 – Ignition-Off

Address: 207 (and 210 for second output)

Time between the activation sessions Number of sessions

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Delay for output activation upon jamming detection – Ignition-Off

Address: 211 (and 212 for second output)

Delay for output activation

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Release Options of Jamming Detection

Address: 522

Advanced Advanced
Jamming Jamming
detection: detection:
Enable release by Enable release by Enable release Enable release
Authorized Dallas Ignition Activity by Jamming by Jamming
End in End in
Ignition-On Ignition-Off

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

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5.2.42 Accelerometer Configuration

Address: 467

Start & Stop Enable Towed Start & Stop Detection Movement Enable GPS Use
Detection mode Detection Sensitivity Detection wake up upon "movement
using Voltage 0 - Disable Using Voltage 0 - Very type: movement for detection" by
Level and Level and insensitive (movement / towing accelerometer
Ignition Input 1 - Enable Accelerometer engine status) detection for Start/Stop
State 1 - Normal
0 – Disable (don't care if 0 – Start/Stop
0 - Disable 2 - Very bit 0 is set) alerts by
1 – Enable sensitive 0 – movement
status of
1 - Enable 1 – engine 0 – Don't use
3 - spare Ignition switch
status 1 – Use. (legacy),
1 – Start/Stop
alerts by
detection using
If this bit is
enabled, all
the logic
dependent on
status of
Ignition Switch
will be re-
linked to the
status of

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bits 3-4 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

5.2.43 Towed Mode Configuration

Address: 470

Reserved Enable Towed Enable Towed

Start/Stop Start/Stop
distress events

Bits 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bits 3-4 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

5.2.44 Cello AR Keyboard Configuration Bitmask

Address: 1709

Keyboard disconnection Wrong keyboard detection Keyboard Enable

Disable (0) Disable (0) message Keyboard
type 9 data
Enable (1) Enable (1)

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Alarm Log Distress Alarm source (Log
Cadence Cadence or Direct)

Log (0) Disable (0)

Real time Enable (1)

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Address: 1710

Unused Disable pairing Generate Msg. Activate Alarm Malfunction report Enable
Type 0 reply Cadence upon Forwarding
When paring is (Cello-AR Messages)
for a Hot Wiring data from
disabled an Disable (0)
commands detection keyboard to
addressed to Enable (1) Serial Port
lost detected Disable (0)
the same Log Distress
paring event Enable (1)
Disable (0) Disable (0)
Enable (1)
Enable (1)

Enable (0)
Disable (1)

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

5.2.45 Cello AR: Alarm Cadence duration and cycles

Address: 1712

Reserved Number of cycles

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Address: 1713

On Time of Alarm Cadence activation (3 Seconds/bit) Off time (between activations, 3


Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

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6 Communication and Configuration

6.1 Communication Events

6.1.1 SMS Delivery Confirmation

Address: 604, bit 0

Description: This parameter enables/disables generation of a SMS delivery confirmation
event upon receiving confirmation from the SMSC regarding a SMS sending attempt.
This feature is indented to allow sending of a free text SMS message through a connected
device. The server may use the connected unit as SMS gateway to deliver text messages
to any cell number (by sending message "Send SMS" to the unit).
If upon programming the value programmed in this parameter will be 1, along with other
conditions (SMS was transmitted from OTA "Send SMS" message + SMS receipt was
returned from the network operator within a hardcoded delivery time out), than SMS
delivery confirmation logged event will be sent to indicate the operational server of SMS
delivery confirmation status.
Data format: The parameter is a 1 bit ENUM
Data Range: 1 - Enable, 0 - Disable
Default value: 0 - Disable

6.1.2 Enable Voice Call Events

Address: 604, bit 1

Description: This parameter enables to send logged events upon start/stop of
incoming/outgoing voice calls.
Whenever a voice session is started and ended, the unit will create a type-0 event with
 Upon start of incoming voice call, the unit will transmit a "Start Incoming Voice
Call" event (Type 0, TR 18, STR 1).
 Upon stop of incoming voice call, the unit will transmit a "Stop Incoming Voice
Call" event (Type 0, TR 18, STR 0).
Data Range: 1 - Enable, 0 - Disable
Default value: 0 - Disable

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6.2 Communication Settings

6.2.1 GPRS Settings Acknowledge OTA Message Transit Acknowledge Timeout

Address: 139
This parameter defines the maximum time the unit will wait for server to acknowledge a
plain event (plain events are one of the four available event generation patterns proposed
by Cellocator unit; refer to the Event Types section in this document). If no ACK is
received by this time, the event will be retransmitted.
Event Delivery Algorithm
Once generated, a plain event is stored in the unit’s Log memory.
This Log memory can store up to 8946 plain events.
When the Log memory is full, newer events will push out the
older ones (FIFO). Events will be uploaded to the Control
Center only when GPRS is available and will be deleted from
the unit’s Log memory only when acknowledgment is received Log memory queue Pending event
Up to 8946 events waiting for Ack
from Central Control. NOTE: Plain events will never be
delivered by SMS!
The unit supports one pending event waiting for server acknowledgment. When server
acknowledgment is received, the pending event is deleted from the Log memory head,
and the next event is moved to the pending event data structure in order to be sent to
the server.
NOTE: Legacy units used to have 16 concurrent pending events.
If the Acknowledge is not received during the time defined in Message Transit
Acknowledge Timeout, the event is resent.
Data format: 8-bit unsigned. Resolution is 20msec or 160mseconds, according to the
value of Acknowledge Timeout Extension Multiplier bit, see below.
Note that there is a separate control of ACK to forward data message from server to 3rd
party device connected to the serial port of the unit (application configuration byte 5).
Value span: 00h to FFh (=5.1sec or ~40 seconds)
Default value: 200 (4sec) Acknowledge Timeout Extension Multiplier

Address: 0 bit 6
If this bit is enabled (1) the resolution of Message Transit Acknowledge Timeout
parameter will be 160mseconds/bit, otherwise 20msec/bit

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Default value: 1 (160mseconds/bit) Anti-flooding
The Anti-Flooding mechanism is designed to minimize the unit’s message Retransmissions
in situations where GPRS connection is available but the server is unreachable.
The Anti-flooding will randomize the idle communication time between message
retransmission sessions to avoid server overloading in situations where the server
becomes available after period of server unavailability and to avoid network overloading.


Received Messages Anti-Flooding

Ack. Mechanism

Modem Reset

5 sessions 5 sessions
Pending 5 sessions
Logged Events Events
Send Random
Queue Buffer
Process Communication
(up to 16) Idling
6 message

The block diagram above describes the Anti-Flooding mechanism. The Anti-Flooding
mechanism’s most important input is the received server acknowledgment; in case there
are no acknowledge messages returned from the server, the Anti-Flooding mechanism
will implement the following retry patterns:
Send each pending message 6 times while waiting for ack. between each transmission.
Repeat the above sessions 5 times.
Stop transmissions for a random time based on “Anti-Flooding timer” and “Anti-Flooding
randomization threshold” configurable parameters (see Anti-Flooding timer, Anti-Flooding
randomization threshold). This random period is defined in the diagram as “Random Communication
Reset the modem.
Go to step 1.

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The Anti-Flooding has another sub operational mode called “Intermediate state of Anti-
Flooding” which when enabled blocks message transmission till only after IPUP is
acknowledged by the server. This operational mode will start logged events transmission
only after the server is guaranteed to be responsive. Enabling this mode will implement
the above Anti Flooding behavior only for IPUP messages while not saving IPUP events
into the log memory. Refer to Intermediate state of Anti-Flooding Activation Control. The
Intermediate Anti Flooding mode can be selected to work in Home network, Roam
network and in hibernation. Anti-Flooding Timer

Address: 284
Description: This parameter defines a "communication idling" timeout, used by the unit
to decrease a communication costs during the server (CCC) failure.
Data format: 1 byte with a resolution of 1 minute
Value span: 0-255minutes, a value of zero means no delay between the sets
Default value: 0 Anti-Flooding Randomization Threshold

Address: 1353
Description: In case of server failure all the units are entering Anti-Flooding
simultaneously and, as a result, reconnecting to CC simultaneously after the Anti-Flooding
delay expires. This causes a heavy load of communication on the CC server and might
cause a new crash. In order to prevent this issue it is possible to randomize the Anti-
Flooding timer.
The timer is restarted every time with a different value, limited by a programmable
(A – Ta)≤ Anti-flooding interval≤(A+ Ta)
A - Anti-flooding timer parameter
Ta - Anti-flooding threshold, programmed in EEPROM
Wrong programming protection:
if A≤Ta the unit will NOT use the low limit of randomization.

Data format: Resolution of programmable threshold is 30 seconds, 1 byte

Value span: 0-127 minutes, a value of zero means no randomization
Default value: 0 Enable IP Up Alert (Event)

Address: 202, bit 2 for home network

204, bit 2 for roam network

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Description: The "IP up" alert is generated with every dial-up to GPRS in order to
update the Central Control with the resent IP address of the unit. In cases when SIM card
is associated with static IP, it is possible to cancel IP up events.
Note that “IP Up event” CANNOT be disabled if Intermediate state of Anti-flooding is
Default value: 1 – both enabled Intermediate state of Anti-Flooding Activation Control

Address: 202, bit 1 for home network

204, bit 1 for roam network
4, bit 1 for hibernation, if enabled for active GSM network
Description: If Intermediate state is enabled, the unit will not store IP Up events into log
memory. When dialing to GPRS, only IP Up messages will be sent to the server. The unit
will not try to download accumulated event before reception ACK to the IP Up message
(see Anti-flooding description above).
Default value: all three enabled (1). In CelloTrack family to save energy all three are
disabled. Operational Server Support

The operational communication server is used for uploading positions and other events
from the end unit. Normally this will be a communication gateway of the Central Control
application. Operational Server APN

Address: 36-65
Name in Programmer: APN
Description: This parameter contains an APN used upon dialing to an operational
communication server.
Data format: 30 bytes string, first byte is length
Value span: First byte 0 to 0x1D, second to 30th - ASCII characters
Default value: ASCII "internet" Operational Server APN Extension

Address: 351-371
Description: This parameter contains the extension of the operational APN server name.
If the legacy operational APN server name is full (i.e. its length equal to 29), this
extension will be concatenated with the legacy operational server APN name.
Data format: 21 bytes string, first byte is length

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Value span: 1st byte - 0 to 0x14, 2nd to 21th – ASCII characters

Default value (Hex): Null Operational Server APN Username

Address: 8-31
Name in Programmer: GPRS PPP Username
Description: This parameter contains a PPP username used upon dialing to an APN
defined for operational server.
Data format: 24 bytes string, first byte is length
Value span: First byte 0 to 0x17, second to 24th - ASCII characters
Default value: ASCII "test" Operational Server APN Password

Address: 141-164
Name in Programmer: GPRS PPP Password
Description: This parameter contains a PPP password, used upon dialing to an APN
defined for operational server.
Data format: 24 bytes string, first byte is length
Value span: First byte 0 to 0x17, second to 24th ASCII characters
Default value: zeroes Operational Server IP Address

Address: 66 to 69
Name in Programmer: Default Target IP Address (for GPRS)
Description: Stores an IP address of the operational server. All the messages (both
active and passive, irrespectively to the source of the incoming command) during normal
operation will be sent to this IP address.
If this parameter contains zeros, the unit will use an operational DNS instead.
Data format: 4 bytes IP address, Intel order (low significant bytes first)
Default value: (change to the IP address of central command) Operational Server DNS Address

Address: 2464-2495
Name in Programmer: Default target DNS Address (operational server)

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Description: The Domain Name System (DNS) is a hierarchical naming system for
computers, services, or any resource connected to the Internet or a private network. It
translates domain names meaningful to humans into the numerical (binary) identifiers
associated with networking equipment for the purpose of locating and addressing these
devices worldwide.
In our case the DNS support is required in order to prevent a necessity to assign a static
IP to each of the servers (operational and maintenance).
A domain name usually consists of two or more parts (technically labels), which are
conventionally written separated by dots, such as example.com.

 Cello supports down to 2 levels subdomains (e.g. XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX), maximum

length is 32 chars.

 Labels are restricted to a small subset of the ASCII character set known as LDH,
the Letters A–Z in upper and lower case, Digits 0–9, Hyphen, and the dot to separate
LDH-labels; see RFC 3696 section 2 for details.
The DNS will be used for dial up only if the IP address field of the corresponding server
(in programming memory) is set to zero (e.g.,
If the IP address field of the corresponding server is not set to zero – the unit shall use
this IP address for dial up.
Data format: 32 bytes string, first byte is length. Listening UDP Port (while connected to both Operational Server or

Maintenance Server)

Address: 107-108
Name in Programmer: GPRS Self Port
Description: This parameter stores the listening UDP port. This should be the
"destination port" of incoming UDP messages, it will also be sent as a "source port" of an
outgoing transmissions.
Value resolution & span: 0- 65535’
Default value: 231 Operational Server Target Port

Address: 109 -110

Description: This parameter stores the "destination port" of outgoing UDP or TCP
(depends on Modem Type code) messages while connected to the operational server. This
will be the also listening UDP or TCP port of target host.
Value resolution & span: 0- 65535’
Default value: 231 Modem Type Code for Operational Server

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Address: 74
Description: This parameter defines dial up type, which is differs according to the
communication platform and modem connected.
Valid values: According to the table below:

Value Network

0 UDP/IP over GPRS

1-3 Not supported

4 TCP/IP over GPRS

Default value: 4 - TCP/IP over GPRS Maintenance Server Support

The Cellocator unit supports a periodic connection to the maintenance server, which is
used as a Service & Support Server.
It is possible to set an additional APN, IP address, ports and dial up type for the
Maintenance Server; this server will be used for a periodical service communication
It is also possible to force the unit to connect to the specific server manually, using the
OTA command (SMS or GPRS). If the command to connect to maintenance server is
received during the communication peak of full hibernation – the unit will connect to
maintenance server upon the end of the peeking.
The unit periodically connects (completely drop an existing connection and redial using
the dedicated APN) to this server in order to check for the latest firmware and/or
programming update. It is possible to enable auto connection to the maintenance server
upon power up and upon firmware upgrade.
The connection to the maintenance server:

 In TCP mode - TCP socket establishment and a Maintenance Platform Manifest* packet
paste into this socket.

 In UDP mode - it will be just a Maintenance Platform Manifest* UDP packet delivery to
the Maintenance server and use listening port according to the configuration of the
maintenance server.
An acknowledge (OTA message type 4) should be received in with a defined timeout;
otherwise the platform manifest will be resent.
In case the unit cannot establish a connection to the maintenance server while the GPRS
is available, it will use a dial up retry algorithm defined in Anti-Flooding section of this
If all the retries fail, the unit will stop trying and connect back to an operational server
(instead of entering Anti-Flooding, as it would do while connected to an operational

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If the timeout of periodical connection to the maintenance server expires while the unit is
hibernating, it will not wake up; instead it will dial the maintenance server immediately
after the next COM glancing.
It is possible to disable firmware upgrades or programming from the maintenance server.
The unit automatically disconnects from the maintenance server and connects back to its
operational communication server after 3 minutes after the last communication
The unit does NOT send logged or distress events to the maintenance server. It keeps
logging events as usual during the maintenance session (except during firmware
upgrades) but does not upload them. The unit will reply to commands sent from a
maintenance server.
Distress alerts and real time based alerts that occurred during the maintenance session
will be lost.
The unit will ignore the incoming voice calls and the incoming SMS notification during the
maintenance session (the SMS will be processed after the maintenance session end).
Outgoing voice call initiation attempts (both plain and emergency) are ignored during the
maintenance session.
After any reset occurred during the maintenance session (except the final reset of
firmware upgrade procedure, see bitmap below) the unit will connect back to the primary
server. Enable Programming Updates from the Maintenance Server

Address: 1398, Bit 0

Description: If this bit is enabled the unit will accept updates of programming
parameters from maintenance server.
Default value: 0 - Disable Enable Firmware Upgrade from the Maintenance Server

Address: 1398, Bit 1

Description: If this bit is enabled the unit will perform firmware upgrade if the process
will be initiated from maintenance server.
Default value: 0 – Disable Enable Connection to the Maintenance Server on each Power-Up.

Address: 1398, Bit 2

Description: If this bit is enabled the unit will automatically connect to the maintenance
server upon each power up.
Default value: 0 - Disable

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Address: 1398, Bit 3

Description: If this bit is enabled the unit will automatically reconnect to the
maintenance server after firmware upgrade (irrespectively from what server, main or
backup, the upgrade was performed).
If this bit is disabled the unit will connect back to an operational server immediately upon
the end of the upgrade, without even validation of the upgrade process success.
Reconnection to the maintenance server after firmware upgrade is normally required in
order to validate successful firmware upgrade and to set up new added configuration
Default value: 0 - Disable Enable Auto Connection to Maintenance Server

Address: 1398, Bit 4

Description: If this bit is disabled the unit will never try connecting to the maintenance
server automatically (even if enabled in previous bits), but it will still be possible to force
the unit to connect to the maintenance server by a command from OTA.
Default value: 0 - Disable Maintenance Server Connection Period

Address: 1399
Description: This parameter defines a time between automatic maintenance sessions.
Maintenance server connection period will automatically randomize, in order to prevent a
load on the maintenance server, caused by simultaneous connection of multiple units.
The randomization is affected by a unit's ID in the following way:
Real period = Programmed Period + {last 2 digits of decimal representing of unit's ID}
Data format: 1 byte with a resolution of 90 minutes (1.5 hours).
In case of zero, the real period will be only {last 2 digits of decimal representing of unit's
ID} [min]
Value span: 0-15.9 days
Default value: 16 dec (1 day) Maintenance Server APN

Address: 1403-1432
Description: This parameter define a dedicated APN, used by the unit during GPRS dial
up only during a connection to the maintenance server.

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Data format: 30 bytes string, first byte is length

Value span: 1st byte – 0 to 0x1D, 2nd to 30th - ASCII characters
Default value (Hex): 08 69 6E 74 65 72 65 61 6C 00 … Maintenance Server APN Extension

Address: 381-401
Description: This parameter contains the extension of the maintenance APN server
name. If the legacy maintenance APN server name is full (i.e. its length equal to 29), this
extension will be concatenated with the legacy maintenance server APN name.
Data format: 21 bytes string, first byte is length
Value span: 1st byte - 0 to 0x14, 2nd to 21th – ASCII characters
Default value (Hex): Null Maintenance Server APN Username

Address: 1626-1649
Description: This parameter contains a PPP username used upon dialing to an APN
defined for the maintenance server.
Data format: 24 bytes string, first byte is length
Value span: First byte 0 to 0x17, second to 24th - ASCII characters
Default value (Hex): 04 74 65 73 74 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 …. 00 Maintenance Server APN Password

Address: 1650-1673
Description: This parameter contains a PPP password, used upon dialing to an APN
defined for the maintenance server.
Data format: 24 bytes string, first byte is length
Value span: First byte 0 to 0x17, second to 24th ASCII characters
Default value (Hex): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 IP Address (for GPRS) for Maintenance Server

Address: 1392 to 1395

Description: Stores the target IP address used by the unit during a maintenance
Data format: 4 bytes IP address, Intel order (low significant bytes first)
Default value: (current main maintenance server)

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Address: 2394-2425
Description: As per the DNS for the operational server, described earlier in this
The DNS will be used for dial up only if the Maintenance Server IP Address field is set to
zero (e.g., If the IP address field is not set to zero, the unit will use this IP
address for dial up.
Data format: 32 bytes string, first byte is length GPRS Target Port for Maintenance Server

Address: 1396-1397
Description: Those EEPROM cells store the "destination port" of outgoing UDP or TCP
messages (during the maintenance session). This will also be the listening UDP or TCP
port of target host.
Value resolution & span: 0 - 65535
Default value: 7435 Listening UDP Port for Maintenance Server

Address: 107 -108

Name in Programmer: Listening UDP Port
Description: As per for the operational server. Modem Type Code for Maintenance Server

Address: 1391
Description: This parameter defines the connection type of the maintenance server.
Valid values: According to the table below:

Value Network

0 UDP/IP over GPRS

1-3 Not supported

4 TCP/IP over GPRS

Default value: 0 Maintenance Server Session Time Update

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Address: 1400
Description: The maintenance server will use default 3 Min session timeout when first
connecting to the C+ server. After the first message arrives from the maintenance server
to the unit, the FW will cancel the 3 Min time out, or what is left of it, and replace it with
a new session timeout value defined by this parameter.
Valid values: Min time 30 Sec: 3
Resolution: 10 Sec
Default value: 90 Seconds

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6.2.2 SMS Settings SMS Destination Address

Addresses: 187-196
Description: Stores the default target address used by the unit. Under normal
circumstances, this will be the SMS number of the SMS server of central control.
Note that this parameter defines only the default target address, which will be used only
for active transmissions (i.e. transmissions that are automatically generated by the unit).
Passive transmissions (i.e. replies for commands and queries) will be sent to the address
that generated the command/query.
Data format (GSM-SMS): First byte should contain the total amount of digits that make
up the actual address (not including address type byte). Second byte is the address type
byte, which should be 91h for international address (recommended type to use, to allow
roaming) or 81h for local address. The rest of the bytes contain the actual address,
encoded in BCD. The order of the transmission is bytes with lower address first, lower
nibbles (nibble = 4 bit) first. If only the lower nibble of a byte is used (this is legal only in
the last byte – in case this is the last digit of the address), the higher nibble should have
all of its bits set (the nibble should contain 15 dec). The rest of the bytes that are not
used should contain FFh.
Default value: NULL. SMS Center Address

Addresses: 177 – 186

Name in Programmer: SMSC Address
Description: This parameter stores the address of the cellular operator’s SMS center.
This parameter is applicable only for units that make use of SMS.
Data format (GSM-SMS): First byte should contain the total amount of bytes that
actually contain the address (including address type byte). Second byte is the address
type byte, which should be 91h for international address (recommended type to use, to
allow roaming) or 81h for local address. The rest of the bytes contain the actual address,
encoded in BCD. The order of the transmission is bytes with lower address first, lower
nibbles (nibble = 4 bit) first. If only the lower nibble of a byte is used (this is legal only in
the last byte – in case this is the last digit of the address), the higher nibble should have
all of its bits set (the nibble should contain dec 15). The rest of the bytes that are not
used should contain FFh.
This number has to be either left blank or set to the correct value; otherwise the unit will
not be able to send any SMS message.
Example: If the parameter contains 07h 91h 79h 52h 14h 32h 54h F6h FFh, the address
that will be used is the international address +972-54-123456, from left to right.
Default value: NULL (blank).

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Address: 7 bit 5
Description: This parameter is designed to enable usage of MDT 850/860 through SMS
brokers, normally allowing plain text SMS only.
If this bit is enabled (set to 1), the payload of every Forward Data packet received from
COM port will be immediately sent as a plain text SMS (ASCII) to the SMS Destination
Every text SMS received by the unit will be forwarded to the COM port in a “Forwarded
Data” format as a payload.
Default value: disabled (0) Enable Active SMS in Hibernation

Address: 4, bit 4
Description: This bit enables preventing of an Active SMS generation in one of available
hibernation modes (during parking).
This bit can also be disabled when it is required to prevent SMS during GSM peeks (in full
hibernation only).
Default: 1 (Enable)

6.2.3 Comm. Permissions in Home/Roam Network Enable GPRS

Address: In home network 201 bit 2, in Roam network 203 bit 2, in hibernation 3, bit 2
(see the following parameter).
Description: If this parameter is enabled the unit will utilize GPRS whenever possible as
a default communication channel.
Default value: Enabled (1) In Home network, Disabled (0) in Roaming Renew GPRS upon Drop (in Hibernation, GPS Peeking)

Address: 3, bit 2
Description: If GPRS is enabled, the unit will try maintaining GPRS session active all the
time, even if there is no data to transfer (for example on parking, during one of the
hibernation modes).
Due to resource reasons the GPRS network is searching for an idling connections and
actively shutting them down. Once the connection is down - the unit will try redialing the
network and generate an additional useless traffic and charge.

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If this bit is disabled, the unit will not renew the GPRS session during hibernation upon
drop. The session will be restored only in case the unit is leaving hibernation due to an
Ignition On or Distress Session.
This bit can also be disabled when it is required to prevent GPRS dial up during GSM
peeks (in full hibernation only).
Default: 1 (renew session) Enable SMS

Address: In home network 201 bit 7, in Roam network 203 bit 7

Description: If this parameter is enabled the unit will respond to a valid incoming SMS
commands and generate an active distress and real-time messages (if enabled in the next
parameter) when GPRS is not available.
Default value: Enabled in both Home and Roaming (1) Enable Active Transmissions via SMS

Address: In home network 202 bit 4, in Roam network 204 bit 4

Description: If this parameter is disabled, the unit will not generate any active SMS
traffic (distress or real-time, except the "Wake Up" SMS messages, see description
below), even if SMS communication is enabled in previous parameter.
Default value: Disable (1) Enable Data Forwarding from Serial Port to SMS

Address: In home network 202 bit 5, in Roam network 204 bit 5

Description: If this parameter is disabled, the unit will not try forwarding data from a 3rd
party device connected to unit's COM port (over CSP or Transparent Data protocols)
through SMS, even if both of the two previous parameters are enabled.
It is also possible to disable forwarding data through separately for Hibernation only (on
address 4, bit 5).
If this bit is enabled the data will be forwarded through SMS only if:
1. GPRS is unavailable or disabled
2. The length of payload is not bigger than 82 bytes.
Note that OTA ACK is not required for data forwarded by SMS. The "SMS Sent"
indication from the GSM network is considered as a convenient confirmation.
Default value: Disabled (1)

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6.2.4 COM port settings

Note that not all the available options are currently supported. Baud rate

Address: 471, bits 0-3

Description: Defines the baud rate of unit's COM, as per the table below:
Note: If CFE device is enabled on this port, the unit will fixate on 460800 baud rate,
ignoring the configured value.

Value (dec) Baud rate (bps) Currently


0 110

1 300

2 600

3 1200

4 2400

5 4800

6 9600 √
7 14400

8 19200 √
9 38400

10 56000

11 57600

12 115200 √ (default)

13 128000

14 256000

15 460800 √
Default: 12

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Address: 472, bits 0-2

Description: Defines the parity of unit's COM as per the table below:

Value (dec) Parity Currently supported

0 No Parity √ (default)

1 Odd Parity

2 Even Parity

3 Mark Parity

4 Space Parity

5-7 Unused

Default: 0 Stop Bits

Address: 472, bits 3-4

Description: Defines the stop bits of unit's COM, as per the table below:

Value (dec) Stop Bits Currently supported

0 One Stop Bit √ (default)

1 1.5 Stop Bits

2 Two stop bits

3 Unused

Default values: 0 Flow Control

Address: 472, bits 5-6

Description: Defines the flow control of unit's COM, as per the table below:

Value (dec) Flow Control Currently supported

0 No Flow Control √ (default)

1 Software flow

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Value (dec) Flow Control Currently supported

2 Hardware flow

3 Unused

Default values: 0

6.2.5 1-Wire port settings Enabling Reading 256-bit EEPROM of DS1971 and Authentication by

Group ID

Address: 1349, bit 3

Description: By default the unit is supporting reading unique iButton identifier from any
family of iButtons and using it as a driver authentication. In most cases DS1990A Dallas
keys (family ID 01) are used for this purpose.
The DS1971 (the family code of DS1990A is 01h; the family code of DS1971 is 14h)
provides, in addition to the unique iButton identifier, a 256-bit EEPROM, containing 10
decimal digits.
In our unit we use this storage in order to store group ID and User ID (refer to Extended
Driver Authentication section below in this document).
If this bit is enabled (1), and DS1971 is attached, the unit will:
1) Ignore the unique iButton identifier of the attached DS1971
2) Read 10 decimal digits from the 256-bit EEPROM of the attached DS1971
3) Treat them as User ID and Group ID: high digits represent a Group ID and lower
digits a User ID.
The Group ID length is variable and set up during unit’s initialization (refer to the
Extended Driver Authentication section).
Assuming that the number programmed in the EEPROM of DS1971 is 1234567890, and
Group ID length is considered upon initialization as 4 digits, the Group ID of the same
iButton will be 1234 and User ID will be 567890.
Otherwise, if the corresponding bit is enabled but other type of iButton is attached
(different from DS1971), the unit will use the 48 bits of the unique ID of the attached
iButton as a driver or passenger ID and 9999 as a group number.
Upon recognition of the new iButton, the unit generates an OTA message type 0, with
Transmission reason (Byte 19) = 46 - Driver Authentication Update.
Byte 18 (STR) of the same message includes notifications of Group recondition and user

Group ID status Unused User Type

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"1" – authenticated, "0" – Driver ID

"0" – not authenticated "1" – Passenger ID

Bit 7 Bits 1-6 Bit 0

The entire 10 bytes number (Group and User) received from the EEPROM of DS1971 will
be transmitted by the unit in any outgoing message type 0 in a six bytes Dallas field as
follows (after applying Little Endian):

78 56 34 12 00
Byte 34 Byte 35 Byte 36 Byte 37 Byte 38
Byte 33

If the “Reading EEPROM of DS1971" Programming bit is disabled (0), and DS1971 (or any
other type of iButton) is attached, the unit will work according to the legacy Driver ID
algorithms. Driver Authentication by Group ID

If the “Reading EEPROM of DS1971" Programming bit is enabled (1), the Group ID is used
to enable cancellation of vehicle's immobilization by any company driver without
programming code of each one to unit's memory.
The Group ID is programmed as one of the Dallas codes (in the array of 30), its length
varies from 1 to 9 bytes length but shorter than 10 digits. The unit supports multiple
groups, while all Group IDs are from the same length. Any additional number, shorter
than 10 digits but with length different from the first Group ID length, is considered a
driver id.


Is extended
support of DS1971

Search the IDs array
for the first number
shorter than 10 chars

Set detected length as

lengh of group ID

End (proceed with


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NOTE: Group ID numbers never begin from zero.

If Reading EEPROM of DS1971 is enabled in the programming, upon reception of data
from DS1971 first bytes will be considered the "Group ID".
If Reading EEPROM of DS1971 is enabled in the programming and other type of iButton is
attached (not DS1971), upon reception of data from iButton the 9999 is recorded as a
Group ID, but the unit will use the 48 bits of the unique ID of the attached iButton as a
driver or passenger ID.
The received "Group ID" is compared with programmed Dallas codes and if it matches:

 The status of Group ID recognition in the last bit of TR Specific byte of "Driver
Authentication Update" event changes to "1" – authenticated

 The unit releases immobilizer (only if the immobilizer was activated automatically),
even if the Driver/Passenger ID is not in the list.
If Reading EEPROM of DS1971 is NOT enabled in the programming – the unit will not use
Group ID at all

6.2.6 Data Forwarding from COM Port

In previous versions (prior to FW 31c) the only OTA transport of forwarded data was OTA
msg type 8.
The length of payload in this message was limited to 82 bytes in all the cases except
transparent data forwarding, where this limit was extended to 235 bytes.
It was not possible to link between the packet forwarded from COM port and location update.
From version 31c the data forwarding capabilities extended in the following way:

 Capability to escort messages, forwarded from 3rd party terminal (or Garmin) with
plain fleet management (FM) data (like Dallas, status of inputs, location and time),
normally supplied in OTA message type 0. The new structure, containing forwarded
data with FM packet and unique ID is called "container"

 Capability to forward up to 512 bytes of forwarded from 3rd party terminal data or the
entire container encapsulated into a single message over Cellocator Wireless Protocol
(without logging).

 Capability to log forwarded from 3rd party terminal data (or the entire container) as a
set of fragments (OTA message type 7). In this case the forwarded from 3rd party
terminal data (or the entire container) will be delivered similarly to a delivery of the
plain events.
It is possible to introduce features 2 to 4 as a 2x2 selection table, where only one cell can
be selected at any time:

Forward as pure data Forward as container

including the pure data,
FM data and unique ID

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Forward in single packet

OTA w/o logging

Forward as set of logged

fragments Forward Data as a Container

Address: 285, bit 6

Description: If this bit is enabled (1), once the forwarded data packet is received in a
RAM buffer, the payload is escorted by additional fields and converted in a structure
called "the container".
The container is a data structure, created by the unit in its RAM buffer upon reception of
the data for forwarding from COM port (in enabled in this bit).
The forwarded payload in escorted by 48 bytes of FM (fleet management) data (attached
after the last byte of payload) and total length of payload + FM data (first 2 bytes of the
container, before the first byte of the container).
Every container is assigned by 6 bits numerator (increased every packet reception from
COM port), used in fragmentation process and reported with the container. The indication
bit of report Forwarded Message Code byte in this case will contain '1' - Container.

Forwarded The Container

A sequential Length of container The payload of forwarded data X 48 bytes of fleet management
7 bits ID of (2 bytes) data
the container
+ indication
bit (Single Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 3 + X Byte 3+
byte) X+48

If this bit is disabled (0), the payload is forwarded as is received from COM port, without
any additional conversion. The indication bit of report Forwarded Message Code byte in
this case will contain zero.
Default: 0 - Disable Enable Data Forwarding Through Log

Address: 285 bit 7

Description: If this bit is Disabled (0), the system will forward data (the pure payload or
the container) using OTA message type 8 directly from the RAM buffer.
Single OTA type 8 messages can contain the following:

 Pure forwarded payload up to 512 bytes

 The container, where 512 bytes of forwarded data payload are escorted by 48 bytes of
fleet management data and 2 more bytes of container length (total 562 bytes);

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If it is set (1), the received data will be fragmented.

The container (or the payload to forward, as per the programming) is fragmented by
chunks of 54 bytes long (last one is zero-padded); chunks are enumerated and equipped
by new fragmentation control fields, stored in an events log memory and then uploaded
using an existing infrastructure as message type 7.
As per existing message types which are utilizing log memory (0 and 9), message type 7:

 Continues the Message Numerator used by other logged messages.

 Requires acknowledge from the server (Message type 4) in order to erase the specific
message from the log.

 Utilizes the same retransmission algorithms as other logged message types. Data Path Chart

Forwarded The Container

A sequential Length of container The payload of forwarded data X 48 bytes of fleet management
7 bits ID of (2 bytes) data
the container
+ indication
bit (Single Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 3 + X Byte 3+
byte) X+48

Fragmented Container
Fragment 1 Fragment 2 Fragment n Last fragment
54 first 4 bytes of 54 bytes of 4 bytes of 54 bytes of 4 bytes of 54 bytes 4 bytes of
bytes of fragment container fragment container fragment of fragment
container, manageme management management container management
starting nt (zero
from length padded)

Default: 0 - Disable Enable Backward Compatible OTA Msg 8

Address 1349, bit 2

The legacy data forwarding mechanism was utilizing a data fragmentation due to a small
buffer size (Garmin mode only).
In current implementation legacy fragment control byte of OTA message type 8 is not
used, since the unit is able to forward "the container" in a single message.
The Fragment Control byte of OTA message type 8 will therefore always contain value of
If this bit indicates backward compatible (0) the unit will restore legacy structure of OTA
Msg type 8 by:

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1. Fragmenting Garmin traffic to fragments of max 82 bytes of payload and using

Fragment Control byte for fragmentation control.
2. Limiting size of forwarded payload in Transparent Mode to 235 bytes.
If this bit indicates extended (1) the unit will use extended structure of OTA Msg type 8
by allowing size of forwarded payload in Transparent Mode to 512 bytes.

Default value: 0 - Backward compatible Enable OTA ACK to Forward from OTA to Serial Data Packet

Address 1348 bit 0

Description: If this bit is enabled (1) the ACK (Msg type 0, TR31) will be sent from
Cellocator unit to the CCC upon reception of Data forwarding frame.
Default: Enabled (1)

6.2.7 PSP Configuration

The integration of Pointer Serial Protocol (PSP, refer to the appropriate documentation)
into Cellocator units which are not security oriented is carried over the Cellocator protocol
via SMS or/and GPRS link layers.
PSP is not implemented on the Security edition in order to avoid dual alarm system state
PSP support is provided on top of the existing serial protocols on Cellocator units such as
Cellocator Serial protocol (CSP) and the transparent protocol. PSP Enable

Address: 7, bit 1
Description: The PSP support is activated when this bit is enabled. Status of Parameter
"PSP Enable" can be changed without reset
Default value: 0 (Disabled) PSP ”# Polling” Interval

Address: 1320
Name in Programmer: Polling interval
Description: This parameter is only implemented if PSP support is enabled.
Cellocator unit periodically polls the updated status of the alarm system via the serial port
(in all its modes including the hibernation mode).
The unit polls the information by sending the ASCII character ‘# to the serial port every
configurable time period, programmed in this parameter.

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NOTE: If the reply to polling indicates an ‘Alarm’, the unit will enter Distress Mode with
transmission reason "PSP triggered". The unit will restart Distress Mode every time a
reply to polling indicates ‘Alarm’ (irrespective of the Distress Mode setting).
Resolution: Seconds
Default value: 15
Range: 0-255; “0” will cause the unit to stop polling the data, values between 1 and 5
will set this interval to 5 seconds PSP Echo Timeout

Address: 1343
Name in Programmer: Echo timeout
Description: This parameter is only implemented if PSP support is enabled.
Every character sent by the alarm system is echoed by the Cellocator unit, so the alarm
system waits for it before it sends the next one. The interval between every two
characters should not exceed time out, programmed in this parameter. If a problem
occurred, the Compact returns a “?” character and the alarm system should retransmit
the last string from its beginning.
NOTE: All DL commands transmitted from the CCC to the alarm system are forwarded by
the Cellocator unit to the Alarm system in Burst fashion and not in Echo mode as the rest
of the communication protocol parts. Current time indication is also transmitted from the
unit to the alarm system upon request in a burst fashion without echo.
If the Cellocator unit fails to receive successful acknowledgment (proper Echo) from the
alarm system during a timeout, defined in this parameter, this attempt will be considered
as a communication failure.
Number of allowed communication failure is limited and defined in the next parameter.
Resolution: Seconds
Default value: 3
Range: 0-255; “0” will cause the unit to stop polling the data PSP Allowed Number of Communication Failures

Address: 1321
Name in Programmer: Allowed number of communication failures
Description: This parameter is only implemented if PSP support is enabled.
If communication failures (see the parameter above) occur more than programmed in this
parameter, the Cellocator unit will notify CCC about the loss of communication.
Default value: 10
Range: 0-255; “0” will cause the unit to ignore all communication failures

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6.2.8 Garmin: Integration of CU with Garmin Terminals

The Garmin PNDs double as navigators and mobile data terminals in the vehicle, while the
Cellocator unit provides seamless connectivity to the monitoring center via a wireless
mobile data network.
Garmin's protocol has evolved since Revision A (initial integration with Cellocator
devices); Revision D of Garmin's API proposes better management of Canned packets,
Unicode support, better messaging protocols and more.
The CU will inform the CCC about the status of the Garmin terminal (Enabled and
Connected) in every message of type 0 (in the first byte of Communication Control field).
Every message sent between the Garmin and the CU is acknowledged by the receiving
side. The CCC is not exposed to this internal communication and should not take any
active part in it.
Command forwarding to Gaming is based on the Forward Data OTA command (type 5 of
outbound channel of Cellocator Wireless protocol).
A messages received from Garmin will be forwarded to the wireless channel as a payload
of standard packet type 7 or 8 (inbound channel of Cellocator Wireless protocol, refer to
Data Forwarding section of this document).
The packet includes a notification bit stating that the message was delivered from the
attached Garmin device.
In firmware versions before 31c long messages (longer than 74 chars) from Garmin were
split into a number of packets. From 31c even the longest packet can be delivered
encapsulated into a single OTA message or as a bulk of logged fragments, 54 bytes each.
The unit will deliver the Garmin data through SMS when the GPRS is not available
Packets coming from Garmin require a Cellocator protocol ACK (only if the packet was
received through GPRS) and some of the messages delivered from Garmin require an
application ACK, which should be generated by the CCC application.
Refer to the latest API Garmin Support by Cellocator unit for further details about
integration with Garmin terminals. Enable Garmin Support

Address 1348 bit 2

CU – Cellocator Unit
CCC – Control and Command Center
STBIOn/ STBIOff – Standby Ignition On/Off
Description: Once Garmin Support is enabled:
1. In standby mode (On/Off) the unit sends “0x0000 Enable fleet management protocol”
every 15 seconds to the Garmin until it is responding for the first time.

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2. Upon reception of the response from Garmin, the CU will:

a) Generate a "Garmin Connected" OTA generate event (or distress, as per
programming), TR 205, STR 1 to CCC, as well as update OTA "Garmin
Connected" flag byte 10, bit 2.
b) Initiate a 0x0001 – Product ID Request to Garmin messages over COM port.
c) Forward all received response packets from Garmin to CCC : (0x0002 – Product
ID product_id_data_typ, 0x0003 – Protocol Support Data and any other packets
generated by Garmin)
3. Ping the device using 0x0260 – Ping Packet ID every 15 seconds. The response to this
command (0x261) is not forwarded to OTA.
4. Once the unit detects 3 missing responses from the Garmin, it generates a "Garmin
Disconnected" OTA event (or distress, as per programming), TR 205, STR 0 to CCC,
as well as update OTA "Garmin Connected" flag.
5. From the moment of Garmin disconnection the CU keeps sending to Garmin “0x0000
Enable fleet management" protocol every 15 seconds until the Garmin is responding
or until the entrance to hibernation.
Default value: 0 - Disabled Discard Garmin Packets during NoIP/NoGSM

Address: 285, bit5

Description: In order to prevent duplication of Garmin messages in unit's COM buffer
(and as result duplication in server's DB) during lack of IP connection, it is possible to
discard (without storing in buffer) any Garmin packet received:

 When no IP connection to the operational server is available

 When no GSM registration is available (including modem off periods)

(If this bit is "0" AND "Data forwarding by SMS" on addresses 202/204 bit 5 is enabled

 During maintenance session

Default value: "0" – discard Enable Garmin Connected/Disconnected Messages

Address 285 bit 0 for Event

285 bit 1 for Distress
Description: Once this bit is enabled the unit will generate an appropriate message to
the CCC upon Garmin terminal connection and disconnection.
Default value: 0 - Disabled

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Address 285 bit 2

Description: If this bit is enabled, the CU will immediately disable Ping from Garmin to
CCC upon detection of terminal's connection (by sending to Garmin Message Throttling
Command Packet 0x0250. The Garmin's response to this command 0x0251 will NOT be
forwarded to the server).

Note that this protocol is disabled by default in the terminals, reporting A605 as part of
their protocol support data.
This protocol is not supported at all by the terminals, not reporting A604 as part of their
protocol support data.
Default value: 0 – Disable Ping Backward Compatible Mode

Address 285 bit 3

Description: If enabled, the unit will ping the Garmin using “0x0000 Enable fleet
management protocol” instead of 0x0260 – Ping Packet ID. This is for older Garmin
terminals, not reporting A604 as part of their protocol support data.
Default value: 0 - Disabled

6.2.9 Cellocator MDT100

The Cellocator MDT utilizes the Garmin protocol and enables bi-directional text messaging
with the driver. Enable Cellocator MDT Time/Zone Synchronization

Address: 285 bit 4

Description: Due to a lack of an internal GPS in MDT100 it is possible to auto-
synchronize Date, Time and Time Zone of MDT with Cellocator unit.
Value of "1" in his address enables "Cellocator MDT" time synchronization, value of 0 –
disables time synchronization).
If enabled the time/date synchronization packets will be initiated by the unit in the
following cases:

 Upon terminal connection detection (just after OTA "Garmin Connected" event
generation) (irrespectively to the GPS validity status).

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 Upon GPS Navigation start detection (just after OTA "GPS Navigation Start" event

 Periodically during Standby Mode (Engine On or Off), every 15 minutes from wake up
to hibernation entrance. Periodical synchronization will only occur if the GPS is valid
upon synchronization timer expiration.
Default value: 0 - time synchronization disabled Time Zone (for Cellocator MDT Synchronization)

Address: 451
Description: The time zone sent to the Cellocator MDT upon synchronization is the
difference in hours between GMT (Greenwich) and the local time.
Data format: Signed integer, resolution of 1hour, valid span: ±24

Value Time zone

2 UTC+2

244 UTC-12

255 UTC-1

24 UTC

Default value: 0 (GMT)

6.2.10 Transparent Data Mode over COM Port Enable Transparent Mode (of COM port)

Address: 0 bit 7
Description: Once transparent mode is enabled (this bit is set to 1), it may be
activated/deactivated using the trigger on "door" input. When this input is in its "active"
state, transparent mode is activated, when "door" is deactivated – the COM port is back
into CSP (Cellocator Serial Protocol) mode.
Note that the "active" state may be controlled using the programmable inputs inversion
masks. In addition, any programmed events for the "door" input will be generated as
usual. To avoid this, disable events associated with this input in the programming.
Transparent mode can be activated by OTA command (from FW31c).
a) Upon reception of the command, the unit immediately enters transparent mode
irrespectively to the status of the corresponding bit in the EEPROM (from FW31c).

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b) If transparent mode started as a result of OTA command, Door input is NOT used
by the unit for transparent mode control.
Note: The door input is controlling start and stop of transparent mode only if a
corresponding bit in EEPROM is enabled. If the same bit is disabled, the
transparent mode can still be started / stopped, but only by OTA command.
c) If transparent mode started as a result of OTA command the unit will leave
transparent mode only upon reception of a corresponding OTA command.
When transparent wire mode is active:

 All Cellocator wire protocol processing is ceased. This means wire commands, such as
programming, mode change, etc, are ignored.

 Any data received in the port is accumulated and forwarded to the wireless channel in
Cellocator protocol data forwarding packets (type 7 or 8, refer to Data Forwarding
section in this document), containing the data as it was received, without further
processing or filtering.

 When inbound data forwarding (type 5) packets are received in the wireless channel,
the data contained in these packets is extracted and forwarded as is to the wire
interface, without any enveloping headers or trailers.
Technical information
In transparent wire mode, the received serial data is packetized, so it may be sent in
packets. Following is an explanation how the data is being packetized:
As data is received, it is accumulated in packets.
The accumulating packet is "closed" and queued for transmission once one of the
following occurs:

 512 bytes were accumulated in the packet (this is therefore the maximal payload per
transmitted packet).
Note: In firmware versions before 31c and in Backward Compatible mode of OTA Msg
8 it is 82 bytes (or 235 bytes in transparent mode).

 500msec have passed since the reception of the first byte in the packet.

 300msec have passed since the last received byte.

Once a packet is queued for transmission, the unit will attempt to reliably forward it via
the wireless channel (if available, and enabled in programming for the existing network
conditions) or parse and log depends on a configuration (refer to data Forwarding section
in this document); an acknowledge must be received for the forwarded data.
The unit provides a queue of 1020 bytes. Each data packet in the buffer contains
escorting data (forwarded message code byte + fragment control byte + 2 length bytes +
optional 48 bytes of FM data – if "Forward Data as Container" is enabled)
When the data is forwarded from RAM buffer directly, w/o logging, the unit forwards
only one packet at a time (and requires acknowledge to be received). The forwarding
capability of high-throughput continuous data will therefore be affected by the wireless
round-trip time, from the transmission of a packet to the reception of acknowledge.

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Default value: 0 - Disabled Software Flow Control XON/XOFF during Transparent Mode

Address: 1348, bit 7

Description: XON/XOFF flow control is a method of flow control used in computer data
links, especially RS-232 serial. It uses special codes, transmitted in-band, over the
primary communications channel. These codes are generally called XOFF and XON (from
"transmit off" and "transmit on", respectively).
When one end of a data link is unable to accept any more data (or approaching that
point), it sends XOFF to the other end. The other end receives the XOFF code (0x13), and
suspends transmission. Once the first end is ready to accept data again, it sends XON
(0x11), and the other end resumes transmission.
In ASCII oriented systems (like old printers) XOFF/XON can be employed in both
directions - but in our case the flow control will be applicable for transparent mode only
and for single direction: from the Cellocator unit (CU) to the 3rd party device (3PD), i.e.
for data transmitted from the 3PD to the server thru the CU.
The legacy transparent mode thus will become a one-way transparent mode: from 3PD to
The 3PD starts sending data to the COM port of CU. The unit is limited by GPRS path
width and availability, as well as forward data buffer size, and might fall behind the 3PD,
and starts to be overwhelmed by the data.
The unit thus sends XOFF to the 3PD. The software on the 3PD "sees" the XOFF, and
temporarily stops sending data. Once the unit has "caught up", it sends XON to the 3PD.
The 3PD sees XON, and starts sending data again.
When enabled (1), the transparent mode begins to work in single direction – from 3PD to
the server thru the CU. The data, forwarded from server shall be forwarded to 3PD in
Cellocator Serial protocol format.
Default: 0- Disabled Periodic Transparent Mode Peek Time

Address: 1355
In this mode the unit open a window for the given peek time and passes all COM
messages transparently in a periodic manner.
The session will be between ignition ON to ignition OFF only.
If the Peek Time is different from the value 0 and the period time is 0 the transparent
mode will be for unlimited time during the ignition ON session. If the Peek Time is 0, the
periodical transparent mode feature will not work during the ignition ON session.
After downloading the new configuration by PL file, the unit will start working only after
reset event.

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Upon receiving transparent mode OTA command, while the feature is active, the current
feature will work according to the OTA command (Activate/deactivate the transparent
mode) immediately while time changes will be updated only after completion of the
current cycle (after the previous “Periodic transparent mode cycle time” will expire).
Default: 2 seconds
Resolution: 1 second Periodic Transparent Mode Cycle Time

Address: 1356
This sets the period of time between peeks, as mentioned in the previous parameter.
Default: 60 seconds
Resolution: 10 seconds

6.2.11 Distress Session Configuration

A Distress Session is one of four possible ways to deliver data to a Central Control (refer
to the Event Types generated by Cellocator devices section).
If the condition for the specific event is met, the unit will create a series of messages with
the same transmission reason. The messages will be uploaded to the Control Center
immediately with the first available communication transport (during IP session – over IP,
otherwise by SMS). The messages are not stored in the memory and if there is no cellular
coverage at the moment of sending – the message will be lost. Distress events do not
require any kind of acknowledge.
The number and time between messages in Distress Session is defined in parameters
below, but can be temporary overwritten by Distress Session initiation OTA command.
Distress session caused by the same trigger, occurred while the first session is not over
yet restarts the session from the beginning.
Distress session caused by different trigger, occurred while the first session is not over
yet causes new distress session (up to 5 distress sessions might be maintained
concurrently). The 6th distress session, while previous 5 are still active, will be lost.
It is also possible to initiate an endless (or specified duration) distress session by
command from CCC. Upon start, this session cancels all active distress sessions. The
session will be stopped by any other distress session or by a command from OTA. Time between Distress Transmissions

Address: 72-73
Description: This parameter defines the amount of time between two consecutive
Distress Transmissions in distress session initiated by trigger of distress event.

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The amount and the period of distress events generated during session initiated by OTA
command is defined by the command itself.
Data Format: 16-bit unsigned integer, 0.01 seconds resolution
Legal values span: 01h to FFFFh – 65535 (~11minutes)
Default value: 1000 (10 seconds) Number of Distress Transmissions

Address: 75
Description: This parameter defines the amount of transmissions that will be generated
in a single distress session triggered by internal logic, if no more sensors are triggered.
The maximum time of single distress session is [this parameter]*[time between
transmissions]. Take into account up to another second per transmission (this is the time
that it takes the unit to prepare and arrange a transmission).
NOTE: A Distress session initiated by OTA command will contain the number of messages
specified in a command.
Legal values span: 01h (one transmission) through 00FFh (255 transmissions). 0 is
Default value: 1

6.2.12 Wake Up Messages

In most of the cases the unit is sent to the installation site programmed with operational
PL file, but without a SIM card. The SIM card is being inserted on installation site.
In order to create an automatic association of the unit with the SIM number in CCC
application, the unit initiates a real-time message using SMS or GPRS, according to the
bitmap below.
In case Wake Up message has not been sent due to server side issue triggering Anti
flooding condition, The Wake Up message counter will be reset and the Number Of
Repetition counting will start again from 0. Enable SMS Wake Up

Address: 1344, bit 6

Description: An SMS message/s (number is set in repetitions field of the same byte) will
be sent to the Default Destination SMS address upon power up, after successful
registration into Home or Roam GSM network, respectively to SMS rules (like pre-
programmed GSM operator’s selection, active transmissions block etc).
The “SMS Wake up” event does not require any type of ACK. The message shall be
retransmitted in case error.

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NOTE: The “wake up” message will be transmitted even if active transmissions are
disabled. In addition, the time between Wake up SMS repeated messages will be 40
seconds (except for the CelloTrack Nano, in which the time between emergency
transmissions will be shorter but still dependent on network responses).
NOTE: In CelloTrack and CelloTrack-T, Wake up SMS will be sent every time the unit is
moved between Inactive to Active states.
Default value: 0 - disabled Enable GPRS Wake Up

Address: 1344, bit 7

Description: The message will be sent to the Default Destination IP address upon power
up, after successful registration into Home or Roam GSM network, and dial up to GPRS,
respectively to GPRS rules (like pre-programmed GSM operator’s selection etc). The
message requires ACK (standard type 4 message). If ACK is not received, it will be resent
limited number of times, as configured in "Number of Repetitions" parameter (address
1344, bits 0-5).
Default value: 0 - disabled Number of Repetitions

Address: 1344, bits 0-5

Description: This parameter defines the amount of SMS/GPRS Wake Up messages. In
case of failure during sending Wake Up event via GPRS (ACK is not received), the unit will
try to resend the message with a period configured in "Time between Distress
Transmissions" parameter (address 72). Every time a new GPRS session is established,
the repetition counter is reset to 0 and the count is restarted.
Default: 5

6.2.13 Offline Tracking

This mode is designed to enable offline data logging. During this mode the modem of the
unit remains off, although the GPS, processor and all the peripherals are managed by
unit's logic as usual. The unit is generating and storing logged events in its non-volatile
memory and once a day establish a connection to upload all of them during a single
communication session.
The modem is also temporarily switches on upon trigger of distress session (in this
session only the distress event itself is sent).
The communication session for accumulated data upload will be initiated in the following

 At the end of trip (upon expiration of the dedicated timeout after the Stop alert)

 Upon filling of 90% of memory capacity

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 Upon expiration of Logged Events Upload Periodic Timer

 Upon reaching a certain amount of logged events

 Upon activation of Input

 Upon movement in a certain time

 Due to FOTA process

In case of failure of upload process when the unit tries to upload the logged events (i.e. if
not all the events were uploaded for any reason), the will perform a configurable number
of retries, with a configurable time between the retries.
If during a retry session one of the 5 upload modes is triggered again, the retry
mechanism will be "restarted" (e.g. if the number of upload retries was configured to 5,
and in the current retry session 3 retries were done, and an upload mode is triggered
again, the unit will perform the upload sequence again, i.e. first upload try + 5 retries).
If a retry session was "expired" (i.e. the unit performed all the retries as configured, and
still failed to upload all of the logged events), the unit will return to silent offline tracking,
until the next upload mode is triggered. Enable Offline Tracking

Address: 1348, bit 6

If this bit is enabled (1) the unit switches the modem on and initiate the GPRS session
only when data download is required (see below). The rest of the time the modem
remains off.
Upon the end of data upload process the session and the modem is shut down.
The modem will also be switched on during distress sessions and real time alerts (Wake
up etc).
In case of wake up due to distress session (or real time alert) the modem will be switched
off after transmission of the last message (any valid Cellocator message will extend this
timeout by an additional 10 seconds).
Switching the modem on followed by GPRS dial up is initiated by the unit upon:

 At the end of trip (upon expiration of the dedicated timeout after the Stop alert)

 Upon filling of 90% of memory capacity

 Upon expiration of Logged Events Upload Periodic Timer

 Upon reaching a certain amount of logged events

 Upon activation of input

 Upon movement in a certain time

 Due to FOTA process

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After modem's wake up it will try to register into a GSM network. If the registration is not
accomplished during timeout, defined in "Maximum Network Registration Time" (address
270), the modem will be switched off until next wake up.
Any modem reset, occurred during the upload session, will be followed by modem wake
up and registration attempt as per "Maximum Network Registration Time" (address 270).
If the GSM registration is successful, the unit will get more time to dial up GPRS and
deliver the first message from the log (the total time from modem wake up is "Maximum
Network Registration Time" + 90 seconds, independently from the exact moment of GSM
registration). If during this timeout the unit failed to establish GPRS session and deliver
the first message - the modem shall be switched off until next wake up.
The unit will not switch off the modem while data transfer is in process;
The modem will be switched off:

 While log is not empty: 90 seconds after last message reception (in case of session
drop or server failure).

 While log is empty: 10 seconds after last valid message reception (including ACK)

 For CR300, CelloTrack T and Cellotrack Nano, this timeout is configurable via "Timeout
before switching off the modem" parameter.
Once the dial up attempts stop for one of the reasons described above, no more GPRS
dialup attempts (or modem wakes up followed by GPRS dial up attempts) will be made
until Stop Journey is detected. After such an event, dial up attempts will start again as
described above.
Maintenance Session, if enabled, will start immediately after ANY data session occurred
after periodical maintenance timeout expiration. In such a case the modem will be
switched off after the end of the maintenance session. There is no dedicated modem
wake up for maintenance session.
Serial data Forward mechanism (MDT, Garmin, transparent data ...) will behave in next
manner during offline mode:

 During modem wake up due to Emergency session, then the data forwarded from
COM port will be forwarded to the server.

 During modem wake up due to Ignition OFF or memory overfilling, then the data will
be lost.
Default: 0 Timeout before switching off the modem

Address: 220
This timer is restarted every time a data packet is received (to allow the server time to
send necessary commands to the unit, if needed), when the log is not empty (i.e. not all
logged events were uploaded to the server). Note that the FW limits this parameter to be
minimum 30 seconds, so any programmed value under 30 seconds would be treated as
30 seconds.

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After completion of uploading all of the logged events (i.e. the log is empty), the unit is
switching off the modem after 10 seconds (hardcoded).
Resolution: 2 seconds/bit
Default value: 90 seconds Auto Upload after Ignition Off Event

Address: 255, bit 0

Description: If this bit is enabled (1), the unit will wake up the modem and establish
GPRS session upon expiration of a timeout (Time to Auto-Upload) after a Stop alert.
Data Range: 1 - Enable, 0 - Disable
Default Value: 0 - Disable Auto Upload upon Memory Overflow

Address: 255, bit 1

Description: If this bit is enabled (1), the unit will wake up the modem and establish
GPRS session upon detection of memory overflow (90% full).
Data Range: 1 - Enable, 0 - Disable
Default Value: 0 - Disable Time to Auto Upload after Trip Stop

Address: 259 – 260

Description: This parameter defines time interval between Trip Stop and GPRS dial up
for data upload. Disabling the automatic upload at trip stop is done by "Auto Upload after
Ignition Off Event" parameter (address 255, bit 0).
Value resolution & span: Resolution is 4 Seconds. Span from: 4 seconds (0x0001), to
18:12 Hours (0xFFFF).
Default value: 5400, (0x1518h), 1.5 Hours Logged Events Auto Upload Timer

Address: 218 – 219

Description: This parameter defines the period for periodical auto-upload of events
accumulated during Offline mode. 0 – cancels periodical auto upload.
Value resolution & span: Resolution is 1 minutes. Span from: 1 minute to 65535
minutes. 0 disables the periodic upload.
Default value: 0

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Address: 215
Description: This parameter defines the amount of logged events for upload of events
accumulated during Offline mode. 0 – cancels the amount dependent upload.
Value resolution & span: Resolution is 1 event. Span from: 1 to 255 events.
Default value: 0 Number of Logged Events Upload Retries

Address: 221
Description: This parameter defines the number of logged events upload retries (in case
of no GSM connection when attempting to upload logged events). 0 – cancels the retry
Value resolution & span: Resolution is 1 retry. Span from: 1 to 255 retries.
Default value: 0 Time Between Logged Events Upload Retries

Address: 222
Description: This parameter defines the time between logged events upload retries (in
case of no GSM connection when attempting to upload logged events).
Value resolution & span: Resolution is 10 seconds. Span from: 10 to 250 seconds.
Default value: 0 Local Timer to Upload Logged Events

Address: 223-224
Description: This parameter, together with "Movement Timer Before Local Timer
Activation" (address 225-226) define a time range for a local upload mode for logged
events. The "Local Timer to Upload Logged Events" starts after previous upload session
ends. After it expires, the "Movement Timer Before Local Timer Activation" starts. If
during this time the unit moves, the logged events are uploaded, and the "Local Timer to
Upload Logged Events" starts again.
Value resolution & span: Resolution is 1 minute. Span from: 0 to 65535 minutes.
Default value: 30 minutes

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Address: 225-226
Description: This parameter, together with "Local Timer to Upload Logged Events"
(address 223-224) define a time range for a local upload mode for logged events. The
"Local Timer to Upload Logged Events" starts after previous upload session ends. After it
expires, the "Movement Timer Before Local Timer Activation" starts. If during this time
the unit moves, the logged events are uploaded, and the "Local Timer to Upload Logged
Events" starts again.
Value resolution & span: Resolution is 1 minute. Span from: 0 to 65535 minutes.
Default value: 10 minutes

6.2.14 Cell ID Based Location (Neighborhood list of the serving GSM cell)
Please note that CellID is not supported if “UMTS” band is selected in units with 3G
The Cell ID triangulation is an alternative location method. In cases when the GPS is not
available information regarding in-range cellular towers (Cells) with known location, along
with signal power or SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) indication, might be used for location
approximation of the transmitting device.

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The location of the transmitting vehicle in respect with the “in-range” cells and the RF
signal propagation attributes which can be significantly affected by reflectors, black spots,
interference, etc. all of this may influence the relative “reliability” of the SNR indication as
an estimator for the distance of the vehicle from the receiving Cell.
How does it work with Cellocator unit?
When the unit loses a GPS signal for longer than 2 minutes, it will poll modem for Cell ID
information. The modem will update with the following parameters of up to 7 cells (the
serving cells and up to 6 neighbor cells):

 Base station identification code

 Cell ID

 Location Area Code

 Received signal strength in dBm

The message, containing this information and CellID retrieval timestamp, will accompany
any log or distress message (as per configuration) generated by Cellocator unit during
GPS coverage loss.

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Positioning software performs a triangulation calculation on the information and the data
is converted into a geographical location: strongest reception signal theoretically defines
closest cells.
Conditions to consider GPS coverage loss and restore
The GPS coverage loss in is considered when:

 The GPS is communicating (connected)

 The location appears as invalid for longer than 2 minutes in Standby mode or timeout,
programmed in "GPS Max On time" parameter in hibernation mode.
The recovery from Cell ID state is to GPS coverage state, in standby (i.e. not Hibernation)
mode, happens when the GPS location is considered valid continuously for more than 1
minute or as in PL parameter 500/1 "GPS Navigation Start_Stop filter" in hibernation
Behavior during No GPS Mode
Once the "NO GPS" mode is started, the unit is polling Cell ID neighborhood information
from modem periodically, every 1 minute.
The data session (to operational server only) is suspended during polling, the connection
does not drop. Messages generated during Cell ID polling are delivered after data mode is
The Cell ID neighborhood data is stored in a unit and delivered as an additional message
to a central control after any event or distress message. The additional message contains
the next sequential message numerator for easy correlation.

In 3G networks, information of the neighbor cells is not available. Thus, the modem is
polled for current serving cell extended data, which may include sector data, which in turn
may improve determining the unit location.

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Address: 201, bit 3 in Home Network

203, bit 3 in Roam Network
Description: If this flag is enabled, the unit will generate logged message type 9, (sub
data type 9) following any logged message type 0 while the GPS location is considered as
The logged messages type 9/9 will be stored in the same buffer as corresponding
messages type 0 and use the same sequence of numerator for easy correlation.
The message type 9.9 will not be generated if the unit is not logged into GSM.
Default: 0 - Disabled Enable Generation of Real Time Cell ID Escorting Packet

Address: 201, bit 4 in Home Network

203, bit 4 in Roam Network
Description: If this flag is enabled, the unit will generate real time message type 9, (sub
data type 9) following any distress message type 0 while the GPS reading is considered as
The real time messages type 9/9 will be delivered using the same rules as the
corresponding distress messages type 0 and use the same sequence of numerator for
easy correlation.
Default: 0 – Disabled

6.2.15 Internal Accelerometer Configuration

Movement Detection: The Cello unit can reliably detect movement start /end using its
onboard accelerometer, similarly to a technique implemented in CelloTrack. This
capability shall allow releasing an Ignition input for general usage or add another
dimension for movement detection: ignition switch separate from movement detection.
It is possible to select movement detection source programmatically: Ignition input
(backward compatible mode) or accelerometer.
If Start/Stop detection using accelerometer is enabled, the unit reassigns all the
functionality based on the status of Ignition to the status of movement.
Examples of such functionality: Start/Stop alerting, Driver Authentication, Hibernation
mode change etc.
The ignition input becomes a general purpose discrete pulled down input, monitored in
OTA and Serial messages. It might still be used for Ignition Switch status monitoring, but
operational mode will be switched according to movement status:

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 The unit changes its operational mode to STBEOn if movement is detected for longer
than defined in "Start Event time filter" programmable parameter on address 104.

 The unit changes its operational mode to STBEOff if lack of movement is detected for
longer than defined in "Stop Event time filter" programmable parameter on address
Towing Detection: The Cello unit shall be able to reliably detect towing using its
onboard accelerometer. The feature shall be applicable when:

 A movement detection source is selected from ignition input.

 The ignition switch is switched off, in other words - during parking.

Upon movement detection during parking the unit will wake up from hibernation,
alternatively generate an alert, then trigger legacy towing detection feature, based on
GPS data. Movement detection type

Address 467, bits 2

Description: This bit enables selection of movement detection type: either actual vehicle
movement detection or engine operational mode change detection (engine start and
switch off).
Note: If accelerometer is set as an engine status detector – the Stop Event generation
may be delayed for (up to) 8 seconds (after expiration of the Stop Event filter).
Values span: 0 - movement, 1 – engine status
Default value: 0 - movement Accelerometer Sensitivity

Address 467, bits 3-4

Description: It is possible to calibrate the sensitivity of the internal accelerometer (3
levels) and to adapt it to any vehicle. The default value of 1 is adapted to detect
movement start/end in standard private vehicle. In case of truck it is recommended to
decrease the sensitivity level, in case of very silent vehicle – to increase it.
Values span: 0 - Very insensitive, 1 – Normal, 2 - Very sensitive, 3 - Spare
Default value: 1 – Normal
Note: The Accelerometer Sensitivity feature is applicable also in CelloTrack T units from
FW version 61c. Movement Detection Source

Address 467, bit 0

Description: This bit defines what source will be used for movement detection: internal
accelerometer or Ignition input. If Accelerometer source is selected, all the logic normally

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dependent on status of Ignition Switch will be re-linked to the status of Movement

Values span:
0 – Start/Stop alerts by status of Ignition switch (backward compatible mode)
1 – Start/Stop alerts by movement detection using accelerometer
Default value: 0 – backward compatible mode. Start & Stop Detection Using Voltage Level and Accelerometer

Address 467, bit 5

Description: This bit enables (1) usage of voltage level in addition to "movement
detection" by accelerometer for Start/Stop detection.
Values span:
0 – Disable
1 – Enable
Default value: 0 – Disable Start & Stop Detection Using Voltage Level and Ignition Input State

Address 467, bit 7

Description: This bit enables (1) usage of voltage level in addition to ignition state for
Start/Stop detection.
Values span:
0 – Disable
1 – Enable
Default value: 0 – Disable Voltage Level Threshold for Ignition On Detection

Address 468
Description: This parameter allows to configure the main battery voltage for assisting
accelerometer or Ignition input with Start/Stop detection, or for waking up the unit from
hibernation upon connecting electrical vehicle to charging source. It only affects if bits 5
and/or 7 of address 467 and/or bit 0 of address 3 are set.
The Start Event shall be registered if movement by accelerometer is detected or Ignition
input state is On, and the voltage of the main battery is higher than this parameter
during the entire Start Event registration timeout.
The Stop Event shall be registered if NO movement by accelerometer is detected or
Ignition input state is Off, and the voltage of the main battery is lower than this threshold
during the entire Stop Event registration timeout.

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Data format: 8-bit unsigned, 0.1176470588235V/bit

Default value: 12.81V

6.2.16 Roaming List, GSM Operator Management

The non-volatile configuration is storing a list of 100 Public Land Mobile Networks (GSM
operators) with their priorities.
The end unit continuously* monitors a GSM operators (PLMNs) available on the air and
dynamically selects the best cost effective operator according to the pre-programmed
priority assigned to each one.
*The GSM operator selection mechanism is activated in 2 cases:
Periodically, according to pre-programmed timer
Upon new GSM registration, caused by reset or leaving the area covered by previously
selected network.
After one of the conditions listed above becomes true the state machine takes control
over the process and selects the best operator based on the list in the configuration
memory. Timer of Auto Search

Address: 1008
Description: This parameter defines a timer, used by the system to repeat search of
available GSM networks in the air. The timer restarts each time when the unit is “taking
decision” to register in a specific PLMN, irrespectively to the result of registration attempt.
Data format: The parameter is an 8-bit integer, resolution of 10 minutes.
Value span: 1 to 255 (10 minutes to 2550 minutes, zero is automatically translated into
30 minutes)
Default value: 6 Consider Unknown Operators as Forbidden

Address: 1348, bit 5

Description: If this flag is set, any PLMN not listed in the programming will be
considered as forbidden.
Otherwise, if this bit is 0, any PLMN not listed in the programming will be considered as
enabled with lowest priority.
Default value: zero (not forbidden)

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Address: 1009
Description: This parameter defines a number of active records in PLMN table.
Zero value cancel Roaming List Management feature.
Value span: 0 to 100
Default value: zero Public Land Mobile Networks (PLMN)


Address Value

1010-1012 PLMN 1

1013-1015 PLMN 2

…. ….

1307-1309 PLMN 100

Description & Data Format:

Each PLMN number is composed of two fields:
MMC-Mobile Country Code
MNC-Mobile Network Code
It will be stored in the configuration memory together with its priority as a single
parameter in the following way:

Priority PLMN (MCC-MNC)

Bit 23 Bit 20 Bit 19 Bit 1 Bit 0

The highest number in Priority field (15) is representing the most preferred network.
The value of 1 is the lowest priority, 2 - higher priority and so on.
The value of zero – is representing Forbidden PLMN.
NOTE: The network available in the air, but not listed in the pre-programmed PLMN list
will be treated as per configuration in “Consider Unknown Operators As Forbidden” above.
During searching of available networks (processing AT+COPS command) the modem is
busy and not available for any type of communication. This process might take up to 3
minutes, but in majority of the cases will be accomplished in less than 20 seconds.
In case no available network found during search, or all the available networks are
“forbidden” – the unit will hold and proceed with searching after expiration of Timer of
Auto Search.

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Default value: zeroes

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Normal operation

Timer of available operator re- GSM Modem Wake up

search expired (after hibernation /reset

Yes Is Home
Connect to home network
network available?

Search for available networks

until at least one network is found

Is one (or
more) No
forbidden /
Connect to the most No suspended?
Yes Is one (or
preferred operator more) operator
in the preferred
list? Yes

Yes Are there

not- No
Connect to the first unforbidden /
unsuspended operator in the list forbidden

Wait till successful

Is 1348 bit5
=1 ("consider
operators as
forbidden") Yes
Is it 3rd failure Is the
No to connect to
No active
the same operator =
operator? required

Mark the same operator as Let the modem select the
suspended (until "Proceed to operator
normal operation")

Restart timer of available

operator re-search

Proceed with normal


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6.2.17 GSM Jamming Detection & Reaction (Not Supported by 3G units)

The GSM Jamming detection supports two modes of operation:

 Legacy Jamming Detection mode: Jamming is detected without any relation to the
Ignition state of the vehicle. In this operational mode, jamming detection can activate
up to two outputs for jamming driver feedback. The Jamming feedback is released by
OTA command or Ignition Sequence.
Jamming Outputs Release by OTA Send OTA Event
Command No
Jamming Output Release by Ignition Jamming Jamming Outputs
Activation Configuratin

Jamming Out1
Modem Output
Detection Send OTA Event
Activation Out2

 Advanced Jamming Detection mode: The jamming detection is depended on the

vehicle’s ignition state. Different outputs activations are allocated for Ignition On and
Ignition Off states. Each Ignition state can drive up to two driver feedback outputs.
Jamming Driver feedback outputs are released when jamming condition ends. The
user can terminate the jamming state by the legacy sources (OTA commands and
Ignition sequence). In the advanced mode, the user can configure the jamming
detection time filter and the Jamming End condition time filter. Jamming events will
be sent when jamming is detected or when jamming ends. The Jamming events will
also reflect the vehicle’s ignition state. The Ignition on jamming output activation
configuration is the same configuration array used by the legacy jamming outputs

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Ignition On
Send OTA Event Parameters
No (Legacy Params)
Jamming 2426-2433
Ignition On Out1
Send OTA Event Output
(Ignition On) Activation
Modem Send OTA Event
Detection (Ignition OFF)
Ignition Off
Jamming Out1
activation Out2
Jamming Ignition Off
Criteria Parameters
(213) (New Parameters)

The following responses to jamming detection are available and switchable by unit's

 The unit allows activating a vehicle horn and / or blinkers in pre-programmed

frequency and cadence.

 Each of the outputs (horn and blinkers) is equipped by independent activation time

 The unit allows activating nested immobilization (after vehicle's stop) and / or
immediate immobilization.

 Unconditionally the unit stores dedicated event for jamming detection into its non-
volatile memory.

 The unit enables releasing activated outputs by valid Dallas or by certain activity of
Ignition input. GSM Jamming Detection Telit
The cellular modem detects jamming and, if not during an active GPRS session, initiates
periodical reports to a microcontroller while jammed (every 3 seconds).
The jamming status is considered as GSM JAMMED upon reception of 3 consecutive
jamming detection notifications from the modem in 10 seconds. The unit stores a GSM
JAMMED event (TR206, TR Specific data 0) upon jamming status changing to Jammed.

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The jamming status is considered as GSM NOT JAMMED upon reception of a dedicated
unsolicited message from the modem - "Operative". The unit stores a GSM JAMMED event
(TR206, TR Specific data 1) upon jamming status change to Not Jammed.
Since during an active GPRS session unsolicited Jamming detection indications are not
received, the microcontroller is temporary suspending GPRS session upon traffic jam
(missing ACKs for at least 30 seconds and 3 lost ACKs minimum).
NOTE: In this case (GSM Jamming during GPRS Session) the Acknowledge Timeout
directly affects time to Jamming Detection.
The unit will not suspend the GPRS session more than once; next session suspend can
only happen in a subsequent GPRS session. Cinterion
The Cinterion modem, unlike Telit, is not limited by active GPRS sessions – the jamming
indications are issued in any state. The modem is not initiating any periodical report; it is
reporting GSM jamming state change upon jamming start and end. The unit is
immediately entering or leaving "Jamming" mode upon reception of the appropriate
notification from the modem. Advanced GSM Jamming Detection Mode

Address: 525, bit 6

Description: The Advanced Jamming detection mode differentiates between Ignition-On
and Ignition-Off jamming detection criteria. Each mode (Ignition On or Ignition Off) has
its dedicated outputs activation configuration parameters. The Advanced Jamming also
enables the configuration of the jamming detection threshold and the “Jamming End”
filter delay. OTA events reflecting the beginning and End of jamming sessions will be sent
whenever jamming is detected or jamming stops. 0-Legacy Jamming support (not
depended on Ignition state), 1-Advanced Jamming support, Ignition state depended.
Default value: zero (Disabled) Disable GSM Jamming Event or Disable GSM Jamming Event during
Ignition On

Address: 1348, bit 3

Description: This configuration parameter disables jamming OTA events. The
functionality of this configuration bit depends on the state of the Jamming detection mode
(See: Advanced GSM Jamming Detection Mode): If the advanced mode is configured, This
configuration bit will only disable jamming events started during Ignition On, If the
Advanced mode is not configured, this pin will disable all jamming events.
Note that Jamming detection started during Ignition On and ended while in Ignition Off
will be reported even if “Disable GSM Jamming Event during Ignition off” is enabled.
In addition, output activation as a reaction to jamming is independent from registration of

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Default value: zero (Jamming is NOT disabled) GSM Jamming-End Time Filter

Address: 214
Description: The GSM Jamming-End Time Filter is only applicable if advanced jamming
mode is enabled (See: Advanced GSM Jamming Detection Mode). The Jamming-End Time
Filter defines the time required for declaring “End of Jamming” event. End of jamming will
send a jamming end event and deactivate the associated outputs if configured by
“Release by Jamming End” flag. Setting the Jamming End Time Filter to 0 will result in
immediate outputs deactivation. The filter is common for both Ignition-on and Ignition-off
jamming states. The timer resolution is 15 seconds.
Default value: 10 Minutes
Resolution: 15 second GSM Jamming Detection Time Filter

Address: 213
Description: The GSM Jamming-End Time Filter is only applicable if advanced jamming
mode is enabled (See: Advanced GSM Jamming Detection Mode). The Jamming detection
Time Filter defines the basic criteria for declaring jamming condition. The time filter
defines the minimal number of consecutive 3 seconds samples needed before jamming
condition is detected. Each bit represents time delay of 3 seconds. The minimal value is 1
(0 will be translated to 1 by the Firmware). Typically this parameter will be set to 10,
representing 30 Seconds time filter.
Default value: 30 Seconds (10)
Resolution: 3 second Output Activation as a reaction to GSM Jamming Detection

Upon GSM jamming detection and expiration of activation timeouts, the unit can
concurrently activate two outputs. Once activated by Jamming Detection logic, the output
can only be deactivated by:

 A command (OTA or serial)

 Authorized Dallas

 Ignition activity pattern

Once deactivated by user or by command the output will be activated again only upon the
next jamming detection. In other words: after the end of the active jamming session and
beginning of the next one.
NOTE: Reset does not deactivate an output activated upon jamming detection. Output, Auto-Activated upon Jamming Detection

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Address: 2426 for first output and 2429 for second output, bits 0-2
Address: 205 for first output and 208 for second output, bits 0-2
Description: This pair of parameters defines a numbers of outputs that will be activated
upon jamming detection.

Output name Output number

Feature Disabled 0

Siren 1

Gradual Stop 2

St. Immobilizer 3


Blinkers 5

Reserved 6

Reserved 7

Value span: 1 to 5
Default value: zero Delay for Output Activation

Address: 2432 for first output and 2433 for second output
Address: 211 for first output and 212 for second output
Description: This pair of parameters contain a time filters for output activation upon
GSM Jamming.
The event of Jamming detection will still be generated w/o any timeout.
If this parameter contains any number, different from zero, the output will not be
activated immediately upon Jamming detection, but after a pre-programmed timer. An
activation of the output will only occur if upon expiration of this timer a jamming session
is still active.
The timer for output activation will start upon detection of GSM Jamming and reset upon
detection of GSM Jamming end.
Resolution: 15 seconds / bit, maximum 63.75 minutes
Default value: zero (immediate activation upon Jamming detection) Output Activation Pattern (Upon Jamming Detection)

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Address: 2426 for first output and 2429 for second output, bits 3-5
Address: 205 for first output and 208 for second output, bits 3-5 (Advanced Mode during
Description: This pair of parameters defines a activation pattern of outputs upon
jamming detection.

Setting Action

0 Pulse Activation (The output shall be activated for the time, defined in
"Pulse Outputs Width Period", addr. 140 dec

1 Change state to “active” upon jamming detection, change to inactive

upon release (by command, Dallas or Ignition Activity)

2 Activate Gradually (only compatible with Gradual Stop output)

3 Activate Nested (executed upon jamming detection only after vehicle

stops, e.g. Ignition off or 10 valid GPS packets showing speed lower than
1 km/h)

4 Template Activation (according to the settings described below)

5-7 Reserved Template of Output Activation upon Jamming Detection

Example of template:
Two activations in a session, 1 second per activation, 2 sessions, 3 seconds between
sessions: GSM Jamming - Output Activation Template - Activation Length

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Address: 2427 for first output and 2430 for second output, bits 0-3
Address: 206 for first output and 209 for second output, bits 0-3 (Advanced Mode,
During Ignition-Off)
Description: This pair of parameters defines a length of activation of the selected output
upon GSM Jamming detection.
0 for the time, defined in "Pulse Outputs Width Period", addr. 140 dec
Value resolution: 0.5 second
Default value: zero GSM Jamming - Output Activation Template - Number of Activations in a


Address: 2427 for first output and 2430 for second output, bits 4-7
Address: 206 for first output and 209 for second output, bits 0-3 (Advanced Mode,
During Ignition-Off)
Description: This pair of parameters defines a number of activations of the selected
output upon GSM Jamming detection.
0 – cancels outputs activation upon jamming detection
Default value: zero GSM Jamming - Output Activation Template - Number of Activation Sessions

Address: 2428 for first output and 2431 for second output, bits 0-3
Address: 207 for first output and 210 for second output, bits 0-3 (Advanced Mode,
During Ignition-Off)
Description: This pair of parameters defines a number of sessions of output activations
upon GSM Jamming detection.
0 – for cyclic activation all the time of jamming
Default value: zero GSM Jamming - Output Activation Template - Time between the Activation

Address: 2428 for first output and 2431 for second output, bits 4-7
Address: 207 for first output and 210 for second output, bits 4-7 (Advanced Mode,
During Ignition-Off)
Description: This pair of parameters defines a time between activation sessions of
output activations upon GSM Jamming detection.
Zero value: If zero is programmed the unit will only perform one session of activation
irrespectively to the programmed number of sessions.

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Value resolution: 0.5 second

Default value: zero GSM Jamming Outputs Release

GSM jamming outputs can be released by Dallas key authentication or by Ignition
sequence. When advanced jamming mode is enabled (See: Advanced GSM Jamming
Detection Mode), It is possible also to release the outputs when GSM jamming condition
ends. Enable Output Release by GSM Jamming End condition while in Ignition-On

Address: 522, bit 5

Description: GSM Jamming-end detection will deactivate the outputs if this parameter is
enabled. The “Jamming-End” state is declared after no jamming detection is detected for
the time defined in “GSM Jamming End Filter”:
0 - Jamming-End doesn’t affect the activation outputs.
1 - Jamming-End will deactivate the GSM Jamming activation outputs.
This bit is applicable for jamming end condition detected while the unit was in Ignition-
Values span: 0- Disable, 1 - Enable
Default value: Enable Enable Output Release by GSM Jamming End condition while in Ignition-Off

Address: 522, bit 4

Description: GSM Jamming-end detection will deactivate the outputs if this parameter is
enabled. The “Jamming-End” state is declared after no jamming detection is detected for
the time defined in “GSM Jamming End Filter”:
0 - Jamming-End doesn’t affect the activation outputs.
1 - Jamming-End will deactivate the GSM Jamming activation outputs.
This bit is applicable for jamming end condition detected while the unit was in Ignition-
Values span: 0- Disable, 1 - Enable
Default value: Enable Enable Output Release by Authorized Dallas

Address: 522, bit 7

Description: This bit enables deactivation of an output, activated by Jamming Detection
Logic, by an authorized Dallas key

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Values span: 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable

Default value: zero Enable Output Release by Ignition Activity

Address: 522, bit 6

Description: This bit enables deactivation of an output, activated by Jamming Detection
Logic, by the below specified sequence on Ignition line:
1. From ignition off state Switch Ignition on for a period between 0.5 to 2 seconds
(Ignore input change time filter)
Switch it back off for a period between 0.5 to 2 seconds (Ignore input change time filter)
Repeat 1 and 2 four times.
Upon detection of deactivation activity on Ignition the unit will:

 Activate feedback "beep" (using feedback output/s)

 Release an output
Values span: 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable
Default value: zero

6.2.18 Other Configuration Parameters related to Communication Settings Disable Active Transmissions

Address: 6 bit 1
Description: If set to ‘1 the unit will not actively initiate any kind of connection - SMS,
GPRS or voice. It will reply to incoming SMS commands, if the relevant flags for the
current roaming/homing state are enabled.
Default: 0 – Enable Active Transmissions Enable Command Authentication

Address: 1 bit 6
Description: If this feature is enabled authentication of every incoming message to the
unit (like command or acknowledge) will be verified. Each incoming message should
include a unique code, generated as a function of two variables:

 Unit’s ID

 8 bytes Auth Table, stored in non-volatile memory of the unit and concurrently in the
Communication Center application.

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If the code will not be verified as authentic – the unit will not perform / acknowledge the
command and will erase it.
The unit supports dedicated Auth Table read/write commands over its wire protocol. See
description of the commands in a corresponding documentation.
The OTA Auth. table modification will be only be accepted by the unit if the Command
Authentication feature is DISABLED.
Default: 0 – Disabled Enable Driver's Privacy (Invisible) Mode

Address: 6 bit 4
NOTE: This mode is not supported by security variants.
This mode is designed to allow the driver to allow/disallow tracking of their vehicle. After
entering Privacy mode, the unit will generate only Ignition On/Ignition Off events, no
Time or Distance events will be generated. The unit will still reply to interrogations and
perform commands from the Control center, but outgoing messages will not include
position information.
If the unit enters Privacy mode during Ignition On, it will generate pair of events:
“Ignition Off” with position information and “Ignition On” without position information.
The purpose of event generation is to define stop of tracking session.
If the unit leaves Privacy mode during Ignition On, it will generate pair of events:
“Ignition Off” without position information and “Ignition On” with position information.
The purpose of event generation is to define start of tracking session.
In order to enter Privacy mode:

 The mode should be enabled by this configuration bit.

 All the plain and distress events as well as other functionality assigned to "Shock
input" should be disabled.

 The “Shock” input should be triggered to enter Privacy mode and released to leave
this mode.
Default: 0 – Disabled Enable Private-Business Mode Toggling

Address 465, bit 2

Description: It is possible to enable usage of an input as a Private-Business mode

toggler. If this bit is enabled, every time the Lock/Shock input (in Cello-IQ/Cello-CANIQ
units) is triggered, the unit switches to the opposite mode (Private to Business and vice
The default mode is Business.

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The Private mode is finished upon:

 The active ID is erased from RAM after journey end.

 Lock/Shock Input trigger.

During Private mode the unit is continually activating Gd. Stop (pin 17) output, which is
serving as Private state monitoring LED.
During Private mode the unit is continually set bit 5 of byte 11 in every outbound OTA
msg type 0. Upon entering Private mode the bit 5 of byte 11 is set BEFORE generation of
the input trigger event/distress.
Data Range: 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable
Default: 0 - Disabled Private-Business Mode Switch upon Trip Start

Address 505, bits 6-7

Description: This parameter allows to manage the Private/Business automatic mode

switch to depend on trip start. In addition this parameter allows to set a different default
(not necessarily business) to switch back to upon trip start.

Note: This feature is applicable only if legacy "Enable Private-Business Mode Toggling"
parameter is set to Enable.

Data range:

Value Description

0 Business

1 Private

2 Keep Current Mode

3 Spare

Default value: 0 - Business HRLS (High Resolution Logging Session) - Number of Events

Address: 491
Any system trigger (Input trigger, GPS reading based trigger etc.) can be configured to
trigger a High Resolution Logging Session (HRLS - HRLS is one of 4 available event
generation types; refer to the Event Types generated by Cellocator devices section).
During this session the unit is logging an event every valid GPS fix (every second). If the
GPS fix is invalid during HRLS - the event will not be logged.
The duration of HRLS is limited by:

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 Pre-programmed number of logged events as programmed in this parameter.

 A timeout, closing the HRLS even if not all the events programmed in “Amount of
Events during HRLS” are logged (in case of poor GPS coverage).
HRLS Timeout [sec] = [Amount of Events during HRLS] x 2
There is no data upload during the High Resolution Logging Session – the events are
delivered after the end of HRLS.
Description: This parameter defines number of events, generated during High Resolution
Logging Session. Event is logged every second (if the GPS fix is valid), therefore the
parameter defines minimal duration of HRLS in seconds.
Events with invalid GPS fix will not be logged, and as a result the session could proceed
longer. Maximal duration of HRLS in seconds is twice bigger than the minimal one.
Value span: 0-255
Default value: 5 Number of Retries to Forward Data over UDP GPRS

Address: 283
Description: This parameter defines number of retries to forward data from the COM
port (for example from MDT) to the Central Control over UDP/IP. Such a message
requires acknowledge (msg type 4) from the Central Control. If the acknowledge will not
be received during the timeout defined by "Message Transit Acknowledge Timeout", the
unit will resend it number of times, defined in this parameter.
If all the reties forwarding data through UDP will fail, the same message will be sent by
SMS (if enabled in bytes 202, 204, bit 5).
Default value: 5

6.2.19 White List

In some application, it's required to reject calls from all numbers except a limited set of
allowed numbers. White List Number 1/2/3/4/5

Addresses: 300/310/320/330/340
Description: Only if one (or more) of those numbers is set, the incoming voice calls from
configured White List numbers will be processed, others will be automatically rejected.
Data range: International Phone Number
Default value: Null

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6.3 GPS Calibration

6.3.1 Base Unit (Measurement Factor of GPS Odometer)

Address: 80 to 83
Description: The value defines unit used for distance and odometer measurements. The
selected value (for example 100m, 1km or 1 mile) will be used by the unit as a lowest
distance unit to be reported and as a distance resolution.
The parameter is a 32-bit unsigned integer. Value is represented in centimeters. (100000
for 1 Km).
Valid values: Any non-zero value
Default Value: 100000

6.3.2 GPS Odometer Current Value

Address: 76 to 79
Description: This parameter stores the current “reading” of the vehicle odometer, in
“base units” (see previous parameter). Normally this value is programmed upon
installation (synchronization with vehicle odometer) and then maintained by the unit

 This parameter does not require reset to be implemented.

 Upon 'Ignition OFF' ('Stop Event time filter' elapsed), the unit will update the PL ('GPS
odometer’s current value') with the odometer value reported OTA (same as the value
serially found in 'Master Unit Status Request'), regardless of the 'GPS odometer’s
current value' in PL.

 Having the 'GPS odometer’s current value' serially programmed requires Power
recycle in order to take effect.

 OTA update of 'GPS odometer’s current value' will take effect immediately.

 Upon new FW boot due to any type of FW upgrade (serial, OTA, 'Cellocator+' etc.),
the unit will take the odometer value stored in PL, which is true for the last 'Stop
This note is more relevant for those users, upgrading while vehicle is traveling (after
FW upgrade, odometer skip back to the last 'Stop Report' value can be observed).
Data format: The parameter is a 32-bit integer
Value span: 00000000h to FFFFFFFFh
Default value: 00000000h

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6.3.3 Report Max. Speed instead of Real Time Speed

Address: 1347 bit 0
Description: If this bit is enabled (0) the unit will report in each logged event (message
type 0 and 9) the maximum speed recorded from the previous logged event. This is
useful for comparison with police ticket report.
Even if this bit is enabled, any real time and distress events will still contain a snapshot of
the speed at the moment of message generation.
There is a bit in every OTA messages, clarifying the type of the reported speed (real-time
or maximum).
Default: Disable (1)

6.3.4 Enable Voice Call Unsolicited Serial Status Messages

Address: 1347 bit 1
Description: If this bit is enabled the unit will initiate the Voice call status (Type 35h)
message over its serial port in 3 cases:

 Incoming call waiting

 Call connected (answered)

 Call disconnected
Default: Disable (0)

6.3.5 Enable IMEI Transmission via Type 0 Message

Address: 1347 bit 4
Description: Enabling IMEI transmission will transmit the modem’s IMEI (up to 15 digits
decimal number or 50 bits) on each outbound type 0 message. Type 0 bytes 33-38 and
byte 41 bits 5 and 6 will carry the IMEI number as explained in the wireless
communication protocol under section, IMEA transmission. This feature was first
introduced as CR200 feature.
Default: Disable (0)

6.3.6 Enable GPS Navigation Start-Stop updates

Address: 99, bit 0 for plain event
102, bit 0 for distress
Description: If this bit is set (1) the unit will generate an event/distress upon every GPS
reading validity status change.

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Default: Both Disable (0)

6.3.7 GPS Navigation Start/Stop filter

Address: 500
Description: This parameter defines number of invalid GPS packets, required for
declaring a "GPS Navigation End"; it is also defines number of valid GPS packets required
to declare "GPS Navigation Start".
Note that the GPS validity is automatically declared as "invalid" upon wake up or after
Data format: The parameter is an 8-bits integer
Value span: 0-255 (value of zero cancels the filter)
Default value: 0x0A (10 seconds)

6.3.8 Enable Tight GPS PMODE Filter

Address: 509, bit 7
Description: If this flag is enabled, the unit will consider GPS data as valid only when
PMODE1=3 (in GPS Data, refer to the Cellocator Wireless protocol) or 4 and PMODE2=2.
Otherwise any of the following values of PMODE1:2,3,4,5 or 6 will be accepted as a valid

0 Requires 2≤PMODE1≤6 values to deem position as "Correct".

1 Requires PMODE1 equal to 3-4 values and PMODE2=2 to deem position as


First acquisition:
In order to speed up the GPS acquisition:
1. Upon initial boot (power up, excluding AHR) the GPS validity test will start according
to "Normal GPS PMODE Filter", irrespective of the setting in this parameter AND w/o
DOP validation.
This simplified validation routine will work until the first acquisition compatible with
"Tide GPS PMODE Filter" setting AND with DOP setting.
2. Upon achieving acquisition compatible with "Tide GPS PMODE Filter" the unit will start
behaving according to the setting in this parameter AND with DOP setting as usual.
Data format: The parameter is a flags bitmap, “1” - Enable, “0” – Disable
Value span: any 8-bit value, four upper bits are currently a don’t-care bits
Default value: 1

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6.3.9 GPS DOP Threshold

Address: 1625
Description: Dilution of Precision (DOP) is a measure of how the geometry of the
satellites affects the current solution’s accuracy. This message provides a method to
restrict use of GPS solutions when the DOP is too high.
This is actually an additional GPS solution validation tool: the GPS packets with an HDOP
higher than the value in this parameter are marked as invalid.
Data format: unsigned 8 bits integer
Default value: 9

6.3.10 Synchronize Unit’s Time with GPS Time only when GPS is

Address: 7, bit 3
Description: This flag defines the condition for time synchronization with GPS time:
0 - Anyway, even when GPS is not navigating
1 - Only when the GPS is navigating
Default value: 1

6.3.11 Velocity Threshold for HIGH SPEED Mode

Address: 455
Description: The unit can be configured to decrease frequency of Time and Distance
events on high speeds automatically. The speed threshold considered as "high speed" is
programmed into this parameter.
This parameter is used by Time based alert Period Multiplier for HIGH SPEED mode
(Address 92 and 35, bits 4 to 7) and by Distance Event Period Multiplier for HIGH SPEED
mode (Address 92 and 35, bits 0 to 3) parameters to define from what speed the number of
the events should be decreased.
Note, that the in order to switch the operational mode of the unit from "Low Speed
Mode" to "High Speed Mode" the system speed must raise 3km/h above the programmed
speed. Same way, in order to switch the operational mode of the unit from "High Speed
Mode" to "Low Speed Mode" the system speed must fall 3km/h below the programmed
Data format: 8-bit unsigned, unit’s [cm/sec]
Default value: 60 k/h

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6.3.12 GPS Maintenance Updates Enable GPS Navigation Start-Stop Updates

Address: 99, bit 0 for plain event

102, bit 0 for distress
Description: If this bit is set (1) the unit will generate an event/distress upon every GPS
reading validity status change. (Refer to wireless protocol for GPS signal validity
The validity status changes after 10 consecutive GPS frames with the same validity
status, different from the current one.
Default: Both Disable (0) Enable Update per GPS Auto Factory Reset Updates

Address: 496, bit 1 for plain event

497, bit 1 for distress
Description: If enabled, the unit will create an event or/and distress per GPS Factory
reset. Obviously the GPS Factory reset has to be enabled. See below description of GPS
Factory reset.
Default value: Both 0 (Disable) Enable GPS Disconnection Updates

Address: 496, bit 0 for plain event

497, bit 0 for distress
Description: If enabled, the unit will generate an event or/and distress of GPS
Disconnection upon detection of 10 sequential missing packets from GPS.
The first received packet from GPS will cause the unit to generate GPS connection alert.
Default value: Both 0 (Disable)

6.3.13 GPS Odometer Management Enable Speed x Time Calculation (SxT)

Address: 509, bit 0

Description: As a default, the unit queries the GPS every second. If that flag is enabled,
the unit multiplies the speed at a specific location by 1 second, the result being the
distance traveled during this second.

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Speed (m/s) x 1 sec = elapsed distance (m)

Whenever the unit does not receive new GPS data for time, defined in Max Time between
GPS readings for SxT calculation it will not use the regular calculating algorithm. Instead,
it will ignore the time during which no reception was available and will restart calculating
the elapsed distance immediately when satellite reception reappears.
If both Pythagoras and SxT calculation are enabled, the unit will use SxT when there is a
valid GPS fix and Pythagoras when there is no GPS coverage.
Default: 1 - Enable Enable Pythagoras Calculation

Address: 509, bit 1

Description: If this flag is enabled the unit will calculate the distance between 2
consistent GPS queries according to the Pythagoras theorem:
Distance = √(∆𝐴𝑙𝑡𝑖𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑒)2 + (∆𝐿𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑡𝑖𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑒)2 + (∆𝐿𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑒)2
If both Pythagoras and SxT calculation are enabled, the unit will use SxT when there is a
valid GPS fix and Pythagoras when there is no GPS coverage (from last GPS fix to the
next GPS fix).
Default: 1 - Enable Reset Last Known Location on Ignition Off

Address: 509, bit 2

Description: Relevant for Pythagoras and combined Pythagoras + SxT calculation. If
that flag is set (logical ‘1’) the unit will dismiss the last detected location per detection of
Ignition off. For future calculation will be used the first GPS fix obtained after Ignition On.
In other words the unit will ignore the distance, passed by the vehicle during Ignition Off
mode. The feature is useful in case when the vehicle is being towed from one place to
Note that in this case the vehicle will also ignore the distance, passed from Ignition On to
first GPS fix obtained.
Default: 0 - Disable Max Time between GPS Readings for SxT Calculation

Address: 84
Description: This parameter stores the maximal time between two valid readings from
GPS (in seconds) to be qualified for SxT odometer accumulation.
When you make a configuration take into a consideration the following rule:

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max speed in km/h – maximum speed that the vehicle get during the normal usage.
Recommended 160km/h.
max time apart is a value programmed in this parameter.
base unit is “Base unit (measurement factor of GPS odometer)”, address 80-83.
Data format: The parameter is a 8-bit integer.
Value span: 1 to 255
Default value: 7

6.3.14 GPS Reset Settings Enable GPS Auto Factory Reset

Address: 497, bit 7

Description: If this bit is set, the unit will trigger a Factory Reset of the GPS in the
following cases:

 The GPS communicates, but service fields MODE1 and MODE2 are equal to 0 and 16
respectively for 10 minutes.

 The GPS is communicating, but the data is considered as “not navigating” and the
service fields MODE1 and MODE2 are not equal to 0 and 16 respectively for 15
minutes. In this case the unit is resetting GPS using On/Off line. If the condition is
true for another 15 minutes – the unit will send factory reset command to GPS
(effectively the factory reset is sent once in 30 minutes).
Default value: 0 GPS Reset Upon Ignition Off

Address: 6, bit 2 when GPS is navigating

6, bit 3 when GPS is NOT navigating
Description: As with any ARM based module, the GPS has to be reset from time to time.
If one of hibernation modes is used, the GPS is reset upon entrance to hibernation.
But if the hibernation in not used the safest way to reset the GPS periodically is upon
Ignition change to Off state. There is an advantage of doing such a maintenance reset
when the GPS is navigating, because such a worm reset enables the shortest recovery
time. It is also possible to do it only when the GPS is not navigating anyway, but in this
case (for example on underground parking) the recovery might be longer.

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Default values: bit 2 – 0 (disabled), bit 3 – 1 (enabled GPS reset upon ignition off when
the GPS is not navigating) GPS AHR (Auto Hardware Reset) – except in CelloTrack Nano

When the unit identifies 3 consecutive GPS communication errors, the unit will attempt to
Auto Hardware Reset (AHR) its GPS up to programmable number of retries (according to
Maximum Number of AHR parameter used also for Modem AHR, 5 by default).
The unit will create a dedicated event per each GPS AHR – TR 200, STR 2 (if enabled by
Enable AHR Reporting parameter).

6.3.15 Vehicle’s Driver speed delta relative to GPS speed

Address: 510
Description: This byte represents the difference, in percent’s, between the vehicle’s
speed as measured by the GPS and the vehicle’s speed as presented to the driver on the
dashboard. Usually the driver display shows a speed which is about 5 % higher that the
real vehicle’s speed. This byte is vehicle type depended. The corrected speed will affect all
the speed related calculations like over speeding, speeding related outputs activations
etc. The corrected speed shall not affect the unit’s distance calculation, this mechanism
will continue using the real unit’s speed as received by the GPS.
NOTE: This parameter applies also to CSA (Cellocator Safety Application) application, but
only after ABC maneuvers calibration process end.
Default values: 5 %

6.4 Inputs & Outputs

6.4.1 Discrete Inputs Triggering Time Filters

These two bytes defines the input’s Additional Time Filters. The Additional Time Filter will
extend the input’s filtering capabilities separately for logical Rising and logical Falling.
The total filter is constructed from Common Discrete Inputs Time Filter (same for all
inputs and all states) and dedicated filter for each state change (Rising/Falling) of each
It is possible to define asymmetric triggering delays for logical Rising and logical Falling
for each one of system's discrete inputs.
The Additional Time Filter supports multiple resolutions from seconds to hours.

Logical Status Input's Input Input's Input

of discrete status Rising status Falling
input changes OTA changes event
to High event to Low

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Common Copyright
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Discrete Inputs Begin Discrete Inputs End Time
Cellocator Cello
Programming Manual Common Discrete Inputs Time Filter

Address: 136
Description: This parameter is aimed to protect unit’s discrete input from noise influence
and defines time, from input’s level change to change detection.
Data format: 8-bit unsigned, Resolution 10 msec.
Value span: 0x00 to 0xFF
Default value: d10 Additional Begin Time Filter Resolution

Address: bits 6 and 7

Door /
CelloTrack T, GP1 1357
Shock /
CelloTrack T, GP2 1359
Distress 1361
Unlock 1363
Lock 1365
Ignition 1367
CFE_In1 1369
CFE_In2 1371
CFE_In3 1373
CFE_In4 1375
CFE_In5 1377
CFE_In6 1379

Description: This parameter defines resolution of the additional time filter applied in
addition to Common Filter before discrete input rising alert is generated.

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Value Resolution Maximum possible value of

the filter

0 1 sec 63 sec

1 30 sec 31.5 min

2 5 min 5.25 hours

3 1 hour 63 hours

Default value: 0 – resolution of 1 second Additional Begin Time Filter value

Address: bits 0-5

Door /
CelloTrack T, GP1 1357
Shock /
CelloTrack T, GP2 1359
Distress 1361
Unlock 1363
Lock 1365
Ignition 1367
CFE_In1 1369
CFE_In2 1371
CFE_In3 1373
CFE_In4 1375
CFE_In5 1377
CFE_In6 1379

Description: This parameter stores a value of the additional time filter applied in addition
to Common Filter before discrete input rising alert is generated. The resolution of the
value is configured in previous parameter (1 second to 1 hour).
Default value: 0 – additional filter disabled Additional End Time Filter Resolution

Address: bits 6 and 7

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Door /
CelloTrack T, GP1 1358
Shock /
CelloTrack T, GP2 1360
Distress 1362
Unlock 1364
Lock 1366
Ignition 1368
CFE_In1 1370
CFE_In2 1372
CFE_In3 1374
CFE_In4 1376
CFE_In5 1378
CFE_In6 1380

Description: This parameter defines resolution of the additional time filter applied in
addition to Common Filter after discrete input rising alert is generated.

Value Resolution Maximum possible value of

the filter

0 1 sec 63 sec

1 30 sec 31.5 min

2 5 min 5.25 hours

3 1 hour 63 hours

Default value: 0 – resolution of 1 second Additional End Time Filter value

Address: bits 0-5

Door /
CelloTrack T, GP1 1358
Shock /
CelloTrack T, GP2 1360
Distress 1362

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Unlock 1364
Lock 1366
Ignition 1368
CFE_In1 1370
CFE_In2 1372
CFE_In3 1374
CFE_In4 1376
CFE_In5 1378
CFE_In6 1380

Description: This parameter stores a value of the additional time filter applied in addition
to Common Filter after discrete input rising alert is generated. The resolution of the value
is configured in previous parameter (1 second to 1 hour).
Default value: 0 – additional filter disabled

6.4.2 Analog Measurement Averaging Time

Address: 466
Name in Programmer: Power Sources Measurement Time filter
Description: This parameter is aimed to protect analog measurement from noise
influence and defines averaging time. The reported value will be therefore an average
voltage for the period defined in this parameter. (The sampling rate is every 10msec).
Data format: 8-bit unsigned, resolution 0.1 second
Value span: 0-25.5 seconds
Default value: 1 second

6.4.3 Inputs in OTA Message

Address: 0, bit 3
Presentation of inputs in wireless Cellocator protocol

0 Legacy mode, inputs are presented in their raw (unprocessed) form.

1 Inputs are presented in their processed, logical form (inverted and


Default value: 0

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6.4.4 Enable Monitoring Logical Status of Ignition in OTA Packets

Address: 1349, bit 0

Description: If this bit is enabled (1) the ignition bit in all any outbound messages (OTA
and serial) will reflect logical status of Ignition (i.e. after the Ignition Filter)
Default value: 0 - Disable Logical

6.4.5 Enable Warning Output Activation during Gradual Immobilization

Address: 0, bit 5
Description: If enabled, a "blinkers" output (pin 18) will be activated when Gradual Stop
output is gradually or immediately activated (to notify surrounding driver that the vehicle
is going to blame and stop shortly).
Default value: 0 - Disable warning output activation

6.4.6 Outputs Pulse Width Period

Address: 140
Description: This parameter defines the activation duration time for pulse outputs (for
example some system feedbacks like Driver Authorization and others).
Data format: 8-bit unsigned, resolution is 100 mSec
Default value: 0.5 second

6.4.7 LED Management

Address: 7, bit 4
Description: This flag enables LED monitoring, which is different in Fleet and Security
modifications of Cellocator units.
In fleet firmware modifications a sophisticated blinking pattern, monitoring GPS and GSM
status is provided, in a Security modification the LED monitors a security state of the
In Car Sharing systems this bit also control the Proximity Reader LED
In Fleet Modification:
The blinking pattern is constructed from cycles of 2 blinking zones each, which will be
repeated by unit continually. The first zone will represent the functionality of GSM, the
second zone – GPS.
Each zone will last 3 seconds with 1 second of LED off interval between them.

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Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring
zone zone zone zone
3 sec 1 sec 3 sec 5 sec

5 seconds LED Off interval will separate between each cycle.

IMPORTANT: During the voice call, the LED will continually glow from the
moment of voice call trigger to the moment of voice call hang up.
The cycles of two blinking zones will be restored after the end of the voice call.
GSM Monitoring Zone definition

Status Blinking pattern

GSM off off

Not registered to GSM / No 200mse


3 seconds

Registered in Home GSM

(not attached to GPRS) 3 seconds

Registered in Roaming GSM

(not attached to GPRS) 0.5s 0.5s

3 seconds

Attached to GPRS/home
0.5s 0.5s 0.5s

3 seconds

Attached to GPRS/roaming
0.5s 0.5s 0.5s 0.5s

3 seconds

GPS Monitoring Zone definition

Status Blinking pattern

GPS off off

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Status Blinking pattern

GPS is unplugged / faulty 200mse


3 seconds

GPS communicating, but not

3 seconds

GPS is in navigation mode

0.5s 0.5s

3 seconds

GPS is in GYRO mode (only 0.5s

0.5s 0.5s
for compatible models)

3 seconds

In Security modification
1 second on/1 second off – Alarm Armed
On - Silent delay
Slow Blinking – Passive Arming
Off – Standby
Rapid blinking – Alarm Triggered

Default value (Fleet and Security): 0 - LED Management Enable;

In CarSharing - Old

LED Management Disable bit – if this bit is enabled, the monitoring LED will behave in the
following manner:

 Glow during voice session

 Ignition On:
 0.5 second on and 2 seconds off while there is no GSM registration.
 Off - when GSM registered.

 Ignition Off:
 Backwards compatible mode
 1 second on and 2 seconds off when reserved (for example, when there
is a Dallas ID other than zero in the low 17 slots of the Dallas ID array).

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 Off - Ready for reservation.

 Enhanced mode
 1 second on and 2 seconds off when reserved (for example, when there
is a Dallas ID other than zero in the low 30 slots of the Dallas ID array).
 Off - Ready for reservation.
Default value: LED – disabled (1)

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6.4.8 Analog (& Frequency) Inputs in OTA Message

Note that frequency counters are supported from FW30a. Bytes 26-29 of OTA Message 0

Address: 1620 1621 1622 1623

Byte of OTA 26 27 28 29
Message 0

Description: The OTA protocol provides 4 bytes dedicated for monitoring of analog
inputs in few different message types. Those bytes can contain measurement from the
different fields as per the configuration below.
Obviously if the selected source of Data is an Analog input, the corresponding input shall
be programmed as an analog input in Input's Configuration.

Pin Number/Field Name Number to be Remarks


None 0

Pin 14 / 1

Pin 15 / Shock 2 Default for byte 29 of OTA


Pin 16 / Panic 3

Pin 11/ Unlock 4

Pin 5 / Lock 5

Battery voltage (V bat) 6 Default for byte 27 of OTA


Battery temperature (NTC), 7 Default for byte 28 of OTA

default for byte 3 Message 0.
Note: In CelloTrack T Power,
It is mandatory to select
NTC in one of the OTA bytes
(26-28) in order to enable
the charging function.

Regulated voltage 8

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Pin Number/Field Name Number to be Remarks


Input voltage 9 Default for byte 26 of OTA

Message 0

CFE In 1 10

CFE In 2 11

CFE In 3 12

CFE In 4 13

CFE In 5 14

CFE In 6 15

First oneWire Temperature 16 Signed value ranging from

Sensor -55 to 125 Celsius

Second oneWire 17
Temperature Sensor

Third oneWire Temperature 18


Forth oneWire Temperature 19



RPM 21 Taken from analog frequency

input or from CAN (depends
on CAN Application Control
parameter – address 4102,
bit 3).

6.4.9 Disable Continuous Output Activation after SW Reset Disable Continuous Gradual Stop Activation after SW Reset

Address: 501, bit 0
Description: In legacy implementation all outputs states are kept by the unit before SW
reset (e.g. upon PL upgrading), and an output which was active before the reset will be
activated again after the reset. This parameter allows to disable this feature. If disabled,
the output will not be activated after SW reset even if it was active before the reset.

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Data Range: 0 - Enable Continuous Output Activation after SW Reset (legacy

implementation); 1 - Disable Continuous Output Activation after SW Reset
Default Value: 0 - Enable Continuous Output Activation after SW Reset (legacy
implementation) Disable Continuous Siren Activation after SW Reset

Address: 501, bit 1
Description: In legacy implementation all outputs states are kept by the unit before SW
reset (e.g. upon PL upgrading), and an output which was active before the reset will be
activated again after the reset. This parameter allows to disable this feature. If disabled,
the output will not be activated after SW reset even if it was active before the reset.
Data Range: 0 - Enable Continuous Output Activation after SW Reset (legacy
implementation); 1 - Disable Continuous Output Activation after SW Reset
Default Value: 0 - Enable Continuous Output Activation after SW Reset (legacy
implementation) Disable Continuous St. Immobilizer Activation after SW Reset

Address: 501, bit 3
Description: In legacy implementation all outputs states are kept by the unit before SW
reset (e.g. upon PL upgrading), and an output which was active before the reset will be
activated again after the reset. This parameter allows to disable this feature. If disabled,
the output will not be activated after SW reset even if it was active before the reset.
Data Range: 0 - Enable Continuous Output Activation after SW Reset (legacy
implementation); 1 - Disable Continuous Output Activation after SW Reset
Default Value: 0 - Enable Continuous Output Activation after SW Reset (legacy
implementation) Disable Continuous LED Activation after SW Reset

Address: 501, bit 4
Description: In legacy implementation all outputs states are kept by the unit before SW
reset (e.g. upon PL upgrading), and an output which was active before the reset will be
activated again after the reset. This parameter allows to disable this feature. If disabled,
the output will not be activated after SW reset even if it was active before the reset.
Data Range: 0 - Enable Continuous Output Activation after SW Reset (legacy
implementation); 1 - Disable Continuous Output Activation after SW Reset
Default Value: 0 - Enable Continuous Output Activation after SW Reset (legacy
implementation) Disable Continuous Blinkers Activation after SW Reset

Address: 501, bit 5

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Description: In legacy implementation all outputs states are kept by the unit before SW
reset (e.g. upon PL upgrading), and an output which was active before the reset will be
activated again after the reset. This parameter allows to disable this feature. If disabled,
the output will not be activated after SW reset even if it was active before the reset.
Data Range: 0 - Enable Continuous Output Activation after SW Reset (legacy
implementation); 1 - Disable Continuous Output Activation after SW Reset
Default Value: 0 - Enable Continuous Output Activation after SW Reset (legacy

6.4.10 Feedback Outputs Use Blinkers Feedback

Address: 449, bit 4

Description: This parameter enables usage of Blinkers output (pin 18) for system and
security feedbacks, like Dallas ID reception confirmation beep, Silent Delay expiration
notification beeps and so on. It is recommended to use buzzer connected to a feedback
output. The Blinker's state will be preserved after SW/HW reset but not after Power
Default value: 0 – Disable Use Siren Feedback

Address: 449, bit 0

Description: This parameter enables usage of Siren output (pin 8) for system and
security feedbacks, like Dallas ID reception confirmation beep, Silent Delay expiration
notification beeps and so on. It is recommended to use buzzer connected to a feedback
Default value: 0 – Disable

6.4.11 Outputs Inversion Mask Invert Blinkers Output

Address: 503, bit 3

Description: This parameter enables inversion of corresponding output's logic (pin 18).
Inverted output will be normally activated and will be turned off per OTA or serial output
activation command.
0 - Normal polarity (not activated - disconnected; activated – grounded)
1 - Inverted polarity (not activated - grounded; activated – disconnected)

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Default value: 0 – Normal polarity Invert Gradual Stop (PWM) Output

Address: 502, bit 2

Description: This parameter enables inversion of corresponding output's logic (pin 17).
Inverted output will be normally activated and will be turned off per OTA or serial output
activation command.
0 - Normal polarity (not activated - disconnected; activated – grounded)
1 - Inverted polarity (not activated - grounded; activated – disconnected)
Default value: 0 – Normal polarity Invert Standard Immobilizer Output

Address: 503, bit 5

Description: This parameter enables inversion of corresponding output's logic (pin 7).
Inverted output will be normally activated and will be turned off per OTA or serial output
activation command.
0 - Normal polarity (not activated - disconnected; activated – grounded)
1 - Inverted polarity (not activated - grounded; activated – disconnected)
Default value: 0 – Normal polarity Invert LED Output

Address: 503, bit 0

Description: This parameter enables inversion of corresponding output's logic (pin 6).
Inverted output will be normally activated and will be turned off per OTA or serial output
activation command.
0 - Normal polarity (not activated - disconnected; activated – grounded)
1 - Inverted polarity (not activated - grounded; activated – disconnected)
Default value: 0 – Normal polarity

6.4.12 Usage Counter Configuration General Description

This feature is designed for continuous counting of the “Working time” of a device,
monitored by one or two unit’s inputs. Example of possible usage is – monitoring of an
engine's working hours.
The inputs who's "High State" time is counted are selectable by programming.

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It is possible to assign each of two timers to a specific input, including the option to
assign both timers into the same input. Every input, including ignition, supports "High
State" or "usage" time calculation.
The value of the measured time from each input is located in the unit’s RAM (protected,
not erased on software reset). The unit makes mathematical rounding on partial minutes:
(1:29 will be counted as 1 minute and 1:30 and above as 2 minutes).
Once a day the values of both Usage Counters are backed up to the especial address in
non-volatile memory. The timer keeps time counting (from the value stored in RAM) each
time when the logical level of the appropriate input changes from low to high.
The time counting stops each time the logical level of the input changes from high to low.
Dedicated Read/Write commands over RS232 and OTA are provided for Usage Counters,
including a periodical Usage Counters update OTA packet. Enable Usage Counters

Address: 7, bit 2
Description: In order to start Usage Counters time counting this bit shall be enabled (set
to 1).
Status of this parameter can be changed without reset.
Default: 0 - Disable Wake up from Hibernation upon Periodical Usage Counter Update

Timer Expiration

Address: 1, bit 7
Description: This bit enables waking up the unit from full hibernation for periodic Usage
Counter update.
Default: 0 - Disable 1st Usage Counter Input

Address: 1330
Description: The byte contains number of the input, utilized by the first Usage Counter.
The unit will use this parameter to backup the value of the 1st Usage Counter from RAM
once a day.
Input’s numbers definition:

Input's name Input's number

Door 0

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Input's name Input's number

Shock/Unlock2 1

Ignition 5

Panic 6

Unlock 7

Lock 10

In order to set the use of only one Usage Counter input, select inexistent input for the
second counter (for example 4).
Default: 0 2nd Usage Counter Input

Address: 1331
Description: The byte contains number of the input, utilized by a second Usage Counter.
The unit will use this parameter to backup the value of the 2nd Usage Counter from RAM
once a day. In order to set use only one Usage Counter input – select inexistent input
number in this parameter (for example 4).
Default: 0 Reporting Interval of Usage Counters

Address: 1332
Description: This parameter defines Usage Counters reporting period. Setting this value
by standard programming access is not recommended, as it will require reset to be
implemented. Refer to OTA and serial protocol document for a dedicated update
command description.
Data format and resolution: 1 byte, 1 minute resolution (from 1 minute to 255
minutes). Zero value cancels timers reporting).
Default: 0 – Reporting canceled

6.4.13 Frequency Metering General Description

Pulse frequency measurement is supported on pair of Cello inputs (Door and Shock
inputs, pins 14 and 15).
The frequency measurement is implemented on the same ports as the analog
measurement; obviously only one of those functionalities can be active at a time).

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The maximal possible frequency for measurement is 5 kHz, higher frequency causes
saturation of the measurement. The high level of measured signal shall be between 3V to
It is possible to use the measured number of pulses/second as a source for one of the
following system parameters:

 Speed (in cm/sec)

 General Purpose pulse frequency measurement

Each of the inputs will be defined as one of the above listed types type and assigned with
an appropriate scaling factor. Frequency Input as a Speed Information Source

If the input is defined as a "speed source", the measured frequency value, multiplied by
an appropriate scaling factor is threaded by the unit as a value of speed [cm/sec]. This
value is replacing a value of speed received from GPS in all the applications: distance
calculations, OTA and serial packets, over/idle speeding detection etc.
In such a case the value of speed reported in OTA message type 0 and vector change
report message type 9) will be valid even if the GPS is not navigating.
The unit monitors and reports the speed source in (see also the Wireless Protocol):

 The OTA msg type 0: Byte 16, bit 3.

 The OTA msg type 9, Byte 16, bit 3

0 – GPS;
1 – Pulse frequency input.
NOTE: Only one input at a time is defined as a "speed source"; otherwise (if two inputs
are defined as speed source) the unit will utilize the first one (the smallest Input number
out of two) as a speed source and the second one as a GP input source.
If input on pin 14 is selected as GP freq. counter it will be considered as the 1st freq.
input, if input on pin 15 is selected as GP freq. counter it will be considered as the 2nd
freq. input.
Upon reset
The unit will report last known value of speed (calculated before the reset) until the new
value of speed will be calculated (up to 5 seconds).
Upon Power Up / Wake up after upgrade
The unit will report zero speed until new value of speed will be calculated (up to 5
seconds). General Purpose Pulse Frequency Measurement

If the input is defined as a General Purpose pulse frequency measurement, the system is
continually measuring frequency on this input (while not in full hibernation) and updating
in the following cases:

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 Status message type0

 Query from COM port

 Query from OTA channel

 Frequency Threshold violation Auto Calibration of Frequency Inputs

Since the manual calibration is impossible to implement in a reality of multiple
installations it is required to propose a method, enabling calibration in minimal time and
with minimal installer's intervention.
There are two independent processes: calibration of speed and of GP frequency inputs.
The purpose of GP frequency input calibration is to set an optimal resolution for
measurement monitoring in 1 byte of OTA protocol.
The purpose of speed pulses input (Vss) calibration is to make an accurate conversion
from measured frequency in Hz to vehicle's speed in cm/sec. OTA RPM (or GP Frequency) Input Calibration

Upon the end of the installation the installer switch on an ignition, keeps the engine
running on idle (for example on 700 rpm), call the operator and informs him with the
current reading of the tachometer.
The operator sends RPM calibration OTA command, containing the reading reported by
operator and number of frequency input. The unit measures a frequency from the RPM
input, and calculates the best Scaling Factor for the corresponding engine speed.
For example:
The idle engine speed, according to the front panel is 700rpm.
Maximum possible value of engine speed in standard vehicle might be assumed as
7000rpm (programmable in the next parameter), i.e. currently measured value is 10% of
the maximum, and value of 10 is received in an incoming OTA command.
The measured frequency at the moment of OTA command reception is 400 Hz; therefore
the maximum possible value is automatically set as 4000 Hz.
100% 100%
𝐹𝑚𝑎𝑥 = Fc = 400 ∗ = 4000(𝐻𝑧)
P 10

Fc– measured frequency during calibration (Hz)

P – Percentage of a maximum value received in command (%)
Fmax – maximum possible frequency on the wire (Hz)
Using the values from the example above the Scaling Factor, adapting the resolution of
the measurement will be calculated using the following equation:
255 255
𝑆𝑓𝑒𝑠 = = = 0.06375[pps/bit]
Fmax 4000[pps]

Sfes – scaling factor of engine speed

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Fmax – maximum possible frequency on the wire

(The value, automatically programmed in EEPROM upon the end of the calibration process
will be 64, refer to programming section below in this document)
Note that Cellocator Programmer automatically adapts the value and shows it as 0.064. Restoring Value of RPM from the Receiving Value

The central control will have to apply the following conversion upon parsing of the
received value, in order to convert it to the real engine speed.
𝐸𝑆[𝑟𝑝𝑚] = 𝑋𝑒𝑠 ∗
[rpm] ES – Momentary value of engine speed [Hz] (this value is received in an OTA
response to calibration command)
Xes – value representing Engine Speed, received in the message
𝑀𝐴𝑋𝑒𝑠[𝑟𝑝𝑚]– max possible value of RPM, programmable (7000 by default)
255 – max possible value representing Engine Speed, received in the message Local RPM (or GP Frequency) Input Calibration

Local RPM calibration requires enabling a corresponding bit in the configuration (526 bit
2), 1 input and 1 output, which must be configured as a Calibration input and output on
parameters allocated on Address 516. The input is used to control the calibration process
and the output to provide a feedback to the installer (normally by driving a Buzzer).
Calibration Process:
1. Entering ‘RPM calibration mode’ by holding the configured input for more than 5
seconds. The device will confirm this command by beeping the buzzer (at the configured
output) 3 times (0.5s ON, 0.5s OFF). Device is then ready to start RPM calibration.
2. The following process should take place:
a) Make sure the Ignition is On and the vehicle is Idling (Halt timeout is expired)
b) Set engine to be stable on the 1st measurement point, which is configurable by
"Local RPM Calibration 1st Measurement Point" parameter (address 517) (default
1000 RPM), trigger the configured input.
The device will confirm this command by pulsing the configured output (connected
to buzzer) once (0.5s beep).
c) Set engine to be stable on x2 of the 1st measurement point, trigger the configured
input, the device will confirm this command by pulsing the configured output
(connected to buzzer) once (0.5s beep).
d) Set engine to be stable on x3 of the 1st measurement point, trigger the configured
input, the device will confirm this command by pulsing the configured output
(connected to buzzer) once (0.5s beep).
e) The device will confirm RPM calibration success by 2 seconds long beep.

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If the time between the calibration phases is longer than 30 seconds or there is no
linearity between the readings, a "bad" beep will be issued (5 beeps, 0.5s ON and 0.5s
OFF each) and the RPM calibration will fail.
If a calibration phase fails the unit will preserve the previous successful calibration phase
 There is no option to re-start the calibration process while currently in a calibration
process (i.e. a long input trigger (more than 5 seconds) while in a current calibration
process will be ignored).
 Max 10% error rate is allowed between two consecutive calibration phases. For
example: after calibrating the 1000 RPM step, the allowed values for the 2000 RPM is
between 1800-2200.

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Address: 526, bit 2

Description: this bit enables calibration of the RPM using local input and output.
Default: 0 - Disable Local RPM Calibration 1st Measurement Point

Address: 517
Description: This parameter defines the 1st RPM measurement point for local RPM
calibration process. The 2nd and 3rd measurement points would be considered as x2 and
x3 of the 1st point, respectively. For example, if the 1st point is defined as 500 RPM, the
2nd point would be considered as 1000 RPM, and the 3rd point would be considered as
1500 RPM. Valid range for this parameter is 300-1500 RPM (the unit will consider any
programmed value lower than 300 as 300, and programmed value higher than 1500 as
Resolution: 10 RPM
Data Range: 300-1500 RPM
Default Value: 1000 RPM Local RPM Calibration input selection

Address: 516, bits 0-3

Description: This parameter selects the input, used during local calibration of the RPM.

Number Description

0 Disable

3 Door

4 Shock

5 Panic

6 CFE IN 1

7 CFE IN 2

8 CFE IN 3

9 CFE IN 4

10 CFE IN 5

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Number Description

11 CFE IN 6

Default: 0 – Disable feature Local RPM Calibration output selection

Address: 516, bits 4-7

Description: This parameter selects the output, used during local calibration of the RPM.

Number Description

0 Disable

2 Gradual Stop

3 St. Immobilizer


5 Blinkers



Default: 0 – Disable feature Report engine hours based on RPM

Address: 526, bit 3

Description: This parameter is only applicable for a units containing CSA (iQ40, iQ50 or
If this bit is enabled, and Engine RPM is used and it's value is higher then zero the unit
will count engine on minutes.
Upon end of the trip the unit will generate an OTA type 9 event to Fleet server, containing
sub-data 4 (GPS and Time) and sub-data 0x16 (number of minutes the engine was on
during this trip).
The same information will be sent also to CSA server, in Module 32 (End of Trip), under
the same conditions.
Default: 0 – Disable feature Speed (Vss) Input Calibration

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Upon reception of OTA calibration command (refer to Wireless protocol, Command type
0x14) the unit shall enter the pulse counting mode until next ignition off. During this
mode the unit does not measure frequency on the specific input, but accumulates number
of pulses received during the entire driving period.
The driver will be asked by the operator to drive certain distance; the same value of
distance will be sent to the unit inside the calibration command sent to the unit at the
same time.
The driver will drive for the required distance according to the front panel reading, stop
and switch off the ignition.
The unit will use accumulated number of pulses to calculate the scaling factor as per the
description below.
60.000 pulses accumulated during 5km.
D[cm] 500000[cm]
𝑆𝑓𝑠 = = = 8.333
Acc 60000 [pulses]

D– Driven distance [cm]

Acc – Accumulated number of pulses
Sfs – scaling factor of speed
(The value to be written to an EEPROM is 8333)
The accuracy of the reported speed and distance depends on the accuracy of distance
driven during calibration.
Below provided reference results of distance calculation accuracy, achieved after 2km
calibration distance:

Odometer value (trip of 479 km) Error [Km] Error [%]

GPS source +10 1.87%

VSS source -5 1.04% Maximum Possible Scaled Frequency

Address 2368-2369
Description: This parameter contains the maximum possible value of scaled frequency,
measured on GP Frequency input.
In case of engine speed it will be a maximum possible engine speed in units of rpm (in
standard vehicle might be assumed as 7000rpm)
This value is used by the unit during the process of auto-calibration.
Default: 7000

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Address: 1677 (for Door input), and (1690 for Shock input) bit 2
Description: If enabled (‘1’), the unit will generate a dedicated event upon freq.
violation start.
Default: 0 - Disable Enable Frequency Violation Start Distress

Address: 1677 (for Door input), and (1690 for Shock input), bit 3
Description: If enabled (‘1’), the unit will generate distress session upon freq. violation
Default: 0 - Disable Enable Frequency Violation End Event

Address: 1677 (for Door input), and (1690 for Shock input), bit 4
Description: If enabled (‘1’), the unit will geneare a dedicated event upon freq. violation
Default: 0 - Disable Enable Frequency Violation End Distress

Address: 1677 (for Door input), and (1690 for Shock input), bit 5
Description: If enabled (‘1’), the unit will generate distress session upon freq. violation
Default: 0 - Disable Don't Use Time Filter for Frequency Violation End

Address: 1677 (for Door input), and (1690 for Shock input), bit 6
Description: If enabled (‘1’), the unit will not wait for the violation filter time and
generate violation end alert immediately after violation end.
Default: 0 – Use filter Ignore Violation on Ignition On

Address: 1677 (for Door input), and (1690 for Shock input), bit 7
Description: If enabled (‘1’), the unit will not generate alert:

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a) if upon ignition on a measured value is violating the threshold.

b) If after any type of reset a measured value is violating the threshold.
Default: 0 – report violation on Ignition On. Pulse Counter

Fuel consumption is very basic feature in Fleet Management. Older vehicles without
embedded fuel consumption mechanisms usually install 3rd party Fuel Flow Meters
translating the fuel flow into electrical pulses. The Cello Pulse Counter feature will
integrate pulse counting into Cello’s legacy frequency measurement mechanism. The
solution will programmatically support any relation between Litters and resulted electrical
pulses to support multi vendor Flow Meters devices.
The Cello unit supports pulse counter frequency of up to 30Hz.
The user can send dedicated OTA request and get the measured fuel consumption in
Litters. The Litter measure will be calculated by multiplying the number of pulses
accumulated by programmable scaling factor.
The user can read and set the accumulated pulse count via PL upload and download. The
value in the PL is the raw pulse count. Pulse Counter Scaling Factor

Address: 2442-2443 (For Door Input), and 2444-2445 (For Shock Input)
Description: When the Pulse Counter feature is enabled (Door/Shock “Input type” field
option 5) the pulse count will be translated to fuel volume units by multiplying the “Pulse
Counter” value by the “Pulse Counter Scaling Factor” value.
The consumed fuel will be reported periodically to the server using modular message
(Msg Type 9, Sub-data type 14).
The value is represented by 16 bits Little Endian.
Default: 1 – One pulse per Litter Pulse Counter Current Pulse Count

Address: 2438-2441 (For Door Input), and 2434-2437 (For Shock Input)
Description: When the Pulse Counter feature is enabled (Door/Shock “Input type” field
option 5) this value represents the current pulse count.
The user can program this value to 0 in order to clear the current pulse count.
Note: for preventing NVM wear, the FW will update this value in the NVM upon:
1. Receiving the 1st pulse after power on
2. Every 24 hours after power on
However, the FW will read this value from the PL immediately upon PL change.

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The value is represented by unsigned, 32 bits, Little Endian.

Default: 0 Pulse Counter Periodic Transmission Period

Address: 2446-2447 (Common for Door and Shock Inputs)

Description: When the Pulse Counter feature is enabled (Door/Shock “Input type” field
option 5) the unit starts sending periodic messages (Msg Type 9, Sub-data type 14)
containing values representing the amount of fuel volume consumed by the vehicle as
from the last Pulse Count reset.
This configuration value represents the time between message transmission in resolution
of 15 Minutes or 15 Seconds (configurable, address 2461).
The value is represented by unsigned, 16 bits, Little Endian.
Default: 0 Pulse Counter Periodic Transmission Resolution

Address: 2461, bit 0 (Common for Door and Shock Inputs)

Description: This parameter enables selection of pulse counter periodic time
transmission resolution, between 15 minutes and 15 seconds. The transmission resolution
will be multiplied with the value of Pulse counter periodic time transmission parameter.
Default: 0 (15 minutes) Excessive RPM events Config

Address: 2448
Description: The unit will trigger event towards the communication center upon
detection of an appropriate driver behavior violation if this violation is enabled (1) in this
The feedback will be triggered upon violation of the logical conditions, irrespectively to
the generation (or not generation) of event/distress for the corresponding violation.

Reserved Excessive Excessive Excessive Excessive

threshold 2 threshold 2 threshold 1 threshold 1
crossed crossed crossed crossed
Distress Logged Distress Logged
Event Event Event Event

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

The value is represented by unsigned, 16 bits, Little Endian.

Default: 0

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Address: 2449-2451 for Excessive RPM Event 1

2452-2454 for Excessive RPM Event 2
Description: The unit will trigger event towards the communication center upon
detection of an appropriate driver behavior violation if this violation is enabled (1) in this

Driver behavior continuous violation - Feedback bitmask

Address: 2449 for first event output
2452 for second event output

Reserved Output Activation Pattern (Upon Driver Output, auto-activated upon Driver
behavior violation) behavior violation detection

Bits 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Driver behavior continuous violation - Output activation template

Address: 2450 for first event output
2453 for second event output

Number of activations in a session Activation length

Bits 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Address: 2451 for first event output

2454 for second event output

Time between the activation sessions Number of activation sessions

Bits 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Default: 0 Excessive RPM (Engine Speed) Threshold ½

Address: 2455-2456: Threshold 1

2457-2458: Threshold 2
Description: This parameter contains threshold for Excessive RPM (Engine Speed) event.


 The value of Engine Speed is scaled value of frequency measurement, taken from the
input defined as General Purpose Frequency Meter.

 If both multipurpose inputs are defined as General Purpose Frequency Meters, the
scaled value from Shock input (pin 15/20) will be used as a value of Engine Speed for
Coasting detection.

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Default: 900

6.4.14 Modem & SIM Shorten Cellular Registration Timeout

Address: 1 bit 1
Description: This programmable bit enables/disables a longer GSM registration to (5
minutes). In case of lack of GSM registration after an expiration of this timeout the
modem will be reset.
0 –5 minutes GSM registration timeout
1 - 30 seconds timeout
Default: 0 - 5 minutes GSM registration timeout Enable Modem Power Control by Door, Shock Input

Address: by “Door” input: Address1, bit 4

By “Shock” input: Address 465, bit 1
Description: If enabled (‘1’), the modem will be switched off by “Door” or “Shock” input
active state detection; it will be turned back on by input inactive state detection; i.e. it is
required two states switch to use this feature (and not just a push button).
Default: 0 - Disable AHR (Auto Hardware Reset for Modem)

AHR (Auto Hardware Reset) is a process in which the unit performs power recycle to the
Modem (i.e. power down to the Modem for at least 500ms) and to the Micro-processor.
The unit will perform AHR upon occurrence of one of the following scenarios:

 Responsive Modem: The Modem responds to AT commands, but No GSM registration

in Ignition On mode for programmable time (configurable by "Registration Lack
Timeout (for AHR)" parameter, address 515). In that case, the unit will perform AHR.
If there is still no GSM registration according to the above conditions, additional AHRs
will be performed, up to a programmable number of retries (configurable by
"Maximum Number of AHR" parameter, address 504, bits 0-3).

 Non-Responsive Modem: The modem does not respond to AT commands for 5

consecutive queries. In that case, the unit will reset the Modem (SW reset). If there is
still no response for the Modem after 4 resets, a power recycle to the Modem only
(Pre-AHR) will be performed, after which the unit will wait for 1 second, and open a 30
seconds window in which the queries and resets process will be done again. If there is
still no response from the Modem (i.e. the Pre-AHR mechanism didn't work), AHR will

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be performed. The process will repeat up to a programmable number of retries

(configurable by "Maximum Number of AHR" parameter, address 504, bits 0-3).
The unit will create a dedicated event per each AHR (if enabled in Second Configuration
Byte). Registration Lack Timeout (for AHR)

Address: 515
Description: stores the timeout value (in minutes), before AHR trigger if the following
conditions are true:

 No GSM coverage

 Ignition On mode
Data format: 1 byte, unsigned integer, resolution of minute. Zero value cancels the AHR
upon lack of GSM registration.
Default value: 30 minutes Maximum Number of AHR

Address: 504, bits 0-4

Description: The low nibble of this parameter stores the maximal allowed number of
AHR retires in one session and the high nibble is currently reserved.
After the last AHR attempt, no more attempts will be made, even if the modem continues
to be non-responsive or not registered.
If the AHR mechanism is disabled due to sustained non-responsiveness / non-registration
(as explained above), it will only be re-enabled when achieving a full data connection, or
reaching the idle modem management loop, if data connection is prohibited.
Zero retry number will cancel AHR process. Please note that setting this parameter to 0 is
not recommended.

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Reserved Maximum number of AHR retries that will be made

Data format: 1 byte = 2 nibbles.

Default value: bits 4-7 = 0, bits 0-3 = 5. Enable AHR Reporting

Address: 1, bit 3
Description: If this bit is enabled the unit will store a plain event with dedicated
transmission reason (address 200) upon each performed AHR.

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Default: 0 (Disable) Modem Homologation Initialization Mode

Address: 525, bit 2

Description: This control bit changes the modem Codec and encryption initialization to
accord with modem homologation requirements.
Normal mode: AT#AUTOATT=1;#CODEC=0 && AT#ENCALG=5,3,
Homologation mode: AT#AUTOATT=0;#CODEC=7 && AT#ENCALG=5,1
Default: 0 (Normal mode)

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6.4.15 Modem Reset Settings Modem Reset Period

Address: 165-166
Description: This parameter defines the time for periodical modem software reset. This
period is restarted upon each manual and automatic modem reset as well as upon
entering full hibernation.
Data format: 2 bytes value, resolution of 1 minutes
Value span: 0 to 65535 (* Zero value in P disables periodical Modem Reset)
Default value (Dec): 1440 (24 hours) Periodical Modem Reset Randomization

Address: 1352
Description: In case of GPRS network failure all the units are reconnecting to CC
simultaneously after the problem is rectified and it causes heavy communication load on
the CC server.
The Periodical Modem Reset timer is also restarted in all the units at the same time, after
concurrent reconnection to GPRS. It causes all the units to repeat simultaneous modem
resets and this way keeps creating peaks of load on customer’s communication server.
Randomization feature allows the unit to use pseudo random time for Periodical Modem
Reset timer.
The timer is restarted each time to a different value, limited by a programmable
(P – Tr)≤ Modem Reset interval ≤(P+ Tr)
P - Periodical Modem Reset parameter
Tr - Periodical Modem Reset Threshold
Wrong programming protection: If P≥Tr the unit will NOT use the low limit of
P=30minutes (res=1min) and Tr=45minutes (res=15min) =>-15< modem reset <75
In this case the lower limit of randomization will not be used:
P≤ modem reset interval ≤75
Data format: Resolution of programmable threshold is 15 minutes, 1 byte
Default value (Dec): 0 (no randomization)

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6.4.16 GSM Band & GPRS Auth Type

Setting proper values of network selection and PPP GPRS Connection Authentication type
enables accelerating the GSM and GPRS registration process.
On each modem’s initialization the unit will check network setting and modify it if the
actual setting of the modem differs from the one, programmed in this section.
Same way on each modem’s initialization the unit will check the PPP GPRS Connection
Authentication type and modify it if the actual Authentication type of the modem differs
from programmed in this section. PPP GPRS Connection Authentication Selection Mode

Address: 1354, bit 6

0 Factory setting, in case of Telit PAP

1 Manual Mode, see next parameter

Default: 0 PPP GPRS Connection Authentication type

(Only for Manual Authentication type)

Address: 1354, bits 0-1




3 Reserved

Default: 0

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6.4.17 SIM PIN Enable Auto SIM PIN Locking

Address: 1348, bit 1

Description: If this bit is enabled (‘1’) the unit will auto-lock the SIM card with the PIN
code programmed on addresses 1326 – 1329 (dec)

 Once enabled, the SIM PIN locking is irreversible; there is no way to cancel SIM PIN
locking by command.

 The user has to upload the content of the programming after activation of this flag
and programming in order to re-synchronize between the configuration file and the
actual content of the programming.
IMPORTANT: Incorrect usage of this feature might cause SIM card blocking!
Refer to the description in the New SIM PIN section below for further details.
Default: 0 (Disable) Active SIM PIN

Addresses: 197-200
Name in Programmer: SIM PIN
Description: This parameter stores the PIN code that will be entered to unlock the GSM
SIM card when required.
Data format (GSM): The bytes contain the digits of the PIN, encoded in BCD. The order
of the transmission is bytes with lower address first, lower nibbles first. If only the lower
nibble of a byte is used (this is legal only in the last byte – in case this is the last digit of
the PIN), the higher nibble should have all of its bits set (the nibble should contain 15
dec). The rest of the bytes that are not used should contain 0xFF.
Default value (dec): 1234 New SIM PIN

Addresses: 1326-1329
This parameter stores the new PIN code that should be used for locking the SIM Card
during the SIM Lock procedure. This code will replace the Active SIM PIN on address 197-
200 upon successful completion of the SIM Lock procedure:

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Use number from "SIM

PIN" field when PIN code is





Lock SIM with new SIM PIN

code" (old code is needed to
accomplish this procedure)

Replace SIM PIN by New PIN Normal operation

(usage of "SIM PIN")

NOTE: Since the unit is actively modifying content of its programming cells (replacing the
old Pin code by the new one) the configuration file and the actual content of programming
will lose synchronization. It is very important to synchronize them by uploading the actual
content of the configuration memory from the unit before next configuration cycle.
WARNING: Programming the same configuration file twice, without uploading an actual
content of programmable cells after the first programming, will cause immediate blocking
of the SIM card.
Data format (GSM): The bytes contain the digits of the PIN, encoded in BCD. The order
of the transmission is bytes with lower address first, lower nibbles first. If only the lower
nibble of a byte is used (this is legal only in the last byte – in case this is the last digit of
the PIN), the higher nibble should have all of its bits set (the nibble should contain 15
dec). The rest of the bytes that are not used should contain FFh.

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Default value (dec): 1234 Lock to Certain IMSI

Address: 1914
Description: If this parameter contains a value of 5 or 6 BCD numbers, the unit will
validate an international mobile subscriber identity (MCC + MNC) of its SIM card ~15
seconds after any wake up. If the value of the SIM is different from the value predefined
in this parameter – the unit will switch off the modem. If this parameter contains a value
smaller than 5 digits the feature is disabled.

6.5 Power Management

6.5.1 Power Management Mode

Address: 266
Description: This parameter defines power consumption of the unit during Ignition Off
Power consumption reduction is achieved as a trade off with availability: as the
availability is lower, the power consumption is lower. The main power consumers of the
unit are GPS and GSM modules; the unit switches them off periodically during parking.

Programmed Mode Description Current

Value Description Consumption 3

0 No Both GSM and GPS modules are Average: 37.35mA

hibernation fully active during parking, GPRS Peak: 181.2mA
session active

1 GPS Peeking The GSM modem active, GPRS (while GPS is off)
session active. Average: 23.69mA
The GPS is peeking as per Peak: 104.5mA
programming (see below)

2 Full Both GSM and GPS modules are (while both GPS &
Hibernation in asynchronous peeking as per GSM off)
programming below.
The unit does not respond to Average: 782uA
RS232 queries as well

3In lab conditions, no battery, Vin=13.7V, very good GPRS coverage over 900MHz GSM network.
The results might vary under different test conditions.

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Programmed Mode Description Current

Value Description Consumption 3

Note: In this mode Security

Modification will not be able to
detect Signal Correlation

3 Full Relevant for CFE installations Average: 6mA

Hibernation only.
+ UART Same as Full Hibernation but the
(CFE ) External Serial port is left turned
on. This power mode will wake
the Cello unit when one of the
CFE inputs detects distress

Default value: 2

6.5.2 Hibernation Mode Delay

Address: 271-272
Description: This parameter defines time interval between Stop Event and entering any
programmed Hibernation Mode.
Note: a reception of message from server side (except ACK responses) in the delay period
will reset the delay (i.e. the unit will count again the configured delay from last message
reception before going to hibernation).
Data format: 16-bit unsigned integer, 16 seconds resolution
Value span: 0x01 (16 seconds) through 0xFFFF (291 hours)
Default value: 60’, (16 minutes)

6.5.3 Enable Pre-Hibernation Update

Address: 4, bit 6 for event

4, bit 7 for distress
Description: This parameter enables and disables an update, before entering the full
hibernation mode.
The update is not generated during GSM or GPS communication peeks, only between the
Stop Event and entering the full hibernation; 15 seconds before an expiration of
Hibernation Mode Delay timeout (Address 271).
In case of Hibernation Mode Delay timeout = 0, the event will be generated just after the
Stop event.
Default: Both disable (zeroes)

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6.5.4 Enable Data Forwarding from Serial Port by SMS (in Hibernation)

Address: 4 bit 5
Description: If this parameter is disabled, the unit will not try forwarding data from 3 rd
party device connected to unit's COM port (over CSP or Transparent Data protocols)
through SMS in hibernation. (in case GPRS is not available or disabled, the forwarded
data will be accumulated in unit's buffer).
Default value: Disabled (1)

6.5.5 GPS Peeking GPS Peeking – Max On Time

Address: 263
Description: GPS peeking is a power management of GPS receiver, which enables to
reduce its power consumption.
GPS peeking is activated in Ignition Off mode only, when Power Management mode is
defined as 1or 2. Except for CelloTrack family, which is explained in section

This parameter defines the maximum amount of time the GPS is kept turned on while
peeking. The GPS will be turned off once a fix is achieved, or if the Max. On Time expires.
Data format: 8-bit unsigned integer, 16 seconds resolution
Value span: 01h (16 seconds) through 255 (68 minutes); zero value is illegal and
shouldn't be used
Default value: 5’ (1 minute 20 seconds)

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6.5.6 GSM Peeking GSM Peeking – Maximum Network Registration Time

Address: 270
Description: GSM Peeking is a power management of GSM Modem, which allow to
reduce its power consumption.
GSM peeking is activated in Ignition Off mode only, when Power management mode is
defined as 2.

Maximum Network Registration Time: This parameter defines time interval, given to
GSM modem for registration into cellular network. If registration wasn’t accomplished
during that time – the modem is being turned off for Off Time.
Maximum Network Registration Time overlaps with the "stronger" Maximum Modem On
Time (defined in address 267). The modem is switched back off when Maximum Modem
On Time expires and there is no data transfer for at least 10 seconds (even if Maximum
Network Registration Time was configured to a higher value which hasn't expired yet).
Data format: 8-bit unsigned integer, 16 seconds resolution
Value span: 01h (16 seconds) through 255 (72.8 hours)
Default value: 4 (1 minute and 4 seconds) GSM Peeking – Modem Off time

Address: 268-269
Description: This parameter defines the amount of time between GSM peeks. (Refer to
the chart in GSM Peeking – Maximum Network Registration Time). During this time the
GSM Modem is turned off, to conserve energy).
Data format: 16-bit unsigned integer, 16 seconds resolution.
Value span: 02h (32 seconds between two consecutive peeks) through FFFFh (~12 days
between two consecutive peeks). Values below 32 seconds (<02h) are illegal and
shouldn’t be used.

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Default value: 225 (1 hour from the end of one peek to the start of the next one) GSM Peeking – Maximum Modem On time

Address: 267
Description: This parameter defines time the modem is kept turned on after waking up.
Note that Maximum Modem On Time overlaps with the "weaker" Maximum Network
Registration Time (defined in address 270), i.e. the Modem will be turned Off after
Maximum Modem On Time, even if Maximum Network Registration Time was configured
to a higher value which hasn't expired yet. If GPRS is enabled, the unit will dial GPRS and
connect to the communication server during this time.
Data format: 16-bit unsigned integer, 16 seconds resolution
Value span: 01h through FFFFh; value of 0 is illegal and shouldn’t be used
Default value: 4 (1 minute and 4 seconds)

6.5.7 Battery Charging

The unit is equipped by a built in Li-Ion/Polymer CCCV charger, applying 0.5C (constant
current), charge the battery up to 4.1V, then CV (constant voltage) charge till 4.15V.
The charger will be activated in Ignition On mode (with an exception described below) in
temperature range between 0°C and 45C.

The full charge time of the standard 700mAh battery is ~2hours.

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Address: 138
Name in Programmer: Maximum extra charge time
Description: This parameter defines the maximum time for extra backup battery charge
in Ignition Off mode. The charge process begins upon Stop in case of detection of low
level of backup battery (see corresponding programming parameter), and continues for
the time defined in this parameter (if the unit does not enter hibernation).
Data format: 8-bit unsigned integer, resolution of 10.24 sec
Value span: 00h to FFh
Default value: 117 (~20 minutes) Charge Irrespective of Operational Mode

Address: 1350 bit 0

Description: While this bit is set (1) the unit will activate the built in charger if the main
power source presents. In this case neither operational mode, not the ignition or
movement detection affect start or stop charging; only the logic of the built in charger
affects the charge process.
When this bit is disabled (0, legacy mode) the unit activates the charger only during
standby engine on mode and for limited time upon switching the ignition off.
Default value: 0 - Disabled

6.6 Voice Call Settings

6.6.1 Voice Call Destination Number

Addresses: 273-282
Description: Stores the default target address used by the unit to establish Voice call,
initiated by the driver. Under normal circumstances, this will be a voice line phone
number of Central Control room.
Data format: First byte should contain the total amount of digits that make up the actual
address (not including address type byte). Second byte is the address type byte, which
should be 91h for international address (recommended type to use, to allow roaming) or
81h for local address. The rest of the bytes contain the actual address, encoded in BCD.
The order of the transmission is bytes with lower address first, lower nibbles (nibble = 4
bit) first. If only the lower nibble of a byte is used (this is legal only in the last byte – in
case this is the last digit of the address), the higher nibble should have all of its bits set
(the nibble should contain 15 dec). The rest of the bytes that are not used should contain

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Default value: Null

6.6.2 GSM Related Preferences Incoming Voice Call Enable

NOTE: The NOM-2 GSM networks do not allow incoming voice calls to the unit while
GPRS data is exchanged in an open socket. In that case the caller will be routed to voice
mail service or get busy tone. If the data exchange does not take place in a socket upon
incoming voice call – the voice call will be routed to the unit.
It is possible to query the modem for the serving GSM network type using an AT
command forwarding interface, refer to a Wire Protocol document for more details.
Addresses: In Home Network: 202 bit 3
In Roam Network: 204 bit 3
In Hibernation (only if enabled in corresponding Home or Roam GSM): 4 bit 3
Description: If this bit is enabled the unit will process an incoming voice calls and allow
manual or automatic (as per configuration) answering. Ring sound will be played in
speaker upon incoming call reception.
Setting of hibernation flag is treated as an AND condition with the corresponding GSM
network condition.
Example: If the unit is parked (in GPS peeking hibernation mode) in Roam network,
incoming calls in roaming are enabled AND incoming calls in hibernation are disabled –
the unit will ignore an incoming call.
Default: Enable (1) in Home and Hibernation, disabled (0) in Roaming Outgoing Voice Call Enable

Addresses: In Home Network: 201 bit 6

In Roam Network: 203 bit 6
In Hibernation (only if enabled in corresponding Home or Roam GSM): 3 bit 6
Description: If this bit is enabled the unit will enable voice call initiation.
Setting of hibernation flag is treated as an AND condition with the corresponding GSM
network condition.
Example: If the unit is parked (in GPS peeking hibernation mode) in Roam network,
outgoing calls in roaming are disabled AND outgoing calls in hibernation are enabled – the
unit will ignore an initiate voice call command.
Default: Enable (1) in Home and Hibernation, disabled (0) in Roaming

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Addresses: In Home Network: 202 bit 0

In Roam Network: 204 bit 0
In Hibernation (only if enabled in corresponding Home or Roam GSM): 4 bit 0
Description: If this bit is enabled the unit will auto answer any incoming voice call. One
Ring signal will be played in the hands free speaker before the call will be picked up by
the unit.
Setting of hibernation flag is treated as an AND condition with the corresponding GSM
network condition.
Default: Enable (1) in Home and Hibernation, disabled (0) in Roaming

6.6.3 Inputs Triggering Voice Call

Description: The voice calls initiated from cabin can be Plain Voice callas or Distress
voice calls.
There are 2 differences between those types:

 Once initiated distress voice call cannot be hanged up from cabin, but only from
Central Control; the plain voice call can be hanged up from cabin.

 Plain voice call is initiated immediately; distress voice call is initiated after distress
Distress voice call feature provides an extension to the normal distress session
functionality: upon the end of the distress session caused by a trigger on a corresponding
input, the unit is initiating voice call to a Central Control. Obviously the corresponding
input must be programmed as a distress session trigger as well (refer to an Input's
Events section of this document).
The operator might also consider activation of Speaker Muting (see below) during the
distress voice call. This way the operator will be able to listen to what is happening in a
cabin without being compromised. Initiate Distress Voice Call by Panic Input

Address: 505, bit 0

Description: If this bit is enabled (and the distress session for Panic input is enabled in
Input's Events section) the unit will initiate a distress voice call upon the end of the
distress session triggered by Panic input.
Default: 0 - Disable

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Address: 505, bit 1

Description: If this bit is enabled (and the distress session for Door input is enabled in
Input's Events section) the unit will initiate a distress voice call upon the end of the
distress session triggered by Door input.
Default: 0 – Disable Enable Initialization & Answering Voice Call by Shock Input

Address: 465, bit 0

Description: If this bit is enabled trigger on Shock input (pin 15) can be used to answer
an incoming voice call and to hang up the active call (‘1 to enable, ‘0 to disable).
Default: 0 – Disable Voice Call Answering Button Press Filter

Address: 505, bits 2-5

Description: This parameter defines the time filter in which the unit will ignore voice call
button presses, after receiving an initial button press to answer a voice call.
Resolution: 1 second
Data Range: 1 - 15 seconds, 0 - Disables the feature
Default: 0 – Disable

6.6.4 Speaker of Hands Free - Mute Settings Temporary Mute Speaker during Auto-answered Incoming Calls

Address: 506, bit 0

Description: This flag should be enabled when it is required to wiretap happening in a
cabin without being compromised. Obviously the Auto-Answer incoming calls option have
to be enabled as well.
No indication of active voice call will appear in a cabin for pre-programmed time (defined
in "Speaker Mute Time During Auto-answered Incoming Calls" parameter) except glowing
After the expiration of this timeout the speaker will be automatically activated and the
operator will be able to communicate with the driver.
Default value: 0 - disabled

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Address: 506, bit 1

Description: This flag should be enabled when it is required to wiretap the distress calls
in a "spy way". No indication of active voice call will appear in a cabin for pre-
programmed time (defined in "Speaker Mute Time During Distress Calls" parameter)
except glowing LED.
After the expiration of this timeout the speaker will be automatically activated and the
driver will be able to communicate with an operator.
Default value: 0 – disabled Speaker Mute Time during Auto-answered Incoming Calls

Address: 507
Description: This parameter defines speaker mute timeout upon auto answered
incoming voice call process (if “Temporary Mute Speaker During Auto-answered Incoming
Calls” flag is enabled.)
Resolution: 1 second
Default value: 30 Speaker Mute Time during Distress Calls

Address: 508
Description: Defines speaker mute timeout upon distress voice call process (if
“Temporary Mute Speaker During Distress Calls” flag is enabled.)
Resolution: 1 second
Default value: 30

6.6.5 Volume and Gain Control Byte Microphone Gain

Address: 1402, bits 0 to 2

Description: This parameter enables you to control Hands Free's Microphone gain

Programmed The Gain for GSM Modems The Gain for CDMA Modems
(Resolution of 6 dB) (Resolution of ~8.85 dB)

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0 3 (18dB) -50dB

1 4 -41.15dB

2 5 -32.3dB

3 6 -23.45dB

4 7 -14.6dB

5 Not supported, auto set to 0dB -5.75dB

6 3.1dB

7 12dB

Default values: for GE910 Quad V3 Modem – 2; for UE910 NAR/EUR Modems – 3; for
CE910 V/S Modems – 7 Speaker Volume

Address: 1402, bits 3 to 5

Description: This parameter enables you to control Hands Free Speaker's gain of the
hands free programmatically.
Except the option to control the speaker's volume directly through the programmable
parameter, it is possible to control it using one or two inputs as described below.
Each input (except an ignition) can be assigned with a function of Volume control.
Functions 9 (volume up) and 10 (volume down) allows controlling the Speaker's Volume
by affecting this programmable parameter.
Every input's state change to "triggered" increases (or decreases, if the function is
"volume down") the value programmed in Speaker's Volume field by one and immediately
applies it.
Volume change can take place only during active voice session; trigger on of volume
control input while there is no active voice session is ignored by unit.
If there is only one volume control input defined (Volume up or Volume down) increasing
(or decreasing) the value of the parameter higher (or lower) then its max. (min) possible
value will cause the parameter to restore its lowest (highest) possible value.
Volume up:
Volume down:
Otherwise, if two volume control inputs are defined (Volume up AND Volume down),
increasing (or decreasing) the value of the parameter higher (or lower) then its max.
(min) possible value will be ignored by unit.
The "Fast Volume Change Mode"

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The user is able to press the volume control constantly in order to increase/decrease
volume. In this case, button should be pressed continuously for 2 seconds in order to get
into “Fast Change” mode after which the volume will be changed in intervals of ½
The first change will always occur immediately upon pressing the button independently of
the question whether the button is continually pressed for “fast change” or not.
Each time a volume change is applied by the state machine, a “tone” feedback is provided
thru the speaker of the hands free (half a second "1" DTMF signal).
Default values: for GE910 Quad V3 Modem – 6; for UE910 NAR/EUR Modems – 7; for
CE910 V/S Modems – 7 Ringer Volume

Address: 1402, bits 6 to 7

Description: This parameter enables to control Hands Free Speaker's gain of the hands
free programmatically.
Note that it is possible to control the value of this parameter according to the values in
the table below.

Programmed The Gain (Resolution

Value of 2 dB)

0 1

1 2

2 3

3 4

Default values: for GE910 Quad V3 Modem – 1; for UE910 NAR/EUR Modems – 1

6.7 Informative Parameters

6.7.1 Last Distance Event

Address: 85-88
Description: This parameter stores odometer value (in base units) recorded upon last
Distance event generation. This parameter is not recommended for user modification, it is
managed by the unit for recovery situations.
If upon programming the value programmed in this parameter will be higher than the
value of odometer, the unit will overwrite it with the value of odometer.
Data format: The parameter is a 32-bit integer

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Value span: 32bits range

Default value: 0

6.7.2 Field for Customer Use

Address: 1314 – 1317

Description: This field is designed to store customer’s proprietary data (like specific
EEPROM content identifier).
Data format: Customer defined
Default value: zeros

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7 Distance and Speed Events

7.1 Distance Events

7.1.1 Enable Distance Updates

Address: 99 bit 1 for Plain Events

102 bit 1 for Distress Events
Description: This parameter enables generation of the Events and/or Distresses upon
the passage of a certain distance.
The distance updates are generated with respect to Home or Roam GSM network and the
speed of the vehicle. Normally the customer would expect reported distance to be longer
in Roam networks (to save on a communication in roaming GSM) and on high speeds,
where the rear events can still provide a good picture of the root.
Default value: Both zeros (disabled)

7.1.2 Trip for a Distance Event

Address: 89 – 91 for Home Network

32 – 34 for Roam Network
Description: This parameter defines a distance between two consequences Distance
updates (events or distresses). The distance is in basic distance units.
Data format: The parameter is an unsigned a 24-bit integer
Default value: 5

7.1.3 Distance Event Multiplier for HIGH SPEED Mode

Address: 92, bits 0-3 for Home Network

35, bits 0-3 for Roam Network
Description: This parameter defines a multiplying factor of distance update for normal
and high speeds. The speed is considered "high" when higher then programmed in
Velocity threshold for HIGH SPEED mode on address 455.
For example: if Trip for a Distance event is set to 100 meters, and Distance Event
Multiplier for roaming is set to 4, the unit will set distance updates in roaming mode to
every 400 meters.
Default value: Both 1

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7.2 Over and Idle Speed

7.2.1 Velocity Threshold for Over Speed Start Event

Address: 93
Description: This parameter stores velocity threshold used for Over Speeding session
start. If velocity of the vehicle is higher than this threshold, for longer than programmed
in the Over Speed Duration filter parameter, the unit will consider over-speeding. If
corresponding updates are enabled, the unit will generate event or/and distress.
Note that the Overspeed start will be registered on a velocity of ~2km/h higher than
programmed. In addition, this threshold is only used when not in “Trailer mode” and not
in “Input dependent Over Speed” mode
Value resolution: Units in 32 cm/sec
Default value: 91 (105km/h)

7.2.2 Velocity Threshold for Over Speed End Event

Address: 94
Description: This parameter stores velocity threshold used for Over Speeding session
end (only if the Over Speeding session is already open). If velocity of the vehicle gets
lower than this threshold, for longer than programmed in Over Speed Duration filter
parameter (or immediately as per the configuration flag described below), the unit will
consider end of over-speeding.
If corresponding updates are enabled, the unit will generate event or/and distress.
Note that this threshold is only used when not in “Trailer mode” and not in “Input
dependent Over Speed” mode
Value resolution: Units in 32 cm/sec
Default value: 87 (100km/h)

7.2.3 Filter of Over Speed Duration

Address: 95
Description: This parameter stores timeout value, used to consider the speed violation
start/stop. It actually defines the over speed duration which will cause a corresponding
update (if enabled).
Value resolution & span: Duration resolution is 2.5 Seconds. Duration Span from: 0
seconds (0x00h), to 10min 30 sec (0xFEh).
Default value: 4 (10 seconds)

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7.2.4 Do not use Time Filter to Close Over Speed Session

Address: 492, bit 4

Description: If this bit is set, any open over speed sessions will be closed when the
speed of the vehicle will get lower then "Velocity threshold for GPS over Speed End"
Default value: 0 (disabled)

7.2.5 Alternative Over Speed Threshold for Input Dependent Mode

Address: 2391
Description: The unit supports automatic change of over-speed thresholds while certain
input is triggered.
This is useful to change over-speed threshold while raining (in this case the input will be
connected to the wipers wire) or at night (in this case the input will be connected to the
vehicle lights).
Function 12 is available in a list of options available for “Function assigned” byte in input’s
configuration. When it is selected for any input (except ignition), and this input is
triggered, the unit will automatically use speed threshold programmed on address 2391
as both Over-speed start and Over-speed end thresholds.

 Over-speed threshold may change only while over-speed session is NOT active.

 If the input changes its state while the over-speed session is active – the unit will
keep using over-speed thresholds selected upon over-speed session start.

 If both the “Trailer mode” and “Input dependent Over Speed” modes are active
concurrently the unit will select the lowest speed threshold out of two.
Specific Transmission Reason byte of Over-Speed alert
Upon detection of over-speed violation the unit is sensing event or/and distress with
transmission reason 34(start)/42 (stop). The “Specific Transmission Reason” byte of
those messages will contain value “1” if the unit is utilizing alternative Over-speed
thresholds while generating them.
This parameter contains an alternative value of Over-speed threshold, used when an
input, programmed as “Over-speed threshold control” is triggered.
The same value is used for both Over-speed start and Over-speed end thresholds.
The over-speed time filter (programmed on address 95) shall expire prior to alert
generation irrespectively to the selected speed thresholds.
Resolution: 32 cm/sec
Default value: 70km/h

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7.2.6 Velocity Threshold for Idle Speed Start Event

Address: 97
Description: This parameter stores velocity threshold used for Idle Speeding session
start (Idle Speeding refers to when the vehicle is parking with a working engine). If
velocity of the vehicle gets lower than this threshold, for longer than programmed in Idle
Speed Duration filter parameter (from ignition on or from higher speed), and the RPM is
higher than 450 for 5 seconds, the unit will consider Idle Speeding start.
If corresponding updates are enabled, the unit will generate event or/and distress.
Value resolution: Units in 32 cm/sec
Default value: 14 (16 km/h)

7.2.7 Velocity Threshold for Idle End Event

Address: 96
Description: This parameter stores velocity threshold used for Idle Speeding end (only if
the Idle Speeding session is already open). If velocity of the vehicle gets higher than this
threshold, for longer than programmed in Over Speed Duration filter parameter (or
immediately as per the configuration flag described below), or the RPM gets lower than
450 for 5 seconds, the unit will consider end of idle-speeding.
If corresponding updates are enabled, the unit will generate event or/and distress.
Value resolution: Units in 32 cm/sec
Default value: 16 (19 km/h)

7.2.8 Filter of Idle Speed Duration

Address: 98
Description: Timeout value, used to consider the idle speed violation start /end.
Value resolution & span: Duration resolution is 2.5 seconds.
Duration Span from: 0 seconds (0x00), to 10 min 50 sec (0xFE)
Default value: 4 (10 seconds)

7.2.9 Multiplier for Idle Speed Start Detection Time Filter

Address: 492, bits 0-3

Description: This parameter contains a value of multiplier, used to increase dramatically
Idle Speed Start detection time.

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Time for generation = Idle Speed * (Multiplier +1)

Idle Speed Start Duration Filter

Value of 0 disables multiplier.

Default: zero

7.2.10 Do not use Time Filter to Close Idle Speed Session

Address: 492, bit 5

Description: If this bit is set, any open idle speed sessions will be closed when the speed
of the vehicle will get higher than "Velocity threshold for GPS Idle Speed End" for longer
than 10 seconds.
Default value: 0 (disabled)

7.2.11 Start Idle Speed Timer with Ignition On

Address: 492, bit 6

Description: When this bit is set, the unit will start counting time to Idle Speed Start
from the Ignition On detection. Otherwise (if this bit is zero) the timer activated from the
first time the speed is getting lower than Velocity threshold for GPS Idle Speed Start
Default value: 0 (disabled)

7.2.12 Create Idle/Over Speed End Update for an Open Session per
Ignition Off

Address: 492, bit 7

Description: When this bit is set, the unit will close opened Idle/Over Speed sessions
upon ignition off and generate an appropriate updates.
Otherwise (this bit is zero) the unit will not generate an appropriate updates and simply
close any open speed session upon Ignition off.
Default value: 0 (disabled)

7.2.13 Events and Distress Control Enable Distress for Idle Speed Start/End

Address: 102, bit 3

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Description: If this bit is set the unit will generate distress session upon every Idle
Speed start /end.
Default value: 0 (disabled) Enable Events for Idle Speed Start/End

Address: 99, bit 3

Description: If this bit is set the unit will generate an event upon every Idle Speed start
Default value: 0 (disabled) Enable Events for Over Speed Start/End

Address: 99, bit 2

Description: If this bit is set the unit will generate an event upon every Over Speed start
Default value: 0 (disabled) Enter Distress for Over Speed Start/End

Address: 102, bit 2

Description: If this bit is set the unit will generate distress session upon every Over
Speed start /end.
Default value: 0 (disabled)

7.3 Sudden Course Changed and Sudden Speed Change


Sudden Course Change and Sudden Speed Change sensors are derived from the GPS
output; they analyze the delta speed and course between GPS fixes.
The speed and course thresholds are provided separately for each of 4 ranges of speed.

7.3.1 Speed Thresholds V0, V1 and V2

Address: V0-473
Description: The 4 speed ranges are defined by 3 speed thresholds: V0, V1 and V2

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Speed Range 3
Speed Range 2
Speed Range 1
Speed Range 0
0 km/h

The speed ranges threshold (V0, V1, V2) must meet the condition: V0<V1<V2
Data format: 8 bits parameters with resolution of 16 cm/sec

7.3.2 Delta Speed and Delta Course for Speed Range X

Description: The sensors will trigger if the delta speed or/and course between two
adjacent valid fixes (the unit is getting an updated GPS data fix every 1 second)
exceeds a predefined speed or/and course thresholds for the specific speed
range (if the current or last fix is invalid, the sensors won't trigger).
The following table contains address of speed and course thresholds for each speed range:

Harsh Braking Acceleration Course Delta

Threshold Threshold Threshold
Speed Range 8 bits parameters 8 bits parameters 8 bits parameters
with resolution of with resolution of with resolution of
16 cm/sec 16 cm/sec 0.016 rad

Speed Range 0 476 511 480

Speed Range 1 477 512 481

Speed Range 2 478 513 482

Speed Range 3 479 514 483

Zero value in any of the parameters above will cancel the corresponding sensor for the
specific speed range.
Default Values:

Address (Dec) Value (Dec) Value

473 34 19.6 km/h

474 104 60 km/h

475 173 99.6 km/h

476 17 9.8 km/h

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Address (Dec) Value (Dec) Value

477 17 9.8 km/h

478 17 9.8 km/h

479 17 9.8 km/h

480 49 45°

481 49 45°

482 49 45°

483 49 45°

511 17 9.8 km/h

512 17 9.8 km/h

513 17 9.8 km/h

514 17 9.8 km/h

Note: Sudden Course Change events will be masked when the speed is under 5 km/h.

7.3.3 Events, Distress and HRLS Updates Control Sudden Speed Change (Acceleration and Harsh Braking)

Address: 99, bit 4 for Events

102, bit 4 for Distress
103, bit 4 for HRLS
Description: If this bit is set, the unit will generate a corresponding update for any
detected harsh acceleration and harsh braking.
Default Values: zeros (disabled) Sudden Course Change

Address: 99, bit 5 for Events

102, bit 5 for Distress
103, bit 5 for HRLS
Description: If this bit is set, the unit will generate a corresponding update for any
detected harsh course change. Note: sudden course change events which occurred when
the speed is under 5 km/h will be filtered.

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Default Values: zeros (disabled)

7.3.4 Speed Limiting Geo-Fence

Speed limiting Geo-Fence enables the fleet manager to define speed limits within geo-
Fence boundaries. Each Geo-Fence entry in the configuration memory can define 1 of 4
possible speed thresholds. The Speed limiting Geo-Fence feature is enabled by setting the
field TOE (Type of Entry) in the Geo-Fence entry to 6. The unit can handle up to 4 over
lapping speed zones sessions concurrently.
Speed violations are reported via a dedicated type 0 message whenever the speed within
the Geo-Fence exceeds the configured speed threshold. End of speed violation session will
be reported when one of the following events occurs:
1. After violation start the speed fails lower then zone’s specific threshold according to
programmed over speed rules (after expiration of over-speed end time filter).
2. The unit leaves Geo-Zone boundaries.
3. Specific zone timeout expired (while inside zone boundaries).
Speed limiting decisions will be taken (both for start and for end of over speed) based on
legacy time filter of over speed (at address 95).

7.3.5 Speed Limiting Geo-Fence Enable

Speed Limiting Geo-Fence is enabled by setting the value of TOE (Type Of Entry) filed to
6. Please see TOE - Type Of Entry

7.3.6 Speed Limiting Geo-Fence Threshold Select

Each Geo-Fence entry has 2 bits filed called “Speed Limiting Threshold Select”. The filed
can select one of 1 of 4 possible threshold values. The 4 Geo-Fence Speed Limiting
thresholds are defined in

Speed Limiting Threshold Select

(Bits 31,30) Address of Speed Limit parameter
Bit 31 Bit 30 in Configuration memory

0 0 1917

0 1 1918

1 0 1919

1 1 1920

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7.3.7 Speed Limiting Geo-Fence Threshold

Address: 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920

Description: These 4 parameters define the Geo-Fence speed limiting thresholds. The
speed limiting threshold is defined in units of Km/H.
Default: 20, 30, 40, 50

7.3.8 Speed Limiting Geo-Fence Alerts Enable

Generation of Speed limiting zone shall be enabled as follows:

Address: 1004, bit 5 Event
1005, bit 5 Distress
Description: : If this bit is enabled the unit will generate an alerts upon violation of
selected speed limit of the active Speed limiting zone. Speed session started within the
premises of a geozone will be terminated when the speed goes below the speed threshold
(inside the premises of the GeoFence) or when the vehicle goes out of the GeoFence.
Speed Limiting violation Start event: Type 0, TR212, STR=geo fence index.
Speed Limiting violation End event: Type 0. TR213, STR=geo fence index.
Default: 0 – both disable

7.3.9 Speed Limiting Geo-Fence Output Activations

The same output activations properties used for “Driver Behavior over speeding” will be
used for Speed Limiting Geo-Fence. The “OverSpeed” feedback bit must be set in
Feedback for driver behavior violations bitmask to enable Speed Limiting Geo-Fence
Please refer to:
Output, auto-activated upon continuous driver behavior violation detection
Output activation pattern (upon Continuous driver behavior violation)
NOTE: When “Speed Limiting Zone” is selected in the GeoFence configuration the Fence
generic output activation will be automatically disabled.

7.4 Go (Start Movement) and Halt (Stop Movement) Events

This feature is intended to detect slow movement in traffic jams. The session is very
similar to Idle Speed feature described above, although serves for a different purpose
simultaneously with Idle Speed detection.

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The session proposes set of programmable parameters, identical to those of Idle Speed

 "Go/Halt" speed detection Threshold

 "Go/Halt" Threshold Time Filter

 "Go/Halt" session configuration flags

 "Go/Halt" events/distress control

The Go/Halt session is also used for Curve Smoothing feature to prevent generation of
unnecessary events of "course change" during parking.

7.4.1 Go/Halt Speed Detection Threshold

Address: 1387-1388
Description: This parameter stores velocity threshold for detection of movement start
(GO event) and movement end (Halt event).
If measured velocity is higher than this threshold for longer than the Time Threshold,
"Go" event will be triggered.
If measured velocity is lower than this threshold for longer than the Time Threshold,
"Halt" event will be triggered.
Value resolution: Units in cm/sec
Default value: 5 km/h

7.4.2 Go/Halt Time Threshold Filter

Address: 1389
Description: This cell stores a time filter for "Go/Halt events" generation, while the
speed of the vehicle complies with the logical condition described in the parameter above.
Value resolution & span: Duration resolution is 1 second. Duration Span from: 0
seconds (0x00), to 255 seconds (0xFF).
Default value: 3 (3 seconds)

7.4.3 Go/Halt Session Control

These parameters allow setting especial aspects of the Go/Halt session. Multiplier for Go/Halt Time Threshold Filter for "Halt" Detection

Address: 1390, bits 0-3

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Description: Allows enlarging the "Halt Detection filter", in order to prevent Halt
detections on traffic lights. The value of the Time Threshold filter will be multiplied by the
value in this parameter.
Value of zero will cancel the Time Threshold filter for "Halt" event detection.
Default value: 0 – Cancel Time Threshold for "Halt" Do not use Time Threshold Filter for "Go" Detection

Address: 1390, bit 4

Allows immediate "Go" detection, ignoring Time Threshold filter.
Default value: 0 – use time threshold for "Go" Enable Go/Halt Updates

Address: 496, bit 2 for Events

497, bit 2 for Distress
Description: If this bit is set, the unit will generate a corresponding (Go or Halt) update
upon detection.
Default Values: zeros (disabled)

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8 Time and Trip Events

8.1 Start and Stop Alerts

8.1.1 Start Alert Generation Time Filter

Address: 104
Name in Programmer: Start Event Time Filter
Description: This parameter stores time filter, defining a required duration of stable
Ignition On state (after ignition state change) for triggering Start (driving session) alert.
The control of alert type (plain event / distress event) is made from Ignition Input
Settings folder.
Value resolution & span: Duration resolution is 2.56 seconds.
Default value: 7.74 sec.

8.1.2 Stop Alert Generation Time Filter

Address: 105
Name in Programmer: Stop Event Time Filter
Description: This parameter stores time filter, defining a required duration of stable
Ignition Off state (after ignition state change) for triggering Stop (driving session) alert.
The control of alert type (plain event / distress event) is made from Ignition Input
Settings folder.
Value resolution & span: Duration resolution is 2.56 seconds
Default value: 7.74 sec.

8.2 Time-based Alert

This group of parameter controls time period of the updates, generated by the unit
periodically between "Start" and "Stop" (when ignition switch is on). “Time alerts” or
periodical updates are not generated after "Stop" (when ignition switch is off).
This period is controlled also by the OTA Tracking Command and applied on the fly with
no reset.
Time-based alert period might be automatically modified by the unit in real time as a
function of the following conditions:

 GSM condition: Home, Roam GSM network or No GSM coverage mode

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 Speed: High Speed mode or Normal Speed mode.

There is also a possibility of dynamic Time-based alert period modification as a function of
speed, refer to V-Trek feature below.

8.2.1 Time Alerts Resolution Definer

Address: 106, bit 7 for Home network

499, bit 7 for Roam network
Description: This bit defines resolution of the Timed Event Period. This resolution can be
either 4 (when this bit is 0) or 90 seconds (when this bit is 1).
Resolution of 4 seconds enables setting Time-based alert period up to every ~8.4
minutes, resolution of 90seconds, up to ~3:10 hours
Note: In case 3 parameters: " Force one second resolution Rome Mode ", "Resolution
Definer in Roaming Mode" and "Time Report Period value in Roaming Mode" parameters
are zero (value on address 499 and 526 bit 1 are 0), the unit will use Home parameters
(programmed on address 106 and 526 bit 0) during Roaming.
Default value: 0 – resolution of time-based alert period is 4 seconds

8.2.2 Time Alerts Period Value

Address: 106, bits 0-6 for Home network (TEPH)

499, bits 0-6 for Roam network (TEPR)
Description: This parameter stores a Time-based alert Period value with resolution
configured in previous parameter (4 or 90 seconds). Value 0 disables the time-based
Note: In case 3 parameters: " Force one second resolution Rome Mode ", "Resolution
Definer in Roaming Mode" and "Time Report Period value in Roaming Mode" parameters
are zero (value on address 499 and 526 bit 1 are 0), the unit will use Home parameters
(programmed on address 106 and 526 bit 0) during Roaming.
Default value: 75 (300 seconds when resolution is set to 4 seconds)

8.2.3 Force one second resolution Roaming Mode

Address: 526, bit 0 for Home GSM network

526, bit 1 for Roam GSM network
Description: This parameter forces the resolution of Time-based alert to one second,
irrespectively to the values, programmed on addresses 106 and 499.
Default value: both 0 (disabled)

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8.2.4 Time Alert Period Multiplier for High Speed Mode

Address: 92, bits 4-7 for Home GSM network

35, bits 4-7 for Roam GSM network
Description: This parameter stores the Multiplier of time-based alert Period during High
Speed mode. For example if the programmed value is 2, on speed higher then Velocity
Threshold for High Speed mode, the unit will generate two times less time-based alerts in
a given period (i.e. if when not in High Speed mode the unit generates a time-based alert
every x seconds, in High Speed mode the unit will generate a time-based alert every 2x
seconds). Value of zero disables the time-based alerts in High Speed mode.
Default value: 1

8.2.5 Time Report Period Multiplier for NOIP Mode

Address: 485
Description: This parameter enables automatic change of time events period during NO
IP mode (while GPRS is unavailable):
The basic time event period is multiplied by the factor programmed in this parameter.
Note: value of Zero is legal and considered by the unit as "1".
Default value: 1

8.2.6 Table of Time-based Alert Period Calculation

Home Network Roam Network

Time-based Time-based Time-based Time-based

alerts Resolution alerts Resolution alerts alerts
Definer= 0 Definer= 1 Resolution Resolution
Definer= 0 Definer= 1

Low TEPH * 4 (TEPH +1) * 90 TEPR * 4 (TEPR +1) * 90

Speed seconds seconds seconds seconds

High HSpeedHm * HSpeedHm * HSpeedRm * HSpeedRm *

Speed (TEPH * 4 (TEPH +1)* 90 (BPVR * 4 (BPVR+1)* 90
seconds) seconds seconds) seconds

 TEPH – Time-based alert Period in home network, bits 0:6 of address 106’

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 TEPR – Basic period value in roam network, bits 0:6 of address 499 (value of zero will
cause the unit to use Home settings during roaming)

 HSpeedHm – Time-based alert period multiplier for high speed mode in Home
network, (bits 4:7 of address 92)

 HSpeedRm – Time-based alert period multiplier for high speed mode in Roam
network, (bits 4:7 of address 35)

8.2.7 V-Trek: Dynamic Time-based Alerts Period Control as a Function of


V-Trek algorithm proposes an advanced automatic control of Time-based alert period

(Plain Events Only), intended to reduce communication costs by reduction of transmission
number without decrease in alert quality.
The V-Trek algorithm controls Time-based alerts period as a function of speed. Obviously
the time-based events shall be enabled in order to use V-Trek.
The V-Trek configuration relays on 4 parameters – minimum and maximum speed as well
as transmission interval for each speed (min and max). A lower time interval causes more
frequent transmissions.
NOTE: If all 4 parameters are set to zero, the V-Trek feature is not used. If the
parameters are set, normal Time-based alert management is canceled and replaced by V-

(T1, V1) (T2, V2)

Reverse slope Normal slope

= 𝜋𝑟 2

(T1, V1) (T2, V2)

𝑇1 𝑇𝑥 𝑇2 Time
= 𝜋𝑟 2 = 𝜋𝑟 2 = 𝜋𝑟 2 Normal Slope of V-Trek

Normal slope is used when it is required to reduce number of transmissions on high

speeds. The logic behind this is that number of turns on highways is lower than in city;

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reducing location updates 5 times on a highway will not harm the quality of the route
traced on a map.

 on speed lower than V1 the unit will not generate an events.

 on speed higher than V2 the unit will constantly transmit with resolution of T2.
On speed in range between V1 and V2 the transmission rate is dynamically changing: the
update rate becomes slower as speed raises.
Normal Slope is considered when the V2>V1. Reverse Slope of V-Trek

Reverse slope is used when it is required to reduce number of transmissions on low

speeds. The logic behind this is to reduce number of transmissions sent while driving in
traffic jams.

 on speed lower than V2 the unit will constantly transmit with resolution of T2

 on speed higher than V1 the unit will constantly transmit with resolution of T1
On speed in range between V1 and V2 the transmission rate is dynamically changing: the
update rate becomes faster as speed raises.
Reverse Slope is considered when the V2<V1. V-Trek Time Period Calculation

The unit compares the time passed from the last Time-based alert generation with the
new calculated Time Period value (according to the current speed).
If the time passed from last Time-based alert is greater than the new calculated value of
Time Period then the “timed event” will be triggered immediately; otherwise it will be
triggered when the new calculated period will exceed. V-Trek – V1 Speed

Address: 1310
Description: This parameter contains the value of V1 speed in km/h; see V-Trek feature
description above.
Data format: unsigned integer, km/h
Default value: 0 V-Trek – T1 Time

Address: 1311

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Description This parameter contains the value of T1 time period in minutes; see V-Trek
feature description above.
Data format: unsigned integer, minutes
Default value: 0 V-Trek – V2 Speed

Address: 1312
Description: This parameter contains the value of V2 speed in km/h; see V-Trek feature
description above.
Data format: unsigned integer, km/h
Default value: 0 V-Trek – T2 Time

Address: 1313
Description: This parameter contains the value of T2 time period in minutes; see V-Trek
feature description above.
Data format: unsigned integer, minutes
Default value: 0 Event and Distress Control of Time Alert

Address: 493, bit 1 for Events

494, bit 1 for Distress
Description: This parameter enables generation of Event or Distress alerts for Time-
based events, generated according to normal logic or V-Trek.
If both flags are disabled (0) the unit will still generate time-based plain events (due to
backward compatibility issue with an older system)
In order to cancel Time-based events the Time-based Period shall be reset (zero).
Default value: Both zeros, disabled

8.3 Curve Smoothing

The idea behind this feature is to provide a good correlation between the reported
locations to the roads on a map without significant increase of communication cost.
Neither time nor distance events enable tracking as a function of road curves (note that it
is possible to utilize sudden course change detection for "curve smoothing" with

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significant traffic increase), and the path on the map doesn't appear accurate enough, as
shown below.

Detecting movement vector change dramatically improves the stickiness to the road and
readability of the reports, but will also dramatically increase the traffic:

The vector change detection has to be supported by data compression in order to ensure
good stickiness to a road curve for a reasonable price.
The vector change detection occurrence may be reported as a plain/distress events with
TR204 (vector change Report), or as a bulk of up to 6 vector change detection
occurrences, compressed into a single message type 9 , sub-data D (refer to a wireless
protocol for more details).

8.3.1 Enable Vector Change Detection Events /Distress

Address: 1433, bit 0 for Events

1433, bit 1 for Distress

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Description: If this bit is enabled, upon generation of Start (or the first GPS Nav. Start
after Start if there is no valid GPS upon Start) the unit stores reference vector of course.
The unit stores reference GPS stamp value (time, date, latitude, longitude, speed and
course) every time it is detecting change of course's vector.
The stored reference course value is compared with the value of course received with
every new valid GPS frame. If the received value of course differs from stored one more
then the value of vector change programmable parameter (5° by default), the unit
will log vector change detection occurrence (not event in the logged memory yet but in
a volatile memory) and replaces reference course value by the new one.
Note that if compressed vector change report is enabled, the value of this parameter will
be ignored.
If compressed vector change report (next parameter) is disabled the unit will
generate a dedicated event/distress type 0 with TR204 (Vector Change Report).
Default: Both disable

8.3.2 Prevent Curve Smoothing Message Generation during "Halt" Mode

Address: 1433, bit 3

Description: If this bit is enabled (1):

 The unit will stop Curve Smoothing message generation upon "Halt" session start
(irrespectively to GO/HALT event generation enable/disable programming flag).

 The Curve Smoothing message generation will restart upon "Go" session start
(irrespectively to GO/HALT event generation enable/disable programming flag).
Default: Disable (0)

8.3.3 Enable Compressed Vector Change Report

Address: 1433, bit 2

Description: If this bit is enabled, settings of bit's 0 and 1 of this byte (previous
parameter) will be ignored. In this case the compressed vector change data will be sent
by the unit in the following cases:

 Upon detection of 6th vector change detection occurrence. In this case the system
will generate a Msg type 9 containing all 6 vector change detection occurrences.

 Timeout. If at least one vector change event is stored in unit's memory and no other
vector changes were generated by the unit during the pre-programmed period, the
system will generate Msg type 9 containing all previous vector change detection

 Upon Stop. Msg type 9 containing all previous vector change detection occurrences
(if any) will be generated immediately upon stop report.

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 Upon reset command the Msg type 9 containing all previous vector change
detection occurrences (if any) will be generated.
The Compressed Vector change Report Msg type 9 will be logged in the same message
stack as plain event type 0, will utilize the same sequence of numerator and acknowledge
The Compressed Vector change Report Msg type 9 will NEVER be generated as real-time
or distress event, only as logged event.
Upon power up/reset the unit will record reference course/coordinates upon reception of
the first valid GPS packet.
Note: When no significant course changes are detected by the unit (for example when
driving long straight roads), the unit will send periodic “Compressed Vector Change
Reports” to avoid compressed data overflow.

8.3.4 Compressed Vector Change Report Timeout

Address: 1434
Description: This parameter contains a timeout to generate Msg type 9 containing all
logged vector change detection occurrences before six occurrences were accumulated.
This parameter will take affect when:

 Compress Vector change Detection is enabled,

 At least one vector change detection logged

 No vector change detection occurrence is logged by the unit during the period defined
in this parameter
Range and resolution: Unsigned integer 8 bits, resolution of minutes
Default: 10 minutes

8.3.5 Vector Change Detection Angle

Address: 1435
This parameter defines the minimum course change from last logged event, considered as
Vector change Detection occurrence. Possible values are 0 to 180°.
Range and resolution: 8 bits, unsigned integer, resolution of degrees
Default: 5°

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8.4 Communication Idle Alerts

8.4.1 Time between Communication Idle Alerts

Address: 70-71
Name in Programmer: Time between Comm.Idle Transmissions
Description: This parameter defines the maximum time without any communication. If a
message is not received within this timeout, an idle communication alert is registered.
It is possible (configuration bit described below) to wake up the unit from the full
hibernation in order to try delivering this type of alert in real time.
This algorithm is frequently used as a "Heart Bit" of the unit, the "Keep Alive" messaging.
Data format: 16-bit unsigned integer, 1 minute resolution.
Default value: 30 (minutes)

8.4.2 Event and Distress Controls for Communication Idle Alert

Address: 493, bit 0 for plain event

494, bit 0 for distress
Description: This bit enables alerting Idling of Communication with period programmed
in Time.
Default value: Event enabled (1), distress disabled (0)

8.4.3 Do not Wake Up from Hibernation upon Comm. Idle Distress

Address: 494, bit 7

Description: If this bit is set (1), the unit will not generate a distress Communication
Idle alert in full hibernation, and therefore will not wake up from full hibernation upon
expiration of Time between Communication Idle Alerts timeout.
Default value: 0 - wake up from full hibernation to alert Comm. Idle

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8.5 Driver Authentication

There are a few possible usages for the Dallas (iButton™) key in the Cellocator unit:

 As driver ID for fleet management application: In this case the driver can use any
Dallas key to identify himself; the Driver to Dallas association is performed on the
server side.

 As driver ID for fleet management application with pre-programmed list of "known

drivers" (30 drivers maximum): In this case only the Dallas code from the list will
release an immobilization of the vehicle and will cause successful driver identification
alert to the server.

 As vehicle owner identification for car-alarm application (security units only): In this
case the driver might identify himself with pre-programmed Dallas in order to release
the security unit from Alarm Armed state, while only 30 codes can be pre-

 As a Trailer ID (can work together with Driver ID over the same 1-Wire bus).
The driver authentication in fleet management application enables monitoring working
hours of each driver and tracking driver's activity.
The driver supposes to identify himself with his unique Dallas key before (or immediately
with) switching ignition on. From this moment to the end of the journey all the location
messages generated by Cellocator unit will include code of this Dallas.
The unit will erase this code from its memory shortly after switching Ignition to off.
There are two alerts dedicated to the Driver Authentication features: New Dallas Code
Received and Driving without authentication. There is also a dedicated alert for Trailer
connection status change.
Note: The ignition event initiating the authentication processes could be selected to start
from physical ignition signal or from the filtered ignition signal based on configurable
parameter: “Ignition filter source for starting Driver Authentication time calculations”
(address 0, bit 4).
The following diagrams describe typical authentication scenarios:

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State Ignition On

Maximum Time without

Dallas Key

Driver Authentication Event



Scenario 1: Driver authenticated

State Ignition On

Maximum Time without Authentication

Dallas Key

Driving without
Authentication Event sent


Scenario 2: Driver not Authenticated

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Ignition Off

Time to Authentication loss

Forget last Dallas key

Activate Immobilizer

Scenario 3: Erase Dallas key after Ignition Off

8.5.1 Enable Driving Without Authentication Alert

Address: 123, bit 0 for event

484, bit 0 for distress
Description: If this bit is enabled, the unit will generate an alert of “Driving without
Authentication” in case a Dallas key was not detected before an expiration of Maximum
Time without Authentication timeout.
Default value: Event enabled (1), Distress disabled (0)

8.5.2 Enable Authentication Updated Alert

Address: 123, bit 1 for event

484, bit 1 for distress
Description: If this bit is enabled, the unit will generate an “Authentication updated”
alert upon new Dallas key detection (this update can be limited to pre-programmed Dallas
keys only, see the parameter below).
Default value: Event enabled (1), Distress disabled (0)

8.5.3 Maximum Time without Authentication

Address: 111
Description: This parameter stores the value of maximum allowed time between Start
Event and transmission of message with transmission reason “Driving without
authentication”, in case the Dallas key was not detected.

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If any Dallas key detected during the time period defined in this parameter, the unit will
send a message with new Dallas code and transmission reason “Driver Authenticated” (it
is also possible to deliver Driver ID Updated report only in case the iButton code fit one of
the programmed values).
Value resolution: 30 seconds
Span: 0 -255 (=0-127.5 minutes)
Default value: 2 (=1 minute)

8.5.4 Enable Authentication Reminder Feedback Output Activation

Address: 123, bit 4

Description: If "Enable Authentication Reminder Output Activation" bit is enabled (see
below) – the unit will activate feedback output/s from Ignition On detection (after filter
defined by the "Ignition Filter Source for Starting Driver Authentication Time Calculations"
parameter) until one of the tree conditions below will come true:

 Timeout defined by "Maximum Time without Authentication" parameter will expire

 Any (or pre-programmed as per configuration bit below) Dallas code will be received

 Ignition will be switched off

Default value: 1 - enable

8.5.5 Ignition Filter Source for Starting Driver Authentication Time


Address: 0, bit 4
Description: This parameter defines a start point for timeouts for:

 Reminder Feedback Output Activation (Ignition On)

 Time to Authentication loss (Ignition Off, next parameter)

 Timeout to Driving Without Authentication Event (Ignition On)

The 2 options are:

 0 - Ignition ON/OFF filter + Inputs filter)

 1 - Inputs filter only

Default value: 0

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8.5.6 Time to Authentication Loss

Address: 112
Description: This parameter stores a time period, during which the unit will keep a last
detected Dallas Code after the Stop Event.
After this period of time the Dallas Code will be erased from unit’s memory and in every
outgoing transmission from the unit Authentication code will be sent as 0.
If during the time period, defined in this parameter, will be detected Start event – the
unit will keep sending last detected Dallas key (until Stop event) in every outgoing
If Immobilizer Activation enabled (see next parameter) this timer defines how long after
Stop event the Standard Immobilizer output (pin 7) will be activated.
Resolution: 0.5 minutes/bit
Data span: 0-255 (max value 127.5 minutes)
Default value: 1 (30 seconds)

8.5.7 Activate Immobilizer while no active Dallas

Address: 1, bit 5
Description: If this bit is enabled the unit will activate its Standard Immobilizer output
(pin 7) from Authentication loss after Stop event (see previous parameter) until the driver
authorizes itself using Dallas Key (any Dallas key or known Dallas key, as per the Enable
Pre-defined driver ID’s list configuration bit).

 This flag is only applicable to fleet edition of Cello and will not work in a security

 If this flag is set (enabled), the Standard Immobilizer output (pin 7) will be
automatically activated immediately after SW reset or Power Recycle.

 In CR300 devices, the immobilizer output can be switched to one of the available
device output pins ("Blinkers", "LEDs") using the configurable option located in
address 506. The selected output will maintain the same reset behavior a described
in note 2 above.
Default value: 0 - disabled

8.5.8 Enable Conditional Activation of Immobilizer

Address 0, bit 2

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Description: If this bit is enabled (1), the unit will only perform self activation of
Immobilizer output while both conditions listed below are fulfilled:

 An appropriate legacy logical condition is detected (No Driver ID in the memory,

Towing detection, reminder etc)

 High signal detected on the ignition input.

Immobilizer output will be switched off immediately after one of the above conditions is
not present.
If this bit is disabled (0), immobilizer output is activated independently from the status of
an Ignition input.
NOTE: This bit is only affecting self activation of the output. Activation by command
(OTA or Serial) is still unconditional and independent from the status of an Ignition input.
Only the additional OTA/serial command or detection of Authorized Dallas switches off an
output activated by command.
Default: Disable (0)

8.5.9 Enable Pre-defined Driver ID’s List

Address: 123, bit 2

Description: If this bit is set the unit will compare received Dallas with the pre-
programmed list and will act accordingly. In case of reception of unknown code the unit
WILL NOT do the following:

 Unblock Immobilizer (If Immobilizer Activation enabled)

 Indicate Dallas reception by Feedback beep

 Deactivate “Driver ID reminder feedback” outputs (if Enable Authentication Reminder

Output Activation enabled)

 Send “New Driver ID” message

 Record the unknown Dallas code as latest Driver ID

If valid Dallas is not received during the timeout, programmed in “Maximum time without
authentication” – the unit will send “Driving without ID” message, as it would do if no
Dallas is received at all.
Default value: 0 - disabled

8.5.10 Enable “Dallas ID Updated” Event even if it is not in the List

Address: 123, bit 3

Description: If this bit is set the unit will generate a Driver Authentication Update event
(TR 46) upon Dallas key detection even if it is not in the pre-programmed list. The foreign
(code not in the list) Dallas code is reported in every message type 0, but the unit:

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 Will not Unblock Immobilizer

 Will not Indicate Dallas reception by Feedback beep
 Will not Deactivate “Driver ID reminder feedback” outputs
Default Value: 0 - disabled

8.5.11 iButton Codes (30 Buttons)

Address: 429 to 446 (first 3 buttons codes),

1448 to 1609 (last 27 buttons)
Description: This section of the memory contains the identification data for 30 Dallas
Data format: Each button is assigned with 6 ID bytes. The data of these 6 bytes is
printed on the surface of the button, where every pair of hexadecimal digits is equivalent
to one byte.
Valid values: The data must exactly match the buttons data, or they would not work.
Default Value: All zeroes

8.5.12 Enable Feedback upon Authentication

Address: 123, bit 5

Description: If enabled, the unit will activate pulse on the output/s programmed as the
System Feedbacks when new Dallas code is detected. The pulse will be activated for a
time, defined in an Outputs Pulse Width parameter (addr. 140 dec).
Default Value: Zero (disabled)

8.5.13 Enable Resending "Driver Authentication" Alert upon each


Address: 123, bit 6

Description: If this bit is set the "Driver Authentication Update" event (TR 46) will be
generated every time when a Dallas key is attached to the reader (even if it has the same
code as last attached Dallas). Removing Dallas key for 1 second at least from the holder
will cause the unit to threat the Dallas as removed and the next attachment of the same
Dallas will cause new event generation.
Default Value: 0- disabled

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8.5.14 Enable Dallas Bus Mode (1-Wire) Bus

Address: 123, bit 7

Description: If this bit is cleared the Cello unit will start acting as 1-Wire Bus master
managing multiple 1-Wire slaves. If this bit is set the Cello unit will retain its legacy
behavior communicating with single slave 1-Wire device.
Default Value: 1 - Dallas in Point to point mode (Bus mode disabled)

8.5.15 Enable Infinite Driver Notifications when Driver is not Identified

Address: 0, bit 1
Description: If this bit is set, Driver Authentication Reminder will be generated
indefinitely overriding the timeout defined in: “Timeout of Driver Authentication
Default Value: 0 - Legacy Driver Authentication Alert period

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8.6 Extended Driver Authentication

8.6.1 Enable Differentiation between Driver and Passenger

Address: 1349, bit 4

Description: If this is enabled (0), the unit will change the standard Driver ID
management logic (every new code automatically replacing a previous one) by an
extended logic of Driver/Passenger management as described below.
Default: 1 - Disable Driver Identification

The User ID is considered "Driver ID" if received when there is no Dallas code in the RAM
(both in Ignition on and Ignition off mode).
Driver ID is treated by the unit similarly to the legacy Dallas ID (unique 48 bit iButton
identifier), except for the following:

 Different code received (new iButton attached) while there is a Driver ID in the RAM:
 In ignition on: will be treated as "Passenger ID" (see below) and will not erase the
existing Driver ID from RAM
 In ignition off : will be ignored

 If received code is identical to the active Driver ID in RAM – it will be ignored

 The last bit of STR (in OTA alert, message type 0) contains status of Group ID
recognition ("1" – authenticated, "0" – not authenticated)

 The first bit of STR (in OTA alert, message type 0) contains "0" (indicating "Driver
Note: When "differentiation between the driver and the passenger" is enabled (0), the
"Enable "Dallas ID updated" event even if it is not in the list" parameter (address 123, bit
3) will be ignored.
If “differentiation between the driver and the passenger” is not enabled (1), the unit is
using the Legacy Driver ID algorithms. Passenger Identification

The passenger identification only works when ”differentiation between the driver and the
passenger” is enabled in the programming.
The User ID is considered "Passenger ID" if:

 Received in Ignition On mode

 Received while there is an active Driver ID code in the RAM

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Reception of "Passenger ID" causes the unit to generate a "Driver Authentication Update"
event (TR46), containing received code in Dallas bytes of Msg type 0, while the STR
Specific byte contains:

 The last bit of TR Specific byte shall contains status of Group ID recognition ("1" –
recognized, "0" – not recognized), see below.

 The first bit of TR Specific byte contains "1" (indicating "Passenger ID")
Received "Passenger ID" is NOT replacing active Driver ID in the RAM. Once "Driver
Authentication Update" event/distress is generated, the Passenger ID code is "forgotten".

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Dallas Code Received

0x01 Family Code 0x14

Read EEPROM of
Disable DS1971 (address
1349, bit 3)


Set Group ID to 9999

Read the Driver ID Read EEPROM (256 bit)
Set ID to 6 Dallas Bytes

Go to The Number Begins

Yes with 0xA and CS No
2 match?

Split to Group ID and

Ignore Dallas Code
Driver ID

Group ID Match to Go to
Yes No
Code in PL? 1

Set Group ID Authorized Reset Group ID

Bit Authorized Bit

Disarm Immobilizer

between Driver and
Passenger (address
1349, bit 4)


Yes Dallas Code in RAM? No

Off Ignition Set Driver ID Bit


Code Identical to Use as Driver ID

Ignore Dallas Code Yes
Dallas Code in RAM? (Store in RAM)


Go to Perform Legacy Logics

Set Passenger ID Bit
1 (Events, Feedbacks, etc)

Send Dedicated Event Go to

Consider Feedback 1

Restore Driver ID Bit

Go to

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8.7 Trailer Connection Monitoring

The purpose of this feature is to enable detection and reporting of connection and
disconnection of a trailer to the track.
The trailer is equipped by identification device, connected to a 1-Wire bus port of
Cellocator unit. Once the trailer is connected, its identification device is continually
transmitting its Dallas ID.
The family of Dallas device used by the trailer is programmed in configuration. If such a
device is attached longer than the configurable timeout, the unit is assuming connection
of the trailer and vice versa (if disconnected longer than the configurable timeout, the
unit is assuming disconnection).

 Only one trailer can be used at a time.

 If two or more devices from the trailer’s Dallas family are concurrently and continually
attached to the bus, reliable trailer detection is not guaranteed.

 If second device from the trailer’s Dallas family is attached while trailer is already
detected, this second device will be immediately considered as Driver/Passenger.
Upon trailer connection (expiration of a “Timeout for Trailer Connection status change“)
the unit will raise Bit 1 of Byte 41 in every outbound OTA msg type 0 to indicate that the
Trailer is connected.
Upon trailer disconnection the unit shall reset Bit 1 of Byte 41 in every outbound OTA msg
type 0 to indicate that the Trailer is disconnected.
It is possible to query trailer ID by OTA command (Command Code 0x16).

 Trailer ID is never reported in other message types except message with TR199 and
31 (Reply to command, if Trailer ID was requested).

 This feature requires the Dallas bus to be enabled Enable Dallas Bus (singleWire)

8.7.1 Dallas Family of Trailer Identifier

Address: 2393
Description: The following parameter contains Dallas family ID of the Trailer identifier.
If the device with selected family ID will be attached to the bus longer than programmed
in the “Timeout for Trailer Connection status change“ parameter - it will be considered as
If the device with selected family ID will be attached to the bus for less than programmed
in “Timeout for Trailer Connection status change“ parameter - it will be considered as
Driver/Passenger, while the corresponding reaction (event/feedback) will be issued upon
disconnection from the iButton.

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Zero value in this parameter disables Trailer connection detection.

NOTE: This feature requires the Dallas bus to be enabled Enable Dallas Bus Mode
Default value: 01h (iButton DS1990A)

8.7.2 Enable Trailer Connection Event

Address: 1349, bit 5

Description: If this bit is set (1) the unit will issue a dedicated event when the Dallas ID
of the Trailer’s family is continually connected (or disconnected) for longer that
programmed in the “Timeout for Trailer Connection status event” parameter.
The event will contain transmission reason 199 (Trailer connection status change), and
specific transmission reason (STR) 0 for trailer disconnected, 1 for trailer connected.
In both cases:

 Bits 4-5 of byte 10 (OTA Msg type 0) contain value of 0b11 (Trailer ID)

 Bytes 33-38 of OTA Msg type 0 with TR199 contain the ID of Trailer Identification
Default value: 0 - disabled

8.7.3 Trailer Connection Distress

Address: 1349, bit 6

Description: If this bit is set (1) the unit will issue a dedicated distress when the Dallas
ID of the Trailer’s family is continually connected (or disconnected) for longer that
programmed in the “Timeout for Trailer Connection status event” parameter.
The distress will contain transmission reason 199 (Trailer connection status change), and
specific transmission reason (STR) 0 for trailer disconnected, 1 for trailer connected.
In both cases:

 Bits 4-5 of byte 10 (OTA Msg type 0) contain value of 0b11 (Trailer ID)

 Bytes 33-38 of OTA Msg type 0 with TR199 contain the ID of Trailer Identification
Default value: 0 - disabled

8.7.4 Timeout for Trailer Connection Status Change

Address: 2392

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Description: This parameter stores time period (in seconds) of continuous connection
(or disconnection) of the Dallas button (of family programmed in “Dallas Family of Trailer
Identifier“ parameter), used for triggering corresponding event or distress.
Default value: 15

8.7.5 Trailer Connected: Over Speed Start Velocity threshold

Address: 261
Description: The unit can apply different velocity thresholds for Over Speed session
start and end when trailer is connected.
This parameter stores velocity threshold (in 32 cm/sec/bit) used for Over Speeding
session start when trailer is connected.
If over speed session started by violating “Trailer connected” over speeding start
threshold, it will be ended by reaching “Trailer connected” over speeding end velocity
threshold, even if the trailer disconnected between those two events.
NOTE: If both the “Trailer mode” and “Input dependent Over Speed” modes are active
concurrently the unit will select the lowest speed threshold out of two.
Resolution: 32 cm/sec/bit
Default value: 0 cm/sec

8.7.6 Trailer Connected: Over Speed End Velocity Threshold

Address: 262
Description: The unit can apply different velocity thresholds for Over Speed session
start and end when trailer is connected.
This parameter stores velocity threshold (in 32 cm/sec/bit) used for Over Speeding
session end when trailer is disconnected.
If over speed session started by violating “Trailer connected” over speeding start
threshold, it will be ended by reaching “Trailer connected” over speeding end velocity
threshold, even if the trailer disconnected between those two events.
NOTE: If both the “Trailer mode” and “Input dependent Over Speed” modes are active
concurrently the unit will select the lowest speed threshold out of two.
Resolution: 32 cm/sec/bit
Default value: 0 cm/sec

8.8 Controlling of Work Time on Static Objects

Address: 1349, bit 7

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Description: The purpose of this feature is to enable usage of existing equipment and
software for controlling of employees work time on static objects.
If this bit is set (1):
The unit will ignore all Driver ID logic (except feedback), irrespective of other
configuration bits and programmed Dallas codes.
Upon reception of any Dallas code of any group the unit will:
Activate feedback if enabled
Irrespectively to the operational mode and Ignition status of the unit, generate pair of
events containing received Dallas code: Start event and Stop event (one after another,
with no delay between them).
Bit’s 4-5 of byte 10 will contain value of 0b00 (Driver ID)
Bytes 33-38 of message will contain a received code.
Immediately after generation of pair of events the received Dallas will be erased from
unit's memory.
Default value: 0 - Disable

8.9 Driver Behavior

8.9.1 Coasting Coasting Detection (Speed and RPM)

The unit detects start and stop of coasting: vehicle driving down a hill with not engaged
Every combination of speed and RPM may be configured as a trigger for coasting alert
(Transmission Reason – 21, Specific Transmission - 1 for Coasting start / 0 – for Coasting
The unit will generate an alert (“speed & RPM” start and stop”) when:

 the RPM is below programmed threshold (or above programmed threshold);


 the speed is above programmed threshold (or below programmed threshold);


 The state lasts more than programmed time period. Enable Coasting Event /Distress

Address: 1350, bit 3 for event, bit 4 for distress

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Description: If this bit is set, and at least one of two multipurpose inputs (door/shock) is
defined as General Purpose Frequency Meter (Assigned function 1), upon detection of
Coasting the unit will generate an alert (event or/and distress, depends on the selected
bits) with Transmission Reason – 21, Specific Transmission - 1 for Coasting start / 0 – for
Coasting stop).
The unit will detect Coasting only if both Speed and Engine speed simultaneously violate
appropriate thresholds for longer than programmed in violation time filter.

 The value of Engine Speed is scaled value of frequency measurement, taken from the
input defined as General Purpose Frequency Meter.

 If both multipurpose inputs are defined as General Purpose Frequency Meters, the
scaled value from Shock input (pin 15/20) will be used as a value of Engine Speed for
Coasting detection.

 Measurement of frequency by dedicated input consumes at least 1 second.

 Except OTA alert Coasting detection can trigger output activation as a notification to
the driver. Refer to the description of the programming parameters below.
Default Values: 0 - disabled Speed Threshold Type

Address: 1350, bit 1
Description: If this bit is set, the speed threshold programmed on address 2387 will be
treated as a maximum threshold (values of speed higher then this threshold will be
considered violating).
If this bit is zero, the speed threshold programmed on address 2387 will be treated as a
minimum threshold (values of speed lower then this threshold will be considered
Default Values: 0 - minimum threshold Engine Speed Threshold Type

Address: 1350, bit 2
Description: If this bit is set, the engine speed threshold programmed on addresses
2388-2389 will be treated as a maximum threshold (values of engine speed higher then
this threshold will be considered violating).
If this bit is zero, the engine speed threshold programmed on address 2388-2389 will be
treated as a minimum threshold (values of engine speed lower then this threshold will be
considered violating).
Default Values: 0 - minimum threshold Speed Threshold for Coasting

Address: 2387

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Description: This parameter contains value of speed, used by Coasting detection feature
as a maximum or minimum speed threshold (as per a configuration bit on address 1350,
bit 1).
Resolution: km/h
Default value: 20 Engine Speed Threshold for Coasting

Address: 2388-2389
Description: This parameter contains value of engine speed, used by Coasting detection
feature as a maximum or minimum engine speed threshold (as per a configuration bit on
address 1350, bit 2).

 The value of Engine Speed is scaled value of frequency measurement, taken from the
input defined as General Purpose Frequency Meter.

 If both multipurpose inputs are defined as General Purpose Frequency Meters, the
scaled value from Shock input (pin 15/20) will be used as a value of Engine Speed for
Coasting detection.
Resolution: RPM
Default value: 900 Coasting Violation Period

Address: 2386
Description: This parameter contains an initial value of timer, used as a violation filter of
Coasting detection feature.
The unit will detect Coasting only if both Speed and Engine speed simultaneously violate
appropriate thresholds for longer than programmed in this parameter.
Resolution: seconds
Default value: 10

8.9.2 Behavior Violation Indications to Driver

The unit is supporting up to two feedback signals (visual and audible) for the following
driver behavior violations:

 Over Speed

 Coasting

 Harsh Breaking

 Harsh Acceleration

 Sudden course change.

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 Idle speed

 Excessive RPM
All above listed violations are spitted into 2 groups of continuous violations and
momentary violations.
Each group of violations can be escorted by template of indication to driver on two
assigned outputs as per configuration.
For continuous violations (over-speed, coasting and idle-speed) the activation only occurs
upon session start.
Violation to Idle-speed is an exception: in spite of being continuous violation, Idle-speed
is assigned by indication of momentary violation template.
Any combination of up to 2 outputs assigned for driver behavior is legal.
When single output is used as a feedback for two events, and those 2 events are
simultaneously pending, a predefined hard coded pattern will be activated till
simultaneous condition ends.
In case more than one feedback is activated simultaneously on the same output a special
hard coded pattern will dominate the output till there are no more simultaneous events.



Special pattern reflecting
Simultaneous feedbacks
The special hardcoded feedback will be 250mSec On and 250mSec Off.

Interaction with other Output Activation mechanisms

The priority of the output activation upon over-speeding violation is the same as a priority
of feedback, i.e. – the lowest.
Any other output activation (manual activation, jamming, etc) has stronger priority and
will take control over the selected output when needed. Feedback for Driver Behavior Violations Bitmask

Address: 2376
Bit 6 – Excessive RPM (According to Continuous violation template)
Bit 5 – Idle Speed (According to Momentary violation template)
Bit 4 - Sudden course change (According to Momentary violation template)

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Bit 3 - Harsh Acceleration (According to Momentary violation template)

Bit 2 - Harsh Breaking (According to Momentary violation template)
Bit 1 – Coasting (According to Continuous violation template)
Bit 0 - Over Speed (irrespectively to the source of threshold, according to Continuous
violation template). This bit must be also enabled for “Speed Limiting GeoFence” feature.
The unit will trigger feedback upon detection of an appropriate driver behavior violation if
this violation is enabled (1) in this bitmask.
The feedback will be triggered upon violation of the logical conditions, irrespectively to
the generation (or not generation) of event/distress for the corresponding violation.
Default: 0xFF Output, Auto-activated upon Momentary Driver Behavior Violation

Addresses: 523, bits 0-2
524, bits 0-2
Description: This field contains the number of the output used by this notification routine.

Output’s name Output’s number

Feature Disabled 0

Siren 1

Gradual Stop 2

St. Immobilizer 3


Blinkers 5

CFE Out 1 6

CFE Out 2 7

Default: (0) Notification disabled Duration of Output Activation, upon Momentary Driver Behavior Violation

Addresses: 523, bits 3-5
524, bits 3-5
Description: This field contains the duration of the output activation upon momentary
driver behavior violation detection.
Zero - forbidden.

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Resolution: 0.5 seconds/bit

Default: (1) 0.5 seconds Number of Output Activation Repetitions upon Momentary Driver

Behavior Violation Detection
Addresses: 523, bits 6-7
524, bits 6-7
Description: This field contains the number of the output activation repetitions (Duty
cycle 50%) upon momentary driver behavior violation detection.
Zero - forbidden.
Default: (1) Continuous repetition Output, Auto-activated upon Continuous Driver Behavior Violation

Address: 2377 for first output and 2380 for second output, bits 0-2
Description: This pair of parameters defines a numbers of outputs that will be activated
upon driver behavior violation.

Output’s name Output’s number

Feature Disabled 0

Siren 1

Gradual Stop 2

St. Immobilizer 3


Blinkers 5

CFE Out 1 6

CFE Out 2 7

Value span: 1to 5

Default value: zero Output Activation Pattern (upon Continuous Driver Behavior Violation)

Address: 2377 for first output and 2380 for second output, bits 3-5
Description: This pair of parameters defines a activation pattern of outputs upon
detection of Driver behavior violation.

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Setting Action

0 Pulse Activation (The output shall be activated for the time, defined in
"Pulse Outputs Width Period", addr. 140 dec

1-3 Reserved

4 Template Activation (according to the settings described below)

5 Warning of delayed violation registration

(template activation - according to the settings described below)
NOTE: If user configures at first feedback according to “Warning of
delayed violation registration” pattern and at second feedback
according to "Template Activation” pattern the unit will function
according to “Warning of delayed violation registration” pattern.

6-7 Reserved

Default: (0) Pulse Activation

Template of continuous Output Activation upon detection of driver behavior

Example of template: Two activations in a session, 1 second for each activation, 2
sessions, 3 seconds between sessions:

Warning of delayed violation registration

This option is only applicable for continuous driver behavior violations: coasting, Over-
speed and Excessive RPM.
If this option is selected, upon driver behavior violation detections the unit does the

 It does NOT generate an event immediately.

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 It activates selected output (after expiration of OverSpeed or Coasting filter)

according to a template definition on addresses 2377-2379 (for the first output) and
2380-2382 (for the second output).
The output shall be deactivated when one (of two) conditions come true:

 The end of violation


 The violation lasts longer than the time defined in Driver behavior- continuous
violation feedback Logic: Feedback Violation Deactivation time threshold .

NOTE: The event shall only be generated if the violation lasts longer than 10 seconds.
The warnings will be triggered only after the programmable filters of coasting and over-
Outputs will be deactivated immediately when the condition will become not true or after
10 seconds (without the programmable filter). Continuous Driver Behavior Violation - Output Activation Template

Activation Length
Address: 2378 for first output and 2381 for second output, bits 0-3
Description: This pair of parameters defines a length of activation of the selected output
upon Driver behavior violation detection.
0 for the time, defined in "Pulse Outputs Width Period", addr. 140 dec.
Note that the duty cycle of activation is 50%, i.e. activation time is the same as off time.

Value resolution: 0.5 second

Default value: 1(0.5 seconds) Continuous Driver Behavior Violation - Output Activation Template:

Number of Activations in a Session
Address: 2378 for first output and 2381 for second output, bits 4-7
Description: This pair of parameters defines a number of activations of the selected
output upon Driver behavior violation detection.
0 – cancels outputs activation upon driver behavior violation detection.
Default value: 3 Continuous Driver Behavior Violation - Output Activation Template:

Number of Activation Sessions
Address: 2379 for first output and 2382 for second output, bits 0-3

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Description: This pair of parameters defines a number of sessions of output activations

upon Driver behavior violation detection.
0 – cancels outputs activation upon driver behavior violation detection.
Default value: 1 Continuous Driver Behavior Violation - Output Activation Template:

Time between the Activation Sessions
Address: 2379 for first output and 2382 for second output, bits 4-7
Description: This pair of parameters defines a time between activation sessions of
output activations upon Driver behavior violation detection.
Zero value. If zero is programmed the unit will only perform one session of activation
irrespectively to the programmed number of sessions.
Value resolution: 0.5 second
Default value: 2 (1 second)

8.9.3 Additional Thresholds for GP Frequency Meter

One is used as an activity start/stop detector (for example engine start/stop), the second
is used for a kick down detection.
Each threshold is equipped by independent time filter and transmission reason; the unit
generates a trigger upon violation of the thresholds in both directions: up and down. Additional GP Frequency thresholds

Address: 1st threshold - 2372-2373
2nd threshold - 2374-2375
Default: 5000
Description: These parameters contain value of threshold for frequency measurement
on GP Frequency meter input.
The threshold is applied after scaling measurement result (in case of Engine speed
measurement the threshold will be programmed in RPM and not in Hz)
NOTE: If both multi-purpose inputs (Door and Shock) programmed as GP Frequency
meters, the thresholds are applied to shock input.
Resolution: scaled frequency.
Default: 1st threshold - 100
2nd threshold - 5000 Violation Timers of Additional GP Frequency Thresholds

Address: Timer of 1st threshold - 2370

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Timer of 2nd threshold - 2371

Description: These parameters contain time, during which the measured frequency upon
change shall stay higher (or lower) than the corresponding threshold in order to generate
an appropriate alert (TR 210 for 1st threshold, 211 for 2nd threshold. STR 1 for “Rising”, 0
for “falling”).
Resolution: – seconds.
Default: 1st threshold – 10 seconds
2nd threshold – 5 seconds Alert Bitmask: Violation of Additional GP Frequency Thresholds

Address: 1351

Type of alert 1st additional GP 2nd additional GP

frequency frequency
threshold threshold

Rising Event Bit 0 Bit 4

Distress Bit 1 Bit 5

Falling Event Bit 2 Bit 6

Distress Bit 3 Bit 7

Description: This parameter contains a bitmask, allowing to mask an alerts generated as

a response to violation of additional GP Frequency threshold. ‘1’ enables a corresponding
alert and ‘0’ disables it (TR 210 for 1st threshold, 211 for 2nd threshold. STR byte will
contain 1 for “Rising”, 0 for “falling”).
Default: all zeroes (Disable)

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9 Inputs Events
The Cellocator unit provides 6 inputs; the hardware of all those inputs varies from pulled
up, pulled down, wet (not equipped by pull up/down resistor) or adapted for frequency
measurement. Each input is equipped by a packet of legacy functions:

 Trigger on the input cause generation of an event with an appropriate transmission


 Two inputs allow analog signal measurement

 Same two inputs allow frequency measurement

 Some affect unit's logic (like Ignition and door)

Each input (except ignition) is equipped by a configuration field, enabling to set up its
type and other attributes, like threshold, differentiating between logical 0 and logical 1.

Input Entry Type

Door Analog / discrete "wet" and "dry" contact, Frequency


Shock Analog / discrete"wet" and "dry" contact, Frequency counter

Panic Discrete only, "dry" contact

Unlock Discrete only, "dry" contact

Lock Discrete only, "dry" contact

When configured as discrete input ("dry" or "wet") the table below defines the range of
voltage threshold for logical zero detection.

Wet (no internal pulling resistor) Dry (Internally pulled up)

Min Defaults Max Min Defaults Max

allowed allowed allowed allowed

Value in Volts (Programmed Value)

Shock 0V (0) 14.7V 30V (255) 0.2v (57) 1V (125) 1.45v

(125) (160)

Door 0V (0) 14.7V 30V (255) 0.2v (57) 1V (125) 1.45v

(125) (160)

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Wet (no internal pulling resistor) Dry (Internally pulled up)

Lock4 0.2v (57) 1.85V 2.36v

(200) (240)
Unlock 0.2v (57) 1.85V 2.36v
(200) (240)

Panic 0.2v (57) 1.85V 2.36v

(200) (240)

The table below provides threshold translation from the programmed value into voltage
on interface pin (Measurement error ±20mv).

Threshold Corresponding Threshold Corresponding

Value at PL voltage on Value at PL voltage on
file Door and file Lock/Unlock/Distress
Shock inputs

0-56 1.00v (in range 0-56 1.85v (in range value

value protection)

57 0.20v 57 0.20v

80 0.47v 80 0.47v

100 0.71v 100 0.69v

125 1.00v 125 1.00v

140 1.19v 140 1.15v

160 1.45v 160 1.39v

161-255 1.00v (in range 200 1.87v


204 1.91v

232 2.26v

240 2.37v

The provided values are valid for Cello hardware A04 and above. If you own older hardware please contact our technical support for further information
concerning the highest possible zero detection value.

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244-255 1.85v (in range value


9.1 4 – Ignition
Ignition input can be used for detection of journey Start and Stop, which are key events
in unit logic and require an especial treatment, or as a general purpose input (when
journey Start/Stop is detected using an accelerometer).
Journey Start and Stop:
The system will enter hibernation mode between Journey Stop and Journey Start, and will
start generating periodical events between Journey Start and Journey Stop
In case it is used for detection of journey Start and Stop, except "Common Discrete
Inputs Time Filter" applied to every input, the Start/Stop Alert Generation Time Filters are
applied as well.
A general purpose input:
If ignition input is used as a general purpose it is internally pulled down and can recognize
the following signals:

 Low (logical zero) 0V<Vin<3.5V

 High: Vin>9V
Voltages between 3.5V to 9V are undefined.

9.1.1 Reporting Journey Start

Address: 126, bit 5 for event
130, bit 5 for distress
488, bit 5 for HRLS
Description: if this bit is set the unit will generate a corresponding alert upon Journey
Start detection (by ignition or by accelerometer).
Default Value: Event enabled (1), Distress and HRLS – disabled (0(

9.1.2 Reporting Journey Stop

Address: 124, bit 5 for event
128, bit 5 for distress
486, bit 5 for HRLS
Description: if this bit is set the unit will generate a corresponding alert upon Journey
Stop detection (by ignition or by accelerometer).
Default Value: Event enabled (1), Distress and HRLS – disabled (0(

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9.1.3 Inverting Journey Start/Stop

Address: 100, bit 5
Once inverted:
The system will report “Journey Start” when low level (by ignition or by accelerometer) is
recognized and vice versa.
Default Value: (0) not inverted

9.1.4 Reporting Signal Falling on Ignition

Address: 125, bit 7 for event
129, bit 7 for distress
487, bit 7 for HRLS
Description: if this bit is set the unit will generate a corresponding alert upon detection
of logical level falling from 1 to 0. In case this input is inverted, it will mean generation of
the alert upon disconnection of this input from (-).
Note: This feature will not work when CFE configuration is used.
Default Value: zeros – disabled (0(

9.1.5 Reporting Signal Rising on Ignition

Address: 127, bit 7 for event
131, bit 7 for distress
489, bit 7 for HRLS
Description: if this bit is set the unit will generate a corresponding alert upon detection
of logical level rising from 0 to 1. In case this input is inverted, it will mean generation of
the alert upon connection of this input to (-).
Note: This feature will not work when CFE configuration is used.
Default Value: zero – disabled (0(

9.1.6 Inverting Ignition Input

Address: 101, bit 6
Description: Ignition input is internally pulled down and therefore does not require an
inversion in most of the cases.
In case it is serving as a GP and logical levels are opposite to physical levels – the input
shall be inverted.
Default Value: (0) not inverted

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9.2 5 – Lock
This input is equipped by an internal pull up resistor and therefore can only serve as
discrete dry contact.

9.2.1 Function Assigned to Lock Input

Address 1706, bits 0-4
Description: This field enables assignation of certain functionality to a Lock input.

Function Description

0 Use as a GP input (default)

1-8 Reserved

9 Volume Up (refer to Volume Control section in this document)

10 Volume Down (refer to Volume Control section in this document)

11 Reserved

12 Over-speed threshold control

If this function is selected, the unit will automatically use speed threshold
programmed on address 2391 as both Over-speed start and Over-speed
end thresholds while this input is triggered.

13-31 Reserved

Default Value: zero – GP input

9.2.2 Inverting Lock Input

Address: 101, bit 2

Description: Lock input is pulled up (internally); therefore it does require an inversion
when it is required to detect activation by low level (-).
Once inverted: the "low" level of signal (below threshold programmed in parameter
below) on this input will be treated as logical "1" (active). The "high" level of signal, as
well as floating state, on this input will be treated as logical "0" (not active).
Default Value: (1) inverted

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9.2.3 Threshold for Lock Input

Address: 1707
Description: This threshold defines the highest voltage on this input, which will still be
considered as logical zero. Any voltage above the value programmed in this parameter
(as well as open contact) will be considered as logical "one".
The unit is continually sampling voltage on this input and comparing the average
measurement (refer to parameter below) with the threshold programmed in this
Value span: 57 (0.2V) to 240 (2.36V). Any measured value below 57 or above 240
causes the unit to convert this value to default (200).
Default Value: 200 (1.85V)

9.2.4 Averaging Factor for Lock Input

Address: 1708
Description: The unit is continually sampling voltage on this input every 10 msec. The
moving average of sample's number (preprogrammed in this parameter) is compared
with the threshold (previous parameter) in order to decide concerning the logical level of
the input.
NOTE: In the operational modes listed below the unit is ignoring averaging factor and
processing each measurement sample separately:

 In Full Hibernation mode, including the Modem / GPS On Time

 In Signal Correlation Mode (applicable in security builds only)

Default Value: 10 samples

9.2.5 Reporting Signal Falling on Lock

Address: 125, bit 2 for event

129, bit 2 for distress
487, bit 2 for HRLS
Description: If this bit is set the unit will generate a corresponding alert upon detection
of logical level falling from 1 to 0. In case this input is inverted, it will mean generation of
the alert upon disconnection of this input from (-).
Default Value: zeros – disabled (0(

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9.2.6 Reporting Signal Rising on Lock

Address: 127, bit 2 for event

131, bit 2 for distress
489, bit 2 for HRLS
Description: If this bit is set the unit will generate a corresponding alert upon detection
of logical level rising from 0 to 1. In case this input is inverted, it will mean generation of
the alert upon connection of this input to (-).
Default Value: zero – disabled (0(

9.3 11- Unlock

This input is equipped by an internal pull up resistor and therefore can only serve as
discrete dry contact.

9.3.1 Function Assigned to Unlock Input

Address 1703, bits 0-4

Name in Programmer: Assigned Function
Description: This field enables assignation of certain functionality to a Unlock input.

Function Description Comment


0 Use as a GP input (default)

1-8 Reserved

9 Volume Up (refer to Volume Control section in this document)

10 Volume Down (refer to Volume Control section in this document)

11 Reserved

12 Over-speed threshold control

If this function is selected, the unit will automatically use speed threshold
programmed on address 2391 as both Over-speed start and Over-speed
end thresholds while this input is triggered.

13-31 Reserved

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Default Value: zero – GP input

9.3.2 Inverting Unlock Input

Address: 100, bit 7

Description: Unlock input is pulled up (internally); therefore it does require an inversion
when it is required to detect activation by low level (-).
Once inverted: the "low" level of signal (below threshold programmed in parameter
above) on this input will be treated as logical "1" (active). The "high" level of signal, as
well as "not connected" state, on this input will be treated as logical "0" (not active).
Default Value: (1) inverted

9.3.3 Threshold for Unlock Input

Address: 1704
Description: This threshold defines the highest voltage on this input, which will still be
considered as logical zero. Any voltage above the value programmed in this parameter
(as well as open contact) will be considered as logical "one".
The unit is continually sampling voltage on this input and comparing the average
measurement (refer to parameter below) with the threshold programmed in this
Value span: 57 (0.2V) to 240 (2.36V). Any measured value below 57 or above 240
causes the unit to convert this value to default (200).
Default Value: 200 (1.85V)

9.3.4 Averaging Factor for Unlock Input

Address: 1705
Description: The unit is continually sampling voltage on this input every 10 msec. The
moving average of sample's number (preprogrammed in this parameter) is compared
with the threshold (previous parameter) in order to decide concerning the logical level of
the input.
NOTE: In the operational modes listed below the unit is ignoring averaging factor and
processing each measurement sample separately:

 In Full Hibernation mode, including the Modem/GPS On Time

 In Signal Correlation Mode (applicable in security builds only)

Default Value: 10 samples

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9.3.5 Reporting Signal Falling on Unlock

Address: 124, bit 7 for event

128, bit 7 for distress
486, bit 7 for HRLS
Description: If this bit is set the unit will generate a corresponding alert upon detection
of logical level falling from 1 to 0. In case this input is inverted, it will mean generation of
the alert upon disconnection of this input from (-).
Default Value: zeros – disabled (0(

9.3.6 Reporting Signal Rising on Unlock

Address: 126, bit 7 for event

130, bit 7 for distress
488, bit 7 for HRLS
Description: If this bit is set the unit will generate a corresponding alert upon detection
of logical level rising from 0 to 1. In case this input is inverted, it will mean generation of
the alert upon connection of this input to (-).
Default Value: zero – disabled (0(

9.4 14 – Door

9.4.1 Door Input Type

Address 1674, bits 5-7

Description: This input is equipped by pair of internal resistors, which can be
programmatically turned into pull up, pull down or canceled at all. Therefore the input can
serve as digital or analog input of the types described below as well as a frequency

Input Type Description


0 Discrete Dry Contact (on board pull-up)

1 Discrete Normal (Wet Input)

2 Analog Backward Compatible (0-2.5V)

3 Analog New Range (0-30V)

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4 Frequency meter

5 Pulse Counter: Enables Pulse Counting mechanism

6-7 Reserved

Default Value: zero - Discrete Dry Contact

9.4.2 Function Assigned to Door Input

Address 1674, bits 0-4

Description: This field enables assignation of certain functionality to a Door input.

Function Description Comment


0 Use as a GP input (default)

1 Use as a GP frequency meter (refer to frequency Only compatible to

metering section in this document) Type 4 (Frequency
2 Use as a Speed source (refer to frequency
metering section in this document)

3 Use as a Fuel Level source (refer to frequency

metering section in this document)

4-8 Reserved

9 Volume Up (refer to Volume Control section in this document)

10 Volume Down (refer to Volume Control section in this document)

11 Reserved

12 Over-speed threshold control

If this function is selected, the unit will automatically use speed threshold
programmed on address 2391 as both Over-speed start and Over-speed
end thresholds while this input is triggered.

13 Offline Tracking Upload Events Trigger

14-31 Reserved

Note: For utilizing this input as fuel level source (or fuel consumption estimation based on
the fuel level), a fuel probe need to be connected to the input, this parameter need to be

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set to "Use as a Fuel Level source" (3), and any CAN configuration for fuel level (or fuel
consumption estimation) need to be disabled.
Default Value: zero – GP input

9.4.3 Scaling Factor for Frequency Report on Door Input

Address: 1675-1676
Name in Programmer: Scaling Factor Frequency
Description: Applicable only if door is selected as input type 4. The scaling factor is
intended to be used for conversion of the measured frequency into common unit of speed
(cm/sec) in case the measurement is utilized as a speed source or into any other
common format, if the input is used as a GP pulse frequency counter.
NOTE: This value may be calculated and programmed by the unit automatically during
the Auto-Calibration Process. (Refer to the Frequency Metering Section in this document)

Stored value of Scaling Factor (Sf * 1000)

First Configuration Byte (MSB) Second configuration byte (LSB)

In case of Speed Source (Input's type 4, Assigned function 2):

The value utilized as a speed [cm/sec] will be calculated as follows:
𝐒 = 𝐅𝐬 ∗ 𝐒𝐟[𝐜𝐦⁄𝐬𝐞𝐜]
S – Momentary value of speed [cm/sec]
Fs – Measured frequency
Sf – scaling factor
(The scaling factor is stored as follows: Sf=stored value/1000).
NOTE: In this case the scaling factor is given by the specific vehicle and actually
translating number of pulses into a speed (in cm/sec).
When calibrating a vehicle at 40 Km/h (1111cm/sec), the index obtained is 54 (that is, 54
pulses per second). When the measured value is 108 pulses, it means that the vehicle is
running at 80 Km/h (2222cm/sec).
In this case the scaling factor will be Sf=1111 /54=20.576.
Maximum value of a scaling factor of speed is Sf=65.535.
The stored value of Sf will be 65535.

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In case of GP pulse frequency counter (Input's type 4, Assigned function 1):

The scaled value of the measurement will be reported in every position update from the
unit in one of the Analog Inputs monitoring bytes, as per the configuration described
above in this document.
The scaling factor, similarly to the previous case, is stored as follows:
Sf=stored value/1000

NOTE: Unlike the previous case the scaling factor here is a variable, adapted by the user
to report the measured frequency value with best possible resolution in one byte.

Assuming the GP Pulse Frequency input is used to measure the engine speed (in RPM);
When calibrating a vehicle at 2000 RPM, the measured value is 116 (that is, 116 pulses
per second). When the system receives 232 pulses it means that the vehicle is running at
4000 RPM.
If maximum available engine speed is 8kRPM, let's set a resolution of 32RPM/Bit
(8000/255) in order to be able to report the measured value in single byte.
In our example we measure 2000/116=17.24 RPM/bit. Using simple proportion lets
calculate the scaling factor:
(stored value will be 0539)
The value reported in OTA message type 0 will be therefore:
𝐄𝐬 = 𝐅𝐬 ∗ 𝐒𝐟[𝟑𝟐𝐑𝐏𝐌/𝐁𝐢𝐭]
Es – reported value of engine speed [32RPM/Bit]
Fs – Measured frequency
Sf– scaling factor

9.4.4 Thresholds on Door as a General Purpose Frequency Counter

Address: 1678-1681
Description: This parameter defines minimum, maximum or range (as per the
configuration byte) thresholds for frequency measurement on Door GP Frequency
measurement input. Upon violation of this threshold for longer than the pre-programmed
period, the unit will generate an appropriate OTA msg type 0, with dedicated transmission
reason (192 dec).
NOTE: The threshold is applied on the result after scaling and not on the measured value
(Es [RPM] in case of Engine Speed measurement).
Each of the thresholds consumes 2 bytes: 1678-1679 for low threshold, 1680-1681 for
high threshold. The threshold is applied on General Purpose Pulse measurement input

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9.4.5 Time Filter for Frequency/Analog Door Input

Address: 1682
Description: (not applicable for discrete or wet types of input)
This parameter defines the violation time before generating a corresponding alert in
100mseconds resolution
Default value: Default value 50 (5 seconds)

9.4.6 Door Freq. Input Violation Type

Address: 1677, bits 0-1

Description: This parameter defines violation type as follows:

0 – Threshold 0 – Low Threshold

1 – High Threshold

1 – Range 0 – Keep In Range

1 - Keep Out range

Bit 1 Bit 0

Bit 1 defines type of the violation: threshold or range. If threshold type is selected, bits 0
define if the low or high thresholds are processed.
If range type is selected - bit 0 defines if the violating value is inside or outside the range.

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9.4.7 Threshold for Door Input

Address: 1678
Description: Applicable only for discreet types (wet and dry)
This threshold defines the highest voltage on this input, which will still be considered as
logical zero. Any voltage above the value programmed in this parameter (as well as open
contact in case of dry) will be considered as logical "one".
NOTE: The type of input affects the voltage value; the same value will mean different
voltage for wet and discrete types.
The unit is continually sampling voltage on this input and comparing the average
measurement (refer to parameter below) with the threshold programmed in this
Value span for wet type: 0 (0V) to 255 (30V)
Default Value: 125 (14.7V)
Value span for discrete type: 57 (0.2V) to 160 (1.45V). Any measured value below 57
or above 160 causes the unit to convert this value to default (125).
Default Value: 125 (1V)

9.4.8 Averaging Factor for Door Input

Address: 1686
Description: The unit is continually sampling voltage on this input every 10 msec. The
moving average of sample's number (preprogrammed in this parameter) is reported to
the application and/or compared with the threshold (previous parameter) in order to
decide concerning the logical level of the input.
NOTE: In Full Hibernation mode the unit is ignoring averaging factor and processing each
measurement sample separately
Default Value: 10 samples

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9.4.9 Inverting Door Input

Address: 100, bit 0

Description: Inversion is only applicable when the input type is configured as one of the
discrete types.
When set as dry signal, the input is pulled up (internally); therefore it does require an
inversion when it is required to detect activation by low level (-).
Once inverted: the "low" level of signal (below threshold programmed in parameter
above) on this input will be treated as logical "1" (active). The "high" level of signal, as
well as floating state, on this input will be treated as logical "0" (not active).
When set as wet signal type - no inversion is required.
Default Value: (1) inverted

9.4.10 Reporting Signal Falling On Door

Address: 124, bit 0 for event

128, bit 0 for distress
486, bit 0 for HRLS
Description: Only applicable when the input type is configured as one of the discrete
If this bit is set the unit will generate a corresponding alert upon detection of logical level
falling from 1 to 0. In case this input is inverted, it will mean generation of the alert upon
disconnection of this input from (-).
Default Value: zeros – disabled (0(

9.4.11 Reporting Signal Rising on Door

Address: 126, bit 0 for event

130, bit 0 for distress
488, bit 0 for HRLS
Description: Only applicable when the input type is configured as one of the discrete
If this bit is set the unit will generate a corresponding alert upon detection of logical level
rising from 0 to 1. In case this input is inverted, it will mean generation of the alert upon
connection of this input to (-).
Default Value: zeroes – disabled (0(

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9.4.12 Function buttons events – Door input

Address: 1685
Description: Enable/Disable logged event and/or Distress event for each one of the 4
buttons sourced from the Door input.

Distress for Event for Distress for Event for Distress for Event for Distress for Event for
button 4 button 4 button 3 button 3 button 2 button 2 button 1 button 1

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Default Value: zeroes – disabled (0(

9.5 15 – Shock

9.5.1 Shock Input Type

Address 1687, bits 5-7

Description: This input is equipped by pair of internal resistors, which can be
programmatically turned into pull up, pull down or canceled at all. Therefore the input can
serve as digital or analog input of the types described below as well as a frequency

Input Description

0 Discrete Dry Contact (on board pull-up)

1 Discrete Normal (Wet Input)

2 Analog Backward Compatible (0-2.5V)

3 Analog New Range (0 – 30V)

4 Frequency Meter

5 Pulse Counter : Enables Pulse Counting mechanism

6-7 Reserved

Default Value: zero - Discrete Dry Contact

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9.5.2 Function Assigned to Shock Input

Address 1687, bits 0-4

Description: This field enables assignation of certain functionality to a Door input.

Function Description Comment


0 Use as a GP input (default)

1 Use as a GP frequency meter (refer to frequency Only compatible to

metering section in this document) Type 4 (Frequency
2 Use as a Speed source (refer to frequency
metering section in this document)

3 Use as a Fuel Level source (refer to frequency

metering section in this document)

4-8 Reserved

9 Volume Up (refer to Volume Control section in this document)

10 Volume Down (refer to Volume Control section in this document)

11 Reserved

12 Over-speed threshold control

If this function is selected, the unit will automatically use speed threshold
programmed on address 2391 as both Over-speed start and Over-speed
end thresholds while this input is triggered.

13 Offline Tracking Upload Events Trigger

14-31 Reserved

Note: For utilizing this input as fuel level source (or fuel consumption estimation based on
the fuel level), a fuel probe need to be connected to the input, this parameter need to be
set to "Use as a Fuel Level source" (3), and any CAN configuration for fuel level (or fuel
consumption estimation) need to be disabled.

Default Value: zero – GP input

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9.5.3 Scaling Factor for Frequency Report on Shock Input

Address: 1688-1689
Name in Programmer: Scaling Factor Frequency

Description: Applicable only if shock input is selected as input type 4. The scaling factor
is intended to be used for conversion of the measured frequency into common unit of
speed (cm/sec) in case the measurement is utilized as a speed source or into any other
common format, if the input is used as a GP pulse frequency counter.

Stored value of Scaling Factor (Sf * 1000)

First Configuration Byte (MSB) Second configuration byte (LSB)

NOTE: This value may be calculated and programmed by the unit automatically during
the Auto-Calibration Process. (Refer to frequency metering section in this document)
In case of Speed Source (Input's type 4, Assigned function 2):
The value utilized as a speed [cm/sec] will be calculated as follows:
𝐒 = 𝐅𝐬 ∗ 𝐒𝐟[𝐜𝐦⁄𝐬𝐞𝐜]
S – Momentary value of speed [cm/sec]
Fs – Measured frequency
Sf – scaling factor
(The scaling factor is stored as follows: Sf=stored value/1000).
NOTE: In this case the scaling factor is given by the specific vehicle and actually
translating number of pulses into a speed (in cm/sec).

When calibrating a vehicle at 40 Km/h (1111cm/sec), the index obtained is 54 (that is, 54
pulses per second). When the measured value is 108 pulses, it means that the vehicle is
running at 80 Km/h (2222cm/sec).
In this case the scaling factor will be Sf=1111 /54=20.576
Maximum value of an scaling factor of speed is Sf=65.535
The stored value of Sf will be 65535
In case of GP pulse frequency counter (Input's type 4, Assigned function 1):

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 The scaled value of the measurement will be reported in every position update from
the unit in one of the Analog Inputs monitoring bytes, as per the configuration
described above in this document.

 The scaling factor, similarly to the previous case, is stored as follows:

Sf=stored value/1000
NOTE: Unlike the previous case the scaling factor here is a variable, adapted by the user
to report the measured frequency value with best possible resolution in one byte.

Assuming the GP Pulse Frequency input is used to measure the engine speed (in RPM);
When calibrating a vehicle at 2000 RPM, the measured value is 116 (that is, 116 pulses
per second). When the system receives 232 pulses it means that the vehicle is running at
4000 RPM.
If maximum available engine speed is 8kRPM, let's set a resolution of 32RPM/Bit
(8000/255) in order to be able to report the measured value in single byte.
In our example we measure 2000/116=17.24 RPM/bit. Using simple proportion lets
calculate the scaling factor:
(stored value will be 0539)
The value reported in OTA message type 0 will be therefore:
𝐄𝐬 = 𝐅𝐬 ∗ 𝐒𝐟[𝟑𝟐𝐑𝐏𝐌/𝐁𝐢𝐭]
Es – reported value of engine speed [32RPM/Bit]
Fs – Measured frequency
Sf– scaling factor

9.5.4 Threshold on Shock as a General Purpose Frequency Counter

Address: 1691-1694
Description: This parameter defines minimum, maximum or range (as per the
configuration byte) thresholds for frequency measurement on Shock GP Frequency
measurement input. Upon violation of this threshold for longer than the pre-programmed
period, the unit will generate an appropriate OTA msg type 0, with dedicated transmission
reason (192 dec).
NOTE: The threshold is applied on the result after scaling and not on the measured value
(Es [RPM] in case of Engine Speed measurement).
Each of the thresholds consumes 2 bytes: 1691-1692 for low threshold, 1693-1694 for
high threshold.
The threshold is applied on General Purpose Pulse measurement input only.

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9.5.5 Time Filter for Violation of Frequency / Analog Shock Input

Address: 1695
Description: Applicable only for GP Frequency input or analog input types.
This parameter defines the violation time before generating a corresponding alert in
100mseconds resolution
Default value: Default value 50 (5 seconds)

9.5.6 Shock Freq. Input Violation Type

Address: 1690, bits 1-0

Description: This parameter defines violation type as follows:

0 – Threshold 0 – Low Threshold

1 – High Threshold

1 – Range 0 – Keep In Range

1 - Keep Out range

Bit 3 Bit 2

Bit 3 defines type of the violation: threshold or range. If threshold type is selected, bits 2
define if the low or high thresholds are processed.
If range type is selected - bit 2 define if the violating value is inside or outside the range.

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9.5.7 Threshold for Shock Input

Address: 1691
Description: Applicable only for discreet types (wet and dry)
This threshold defines the highest voltage on this input, which will still be considered as
logical zero. Any voltage above the value programmed in this parameter (as well as open
contact in case of dry) will be considered as logical "one".
NOTE: The type of input affects the voltage value; the same value will mean different
voltage for wet and discrete types.
The unit is continually sampling voltage on this input and comparing the average
measurement (refer to parameter below) with the threshold programmed in this
Value span for wet type: 0 (0V) to 255 (30V).
Default Value: 125 (14.7V)
Value span for discrete type: 57 (0.2V) to 160 (1.45V). Any measured value below 57
or above 160 causes the unit to convert this value to default (125).
Default Value: 125 (1V)

9.5.8 Averaging Factor for Shock Input

Address: 1699
Description: The unit is continually sampling voltage on this input every 10 msec. The
moving average of sample's number (preprogrammed in this parameter) is reported to
the application and/or compared with the threshold (previous parameter) in order to
decide concerning the logical level of the input.
NOTE: In Full Hibernation mode the unit is ignoring averaging factor and processing each
measurement sample separately.
Default Value: 10 samples

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9.5.9 Inverting Shock Input

Address: 100, bit 1

Description: Inversion is only applicable when the input type is configured as one of the
discrete types.
When set as dry signal, the input is pulled up (internally); therefore it does require an
inversion when it is required to detect activation by low level (-).
Once inverted: the "low" level of signal (below threshold programmed in parameter
above) on this input will be treated as logical "1" (active). The "high" level of signal, as
well as floating state, on this input will be treated as logical "0" (not active).
When set as wet signal type - no inversion is required.
Default Value: (1) inverted

9.5.10 Reporting Signal Falling on Shock Input

Address: 124, bit 1 for event

128, bit 1 for distress
486, bit 1 for HRLS
Description: only applicable when the input type is configured as one of the discrete
If this bit is set the unit will generate a corresponding alert upon detection of logical level
falling from 1 to 0. In case this input is inverted, it will mean generation of the alert upon
disconnection of this input from (-).
Default Value: zeros – disabled (0(

9.5.11 Reporting Signal Rising on Shock Input

Address: 126, bit 1 for event

130, bit 1 for distress
488, bit 1 for HRLS
Description: Only applicable when the input type is configured as one of the discrete
If this bit is set the unit will generate a corresponding alert upon detection of logical level
rising from 0 to 1. In case this input is inverted, it will mean generation of the alert upon
connection of this input to (-).
Default Value: zeroes – disabled (0)

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9.5.12 Function buttons events - Shock Input

Address: 1698
Description: Enable/Disable logged event and/or Distress event for each one of the 4
buttons sourced from the Shock input.

Distress for Event for Distress for Event for Distress for Event for Distress for Event for
button 4 button 4 button 3 button 3 button 2 button 2 button 1 button 1

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Default Value: zeroes – disabled (0(

9.6 16 – Panic
This input is equipped by an internal pull up resistor and therefore can only serve as
discrete dry contact.

9.6.1 Function Assigned to Panic Input

Address 1700, bits 0-6

Name in Programmer: Assigned Function
Description: This field enables assignation of certain functionality to a Panic input.

Function Description Comment


0 Use as a GP input (default)

1-8 Reserved

9 Volume Up (refer to Volume Control section in this document)

10 Volume Down (refer to Volume Control section in this document)

11 Reserved

12 Over-speed threshold control

If this function is selected, the unit will automatically use speed threshold
programmed on address 2391 as both Over-speed start and Over-speed
end thresholds while this input is triggered.

13-31 Reserved

Default Value: zero – GP input

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9.6.2 Inverting Panic Input

Address: 100, bit 6

Description: Panic input is pulled up (internally); therefore it does require an inversion
when it is required to detect activation by low level (-).
Once inverted: the "low" level of signal (below threshold programmed in parameter
above) on this input will be treated as logical "1" (active). The "high" level of signal, as
well as floating state, on this input will be treated as logical "0" (not active).
Default Value: (1) inverted

9.6.3 Threshold for Panic Input

Address: 1701
Description: This threshold defines the highest voltage on this input, which will still be
considered as logical zero. Any voltage above the value programmed in this parameter
(as well as open contact) will be considered as logical "one".
The unit is continually sampling voltage on this input and comparing the average
measurement (refer to parameter below) with the threshold programmed in this
Value span: 57 (0.6V) to 240 (2.7V). Any measured value below 57 or above 240 causes
the unit to convert this value to default (200).
Default Value: 200

9.6.4 Averaging Factor for Panic Input

Address: 1702
Description: The unit is continually sampling voltage on this input every 10 msec. The
moving average of sample's number (preprogrammed in this parameter) is compared
with the threshold (previous parameter) in order to decide concerning the logical level of
the input.
NOTE: In the operational modes listed below the unit is ignoring averaging factor and
processing each measurement sample separately:

 In Full Hibernation mode, including the Modem / GPS On Time

 In Signal Correlation Mode (applicable in security builds only)

Default Value: 10 samples

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9.6.5 Reporting Signal Falling on Panic

Address: 124, bit 6 for event

128, bit 6 for distress
486, bit 6 for HRLS
Description: If this bit is set the unit will generate a corresponding alert upon detection
of logical level falling from 1 to 0. In case this input is inverted, it will mean generation of
the alert upon disconnection of this input from (-).
Default Value: zeros – disabled (0(

9.6.6 Reporting Signal Rising On Panic

Address: 126, bit 6 for event

130, bit 6 for distress
488, bit 6 for HRLS
Description: If this bit is set the unit will generate a corresponding alert upon detection
of logical level rising from 0 to 1. In case this input is inverted, it will mean generation of
the alert upon connection of this input to (-).
Default Value: zero – disabled (0(

9.7 Accelerometer
The accelerometer can be used as an input generating a variety of specific logics and

9.7.1 Tilt Tamper

In order to detect detachment of the unit from the installation surface (along with its
cradle or when installed without a cradle), a tilt-tamper mechanism can be used.
When orientation (by earth gravity) on each axis changes more than the configured angle
threshold when compared to the steady state for a longer time than the configured timer
threshold, the unit will report it.

This feature utilizes 2 IIR filters: slow (factor is hardcoded = 2) and very slow (factor is
hardcoded = 30). Each IIR filter is implemented as following:
𝑆𝑢𝑚0 = 𝑆𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒0 ∗ 𝐹𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟

𝐴𝑣𝑔 =

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𝑆𝑢𝑚𝑛 = 𝑆𝑢𝑚𝑛−1 − 𝐴𝑣𝑔𝑛−1 + 𝑆𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒𝑛

When Avg is the filtered value (filter output).

The subtraction of these 2 filters outputs is compared with the configurable threshold.

Slow IIR Filter

(Hardcoded factor = 2)

(Xn, Yn, Zn) - Timer and
Comparator repeated Event
Very Slow IIR Filter event logic
(Hardcoded factor = 30)

Tilt-Tamper Angle Tilt-Tamper time filter

Change Threshold (Configurable)

When a tilt tamper event is created, there is no other such event until the system has
stabilized. Tilt Tamper Messaging

Address: 2044 bits 4-5

Description: This parameter allows to configure the type 0 messaging for the tilt tamper
feature (TR 158, STR 2).
Data range:

Value Description

0 Disable

1 Distress

2 Logged

3 Logged & Distress

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Default value: 0 – Disable Tilt-Tamper Angle Change Threshold

Address: 2045
Description: This parameter allows to configure the angle threshold that will be
considered as a tilt tamper scenario. 0 – Disables the feature.
Resolution: 0.588º
Data range: 0.588º÷150º
Default value: 45.276º Tilt-Tamper Time Filter

Address: 2046, bits 0-3

Description: This parameter allows to configure the time in which an angle higher than
the one configured in "Tilt Tamper Angle Change Threshold" parameter needs to be
detected in order to generate a Tilt Tamper event. The time configured in this parameter
is added to the inherent time it takes the IIR filters mechanism to identify the tilt tamper
(usually 2 seconds for 45 degrees threshold).
Resolution: 1 second
Data range: 0-15 seconds
Default value: 0 seconds

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10 Power Events

10.1 Power Threshold Settings

The thresholds listed below are used to determine if the main and backup power sources
are low.
Each of these conditions for each of the power sources (main and backup) is equipped by
pair of thresholds enabling to alerts in sessions.

10.1.1 Main Power Low Threshold – High/Low levels

Address: 115 – high level

116 – low level
Description: The unit will trigger “Main Battery low” alert if the measured level of the
main power will be lower than the value programmed in Main Power Low Threshold Low
Level parameter.
The unit will trigger “Main Battery OK” alert if the measured level of the main power will
be higher than the value programmed in Main Power Low Threshold High Level.
Data format: 8-bit unsigned,
Default values:
Address 115: 10.584V
Address 116: 10.1136V

10.1.2 Backup Battery Low Threshold – High/Low Levels

Address: 119 – High level

120 – Low level
Description: The unit will trigger “Battery low” alert if the measured level of the backup
battery will be lower than the value programmed in Backup Battery Low Threshold Low
Level parameter.
Note that the unit is not charging the battery in Ignition Off mode except in the following

 When the Battery Low alert was issued upon Stop Event. In this case the unit might
activate the charger for limited time (as specified in "Maximum extra charge time"

 "Charge irrespectively to an operational mode" parameter is enabled.

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The unit will trigger “Battery OK” alert when the measured level of the Backup Battery will
become higher than the value, programmed in Backup Battery Power Low Threshold High
Note that since the measured voltage of the backup battery during charging is ~0.2V
higher then measurement without a charging it is possible that the unit will report status
change (battery low or battery high) too early.
In order to prevent this situation it is recommended not to set the battery thresholds to
Data format: 8-bit unsigned, 0.01647058823V/bit.
Default values: Address 119: 3.48V
Address 120: 3.52V

10.2 Power Events/Distress Control

10.2.1 Enabled Main Power Disconnected in Ignition Off Mode alert

Address: 121, bit 0 for events

122, bit 0 for distress
Description: If this bit is set the unit will generate appropriate alerts upon detection
Main Power disconnected session start and end.
Default value: 0 – disabled

10.2.2 Enabled Main Power Low in Ignition Off Mode Alert

Address: 121, bit 1 for events

122, bit 1 for distress
Description: If this bit is set the unit will generate appropriate alerts upon detection
Main Power Low session start and end.
Default value: 0 – disabled

10.2.3 Enabled Backup Battery Disconnected in Ignition Off Mode Alert

Address: 121, bit 2 for events

122, bit 2 for distress
Description: If this bit is set the unit will generate appropriate alerts upon detection
Backup Battery Disconnect session start and end.

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NOTE: The backup battery disconnection is sensed by voltage on NTC channel.

Default value: 0 – disabled

10.2.4 Enabled Backup Battery Low in Ignition Off Mode Alert

Address: 121, bit 3 for events

122, bit 3 for distress
Description: If this bit is set the unit will generate appropriate alerts upon detection
Backup Battery Low session start and end.
Default value: 0 - disabled

10.2.5 Enabled Main Power Disconnected in Ignition On Mode Alert

Address: 121, bit 4 for events

122, bit 4 for distress
Description: If this bit is set the unit will generate appropriate alerts upon detection
Main Power disconnected session start and end.
Default value: 0 – disabled

10.2.6 Enabled Main Power Low in Ignition On Mode Alert

Address: 121, bit 5 for events

122, bit 5 for distress
Description: If this bit is set the unit will generate appropriate alerts upon detection
Main Power Low session start and end.
Default value: 0 – disabled

10.2.7 Enabled Backup Battery Disconnected in Ignition On Mode Alert

Address: 121, bit 6 for events

122, bit 6 for distress
Description: If this bit is set the unit will generate appropriate alerts upon detection
Backup Battery Disconnect session start and end.

 If backup battery is not installed the unit will not generate the "backup battery
disconnected" alert.

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 The backup battery disconnection is sensed by voltage on NTC channel.

Default value: 0 – disabled

10.2.8 Enabled Backup Battery Low in Ignition On Mode Alert

Address: 121, bit 7 for events

122, bit 7 for distress
Description: If this bit is set the unit will generate appropriate alerts upon detection
Backup Battery Low session start and end.
Default value: 0 - disabled

10.2.9 Period between the Alerts, Triggered by Detection of Power


Address: 1346
Description: Normally the trigger configured as a "plain event" is only generated once,
and the one configured as "distress" is generating single distress session upon trigger
detection (as described above in this document).
The "Main Power disconnected" is an exception from this rule. This alert can be generated
many times.
Note that if Main Power Disconnected alert is configured as "Distress" – it will cause a
number of Distress sessions, according to the number, programmed in this parameters.
Resolution and data format: Minutes, from 1 to 255. 0 – backward compatible mode,
cancels the repetitions (event or session will only be generated once)
Default value: 0 – repetitions canceled

10.3 Radio-Off Mode (Hardcoded - Always Enabled)

Previously in Address: 1349, bit 1 (Now it does not have any configuration bit)
Note that the bit was added in Codebase 30j and removed in 31p; in all other versions
this feature is always enabled.
The feature described below is not applicable for CelloTrack variants. For CelloTrack
Radio-Off please refer to: Radio-Off (CelloTrack and CelloTrack Power)

Description: When the main power of Cello is disconnected and the unit is solely working
from internal backup battery the unit will switch its modem upon discharge of the battery
lower than 3.5V.

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This way the remaining charge of the battery will allow maintenance of GPS, processor
and memory for generation (without OTA sending) of high number of events before
entering "Shipment Mode" (battery disconnect).
The unit will do the following:
1. Log an especial event "modem off" (TR207, specific data field 2) upon:
 Solely working from internal backup battery.
 Detection of internal backup battery voltage lower than 3.5V (on any temperature)
for longer than 1 second (100 samples).
2. Switch the modem off 2 seconds after the event generation, but keep generating and
logging events.
 The modem is switched off even if there is a data transfer upon timer expiration.
 Once switched off, the modem will be switched back on only upon main power
3. Log an especial event "Auto-Shipment due to a low power" (TR207, specific data field
0) upon discharging to 3.25V for longer than 1 second (100 samples).
4. Enter "Shipment Mode".

Default (Hardcoded) value: 1 - Enabled

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11 Geo-Fences

11.1 Geo-Fence
The group of parameters below contains configuration structures of 100 internal Geo-
Fences of Cellocator unit. Each geo-fence is a rectangular perimeter, activated in a
selected time of the day. It is equipped by violation condition, capable to trigger an alert
or output activity upon occurrence.
During Ignition On mode the unit is continually examining its location and checking if it is
violating a condition of one of the fields.
Each of a 100 geo-fences is a structure of 16 bytes in the following order:
Byte 15

Byte 14

Byte 13

Byte 12

Byte 11

Byte 10

Byte 3
Byte 9

Byte 8

Byte 7

Byte 6

Byte 5

Byte 4

Byte 2

Byte 1

Byte 0
Field Config Maximal Latitude of Fence's Maximal Longitude of Fence's Configuration
description . byte Latitude Centrum Longitude Centrum bytes 1,2 and 3
4 Displace- Displace-
ment ment


Fence 0

Fence 1


Fence 99


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11.1.1 Format of Geographical Perimeter

Address: 2496-4095
Name in Programmer: EdgePoint 0001 – 0100
Description: The perimeter is defined by center coordinates and maximal displacement
for each coordinate (the same structure for longitude and latitude). The coordinates are
the usual 10-8 radians format. The displacement is 10 8 256 radians (the same format like
the coordinates but without the least significant byte and the most significant byte,
keeping only the middle bytes).

Maximal Longitude Displacement Longitude of Fence's Centrum

Segment Byte 8 Segment Byte 7 Segment Byte 6 Segment Byte 5 Segment Byte 4 Segment Byte 3

Maximal Latitude Displacement Latitude of Fence's Centrum

Segment Byte 14 Segment Byte 13 Segment Byte 12 Segment Byte 11 Segment Byte 10 Segment Byte 9

Default value: all bytes are zeroes (all waypoints disabled).

11.1.2 Four Configuration Bytes of the Fence

Address: Bytes 0, 1, 2 and 15 of each fence:

Output Control End time hours5 End time minutes Start time hours Start time minutes
Thresholds Select

31 Speed Limiting


29 Activation













Config. Byte 3 Config. Byte 2 Config. Byte 1 Config. Byte 0

Segment Byte 15 Segment Byte 2 Segment Byte 1 Segment Byte 0

In order to set certain fence to be permanently active the start time shall be set to 0:00 and the
end time to 24:00

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11.1.3 TOE - Type of Entry

This field defines the usage of an appropriate Fence entry.

Bit Bit 1 Bit 0 Entry type Geo Fence

24 Heading

0 0 0 Entry is inactive (the whole 16 No

bytes are ignored by the unit)

0 0 1 Entry is active and treated as Yes

waypoint data

0 1 0 Entry is “keep out” fence data Yes

(unit must be outside location

0 1 1 Entry is “keep in” fence data (unit Yes

must be inside location window)

1 0 0 Entry is treated as Geo-hotspot Yes

(both entering and leaving cause
a trigger)

1 0 1 Entry is treated as Modem Off Yes

zone. The unit generates an
event and switches off the
Cellular modem 10 seconds after
entering the zone.
The modem is turned on
immediately upon exiting from
the "no modem zone".

1 1 0 Speed limiting zone Yes

1 1 1 PointerCept No

11.1.4 Waypoint
Waypoints are perimeters, which the unit has to be found at defined time intervals. The
unit must be found in the perimeter for at least one sample in the whole time window.
Once it happens, the waypoint is "checked" (i.e. no additional checks will be done for this
waypoint). If this does not happen, the unit will trigger a dedicated alert.

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11.1.5 Geo Hot Spot

Generates trigger on entry and exit to a fenced zone. Transmission reason 191, Trigger's
transmission-reason-specific data: Bits 0-6 is the index of the slot. Most significant bit (bit
7) indicates direction: entry to hot spot ("1") or exit from hot spot ("0"). Behavior is not
affected by fence logic bit. Please note, Hot-Spot does not trigger outputs.

11.1.6 No Modem Zone

Generates trigger when shutting down modem as a result of entry to "no modem zone".
Trigger is generated only for the first fence that causes the modem's shutdown. Upon
entry to another overlapping (or common boundary) "no modem" zones, while modem is
already turned off, no more triggers are generated. Modem is shut down 10 seconds after
entering "no modem zone", regardless of trigger settings.
The modem is turned on immediately upon exiting from the "no modem zone".

11.1.7 Output Control

Geo-fence violation can trigger output activation. This feature is designed to let the unit
automatically notify the driver that he is violating pre-programmed geo-fence rule and, in
critical cases, even auto- immobilize a vehicle.
5 bits in each entry are defined for output activation as follows:

Activation pattern Output Number

Bit 29 Bit 28 Bit 27 Bit 26 Bit 25

The violation of the "Keep In", "Keep out" Geo-Fence will trigger output activation upon
violation (after Geo-Fence violation filter);
The Modem Off zone will trigger an output while inside the Geo-Fence (note that it is
possible to invert the logic of some outputs programmatically and this way to trigger
output activation outside the fence).
The output will be automatically deactivated upon Geo-Fence violation end.
The output activated by Geo-Fence logic is persistent, e.g. not disturbed by reset or AHR.
Upon violation the activated output might be switched off by Output Control Command
from Central Control. The unit will "remember" the status of the output and will restore it
upon initialization in case of reset.
Once deactivated by command, the output will be re-activated upon next violation.
The logic of the zone violation is set by zone type in TOE of the zone (for example Keep
Out zone will cause an assigned output to be activated when the unit will enter this zone).

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Outputs Number description:

Output’s name Output’s number

Feature Disabled 0

Siren 1

Gradual Stop 2

St. Immobilizer 3


Blinkers 5

CFE Out 3 6

CFE Out 4 or PSP indication beep (if PSP 7

was enabled, Relevant only for session
start i.e. Entering the Zone)

11.1.8 Output Activation Pattern

Setting Action

0 Pulse Activation (The output shall be activated for the time, defined in
"Pulse Outputs Width Period", addr. 140 dec.

1 Change state to “active” upon trigger

2 Activate Gradually (only compatible with Gradual Stop output)

3 Activate Nested (executed only after vehicle stops, e.g. Ignition off or 10
valid GPS packets showing speed lower than 1 km/h)

11.2 Fences Configuration

11.2.1 Geo-Fence Logic

Address: 6, bit 5
Description: This parameter defines the reference of the unit to the geo-fences
(Applicable only for Keep In and Keep Out types).
Global context mode (fence logic = 0)
Keep in fences logic:
When position changes, trigger is generated if both terms below are true:

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 In the new position *ALL* keep-in fences are in violation state (meaning - position is
outside all keep-in fences).

 Previously at least one of the fences wasn't in violation state (position was in the area
of at least one of the fences).
Trigger's transmission-reason-specific data is the index of latest slot that changed its
status to violation state.
Keep out fences logic:
When position changes, trigger is generated if both the terms below are true:

 In the new position at least one of the fences is in violation state (meaning - position
is inside one of the keep-out fences).

 Previously *ALL* keep-out fences weren't in violation state (position was outside the
area of all keep-out fences).
Trigger's transmission-reason-specific data is the index of latest slot that changed its
status to violation state.
Discrete context mode (fence logic = 1):
Triggers are generated discretely for violation of each keep-in/out fence, regardless of
other fences status. Trigger's transmission-reason-specific data is the index of the slot
that changed its status to violation state.
Default: 0 - Global context mode

11.2.2 Geo-Fence Violation Filter

Address: 1006
Description: This parameter designed to reduce number of fault Geo-Fence violation
events. It defines required amount of sequential valid GPS packets (GPS packets are
received every second) introducing Geo-Fence violation in order to generate an alert.
Default value: 1
Note: the violation filter is not applicable with waypoint type Geo-Fences (since by
definition, in a waypoint type Geo-Fence one GPS sample in which the unit is inside the
Geo-Fence perimeter is enough to "check" positively this Geo-Fence).

11.2.3 Ignore Geo-Fence Violation on Boot (after Reset)

Address: 1, bit 2
Description: If this bit is set, the "first geo-violation changes ignore" mode is activated.
This mode allows avoiding generation violation repetitions upon any kind of reset. In this
mode, the unit will use the first stable violation state as the baseline for subsequent
processing of geo-fences.

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This means that any geo-fences in violation state on the first stable status are not
reported, and only subsequent changes are reported.
Once started, "first geo-violation changes ignore" mode terminates when:

 A valid, stable GPS fix and geo-fence state is achieved. Any geo-violations at this
point are not reported, and used as baseline.

 120 seconds timeout expires. The rationale for this is not ignore important changes
occurring at a later time, if this state started when there is no GPS coverage.

 After "first geo-violation changes ignore mode" ends, subsequent geo-violation

changes are reported as usual.
Note that due to this mode's timeout, if GPS takes longer than 120 seconds to achieve a
fix after boot, any active geo-violation will be reported as usual when GPS fix is finally
Default value: 0 – Do not ignore violations on boot

11.2.4 Control of Geo-Fence Alters (Events and Distress) Keep In Geo-Fence Zone Violation

Address: 1004, bit 0

1005, bit 0
Description: If this bit is enabled the unit will generate an alerts upon violation of Keep
In Type of Geo-Zones.
Default: 0 – both Disable Keep Out Geo-Fence Zone Violation

Address: 1004, bit 1

1005, bit 1
Description: If this bit is enabled the unit will generate an alerts upon violation of Keep
Out Type of Geo-Zones.
Default: 0 – both Disable Way Point Violation

Address: 1004, bit 2

1005, bit 2
Description: If this bit is enabled the unit will generate an alerts upon violation of Way
Point Type of Geo-Zones.
Default: 0 – both Disable

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Address: 1004, bit 3

1005, bit 3
Description: If this bit is enabled the unit will generate an alerts upon violation of Geo
Hot Spot Type of Geo-Zones.
Default: 0 – both Disable No Modem Zone Entry

Address: 1004, bit 4

1005, bit 4
Description: If this bit is enabled the unit will generate an alerts upon violation of No
Modem Type of Geo-Zones.
Default: 0 – both Disable

11.2.5 Geo-Fence Heading Angle

Address: 1921-2020
Description: This feature enables each Geo-Fence to be conditioned by the vehicle’s
approach angle. An array of 100 bytes was allocated in the unit’s configuration memory to
hold the Geo-Fence approach angle entries. Each entry holds a number between 0 to 11
representing 12 possible angle ranges of 30 degrees with resolution of +- 30 Degrees.
Each entry also holds control bits to enable the Geo-Fence Angle for direct and opposite
Enable Enable Spare Geo-Fence Approach Angle
direct Opposite
approach approach Code Engle
Angle angle [Degrease]
0 0
1 30
2 60
3 90
4 120
5 150
6 180
7 210
8 240
9 270

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10 300
11 330

7 6 5 4 0-3

The following diagram shows possible scenario of a vehicle approaching geo-Fence with
predefined heading relative to earth’s north and the same vehicle approaching the same
geo-fence from the opposite direction. In this case both enable bits must be set to detect
the event. The feature can trigger outputs just like any Geo-Fence. It is possible to
generate audible alert via CE8 device if PSP is enabled and Geo-Fence output code
number 7 is selected. See Geo-Fence output control. For more information about the
relations between GEO-Fence heading and the TOE (Type of Entry field setting the Goe-
Fence functional settings please refer to: GeoEnceHeadingAngleSupport. Please note Hot-
Spot does not support output activation.
Opposite Approach



Direct Approach

Default: 0 – Disable

11.2.6 Geo-Fence Priority

Address: 6550-6574
Description: Geo-Fences are defined by a center coordinate, and latitude + longitude
displacements from center (i.e. only rectangular zones can be defined).

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Thus, when trying to cover a road (which obviously has turns and curves) with the
rectangular Geo-Fences, some overlapping between Geo-Fences is necessary.
In some cases, this causes the unit to produce too many speed violation events, which may
cause excess workload and confusion to the operator.
To solve this and create zone "continuity", a configurable priority is assigned for each Geo-
The priorities are:

Priority Value
1 (highest) 00
2 01
3 10
4 (lowest) - default 11

Address 6574 ... Address 6550

GeoFence GeoFence GeoFence GeoFence GeoFence GeoFence GeoFence GeoFence
100 99 98 97 4 3 2 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

When the priorities of overlapping Geo-Fences are different, the unit considers only the
boundary of the highest priority Geo-Fence:

Priority 1 Priority 1

Priority 2 Priority 2

When the priorities of overlapping Geo-Fences are equal, the unit considers them as one
Geo-Fence with common boundaries:

Priority 2 Priority 2

Priority 2

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12 Towing Detection and Towed Mode (Not

supported by CelloTrack)

12.1 Towing Detection

Towing detection logic is activated in Engine Off mode irrespective of Hibernation mode.
The unit will store the coordinates upon Stop alert generation (only if the location
considered as valid).
During parking (continually, upon GPS peek, as per hibernation mode settings; the GPS
peek can also be activated upon movement detection by accelerometer) the unit will
examine its location and speed. If the location changes from the Journey Stop or speed
are detected while ignition switch is off – the towing alert will be triggered.

12.1.1 Towing Detection - Speed Threshold

Address: 132 –133

Description: The unit will trigger “Speed Detected During Parking” alert if:

 The measured value of speed will be higher than the value programmed in this

 Towing detection alert (event or distress) is enabled

Data format: 16-bit unsigned. [km/h] units.
Default value: 200 (~7.2 km/h)

12.1.2 Towing Detection - Geo-Fence Perimeter

Address: 134-135
Description: The unit will trigger “Geo-fence violation” alert if
latitude or longitude of the current location differ from the location
recorded upon Stop by more than programmed in this parameter.
Note that this alert will not be triggered if the location recorded
upon Journey Stop is invalid.
Data format: 16-bit unsigned integer, 10-8 radians resolution.
Default value: 4096

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12.1.3 Towing Detection and Towed Mode Time Filter

Address: 137
Description: This parameter defines the time of which towing speed or location violation
are required to be detected for Towing Detection, or accelerometer movement is required
to be detected for Towed Mode.
Range: 0-255 Seconds
Default value: 10 Seconds

12.1.4 Enable GPS Wake Up upon Movement for Towing Detection

Address: 467, bit 1

Description: This parameter only affects if Movement detection source is set as
"Ignition Input". If this bit is set, the unit will wake up GPS for immediate legacy Towing
Detection procedure upon movement detection while ignition is off.
Default value: 1– wake up GPS

12.1.5 Towing Alerts (Distress and Event) Control Enable Alert upon Towing Speed Detection

Address: 99, bit 6 for event

102, bit 6 for distress
Description: This parameter enables generation of the Towing Speed alert upon
Default Value: 0 – Disabled Enable Alert upon Towing Location Detection

Address: 99, bit 7 for event

102, bit 7 for distress
Description: This parameter enables generation of the Towing Location change alert
upon detection. Note that this alert will only be generated if valid GPS location was
recorded upon Trip Stop.
Default Value: 0 – Disabled

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12.2 Towed Mode

Towed mode allows to detect vehicle movement, when the in Ignition Off, depending on
accelerometer (rather than the older Towing Detection feature which depends on GPS).
The pre-conditions for entering Towed Mode are:

 "Enable Towed Mode" (address 467, bit 6) is enabled

 "Use accelerometer for Start&Stop" (address 467, bit 0) is set to 0 (Ignition (Legacy))
– Towed Mode feature works only when connecting the unit to physical ignition line.

 Ignition is Off
Given that those pre-conditions exist, the unit will enter Towed Mode when movement is
detected for longer than the time defined in "Towing Detection and Towed Mode Time
Filter" (address 137).
The movement threshold depends on "Movement Detection type" (address 467, Bit 2),
"Sensitivity" (address 467, 3-4), and on the unit mode (Operational/Hibernation).
During Towed Mode the unit will behave exactly as it would do during Ignition On, except
for the following:

 The Ignition switch will remain Off

 If "Enable Start-Stop Towed Mode event/distress" (address 470, bit 0/1) are enabled:
 Instead of Driving Start event (TR69) the unit will send Towed Mode Start event
 Instead of Driving Stop event (TR53) the unit will send Towed Mode Stop event

 Unit Mode of Operation field in all corresponding Wire and Wireless messages will
contain Towed Mode (0x10).
The unit will exit Towed Mode when:

 Ignition switches to On (physical input status). In this case the unit will send:
 Towing Mode Stop event (TR8/STR2)
 Driving Start event (TR69)

 Idling (lack of movement) is detected for longer than defined in "Towing Detection
and Towed Mode Time Filter" (address 137). In this case the unit will send Towing
Mode Stop event (TR8/STR2).

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12.2.1 Enable Towed Mode

Address 467, bit 6

Description: This parameter allows to enable Towed Mode.

Default Value: 0 – Disabled

12.2.2 Enable Towed Mode Start-Stop Distress/Event

Address 470, bit 0 - for event

bit 1 – for distress
Description: These parameters allow to enable Towed Mode Start-Stop events (TR8,
STR1 or 2) upon entrance or exit to or from Towed Mode.
Default: 0 – Disable

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13 External Keyboard (Cello-AR Advance Recovery)

This section is only applicable for Cello-AR modifications.

The Cellocator units, integrated with the external security system, are a budgetary
alternative to the integrated alarm systems used today in the SVR market.
The Cello AR system contains the Cello unit, keyboard for driver authentication, up to 2
wired immobilizing devices and unlimited number of wireless immobilizing devices.
The Cello AR system supports Cello 31e features codebase and wireless access to
immobilizing system:

 Security states: armed, disarmed, standby, garage / service, keypad locked. The
states also include manual and automatic procedures for entering and exiting the

 Disarming the system via user code, master code, and emergency disarming using the
ignition switch.

 Changing the user code.

 Identifying, assigning and removing the assignment of the immobilizing devices.

 The CelloAR is adding the following functions to the legacy functions of key pad.

 OTA communication with control center for Event reporting, parameters programming
and commands receiving.

 Identification and authentication method based on user code, and authentication code
(Rav Kodan® − more info is provided in the Driver Identification and Authentication
section in this document).

 ECall and BCall using Cellocator Hands Free.

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 The key pad is integrated with Cello unit through proprietary protocol based on 1-
Wire™ protocol (refer to 1-Wire Interface Protocol).

13.1 Pairing Procedure

Pairing is a procedure of setting the detected Keyboard ID as a "valid" keyboard. Once
pairing procedure is completed, the unit will validate continuous presence of the specific
keyboard (if bit 5 of address 1910 is set the unit will not validate continuous presence of
the keyboard).
Once the specific keyboard disconnected or replaced, the unit reacts by an immediate
message generation and/or Alarm Cadence (configurable).
The pairing procedure is initiated by the keyboard: certain user activity inserts the system
into a pairing mode.
During pairing process the LED on the Keyboard is indicating pairing mode.
The keyboard ID, received during Pairing Request session is recorded as valid ID into a
non-volatile memory.
Any previous paired keyboard ID is erased upon new pairing.
Upon the Pairing Procedure end the unit will generate a msg. Type 0 with TR 91, STR 11
– pairing accomplished

13.2 Keyboard Configuration

13.2.1 Enable Keyboard

Address: 1709, bit 0

Description: If this bit is enabled (1) – the system will:
 Allow data forwarding from/to the keyboard, connected to the 1-Wire port (using
OTA Msg type 9, sub-data 0xB)
 Allow particular parsing of the data received from keyboard (as described below)
and its monitoring in position messages.
Default: 1 – Enable

13.2.2 Keyboard Msg Type 9 Data Source

Address: 1709, bit 1

Description: This bit defines OTA delivery method of messages type 9, triggered by
keyboard activity.

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 Zero – will cause the unit to deliver this message as a logged event using the same
rules (same numerator sequence, requires acknowledge)

 One – will cause the unit to deliver it as a real time event. In this case the ACK is
unnecessary; the message will be delivered by first available communication
Default: 1 – Real time event

13.2.3 Wrong Keyboard ID Detection

Address: 1709
bit 2 Alarm Cadence
bit 3 Distress
bit 4 Event
Description: If a corresponding bit is enabled, and Pairing Procedure was accomplished,
the unit will activate an Alarm Cadence (see below in this document), generate and event
or distress upon detection of wrong (not paired) keyboard.

Event/ Distress

The event/distress message type 0 with TR 91, STR 10.

The unit will repeat event/distress every ignition on until the correct keyboard will be
detected or pairing procedure will be repeated.

Alarm Cadence

The unit will repeat the Alarm Cadence every ignition on until the correct keyboard will be
detected or pairing procedure will be repeated.

Default: All zeros (Disable)

13.2.4 Keyboard Disconnection Detection

Address: 1709
bit 5 Alarm Cadence
bit 6 Distress
bit 7 Event
Description: If this bit is enabled, and Pairing Procedure was accomplished, the unit will
activate an Alarm Cadence (see below in this document), generate and event or distress
16 seconds after last Keyboard ID detection.

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Event/ Distress

The event/distress message type 0 with TR 201, STR 0.

The Com. Status bit in byte 33 will contain 1 (Communication Loss).
The unit will repeat event/distress every ignition on until the correct keyboard will be
detected or Pairing procedure will be repeated.

Alarm Cadence

The unit will repeat the Alarm Cadence every ignition on until the correct keyboard will be
detected or pairing procedure will be repeated.
Default: All zeros (Disable)

13.2.5 Enable Forwarding Data from Keyboard to Serial Port

Address: 1710, bit 0

Description: If this bit is enabled, any message forwarded from the Keyboard is
duplicated both to wire and to wireless channels.
Otherwise message forwarded from the Keyboard is only forwarded to to the wireless
Default: Zero (Disable)

13.2.6 Enable Malfunction Report

Address: 1710
bit 1 Distress
bit 2 Event
Description: If those bits are enabled upon reception of the corresponding message
from the keyboard the unit will trigger OTA message type 0 (event or distress) with
transmission reason 91 and STR described in the table below.

STR Description
Keypad Undefined Failure
Immobilizer device wires disconnection
Keypad locked
Relay malfunction
Ignition wire disconnected
Starter signal detection

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STR Description
Starter malfunction
Hotwiring Detection*
Primary cut unit failure
Secondary cut unit failure
Wrong keyboard ID detected
Pairing Accomplished
Keypad flash failed
Alarm Cadence Activated by Keyb
Alarm Cadence Deactivated by Keyb
ECALL Initiated
BCALL Initiated
* This STR is sent as single real time event before call initiation irrespectively from the
status of the bits.
Default: bit 1 Distress – 1 (Enable)
bit 2 Event 1 – (Enable)

13.2.7 Activate Alarm Cadence upon Hotwiring Detection

Address: 1710, bit 3

Description: If this bit is enabled the unit will auto-activate Alarm cadence upon
reception of corresponding (Hot Wiring) malfunction report from 1-Wire channel.
Default: 1 (Enable)

13.2.8 Generate Msg. Type 0 Reply for Commands Addressed to Keyboard

Address: 1710, bit 4

Description: If this bit is enabled in programming (address 1710, bit 4=1) the unit will
generate an active ACK (Message type 0, Reply) to OTA Messages type 9, sub-type B.
This ACK will contain command ID of the corresponding message type 9, sub-type B in its
message numerator field.
Default: 1 (Enable)

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13.2.9 Disable Pairing

Address: 1710, bit 5

Description: If Pairing is enabled (Address 1710 bit 5) the unit will send OTA
event/distress message type 0 with TR 201, STR 0. The Com. Status in byte 33 of OTA
Msg type 0 will contain 1 indicating Communication Loss with the Keyboard or pairing
If pairing is disabled (Address 1710 bit 5): the unit will send OTA event/distress message
type 0 with TR 201, STR 0. The Com. Status in byte 33 of OTA Msg type 0 will contain 1
indicating Keyboard communication loss only.
Default: 1 (Enable)

13.3 Alarm Cadence

Alarm Cadence is an activation of selected outputs for session of sequential pulses, used
for visual and audio alarm notification.
It is possible to activate an Alarm Cadence:

 By OTA command type 0, Command Code 0x06, data field 1 – '1' to activated, '0' to
deactivate. Data Field 2 – don't care.

 The 1-Wire interface, using keyboard initiated Msg h88, code 2.

 Self activation, further to detection of wrong keyboard ID or keyboard disconnection

(per configuration).

13.3.1 Alarm Cadence outputs selection

Address: 450
Bit 0 – Siren (pin 8, unavailable in CAN variants)
Bit 4 – Blinkers (pin 18)
Description: During Alarm Cadence the unit will activate selected outputs according to
the template described below.
Default: both 1 – Enable

13.3.2 Alarm Cadence Template: Number of Cycles

Address: 1712, bits 0-3

Description: This parameter defines number of activations of selected outputs during
Alarm Cadence.
Default: both 1 – Enable

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13.3.3 Alarm Cadence Template: On Time

Address: 1713, bits 3-7

Description: This parameter defines length of activation of selected outputs during
Alarm Cadence.
Resolution: 3 Seconds/bit
Default: 1 (3 seconds)

13.3.4 Alarm Cadence Template: Off Time

Address: 1713, bits 0-2

Description: This parameter defines time between activations of selected outputs during
Alarm Cadence.
Resolution: 3 Seconds/bit
Default: 1 (3 seconds)

13.4 BCALL (Brake down) Destination Number

Addresses: 167-176
Description: Stores the default target address used by the unit upon BCALL (Brake
down) call initiated from the Keyboard. Under normal circumstances, this will be the
number of a service center.
Data format: First byte should contain the total amount of digits that make up the actual
address (not including address type byte). Second byte is the address type byte, which
should be 91h for international address (recommended type to use, to allow roaming) or
81h for local address. The rest of the bytes contain the actual address, encoded in BCD.
The order of the transmission is bytes with lower address first, lower nibbles (nibble = 4
bit) first. If only the lower nibble of a byte is used (this is legal only in the last byte – in
case this is the last digit of the address), the higher nibble should have all of its bits set
(the nibble should contain 15 dec). The rest of the bytes that are not used should contain
Default value: Null

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14 CFE

14.1 General
Communication and Functionality Extender is designed to split the COM port of Cello
device and enables concurrent connection of multiple devices with COM interface (in the
future Bluetooth or USB connectivity might be developed).
Communication and Functionality Extender is utilizing HW architecture based on Cello
device and providing 26 interface pins in two connectors (6 pins and 20 pins).
The CFE used as serial multiplexer will associate between CFE serial interfaces and Cello
protocols. The relations between the protocols and the serial interfaces will be defined by
the PL.
In the downstream direction, each datagram coming from the OTA protocol will be
processed by the Cello FW and routed to its destination CFE serial protocol.
In the upstream direction, serial messages originated by the CFE serial interfaces will be
forwarded to the server (via OTA) based on the associated protocol assigned.

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14.2 Block Diagram

Re-flashing JTag
Microcontroller STM101 64pins Module
COM2 port +
HW flow
Readiness to USB port control

DC/DC 12/24V
Readiness to
D8 driver (to replace 4th COM
by D8 port)

Input’s Output’s Power

CMOS to drivers drivers driver
th (ULN)
5 COM port RS232 (+

4th COM port

GP Inputs + Ignition


DC out ready (5V)

3rd COM port

1st COM port Dedicated for Cello

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14.3 Programmable CFE Parameters

The CFE programming parameters are part of the Cello configuration map. When CFE
related parameters are reconfigured via OTA programming command or serial
programming command an automatic process is triggered to submit the new
configuration from the Cello towards the CFE configuration memory.
Please note that changing Cello’s “Hibernation Mode Delay” will also initiate CFE’s
configuration map reprogramming as this parameter is used by CFE to coordinate full
system hibernation.

Cello Configuration command Periodic ping query detects

updated CFE config region in mismatch between Cello and CFE
the Cello Config map config maps (In the CFE reagon)
1 2
Map 3 Map
Auto Reprogramming is initiated and
the CFE configuration map is
coppyed from Cello to CFE

Config Config

Cello CFE

14.3.1 Enable CFE

Address: 6, bit 6
Description: If this bit is enabled Communication and Functionality Extender and M2H
Data Range: 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable
Default: 0 - Disable

14.3.2 Enable CFE as IO Extender

Address: 6, bit 0
Description: When this bit is set the CFE will start functioning as Cello IO extender.
Data Range: 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable
Default: 1 - Enable

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14.3.3 Automatic CFE Power Mode Control

Address: 6, bit 7
Description: If this bit is enabled the Cello unit will send a corresponding "Unit state
change packet" to CFE upon any change in "Driving status", irrespectively if it is sourced
from Ignition port or Accelerometer.
Data Range: 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable
Default: 0 - Disable

14.3.4 Enable CFE Connected & Disconnected Events

Address: 1347, bit 2
Description: If this bit is enabled, CFE Connected/Disconnected events will be
Data Range: 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable
Default: 1 - Enable

14.3.5 Enable CFE Connected & Disconnected Distress

Address: 1347, bit 3
Description: If this bit is enabled, CFE Connected/Disconnected distress will be
Data Range: 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable
Default: 0 - Disable

14.3.6 Enable Auto-Programming of CFE due to CRC32 Error

Address: 1347, bit 5
Description: If this bit is enabled, the unit will initiate reprogramming of the CFE, if the
CRC of the keep alive message (between the unit and the CFE) is incorrect.
Data Range: 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable
Default: 1 - Enable

14.3.7 Enable CFE Data Updates during Ignition Off

Address: 1347, bit 6
Description: When this bit is enabled the CFE will send periodic analog measurements
also during ignition off.
Data Range: 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable
Default: 0 - Disable

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14.3.8 CFE COM 1 (Cello Port) Configuration

Address: 1714, 1715

Reserved Baud rate

(for COM1 and COM2 (Bluetooth) hardcoded to 460800)

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Reserved Flow Control Stop Bits Parity

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

14.3.9 CFE COM 3 (Cello Port) Configuration

Address: 1716, 1717

Reserved Baud rate

(for COM1 and COM2 (Bluetooth) hardcoded to 460800)

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Reserved Flow Control Stop Bits Parity

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

14.3.10 CFE COM 4 (Cello Port) Configuration

Address: 1718, 1719

Reserved Baud rate

(for COM1 and COM2 (Bluetooth) hardcoded to 460800)

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Reserved Flow Control Stop Bits Parity

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

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14.3.11 CFE COM 5 (Cello Port) Configuration

Address: 1720, 1721

Reserved Baud rate

(for COM1 and COM2 (Bluetooth) hardcoded to 460800)

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Reserved Flow Control Stop Bits Parity

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

14.3.12 CFE VOUT Control

Address: 1726

Reserved Enable Vout


Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

14.3.13 CFE Hibernation Setting Bitmask

Address: 1727

Reserved Keep UART1 on Enable Full Hibernation

during Full

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

The flag "Keep UART1 ON during hibernation" is only applicable while the physical ignition
(Input 1 function = Ignition) is used as an ignition source. Otherwise UART1 is always

14.3.14 CFE Bluetooth Page Mode (Infrastructure)

Address: 1754
Description: Page mode controls whether iWRAP can be seen in the inquiry and whether
it can be connected. This command can also be used to change the page timeout.

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0 - Bluetooth Switch off

1 - Unsupported
2 - iWRAP is NOT visible in the inquiry but answers calls
3 - iWRAP is visible in the inquiry and answers calls
4 - Just like mode 3 if there are NO connections. If there are connections, it is like mode
0. (default value)

Ignition On Average Hibernation

Bits 4-7 Bits 0-3

14.3.15 CFE Page Scan Mode (Infrastructure)

Address: 1757
Description: This parameter configures the Bluetooth page scan mode. The possible
values are:
0 - Mode R0 means that iWRAP IS connectable all the time. High current consumption!
Since iWRAP is all the time connectable, it will not be visible in the inquiry, no matter
what the page mode configuration is.
1 - Mode R1 means that iWRAP is connectable every 1.28 sec (the default value)
2 - Mode R2 means that iWRAP is connectable every 2.56 sec (lowest power

Ignition On Average Hibernation

Bits 4-7 Bits 0-3

14.3.16 CFE Bluetooth Pin Code (Infrastructure)

Address: 1758-1766
First byte contains the actual length (number of chars), 0-8, ASCII
Default value: 1234

14.3.17 CFE COM2 (Infrastructure)

Address: 1767-1768

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14.3.18 CFE Bluetooth Configuration (Infrastructure)

Address: 1769-1777

14.3.19 CFE Local Bluetooth Device’s Friendly Name (Infrastructure)

Address: 1778-1809
Description: The maximum length of a Bluetooth friendly name is 31 characters (31
bytes). The first byte contains the actual length of the parameter (in ASCII chars).
Whenever length is zero – the 32 bits paired Cello’s Unit ID will be used as Local
Bluetooth device’s friendly name.

14.3.20 CFE Input Type / Assigned Function

Address: 1810, bits 5-7: Input 1

1816, bits 5-7: Input 2
1822, bits 5-7: Input 3
1828, bits 5-7: Input 4
1834, bits 5-7: Input 5
1840, bits 5-7: Input 6
Description: This input is equipped by pair of internal resistors, which can be
programmatically turned into pull up, pull down or canceled at all. Therefore the input can
serve as digital or analog input of the types described below as well as a frequency

Input Type Description


0 Discrete Dry Contact (on board pull-up)

1 Discrete Normal (Wet Input)

2 Analog Backward Compatible (0-2.5V)

3 Analog New Range (0 – 30V)

4 Frequency meter

5 Pulse Counter (Enables Pulse Counting mechanism)

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6 12 bits Analog Backward Compatible (0-2.5V)

7 12 bits Analog New Range (0 – 30V)

Default Value: zero - Discrete Dry Contact

14.3.21 Function assigned to CFE input

Address: 1810, bits 0-4: Input 1

1816, bits 0-4: Input 2
1822, bits 0-4: Input 3
1828, bits 0-4: Input 4
1834, bits 0-4: Input 5
1840, bits 0-4: Input 6
Description: This field enables assignation of certain functionality to a CFE input.

Function Description Comment


0 Use as a GP input (default)

1 Use as a GP frequency meter (refer to frequency Only compatible to

metering section in this document) Type 4 (Frequency
2 Use as a Speed source (refer to frequency
metering section in this document)

3 CFE Ignition input Only for CFE Input 1

Default Value: zero – GP input

14.3.22 Scaling Factor for Frequency Report on CFE Input

Address: 1812, Input 1

1818, Input 2
1824, Input 3
1830, Input 4
1836, Input 5
1842, Input 6
Name in Programmer: Scaling Factor Frequency

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Description: Applicable only if CFE is selected as input type 4. The scaling factor is
intended to be used for conversion of the measured frequency into common unit of speed
(cm/sec) in case the measurement is utilized as a speed source or into any other
common format, if the input is used as a GP pulse frequency counter.
NOTE: This value may be calculated and programmed by the unit automatically during
the Auto-Calibration Process. (Refer to the Frequency Metering Section in this document)

Stored value of Scaling Factor (Sf * 1000)

First Configuration Byte (MSB) Second configuration byte (LSB)

In case of Speed Source (Input's type 4, Assigned function 2):

The value utilized as a speed [cm/sec] will be calculated as follows:
S = Fs ∗ Sf[cm⁄sec]
S – Momentary value of speed [cm/sec]
Fs – Measured frequency
Sf – scaling factor
(The scaling factor is stored as follows: Sf=stored value/1000).
NOTE: In this case the scaling factor is given by the specific vehicle and actually
translating number of pulses into a speed (in cm/sec).
When calibrating a vehicle at 40 Km/h (1111cm/sec), the index obtained is 54 (that is, 54
pulses per second). When the measured value is 108 pulses, it means that the vehicle is
running at 80 Km/h (2222cm/sec).
In this case the scaling factor will be Sf=1111 /54=20.576
Maximum value of an scaling factor of speed is Sf=65.535
The stored value of Sf will be 65535
In case of GP pulse frequency counter (Input's type 4, Assigned function 1):
The scaled value of the measurement will be reported in every position update from the
unit in one of the Analog Inputs monitoring bytes, as per the configuration described
above in this document.
The scaling factor, similarly to the previous case, is stored as follows:
Sf=stored value/1000
NOTE: Unlike the previous case the scaling factor here is a variable, adapted by the user
to report the measured frequency value with best possible resolution in one byte.

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Assuming the GP Pulse Frequency input is used to measure the engine speed (in RPM);
When calibrating a vehicle at 2000 RPM, the measured value is 116 (that is, 116 pulses
per second). When the system receives 232 pulses it means that the vehicle is running at
4000 RPM.
If maximum available engine speed is 8kRPM, let's set a resolution of 32RPM/Bit
(8000/255) in order to be able to report the measured value in single byte.
In our example we measure 2000/116=17.24 RPM/bit. Using simple proportion lets
calculate the scaling factor:
(stored value will be 0539)
The value reported in OTA message type 0 will be therefore:
Es = Fs ∗ Sf[32RPM/Bit]
Es – reported value of engine speed [32RPM/Bit]
Fs – Measured frequency
Sf– scaling factor

Default Value: 32

14.3.23 Threshold for CFE Input (Discrete Wet/Dry)

Address: 1814, Input 1

1820, Input 2
1826, Input 3
1832, Input 4
1838, Input 5
1844, Input 6
Description: Applicable only for discreet types (wet and dry)
This threshold defines the highest voltage on this input, which will still be considered as
logical zero. Any voltage above the value programmed in this parameter (as well as open
contact in case of dry) will be considered as logical "one".
NOTE: The type of input affects the voltage value; the same value will mean different
voltage for wet and discrete types.

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The unit is continually sampling voltage on this input and comparing the average
measurement (refer to parameter below) with the threshold programmed in this
Value span for wet type: 0 (0V) to 255 (30V).
Default Value: 125 (14.7V)
Value span for discrete type: 57 (0.2V) to 160 (1.45V). Any measured value below 57
or above 160 causes the unit to convert this value to default (125).
Default Value: 125 (1V)

14.3.24 Averaging Factor for CFE Input

Address: 1811, Input 1

1817, Input 2
1823, Input 3
1829, Input 4
1835, Input 5
1841, Input 6
Description: The unit is continually sampling voltage on this input every 10 msec. The
moving average of sample's number (preprogrammed in this parameter) is reported to
the application and/or compared with the threshold (previous parameter) in order to
decide concerning the logical level of the input.
NOTE: In Full Hibernation mode the unit is ignoring averaging factor and processing each
measurement sample separately
Default Value: 10 samples

14.3.25 CFE Inputs State Update Configuration

Address: 1846
Enable unsolicited Enable periodic
Update period (resolution of 0.5 seconds) updates (upon change) updates

0- Deactivate 0- Deactivate
1 - activate 1 - activate
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Description: This configuration byte controls the CFE I/O extender update message
behavior. Inputs sampled by the CFE are updated towards the Cello using periodic or
unsolicited messages. Usually we will use periodic updates if one of the inputs is
configured as Analog.

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CFE inputs update message format is described in section: 4.5 CFE: Periodic / Unsolicited
Extended I/O Status upon change.
Default: 0 (Disable) for bits 0, 1; 1 second for bits 2-7

14.3.26 Cello: Analog Measurements Update Period

Addresses: 520 – Home network

521 – Roaming network
NOTE: Modification does not require reset.
Resolution: 4 or 90 seconds as per resolution bit in a control byte.
Default value: both 1 minute (15)
Cello: Analog measurements update configuration bitmask.

Period multiplied by the resolution defined in Bit 2. Resolution Enable Enable

definer RT logged
0–4 0–
seconds 0– disable
1 – 90 disable 1-
seconds 1- enable

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

14.3.27 CFE Serial MUX Protocol Selection

Address: 1437 - Serial interface 2
1438 - Serial interface 3
1439 - Serial interface 4
1440 - Serial interface 5
Upon reset the Cello FW shall read the PL and assign a protocol for each CFE interface.
The supported protocols are listed in the below table.
NOTE: The Serial programmer can be connected to any CFE serial interface provided the
programmer's serial physical layer format is compatible with the connected CFE serial
interface configuration. The only exception is when the CFE interface is in transparent
The supported protocols options are:

Code Protocol

0 Serial Interface Disabled

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1 Garmin




5 Transparent


7 Wire Protocol

For more detailed descriptions of the protocols, see the relevant section in this document
or in the OTA protocol document.

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15 Crash Detection Feature

15.1 General
The unit’s accelerometer is used as a source for crash detection and reporting.
The feature includes 2 separate RMS based thresholds, one for light crash and one for
heavy crash.
The detection will not be possible when in full-hibernation mode (ignition is OFF).
The light crash detection requires the unit to be installed horizontally for gravity to be

Cellocator FW samples and calculates the average of Accelerometer Data at 100 Hz rate.
Only 3 consequential samples which violate the crash threshold are considered a crash.

The following confusing case may certainly occur:

Unit reports on "Light" crash and shows the value of "g" which is greater than the
"Heavy" crash threshold.
The reason for such behavior:
1. Reporting on crash, Unit picks up only the highest value of "g" for its reports.
2. It is still deemed "Light" crash, not "Heavy", because only one sample violates the
"High Threshold".
Also, the timeout value to be expired making it possible to generate the next crash event,
is 2 seconds.



0 t

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Some improvement from FW release 33x and later:

1. This feature will work also in ignition-off state as long as the Hibernation is not
2. This feature will work also while the accelerometer is the Ignition source.

15.2 Crash Detection Configurable Parameters

15.2.1 Light Crash Detection Threshold

Address: 2384 bits 0÷6 - Light crash detection threshold

Description: This parameter contains the value of acceleration RMS (gravity eliminated),
used to detect a light crash (any acceleration higher than this threshold and lower than
the threshold of heavy crash for longer than 3 sequential samples (30ms) will be
considered a light crash).
Resolution: 0.072g
Valid range: 2g≤X≤9.2g, higher and lower programmed values are automatically
Default: 2g

15.2.2 Heavy Crash Detection Threshold

Address: 2385 bits 0÷6 - Heavy crash detection threshold

Description: This parameter contains the value of acceleration RMS (gravity included),
used to detect a heavy crash (any acceleration higher than this threshold for longer than
3 sequential samples (30ms) will be considered a heavy crash).
Resolution: 0.072g
Valid range: 2g≤X≤9.2g, higher and lower programmed values are automatically
Default: 5g

15.2.3 Enable Crash Detection Events for Light/Heavy Crash

Address: 2390 bit 0 for Light Crash

2390 bit 1 for Heavy Crash

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Description: If this bit is enabled, the unit will issue an event containing reason and sub-
reason when thresholds are crossed. If the light crash is enabled, the unit’s logic assumes
it is installed parallel to ground (horizontally) and ignoring Z axis.
Default: 0 – Disable

15.2.4 Enable Distress for Light/Heavy Crash

Address: 2390 bit 2 for Light Crash

2390 bit 3 for Heavy Crash
Description: If this bit is enabled, the unit will issue a distress event containing reason
and sub-reason. If the light crash is enabled, the unit is assuming that it is installed in
parallel to ground (horizontally) and ignoring Z axis.
Default: 0 – Disable

15.2.5 Enable Light/Heavy Crash Detection in Ignition Off

Address: 2390 bit 4 for Light Crash

2390 bit 5 for Heavy Crash
Description: This parameter enables light/heavy crash detection when in Ignition Off
and configured to average hibernation (crash detection in full hibernation is not available
due to system limitation).
Default: 0 - Disable

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16 OneWire Temperature Sensors

The oneWire Temperature Sensors feature enables “new platform” HW units to be
connected to up to 4 oneWire temperature sensors. The oneWire temperature sensors are
based on Maxims's DS18B20 chip, see:
http://datasheets.maximintegrated.com/en/ds/DS18B20.pdf. The user can connect up to
4 oneWire temperature sensors in parallel. The users need first to enable the oneWire Bus

OneWire Temperature

DallasBus Cello

Type 0 message includes 4 bytes containing 4 possible measurement sources. The user
can select the source of these 4 bytes by configuring the measurement source as
described in Bytes 26-29 of OTA Message 0. It is possible to select each one of the 4
oneWire temperature sensors as source. If Type 0 measurements are required, the user
needs to configure the “OneWire Update Period” to be none zero value and configure
“Enable RT” or “Enable Logged” configuration bits. See: oneWire temperature
measurement update configuration for more information. The user has also the ability to
poll the unit for measured temperature results by issuing a type 9 request. The unit will
process the request and send a consolidated Type 9 message response with all the 4
measurements. It is mandatory to set non-zero “Update Period” to enable the
temperature sensors before issuing Type 9 request. The detailed Type 9 message format
is described in: Cellocator Wireless Communication Protocol: “Section 2.6.21: oneWire
Temperature Sensor Measurement – OutBound (Sub. Data 0x19)” and section
3.6.15: oneWire Temperature Sensor Measurement Request– InBound (Sub Data 0x19).
The feature supports different “Update Periods” for GSM Home and Roam network. When
both “update Periods” values are set to 0, the feature is considered disabled.
In addtion, user can configure the unit to create type-0 events when the temperature is
crossing high and/or low thresholds.

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16.1 One Wire Temperature Measurement Update


Address: 2459: Home Network

2460: Roam Network
Description: This parameter contains a bitmap controlling the functioning of One Wire
temperature sensors.
Configuration Byte Format:

Update period (1 minute resolution) Enable RT Enable logged

0 – disable 0 – disable
1 – enable 1 – enable

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Configuration Byte Modes:

Update Enable Enable Description

Period RT Logged
0 0 0 The feature is disabled
0 0 1
0 1 0
0 1 1
≠0 0 0 The temperature sensors are polled in the rate
defined under: “Update Period”.
Measurements are not logged and not sent in
real time (Type 9).
The unit will answer Type 9 measurements
≠0 0 1 The temperature sensors are polled in the rate
defined under: “Update Period”.
Measurements are logged and not sent in real
time (Type 9), according to legacy logged/RT
events logics.
The unit will answer Type 9 measurements
≠0 1 0 The temperature sensors are polled in the rate
defined under: “Update Period”.
Measurements are sent in real time (Type 9),
according to legacy logged/RT events logics.

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The unit will answer Type 9 measurements

≠0 1 1 The temperature sensors are polled in the rate
defined under: “Update Period”.
Measurements are logged and sent in real time
(Type 9), according to legacy logged/RT events
The unit will answer Type 9 measurements

According to legacy logged/RT events logics:
 Logged event – transmitted during occurrence only if there is a GPRS connection
 RT event – transmitted during occurrence unconditionally (i.e. wakes the unit if it's in
hibernation mode, and/or send the event by SMS if GPRS is not available)
Default: 0 - Feature Disabled

16.2 1-Wire Temperature Sensor High Threshold

Address: 2462
Description: This parameter contains the temperature which above the unit generates a
"High 1-Wire Temperature Sensor Measurement" event.
Data format: Signed integer
Data Range: (-127) ÷ (+127) degrees °C
Resolution: 1 degree °C
Default value: 85 (+85°C)

16.3 1-Wire Temperature Sensor Low Threshold

Address: 2463
Description: This parameter contains the temperature which below the unit generates a
"Low 1-Wire Temperature Sensor Measurement" event.
Data format: Signed integer
Data Range: (-127) ÷ (+127) degrees °C
Resolution: 1 degree °C
Default value: -10 (-10°C)

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16.4 1-Wire Temperature Sensor Filter

Address: 465, bits 5-7
Description: This parameter contains the number of consecutive samples required to
trigger a "High/Low 1-Wire Temperature Sensor Measurement" event. 0 disables the
Data format: 3 bit integer
Data Range: 0 – 7 samples
Resolution: 1 sample
Default value: 2

16.5 Enable 1-Wire Temperature Sensor Logged Events

Address: 465, bit 3
Description: This parameter enables 1-Wire temperature sensors logged events.
Data format: Flag
Data Range: 0 – Disable, 1 – Enable
Default value: 1 – Enable

16.6 Enable 1-Wire Temperature Sensor Distress Events

Address: 465, bit 4
Description: This parameter enables 1-Wire temperature sensors distress events.
Data format: Flag
Data Range: 0 – Disable, 1 – Enable
Default value: 0 – Disable

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17 GNSS External/Internal Antenna (Only GNSS)

Cello-IQ HW Units supporting GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) can
automatically select between External and Internal Antenna based on user configurable
parameters and GNSS reception quality. The block diagram bellow shows the inputs
affecting the decision logic which includes the current Antenna selection state, The GNSS
Fix status and the configuration. The decision logic implemented as state machine will
select the best antenna source. It is also possible to disable one of the possible antenna
sources. The GNSS configurable parameter define the no-fix timeout for moving between
External and Internal GNSS Antenna sources.

GNSS Internal/External
GNSS navigation Antenna state
fix start_stop machine
filter GPS antenna
Engine ON
GPS antenna

PL parameters

Summary of configurable states:

External no-fix- Internal no-fix- Decision

time time

0 0 Fixed on internal antenna only

0 Non-Zero Fixed on internal antenna only

Non-Zero 0 Fixed on External antenna


Non-Zero Non-Zero Default (initial state of)

antenna will be the External

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17.1 GNSS Internal Antenna No-Fix-Time Timeout (GNSS

Variants only)

Address: 518

Internal no-fix-time:
Time in seconds, 0=Disable , Minimum value = 40 Sec , default = 0 (disable)

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

17.2 GNSS External Antenna No-Fix-Time Timeout (GNSS

Variants only)

Address: 519

Internal no-fix-time:
Time in seconds, 0=Disable , Minimum value = 40 Sec , default = 0 (disable)

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

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18 Auxiliary Satellite Unit

Compatibility: GNSS units support this feature natively and CR300 units (starting 41x
firmware) as an optional feature.
This feature enables an auxiliary satellite communication device to be activated when the
Cello unit losses GSM or GPRS connectivity. The Auxiliary Satellite unit could be activated
in two operational modes:
Basic Auxiliary Satellite Mode:
In this mode the Cello unit turns on the Auxiliary Satellite modem when “No GSM” or "no
GPRS" condition is detected. In this mode the Auxiliary Satellite modem autonomously
generate location events based on its embedded GPS. The Auxiliary Satellite Modem will
be turned off, and control will be moved to the GSM network when the Cello unit detects
GSM or GPRS network connectivity.
The "Blinkers" output control the Auxiliary Satellite device. While Cello or CR300/B is
hibernating, its auxiliary satellite device will be turned off. The end unit will automatically
turn the auxiliary unit on when GSM or GPRS is lost for the time defined in section 22.1.1.
The Cello unit will automatically turn off the auxiliary unit when GSM or GPRS is restored
for at least the time defined in 22.1.2.
Advanced Auxiliary Satellite Mode (Infrastructure, currently not implemented):
The advanced Auxiliary Satellite support uses the Auxiliary Satellite unit as an alternative
path for communication with the server. Unlike the basic mode, the advanced mode will
send the legacy Cellocator messages via the satellite link to the server. The messages
sent over the satellite communication link are stored into the Satellite service provider
server’s data base and sent via the internet to the fleet management server.
Both Basic and advanced Satellite share the same criteria for declaring “GSM / GPRS
Loss” and “GSM / GPRS reconnect”. The feature's configurable options include timeout
values defining "GSM loss" and "GSM reconnect" timeouts. Both values must be Non Zero
for the feature to be operational.

18.1 Auxiliary Satellite: Cellular network connect-reconnect


Address: 650: Bit 0

Description: This bit defines the criteria for declaring cellular network availability.
Setting the bit to 0 (GSM) will switch the unit to Satellite mode when GSM network is not
found. Setting the bit to 1(GPRS) will switch to Satellite mode when GPRS network is not
found (while GSM might be available).

Default value: 0 – GSM

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18.2 Falling Back to Satellite

18.2.1 Auxiliary Satellite: No GSM-GPRS Timeout (Basic, Advanced)

Address: 1345: Bits 0-3

Description: This configurable parameter defines No-Cellular network time criteria for
the unit to switch on its auxiliary satellite device. The NO-Cellular configurable timeout
has configurable resolution of 0.5 or 16 minutes per bit. The configurable parameter must
be non-zero for the feature to function.
This parameter is common for both Basic and Advanced Auxiliary Satellite modes.
Default value: 0 – Feature Disabled
NOTE: Please note that when the “Auxiliary Satellite Unit- Cellular network connect
reconnect criteria” (Add. 650, Bit 0) is configured for “GPRS”, the minimal value must be
2 (1 Minute).

18.2.2 Auxiliary Satellite: Timeout Resolution for No GSM-GPRS

Address: 650, Bit 1

Description: This parameter defines the resolution for NO GSM-GPRS Timeout.

Auxiliary Satellite: Timeout Resolution

Resolution for No GSM-GPRS

0 30 Seconds

1 16 Minutes

Default value: 0 – 30 Seconds

18.3 Restore Cellular

18.3.1 Auxiliary Satellite: GSM-GPRS Reconnect Timeout (Basic,


Address: 1345: Bits 4-7

Description: This parameter defies the criteria for declaring Cellular network as restored.
This configurable parameter defines the "Cellular Network Reconnect" timeout in
programmable resolution (0.5 minutes or 16 minutes). The configurable parameter must
be non-zero for the feature to function.
This parameter is common for both Basic and Advanced Auxiliary Satellite modes.
Default value: 0 – Feature Disabled

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18.3.2 Auxiliary Satellite: Timeout Resolution of GSM-GPRS Reconnect

Address: 650, Bit 2

Description: This parameter defines the resolution for NO GSM-GPRS Timeout.

Auxiliary Satellite: Timeout Resolution

Resolution of GSM-GPS Reconnect

0 30 Seconds

1 16 Minutes

Default value: 0 – 30 Seconds

18.4 Satellite Control Bitmask

Address: 650

Reserved Auxiliary Reserved Reserved Auxiliary Timeout Timeout Auxiliary

Satellite Satellite resolution of resolution Satellite
Unit- Unit- Enable GSM-GPRS for No GSM- Unit- Cellular
Satellite Periodic Reconnect GPRS network
Operational Distress connect
Mode Events reconnect
0-Basic 0-Disable
1-Advanced 1-Enable 0-GSM

Bits 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Default value: 0 – GSM

18.4.1 Auxiliary Satellite Unit- Enable Periodic Distress Events

Address: 650: Bit 3

Description: When the unit is in Advanced Satellite mode and NO GSM condition is
detected and this bit is enabled, the unit will start sending periodic Distress events with
Transmit Reason 44 (Timed Event). If the unit is in hibernation, the periodic distress will
turn on the Auxiliary Satellite for a distress transmission session. The Period between the
Distress Event is defined in the parameter: Auxiliary Satellite Unit- Periodic Distress
Report Period, Address 656.
Default value: 0 – Disabled

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18.4.2 Auxiliary Satellite Unit - Satellite Operational Mode

Address: 650: Bit 6

Description: This bit defines the Auxiliary Satellite Operational mode. The bit selects
between Basic and Advanced mode. The basic mode only turns the Auxiliary Satellite unit
on while the advanced mode uses the satellite unit as an alternative transmission channel
to the fleet server.
0-Basic Satellite Mode
1-Advanced Satellite Mode
Default value: 0 – Basic

18.4.3 Auxiliary Satellite Unit - Periodic Distress Report Period

Address: 656
Description: This parameter defines the period between Periodic Distress Events. This
parameter is only relevant when: Auxiliary Satellite Unit - Enable Periodic Distress Events
is enabled.
Resolution: 30 Seconds
Default value: 10 – 5 Minutes

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19 Driver Behaviour

19.1.1 Driver Behavior (CSA) Disable

Address: 1350: Bit 7

Description: When this bit is set in Cello-IQ variants (Cello-IQ and Cello-CANiQ) the
driver behavior will be completely disabled.
Data format: 0 – Driver Behavior Enabled, 1 – Driver Behavior Disabled.
Default value: 1 – Driver Behavior Disabled

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20 MultiSense and MultiSense-TH

20.1 Introduction

The MultiSense is a remote peripheral sensor, communicating and configured by the

CelloTrack Nano via a short-range RF link.
There are 2 models of MultiSense: regular devices that can measure temperature called
"MultiSense" and "MultiSense-TH" devices which have a combined temperature and
humidity sensor.
The MultiSense device has the following sensors:

 Temperature sensor

 Humidity sensor (only in the MultiSense-TH model)

 Hall effect magnetic sensor

 Ambient Light Sensor (ALS)

 Accelerometer sensor
The system supports up to 16 fully programmable MultiSense devices.
If "Guest mode" is enabled here, the Nano unit will also connect with MultiSense units not
in its list, read their sensors and pass the data (in raw format) to the server. Only listed
MultiSense units also get configuration blocks and their readings are fully processed by
the Nano.
If "Tag mode" is enabled here, the Nano unit will only report on existence (reception of
advertisements) of unpaired MultiSense units, not reading their sensors.

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20.2 Operation

20.2.1 Marking
The magnet icon symbolizes the location of the magnet sensor. The permanent magnet
should be installed against it with distance of body-to-body of 1-3cm.
The eye icon symbolizes the light sensor direction, to which the source of light should be

20.2.2 Battery
Use only CR2450 size battery. Be careful not to install the battery at the wrong polarity as
it could damage the device.
Choose the exact battery model and manufacturer of the battery according to the
required temperature range.
To install a battery, unscrew the upper half from the base half until the two triangles on
the side are aligned, and then pull it.

20.2.3 Button and Blue LED

 When the battery is inserted, the unit always goes to active mode and the blue LED
lights for 3 seconds.

 When active, every short press (up to 1 second long) triggers sampling and
transmission and the blue LED blinks 5 times.

 When active, a long press (longer than 4 seconds) will turn the unit OFF (inactive
mode), accompanied by 3 blue LED blinks.

 When the unit is off (inactive mode), a long press (longer than 4 seconds) will turn
the unit ON and the blue LED lights up for 3 seconds (as per the battery insertion

20.2.4 Pairing Process

Closed loop pairing (in the field pairing, over BLE) is performed by pressing
simultaneously on both Nano buttons for 5 consecutive seconds. However, note the

 If an active indications window exists, it will be closed.

 If the 2 buttons are pressed for more than 1 second but released before completing
the 5 consecutive seconds, it will create a check-in event.

 If enabled here, a beep is heard for every elapsed second in the first 4 seconds; if the
check-in buzzer enabled bit is set or not "Dual short beeps" after the 5 th second (0.5

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second each) indicate ‘pairing time frame mode’ is open for “BLE Pairing time
During this time window:

 The Nano’s left LED flashes orange 0.5 Sec ON, 0.5 Sec OFF (assuming no charger or
PC are connected; if connected it has higher priority on the LED).

 User powers-up a MultiSense device.

 As the Nano pairs with the MultiSense, a long beep (2 seconds) is heard. In addition,
the MultiSense LED blinks twice (after the 3 second long power-on LED pulse): 200mS
OFF, 200mS ON, 200mS OFF, 200mS ON.

 Only one MultiSense device can be paired during a single "BLE Pairing time window"
(to avoid mistakes). The timer for the "BLE Pairing time window" is renewed
automatically after each successful MultiSense pairing in order to give the operator
the opportunity to pair devices one after the other.

 If enabled here, upon every newly added MultiSense to the system a "MultiSense
added" event is created; for every unpaired device a "MultiSense removed" event is

 As the "BLE Pairing time window" expires, and at least one MultiSense was
added/removed, the Nano will automatically perform a system reset.

 If no new MultiSense was paired, and the "BLE Pairing time window" expired, the red
right LED will turn on for 2 seconds (with no beep).

 If all 16 devices are defined (MAC address ≠ 00:00:00:00:00:00), a new MultiSense

unit cannot be paired.

 There are no retries for each step of this process.

IMPORTANT: After pairing and unpairing operations, the queue allocation should be
restarted (by performing a reset to the entire unit).
Pre-configuration before field pairing of units is possible, just note that when a new
MultiSense is paired in field, it will get the first vacant index, starting from #1 and up to
#16, and will get the corresponding pre-configured parameters for its index.

20.2.5 Unpairing Process

As per the pairing process, except that during the "BLE Pairing time window" the user
turn off the MultiSense device; the Nano recognizes it and approves the unpairing with
dual long beeps (1 second each, with OFF time 200mS between them) and with the
orange LED turning off.
If no approval was given, it is possible to reattempt the procedure.

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20.3 Sensors

20.3.1 Accelerometer
The accelerometer sensor is sampled on every wake-up and Tx cycle and in addition
triggers an interrupt (asynchronous transmission) when it has an impact larger than the
preconfigured threshold.
The reported impacts create impact events, if enabled here.
The sampled X,Y,Z values are reported on every MultiSense provisioning message and the
calculated RMS value on every impact/free-fall event.

20.3.2 Ambient Light Sensor (ALS)

This sensor is used mainly to detect if the package that holds the unit inside is closed
(dark) or open (exposed to some light).
The light sensor is sampled once on every wake-up and Tx cycle.
The level is compared against the configured threshold and if events are enabled (as
described here or here) the unit creates open package or closed package events

20.3.3 Accurate Temperature Sensor

This ±1°C accuracy sensor is sampled according to a configurable rate when it is within
the configured limits and according to other configurable rates when out those limits for
more than this time.
See more details in section _d2h_bmk__Ref404246939_22.

20.3.4 Humidity Sensor

This ±4% accuracy relative-humidity sensor is sampled according to a configurable rate
when it is within the configured limits and according to other configurable rates when out
those limits for more than this time.
See more details in section _d2h_bmk__Ref404246939_22.

20.3.5 Magnetic Sensor

This sensor is binary. It recognizes if a strong enough magnetic field exists or not.
If enabled here, upon any change of state, it triggers an interrupt and an asynchronous
wake-up and Tx cycle.

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20.4 Parameter Descriptions and Notes

20.4.1 MultiSense Units Provisioning

If 5 consequent keep alive periods (according to the parameter here) have passed and
no messages whatsoever were received from it (no advertisements at all), the relevant
MultiSense is considered "lost" and should be reported as a "MultiSense provisioning
message" event with the problem code of "1 = Lost communication".
If a marked "lost" MultiSense is received again (any advertisement), a communication-
restore event is sent ("MultiSense provisioning message" event with the problem code of
"2 = Communication restored"). MultiSense Provisioning Event Messaging

Address: 2354 bits 0-3

Description: These bits enable (=1) or disable (=0) the messaging for the MultiSense

MultiSense provisioning event messaging

Type-11 Type-0

Logged "Active log Logged Distress


Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Default value: 0x0 = All disabled

20.4.2 MultiSense Open/Close Door/Window Feature

The MultiSense comprises a magnetic sensor that can give indication of the presence or
absence of a strong magnetic field (permanent magnet, with specified strength, less than
30mm in distance).
Any change of state is reported immediately to the Nano. MultiSense Open/Close Door/Window Event Messaging

Address: 2354 bits 4-7

Description: These bits enable (=1) or disable (=0) the messaging for the MultiSense
Open/Close door/window feature.

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MultiSense Open/Close door/window event


Type-11 Type-0

Logged "Active log Logged Distress


Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4

Default value: 0x0 = All disabled

All these parameters are set using the Nano editor screen accessed from the Cellocator
Programmer tool.

20.4.3 BLE Pairing Time Window

Address: 2353 bits 0-4

Description: Timeout before "in the field" pairing window is closed. See more details
Resolution: 10 seconds
Data format: 5 bits, decimal value
Data range: 0÷31, valid range is 1÷31 (10÷310 seconds)
Default value: 0x02 = 20 seconds

20.4.4 Specific MultiSense parameters

Each MultiSense have MAC address, hardware-ID byte (HW_ID), and 9 bytes of
The HW_ID of MultiSense is 0xDC and for MultiSense-TH it's 0xFC.
About MAC address: Deleting a MAC address is done by writing 00:00:00:00:00:00 as the
address. Any other address is considered a valid one.
The address mapping is according to the following table:
MultiSense MAC address HW_ID 9 configuration bytes
# (6 bytes) byte per MultiSense

1 2236÷2241 2332 2092÷2100

2 2242÷2247 2333 2101÷2109
3 2248÷2253 2334 2110÷2118
4 2254÷2259 2335 2119÷2127
5 2260÷2265 2336 2128÷2136

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6 2266÷2271 2337 2137÷2145

7 2272÷2277 2338 2146÷2154
8 2278÷2283 2339 2155÷2163
9 2284÷2289 2340 2164÷2172
10 2290÷2295 2341 2173÷2181
11 2296÷2301 2342 2182÷2190
12 2302÷2307 2343 2191÷2199
13 2308÷2313 2344 2200÷2208
14 2314÷2319 2345 2209÷2217
15 2320÷2325 2346 2218÷2226
16 2326÷2331 2347 2227÷2235

These configuration areas can be read and/or written to by using the wireless commands
"Inbound: Configuration Memory Read Request Module" mentioned in the wireless
protocol doc at section 3.8.5 and "Inbound: Configuration Memory Write Module"
mentioned in the wireless protocol doc at section 3.8.6 respectively.

Addresses: 2092÷2235
Description: These addresses contains an array of 16 configuration blocks; one block of
9 bytes per MultiSense.
Each one of the 16 blocks looks as described in the following parameters. Sensors Enable Bitmask - 1st Byte

Description: Enable bit for every sensor and feature.

Reserved Temperature Humidity Hall- Light Accelerome Tx on Prevent

sensor sensor effect sensor ter sensor violations pushbutton
enable enable sensor enable enable only power
enable (mode) down

only and

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Default value: 0x00 = All disabled

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Description: MultiSense Temperature upper limit threshold.

Resolution: 1ºC
Data format: Signed (2's complementary) decimal value
Data range: 0÷255, valid range is 0÷80, -1÷-40 = -40÷80 ºC
Default value: 0x00 = 0ºC MultiSense Temperature Lower Limit Threshold - 3rd Byte

Description: MultiSense Temperature lower limit threshold.

Resolution: 1ºC
Data format: Signed (2's complementary) decimal value
Data range: 0÷255, valid range is 0÷80, -1÷-40 = -40÷80 ºC
Default value: 0xEC = -20ºC MultiSense Humidity Upper Limit Threshold - 4th Byte

Description: MultiSense Humidity upper limit threshold.

Resolution: 1%
Data format: 1 byte, decimal value
Data range: 0÷255, valid range is 0÷100 %
Default value: 0x50 = 80% MultiSense Humidity Lower Limit Threshold - 5th Byte

Description: MultiSense Humidity lower limit threshold.

Resolution: 1%
Data format: 1 byte, decimal value
Data range: 0÷255, valid range is 0÷100 %
Default value: 0x14 = 20%

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Description: MultiSense Impact or Free-fall selection; 0=Impact, 1=Free-fall.

Default value: 0 = Impact MultiSense Impact/Free-fall Event Threshold - 6th Byte, Bits 0÷6

Description: MultiSense Impact/Free-fall event threshold in g (earth gravity) units.

Recommended values for Impact mode is >1.5g.
Recommended values for free-fall mode is <0.7g.
Resolution: 63mg (full scale is ±8g)
Data format: 7 bits, decimal value
Data range: 0÷127 = 0÷8g
Default value: 0x20 = 2g MultiSense Package Open/Closed Light Threshold - 7th Byte

Description: MultiSense Package open/closed light threshold

Resolution: 2 lux
Data format: 7 bits, 1 byte, decimal value
Data range: 0÷255 = 0÷510 lux, Valid range is 12÷500 lux (values below 12 lux will
disable the entire feature).
Default value: 0x0A = 20 lux Reserved Bytes - 8th and 9th Bytes

Those bytes are empty and reserved (=0x00).

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21 BT Extender

21.1 Overview
The BT extender is an accessory that includes BT module which supports Classic BT + BLE
(Bluetooth Low Energy) channels. It connects to the Cello-(CAN)IQ unit via serial
communication, and thus allows the Cello unit to connect to BT and BLE devices (such as
MultiSense, similarly to the CelloTrack Nano unit).
The Cello unit wraps every outgoing packet with a framing header that suites its kind (BT
classic/BLE), so the dual mode module knows where to direct it internally.
In the same manner, when a packet is incoming, the driver looks at the header to identify
whether it's a BT-classic/BLE packet, then peels off this header and directs it to either BT
classic block in the FW or the BLE one.
The BT extender is supported by Cello FW version 35g and later.

si c
BT-E Cello new BLE Cl
mngr functionality
BT SPP stream
Cello COM COM Extender
Cello legacy FW MCU
functionality driver BLE stream

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21.2 BT Extender Main Configuration

Address: 2084

Enable BLE In use of CelloTrack Enable BT Enable BT Enable BLE Spare

Nano classic classic in in
hibernation hibernation
0 – Disable
1 – Enable 0 – Disable
1 – Enable 0 – Disable 0 – Disable
1 – Enable 1 – Enable

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Description: These parameters define the operability of the BT extender channels (BT
classic and BLE), depending on the Cello unit power mode.
Data Range: 0 – Disable, 1 – Enable
Default value: 0 – for all parameters

21.3 Sensors Data Reporting Method and BT Classic Service

Address: 2021

Enable BT Type of Type of Type of Sensors data reporting method

classic service message message message
events containing containing containing
Start & the entire the entire 0 – None (Disable)
Stop violation graph (all 1 – Start & Stop violation points
0 – Disable violation session samples) 2 – The entire violation session
1 – Active log points
event 3 – The entire graph (all samples)
0– 0– 4-7 – Reserved
2 – Logged 0– Logged Logged
3 – Reserved Logged 1 – Active 1 – Active
1 – Active log event log event
log event

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

21.3.1 Sensors Data Reporting Method

Address: 2021, bits 0-2

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Description: This parameter allows to select sensors data reporting method for the
paired MultiSense devices (only the last values received from each one of them is kept).
Data Range:

Value Description

0 None (Disable)

1 Start & Stop violation points

2 The entire violation session

3 The entire graph (all samples)

4-7 Reserved

Default value: 0 – None (Disable)

T or RH%

Back to
limits point
Violation Alert Out of
point state alert
Alert duration
Limit Temp./Humid. Temp./Humid.
Alert time filter Alert time filter
0 t

Alert sampling rate

(usually higher)

- Event points
- Entire graph
- Alert situation graph

21.3.2 Type of message containing the entire graph/the entire violation

session/Start & Stop violation points
Address: 2021, bits 3/4/5

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Description: This parameter allows to select the type of message, according to the
"Sensors Data Reporting Method" parameter (address 2021, bits 0-2) configuration. The
message will be sent as Type 11 module 45 (MultiSense Readings).
Data Range: 0 – Logged, 1 – Active log event
Default value: 0 – Logged

21.3.3 Enable BT Classic Service Events

Address: 2021, bits 6-7
Description: This parameter allows to select the type of message of BT classic service
(Connect/Disconnect) events. The message will be sent as Type 11 module 28 (BT Classic
Data Range:

Value Description

0 Disable

1 Active log event

2 Logged

3 Reserved

Default value: 0 – Disable

21.4 MultiSense Parameters

One of the BT Extender main purposes is to support BLE communication with MultiSense
devices, originally developed for CelloTrack Nano. These parameters are described in
details in CelloTrack Nano section.

21.4.1 Common Parameters to All Paired MultiSense Devices

MultiSense devices have common parameters which include:
 Proximity/Keep-Alive Transmission Timer (2085-2086)
 Active Sensors Sampling Relaxed Timer (2087-2088)
 Active Sensors Sampling Violation Timer (2089-2090)
 MultiSense Temperature/Humidity Alert Time Filter (2091)

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21.4.2 Specific MultiSense Parameters

Each MultiSense device has a specific configuration. The detailed description of these
parameters can be found in MultiSense specific parameters.

21.4.3 MultiSense Events

The unit can be configured to transmit MultiSense events in certain types (Logged, Active
The following parameters configure MultiSense events:
 MultiSense button press (address 2056 bits 2-3)
 MultiSense Open Package (address 2056, bits 4-7)
 MultiSense Close Package (address 2057, bits 4-7)
 MultiSense Provisioning (address 2534, bits 0-3)
 MultiSense Open-Close Door-Window (address 2354, bits 4-7)

21.4.4 Add Module 44 to MultiSense Report

The unit can be configured if to transmit module 44 in addition to any MultiSense report.
The detailed description of this parameter can be found in Add Module 44 (address 2046,
bit 6).

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22 PointerCept

22.1 Overview
PointerCept system is a backup communication system, intended to be used in cases in
which the regular cellular communication between the end unit and the server is not
available (mainly for cases of theft in which the thief activates a jammer).
As the backup channel, the system uses one way communication channel (RF beacon),
which is operated whenever certain conditions are fulfilled.
The system includes the following components:

 End Unit: A generic Cellocator unit that is installed on the vehicle/mobile asset. The
unit Modem supports transmission in the backup channel.

 PointerCept Base: An intermediate data source which comes in two forms: Fixed
(meaning it is typically attached to a building or pole) and Mobile (meaning it can be
carried by the chasing security team). These base stations interact both with the End
Unit and the PointerCept Chaser application, as well as the PointerCept server.

 PointerCept Chaser Application: A mobile application based on the Android platform

for smartphones and tablets, which enables the chasing team to pinpoint the
compromised vehicle in real-time. The application connects to the PointerCept Base
via Bluetooth.
Upon faulty attempt to report a security compromise to the server due to jammed
channel or lack of coverage during predefined time, the unit starts to operate a periodic
proprietary RF beacon status transmission, in a predefined Tx policy (modulation, hopping
sequence, error correction etc.), within the ISM frequency bands and regulations while
checking from time to time whether cellular communication can be reestablished.
Signal received by the base station/s is forwarded to the server over WAN IP links
(cellular/private network/internet) in order to identify the vehicle/asset location as
projected by its embedded GPS, or to estimate its location based on RSSI triangulation
Last mile chasing after a stolen vehicle or asset is executed using a mobile base device
which can be detached from the vehicle and used while hand-held in order to receive the
RF beacon transmissions sent by the installed device and to indicate the direction from
which the signal arrives and the relative distance of the asset from the chasing device,
based on the signal strength.
In a network without fixed base stations, chasing vehicles are sent to the last known
location area of the asset, starting to explore the area methodically in order to trace the
RF beacon signal. Chasing parameters are sent directly to the mobile bases from the
control center or entered manually by the recovery forces allowing the mobile bases to
lock on the desired RF beacon.
Once RF beacon is locked, the retrieval forces may reach to the indicated location of the
vehicle/asset, if GPS fix is available, or to start trying to approach it according to the
direction and strength signals indicated by the mobile bases, whenever GPS is invalid. In
such case, the information received by the mobile bases is uploaded to the server which

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may use multiple receiving mobile bases in order to apply real time triangulation and help
the retrieval forces to close gap to the vehicle/asset rapidly.

llu PointerCept Fixed
Bases RF

Cellular Network

Ce RF Compromised Vehicle
Server lar

Enforcement Vehicles
(with PointerCept Mobile Bases)

22.2 End Unit

As indicated above, the end unit is a generic Cellocator unit, which Modem supports
transmission in the backup channel, based on configurable information sent to the

22.2.1 Enable PointerCept Mode

Address: 610, bit 0
Description: This parameter allows to enable the PointerCept mode.
Data Range: 0 – Disable, 1 – Enable
Default value: 0 – Disable

22.2.2 RF Beacon Conditions

When cellular communication with the server is available, it's obviously preferred by the
unit to use. It starts transmitting the RF beacon only under certain conditions. The policy
is described in the following table:

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No Hibernation

Distress Geo-Fence Distress

No Event No Event
Event Crossing Event

Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy

If RF beacon
activated or
No GSM Legacy RF Beacon Legacy RF Beacon
active, stop
RF beacon

If RF beacon Configurable
activated or by "Enable
already Beacon upon
Jamming RF Beacon RF Beacon RF Beacon
active, stop Jamming on
RF beacon Hibernation"
transmission parameter Enable Beacon upon Jamming on Hibernation

Address: 610, bit 3
Description: This parameter allows to select if the RF beacon will be activated upon
jamming recognition, when the unit is in average/full hibernation.
Note: if this parameter is set to Disable, but a beacon is transmitted before the unit
entered hibernation, it will continue after the unit enter hibernation.
Data Range: 0 – Disable, 1 – Enable
Default value: 1 – Enable No GSM Filter

Address: 635, bits 4-7
Description: This parameter allows to define the time from GSM loss to RF beacon
transmission start.
Note: 0 value in "No GSM Filter" and/or "GSM Reconnect Filter" parameters will disable
the RF beacon completely.
Resolution: 0.5 Minute
Data Range: 0.5-7.5 Minutes
Default value: 2 Minutes

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Address: 635, bits 0-3
Description: This parameter allows to define the time from GSM reconnect to RF beacon
transmission stop.
Note: 0 value in "No GSM Filter" and/or "GSM Reconnect Filter" parameters will disable
the RF beacon completely.
Resolution: 0.5 Minute
Data Range: 0.5-7.5 Minutes
Default value: 2 Minutes

22.2.3 RF Beacon Pattern

The RF beacon has a certain pattern, taking into account GSM search, Modem PA cooling
time, etc.
The pattern is described below:
Total Beacon Time

No GSM Filter Initial Session Off Time On Time - Batch 1 Off Time On Time - Batch 2 Off Time

Hop Hop Hop Hop Hop Hop Hop Hop Hop

GSM GSM Search
42 17 51 24 5 3 26 33 56

Each message is transmitted in a different frequency, so the Modem hops between

frequencies (50 out of possible 77). The hoping frequencies table is calculated by the
hopping algorithm based on the following information:

 Pseudo Random Channels Table (derived from configurable country table set)

 Group number (can be 0-5, derived from the unit ID or configurable)

 Number of Hops (hard coded to 50)

 Base Frequency (derived from configurable country table set)

 Bandwidth (hard coded to 25KHz)

The beacon message includes the following fields:

 Preamble

 Sync

 Payload

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TX Time - Batch 1 Off Time TX Time - Batch 2 Off Time TX Time - Batch 3

Hop Hop Hop Hop Hop Hop Hop Hop Hop

24 5 3 26 33 56 34 52 43

Preamble Sync Payload

The Unit calculates the TX table as following:

TX Frequency[n] = Base Frequency + BW * Channel[n]
The base frequency is a parameter representing channel number 0. It varies between
countries (currently Israel and Argentina).
BW is defined as the minimum Band between two consecutive channels.
Channel[n] represents a hard coded map of channels which the system should hop
according to, starting from base frequency. It varies between countries (currently Israel
and Argentina). Baud Rate

Address: 614, bits 3-4
Description: This parameter allows to select the basic baud rate of the RF beacon
Data Range:

Value Description

0 Reserved

1 1733 bps

2 866 bps

Default value: 2 – 866 bps Initial Session Time

Address: 632
Description: This parameter allows to define the length of the initial session time. The
initial session is a burst of high power transmissions, intended to increase the probability
of reception in the base station, before switching to a more economic transmission policy.
If the Modem PA temperature is lower than 55°, the initial session is transmitted with 31
dBm power, comparing to 29 dBm power of the normal batches afterwards. If the Modem

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PA temperature is higher than 55°, the initial session is also transmitted with 29 dBm
Data Range: 5-30 Seconds
Default value: 30 Seconds Beacon On Time

Address: 636
Description: This parameter allows to define the length of the On (or batch) times.
Data Range: 5-60 Seconds
Default value: 30 Seconds Battery Beacon On Time

Address: 639
Description: This parameter allows to define the length of the On (or batch) times when
external power is disconnected and the unit is operating on its internal battery.
Data Range: 5-30 Seconds
Default value: 30 Seconds Beacon Off Time

Address: 637
Description: This parameter allows to define the length of the Off times between On
times. It's intended to let the Modem PA to cool down. In the Off time, the Modem PA
temperature is constantly monitored. If the Modem PA temperature is higher than
configured in "Modem PA Off Temperature" parameter, the Modem will stay Off until the
temperature drops below this threshold, even if the Beacon Off Time has expired.
Data Range: 5-40 Seconds
Default value: 40 Seconds Battery Beacon Off Time

Address: 640
Description: This parameter allows to define the length of the Off times between On
times when external power is disconnected and the unit is operating on its internal
battery. It's intended to let the Modem PA to cool down. In the Off time, the Modem PA
temperature is constantly monitored. If the Modem PA temperature is higher than
configured in "Modem PA Off Temperature" parameter, the Modem will stay Off until the
temperature drops below this threshold, even if the Beacon Off Time has expired.
Data Range: 1-30 Minutes
Default value: 1 Minute

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Address: 638
Description: This parameter allows to define the length of the total beacon time, which
includes all of the beacon On and Off times. It actually defines when the unit will start the
next GSM search.
Data Range: 1-60 Minutes
Default value: 20 Minutes Battery Total Beacon Time

Address: 641
Description: This parameter allows to define the length of the total beacon time, which
includes all of the beacon On and Off times, when external power is disconnected and the
unit is operating on its internal battery. It actually defines when the unit will start the
next GSM search.
Data Range: 1-60 Minutes
Default value: 30 Minutes Complementary/PSP Message Ratio

Address: 621
Description: The beacon message has 3 possible types, containing different information:
Location, Complementary (including I/O status, speed, battery level, etc.) and PSP
(including PSP Dallas bytes). The Location message is the most frequently changed, and
thus should be transmitted more frequently than the other message types. This
parameter allows to define the ratio of Complementary messages (and PSP messages, if
enabled) in relation to Location messages. For example, if this parameter is set to 6, one
Complementary (and PSP messages, if enabled) message will be sent for 6 Location
messages. 0 disables the feature.
Data Range: 1-30; 0 – disables the feature
Default value: 6 In Batch Update Period

Address: 629, bits 0-3
Description: In the beacon On times the unit repeats the same messages in different
frequencies (according to its frequency hopping policy). These On times are also referred
as batches. As usage experience has shown, for long On times it is required to allow to
refresh the information (especially location) within a batch, to help the server side to
locate the end unit. This parameters allows to define the refresh period within a batch. 0
disables the feature.
Resolution: 2 Seconds
Data Range: 2-30 Seconds; 0 – disables the feature

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Default value: 10 Seconds Beacon AHR Period

Address: 620
Description: This parameter allows to define the beacon AHR period. If the unit
transmits RF beacon for a time longer than defined in this parameter (indicating abnormal
state of the Modem), it shall perform AHR to the Modem. 0 disables the feature.
Data Range: 1-255 Minutes; 0 – disables the feature
Default value: 180 Minutes Modem PA Off Temperature

Address: 628
Description: This parameter allows to define the temperature threshold for powering On
the Modem. The unit monitors the temperature during the Modem Off time, and if it
samples one sample above this value, the Modem will stay Off until the temperature
drops below this threshold, even if the Beacon Off Time has expired.
Data Range: 70-80 Degrees
Default value: 76 Degrees Modem PA Power Level

Address: 619, bits 0-3
Description: This parameter allows to define the power level of the Modem PA.
Note: Whenever the unit gets back from PointerCept RF beacon to regular cellular
transmission (according to PointerCept logics or by reset), the Modem is set to Network
control power level.
Data Range: 5-10
Default value: 5 for GE910 Modem; 6 for GE864 Modem Periodical Beacon Transmission Timer

Address: 630
Description: This parameter defines the period for periodical PointerCept beacon
transmission. 0 - cancels the periodical PointerCept beacon transmission.
Note: periodical PointerCept beacon transmission should not be enabled if Offline Tracking
is enabled.
Resolution: 1 Hour
Data Range: 0-255 Hours
Default value: 24 Hours

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22.2.4 Frequency Hopping Country Table Set

Address: 610, bits 5-7
Description: This parameter allows to select the country that the system is intended to
work at. It defines to the unit the base frequency and frequency hopping table.
Data Range:

Value Description

0 Israel

1 Argentina

Default value: 0 – Israel Frequency Hopping Mode

Address: 614, bit 6
Description: This parameter allows to select if the unit will operate in frequency hopping
mode or not. When selected as non-frequency hopping, the unit will always transmit on
the same channel (configurable per the unit group).
Data Range: 0 – Frequency Hopping, 1 – Non Frequency Hopping
Default value: 0 – Frequency Hopping Non Frequency Hopping Channel for Group 0/1/2/3/4/5

Address: 622/623/624/625/626/627
Description: This parameter allows to select a specific channel that the unit will transmit
on, when selected to work in non frequency hopping mode.
Data Range: 0-76
Default value: 0

22.2.5 Preamble
The preamble is the first part of the transmitted message. Its length and content are
configurable. Preamble Length

Address: 612
Description: This parameter allows to define the preamble length.
Data Range: 0-99 bytes

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Default value: 12 bytes Preamble Content

Address: 613
Description: This parameter allows to define the preamble content. This content will be
repeated for all of the preamble length.
Data Range: 0x00-0xFF
Default value: 0xAA

22.2.6 Sync Words

The Sync word is a programmable sequence of bytes designed to help the receiver to lock
on the message beginning. It’s also help for group interference separation. There are 6
different Sync words, one per group. Sync Word 0/1/2/3/4/5

Address: 615-616/617-618/642-643/644-645/646-647/648-649
Description: This parameter allows to define the sync word of group 0/1/2/3/4/5.
Data Range: 0x0000-0xFFFF
Default value: 0x9999/0xBBBB/0xCCCC/0xDDDD/0xEEEE/0x8888

22.2.7 Manual Group Selection

As indicated above, each unit has a group, which derives some of the transmission
characteristics (hopping table, channel, sync word). The group can be defined
automatically by the unit, or manually. Enable Manual Group Selection

Address: 610, bit 1
Description: This parameter allows to select if the group will be set automatically by the
unit, or manually. When disabled, the unit sets the group (Unit ID % 6). When enabled,
the group is configured by the Manual Group Number parameter.
Data Range: 0 – Disable, 1 – Enable
Default value: 0 – Disable Manual Group Number

Address: 611
Description: This parameter allows to define the unit group number, when selected to
work with manual group selection.

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Data Range: 0-5

Default value: 0

22.2.8 PointerCept Events

The PointerCept feature includes dedicated OTA events sent from the end unit to the
server. Enable PointerCept Beacon Start/Stop Logged Events

Address: 610, bit 2
Description: This parameter allows to enable dedicated PointerCept beacon start/stop
logged events (TR 222) upon start/stop of PointerCept beacon.
Data Range: 0 – Disable, 1 – Enable
Default value: 0 – Disable Enable CPIN Error Distress Event

Address: 614, bit 5
Description: This parameter allows to enable dedicated CPIN error distress event (TR
223) upon SIM card disconnection.
Data Range: 0 – Disable, 1 – Enable
Default value: 0 – Disable Enable CPIN Error Logged Event

Address: 610, bit 4
Description: This parameter allows to enable dedicated CPIN error logged event (TR
223) upon SIM card disconnection.
Data Range: 0 – Disable, 1 – Enable
Default value: 0 – Disable

22.3 PointerCept Base

The PointerCept base is a new platform, developed for the PointerCept project. It is
intended to serve as:

 A relay for the RF beacon received from end units to the server

 A chasing device, which connects to mobile application via BT connection

Its main board includes a MCU, 6 RF receivers (allowing receiving 6 RF beacons
simultaneously), BT module, power supply, charger, and battery. It connects to Cello-
CANIQ unit (built-in the base station) which implements GSM connection with the server.

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PointerCept End Units

PointerCept Base

RF Segment

Receiver Receiver Receiver

1 2 3

Receiver Receiver Receiver

4 5 6


BT RS232 MCU RS232 Cello Unit

BT Cellular

Ignition PointerCept Server

Battery Charger Power Supply

External Power

There are two base types:

 Fixed Base: installed in a permanent location (such as a lamp post, antenna poles,
etc.), and connected to an unlimited power source (mains electricity). It's used for
receiving RF beacons from end units and relay them to the server.

 Mobile Base: installed in chaser vehicles, and can be also carried by hand. It's mainly
used as active chasing device intended to reach to the transmitting end unit. For this
purpose, it can be connected to a directional antenna and to a mobile application (via
BT) which allows the chaser to see the transmitting end unit location and control the
The PointerCept base has two main operational modes:

 Search: in this mode, each of the 6 RF receivers can be tuned to a different group,
and receive a different end unit.

 Chase: in this mode, all of 6 RF receivers are tuned to the same group, allowing to
improve the probability of receiving transmissions from a specific end unit which is
being chased.

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22.3.1 RF Receivers
As explained above, the end units transmit their RF beacons in a frequency hopping
policy, which depends on several parameters. Obviously, the base which is supposed to
receive these RF beacons needs to apply a similar policy. Base Frequency

Address: 2555-2558
Description: This parameter allows to define the base frequency, which the frequency
hopping will be based upon.
Data Range: 800,000,000-1,000,000,000 Hz
Default value: For Israel - 966,038,000 Hz, For Argentina - 919,790,000 Hz Channel Spacing

Address: 2559
Description: This parameter allows to define the frequency "distance" between hopping
Data Range: 0-255 KHz
Default value: 25 KHz RX BW
Address: 2563
Description: This parameter allows to define the BW of the "window" around the discrete
frequency in which the RF receivers work.
Data Range: 0-255 KHz
Default value: 25 KHz Enable PLL AFC

Address: 2085, bit 0
Description: This parameter allows to enable the PLL (Phase Locked Loop) AFC
(Automatic Frequency Control) of the RF receivers.
Data Range: 0 – Disable, 1 – Enable
Default value: 1 – Enable Enable Adaptive Channel Filter BW

Address: 2085, bit 1
Description: This parameter allows to enable the filter BW of the RF receivers to be
adaptive to the signal BW.

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Data Range: 0 – Disable, 1 – Enable

Default value: 1 – Enable Baud Rate

Address: 2562, bit 0
Description: This parameter allows to select the basic baud rate of the RF receivers.
Data Range:

Value Description

0 866 bps

1 1733 bps

Default value: 0 – 866 bps CRC Method

Address: 2561, bits 0-1
Description: This parameter allows to select the CRC method of the RF receivers.
Data Range:

Value Description

0 Not Active

1 CRC 8

2 CRC 16

Default value: 2 – CRC 16 End Unit Preamble Length

Address: 2093
Description: This parameter allows to define the preamble length that was programmed
to the end units, and should be expected by the base for its hopping calculations.
Data Range: 0-255 Nibbles
Default value: 26 Nibbles End Unit Payload Length

Address: 2560
Description: This parameter allows to define the length of the payload transmitted from
the end unit.

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Data Range: 0-255 Bytes

Default value: 20 Bytes RX Data Error Rate

Address: 2562, bit 1
Description: This parameter allows to select the allowable error rate (to be taken as a
legal data) in the data received by the RF receivers.
Data Range:

Value Description

0 1-10%

1 0-1%

Default value: 0 – 1-10% RSSI Averaging Method

Address: 2085, bit 2
Description: This parameter allows to select the RSSI averaging method of the RF
Data Range:

Value Description

0 Averaged Over 4 Bits

1 Updated Every Bit

Default value: 0 – Averaged Over 4 Bits RSSI Threshold

Address: 2089
Description: This parameter allows to define the RSSI threshold of the RF receivers. If a
message is received with RSSI below this threshold, the RF receiver will discard the
Data Range: 0-255
Default value: 0 RSSI Timeout

Address: 2090, bits 0-3

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Description: This parameter allows to define the RSSI time out of the RF receivers. If a
message is received with RSSI above the RSSI threshold for more than the value defined
in this parameter, the RF receiver will consider the message legal.
Data Range: 0-15 Nibbles
Default value: 4 Nibbles RSSI Latch Method

Address: 2086
Description: This parameter allows to select the RSSI latch method (i.e. when RSSI
value is determined) of the RF receivers.
Data Range:

Value Description

0 Latch is disabled (the returned value of the latched RSSI will always be 0)

1 Latches RSSI at Preamble detect

2 Latches RSSI at Sync detect

3 Latches RSSI at 4*Tb after RX is enabled (7*Tb if AVERAGE = 0)

4 (Only with AVERAGE=0) Latches RSSI at 11*Tb after RX is enabled (3*Tb

garbage + 8*Tb)

5 (Only with AVERAGE=0) Latches RSSI at 15*Tb after RX is enabled (3*Tb

garbage + 12*Tb)

6 (Only with AVERAGE=0) Latches RSSI at 19*Tb after RX is enabled (3*Tb

garbage + 16*Tb)

7 (Only with AVERAGE=0) Latches RSSI at 23*Tb after RX is enabled (3*Tb

garbage + 20*Tb)

Default value: 2 – Latches RSSI at Sync detect Preamble Timeout

Address: 2087
Description: This parameter allows to define the preamble length (in nibbles) which
upon expiration, the base will hop to another frequency.
Data Range: 0-255 Nibbles
Default value: 14 Nibbles Hop Conditions

Address: 2088, bits 0-1

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Description: This parameter allows to select the conditions for frequency hopping.
Data Range:

Value Description

0 Hop on Preamble Timeout

1 Hop on RSSI Timeout or Preamble Timeout

2 Hop on Preamble Timeout or Invalid Sync Word

3 Hop on RSSI Timeout or Preamble Timeout or Invalid Sync Word

Default value: 2 – Hop on Preamble Timeout or Invalid Sync Word Number of Missed Hops to Stay in Synchronized Timing

Address: 3476
Description: This parameter allows to define the number of consequent receiver track
losses upon which the base MCU will try to set the receiver to the correct hop, according
to manual hopping logics. If more consequent receiver track losses than this number
occurred, the base MCU will allow the receiver to lose synchronization (i.e. it will start
hopping with minimal time on each hop, to re-achieve synchronization).
Data Range: 0-255
Default value: 10 MER – Number of Expected Messages

Address: 3003
Description: This parameter allows to define the number of expected messages in a
certain batch, used for MER (Message Error Rate) calculation.
Data Range: 0-255 Messages
Default value: 100 Messages RF Receiver 1/2/3/4/5/6 Group

Address: 2549/2550/2551/2552/2553/2554
Description: This parameter allows to select the group of RF receiver 1/2/3/4/5/6.
Data Range:

Value Description

0 Group 0

1 Group 1

2 Group 2

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3 Group 3

4 Group 4

5 Group 5

Default value: 0/1/2/3/4/5 Sync Word 0/1/2/3/4/5

Address: 2525-2526/2527-2528/2529-2530/2531-2532/2533-2534/2535-2536
Description: This parameter allows to define the sync word of group 0/1/2/3/4/5.
Data Range: 0x0000-0xFFFF
Default value: 0x9999/0xBBBB/0xCCCC/0xDDDD/0xEEEE/0x8888 Hopping Table 0/1/2/3/4/5

Address: 2140-2189/2204-2253/2268-2317/2332-2381/2396-2445/2460-2509
Description: These parameters allow to assign frequency channels to hopping order for
group 0/1/2/3/4/5.
Data Range: 0-76
Default values:
For Israel:

Group 0 Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5

11 18 67 24 45 38

31 3 9 5 56 10

64 21 0 35 16 18

54 54 14 41 11 49

43 55 41 48 17 52

14 48 63 38 73 41

67 27 24 74 37 70

33 67 46 73 60 48

61 33 6 21 0 9

52 45 71 43 64 54

46 46 26 36 44 39

28 9 48 16 27 22

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16 49 38 61 26 62

68 50 40 29 19 46

23 72 23 63 3 5

50 53 42 65 34 32

25 42 39 44 18 35

69 12 56 15 25 58

22 6 13 10 71 42

44 56 69 3 32 76

57 7 51 26 50 67

21 4 5 33 23 4

40 19 55 0 8 44

12 5 59 75 76 36

75 68 61 6 65 31

36 25 7 9 33 73

0 75 54 40 5 72

56 32 30 37 38 45

32 20 32 32 13 3

73 31 21 67 72 21

41 34 75 50 46 30

38 30 4 18 48 53

34 8 12 55 28 47

13 36 3 62 49 0

63 60 10 31 14 15

4 70 2 30 52 60

70 61 62 72 31 6

30 2 19 39 9 50

6 11 52 12 35 75

45 15 58 56 43 26

3 16 43 34 30 65

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74 26 27 52 21 68

20 57 57 7 51 56

42 13 22 4 58 63

26 44 70 22 7 59

10 35 68 54 24 69

15 74 31 27 69 27

35 52 65 13 12 25

29 0 47 8 55 61

19 43 33 46 2 51

For Argentina:

Group 0 Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5

11 18 67 24 45 38

66 3 9 5 56 10

64 21 0 35 16 18

54 54 14 41 11 49

43 55 41 48 17 52

14 48 63 38 73 41

67 27 24 74 37 70

33 67 46 73 60 48

61 33 6 21 0 9

52 45 71 43 64 54

46 46 26 36 44 39

28 9 48 16 27 22

16 49 38 61 26 62

68 50 40 29 19 46

23 72 23 63 3 5

50 53 42 65 34 32

25 42 39 44 18 35

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69 12 56 15 25 58

22 6 13 10 71 42

44 56 69 3 32 76

57 7 51 26 50 67

21 4 5 33 23 4

40 19 55 0 8 44

12 5 59 75 76 36

75 68 61 6 65 1

36 25 7 9 33 73

0 75 54 40 5 72

56 32 30 37 38 45

32 20 32 32 13 3

73 66 21 67 72 21

41 34 75 50 46 30

38 30 4 18 48 53

34 8 12 55 28 47

13 36 3 62 49 0

63 60 10 1 14 15

4 70 2 30 52 60

70 61 62 72 66 6

30 2 19 39 9 50

6 11 52 12 35 75

45 15 58 56 43 26

3 16 43 34 30 65

74 26 27 52 21 68

20 57 57 7 51 56

42 13 22 4 58 63

26 44 70 22 7 59

10 35 68 54 24 69

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15 74 1 27 69 27

35 52 65 13 12 25

29 0 47 8 55 61

19 43 33 46 2 51

22.3.2 Communication Channels

The PointerCept base implements several communication channels. Beside of the external
RF/Cellular/BT communication channels, there are also internal communication channels,
between the base MCU and Cello/BT module/USB module. Cello Status Message Update Rate

Address: 3004
Description: This parameter allows to define the period of which the base MCU polls the
Cello unit for its status. 0 disables the feature.
Data Range: 1-255 Minutes; 0 – disables the feature
Default value: 20 Minutes Status Message to Server Update Rate

Address: 3000
Description: This parameter allows to define the period of which the base MCU sends
status messages to the server. 0 disables the feature.
Data Range: 1-255 Minutes; 0 – disables the feature
Default value: 60 Minutes Beacon Detect Messages Forwarding

Address: 3002
Description: These parameters enable forwarding of Beacon Detect messages from the
base MCU to USB/Cello/BT channels.

Spare Spare Spare Spare Spare Beacon Beacon Beacon

Detect Detect Detect
Messages Messages Messages
Forwarding Forwarding Forwarding
to BT to Cello to USB

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Data Range: 0 – Disable, 1 – Enable.

Default value: For USB: 0 – Disable; For Cello/BT: 1 – Enable

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Address: 3001
Description: These parameters enable forwarding of Status messages from the base
MCU to USB/Cello/BT channels.

Spare Spare Spare Spare Spare Status Status Status

Messages Messages Messages
Forwarding Forwarding Forwarding
to BT to Cello to USB

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Data Range: 0 – Disable, 1 – Enable.

Default value: For USB/BT: 0 – Disable; For Cello: 1 - Enable

22.3.3 Power Control

The PointerCept base has a few power modes and power management logics, intended to
maximize its performance in relation to the operational mode. System Power Mode

Address: 3471
Description: This parameter allows to define the base default power mode.
Data Range:

Value Description

0 Performance

1 Power Conservation

2 Standby (RF inactive)

Default value: 1 – Power Conservation Battery Power Conservation Mode Low Threshold

Address: 3473
Description: When in Power Conservation power mode, and ignition is off, the base will
not drain the vehicle battery, and will use its internal battery whenever available.
Whenever the internal battery is drained, according to this parameter, the system will
restore consumption from main power (vehicle battery). In addition, when the battery
reaches this threshold in any power mode, the base will trigger "Battery Low" alert.
Resolution: 0.0164 Volt
Data Range: 0-4.182 Volt

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Default value: 3.4932 Volt Battery Power Conservation Mode OK Threshold

Address: 3472
Description: When in Power Conservation power mode, and ignition is off, the base will
use its internal battery whenever available. Whenever the internal battery is OK,
according to this parameter, the system will disconnect from main power (vehicle
Resolution: 0.0164 Volt
Data Range: 0-4.182 Volt
Default value: 3.5424 Volt Battery Off Mode Low Threshold

Address: 3475
Description: The base will enter Off mode if the main power is not connected and
measured level of the backup battery will be lower than the value programmed in this
parameter, and will trigger "Power Off" alert.
Resolution: 0.0164 Volt
Data Range: 0-4.182 Volt
Default value: 3.2964 Volt Enable Charging During Ignition Off

Address: 2091, bit 0
Description: This parameter allows to enable charging of the base internal battery when
ignition is off.
Data Range: 0 – Disable, 1 – Enable
Default value: 0 – Disable Manual Power Control of Main Modules

Address: 2092
Description: These parameters enable to switch off the main base modules irrespectively
to the power mode.

Spare Spare Spare Keep RF Spare Keep BT Keep Keep

off off Charger Cello off

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Data Range: 0 – Module Off, 1 – Management according to power mode.

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Default value: 1 – Management according to power mode (for all) Specific RF Component Control

Address: 2084
Description: These parameters enable specific RF components (receivers) irrespectively
to the power mode. Note that for enabling option only, these parameters are overridden
by "Keep RF Off" parameter (address 2092, bit 4), i.e. if a parameter for specific RF
component is enabled, but "Keep RF Off" parameter is selected as 0 (RF Off), this specific
RF component will be disabled, but not vice versa.

Spare Spare RF RF RF RF RF RF
Receiver Receiver Receiver Receiver Receiver Receiver
6 5 4 3 2 1

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Data Range: 0 – Disable, 1 – Enable

Default value: 1 – Enable (for all) Base AHR Period

Address: 3005
Description: This parameter allows to define the base AHR period. 0 disables the
Data Range: 1-255 Hours; 0 – disables the feature
Default value: 0

22.3.4 IO Management
The PointerCept base has the following IOs:

 Internal LEDs: the LEDs provide indication of the base power on/off, GSM reception,
and RF beacon reception. These LEDs are always active.

 Internal buzzer: the buzzer provides to the chaser an indication of the chased end unit
direction and distance (it generates a beep sound with frequency which is proportional
to the received RF beacon signal strength). It can enabled/disabled by configuration.

 External Output (LED/Buzzer): this output can serve as an input to external

LED/buzzer. It can set by configuration. Enable Internal Buzzer

Address: 3006, bit 0
Description: This parameter allows to enable the base internal buzzer.
Data Range: 0 – Disable, 1 – Enable

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Default value: 0 – Disable External Output Functioning

Address: 3007, bits 0-1
Description: This parameter allows to set the functioning of the base external output.
Data Range:

Value Description

0 Output Disabled

1 Buzzer


Default value: 0 – Output Disabled

22.3.5 BT Management
The PointerCept base BT module enables it to communicate with tablets/smartphones.
The chase can use a dedicated mobile application on his tablet/smartphone, which
connects to the base and allows to control it and see the location of a chased end unit. BT PIN Code

Address: 3458-3462
Description: This parameter allows to define the PIN code that the user which will try to
pair with the base (from tablet, smartphone, etc.) will be required to type.
Data Range: 4 ASCII characters
Default value: 1234 Mobile App Password

Address: 1911-1919
Description: This parameter allows to define the password that the user which will try to
pass the mobile app login screen will be required to type.
Data Range: 8 ASCII characters
Default value: 12345678 BT Operation Mode

Address: 3467, bits 0-3
Description: This parameter allows to select the BT operation mode.
Data Range:

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Value Description

0 BT is not visible, and doesn't connect to (pre) paired devices

1 BT is visible, and doesn't connect to (pre) paired devices

2 BT is not visible, and connects to (pre) paired devices

3 BT is visible, and connects to (pre) paired devices

4 If there are no current connections – same as option 3 (BT is

visible, and connects to (pre) paired devices)
If there are current connections - same as option 0 (BT is not
visible, and doesn't connect to (pre) paired devices)

Default value: 3 – BT is visible, and connects to (pre) paired devices BT Connect-ability Peeking Period

Address: 3468, bits 0-3
Description: This parameter enables to select the BT connect-ability peeking period.
Data Range:

Value Description

0 BT is connectable all the time

1 BT is connectable every 1.28 sec

2 BT is connectable every 2.56 sec

Default value: 1 – BT is connectable every 1.28 sec

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