Dam Break Analysis Using Hec-Ras and Hec-Georas: A Case Study of Hidkal Dam, Karnataka State, India
Dam Break Analysis Using Hec-Ras and Hec-Georas: A Case Study of Hidkal Dam, Karnataka State, India
Dam Break Analysis Using Hec-Ras and Hec-Georas: A Case Study of Hidkal Dam, Karnataka State, India
Dam break analysis using HEC-RAS and HEC-GeoRAS: A case study of Hidkal
dam, Karnataka state, India
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Environmental Challenges
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Keywords: A dam is a structure constructed across river which stores water and supplies water for various purposes. Though
Dam break analysis the dams have many benefits, there is always a threat of dam break floods which are devastating in nature. Hence
HEC-RAS it becomes essential to analyze and simulate dam failure scenarios to understand the severity of dam break flood
Breach parameters
and identify areas under threat which helps in land use planning and developing emergency response plans. This
Flood routing
study attempts to carry out dam break/breach analysis for the Hidkal dam using a one-dimensional hydraulic
Flood inundation
model called Hydraulic Engineering Center’s River Analysis System (HEC-RAS). HEC-GeoRAS tool is used to ex-
tract river geometry data from the Cartosat-1 digital elevation model (DEM) and to generate the inundation map
to identify the areas affected. The study involves the prediction of breach parameters, breach flood hydrograph,
peak flow, flood arrival time, and generation of inundation maps. The dam break model is simulated for unsteady
flow conditions using Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) corresponding to piping and overtopping failure scenarios.
HEC-RAS tool is utilized to determine the breach outflow hydrograph and hydraulic conditions at critical down-
stream locations. Further, the breach outflow hydrographs are routed using dynamic flood wave routing. Further
HEC-RAS model is simulated for breach parameters derived from five different empirical methods, and the re-
sults are compared. A sensitivity analysis is also carried out to know the variation of peak flow and maximum
stage with respect to the breach parameters. The immediate downstream of the dam experience a peak flow of
72,085.45 m3 /s and 78,454.82 m3 /s and the corresponding inundation area of 75.224 km2 and 79.205 km2 due
to piping failure and overtopping failure, respectively. Around twenty village located on the downstream of dam
location gets affected due to flood produced by dam break. The analysis shows that overtopping failure is more
severe than failure due to piping. The study shall further help authorities concerned to develop an emergency
response plan and flood mitigation measures.
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (A. Bharath), [email protected] (R. Maddamsetty).
Received 4 August 2021; Received in revised form 17 November 2021; Accepted 22 November 2021
2667-0100/© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
A. Bharath, A.V. Shivapur, C.G. Hiremath et al. Environmental Challenges 5 (2021) 100401
stream (Mujumdar, 2001; Frenette and Munteanu, 2005). Although a ware provides simulations like one-dimensional steady flow, one and
suitable safety factor is considered in designing, the dams still fail due two-dimensional unsteady flow, sediment transport, bed computations
to many causes like piping, overtopping, seepage, earthquakes, etc. and water temperature/water quality modeling (Seker et al., 2003;
(Shahrim and Ros, 2020; Rong et al., 2020; Foster et al., 2000). Consid- Hosseinzadeh-Tabrizi and Ghaeini-Hessaroeyeh, 2015; Vojtek et al.,
ering the threat of dam failure and its impacts, it becomes necessary for 2019). This model is more commonly used for floodplain manage-
dam break analysis, which helps the decision-makers in planning land ment and flood insurance studies to evaluate floodway encroachments
use and developing emergency response plans to mitigate the calami- (Andrei et al., 2017; Shahiriparsa et al., 2016). Most of the models do
tous loss of life and damage to property (Froehlich, 2008; Elfalan, 2008; not directly simulate the breach; instead, the user must determine the
Wu et al., 2011). The failure of Baldwin Hills Dam, California in 1964 ultimate breach parameters and the time required for breach formation.
and Lower Van Norman Dam due to the earthquake in 1971 provoked After providing the inputs to the hydraulic model, it then progressively
the dam authorities to prepare inundation maps for dam failures. Con- simulates the breach development. Ultimately, the breach parameters
sequently, the requirement for investigating techniques to assess the are estimated using various empirical equations developed based on the
breach hydrograph came into existence. Numerous dam failures that oc- dam and reservoir characteristics such as dam height and storage vol-
curred in The United States during the 1970s motivated the researchers ume (Wahl, 1997).
to focus much on dam safety (Wu et al., 2011). The two essential tasks in dam break modeling are predicting
The study of over 1065 earthen dam failures reveals that significant the dam breach outflow hydrograph and generating the inundation
causes of earthen dam failure are overtopping and piping. Spillways, maps (Wahl, 1997; Ackerman and Brunner, 2008). Outflow hydro-
downstream slopes and foundations are the potential locations at risk graph prediction can be partitioned into predicting the breach param-
for overtopping failure, whereas for the piping failure entire dam section eters; breach width, depth, breach formation time, routing the reser-
is at potential risk (Zhang et al., 2009). voir storage, and influx through the breach along the downstream
Most of the dam failures give warning on the formation of a breach (Xiong, 2011; Wahl, 1997; Sharma, 2016). Prediction of the shape, mag-
in the structure. A breach in the dam’s body generates flood wave from nitude, and timing of a flash flood hydrograph resulting from a dam
the impounded water stored in upstream of the dam (Xiong, 2011). The failure is essential for evacuation planning and safe reservoir operations
people in downstream are to be provided with the information on oc- (Murthy, 1998; Singh et al., 1988; Sammen et al., 2017).
currence of dam breach or otherwise unavoidable expenses might be The literature available on the dam break analysis reveals that many
required (Wahl, 1997) in either protecting the area from the hazard or models for flood simulation have been in use. However, no significant
mitigate the issue. efforts are made to compare the results using breach parameters derived
Breach outflow hydrograph prediction and routing of the same are from different empirical equations (Froehlich, 2008, 1995; Zhang et al.,
the essential tasks of dam break analysis (Wu et al., 2011). Thus, the 2009; MacDonald and Langridge-Monopolis, 1984). The present study
flood hydrograph shape and affected length along the river course are focuses on the breach outflow hydrograph analysis in various situations
the two crucial aspects in dam break analysis (Wahl, 1997). Predict- of breach parameters.
ing flood help in developing an emergency plan to safeguard life and The primary objective of this study is to perform dam break anal-
property against flood hazards (Mohamed, 2018). Accurate prediction ysis for the Hidkal dam to predict the flood wave characteristics like
of dam break flood wave and their propagation along the downstream peak flood discharge and its stage along with the time of occurrence
valley are usually undertaken by hydraulic models (Wang et al., 2015; of peak flood and routing the peak flood hydrograph for the different
Sowiński, 2006). downstream stretch along the river course. The authors have prepared
A team of federal, state, and consulting engineers have reported the inundation maps for different dam failure scenarios.
their study on Hawaii Dam Break analysis and found that the re-
sults obtained through FLOW-2D and HEC-RAS were relatively similar 2. . Methodology
(Ackerman et al., 2008; Chen et al., 2017) with regard to submerged
area and water surface elevation. Gogoaşe Nistoran et al. (2016) ana- 2.1. Study area
lyhzed Bicaz dam, Romania using HEC-RAS to assess the depth, ve-
locity, and travel time of a dam break flood wave. (Xiong (2011) Hidkal dam, popularly known as “Raja Lakhamagouda Dam” is lo-
performed dam break analysis on Foster Joseph Sayers dam, United cated at Hidkal village, Hukkeri Taluk, Belagavi District, Karnataka, In-
States for unsteady flow condition considering probable maximum dia, at latitude 16 ° 09 ′’ N and longitude of 74 ° 38 ′’ E as shown in
flood to predict the stage and flow hydrographs in the downstream. Fig. 1. It is constructed across the Ghataprabha River, a tributary of Kr-
Kulkarni and Jagtap (2017) analyzed Pawana Dam, India for dam ishna and has a catchment area of 1412 km2 . The precipitation ranges
break scenario using HEC-RAS to estimate maximum discharge, veloc- from 6250 mm to about 1000 mm and the annual mean temperature
ity, stage and top width. Abhijith et al. (2017) has analyzed dam break ranges from 7.5 °C (Tmin ) to 40.5 °C (Tmax ) (Bharath et al., 2020). The
scenario on Idukki dam, India using HEC-RAS to estimate the maxi- catchment area is situated in an extremely hilly region and most of it
mum stage, maximum discharge and their arrival at different locations. is covered by forest and shrub growth. The land use in the catchment
Chandrabose et al. (2014) has used HEC-GeoRAS to derive river ge- has four different classifications, i.e., agricultural land, forest, shrubs
ometry data from SRTM digital elevation model and HEC-RAS for per- and barren/ fallow land. Hidkal dam is a composite structure of earthen
forming dam break analysis for Malankara dam, India to obtain stage, embankment and masonry structure. The main section of the dam has a
flow hydrograph and inundation area. Many researchers have compared length of 4481 m and the total length of 10,183 m. The dam is 53.34 m in
one and two-dimensional hydraulic models, among which HEC-RAS is height above the foundation with ten vertical crest gates and impounds a
the most commonly used model for dam break analysis (Rendon et al., large area with a gross water surface area of 63.38 km2 . The dam stores
2012) because of its reliable prediction and being an open-source tool. 51.00 TMC ft of water and has an irrigable command area of 7,84,400
Researchers have also preferred using the HEC-RAS model for flood sim- acres and supplies drinking water for Belagavi city and many villages.
ulation as it gives accurate results, even in the complex channel geome- Further, the stored water is also used for hydroelectric power genera-
try and bed discontinuity exists by approximation, which poses signifi- tion while releasing the water for irrigation purpose. It has an installed
cant challenges in more robust unsteady hydraulic models (Kalam et al., capacity of 32 MW and an annual yield of 131 MU. (Source: Office of
2016; Pathan and Agnihotri, 2020; Gee and Brunner, 2005; Hicks and Chief Engineer KNNL Irrigation North Zone, Belagavi, Karnataka state,
Peacock, 2005). India).
HEC-RAS was developed by the USACE to manage and control Since its completion in 1978, it has experienced many floods, often
the rivers, channels, harbours, and other public works. HEC-RAS soft- putting people of downstream villages under stress. Therefore, the study
A. Bharath, A.V. Shivapur, C.G. Hiremath et al. Environmental Challenges 5 (2021) 100401
by the authors is an attempt to analyze the situation during dam breach The 1-D St. Venant’s unsteady flow equations of conservation of mass
through the dam break analysis, which gives an insight for authorities and conservation of momentum are as follows:
on the flood protection.
𝜕A 𝜕Q
This study mainly involves two steps; firstly, dam break flood hy- + =0 (1)
𝜕x 𝜕x
drograph is estimated at the dam location. The next step involves rout-
ing breach flood hydrograph to downstream stations and generating ( ) ( )
floodplain maps for different dam failure modes. The hydraulic model 𝜕Q 𝜕 Q2 𝜕z
+ + gA + Sf − Se = 0 (2)
HEC-RAS 5.0.1 is used for dam break analysis, and HEC-GeoRAS is 𝜕t 𝜕x A 𝜕x
used to generate river geometric data and floodplain mapping. HEC-
Where Q is the discharge, A is the total flow area, t is time, z is the
RAS uses flood routing techniques proposed by St. Venant’s equations
elevation of the water surface above the datum line, g is the acceleration
for unsteady flow (Ackerman et al., 2008; Pathan and Agnihotri, 2020;
due to gravity, Sf is the friction slope, Se is the expansion-contraction
Leandro et al., 2011; Leandro and Martins, 2016; Bharath et al., 2021).
slope. Eqs. (1), (2)
A. Bharath, A.V. Shivapur, C.G. Hiremath et al. Environmental Challenges 5 (2021) 100401
Fig. 2. Methodology.
The methodology adopted for performing dam break analysis is tained from the HEC-GeoRAS tool using TIN data prepared from DEM.
shown in Fig. 2, and the following subsections explain the steps followed Manning’s roughness coefficients are selected based on land use and
in hydraulic modeling, model simulation, and floodplain mapping. land cover through visual inspection of the site using web imagery
(Yochum et al., 2008).
A. Bharath, A.V. Shivapur, C.G. Hiremath et al. Environmental Challenges 5 (2021) 100401
Breach Dam failure mode Boundary conditions are an essential input that significantly affects
parameter the downstream floodwater. These boundary conditions must be chosen
Piping Overtopping
appropriately, and they should represent the actual site conditions. In
Breach depth in m 50 48 this analysis, the upstream boundary condition provided is inflow hy-
Breach width in m 222 285 drograph; probable maximum flood (PMF) hydrograph provided by dam
Side slopes 0.7 1
Breach formation time in hr 3.96 4.12
authority (Fig. 5). Normal depth (friction slope value = 0.0004) is given
as downstream boundary condition. At the inline structure, the time se-
ries of gate opening is defined as the boundary condition, i.e., 0.1 m of
spillway gate is kept open throughout the simulation period, whereas
the sluice gate is completely closed.
A. Bharath, A.V. Shivapur, C.G. Hiremath et al. Environmental Challenges 5 (2021) 100401
Table 2
Stage-flow details at the inline structure.
2.6. Floodplain mapping the maximum headwater stage, tailwater stage, peak discharge, and ar-
rival time for both failure modes. From the start of breach formation,
Simulation results obtained through HEC-RAS application are given the maximum flow rate is observed at 3.6 and 3.33 h for piping and
as an input for HEC-GeoRAS to generate inundation maps to know the overtopping failure. The results show that the headwater stage, tail wa-
likely areas that get affected due to flood. The geo-referenced cross- ter stage and the peak discharge value of breach outflow hydrograph
sections are imported, the water surface elevation is attached to the is maximum in the overtopping failure than that of piping failure, and
cross-sections, and the continuous water surface is generated. Then the their occurrence time is also much earlier than that of piping failure.
comparison is made between the water surface and terrain. Then the
floodplain maps are generated corresponding to the elevation of the
3.2. Flood inundation maps
flood event. The floodplain is used in identifying the affected areas for
different dam failure scenarios (Ackerman and Brunner, 2008).
HEC-RAS results are exported, and floodplain maps are generated us-
ing HEC-GeoRAS. Fig. 9 (A and B) represents the inundated downstream
3. Results and discussions area due to piping and overtopping failure. It is found that an area of
75.224 km2 is inundated in the downstream due to piping failure and
The study reports the scenario due to the piping and overtopping 79.205 km2 for overtopping failure. The maximum depth of flow varies
failure modes of Hidkal dam and flood inundation map for the from 30.44 m at the downstream of the dam up to 13.15 m at the end
22 km stretch on downstream of the reservoir. of river reach for piping failure, whereas 35.1–13.87 m for overtopping
failure. The inundated area and the maximum depth are very high in
the overtopping failure scenario and pose a greater threat to the down-
3.1. Flood hydrograph and stage hydrograph
stream region. However, the overtopping failure can be avoided with
proper reservoir operation. It has been found that seventeen villages get
Unsteady flow simulation is carried out for piping and overtop-
completely inundated and three villages are partially inundated with
ping failure for reservoir full condition considering a downstream river
the condition considered in the present study. The population and live-
stretch of 22 km. Cross-sections are extracted at closer intervals and fur-
stock residing in these areas have a severe threat of damage to their life
ther, the same are interpolated with an interval of 150–200 m. HEC-RAS
and property. The large agricultural land area is being inundated; hence,
model is simulated by considering PMF from 01-July-2020 at 9 am to
there will be a significant loss of crops, affecting the people’s economy.
03-July-2020 at 10 am and the obtained results correspond to the same
simulation period.
Fig. 6 (A and B) represents the dam profile before and after the simu- 3.3. Flow variation at different river stations
lation, respectively. The figure highlights the breach formed in the dam
section and depleted water surface level at the end of the simulation. Flood hydrographs at different river locations on downstream of the
Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 represent the stage hydrograph (headwater stage dam such as 5 km, 10 km, 15 km, 20 km, and 22 km from the dam
and tailwater stage) and the flood hydrograph at the inline structure for for piping and overtopping failures are as shown in Fig. 10 and Fig.
piping and overtopping failure modes, respectively. Table 2 represents 11, respectively. The results show that the magnitude of peak flow is
A. Bharath, A.V. Shivapur, C.G. Hiremath et al. Environmental Challenges 5 (2021) 100401
Fig. 6. Dam section, (A) Before simulation and (B) At the end of the simulation.
very high at the location immediately downstream of the dam and it de- be due to the surge created in the flow due to the meandering of streams
creases gradually towards the downstream. Table 3 represents the peak and valley cross-sections. The results indicate that the peak flow in the
flow rate and its time of arrival at different river locations. For piping downstream region gradually decreases as the distance increases. At all
failure, it is observed that the peak flow rate at the location immediately the stations, the peak flow values are higher in overtopping failure than
downstream of the dam is 72,085.45 m3 /s, and at the end of the river piping failure.
reach is 59,701.73 m3 /s, and the corresponding time of arrival is 3.6 h
and 5.6 h, respectively from the start of breach formation. Whereas for 3.4. Stage at various river locations
overtopping failure, it is observed that the peak flow rate at the loca-
tion immediately on the dam downstream is 78,454.81 m3 /s and at the Stage hydrographs at the dam site and river location on downstream
end of the river reach is 69,028.94 m3 /s, and the corresponding time of of the dam at 5 km, 10 km, 15 km, 20 km, and 22 km distance from the
arrival is 3.33 h and 5.15 h, respectively from the start of breach forma- dam are plotted for piping and overtopping failure scenarios as shown in
tion. The kinks formed in the hydrographs at locations 5 and 10 km may Fig. 12 and Fig. 13, respectively. The results indicate that the peak stage
A. Bharath, A.V. Shivapur, C.G. Hiremath et al. Environmental Challenges 5 (2021) 100401
Fig. 9. Flood inundation map for (A) Piping failure (B) Overtopping failure.
Table 3
Peak flow rate and its time of arrival.
Peak flow (m3 /s) Arrival time (h) Peak flow (m3 /s) Arrival time (h)
is higher immediately downstream of the dam and decreases towards the the maximum flood depth immediately on dam downstream is 35.1 m
downstream. and the end of river reach considered is 13.87 m. The arrival time of peak
Table 4 represents the maximum stage, flood depth and its time of flood at the dam downstream and the end of the river reach considered
arrival at different river locations. For piping failure, it is observed that is 2.73 h and 5.1 h, respectively from the start of breach formation. The
the maximum flood depth immediately on dam downstream location is kinks in the stage hydrograph at the downstream station may be due
30.44 m and at the end of the river reach considered is 13.15 m. The to the surge formed in the upstream during failure. The results indicate
arrival time of peak flood at the dam downstream and the end of the that the peak stage on the downstream region gradually decreases as the
river reach considered is 3.78 h and 5.52 h, respectively from the start distance increases. At all the stations, the peak stage values are higher
of breach formation. Whereas for overtopping failure, it is observed that in overtopping failure than piping failure.
A. Bharath, A.V. Shivapur, C.G. Hiremath et al. Environmental Challenges 5 (2021) 100401
Table 4
Maximum stage and its time of arrival.
The peak attained at different locations for both the failure modes 3.5. Model calibration
along the river stretch chosen for the study is represented in Table 5. It
can be seen that the peak flow at all locations for overtopping failure is Channel resistance, i.e., Manning’s roughness coefficient ’n’ is the
higher than that of piping failure; hence, the overtopping failure can be only parameter required by a hydraulic model for calibration. But in
considered to be the critical failure mode for dam break analysis. the flood forecasting applications, data of a flood of similar magnitude
A. Bharath, A.V. Shivapur, C.G. Hiremath et al. Environmental Challenges 5 (2021) 100401
Table 5
Peak flow along the river stretch for failure modes.
River location Peak flow for piping failure (m3 /s) Peak flow for overtopping failure (m3 /s) Difference in peak flow (m3 /s)
that had occurred before is required for calibration which would not 3.6. Comparison of empirical methods
be available. In such situations, the conventional method is to conduct
a model sensitivity analysis for a range of Manning’s roughness coeffi- To assess the variation in the behavior of the dam breach, the
cients. Confidence in the model results is increased if the model shows HEC-RAS model is simulated for breach parameters derived from
less sensitivity to this parameter. five different empirical methods for the piping failure mode only,
Fig. 14 shows the breach outflow hydrograph for piping and over- as the spillway of the considered dam has sufficient capacity to
topping failure for various Manning’s ‘n’ values. From the figure it can discharge the PMF. The empirical methods available in the HEC-
be noticed that the flow hydrograph shows very less or negligible vari- RAS model are used to derive breach parameters for the dam
ations to varying Manning’s roughness coefficient. Hence the model is (Table 6).
assumed to perform and give reliable results (Hicks and Peacock, 2005; Figs. 15 and 16 represents the maximum stage and peak flow ob-
Brunner, 2014; Tsai et al., 2019). tained using empirical equations at locations along the river stretch on
dam downstream. The empirical equation given by MacDonald et al.
A. Bharath, A.V. Shivapur, C.G. Hiremath et al. Environmental Challenges 5 (2021) 100401
Table 6
Breach parameters by empirical equations.
provides the maximum stage and peak values among the various equa- of Xu and Zhang (2021), the lower simulated values may be attributed
tions tried in the present investigation, whereas Xu and Zhang (2021) to lower breach width and the greater beach formation time. From
equation gives the lowest value of these. The higher simulated values in this, it can be understood that the breach width has a direct effect and
the case of MacDonald et al. are attributed to higher breach width and a breach formation time has an indirect effect on the peak flow and stage
reasonable time it takes for breach formation time. Whereas in the case values.
A. Bharath, A.V. Shivapur, C.G. Hiremath et al. Environmental Challenges 5 (2021) 100401
Fig. 17. Peak flow and maximum stage for variation of breach parameter.
3.7. Sensitivity analysis present study on the Hidkal dam, Karnataka state, India, uses the HEC-
RAS model for dam break analysis. The dam break model is simulated
Sensitivity analysis is carried out by varying each of the breach for unsteady flow conditions using PMF as flow data for piping and over-
parameters as obtained from Froehlich’s (2008) equations by step topping failure modes to understand the dynamics of the dam breach.
difference of 20% while keeping the remaining parameters constant HEC-RAS helps in simulating the dam break scenario and breach flood
to understand their impact on peak flow and stage (Xiong, 2011; routing along the downstream of the river stretch. It is also used to find
Lariyah et al., 2013; Sidek, 2011). Fig. 17 represents the peak flow and the hydraulic conditions at desired locations along the river course. On
maximum stage corresponding to variation in breach parameters. The exporting the results of HEC-RAS to HEC-GeoRAS, the inundation maps
continuous line represents the peak flow variation, and the discontinu- are generated to know the submerged areas and villages affected due to
ous line represents the maximum stage variation. dam beach corresponding to due to piping and overtopping failures.
Fig. 17A indicates that the peak flow and maximum stage values are The peak flow of 72,085.45 m3 /s and 78,454.82 m3 /s, immediately
directly proportional to the breach width, i.e., the peak flow and maxi- on the downstream of the dam and an inundation area of 75.224 km2
mum stage increases with an increase in breach width. The steepness of and 79.205 km2 for piping failure and overtopping failure, respectively.
curves indicates that the magnitude of peak flow and maximum stage Since the peak flow values for overtopping failure is higher than the
increases drastically. Fig. 17B shows the increase in peak flow and max- piping failure, the overtopping failure mode can be considered as the
imum stage values marginally as the side slope of the breach increases. critical failure mode. Further, a sensitivity analysis is done to know the
From Fig. 17C, it is observed that the peak flow and maximum stage sensitivity of breach parameters to peak flow and maximum stage. The
values are inversely proportional, i.e., peak flow and maximum stage sensitivity analysis results show the peak flow is very sensitive to the
values decrease with an increase in the breach formation time. The peak breach depth, width, and formation time, whereas less sensitive to the
flow decreases rapidly, whereas the maximum stage decreases slightly. side slopes of the breach and the maximum stage is very sensitive to the
It can be observed from Fig. 17D that the peak flow and maximum stage breach depth and width but less sensitive to breach formation time and
values are directly proportional to the breach depth. The steep lines in- side slopes.
dicate that the variation in the breach depth has a greater impact on the The inundation maps so generated show that around twenty villages
magnitude of peak flow and maximum stage. on the banks of 22 km stretch immediately downstream of Hidkal dam
Based on percentage variation in peak flow and maximum stage due are affected by the flood, among which seventeen villages are severely
to variation in breach parameters, it can be concluded that the peak flow affected. As the dam failure poses a significant threat to people and
is very sensitive to the breach depth, width, and formation time, whereas property downstream, the results of this study help to take precautions
it is less sensitive to the side slopes of the breach and the maximum to protect people’s lives and property by taking suitable measures to
stage is very sensitive to the breach depth and width but less sensitive avoid catastrophes. This study also helps the authorities to develop an
to breach formation time and side slopes. emergency response plan and flood mitigation measures.
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