Investigating Learners Attitudes Toward
Investigating Learners Attitudes Toward
Investigating Learners Attitudes Toward
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The use of animation and multimedia for learning is now further extended by the provision of entire
Received 12 January 2010 Virtual Reality Learning Environments (VRLE). This highlights a shift in Web-based learning from
Received in revised form a conventional multimedia to a more immersive, interactive, intuitive and exciting VR learning envi-
20 April 2010
ronment. VRLEs simulate the real world through the application of 3D models that initiates interaction,
Accepted 13 May 2010
immersion and trigger the imagination of the learner. The question of good pedagogy and use of tech-
nology innovations comes into focus once again. Educators attempt to find theoretical guidelines or
instructional principles that could assist them in developing and applying a novel VR learning envi-
Virtual reality
Pedagogical issues ronment intelligently. This paper introduces the educational use of Web-based 3D technologies and
Teaching/learning strategies highlights in particular VR features. It then identifies constructivist learning as the pedagogical engine
Interactive learning environments driving the construction of VRLE and discusses five constructivist learning approaches. Furthermore, the
authors provide two case studies to investigate VRLEs for learning purposes. The authors conclude with
formulating some guidelines for the effective use of VRLEs, including discussion of the limitations and
implications for the future study of VRLEs.
Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Virtual reality (VR) is a technology that has become extremely popular in recent years. VR technology has been successfully employed
in educational applications and is at the core of what is known as Virtual Reality learning environments (VRLEs) (Chittaro & Ranon, 2007;
John, 2007; Monahan, McArdle, & Bertolotto, 2008; Pan, Cheok, Yang, Zhu, & Shi, 2006; Rauch, 2007). A VRLE allows the visualization of
three dimensional (3D) data and provides an interactive environment that reinforces the sensation of an immersion into computer-
generated virtual world. Additionally, a VRLE offers the opportunity to simulate a realistic and safe environment for learners to perform
specific tasks. A VRLE offers real-time simulation where three-dimensional computer graphics are used to mimic the real world (Burdea,
1999, pp. 87–96).
Traditional immersive VR systems are expensive, fragile, and not suitable for a long period of use (Limniou, Roberts, & Papadopoulos,
2008; Tax’en & Naeve, 2002), thus the developed applications are not accessible to many learners. Indeed, running VR systems are asso-
ciated with high a high cost because of the special hardware is needed, such as head-mounted displays (HMD) or multiple projectors, and 3D
input devices. These drawbacks make immersive HMDs difficult to use in large classroom settings (Tax’en & Naeve, 2002).
To invigorate students learning, a number of higher resolution displays with high quality audio systems can be useful. For example, CAVE,
invented at the Electronic Visualization Laboratory of the University of Illinois at Chicago, is designed to project images on the surrounding
walls around the users while an advanced audio sound system enhances the sense of immersion in the VR learning environment (Sherman
& Craig, 2003). In addition, the option of offering 3D VR learning in a classroom setting is now feasible, given that VR learning environments
are now run on low-cost personal computers. Although this type of VR environment has a low-cost advantage, users are not full sensual
immersion the learning environment. However, learners using personal computer VR systems are less likely to feel motion sickness and
experience fatigue than true immersive VR (Tax’en & Naeve, 2002).
0360-1315/$ – see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article in press as: Huang, H.-M., et al., Investigating learners’ attitudes toward virtual reality learning environments:...,
Computers & Education (2010), doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2010.05.014
2 H.-M. Huang et al. / Computers & Education xxx (2010) 1–12
Research into VR has often focused on technical issues (Burdea & Coiffet, 2003; Capin, Pandzic, Magnenat-Thalmann, & Thalmann, 1999;
Sherman & Craig, 2003). They include case studies of various VR technologies (Dimitropoulos, Manitsaris, & Mavridis, 2008; Lu, Pan, Lin,
Zhang, & Shi, 2005; Moreno & Mayer, 2002), and discussions on how VR can be integrated into curriculum and relate to the learning
process (Dickey, 2005; Mills & de Araújo, 1999). Although approaches such as using virtual reality for education promise among others
student engagement, all whorthwhile educational innovation must begin with solid pedagogy (Huang, 2002; Huang & Liaw, 2004; Lok et al.,
2006). Researchers and educators need to deploy a sound theoretical framework and supporting instructional principles to facilitate
building novel VRLEs. It is the purpose of this paper is to explore how a constructivist principle can be applied in constructing VRLEs. We
propose four design principles that should be considered when designing and building educational applications. Educators or instructional
designers, as they apply a new VR technology to educational settings, need to consider carefully how a pedagogy or a learning theory may
influence the learning process. Our research also provides two case studies to examine VRLEs for educational purposes. Lastly, we explore
the limitations and implications of our findings for the future study of VRLEs.
For Burdea and Coiffet (2003), virtual reality has been defined as I3 for “Immersion-Interaction-Imagination”. Virtual reality (VR) is
understood as the use of 3D graphic systems in combination with various interface devices to provide the effect of immersion in an
interactive virtual environment (Pan et al., 2006). In order to allow learners to interact with VR environments, it is necessary to use special
interfaces designed to input a learner’s commands into the computer and to offer feedback from the simulation to the learner. Examples and
functionalities of various commonly used VR interfaces are listed in Table 1.
For Sherman and Craig (2003), immersion can be classified into mental immersion and physical (or sensory) immersion. Thus, these two
types of immersion play an important part in creating a successful personal experience with a VR world. When the user moves, the visual,
auditory, or haptic devices that establish physical immersion in the scene change in response (Sherman & Craig, 2003). Users can interpret
visual, auditory, and haptic cues to gather information while using their proprioceptive systems to navigate and control objects in the
synthetic environment to accomplish physical immersion. On the other hand, mental immersion refers to the “state of being deeply
engaged” within a VR environment (Sherman & Craig, 2003, p.7). For example, if a VR world is designed for entertainment purpose, the
success in mental immersion is based on how involved the user becomes (Sherman & Craig, 2003). As a result, educators would like to take
advantage of VR technology’s immersive power which induces learners’ intention to engage in learning activities (Hanson & Shelton, 2008).
Another feature of virtual reality is real-time interactivity. That is, a virtual reality system is able to detect a user’s input (i.e., gesture) and
respond to the new activity instantaneously. At the same time, users can see activity change on the screen based on their commands and
captured in the simulation. Interactivity and VR’s captivating power create for users a sensation of immersion and by reciprocating to user
intervention with action on the screen. Moreover, users not only see and manipulate graphic objects on the screen; they also touch and feel
them by using all human sensorial channels such as the visual, auditory, haptic, tactile, smell, and taste (Burdea, 1999).
Virtual reality is not only an immersive user interface, but it also has serves to present and solve real problems in fields such as engi-
neering, medicine, and education. VR is especially helpful when it comes to address issues that require imagination creativity and high
problem solving ability. For Jonassen (2000), technologies have intrinsic properties and activate cognitive tools that help learners to
consciously elaborate on what they are thinking and to engage in meaningful learning. Therefore, a VR environment triggers the human
mind’s capacity to perceive, imagine in a creative sense, nonexistent things. In short, VR technology is well suited to convey difficult abstract
concepts due to the visualization abilities (Burdea & Coiffet, 2003).
Since the interaction with VR technology seeks to simulate a more real, immersive learning environment, such learning might result in
cognitive load reduction and a stimulated imagination assisting the mind’s capacity to conceptualize (Wetzel, Radtke, & Stern, 1994). When
educators design a course for delivery in a VRLE, it is not necessary to deploy all three features (interaction, immersion and imagination) in
their learning environments. Weighting one over the other necessitates shifts in design. It is important for educators and instructional
designers to understand of how emphasis on one or the other feature determines a choice when selecting a 3D VRLE (Dickey, 2005). Table 2
Table 1
Examples and functionality of various interfaces.
Output devices
Visual displays Stationary displays (projection VR), Providing visual feedback from the simulation
Head-based displays, in response to users input
Input/output devices
Haptic displays Tactile displays, end-effector displays, robotically operated shape displays Achieving physical touch and force an virtual object to user operators
Please cite this article in press as: Huang, H.-M., et al., Investigating learners’ attitudes toward virtual reality learning environments:...,
Computers & Education (2010), doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2010.05.014
H.-M. Huang et al. / Computers & Education xxx (2010) 1–12 3
Table 2
A Summary of VR applications in education.
shows research by VR features in their learning settings. It also identifies the technology that was applied to create the virtual reality
learning environment.
Within a constructivist paradigm, learners take an active role in their learning, since they not only absorb information, but also connect it
with previously assimilated knowledge to construct their new knowledge. For Dewey (1916), the environment will affect the learner and
that an interaction will take place between the environment and the learner. Dewey believed that learning should be real and applicable for
daily life. In other words, education should be experimental and experiential. Dewey argued that knowing was an active process of being in
the environment (Dewey, 1916). Knowledge is based on active experience. Piaget and Dewey believed that the educator’s role was to shape
a learners’ real experience and to understand what surroundings tend to promote positive learning experiences (Ornstein & Hunkins, 1998).
Dewey considered that the main function of education was to improve the reasoning process. He also recommended adapting his
problem-solving method to many subjects. A learner who is not motivated will not really perceive a problem, so problems selected for study
should be derived from learner interests (Ornstein & Hunkins, 1998). The constructivist approach emphasizes the development of a learner’s
abilities in solving a real-life problem. Problem solving and free discovery are joined together; in other words, knowledge is a dynamic
quality, built around the process of discovery (Dewey, 1916).
Vygotsky in his theory of cognitive development emphasized the critical importance of interaction among people, including other
learners and teachers, and pointed at the element of “social constructivism” underlying the learning process (Maddux, Johnson, & Willis,
1997). Vygotsky proposed that learning is a socially mediated activity. He also postulated that thinking and problem-solving skills can be
classified into three categories (Maddux et al., 1997). First, some learning can be performed independently by the learner. Second, some
learning cannot be achieved even with help from others. And third, between these two extremes are the tasks that learners can perform
with the help from others such as teachers or fellow learners.
According to constructivist theory, learners actively construct meaningful knowledge from individual experiences. This theoretical
approach focuses on the learner’s control of learning processes and attempts to mitigate the gap between the knowledge as a concept real-
life experience. That is, constructivists believed in learner-centered education. Without doubt, a constructivist understanding provides
learners more freedom to select and coordinate their learning processes with other learners. As Jonassen (1994, p.35) stated, "constructivists
emphasize the design of learning environments rather than instructional sequences”. The learning environment should provide real world,
case-based environments for meaningful and authentic knowledge.
A growing body of research notes that constructivist principles are fundamental and underlying our understanding of learning in
a virtual reality environment (Chittaro & Ranon, 2007; Dimitropoulos et al., 2008; John, 2007; Mills & de Araújo, 1999; Shih & Yang, 2008;
Tax’en & Naeve, 2002; Virvou & Katsionis, 2008). As Burdea and Coiffet (2003) noted, (a) constructivist learning involves exploration and
discovery of prebuilt artificial real worlds, and (b) constructivist learning process provided by VR technology requires educators to examine
the learning models and how the technological features support learning.
The following section describes and analyses how a constructivist approach can be applied in developing VRLEs. Five learning strategies
are proposed for instructional designers.
Dewey (1916) believed that students should learn in a real situation by doing, so students could improve their skills through practice on
realistic tasks. VR environments enable the simulation for learners engaged in learning in a realistic-looking environment. Therefore, VR is
an application that allows learners to interact with a simulated environment in real time (Pratt, Zyda, & Kelleher, 1995). VR offers richer
perceptual cues and multimodal feedback (e.g., visual, auditory, and haptic) to enable the easy transfer of VR-based learning into real-world
skills (Durlach & Mavor, 1995). Furthermore, VR is a new technology that provides interaction with learning content. For example, learners
can view 3D objects from multiple viewpoints or zoom in/out the objects. This will potentially deepen the learning effect when the learners
are actively constructing new knowledge (Hanson & Shelton, 2008).
Especially, immersive VR offers a variety of situated learning experience rather than what learners encounter in a traditional classroom
learning. Immersive environments create a strong sense of presence, which in turn motivates and thereby causes the learner to cognitively
process the learning material more deeply. Therefore, learners could acquire knowledge and skills in the context of reflecting how
Please cite this article in press as: Huang, H.-M., et al., Investigating learners’ attitudes toward virtual reality learning environments:...,
Computers & Education (2010), doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2010.05.014
4 H.-M. Huang et al. / Computers & Education xxx (2010) 1–12
knowledge is obtained and applied in everyday situations. When learners become active learning in immersive VR, learners can construct
knowledge through interaction with objects and events in the artificial world.
When learners interact with a VR environment, they do treat this as real world by using situated learning approaches (Chittaro & Ranon,
2007).VRLEs have been developed and applied in a variety of contexts and in different fields such as medicine education (Brenton et al.,
2007) and language education (Shih & Yang, 2008). In other words, education based on virtual reality environments can be both, experi-
mental and experiential. It follows that VR with immersion or simulation features might provide a good level of realism and interactivity and
offer life-like situated learning experiences as formulated by Dewey.
Learning through role playing takes advantage of the capability of a VRLE to provide learners with specific characteristics and
personalities (Holmes, 2007). Due to VR’s ability to mediate virtual world exploration and construction, learners can act through novel 3D
graphical representations of the characters or avatars. Younger learners are very familiar with those representations of self (Burdea & Coiffet,
2003; Turkle, 2007). When they feel safe in a VRLE, younger learners will express what they think and feel through the characters. This
stimulates their creativity and imagination (Pan et al., 2006).
The genre of computer games integrated with education is called edutainment. Since immersion and interactivity are the key added
value of VR, and since computer games are an instance of VR, edutainment is appropriate for creating VR learning. By reviewing research
about immersive VR worlds for learners, e.g., Rauch (2007) and Sims (2007), we observed that particular attention needs be directed to the
role and nature of interactivity. As a result, learners prefer playing and engaging in multi-players gaming because it offers a context, a chance
to role play and competitive interaction tasks (Shih & Yang, 2008). Especially for children and younger learners, combining computer game
into the VR learning could be an appropriate way to motivate their learning.
Much of a collaborative learning strategy is built on Vygotsky’s zone of proximal development (ZPD). In groups, learners are able to
cooperate, exchange ideas and share experiences to obtain knowledge within the learning process (Dimitropoulos et al., 2008). Tax’en and
Naeve (2002) suggested that educators should adapt their teaching style to collaborative virtual reality environments.
VR technologies that support immersive learning are seen as having great potential for social scaffolding in cooperative/collaborative
learning (Hodge, Tabrizi, Farwell, & Wuensch, 2008; Sherman & Craig, 2003). The collaborative VR learning environment can be created as
multiple users interact within the same virtual space or simulation. Learners perceive of others existence within the simulation by using
avatars that act as users’ proxies (Sherman & Craig, 2003).
With VRLE as virtual shared space, avatar and chat rooms enable users to be aware of each other and to share the common learning
environment. The VRLE stimulates users’ motivation and aspiration toward collaborative learning. A collaborative VR learning environment
is called “multipresence or multiparticipant” (Sherman & Craig, 2003, p.12). Visuals of lectures and text chats are two tools to enable mutual
communication between instructors and learners. This collaborative environment fosters adaptability and sociability of younger learners
(Pan et al., 2007). Moreover, increasing interest among learners and promoting critical thinking are major benefits of collaborative learning
(Dimitropoulos et al., 2008). As a result, participants in the collaborative learning group develop greater social skills. The collaborative
learning style challenges a group of learners to solve problems collaboratively among themselves.
Problem-solving ability is a critical skill for learning. Thus, many educators adopt a variant of problem-based learning (PBL) to improve
learners’ problem-solving skills. PBL is a learner-centered approach that encourages learners to solve a problem by outlining a problem, e.g.,
a case study and then discussing the case in a small group with minimal intervention from an outside facilitator. In comparison, VR learning
environments pose authentic problems often in vaguely-structured tasks. In order to create a problem (e.g., medical problem) realistically
(for example, a serious head injury problem), VRLE can be applied to simulate the situation. By using VRLE, designers were able to achieve
individualization of the level of difficulty with immediate feedback which provides greater realism than purely didactic instructions
(Brenton et al., 2007; Holmes, 2007).
Problem-based learning (PBL) aims to improve the weaknesses in didactic instruction by encouraging learners to develop independent
thinking ability and collaborative learning (Brenton et al., 2007). A VRLE allows learners to observe the simulated situation, and then
motivate learners to learn and solve problem adequately through the immersive and interactive environment. Each group can alter some
environmental parameters to change the simulation instantly (Holmes, 2007). Thus, the VRLE provides learners a rich and focused learning
environment and allows learners to collectively understand and solve visualization problems in a group (Wollensak, 2002).Therefore,
problem-solving helps learners appreciate different facets of a problem and lets them compare their thinking to others. As the result, a VRLE
based on a PBL strategy leads learners to immerse themselves into a context that prompts the exploration of the constructs of the problem.
Eventually, learners are encouraged by free discovery in the VRLE, and then they can construct their new knowledge actively by the
problem-solving process. It is a reflexive yet collaborative and dynamic learning process.
Since knowledge is a dynamic property, progressive educators not only facilitate a self reflexive learning, but also lead students to tap in
their own creativity. For Claxton (1999), creativity can be learned. Therefore, educators can advocate integrating creativity into curriculum
which offers a subject oriented basis for reflective learning activities. According to Hsiao et al. (2006), creativity is one of the core resources
for problem solving, and Isaksen and Parnes (1985) state that problem solving, creative thinking and creativity learning are correlated. Most
Please cite this article in press as: Huang, H.-M., et al., Investigating learners’ attitudes toward virtual reality learning environments:...,
Computers & Education (2010), doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2010.05.014
H.-M. Huang et al. / Computers & Education xxx (2010) 1–12 5
problems need creative thinking to solve. Thus learners can promote their own creativity by using elaborate thinking ability to solve
Creative imagination allows learners to visualize new ideas and concepts in their minds not immediately presented to the senses (Singer,
2000). The imagination aspect of VR promotes learners in developing problem-solving capacity for open-ended problems. Creative visu-
alization is the technique of helping learners to develop imagination in what learners want to learn in VR learning environments. Creative
learners can apply their knowledge gleaned from imaginative play (i.e., games) and appropriately employ both divergent and convergent
thinking to construct a new knowledge (Turvey, 2006). As the result, VR technology deserves extensive attention as an instructional tool.
Deriving from a constructivist framework, the instructional designer chooses different instructional strategies or combines one or more
strategies into one virtual reality course design. For example, Sims (2007) applies role playing and collaborative learning into the VR learning
environment to improve learners’ motivation and retention.
5. Case study
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6 H.-M. Huang et al. / Computers & Education xxx (2010) 1–12
support high immersion. And lastly (e), a sense of imagination. The user’s perception of engagement and being in a ‘real’ world should be as
natural as possible.
Web-based anatomy instructions are generally perceived by medical students to be enjoyable and interested (Nicholson, Chalk, Funnell,
& Daniel, 2006). Students can explore or navigate in a VR learning environment, and manipulate the 3D learning objects. VR experiences
may motivate learners to participate in VRLEs. Thus, VRLEs may be used as a tool to enhance, motivate and stimulate learners’ understanding
of certain knowledge (Shim et al., 2003). As a result, learners have a positive attitude toward VRLEs because of interest, enjoyment, reality
and easily understood learning concepts (Shim et al., 2003). Furthermore, VRLEs allow learners to observe the simulated situation, and
enhance learners to learn and solve problem adequately through the immersive and interactive environment. Thus, VRLEs provide learners
a rich learning environment and allows learners to collectively understand and solve visualization problems (Wollensak, 2002).
Based on immersion, interaction, and imagination, we propose the following hypotheses:
H1: With the increased immersion, interaction, and imagination provided by a VR environment, the motivation of the environment
H2: With the increased immersion, interaction, and imagination of a VR environment provides, the problem-solving capability of the
environment increases.
Table 3
Dimensions of measurements.
Dimensions References
Interaction Burdea & Coiffet, 2003; Mantovani, 2003
Immersion Burdea & Coiffet, 2003; Sherman & Craig, 2003; Tax’en & Naeve, 2002
Imagination Burdea & Coiffet, 2003;
Motivation Nicholson et al., 2006; Shim et al., 2003
Problem–solving capability Brenton et al., 2007; Holmes, 2007
Collaborative learning Pan et al., 2007; Sherman & Craig, 2003; Tax’en & Naeve, 2002
Intention to use Davis, 1989; Lai, Huang, Liaw, & Huang, 2009; Liaw, Huang, & Chen, 2007
5.1.4. Results
The internal consistency reliability was assessed by computing Cronbach’s as. The alpha reliability was highly accepted (a ¼ 0.94) and
coefficients of questionnaire items are presented in Table 4. Given the exploratory nature of the study, reliability of the scales was deemed
For investigating hypotheses H1 and H2, the predictive model is an acceptable statistical method. The results of stepwise multiple
regressions for the path associated with the variables are presented in Table 5. To investigate H1, a regression analysis was performed to
check the effects of immersion, interaction, and imagination on motivation of using VR. The result showed that three factors were all
predictors and immersion had more contribution than other two (F(3, 164) ¼ 69.72, p<0.001, R2 ¼ 0.55). To examine H2, a regression
analysis was performed to check the effects of immersion, interaction, and imagination on enhanced problem-solving capability after using
VR. The result showed that three factors were all predictors and interaction had more prediction than other two (F(3, 164) ¼ 142.87, p<0.001,
R2 ¼ 0.72).
Please cite this article in press as: Huang, H.-M., et al., Investigating learners’ attitudes toward virtual reality learning environments:...,
Computers & Education (2010), doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2010.05.014
H.-M. Huang et al. / Computers & Education xxx (2010) 1–12 7
Table 4
The mean, standard deviation, item-total correlations of VR from 1 which means “strongly disagree” to 7 which means “strongly agree”.
Items M S.D.
The 3D simulation system creates a realistic-looking learning environment. 5.26 1.26
I pay more attention when using the 3D simulation system. 5.51 1.11
I feel immersed in the 3D simulation system. 5.29 1.23
I would like to share my VR learning experience with other learners. 4.79 1.30
The system can enhance teacher–learner interaction. 5.43 1.12
The system can enhance learner–learner interaction. 5.45 0.93
The system gives me more engagement to help me understand the learning content. 6.15 0.83
I feel the system improves my understanding by the imagination of the body structure. 6.11 0.87
I feel the system helps me better understand by the imagination the relative positions among organs. 5.92 1.15
It is impressed using the VR system for learning purposes. 5.74 1.05
The system can enhance my learning interest. 5.58 1.19
The system can enhance my learning motivation. 5.67 1.07
Table 5
Regression results of VR.
H*: hypothesis.
The collaborative virtual reality environment for medical education, a Java-based program, is named 3D Human Organ Learning System –
3D-HOLS. With Java’s cross-platform capability, 3D-HOLS runs in various system platforms. 3D-HOLS was being developed under both
Windows and Linux environments. 3D-HOLS has been tested to be compatible with Windows XP, Vista, Mac OS X, and Red Hat Linux.
3D-HOLS provides two operating modes. The first mode is single user self-learning mode. In this mode, individual learners interact with 3D
organs and read course web pages. The second mode is collaborative learning mode. This mode allows multiple learners to interact, practice
and discuss in a virtual space. Fig. 2 depicts a typical classroom scenario. To begin collaborative learning, the instructor may initiate
a 3D-HOLS server instance. Learners input instructor’s IP address to connect to the server. The server instance has power to assign control
privilege to a learner. These operations are shown in Fig. 2.
Please cite this article in press as: Huang, H.-M., et al., Investigating learners’ attitudes toward virtual reality learning environments:...,
Computers & Education (2010), doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2010.05.014
8 H.-M. Huang et al. / Computers & Education xxx (2010) 1–12
Fig. 2. Collaborative set up in a typical classroom setting. The instructor initiates a 3D-HOL server instance.
The questionnaire was initially drafted by referencing survey questions used in published literature (e.g., Lai et al., 2009; Liaw et al., 2007)
that served as the basis of the conceptual model in this research. These dimensions, along with source of references, are listed in Table 3
(Burdea & Coiffet, 2003; Davis 1989; Lai et al., 2009; Liaw et al., 2007; Mantovani, 2003; Pan et al., 2007; Sherman & Craig, 2003; Tax’en
& Naeve, 2002). A total of 40 items were first proposed. To enhance the content validity, three experts in the field were invited to
review the questionnaire. Each item was assessed against the following criteria: (1) relevance to the objectives of this research, (2)
appropriateness of the wording and (3) clarity of question. Items with assessed scores below a certain level were deleted. Unclear questions
were modified or rephrased. To increase the validity of the measures used, a pre-test of 35 items was conducted. A total of 30 learners
attended the pre-test. After pre-test, the questionnaire was revised to 25 items.
5.2.3. Results
The internal consistency reliability was assessed by computing Cronbach’s as. The alpha reliability was highly accepted (a ¼ 0.92) and
coefficients of questionnaire items are presented in Table 6.
Multiple regression analysis has been widely adopted for empirically examining sets of linear causal relationships. For testing H3,
a regression analysis was conducted to check the effect of interaction, immersion, and imagination on collaborative learning. The results
explained that imagination, interaction and immersion variables were all predictors for the collaborative learning (F(3,72) ¼ 21.32,
p ¼ 0.000, R2 ¼ 0.47). The imagination was the biggest contributor (37%). On the other hand, the result of testing H4 was collaborative
learning can predict intention to use the VR learning system (F(1,74) ¼ 105.71, p ¼ 0.000, R2 ¼ 0.59) as shown in Table 7. The factor of
Table 6
The means, standard deviations of each question.
Items M S.D.
By using this system, I can easily translate and move 3D objects. 5.97 0.94
By using this system, I can easily rotate 3D objects. 6.00 0.92
By using this system, I can easily zoom in or zoom out 3D objects. 6.08 0.90
By using this system, I can easily observe 3D objects from various perspectives. 5.96 1.03
It is easy to interact with other team members by using this system. 5.47 1.04
I feel that it is easier to understand anatomical structures by using this system. 6.11 0.81
I feel that I have developed better understanding of structures and orientations of organs by using this system. 6.12 0.78
I feel that I have developed better understanding of relative positions of organs by using this system. 5.99 0.77
Using this system has helped me develop better understanding of shapes of every organ. 5.82 0.88
It is easy to use the collaborative learning functionality to help memorize the relative positions of organs. 5.67 0.86
It is useful to use the collaborative learning functionality to help memorize the relative positions of organs. 5.71 0.83
I feel the 3D simulated environment provided by this system is realistic. 5.34 1.07
I feel the 3D simulated environment provided by this system is immersive. 5.18 1.14
I feel that the 3D simulated environment makes me concentrate more while learning. 5.24 1.03
Collaborative learning
I can immediately ask questions when problems arise. 5.46 0.94
I can immediately obtain help or solutions when necessary. 5.36 0.98
The collaborative learning system allows me to discuss with team members. 5.63 0.89
I am able to complete organ assembly exercises with team members. 5.61 0.94
It is useful to use the collaborative learning environment to study human anatomy. 5.57 0.85
I am indeed working with team members and solving problems together. 5.45 0.92
This system allows me to interact with classmates more frequently. 5.43 1.01
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Computers & Education (2010), doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2010.05.014
H.-M. Huang et al. / Computers & Education xxx (2010) 1–12 9
Table 7
Regression analysis result.
H*: hypothesis.
collaborative learning by itself provides 59% of contributions for students’ intention to use the 3D-HOLS. In addition, all p-values are below
0.1% significance levels.
6. Discussion
The VRLE may fail to meet learners’ needs if learning activities and tasks are designed inside an inappropriate pedagogical approach (Shih
& Yang, 2008). Instructional designers or educators face the challenge of deploying features of virtual reality into their 3D VR courses. Some
principles that assist course design are as follows:
The ability of providing highly interactive learning experiences is one of the best-valued features of VR. Since Constructivism advocates
that interaction with an “other” is relevant for a learning process, interaction in a VRLE can be a reasonable and valuable substitute for real
experience. Learners can undertake activities that allow them to put new understanding and new skills into practice. Furthermore, VRLEs
allow learners to acquire knowledge with less of a cognitive effort than that of traditional learning process (Chittaro & Ranon, 2007).
Moore (1989) proposed three types of interactions that are essential in a virtual learning environment. They are learner-to-instructor,
learner-to-learner, and learner-to-content interactions. First, learner-to-instructor interaction is highly desirable by many learners. In
a VRLE, an instructional avatar can trigger motivation, and provide feedback and support by interactions with learners. Next, learner-to-
content interaction is the process of obtaining intellectual information and results in learners’ understanding in the course content. Due to
rich devices as shown in Table 1, VRLEs provide learners with faster and more realistic ways to interact with the learning contents. In some
cases, role playing is a good strategy to try a different character in order to understand different point of views of the course content. Finally,
learner-to-learner interaction is the exchange of information, ideas and interactions among learners. To collaborate in a VR learning
environment, a shared space is established to help immerse participants work together. This space may have avatar representing learners
added to the scenery of the virtual world (Sherman & Craig, 2003). From case study 1 and case study 2, it is shown that interaction is a crucial
factor to affect learning performance.
Many educators or researchers are concerned that new learning technology is changing too quickly. Therefore, learners should have the
ability to transfer their skills into and apply them to whatever technology is salient. VRLEs that require imagination and immersion are good
tools to train for problem solving abilities. A VRLE promotes learners to conceptualize experience at an abstract level and stimulates
spontaneous and imaginative elaboration. As a result, VRLE not only provide rich teaching opportunities, but also help to improve learners’
ability to analyze problems and explore new concepts. Based on case study 1, immersion, interaction, and imagination are all positive factors
to enhance problem-solving capability in VRLEs.
Motivation is defined as an internal state or condition that activates, guides, and maintains or directs behavior (Kleinginna & Kleinginna,
1981). Motivation is a major cognitive factor influencing learning and thus better-motivated students can learn more effectively (Sutcliffe,
2003). Limniou et al.’s (2008) research results showed that 3D full immersive VRLEs will elevate a learner’s interest and motivation
compared with learning in a 2D animated environment. In addition, the novelty of VR technology as multisensory user interface promotes
a learner’s motivation by representing personality traits, by engaging media, and by stimulating dialogue. That is, features of interaction,
imagination, and immersion are the main characteristics to attract and motivate students to learn in a VR learning environment.
Through the interactive and potential high repetition, VR can help to improve knowledge retention and student’s motivation (Burdea &
Coiffet, 2003). Sims’s (2007) study noted that “lifelike, interactive digital characters, serving as mentors and role-playing actors, have been
shown to significantly improve learner motivation and retention” (p.75). One of the great challenges to instructional designers of VRLE is
how to integrate the VR features into curriculum in order to motivate students to learn (Shih & Yang, 2008). To promote motivation to learn
in a VRLE, learners may participate in delivering instruction, or assist peers in collaborative learning. Additionally, in a comparison between
immersive and non-immersive treatment groups, immersive learners showed better retention of symbolic information and revealed more
interest in a VR class (Roussos et al., 1999). As the result, there is a general agreement that VRLEs can have a strong motivational impact
(Bricken, 1991). Based on case study 1, immersion, interaction, and imagination have positive effects on increasing learners’ motivation in
Please cite this article in press as: Huang, H.-M., et al., Investigating learners’ attitudes toward virtual reality learning environments:...,
Computers & Education (2010), doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2010.05.014
10 H.-M. Huang et al. / Computers & Education xxx (2010) 1–12
Based upon Vygotsky’s ZPD, learners’ ability can be improved if guidance or a scaffolding tool is provided. For example, avatars that
replace real-life images have simple facial expressions such as smiles, frowns, and surprise. This has led to more realistic representations of
the learner (Sutcliffe, 2003). In addition, VRLEs support immersive learning as they provide multisensory stimuli. 3D visualization helps to
improve a learner’s imagination by developing a learner’s’ capacity to detect and follow near invisible cues. Moreover, 3D visualization also
provides a low-cost training environment (Chittaro & Ranon, 2007). Barab et al. (2000) found that 3D virtual worlds are an effective tool to
foster undergraduate students’ understanding of course contents. Through the use of VRLE, we are able to research what cognitive prop-
erties are associated with immersion, how immersion is generated in synthetic environments, and what its benefits are. The level and depth
of immersion might influence the long-term retainable knowledge acquired through VRLEs (Tax’en & Naeve, 2002). From the case study 1
and case study 2 it follows that VR are effective as a scaffolding tool for learners to learn.
A summary of desirable constructivist strategies and designs embedded in educational VRLEs is included in Appendix A
7. Conclusions
As more theories and disciplines focus on VR technology, VR applications for education will get easier to use and create. In order to widely
deploy VR for learning, educators need to understand the challenges of using VR technology for instruction rather than counting on the
novelty of the approach. There are five issues to consider when employing VRLEs.
First, the usability of the VR interface design. As with many emerging technologies, VRLEs may be designed from a functionality point of
view rather than ease of use in practical educational applications. The most common difficulties are VR navigation in using a 3D interface.
Learners may easily get lost or unable to navigate their VRLEs (Chittaro & Ranon, 2007). Poor usability severely limits the effectiveness to
deliver instruction, since VR applications may have problems ranging from creating motion sickness to users getting lost inside the
application (Sutcliffe, 2003). Therefore, it is necessary to research why some user responses lead to simulation sickness, what their causes
are, and what can be done to minimize their effects (Burdea & Coiffet, 2003).
Secondly, educators may be challenged by the skill levels required to design a VR course. VR tools require higher programming skills than
traditional 2D tools. The educators may lack experience in using VR-based course design or having the difficulties in classroom practice
(Chittaro & Ranon, 2007). In particular, an immersive VR learning systems requires high level of programming skills (Mantovani, 2003). For
educators who lack a programming background, the process to create a VR learning system for educational application has been extremely
challenging. Although there are an increasing number of applications that support teaching and learning in a VR space, perhaps the largest
determining factor for user acceptance is how easily accessible a VR interface is for non-technical instructors. Thus, institutional support is
necessary for educators without programming backgrounds.
Thirdly, a simulated world is not a real world. Learners may have a negative attitude toward learning in a VRLE since current VRs only
approximate reality (Chittaro & Ranon, 2007). Recent advances in the design of interactive technologies have allowed the possibility of
designing mixed reality environments in which realty is augmented by a virtual element. These mixed reality spaces provide exciting
opportunities for designing innovative learning environments that hopefully make learning more interactive, effective, relevant and
powerful especially for younger learners.
Next, cost effectiveness is an important factor in the design of a successful VR course. One of the biggest challenges remains the high cost
of building a VRLE. The VR developers need to consider that an expensive system in the early development stage will be out-of-date due to
rapid technology advance (Hanson & Shelton, 2008). VR technology is expensive when using hardware such as head-mounted displays.
Most schools cannot afford such an expense (Chittaro & Ranon, 2007). VR technology does not currently offer compatible immersive
hardware and special peripherals, and many researchers work to overcome this limitation (Chittaro & Ranon, 2007). For example, Soares and
Zuffo (2004) designed an X3D browser that can run on a desktop computer.
Finally, the effectiveness of using VR learning environments should be further explored. It is important to measure the user’s perfor-
mance when engaging such an innovative technology. Likewise, user responses serve to iteratively improve the VR system or the particular
application design (Burdea & Coiffet, 2003). There are some of the crucial factors to evaluate: which VR devices are most suitable for average
learners; how VR technologies should be improved to better meet learners’ needs, and what kind of designs will enhance a learner’s
performance (Burdea & Coiffet, 2003).
There are three limitations in this research we would like to mention. First, this research attempts to investigate learners’ attitude toward
VRLEs but does not compare the effectiveness of 3D vs 2D environments. There are not a lot of empirical studies or clear evidence that shows
that student learning using 3D anatomical structures in VRLEs (i.e.WVBS-ATS) yields an improvement over the standard teaching modalities
of text or 2D media. With respect to the educational effectiveness of 3D VR learning contents, a variety of results emerge. One study
(Nicholson et al., 2006) shows support for a hypothesis that students are more receptive to understanding of anatomical relationships by
using learning materials in 3D rather than 2D. The equivocal and negative results of previous studies may be due to the limitations of small
sample size or a lack of full interactivity (Nicholson et al., 2006). Future research into the benefits and educational effectiveness of 3D virtual
learning is warranted.
Secondly, designing VR learning environments takes time and is a complex task. Learners maybe confused about 3D related application
features. A study by Levinson, Weaver, Garside, McGinn, and Norman (2007) shows that offering multiple view points simultaneously may
impede learning, particularly for those with relatively poor spatial ability. VR products have a wide catalogue of usability problems ranging
from motion sickness to navigation difficulty. Learners should expect that VR instruction decreases the extraneous cognitive load so that
available cognitive resources can be devoted fully to learning (van Merrïenboer & Sweller, 2005). However, this needs to be supported by
further research to evaluate the impact of multimedia resources upon student learning.
Please cite this article in press as: Huang, H.-M., et al., Investigating learners’ attitudes toward virtual reality learning environments:...,
Computers & Education (2010), doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2010.05.014
H.-M. Huang et al. / Computers & Education xxx (2010) 1–12 11
Finally, 3D VR technologies cannot yet offer easy and flexible support to the adoption of immersive hardware and special peripherals
(Chittaro & Ranon, 2007). Much work is done to overcome this limitation. More flexible application support should be developed to improve
both the realism and the usefulness of immersive virtual reality practice in the future (Chittaro & Ranon, 2007).
Appendix A
Constructivism applied in virtual reality learning.
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