Kharidar BOST - 83

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vl/bf/ BOST
IQ MODEL TEST - 83 Bodhi Sir

1. Find the wrong number in the following series:

1, 2, 6, 15, 31, 56, 91
(a) 31 (b) 15 (c) 56 (d) 91

2. If '-' means '×', '×' means '+', '+' means '÷' and '÷' means '-', then 30 × 15 + 3
– 2 ÷ 8 is equal to
(a) 25 (b) 30 (c) 28 (d) 32

3. If 834 = 348 and 637 = 376, then 986 is equal to.

(a) 689 (b) 896 (c) 869 (d) 698

4. A matrix of certain characters is given below. These characters follows a

certaion trend row-wise or column-wise:
72 24 6
96 16 12
108 ? 18
The missing character is:
(a) 12 (b) 16 (c) 18 (d) 20

5. cfh j?0fsf] hGdlbg xf] . cfh af6 pm Ps jif{df, cfˆgf] 12 jif{ cl3sf] pd]/
eGbf bf]Aa/ x'g]5 eg] cfh j?ofsf] pd]/ slt xf] <
Today is Varun's birthday. One year from today he will be twice as old as he
was 12 years ago. How old is Varun today?
(a) 20 years (b) 22 years (c) 25 years (d) 27 years

6. Find the possible values of x and y in the following series:

3, 4, 5, 8, 7, 16, 9, 32, x, y
(a) 10, 40 (b) 22, 60 (c) 11, 64 (d) 11, 22

IQ ljlw – NEPAL FIRST INSTITUTE OF IQ | 01-5906462, 9851197562 1

7. lbg]z, ;ljtfeGbf 2 jif{ sfG5f] 5 . /f]lhgf, ;/f]heGbf 3 jif{ h]7L l5g\ .
pgLx?dWo] sf] ;a}eGbf h]7f] / h]7L x'g\ < k|Zgsf] pQ/ lbg tnsf] s'g sygdf
lbOPsf] tYo kof{Kt 5g\.
(i) /f]lhgf, lbg]zeGbf h]7L l5g\ .
(ii) ;ljtf, /f]lhgfeGbf h]7L l5g\ .
(iii) ;/f]h ;a}eGbf sfG5f] 5 .
(a) (i) dfq (b) (ii) dfq
(c) (i) / (ii) dfq (d) (i), (ii) / (iii) ;a}

8. s'g} sf]8df 15789 nfO{ XTZAL / 2346 nfO{ NPSU n]lvG5 eg] ;f] sf]8df
23549 nfO{ s;/L n]lvG5 <

9. lbOPsf] zAbx?nfO{ j0f{dfnfqmdf Jojl:yt ug'{xf];\ / clGtddf s'g zAb cfpF5

kQf nufpg'xf];\ .
Illustrate , Illiteracy , Illuminate , Illusion , Illitreate
(a) Illustrate (b) Illitreate (c) Illiteracy (d) Illusion

10.;d"xdf gldNg] kQf nufpg'xf];\ .

(a) O:kft (Steel) (b) tfdf (Copper)
(c) sfF; (Bronze) (d) lkQn (Brass)

11.lbOPsf zAbx?nfO{ s'g lrqn] ;l6s tj/n] JofVof ub{5 <

Carbon dioxide, Oxygen, Atmosphere

(a) (b) (c) (d)

12.7 : 30 pm b]lv 8 : 15 pm sf] ;do;Dd ldg]6 ;'O{n] slt sf]0fsf] b"/L klf/ u5{<
(a) 190° (b) 230° (c) 270° (d) 300°

IQ ljlw – NEPAL FIRST INSTITUTE OF IQ | 01-5906462, 9851197562 2

13. = 0.1 df x sf] dfg slt xf] <
(a) 0.1 (b) 0.01 (c) 1.0 (d) 0.001

14.;dLs/0f xn ug{ k|Zg lrGxsf] :yfgdf s'g ul0ftLo lrGx (Maths Sign)
cfjZos /xG5<
9 ÷ 3 × 4 + 8 ? 2 = 18
(a) + (b) - (c) (d) ×

15.lbOPsf] qmdnfO{ k"/f ug'{xf];\ <

(a) GJK (b) IKM (c) HKL (d) UK

16.'s', 't' sf] efO{ xf] . 'd', 's' sf] cfdf xf] . '8', 'd' sf] efO{ xf] eg] '8' ;Fu 't'
sf] ;DaGw s] x'G5 <
(a) sfsf (b) dfdf (c) a'af (d) afh]

17.ju{sf] cfsf/ 36\b} hfG5 / o;sf] c+zsf] ;+Vof a9\b} cfpF5 .

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

18.Rff/ jif{sf] cGt/fndf hGd]sf kFfr aRrfx?sf] pd]/sf] of]u 80 jif{ xf] eg]
;a}eGbf sfG5f] aRrfsf] pd]/ slt xf] <
(a) 7 jif{ (b) 8 jif{ (c) 9 jif{ (d) 10 jif{

IQ ljlw – NEPAL FIRST INSTITUTE OF IQ | 01-5906462, 9851197562 3

19.'GOLDEN ' zAbdf To:tf] cIf/x?sf] hf]8f slt j6f 5g\, h;df k|To]ssf]
aLrdf Tolt j6f cIf/x? 5g\ hlt h6f c+u|]hL j0f{dfnfdf klg kb{5 <
How many such pairs of letters are there in the word GOLDEN, each of
which has as many letters between them in the word as in the English
(a) None (b) One (c) Two (d) Three

20.olb 'POWERFUL' zAbsf] cIf/x?nfO{ cFu|hL j0ff{g'qmd cg';f/ /fv] kl5 slt
j6f cIf/x?sf] :yfg ckl/jlt{t /xG5
If the letters in the word POWERFUL are rearranged as they appear in the
English alphabet, the position of how many letters will remain unchanged
after the rearrangement?
(a) None (b) One (c) Two (d) Three
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------

lgMz'Ns Feedback live Class cfh -z'qmaf/_ a]n'sf 7:00 ah]

nuft/ c;f]h % ut] ;Dd,

IQ Vidhi
g]kfnd} klxnf] k6s g]kfnL / ENGLISH b'a} efiffdf
4th Edition [8,100+ Solved Questions]
Zfvf clwj[mt IQ ljlw SELF-STUDY BOOK
;f]daf/ af6 ahf/df ;j{q pknAw x'g]5 .

IQ ljlw – NEPAL FIRST INSTITUTE OF IQ | 01-5906462, 9851197562 4

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