7CO02 - Released Questions November 2023 Moderation Window

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People management & development

strategies for performance
November 2023 moderation window -
Assessment Questions

Advanced Diploma in
▪ Strategic People Management
▪ Strategic Learning and Development
Advanced Diploma

Question 3 (AC1.3)
Why is it challenging to bring about significant, long-term improvements in an organisation's culture?
Illustrating your answer with examples, evaluate what role the HR/HRD function can play in helping
to meet these challenges.

Question 6 (AC2.2)
There has been extensive research evidence that links people management practices with
improved business performance. Selecting one piece of research, critically evaluate its main
findings and identify THREE factors that need to be in place to create an environment that will
maximise the effectiveness and impact of people management within organisations. Fully justify
these with reference to your wider reading.

Question 10 (AC3.2)

The CIPD (2022) described the ‘Great Resignation’ as a pandemic-induced re-evaluation of what
people “want from work with a suggestion that people will no longer put up with bad work”.

i) Draw upon your wider reading to evaluate the evidence for the ‘Great Resignation’ and

ii) Identify TWO specific actions organisations can take in order to combat any trends towards a
great resignation

Question 15 (AC4.3)

Analyse the opportunities for drawing upon insights from customers and stakeholders in order to
inform people practices within your organisation, or one that is familiar to you. Illustrate your
answer with examples.

Advanced Diploma

Marking Guidance


Focus Fails to address all the An adequate attempt A good attempt to An excellent attempt to
questions either to address all the address all the address all the questions
sufficiently fully or questions fully and questions relatively very well and directly.
directly. directly. well and directly.

Depth & breadth of Inadequate knowledge Adequate knowledge Full and solid Very full knowledge and
understanding and understanding in and understanding knowledge and understanding across all
respect of one or more across the questions. understanding across the questions. Excellent
of the questions. Limited Satisfactory breadth all the questions. Good breadth and depth of
depth and breadth of and depth of analysis. breadth and depth of analysis.
analysis. analysis.

Strategic application Fails to provide Provides adequately Provides solid and Provides excellent advice
& professional appropriate or well- justified advice and thoughtful advice and and very well-informed
advice justified advice and/or informed well-informed recommendations.
recommendations. recommendations recommendations. Strategically oriented in
Lacks a strategic Some strategic Clearly strategic in all respects.
approach. application. orientation.

Research & wider Limited original research Evidence of sufficient Evidence of significant Evidence of considerable
reading and/or appropriate wider research and research and research and excellent,
reading for the appropriate wider thoughtful, appropriate appropriate wider reading
assignment. Limited or reading for the wider reading for the for the assignment. An
no referencing. assignment. assignment. A good excellent standard of in-
Satisfactory in-text standard of in-text text referencing.
referencing. referencing.

Persuasiveness & Limited development of An adequate attempt Some strong original Mostly strong original
originality persuasive and original to develop original arguments are arguments are presented
arguments. Inadequate arguments and to presented which are and justified very
use of examples. justify these mainly justified persuasively. Excellent
persuasively. Includes persuasively. Good use of examples.
appropriate examples. use of examples.

Presentation & An inadequate standard A solid standard of A strong and An outstanding standard
language of presentation or presentation and use professional standard of presentation and use
language. The of language. The of presentation and of language. The
assignment is poorly structure and ideas are use of language. The structure and ideas are
written and/or poorly satisfactory for a structure and ideas are very well crafted for a
structured. It is not at
management well crafted for a management
the level required for a
management presentation. management presentation.
presentation. presentation.

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