ISEE UPPER (Verbal + Quantitative)

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Tt!{ uLn UPrfu -

2 ry Practice Test

Section I

tions: 40
Verbal Reasoning
Time: 20 minutes
There are two different types of questions in
this section. Each question has four answer
,.::1.i::Ti_,,|r.., once you have nnish; *;,i. on part one, you may
continue to work on Part Two. writing or taking
notes in your test booklet is permitted.
Part One - Synonyms
In Part one, four possible answers follow a word
written in capital letters. choose one of the
possible answers that is most nearly the four r
same meaning as the word in capital letters.

Sample euestion:
Sample Answer:

(A) benefit @e c D

(B) trouble
(C) vibration
(D) virrue
Part Two - Sentence Completion

In Part Two, four possible answers follow a

sentence with one or two missing words.
will be denoted by one blank' Two missing one missing word
words will be denoted by two blanks. The
the single word or pair of words that contextually correct answer is
completes the sentence.
Sample Ouestion:
Sample Answer:
Joe forgot to bring his books to
school and was for class.
A rOo
(A) absent
(B) ready
(C) unprepared
(D) waiting
Sample Ouestion:

The interior decorator chose a Sample Answer:

wall color so as not to
any prospective buyers.

(A) bold...attract
(B) drab...tempt
(C) neutral .. . offend
(D) tarvdry...upset

The Tutonwers€

Praptice Test

1. MOCK:
Part One
Directions: Select the word that is most
- Synonyms
nearly the same in meaning

as the
word in capital letters.

(A) flock
(B) genuine (A) adversary
(C) original (B) friend
(D) tease (C) restoration
(D) revival
(A) deter
(B) encourage (A) arrogant
(C) fortify (B) majestic
(D) permit (C) meek
(D) royal
(A) concentrate (A) discreet
(B) condense (B) guitty
(C) postpone
(D) teach (C) obvious
(D) suspicious

(A) absurdity (A) britliant

(B) resourceful (B) commanding
(C) swift
(D) victorious (C) demanding
(D) simple
(A) hesitate (A) cancel
(B) roll (B) curate
(C) surrender
(D) swell (C) enhance
(D) organize

(A) callousness (A) aggressive

(B) certainty (B) awful
(C) chaos (C) fluent
(D) privilege (D) joyous

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/ VR

(A) composure (A) anxiety

(B) explosion (B) precision
(C) fanfare (C) seriousness
(D) talent (D) wisdom

(A) angry (A) beautiful

(B) fickle (B) insuibed
(C) predictable (C) serious
(D) reckless (D) silly


(A) advantageous (A) combine

(B) separate (B) succeed
(C) simultaneous (C) tousle
(D) temporal (D) yield

(A) impressionable
(B) malicious
(C) resistant
(D) wicked

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Practice Test

- VR
Part Two
- Sentence Completion
Directions: Select the word or pair of
@etes the meaning of the sentence.
20.|n order to fit in with his friends, Carl 24. Some parts of the action movie were ____-_-
pretended to be ------- about his schoolwork; not serving to advance the plot or develop
in reality, he cared deeply about his grades. the characters.

(A) apathetic (A) frivolous

(B) blissful (B) important
(C) concerned (C) integral
(D) enthusiastic (D) thrilling

21. Before a tsunami strikes, the water along the 25. The rain showed no signs of __-____, for the
coast often into the ocean, wet season had arrived and it would
withdrawing many yards from shore. continue raining for many months.

(A) bubbles (A) abating

(B) evaporates (B) improving
(C) rains (C) melting
(D) recedes (D) starting

22.The pirates had nothing but ------- for 26. The accountant was well compensated, for
authority, choosing always to raid and
pillage despite the law.
hewas in carrying out his duties; the
executive was pleased to have such a
thorough and precise professional on his
(A) ambivalence team.
(B) contempt
(C) deference (A) careless
(D) respect (B) impatient
(C) meticulous
(D) regular
23. Before the printing press, which automated
and simplified the process of copying texts,
making copies of books manually must have

(A) effortless
(B) gratifying
(C) impossible
(D) tedious

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296 Gi Practice Test

/ VR
2T.Duringthe 1960s and 1970s, the 31. References to well-known scientific studies
government sought to ------- an otherwise . and journals helped lend some -;----- to the
stagnant national sense ofpurpose by otherwise far-fetdhed siience-fi 6tion novel.
investing in space exploration.
(A) credence
(A) destroy (B) deposition
(B) engender (C) incredility
(C) replicate (D) susceptibility
(D) standardize
32. Despite his mother's best efforts to -------
28. Compared with the sailor's tiny ship, the him, Jeremy remained for many
whale he spotted was a weeks after losing his favorite stuffed
animal, blaming his mother for his loss.
(A) behemoth
(B) disaster (A) comfort...pacified
(C) monstrosity (B) console . . . indignant
(D) toy (C) distress. . . resentful
(D) sadden...content
29.Directly overhead, the moon had reached its
33. The politician was very successful in his
presidential bid because he was a(n) -------
(A) base speaker and had a(n) ------- personality;
(B) nadir people were captivated by his speeches and
(C) potential found him to be charming.
(D) zentth
(A) avid...alluring
(B) dull ...dry
30. After many years of prosperity, the crash of (C) eloquent. . . charismatic
the stock market marked a ------- of fortune. (D) powerful ...tiring
(A) bias
(B) catalyst
(C) paragon
(D) vicissitude

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Practice'Test ',ry 2g7

34.The writer used humor at just the right times
in his otherwise pliy;by only telling a
38. Zoe was puzzled by the instructions
on the box; what should have been clear
joke at the most .
succeeded in
moment, he
lifting the mood of the entire
directions were instead open to
multiple interpretations.
(A) confusing . . . obvious
(A) depressing. . . unsuitable (B) cryptic . . . ambiguous
(B) mediocre . . . fleeting (C) explicit . . . concise
(C) melancholy. . . oppo.turre (D) simple. . . complicated
(D) uplifting. . . appropriate

35. Known for her

39. The judge was a and ---____ woman,
the counselor always which made it difficult for the gangsters to
had a schedule fuil ofpeople who valued her
influence her decision regarding th. .ur..
sensitivity and -_-____.
(A) decadent...amoral
(A) callousness. . . sympathy (B) righteous...venal
(B) impudence . . . refinlment (C) scrupulous. . . incorruptible
(C) subtlety. . . garrulousness (D) sedate. . . incorigible
(D) tact . .. discretion

40. The chatter was both and __-____; it

36. The people demanded that the give up seemed that the foolish, pointless
his power and ------- his throne; they would conversation would never end.
no longer tolerate or obey his harsh rule.
(A) engaging . . . constant
(A) judge...abandon (B) inane...incessant
(B) king...seize (C) stimulating. . . persistent
(C) lord...regain (D) vapid...sporadic
(D) tyrant...abdicate

37.In order to ------- their numbers, the rebels

sought to ------- support by handing out
pamphlets along with free food anJ water.

(A) augment...garner
(B) diminish...gather
(C) increase. . . bequeath
(D) multiply...dampen
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until instructed to do so.

The Tutorverse
Part One - Word problems JS'
QR Directions - choose the best of the four possible answers.

1. If (x + a)(x + 2): x2 * mx.r 10, then what is 6. Two cruise ships, the Opulence and the
the value of m2
Astound, set sail at the same time from New
. York to another port 1,000
(A) miles away. The
Opulence sailed at an average speed of 25
(B) s
miles per hour. Which one piece of
(c) 7
additional information could be used to
(D) 10
determine the Astound,s average speed?

2. Morty's piggy bank has $4.20 in quarters (A) '

and dimes. There areT more quarters than
The Opulence made the return trip in
35 hours.
dimes. Which equation represents the (B) The Opulence reached its destination in
amount of money, in dollars, that Morty
40 hours.
(C) The Opulence reached its destination
10 hours before the Astound.
(A) 10x + 25(x + 7):4.2 (D) The Opulence made the trip back to
(B) 25x + 10(x + 7) = 4.2 New York in 5 hours, less time than
(C) 0.25x + 0.10(x + 7): 4.2 the Astound.
(D) 0.10x + 0.25(x + 7): 4.2
7. Rick has taken three tests so far in his math
3. A six-sided die is tossed 60 times. What is class. His scores on these tests are gg, 95,
the expected number of 4,s?
and 80. The score on his final exam will be
counted twice in his mean. What is the
(A) 10
lowest score he can get on his final exam
(B) 12
and have a mean score of no less than 90?
(c) 1s
(D) 30 (A) 88
(B) e2
4. If f (x) = x3 andg(x): Ji ,which of the (c) e3
following inequalities must be true? (D) es

(A) ,r(-1)<s(1) <"f(t) 8. The original retail price for a phone case
(B) s(0.1) <-f (-1) <"f (r) was marked down 3Oyo onBlack
(c) f (1) <"f (-t) < s(0.1) Friday. The next day, itwas marked back
(D) ,f(1) <s(.01) <"f (-t) up 20Yo from the Black Friday sale
price. What was the percent decrease from
* the original price?
5. If 19 what is the value ofx?
x -7== 43', (A) 6%
(A) s7 (B) 10%
(B) s0 (c) |s%
(c) 43 (D) 16%
(D) 36
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298 '* Practice Test

Section 2
Quantitative Reasoning
Time:35 minutes
This section contains two parts. As soon as you finish-Part one,
continue on to part Two. Remember to
fill in the coffespondingbubbles on your answer sheet. You may write in your test booklet.

Part One - Word Problems

Each question in this part is a word problem followed by four
answer choices. Select the best answer
from the four answer choices. you may write in your test booklet.

Example: A square has an area Example Answer

of 16 square inches. What is the
perimeter, in inches?
A *o,
(A) 4
(B) 8
(c) t6
(D) 64

The correct answer is 16, so

circle C is darkened.

Part Two - Quantitative Comparison

lart Two is comprised of quantitative comparisons between amounts shown in Column A and Colum B.
Using the given information, compare the two amounts and choose
one of the answer choices below:

(A) The amount in Column A is greater.

(B) The amount in Column B is greater.
(C) The two amounts are equal.
(D) The relationship cannot be determined from the information provided.

Example: Example Answer

@n c D
Column A Column B

x2 x'
Even though we don't know exactly what the value ofx is,
the given
information states that x must be a negative number. Squaring
a negative
number results in a positive number. Raising a negative number
to the
third power results in a negative number, so the amount in column
A must
be greater than the amount in Column B.

The Tuteirverse
300 q Practice Test

9. What is the value of the expression 13. A roller coaster has a minimum height
43 (22 +23) requirement of 54 inches. The histogram
, shows the heights of everyone who lined up
42123 +241'
to ride the roller coaster.

(A) I4 13
(B) I 4)
2 a!
(c) I o8
(D) 2

10. Which of the following represents 78 in E4
terms of 49? i--1
7, ,1

(A) 492
(B) 494 f-.
\? f -

(c) 498 ct
'Ja ..:
tt, =
(D) 4916
Heiglrts (in inctrtes)
1 1. A scale model is built of a ship at a scale of
How many people were allowed to ride the
I inch represents 4 yards. If the model is 3.5
roller coaster?
feet long, how long will the real ship be?
Q{ote: lyard:3feet)
(A) s
(A) 14 feet
(B) 6

(B) 42 feet (c) 24

(C) 168 feet (D) 27
(D) 504 feet
14. The product ofthree consecutive even
integers is 960. What is the sum of the
lz.If n*m:3m * L,whatis the value of integers?
(A) 20
(A) 1s.s
(B) 24
(B) 17
(c) 30
(c) 30.s
(D) 32

(D) 32

to the next Page.

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Practice Test '.#. 301


15. What is the vatue [l)-',

", \2s )
18. A drawer contains 15 blue pens, 4 black
pens, and 6 red pens. If Alyssa picks
out a
blue pen and does not place it back into the
(A) by, ylut is the probability that the nexr pen
(B) 1 she picks out will be black?

(c) 1 (A) 1
5 6
(D) 5 L


16. The line shown represents y : mx + b and (c) 1. 1

has a slope of 4. 56
(D) !*!

19. A net is shown.

f oA
Which is a possible cube for the net?
What could be the slope ofy :2mx + b?

(A) -1.s
(B) J
(D) -8
-6 ,^rffirrrm


what is the value of is?

(D) -fi Go on to the next page. rr)
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Practice Test

20.If Ji : * * 1, what is the value of (x + l)2? 21. Which is the most reasonable unit to use
when measuring the volume of gasoline in a

(A) {5r: car's gas tank?

(B) s (A) feet

(c) 2s (B) gallons
(D) 36 (C) inches
(D) milliliters

Part Two - Quantitative Comparisons

Directions - Compare the amount in Column A to the amount

in Column B using the information provided in each question.
A11 questions in this part have the following answer choices:

(A) The amount in column A is greater.

(B) The amount in column B is greater.
(C) The two amounts are equal.
(D) The relationship cannot be determined from the information provided.

Column A Column B
('t\3 , ._1

Column A Column B

x- 11 v

I The area ofa rectangle is 16 square inches.

2.t, If
Column A Column B

' lt. ' ,l

i< lu
25. The perimeter r6
of the rectangle
Note: Figures not drawn to scale.

Column A Column B

23. The area of The area of

Rectangle -I Rectangle K
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Practicd Test
'&' 303

QR All questions in this part have the following answer choices:

(A) The amount in column A is greater.
(B) The amount in column B is greater.
(C) The two amounts are equal.
D) The relationship cannot be determined from the information provided.

On Monday, one share of Company I The formula used to find the area of a circle
stock was selling for $500. On Tuesday, is A : nrz, wherer is the radius. The area
the stock was worth 10% less than it was of Circle G is n.
on Monday. On Wednesday, the stock
Column A Column B
was worth 10% less than it was on
Tuesday. 29. The value of r 1
Column A Column B
26. The price of one $400
share of Company
I stock on Column A Column B
30. 30-5 x22+5 15

Bea scored a total of 1 14 points this

season. The graph shows the number of
points Bea scored during each game this
The sum of all integers from 50 to 200,
season, but the graph is incomplete, as one
inclusive, is a.
of the bars is missing.
Column A Column B
27. The sum of all a-I
integers from 50 to 7
199, inclusive 6


A 6-sided cube, numbered to 6, and a 4-
sided die, numbered I to 4, are both rolled. i4


Column A Column B
468 10
28. The probability The probability Number of Points
of rolling a2 of rolling a2 or
a 4 onthe4- a 4 onthe 6- Column A Column B
sided die sided cube
31. The number of 4
games in which
Bea scored 4

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304 'ry. Practice Test

the following answer choices:

(A) The amount in column A is greater'
(gl The amount in column B is greater'
(Cl The two amounts are equal',
the information
The relationship cannofbe determined from

The formula used to find the volume of a

A Column Column B cone is L
where r is the radius' Cone

32. l2x+ l2Y 24 A is 4 times the volume of Cone B'

Column A Column B

Before Mrs. Schroeder decided to add 3

35. of
The radius 4 times the radiirs

points to the quiz grades of everyone in her

ConeA ofConeB
.lurr, 5 ofthe students had scored an 85'

Column A Column B The following spinner is spun twice'

33. The mode after 88

the Points were

The graph shows the speed at which Jon

*us iririttg as a function of time during his
l0-minute car ride home from school' Column A Column B
i- ti'r
\,\ 36. The probabilitY If the first
the sPinner will number is even,
! .ir
land on an odd the probabilitY of
6A- r.,ii
I the second
followed bY an number being
Titte (llitrrrtes) even number odd

Column A Column B
A state map has a scale of 3 cm: 500 km'
34. The number of 4
minutes Jon's car Column A Column B
was stopped from
the time he left 37. The actual distance 1500 km
school and the between two towns
time he got home that are 1 meter
aPart on the maP

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until instructed to do so.

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