World's Inspiring Business Leaders Making A Difference in 2023
World's Inspiring Business Leaders Making A Difference in 2023
World's Inspiring Business Leaders Making A Difference in 2023
World's Inspiring
Broker/Owner at
Hi Pacific Property mgmt
Guiding You to
Find Your
Dream Space
World’s Inspiring Business Leaders
Making a Difference in 2023
Presenting Leadership in
its True Sense
There is no question that business leadership has
changed significantly throughout the years. These shifts
frequently reflect current sociological and economic
changes. Consumers actively seek out companies in
today's society that are focused and committed to
changing the world. Such an objective requires the
existence of visionary leadership inside organizations.
Duke originally bought and sold his own houses before
becoming a broker himself. He has worked as a property
Exceptional leaders have the power to completely
broker with Coldwell Banker in Florida, Realty Experts
change the course of their enterprises. They provide their
in Hawaii, and Condo.Com in Hawaii. His newest
team members a feeling of direction and purpose,
challenge is managing the HiPacific Property
directing them toward more worthwhile goals. As a
Management division with his team. He has earned
result, inspirational leaders provide motivation to both
numerous Real Estate designations, such as: Accredited
their team members and clients. Each leader has their
Buyer Representative (ABR), Certified Residential
own distinctive skills and talents, thus there are many
Specialist (CRS), Certified Real Estate Broker (CRB),
different ways to lead with vision.
Graduate REALTOR® Institute (GRI), Senior Real
Estate Specialist (SRES), Certified Distressed Property
World's Leaders latest edition “World's Inspiring
Expert (CDPE), and Broker Price Opinion (BPO), and
Business Leaders Making a Difference in 2023” is
continues to educate himself in all areas of real estate to
featuring inspiring business leaders who are fostering
better serve his clients and his friends. Duke's career path
social responsibility by implementing sustainable
took a significant turn when he entered real estate in
practices, supporting community initiatives, and
promoting corporate social responsibility.
Also, while you flip through the pages, don't forget to
The cover has Duke Kimhan, a real estate broker
read the articles created by our in-house editorial staff
specializing in investment homes, condos, military
and industry experts.
relocations, 1031 tax swaps, and commercial properties,
was born and raised in Honolulu and grew up in Manoa
Valley. He is now the HIPacific Property Management's Have a lovely read!
Principal Broker.
Follow us on :
Guiding You to Find
Your Dream Space
Alex Melgar and
18 Carlos Telles
22 Charbel Aoun
32 Heidi Lindner
36 Liam Hardey
40 Luke Marani
46 Mitch Gould
50 Nasreen Alissa
54 Yesenia Ferreras
08 | SEPTEMBER 2023
Cover Story
Guiding You to Find Your Dream Space | 09
Setting and achieving goals in life provides happiness. property broker with Coldwell Banker in Florida,
To begin, you must identify your values and your Realty Experts in Hawaii, and Condo.Com in Hawaii.
definition of success. Following that, mindset is His newest challenge is managing the HiPacific
concerned with aligning your actions to your ideas. Property Management division with his team.
Duke Kimhan is the successful business visionary
who gained this approach. He is a real estate broker Real estate brought excitement and diversity with
specializing in investment homes, condos, military different people, buyers, and sellers each day. After
relocations, 1031 tax swaps, and commercial returning to Honolulu from Florida due to a divorce,
properties, was born and raised in Honolulu and grew Duke found property management to be consistent. A
up in Manoa Valley. He is now the HIPacific Property fellow realtor suggested he focus on property
Management's Principal Broker. management full-time, and he made the switch in
2008, dedicating himself to providing exceptional
Duke originally bought and sold his own houses services.
before becoming a broker himself. He has worked as a
10 | SEPTEMBER 2023
career path took a significant turn when he entered
real estate in 2000. Previously in the restaurant
business for over 25 years, he enjoyed it but didn't
love it.
constantly evaluated by others, fueling Duke's desire management field. Over the past decade, the industry
for perfection. He found great satisfaction in seeing has evolved with the integration of advanced
his colleagues and employees exceed his expectations technologies and innovative guarantees, creating a
as they grew and developed. He states, "I love my dog more efficient and rewarding work environment.
and Playing poker. I have a great wife who also shares
our interest in Poker, Travel, Real estate, and our dog, With the help of revolutionary apps, Hi Pacific has
Mochi!” transformed the property management domain. Tasks
such as tenant background checks, credit and
The Company background report deliveries, and automatic rent
payment setups have become effortless, thanks to
Hi Pacific Property Management, a full-time real user-friendly interfaces. The use of real estate pinning
estate company specializing in property management, apps enables quick property location, which is
is proud to announce the significant advancements and essential for handling inquiries about rental rates.
guarantees it offers to realtors entering the property
12 | SEPTEMBER 2023
However, Hi Pacific goes beyond simply adapting to Ÿ Eviction Guarantee: In the unfortunate event of a
technological advancements. They have set new tenant defaulting on rent, despite passing rigorous
industry standards by introducing their background checks, Hi Pacific covers the legal
groundbreaking 'Threefold Guarantee' system: costs associated with eviction.
Ÿ Communication Guarantee: Hi Pacific pledges to Ÿ
answer calls or return them within one hour, By embracing the new era of property management
ensuring prompt and reliable communication. technology, Hi Pacific ensures optimal tenant
compliance and offers Realtors a more engaging and
Ÿ Rent Guarantee: They provide a written agreement profitable career path. They invite Realtors to
specifying a minimum asking rent. If a tenant is experience the future of property management with Hi
not secured at this rate within 30 days, Hi Pacific Pacific Property Management—a progressive
will pay the agreed-upon rent. community at the forefront of transforming the
industry. | 13
Hi Pacific PM has learned that the Real estate landscape continues to grow and change.
Ad marketing is always changing. It advertises its services in the print media, online,
radio, and TV. The online media is where it gets the most leads, and the team tries to
capture an appointment to meet with new owners as soon as possible each week! Duke
states, "We hope to soon have 2000 owners under contract.”
According to Duke, challenges arise in every hour of his day, from owners arguing cost
amounts to renters opposing repairs. There are so many things that may go wrong
throughout the course of a working day! Repair requests come in at all hours of the day
and night. It employs a maintenance crew to handle all calls and obtain authorization
14 | SEPTEMBER 2023
barrier." He further adds, "Hiring Duke thinks that growth comes in
licensed PMs was never an issue, numerous forms when coaching people, the numbers will return.
as I speak to other owners. Finding new leaders in the field. Leaders in Sometimes you have to replace the
good PMs is a challenge, but for Hi business are assessed by numbers, people (not always easy) to attain
PM we have a great staff of PMs and what lies behind the numbers is sustained growth," says Duke.
who, like me, are perfectionists and what really matters! People matter;
want to do a great job!” their family's matter, their
aspirations matter; business is
“Growth in leadership is as simple if one focuses on their
important as being staffed people rather than the statistics, as
correctly. I do believe PM will be Duke has always thought. "When
ready when it's time to find more the numbers are down, you have to
leadership.” ask about the people, and you will
find your issues. If you assist the | 15
V isionary leadership is the cornerstone of
success, and Alex Melgar and Carlos
Telles exemplify this quality at
Ambassador Services. Alex, the CEO, is an
accomplished executive with a remarkable
Ambassador Services | 19
entrepreneurial spirit and business
20 | SEPTEMBER 2023
for a company. However, it is team members and consider their Carlos believes in providing
important to note that their work thoughts and opinions. Carlos constructive feedback to the team, even
experiences trace back to their time in highlights that sometimes the best in situations where they may have
El Salvador, where they actively ideas come from those who are directly failed. Learning from failures is a
engaged in various pursuits from a involved in the work. crucial aspect of leadership and
young age. personal development. Leaders should
According to Alex, continuous encourage their team members to
Following their time in Tennessee, education and a commitment to embrace failures as learning
Alex and Carlos decided to relocate to learning are essential for growing as opportunities and to constantly seek
Houston, TX, where they continued leaders. He emphasize the importance improvement.
their careers in the maintenance of self-evolution and personal
industry by joining another company. development in order to effectively Driving Positive Change
In this new environment, they lead others. Alex refers to the concept
sharpened their skills and acquired of "ROSE," which stands for the rate To drive improvement in society,
valuable expertise in providing top- of self-evolution. This concept organizations, and people's lives, Alex
notch maintenance services. It was suggests that the growth of an believes that providing accurate and
during this period that Alex took a leap organization depends on the leader's truthful information is crucial,
of faith and established Cleaning ability to evolve and prepare especially in the realm of education.
Services of America as his own themselves for leadership. He emphasizes the need to counteract
venture. Within a year, the business misleading information by offering
thrived, successfully catering to the Alex describes three stages in the life genuine and reliable knowledge to
needs of their clients. of an entrepreneur or business owner: society. This improvement in social
the "I," the "we," and the "they." The information can contribute to better
As fate would have it, their paths "I" stage represents a time when the decision-making and progress.
eventually converged, leading them to leader operates independently, making
join forces at Ambassador Services. decisions and directing the business on Within their own organization, Alex
For the past sixteen years, they have their own. This stage reflects the sees room for continuous
been devoted team members of this highest level of responsibility and improvement. One aspect he aims to
esteemed organization. Their diverse control for the leader. The "we" stage, enhance is work-life balance. In today's
experiences culminated in a strong on the other hand, signifies a transition fast-paced world, where professional
background in the maintenance sector, towards working with a team of demands often take precedence, he
enabling them to deliver exceptional individuals. It acknowledges the recognizes the importance of creating a
services to their valued clients. importance of collaboration and culture that promotes a healthy balance
delegating responsibilities to others. between work and personal life. By
Fostering Growth and Overcoming The “they” stage is for the ability to prioritizing this balance, he envisions
Leadership Challenges become a push-up Organization, positively impacting the lives of the
delegate responsibilities to each people within the organization.
Alex believes that there are certain department and then monitor results at
qualities lacking among today's a higher level. Regarding opportunities, Alex
emerging leaders. He emphasize the identifies equality as an important
importance of personal growth as a Carlos emphasizes the importance of focus area. Promoting equal
leader and also share your opinion on being a good listener as a leader. opportunities for individuals regardless
what other leaders commonly lack as a Actively listening to the team members of their background or circumstances is
result of their leadership styles. and creating an open and supportive vital to foster a fair and inclusive
Carlos adds that one of the significant atmosphere encourages effective environment. Additionally, he
shortcomings of many leaders is their communication and collaboration. emphasizes the significance of
lack of attention to their team and Additionally, he highlights the need for continued education, highlighting the
people. A leader can only be effective flexibility in leadership. Being value of ongoing learning and
if they have good followers who adaptable and open to different development for personal and
support the team and its ideas. It's perspectives and ideas allows for professional growth.
essential for leaders to listen to their innovation and growth within the team. | 21
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Dr. Gabriel
Pioneering Skin Care Innovation | 29
For over four decades, Dr. Gabriel With a commitment to At the heart of Sesderma's success
Serrano has been at the forefront personalized care and attentive lies a relentless pursuit of
of dermatology, leaving an listening, he embarked on a research, development, and
indelible mark on the industry. As journey to develop specialized innovation (R+D+I), driving the
the esteemed owner of the products that address a myriad of creation of groundbreaking
renowned Dermatology Clinics in skin concerns. solutions. The Sesderma Group
Valencia, Madrid, Dubai, Bogotá encompasses several notable
and Bayahibe, bearing his name, Sesderma, a leading Spanish brands, including Sesderma,
Dr. Serrano has built a legacy of dermatological laboratory with a Mediderma, Sophieskin, Dr.
exceptional patient care and remarkable 34-year history, has Serrano, and Dermopartners,
groundbreaking innovation. In emerged as a dominant force in specializing in third-party
fact, the Valencia clinic is over 90 global markets. The manufacturing.
celebrating its 50th anniversary in company is dedicated to intensive
2023. research, development, In 2008, Sesderma made history
formulation, and manufacturing with the introduction of complete
Driven by his deep understanding of advanced dermocosmetic product lines utilizing the power
of patients' skin needs, gained products, nanonutraceuticals, and of nanotechnology. This
through direct contact in his daily medical-aesthetic cosmetics. groundbreaking achievement
practice, Dr. Serrano founded revolutionized the industry,
Sesderma Laboratories in 1989. allowing ingredients to effectively
penetrate the skin's protective
layer, ensuring their utmost
efficacy. Unlike superficial
offerings from other cosmetic
lines, Sesderma's liposomal
products go beyond mere
hydration and comfort, providing
comprehensive repair and
protection throughout all layers of
the skin.
30 | SEPTEMBER 2023
Dr Serrano Ramon y Cajal Academy of later, he ventured into the United States and
Health Sciences, Madrid eventually settled in Spain to study medicine, and
later specialized in Dermatology, obtaining a
doctorate Cum Laude from the University of
Valencia. Subsequently, Dr. Serrano worked as a
resident doctor and dermatologist at the University
General Hospital of Valencia, becoming Deputy
Clinical Head of the Dermatology Service, where
he worked for more than 25 years. In 1976 he
opened his own dermatological clinic in Valencia,
where he has had the privilege of treating over
40,000 patients throughout his career as a
dermatologist. He soon discovered that there was a
lack of dermatological products to address the
problems of his patients and was inspired to
formulate and create dermocosmetic products
32 | SEPTEMBER 2023 | 33
34 | SEPTEMBER 2023
The Heidi Staircase its innovative and customer-focused
mindset. It opened an office in Spain in
As a young child, Heidi Lindner 2011, and as a direct result of its
enjoyed arguing, debating, expressing success, they are still expanding both
her opinions, and taking the lead. Her domestically and internationally today.
decision to seek a career in law may Offering high-profile legal counsel in
have been influenced by her feeling of the fields of intellectual property, life
powerlessness in the face of injustices sciences, marketing and advertising,
as much as her rage. Since her first civil and commercial litigation,
year of high school, she has known that corporate and regulatory, and personal
she wants to follow this area of study. data security, the company has more
She earned a master's degree from than 27 years of experience.
Panamerican University, a It helps clients overcome the legal
specialization in constitutional challenges they face by providing clear
litigation (Amparo) from the Supreme and accurate advice that recognizes
Court of Justice of Mexico's Institute and minimizes risks, foresees and
of Judicial Specialization, and a resolves issues, and secures the highest
master's degree from George potential profit for the clients within
Washington University. each business opportunity, market, or
As her career progressed, Heidi
eventually concentrated on the topic of Due to its unwavering commitment to
Life Sciences within Intellectual each project, it is famous for its client-
Property Law, paying particular focused service delivery method that
attention to the most recent generates results quickly and
developments in science and effectively. This is made possible by
technology. She worked for Baker & the firm's commitment to each project;
McKenzie's Intellectual Property its thorough approach based on years
Department for about eight years. of experience across a range of practice
During that time, she also rose to the areas; the assertiveness and
position of local partner. She joined the competence of its associates; and its
current company, which was formerly excellent understanding of clients'
known as Arochi, Marroquin & business objectives.
Lindner, in 1994. She is a Senior
Partner and the head of the Patent
Litigation section of Arochi & Lindner,
and she has more than 35 years of
experience in intellectual property and
life sciences litigation and advising,
achieving favorable rulings in several
landmark cases for clients in the
pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and
medical device industries. | 35
36 | SEPTEMBER 2023 | 37
potential significance of the technology. It was
a sustainable technology that would also be
used to the energy transition, one of the
fastest-growing and most important sectors of
the economy.
To the best of the team's knowledge, Cellfion
is developing and commercializing the world's
first bio-based ion-selective membrane made
from the most abundant biopolymer on the
planet, cellulose derived from wood. The
membrane can be used in different energy
storage and conversion devices such as Redox
Flow Batteries (a battery technology that can
store substantial amounts of energy) and
hydrogen technologies such as fuel cells (used
for hydrogen conversion to electrical energy)
and Electrolysers (used for the production of
green hydrogen). He says, "Our solution isn't
limited to just these devices, as we have
identified over 10 possible applications for the
38 | SEPTEMBER 2023
Governments, risk capitalists, engineers, entrepreneurs,
and researchers all have important roles to play in this.
The absence of risk-takers and entrepreneurs that desire
to advance the technology into a commercial product
causes a lot of wonderful research and new concepts to
be lost. He thinks industries can create the future it
desires by promoting greater innovation.
Future Ideas
Liam envisions a really thrilling journey over the next
five years. He anticipates that the business will have
reached out to other geographic areas, increased the
number of skilled employees at the company, researched
new goods to add to its product line, and built the first
plant in the world for the production of bio-based ion-
selective membranes. | 39
Maran i
Revolutionizing E-commerce by Reshaping
Online Stores through Ground-breaking
40 | SEPTEMBER 2023 | 41
42 | SEPTEMBER 2023
From Adversity to Triumph
Luke is a normal guy of 23 years old, that start his online
business career when he was 20. In the past Luke doesn't
had a very good time… his situation it was like: Debt, no
money, no friends and bad situation at university… so he
spent bad times with himself. | 43
A Legacy of Excellence in Retail
Distribution and Manufacturing
46 | SEPTEMBER 2023 | 47
GNC, Tree of Life, Albertson's,, Walgreens,
CVS, 7-Eleven, Target, USA Sports, Vitamin World, Home
Depot, Lowe's, and Menards.
48 | SEPTEMBER 2023
Mitch emphasizes how NPI can help clients achieve their
goal of entering the US market, offering a range of For brand manufacturers, especially those who primarily
services that eliminate the need for recruiting sales operated online, these changes presented new challenges.
representatives, administrative assistants, warehouse Managing the supply chain became increasingly difficult
space, marketing expertise, logistical knowledge, and as they needed to meet the demand if a retail store decided
FDA compliance. The "Evolution of Distribution" to carry their brands. As an example, one customer shared
platform proves invaluable in reducing costs for NPI with Gould that the bottle cap they had been using faced a
clients and facilitating their successful entry into the US backorder of nine months, forcing them to switch
market. suppliers. The importance of having an online presence,
which was already significant before the pandemic,
Navigating the Changing Retail Landscape became even more critical during the health emergency.
The COVID-19 pandemic had a profound impact on the Many businesses, particularly startups, excel at
retail industry, accelerating the growth of e-commerce. developing innovative products but lack the necessary
While online shopping had been steadily increasing, the personnel to effectively market and sell them. These
pandemic compelled customers to make in-person companies require a team of talented and qualified
purchases of brands they had previously only bought employees to navigate the complexities of the retail
online. To adapt to these changing consumer behaviors, industry.
retailers introduced new services such as curbside pickup,
next- and same-day delivery, and more. | 49
50 | SEPTEMBER 2023
Trailblazing Legal Innovation and
Empowering Saudi Women | 51
In the dynamic landscape of Saudi Arabia's legal sphere, one name
stands out as a driving force behind groundbreaking advancements
and societal progress. Nasreen Alissa, a true pioneer and champion
of women's rights, has dedicated her career to reshaping the legal
landscape and empowering Saudi women like never before.
52 | SEPTEMBER 2023
Pioneering Legal Excellence in
Riyadh | 53
Excellence while
Leading with Empathy
and Dedication
54 | SEPTEMBER 2023 | 55
ASGC Prin ng aimed at achieving new milestones in the
future. ASGC, Inc is a commercial, business-to-
ASGC, Inc has proven itself as a pioneering force business prin ng company that believes in
in the industry by adop ng a forward-thinking suppor ng consistent product quality while
approach to developing and innova ng new keeping costs down for its customers.
products for labelling, branding, and product
decora on. The company endeavours to ASGC, Inc has built its founda on on the
customize its formulas to meet the specific principles of delivering superior customer
needs of each customer's applica on, service, high-quality products, and compe ve
recognizing the unique nature of each product. prices. The company has also established an
This strategy allows ASGC, Inc to provide internal culture that emphasizes trea ng others
tailored products that enhance the quality of its the way they would like to be treated. It brings
customers' products. The company priori zes sa sfac on to the employees of ASGC, Inc to
the success of its customers and ensures that know that their hard work directly contributes
every business decision is made with their to the success of their customers.
interests in mind. ASGC, Inc's customer-centric
approach has been the key to its success and is
56 | SEPTEMBER 2023
her strong commitment to creating a positive work
environment for her team, ASGC Printing President,
Yesenia Ferreras, leads by example and places great
emphasis on empathy and consideration for
humanity in leadership. She has a strong
commitment to creating a positive work environment
for her team. As a leader, she understands the
importance of building up individuals and creating a
cohesive team. | 57