JOItmC 07 00107
JOItmC 07 00107
JOItmC 07 00107
Green Innovation in Environmental Complexity: The
Implication of Open Innovation
Ieva Meidute-Kavaliauskiene 1, * , Şemsettin Çiğdem 2 , Aidas Vasilis Vasiliauskas 1 and Bülent Yıldız 2,3
1 Research Group on Logistics and Defense Technology Management, General Jonas Žemaitis Military
Academy of Lithuania, 10322 Vilnius, Lithuania; [email protected]
2 Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Gaziantep University, Gaziantep 27410, Turkey;
[email protected] (Ş.Ç.); [email protected] (B.Y.)
3 Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Kastamonu University, Kastamonu 37150, Turkey
* Correspondence: [email protected] or [email protected]; Tel.: +370-69986847
Abstract: People have become more conscientious about the environment in recent years. Increasing
environmental awareness drives customers to be more selective about environmentally friendly
products and forces governments to adopt environmentally friendly policies. As a result, competition
in the market becomes more challenging. Thus, companies cannot remain indifferent to adopting
environmentally friendly strategies to be sustainable. In this regard, this study investigates the
effect of green innovation on firm performance. We also examined whether the environmental
uncertainty moderates the investigated effect. For this purpose, first, data were collected from the
first 1000 exporting firms declared in 2019 by the Turkey Exporters Assembly using a survey method.
Secondly, factor analyses and regression analyses were performed with the data set obtained from
136 companies. As a result of the analysis, it was determined that green innovation increases both
environmental performance and economic performance. It also was found that green innovation
positively affects firm performance, but environmental uncertainty reduces this effect. According to
Citation: Meidute-Kavaliauskiene, I.; these results, it was offered that firms should increase their green innovation activities to achieve
Çiğdem, Ş.; Vasilis Vasiliauskas, A.; better outputs and seek ways to reduce environmental uncertainty to keep these outputs at the
Yıldız, B. Green Innovation in maximum level. Finally, the research includes some considerations on the positive implications and
Environmental Complexity: The potential of green innovation in an open-innovation context.
Implication of Open Innovation. J.
Open Innov. Technol. Mark. Complex. Keywords: green innovation; environmental uncertainty; environmental performance
2021, 7, 107.
However, current studies about green innovation for Turkish companies still have some
shortcomings. For example, the present studies do not fully consider the relevance of
environmental uncertainty with the characteristics of green innovation. To the best of
our knowledge, there are no studies conducted on companies in Turkey in the relevant
literature that examine the effects of green innovation on environmental and economic
performance under the impact of uncertainty.
Hence, this study empirically investigates the effect of green innovation on environ-
mental and economic performance under the moderator role of environmental uncertainty
to better understand the Turkish firms’ current situation. This research will help us get a
clearer view of the impact of green innovation on environmental efficiency in a context of
The content of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, the study provides
an overview of the related literature on green innovation, environmental uncertainty,
and environmental/economic performance. In addition, in this section, the relationships
between variables are explained based on the literature, and study hypotheses are formed.
In Section 3, the sample selection, questionnaire, data-collection stages, and analysis
methods used in the study are explained. In Section 4, the analysis results with tables
and figures are presented. In Section 5, the results are discussed within the context of
the relevant literature. Section 6 concludes the paper with the study’s implications and
limitations, and provides some suggestions for further research.
2. Theoretical Framework
2.1. Green Innovation
Compared to other innovation types, the concept of “environmental responsibility” is
referred to as green innovation, which is the formulation of new processes and products that
offer a clear benefit, but in a way that respects the environment. Besides the areas mentioned
above, green innovation reduces pollution, eliminates waste, and better manages natural
resources [4,5]. The “Greening of Industries” generally refers to new technology, process,
and business activities implemented to protect and preserve the environment; e.g., to obtain
a new or improved result, such as a product, process, or organization, which incorporates
environmentally friendly procedures or ideas. The creative concept of innovation is striving
to help a company or individual create, use, or serve something new [6,8].
Green innovation can be examined under two subtopics: as green product innovation
and green process innovation.
A company can take advantage of all its green innovation and realize all its benefits
only when ready for all its facets. Companies can expeditiously develop or augment a
business case, concentrate essential resources, and collect core capabilities based on an
earlier self-assessment of their preparedness for green innovation before and during the
implementation process [16].
Green product innovation means implementing innovative ideas that enable the
design, production, and marketing of new green products that perform significantly better
than traditional or competing products [21]. Environmentally friendly products often
benefit from upgrades that make the product more efficient and design modifications to
facilitate recycling [15]. The overall green product innovation includes increased product
durability or recyclability, safer raw materials, and fewer hazardous materials [22]. Green
product innovation focuses on improving the product’s design or properties to lessen the
environmental damage caused by the product [1].
Including the customer in the company’s material selection, energy efficiency, and
toxic-waste reduction improves the design and performance of a green product. It thus
provides a good match between product design and customer preference. Customer
involvement in the product-development process also enables a new reunification of green
ideas and technological knowledge, which increases the innovation of green products [23].
Trust plays a critical role in how a business attracts and retains its suppliers and customers.
Once companies build trust in their relationships with their suppliers and customers,
J. Open Innov. Technol. Mark. Complex. 2021, 7, 107 4 of 19
suppliers and customers are more likely to embrace the company’s innovations and accept
new products and services. Other noteworthy aspects of green relationships include
the competitive advantage they provide for companies that offer green products and
services [24,25].
Green process innovation refers to any change or regulation that contributes to reduc-
ing the environmental damage that may occur at any production stage, such as material
purchase, manufacturing, or delivery in the production process [1]. When it comes to
changes in production processes and systems to produce environmentally friendly prod-
ucts, green process innovation refers to adjustments to processes and systems to make
products that meet environmental objectives, such as reducing energy use, reducing pollu-
tion, and recycling waste [12].
Green process practices consist of lean manufacturing, agile manufacturing, and
quality-control procedures that prevent or at least reduce faulty parts. These components
reduce negative environmental impacts, resulting in more efficient raw materials and
a lesser waste and byproduct generation. Moreover, the production process becomes a
process in which analytical methods are used and automatically controlled [26].
Green process innovation is more effective than other environmental practices. How-
ever, it is a type of innovation that is both more costly and requires more internal dynamics.
By replacing inputs, optimizing production, or recovering outputs, green process innova-
tion can be integrated into the production process [22]. Green and innovative processes
take into consideration the environment and the customer’s needs when designing pro-
cesses [21].
The main obstacles to green innovation include the lack of environmental education
of company employees, long-term return on investment, difficulties in obtaining financial
resources, a stagnant environmental-regulation system based on the inefficiencies of the
state, difficulties of networking between partners and green teams, and inefficiencies in the
internal communication process [27].
from various design alternatives, this dilemma can significantly impact the selection
process. A second uncertainty is that, depending on distant future demands, the flow
requirements or land use demands could be more significant than presently predicted.
The third uncertainty underscores the potential unexpected changes in properties such as
materials and mechanics [31].
Environmental uncertainty in environmental management is associated with inade-
quate expert knowledge on green technology and the inability to make accurate predictions
about the green market demand. Demand uncertainty refers to difficulties in assessing
customer needs and predicting the development of customer preferences. Technological
uncertainty refers to the unpredictability of technological development, including rapid
changes in technology, technological complexity, difficulty, and the development of new
technologies [30]. While customer uncertainty is the unpredictability of change in customer
demands, technology uncertainty refers to the unpredictability of the change in technolo-
gies used in production. Competitors’ uncertainty is the unpredictability of competitors’
market activities [32].
2.3. Performance
Environmental performance relates to the effectiveness and efficiency of a company’s
environmental activities, and refers to measuring the interaction between a business and
the environment [33]. The environmental performance of a company depends on man-
agement, as does financial performance. Senior management has significant influence
over a company’s environmental strategies. Production redesign, technical innovation,
employee functions, and company coordination are needed to implement these strategies
successfully. The possibility of corporate penalties motivates managers to do what is best
for the company and avoid corporate problems [34].
Because of the danger of global warming, energy shortages, and high energy prices,
environmental-performance management has risen to the top of the agenda globally [12].
Many companies use environmental activities to help improve their environmental perfor-
mance. An environmental performance that excels is a prerequisite for corporate success.
Environmental leaders today prefer to determine how much environmental impact a
product will have over determining how much it will cost [35].
Environmental performance creates good opportunities for improving a company’s
competitive advantage, as strategies such as environmental concern and green innovation
have now come to be expected of companies. As the need for environmental performance
increases in society, companies that follow this trend will have more competitive advan-
tages. On the other hand, the implementation of related programs will help many sectors
to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other hazardous and solid waste [36].
Businesses must document and maintain environmental-performance indicators to
support current environmental issues. Through stakeholder decisions, stakeholders can
help direct an organization’s environmental performance. By working together, the com-
pany and its stakeholders can help improve the environmental conditions, while at the
same time helping to meet goals on both sides [37].
and mitigate its ecological impacts [16]. Eco-innovation companies will influence industry
rules in order to produce a new business model and a better business opportunity [38].
Green innovation can help companies meet diverse customer needs and foster a green
image by developing new green products and processes. As a result, green innovation in-
creases the market share of the corporation and returns high profits. In this way, companies
can conserve resources, increase resource use, and reduce pollution [39]. Green innovation
creates a distinct product advantage, allowing higher-priced products to be sold [19]. The
companies that implement a green innovation strategy can utilize raw materials more
efficiently by reducing their waste.
Companies that develop their innovation capabilities have the opportunity to turn
their products into green products that can improve their financial performance [3]. Since
there are also direct benefits, including the way it changes shareholders’ expectations of a
company’s cash flow and future performance, green innovation can impact the value of a
company [29].
Green innovation reduces the use of natural resources and the release of harmful
substances [7]. In this way, green innovation improves environmental performance. Fur-
thermore, new green development of products and processes eliminates an organization’s
negative environmental impact and reduces expenses by cutting down on waste [40]. Re-
duction of the negative impacts of a business on the environment and a simultaneous
increase in company’s performance are referred to as green innovation [2]. A way to
expedite production and to reduce production time and costs is to implement green process
innovation in the production process [12]. Environmental innovation is seen as a valuable
tool to combat environmental issues, but it is also essential for business because it can
boost profits. Many businesses benefit from green innovation, including an increase in
productivity and sales and a decrease in costs, thus increasing profitability [41].
Green innovation is about minimizing or reducing the harm to the environment caused
by various business operations. Green innovation is crucial to maintaining and improving
customer satisfaction because customers are likely to purchase more environmentally
friendly products and pursue activities if they are aware of environmental sustainability.
Green innovations help companies and innovators discover new products and business
market opportunities. Because of environmental innovations, customers and companies
are receiving superior value for their money and reducing the cost of environmental
investments [42].
Companies advocating the adoption of environmental management and green in-
novations will pioneer a new business model and change the competition rules that are
necessary to evaluate new business opportunities [43]. The implementation of green in-
novation can significantly improve environmental performance [44]. Green innovation
also contributes to companies’ sustainable competitive advantage by meeting customer de-
mands for environmentally friendly products and by developing environmentally friendly
technology, the knowledge base, and capacities [28]. A good product-innovation perfor-
mance can help companies improve their market position, create a brand image, increase
their competitiveness, and gain new customers [45].
El-Kassar and Singh [46] suggest that environmental activities such as green inno-
vation practices can help companies gain a competitive advantage and improve their
organizational and environmental performance.
In a study of 340 companies in China, Zhang et al. [16] found that green innovation
significantly affected performance. Likewise, Guo et al. [39], in their survey on 416 compa-
nies in China, found that green innovation was associated with company performance. In
their studies of 309 small and medium-sized manufacturing companies, Singh et al. [40]
concluded that green innovation affects environmental performance. In their research, El-
Kassar and Singh [46] found that green innovation of products and processes significantly
affects environmental and economic performance. Asadi et al. [36] found that green inno-
vation significantly affects Malaysia’s social, environmental, and economic performance.
Given the above, the following hypotheses have been formed:
J. Open Innov. Technol. Mark. Complex. 2021, 7, 107 7 of 19
Hypothesis 2a (H2a). Environmental uncertainty has a moderator role as it relates to the impact
of green innovation on environmental performance.
Hypothesis 2b (H2b). Environmental uncertainty has a moderator role as it relates to the impact
of green innovation on economic performance.
Green Innovation
3. Materials and
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. Sample and Prosedure
3.1. Sample and Prosedure
To comply with the proposed aim to examine the effect of green innovation on perfor-
To comply with the proposed aim to examine the effect of green innovation on
mance and the moderating role of environmental uncertainty on this effect, the research
performance and the moderating role of environmental uncertainty on this effect, the
questionnaire was sent to the respondents. The study’s population comprises the first
research questionnaire was sent to the respondents. The study’s population comprises the
1000 exporting firms declared in 2019 by the Turkey Exporters Assembly. The survey
first 1000 exporting firms declared in 2019 by the Turkey Exporters Assembly. The survey
application was launched in August 2020. After the first e-mail was sent to the participants,
application was launched in August 2020. After the first e-mail was sent to the
72 usable responses were obtained. A second e-mail was sent again 4 weeks later to compa-
participants, 72 usable responses were obtained. A second e-mail was sent again 4 weeks
nies that did not respond to the first e-mail, and 64 valid responses were given to this e-mail.
later to companies that did not respond to the first e-mail, and 64 valid responses were
As a result, 136 observations were included, representing 13.6% of the research population.
given to this e-mail. As a result, 136 observations were included, representing 13.6% of
the research
3.2. population.
The questionnaire used in this study consisted of two parts. In the first part, there
3.2. Questionnaire
were eight demographic questions about companies and respondents. In the second part,
21 questions used in thisthe
measuring study consisted
variables of research
of the two parts. In theThe
model. first part, there
questions in
were eight demographic questions about companies and respondents. In
the second part were on a 5-point Likert scale, and measured the participants’ levelthe second part,
there were 21inquestions
participation measuring
each statement the variables
(1–strongly of the
disagree, researchagree).
5–strongly model. The questions in
the second part were was
The questionnaire on aadopted
5-point from
Likertthescale, and
studies measured
listed below tothe participants’
measure level of
three variables:
1. in each statement (1–strongly disagree, 5–strongly
Green innovation (GI); Shahzad et al. [55]; based on six items; agree).
2. The questionnaire
Performance; Singhwas adopted
et al. [40] andfrom
Longtheet studies
al. [56]; listed
based below
on ninetoitems
in twothree
mensions: environmental performance (ENP—five items from Singh et al. [40]), and
1. Green
economicinnovation (GI); Shahzad
performance (ECP—four et al. [55];from
items based on six
Long items;
et al. [56]);
3. Performance;
EnvironmentalSingh et al. [40]
uncertainty; Wuand [30];Long
items based
in twoondimensions:
nine items techno-
in two
dimensions: environmental
logical uncertainty (TU) andperformance
demand uncertainty(ENP—five (DU).items from Singh et al. [40]),
and economic performance (ECP—four items from Long et al. [56]);
3. Data Analysis
Environmental uncertainty; Wu [30]; based on six items in two dimensions:
The analysis inuncertainty
technological this study consisted of three stages.
(TU) and demand uncertainty (DU).
In the first stage, the scales’ construct validity and reliability were verified. To reach
this conclusion,
3.3. Data Analysisexploratory and confirmatory factor analysis was applied. The Kaiser–
Meyer–Oklin (KMO)
The analysis andstudy
in this Bartlett’s sphericity
consisted of threetests were conducted to find out whether
the observations were appropriate for factor analysis.
In the first stage, the scales’ construct validity and reliability KMO value werecan have To
verified. a value
this conclusion, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis was applied. The 0.7
0 and 1; it is interpreted as normal between 0.5 and 0.7, good between and
0.8, very good between 0.8 and 0.9, and excellent if it is above
Meyer–Oklin (KMO) and Bartlett’s sphericity tests were conducted to find out whether0.9 [57]. If the Bartlett’s
sphericity test is significant,
the observations it means
were appropriate forthat the analysis.
factor sample size KMO is good
canthe correlation
have a value
matrix is suitable for factor analysis [57]. Confirmatory factor
between 0 and 1; it is interpreted as normal between 0.5 and 0.7, good between analysis (CFA) was0.7used
to find out if all the variables in the study fit into all structures. In order to ensure the
0.8, very good between 0.8 and 0.9, and excellent if it is above 0.9 [57]. If the Bartlett’s
construct validity and reliability of the scale, CFA goodness-of-fit values were calculated,
sphericity test is significant, it means that the sample size is good and the correlation
and the variables’ α correlations were calculated. After the holistic significance of the
matrix is suitable for factor analysis [57]. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to
J. Open Innov. Technol. Mark. Complex. 2021, 7, 107 9 of 19
measurement tool was confirmed, the composite reliability of the factors and the variance
(AVE) explained by them were calculated [58]. It is acceptable for structural reliability
when the structure value is more than 0.70 [59], and the explained variance is 0.40 and
more [60]. Additionally, skewness and kurtosis values were examined to ensure that the
data were normally distributed.
In the second stage, the analysis was carried out with the structural equation model
established to test the H1a and H1b hypotheses. Structural equation modeling (SEM) is a
statistical method that enables the measurement of complex models that can be applied
in different disciplines and/or the comparison of alternative models, and has been used
especially in recent studies. One of SEM’s most critical advantages over other methods is
that it effectively takes measurement errors into account in the analysis. Another advantage
is that it is a statistical method in which the direct and indirect effects of structures in
multiple relationships on each other can be measured clearly. Also, SEM provides highly
accurate statistical tests to examine a construct’s convergent validity, discriminant validity,
and reliability [58]. The overall model fit (by using indices from various families of fit
criteria: χ2 and normalized fit χ2 , root mean square residual (RMR), root mean square error
of approximation (RMSEA), and goodness-of-fit index (GFI)) were assessed to evaluate
how well the structural model fit the data. These structural regression coefficients were
investigated to see if the proposed hypotheses were supported [61].
In the third stage, moderator-effect analysis was performed to test the hypotheses
H2a and H2b. The moderator variable affects the strength and direction of the relationship
between the independent variable and the dependent variable [62]. A moderator effect can
be described when the impact level or direction of the relationship between two variables,
for example, X and Y, is moderated by a third Z variable or group of variables. In other
words, if the effect of variable X on variable Y depends on variable Z, it can be said that
variable Z moderates the effect of variable X on variable Y [63]. This technique offers a
“straightforward and the most general method for testing contingency hypothesis in which
an interaction is implied” [64].
4. Results
The demographic findings of the study are given in Table 1.
Frequency %
Cement 3 2.2
Iron/Steel 14 10.3
Electrical Electronics 11 8.1
Food 28 20.6
Carpet 4 2.9
Pharmacy 2 1.5
Chemistry 8 5.9
Mining 5 3.7
Machine 9 6.6
Metal 2 1.5
Furniture 4 2.9
Automotive 8 5.9
Defense Industry 3 2.2
Agriculture 5 3.7
Textile 30 22.1
Source: Authors.
According to the demographical results, most of the companies that participated in the
research operate in the textile, food, and iron/ steel industries. Before testing the research
hypotheses, the validity and reliability of the research scales were tested. Exploratory
and confirmatory factor analysis and reliability analysis were conducted to ensure the
J. Open Innov. Technol. Mark. Complex. 2021, 7, 107 10 of 19
appropriate measurements were obtained. The results of the exploratory factor analysis of
the scales are given in Table 2.
Table 2. Cont.
The exploratory factor analysis results were extracted from the calculation of principal
components and a VARIMAX rotation. As seen in Table 2, the factor loading of the scales
was sufficient except for the second question measuring the green innovation variable.
GI2 was excluded since its factor load was low. The KMO values were greater than 0.65,
and the Bartlett’s sphericity tests indicated significance for all scales. This finding means
that the sample size was sufficient for factor analysis. It was also found that the green
innovation scale explained 54.809%, the performance scale explained 71.551%, and the
uncertainty scale explained 66.976% of the total variance. Skewness and kurtosis values
also were examined to test whether the scale data had a normal distribution. Since the
values were between −2 and +2, it was assumed that the data was normally distributed.
Confirmatory factor analysis was performed for scales after the exploratory factor
analysis and normality test. The model fit indices obtained from the confirmatory factor
analysis are shown in Table 3.
The confirmatory factor analysis results showed that the scales met the criteria for the
goodness of fit. The SRMR value was calculated because the sample size was less than 250.
Since the SRMR value was less than 0.08, the criteria were provided.
After confirmatory factor analysis, a reliability analysis was performed. AVE and CR
values also were calculated to test component validity. Validity and reliability analysis
results are shown in Table 4.
As a result of the reliability analysis, the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient values obtained
were over 0.70 for all scales. This finding indicated that the scales were reliable. AVE values
were obtained as greater than 0.50, except for the green innovation scale. CR values were
above 0.70 for all scales. The AVE value of green innovation was found to be 0.43, a value
very close to 0.50. These findings also showed that the scales provided component validity.
The structural equation model was analyzed to test the research hypotheses. The
analyzed model’s (Figure 2) model fit indices are shown in Table 5.
were above 0.70 for all scales. The AVE value of green innovation was found to be
value very close to 0.50. These findings also showed that the scales provided comp
J. Open Innov. Technol. Mark. Complex. structural
7, 107 equation model was analyzed to test the research12hypothese
of 19
ENP1 e6
ENP1 e7
ENP1 e8
e5 GI1
0.26 ENP1 e9
e4 GI3
ENP1 e10
e3 GI4 0.58
e2 GI5
ENP1 e11
e1 GI6
ENP1 e12
ENP1 e13
ENP1 e14
As shown in Table 5, the model’s fit indices met the goodness-of-fit criteria. The
regression weights of the variables in the model are given in Table 6.
The model analysis results revealed that green innovation positively affects environ-
mental and economic performance. When the standardized coefficient estimation values
were examined, green innovation’s effect on environmental performance was stronger
than that on economic performance—the results of the analysis support the H1a and H1b
hypotheses. Following the analysis of the structural equation model, a moderator impact
analysis was conducted. Before conducting the moderator impact analysis, an interaction
variable was created by multiplying the independent variable, i.e., green innovation, and
the moderator variable, i.e., environmental uncertainty. Then, a path analysis was con-
ducted using the Amos package program. The analyzed model’s (Figure 3) results are
shown in Table 7.
stronger than that on economic performance—the results of the analysis support the H1a
and H1b hypotheses. Following the analysis of the structural equation model, a moderator
impact analysis was conducted. Before conducting the moderator impact analysis, an
interaction variable was created by multiplying the independent variable, i.e., green
innovation, and the moderator variable, i.e., environmental uncertainty. Then, a13path
J. Open Innov. Technol. Mark. Complex. 2021, 7, 107 of 19
analysis was conducted using the Amos package program. The analyzed model’s (Figure
3) results are shown in Table 7.
Green Innovation
Environmental Uncertainty
Figure 3.
Figure 3. Path
Path analysis.
Analyzed Path
Analyzed Path
β S.E.
C.R. pp
J. Open Innov. Technol.Performance 7,<—
Mark. Complex. 2021,Performance
x FOR PEER REVIEW <--- Innovation
Green Green Innovation 0.171 0.171 0.146
0.146 0.065
0.065 2.621
2.621 0.009
13 of 19
Economic Performance <—
Economic Green Innovation 0.235 0.212 0.084 2.814 0.005
<--- Green Innovation 0.235 0.212 0.084 2.814 0.005
Environmental Performance Performance
<— Environmental Uncertainty −0.553 −0.387 0.08 −6.939 ***
Environmental Environmental
Economic Performance <—
<--- Interaction −0.386
0.154 −0.286
0.64 0.102
0.013 − 3.786
11.474 ***
Environmental Performance <—
Economic Interaction
Environmental 0.154 0.64 0.013 11.474 ***
Economic <--- −0.386 −0.286 0.102 −3.786 ***
Economic Performance Performance
<— <---
Interaction Interaction
Uncertainty 0.074
0.074 0.324
0.324 0.017
0.017 4.298
4.298 ***
*** p < 0.001, p <***0.10, ns = not
p < 0.001, significant.
p < 0.10, ns = not significant.
As aa result
result of
of the
the path
path analysis
analysis conducted
conducted for for moderator
moderator impact,
impact, itit was
was found
found that
green innovation
innovation positively
positively affected
affected environmental
environmental and and economic
economic performance.
performance. ItIt was
uncertainty, which
which is
is aa moderator
moderator variable,
variable, negatively
negatively affected
environmental and economic performance. It also was found that the interaction variable
and economic performance. It also was found that the interaction variable
affected environmental
environmental and and economic
economic performance.
performance. These These findings
findings suggest
environmental uncertainty
uncertainty has
has aa regulatory
regulatory role
role in
in the
the impact
impact of
of green
green innovation
innovation on
environmental and and economic
economic performance.
performance. ThisThisanalysis
analysisalsoalso supports
supports thethe H2a
H2a and
and H2b
graphsareare given
given inin Figure
Figure 4. 4.
Figure Moderationeffects.
4.Moderation effects.
generations [8]. The global climate crisis has increased awareness of environmental prob-
lems, and this has caused both consumer preferences to change environmentally and
governments to make legal regulations on this issue [65]. Consequently, the resulting pres-
sure increased market competition and caused companies to look for innovative ways to
deal with it. It is emphasized in the literature that innovation provides a competitive advan-
tage by improving new product and process development [38]. However, companies are
faced with risks such as environmental impacts, regulations, customer demands [21], and
environmental uncertainties [30], especially when engaging in green innovation activities.
As a result of these risks, companies can take a long time to turn their investments in innova-
tive activities into profits. In the literature, many studies have emphasized the relationship
between green product/process innovation and environmental performance, and several
studies concluded that there is no direct relationship between these two variables [66].
In addition to all these, the belief that green innovation contributes to the development
of products and processes that are less harmful to the environment and increase company
performance motivated us to conduct this study. In the study, we investigated the answers
to two questions. The first question was, “Can companies develop more environmentally
friendly products/processes and increase their financial performance thanks to green inno-
vation practices?” The second question was, “Does environmental uncertainty reduce the
positive effects of green innovation practices on business outputs?” Since it is emphasized
in the literature that green innovation directly affects performance outcomes [1,15,21],
we determined uncertainty as to the moderator variable with the assumption that it can
moderate this effect. We formed the research model in this context.
We measured the companies’ green innovation activity levels, the environmental
uncertainties they encountered, and their economic/environmental performance through a
survey for the model’s analysis and implications. As a result of the first step of our analysis,
we determined that green innovation significantly affects environmental and economic
performance. The analysis results were consistent with the findings [16,36,39,40,46] in the
literature. Since green innovation can help companies meet diverse customer needs [39],
creates a distinct product advantage [19], provides for the development of new business
models and better business opportunities [38], improves the corporate image and increases
financial performance [67], and can help companies to gain a competitive advantage [46],
it will be advantageous for businesses to invest in this direction.
We confirmed that environmental uncertainty also plays a moderator role. Although
green innovation activities are costly [21], they can increase firm performance by providing
positive outputs (compliance with legal regulations [9], products and processes that are
less harmful to the environment [7], and meeting environmental customer demands [28]).
However, firms should try to reduce uncertainty in order to maximize these outputs. In
this context, both technological developments and changes in customer preferences should
be followed more closely in terms of green processes.
Moderator analysis findings also showed that despite success in implementing en-
vironmental innovation, technological advances need to be monitored continuously to
protect the natural environment and resources. Undoubtedly, technology plays a critical
role in manufacturing processes and R&D. However, managers should choose the best
technology based on their business goals. The proper use of technology in ecological
innovation applications often mitigates the adverse effects of human activity [8]. In ad-
dition, all stakeholders (companies, customers, governments) have a role in eliminating
environmental concerns. Unfortunately, the fact that it is difficult to secure the environment
for the future is more complicated than said, because if industry, society, and government
do not cooperate on environmental innovations, the expected results from green practices
will be challenging to achieve.
Underpinning the concept of open innovation is the idea of social, environmental,
and economic sustainability, as industries, governments, and people share the common
good. Academic research has concluded that open innovation is essential in today’s market
and business environment [68]. An open-innovation model seeks to focus on firms using
J. Open Innov. Technol. Mark. Complex. 2021, 7, 107 15 of 19
external actors’ knowledge in their process of innovation [69], and supports a collaborative
partnership with anyone and anything outside the firm [70].
Open innovation is better equipped to effectively deal with the externalities of re-
sources and the environment, and to distribute organizational resources fairly and ensure
economic internal market balance [71]. To promote sustainable development, it is critical
that companies incorporate open innovation [72]. Companies and other manufacturing or-
ganizations should favor knowledge exchange and networking because this will influence
companies’ overall impact on sustainable manufacturing growth and the application of
new, more environmentally conscious practices [73,74].
Green innovation activities are even more effective when carried out within the con-
text of open innovation. Companies open themselves up to the outside world to innovate
by cultivating an authentic culture of open innovation [75]. They may benefit from incor-
porating outside expertise from an open-innovation perspective and making the company
boundaries permeable [76–79]. For example, by collaborating with customers and suppli-
ers, companies can gain various environmental advantages from their innovations [15].
Thus, open innovation will make green innovation efficient and sustainable.
6. Conclusions
Our world faces rapid population growth, global warming, climate change, water
and food shortages, environmental and energy problems, and unhealthy living spaces
that accompany businesses’ desire for growth and sustainability. Although technological
developments have positive effects, such as productivity and growth, there are also adverse
effects, such as abovementioned problems. In this context, the importance of environmental
activities has increased in recent years, and motivated us to do this research.
In this research, we investigated the effects of green innovation practices on firm
performance. Innovation practices are high-cost activities. Therefore, companies do not
want to lose productivity while carrying out innovation activities. We chose economic and
environmental performance variables as performance outputs to reveal that green inno-
vation practices will bring significant advantages to companies in terms of sustainability.
However, uncertainty in the dynamic and complex environment remains another obstacle
for companies. In the research, we investigated whether environmental uncertainty reduces
the impact of green innovation practices on performance variables.
As a result of our analysis:
1. We found that green innovation practices positively affect both economic and envi-
ronmental performance.
2. We have seen that as the environmental uncertainty increases, the effects of green
innovation on performance variables decrease.
The study’s first finding shows that although technology dramatically increases compe-
tition in the market, green innovation practices provide a significant advantage. Therefore,
companies should focus on green innovation activities to achieve higher and sustainable
performance because green innovation activities such as recycled raw materials or re-
newable energy can bring cost reductions. Due to green innovation practices, companies
with increased environmental performance thanks to these practices can be preferred by
customers with high environmental awareness, providing customer loyalty. Besides, since
green innovation provides a better corporate image and financial performance, it will be
advantageous for businesses to invest in this direction. To tackle environmental challenges,
companies must focus on new environmental knowledge and skills and open innovation to
create new green markets and green products while applying their existing environmental
knowledge, capabilities, and processes to improve green products and green designs.
The second finding of the research reveals that environmental uncertainty significantly
reduces the effects of green innovation. When technological uncertainty is high, firms are
more likely to lack green technological knowledge. Companies should seek internal and
external sources of information to deal with rapid technological changes if they do not have
qualified professional knowledge about new products or processes. Therefore, under high
J. Open Innov. Technol. Mark. Complex. 2021, 7, 107 16 of 19
technological uncertainty, firms must sustain external and internal learning. This situation
once again reveals the importance of open innovation.
In the literature review we conducted at the beginning of this study, we could not find
a study examining green innovation activities in the context of uncertainty. In this respect,
we think that the research model we have established in our research is original, and we
hope that the study will make an essential contribution to the literature. We also believe
that the findings of the study will benefit all manufacturing companies.
We can state the following about the limitations of the study and further research:
This study’s first limitation is that the sample comprises only companies listed in the
first 1000 exporting firms declared in 2019 by the Turkey Exporters Assembly. We aimed
to obtain a sampling frame that could reflect Turkish firms’ general characteristics. Thus,
further research should consider profiles of other companies. The second limitation of the
study might be the sample’s heterogeneity. On the other hand, however, we think that the
sample’s heterogeneity is a crucial advantage of this study.
Furthermore, we acknowledge the high variability in responses among companies
in the study. Third, this research focused on the companies’ side. For future research, it
is proposed to conduct studies that examine all sides’ direct participation in the green
innovation process, since human beings play a vital role in all business activities (as firms,
as governments, and as customers).
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, Ş.Ç. and I.M.-K.; methodology, B.Y.; software, Ş.Ç.; vali-
dation, I.M.-K., A.V.V., and Ş.Ç.; formal analysis, I.M.-K. and B.Y.; investigation, A.V.V.; resources,
Ş.Ç. and A.V.V.; data curation, B.Y.; writing—original draft preparation, Ş.Ç.; writing—review and
editing, I.M.-K.; visualization, Ş.Ç.; supervision, B.Y. and I.M.-K. All authors have read and agreed to
the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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