where P, and WM, and Ke, are calculated at 7 whi
mm and surface temperature respectively, Me and i, are to be evaluated atthe fre
pumple76 Nov] Dec 2020
A flatplate 1.0 m wide and 1.0 m long is Placed in a wind tunnel. The te it
d | ; mperat q
ream air are 10°C and 80 m/s Tespectively. The flow over the whole ny ei eee
2 fe is made
sth aoe of a turbulizin tid placed upstream of the plate. Determine the thickness of the
boundary layer at the trailing edge of the plate. Also calculate the mean value of the heat transfer
coefficient from the surface of the plate, . Fully Treble fers)
The physical properties of air at 10°C are
k= 0.025 WimK, v=14.15x10%m*s, Pr=0.72
Rea tet C0 = 565x105 5x08
v 14.15 x10
Due to turbulizing grid, the flow on the plate becomes turbulent right from its leading edge and
le? = = ——
remains So over the entire plate, The turbulent boundary layer at the trailing edgex = Z can be calculated
from Eqn. (7.54)
US 0.38 0 ) = 0.0170 m=1.70 em
5 =0.381 LR = Ea
The mean value of the Nusselt number is given by Eqn. (7.60)
0.037 Re}! Pr'®
= (0.037) (5.65 x 10°)** (0.72)"" = 8363