Agrarian Reform History
Agrarian Reform History
Agrarian Reform History
established in 1899,
Republic was
Gen. Emilio
Aguinaldo declared in the Malolos
Pre-Spanish Period Constitution his intention to confiscate
large estates, especially the so-called
“This land is Ours God gave this land to Friar lands.
However, as the Republic was short-
Before the Spaniards came to the lived, Aguinaldo’s plan was never
Philippines, Filipinos lived in villages or implemented.
barangays ruled by chiefs or datus. The
datus comprised the nobility. Then came American Period
the maharlikas (freemen), followed by
the aliping mamamahay (serfs) and “Long live America”
aliping saguiguilid (slaves).
Significant legislation enacted during the
However, despite the existence of American Period:
different classes in the social structure,
practically everyone had access to the
Philippine Bill of 1902 – Set the
fruits of the soil. Money was unknown,
ceilings on the hectarage of
and rice served as the medium of
private individuals and
corporations may acquire: 16
has. for private individuals and
Spanish Period 1,024 has. for corporations.
Land Registration Act of 1902
“United we stand, divided we fall” (Act No. 496) – Provided for a
comprehensive registration of
When the Spaniards came to the land titles under the Torrens
Philippines, the concept of encomienda system.
(Royal Land Grants) was introduced. Public Land Act of 1903 –
This system grants that Encomienderos introduced the homestead
must defend his encomienda from system in the Philippines.
external attack, maintain peace and Tenancy Act of 1933 (Act No.
order within, and support the 4054 and 4113) – regulated
missionaries. In turn, the encomiendero relationships between
acquired the right to collect tribute from landowners and tenants of rice
the indios (native). (50-50 sharing) and sugar cane
The system, however, degenerated into
abuse of power by the encomienderos The Torrens system, which the
The tribute soon became land rents to a Americans instituted for the registration
few powerful landlords. And the natives of lands, did not solve the problem
who once cultivated the lands in completely. Either they were not aware
freedom were transformed into mere of the law or if they did, they could not
share tenants. pay the survey cost and other fees
required in applying for a Torrens title.
First Philippine Republic
Commonwealth Period
“The yoke has finally broken”
“Government for the Filipinos”
President Manuel L. Quezon espoused the Japanese lost their lands to
the "Social Justice" program to arrest peasants while those who supported the
the increasing social unrest in Central Huks earned fixed rentals in favor of the
Luzon. tenants.
Under his administration, the Agrarian Duterte plans to place almost all public
Reform Community Connectivity and lands, including military reserves, under
Economic Support Services (ARCCESS) agrarian reform.
project was created to contribute to the
overall goal of rural poverty reduction The President also placed 400 hectares
especially in agrarian reform areas. of agricultural lands in Boracay under
Agrarian Production Credit Program
(APCP) provided credit support for crop Under his administration the DAR
production to newly organized and created an anti-corruption task force to
existing agrarian reform beneficiaries’ investigate and handle reports on
organizations (ARBOs) and farmers’ alleged anomalous activities by officials
organizations not qualified to avail and employees of the department.
themselves of loans under the regular
credit windows of banks. The Department also pursues an “Oplan
Zero Backlog” in the resolution of cases
The legal case monitoring system in relation to agrarian justice delivery of
(LCMS), a web-based legal system for the agrarian reform program to fast-track
recording and monitoring various kinds the implementation of CARP.
of agrarian cases at the provincial,
regional and central offices of the
DAR to ensure faster resolution and
close monitoring of agrarian-related
cases, was also launched.